Matalascañas, 14 de marzo de 2004

Reunimos en estas páginas el trabajo de cuatro escuelas europeas que llevan a cabo el proyecto Comenius, Acción 1, “Open : school under cultural and environmental influences” :

CEIP Dunas de Doñana de Matalascañas (España) Istituto Comprensivo di (Italia) Luginslandschule from () 13º ∆ΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑΣ (Hellas)

Pretendemos mostrar en un solo libreto lo más significativo de cada localidad: su situación geográfica, un poco de historia, el clima, el folklore, la escuela y los recursos de cada una de ellas. Nuestra localidad es muy joven y, a su temprana edad, apenas cuenta con documentos escritos aunque las tierras en las que se ubica han jugado un papel muy importante en la historia de Andalucía. Queremos poner nuestro granito de arena para que Matalascañas comience a escribir su historia. Los que vivimos en este trocito de tierra y mar desde hace ya algunos años sabemos que nuestra principal riqueza es La Naturaleza y haremos lo posible por cuidarla y respetarla para que nuestros herederos puedan disfrutar de ella. A los jóvenes que han nacido aquí les dedicamos estas páginas. Es una historia breve y sencilla en la que pueden ver cómo nació la localidad a la que tanto quieren. Así podrán darla a conocer a sus familias y a todos los que decidan unirse a nuestra comunidad. Agradecemos a las personas que nos han echado una mano: aportando datos, fotografías o alguna receta de cocina, sin cuya colaboración y esfuerzo nunca hubiera sido posible dar a luz este trabajo.

We gather in a booklet four different schools which take part in the Comenius Project: “Open doors, school under cultural and environmental influences”. We´d like to show the distinct features of our communities: location, weather, history , school, festivals,.... Our village is very young and hasn´t any documents where one can find historic data, even though it has played an important role in ancient history. At least, with the help of this small booklet, we hope to initiate Matalascañas´ history. We know our richness is Nature and we’ll do the best to take care of environment to give this special inheritance to the rising generations. We want to offer this work to the young people for them to know how Matalascañas was born. We are very grateful to people who helped us to give birth to this work,

Francisca Jurado Lorente, coordinadora del proyecto

Texto en lengua española: English version: Jesús González Jurado CEIP “Dunas de Doñana”

Nuestro agradecimiento especial a: Thanks to: Jackie Holderness F. Javier Ortiz Sue Foster-Agg Juan Antonio Castellano Juan Bermúdez

LLooccaalliizzaacciióónn ggeeooggrrááffiiccaa

Matalascañas está situada Matalascañas is located in the al suroeste de España a 37º 2´ de Southwest of Spain at 37º 2´ latitud norte y 6º 33´ de longitud north latitude and 6º 33´ west oeste. Forma parte del Municipio longitude . It belongs to de Almonte, provincia de Huelva Almonte Council in Huelva -una de las provincias marineras (one of the eight provinces of de Andalucía-. Andalucía). The Atlantic Ocean bathes its coasts which are almost surrounded by the National Park of Doñana. This area, was already known in the 18th century under the name of Coto de Doñana, It was a huge natural Sus costas están bañadas reserve. por el Océano Atlántico y se It has encuentra prácticamente rodeada a por el Parque Nacional y Natural coastal de Doñana border of Las tierras donde actualmente about 4 kilometres long and se ubica Matalascañas se one kilometre wide along the llamaban en el siglo dieciocho Gulf of Cadiz. “Coto de Doñana u Oñana” territorio muy conocido por su abundante caza. Su forma es rectangular: 4 kilómetros de costa por 1 kilómetro de anchura, en el gran arco del Golfo de Cádiz

Fotografías: 1. Dunas móviles 1 2 Flamencos en la marisma, Parque Nacional de Doñana Fondo de página: Calamón. Parque Nacional de Doñana

Hablemos del cliima…….... about the weather

The structure was originally designed over a large area of mobile dunes which can be up twenty metres tall in some places. Nowadays visitors can enjoy a beautiful view particularly from the top of the dunes, having on one side a narrow plain filled with trees and, on the other, the huge Atlantic Ocean. This place was chosen mainly because of its wonderful Mediterranean climate being coolest in January and warmest in August, (9 degrees and 26 degrees average temperatures respectively; rainfall, 400 mm. and sun: 2.800 hours per year).

Se diseñó su construcción sobre un cordón de dunas, móviles en unos lugares y fijos en otros, que alcanzan los 20 metros de altura, desde donde se observa una vista privilegiada del mar En la parte posterior de la duna hay una extensa llanura que se prolonga más allá de lo que alcanza la vista: cotos. Uno de los motivos por los que fue elegido este lugar para construir una villa de verano fue su clima mediterráneo-oceánico. Su temperatura media anual es de 16º centígrados, siendo el mes más frío enero (9º) y el más caluroso agosto (26º). El número total de precipitaciones. es de 400 milímetros y el número de horas de sol oscila entre 2.800 y 2.900 al año.

Fotografías: 1. Dunas móviles 2 2 Flamencos en la marisma, Parque Nacional de Doñana Fondo de página: Calamón: Parque Nacional de Doñana

Un poco de hiistoriia…..

La costa de Doñana ha jugado un papel estratégico desde tiempos remotos. Avieno, historiador romano, situó la capital de la civilización tartésica (Edad de los Metales) en una isla a la entrada del gran lago Ligur -actual marisma de Doñana-. Estas tierras se han colmatado por las arenas procedentes del Océano Atlántico y materiales aportados por el río Guadalquivir. En el siglo XV, tras el descubrimiento de América, la mayoría de entradas y salidas de barcos se hacían por nuestras costas. Como defensa, el rey Felipe II (siglo XVI) hizo construir en nuestro municipio, a lo largo de la costa, 7 torres -con una distancia entre ellas de unos 10 kms-. Actualmente, en Matalascañas, vemos los cimientos de una de ellas : Torre la Higuera, que dio nombre a nuestra localidad hasta los años 70.

The whole territory and its coasts have played an important role in history from ancient times. Avieno, a Roman historian suggested it was home to one of the first civilizations -Bronze Age- on an island which was surrounded by the lake Ligur (Doñana´s Marshes in the present day). From Christopher Columbus´ discovery on, most naval activity in Spain took place in our region, This was one of the main reasons why Philip II (16th century) built 7 defence towers along the coast. One of the tower ruins is still visible: Torre la Higuera. This was the real name of our village until the 70s. Fotografías: 1. Halcón peregrino en Torre Carbonero, Parque Nacional de Doñana 3 2. Anochecer en la peña, Jesús González Jurado. Año 2000 Fondo de página: Petirrojo, Parque Nacional de Doñana

Summer holiidays…………

A comienzos del siglo veinte, con la llegada de la época estival, desde los pueblos del Aljarafe sevillano y del condado onubense grandes caravanas de personas cruzaban el coto de Doñana para pasar largas temporadas del verano junto a la costa. Hacían sus casas con materiales que abundaban en la marisma (madera, juncos) y los llamaban ranchos, -una peculiar forma de vivir-. Se alineaban en la costa formando núcleos anárquicos. Delante de los ranchos hacían unos agujeros en la arena, de unos dos metros de profundidad, con un brocal -–pozos- para obtener agua potable. Las letrinas y las cocinas los ubicaban separados del rancho, a un distancia prudencial. Las personas que allí se alojaban se alimentaban principalmente de la pesca y de la caza. A caballo se desplazaban para comprar el pan y otros alimentos. La vida era tranquila, afable y solidaria. Los niños pasaban el día en bañador y descalzos ayudando a pescar y a coger marisco.

At the beginning of the 20th century many inhabitants of the villages near Seville and Huelva started to come and spend the summer time on this coastline. They used to build their huts with the materials they found (wood, rushes, etc…).They used to build their huts with the materials they found (wood, rushes, etc…).The huts were placed along the coastline and, in front of them, people used to dig big holes (about two metres deep) from which they got drinkable water. Toilets and kitchens were built outdoors. There were people who began to make their livelihoods from fishing and hunting. Life was relaxed, comfortable, peaceful, and friendly. Children used to wear swimming costumes trunks during the day and help with family affairs: fishing, cooking…..

Fotografía: Duna fósil, zona Rancho Pichelín. Ricardo López Lagares. Año 1960 4 Fondo de página: Jóvenes en la orilla: Antonio el Tiesto y sus amigos. Alicia de la Torre Cruz

Fiirst of all….... …cómo naciió Matalascañas

Para los propietarios de las fincas, esta forma de turismo anárquico resultaba incómodo y su aumento cada año más preocupante; la guardería del Coto tenía problemas con el furtivismo. Se decidió encauzar a los veraneantes construyendo una carretera desde El Rocío a Torre la Higuera y se creó una sociedad: HIRTA SA en la que participaron los propietarios de las fincas afectadas y políticos muy conocidos. Su objetivo: construir una carretera que uniera Cádiz y Huelva por la costa y urbanizar desde Torre la Higuera hasta Sanlúcar (30 kms. de costa). En 1969 el gobierno de la nación aprobó una ley de protección para este espacio privilegiado llamada La Ley Doñana. En ella se limitaba la expansión de Playas del Coto de Doñana y se le daba el visto bueno a la primera fase, rechazando la posibilidad de realizar la carretera Huelva-Cádiz que quedó reducida al tramo Huelva-Torre la Higuera. However, this kind of tourism had no obvious economic benefits for land owners. Moreover the steadily rising population was making demands on the area. At the same time, the Natural Parks’ guards had some problems with poaching. During this period a new road from El Rocío to Torre la Higuera was built and a new society was created -HIRTA- formed by the most affected owners and some well known politicians. The aim was to urbanize the thirty beach kilometres from Huelva to Cádiz, but in 1969 the Government passed a protectionist law for this privileged place: Doñana Law, which encloses our city and therefore all the possibilities for the Huelva-Cádiz road, which sounded ideal, were discarded. Fotografías: 1. Vista aérea de la playa, 6 2. Construcción del edificio “El Delfín”, Tessa 1971 Fondo de página: 3. Cerceta pardilla, Parque Nacional de Doñana

Fiirst of all….... …cómo naciió Matalascañas

In 1961, because of development policy, Matalascañas was segregated from Doñana´s land and the first development works were initiated on the stretch of beach on 7 km long and 1 Km. wide. It involved the construction of new hotels, apartments, commercial centres, and all the elements for a beach tourist village. At the same time Doñana´s beaches were proclaimed as an area of national tourist interest. Dr. Valverde, who was the first director of Doñana Biological Station, had an important influence in the creation of W.W.F. (ADENA) - society for the Protection of the area- which was primarily made to raise funds and buy additional land. A principios de los sesenta, siguiendo la dinámica de desarrollo de la época, se segregan los terrenos de Matalascañas de la finca de Doñana. En 1961 se inician los trabajos de la primera fase: 7 Km. de largo por 1 Km. de ancho. Se concibió como una ciudad turística privada con parcelas hoteleras, edificios de apartamentos, zonas comerciales, viviendas unifamiliares y una gran zona de expansión deportiva: puerto interior, campo de golf, estadio, jardines, etc. con una capacidad máxima de 30.000 personas, con lo cual la densidad sería adecuada. A la vez que nacía Playas del Coto de Doñana, designada de interés turístico nacional, surgía un movimiento proteccionista de las marismas de Doñana -refugio de muchas aves y zona de invernada de otras- impulsado por el ornitólogo Dr. Valverde. Nace con este fin la W.W.F. (ADENA) para recaudar fondos y comprar algunas fincas. Fotografías: 1. Vista aérea de la playa, 6 2. Construcción del edificio “El Delfín”, Tessa 1971 Fondo de página: 3. Cerceta pardilla, Parque Nacional de Doñana

La criisiis

Tras una grave crisis de la empresa promotora, el modelo inicial se viene al traste: se edifican bloques de pisos donde se habían proyectado hoteles y se construyen varias viviendas en parcelas donde inicialmente se había planificado una sola produciéndose un aumento de la población que llega a alcanzar en verano los 90.000 habitantes. Esto conlleva una mayor carga sobre las redes de depuración, aguas y desagües, con los consiguientes problemas de abastecimiento. Además de estos problemas de infraestructura, unos fuertes temporales derrumban el paseo marítimo y muro de contención por lo que toda la construcción de la primera línea de playa corre peligro. Esta situación hace que los tour operadores se retiren durante unos años, agravando la situación social y económica de la población permanente en Matalascañas. Es entonces cuando el Ayuntamiento de Almonte atiende las llamadas de alerta y negocia con la empresa promotora la recepción de la urbanización que se denomina Matalascañas Durante el verano, a pesar de todos los problemas, Matalascañas sigue siendo visitada por muchos turistas nacionales y europeos por lo atractivo de sus playas, su clima, el enclave natural y su invitación al descanso A finales de los años 80 el Ayuntamiento de Almonte, apoyado por la Junta de Andalucía, pone en marcha un plan de recuperación de la infraestructura de Matalascañas: se mejoran los servicios, se construye una nueva depuradora y se acomete una nueva reposición del alcantarillado de toda la urbanización.

Fotografia: Vista aérea de Matalascañas. Postal de 1986 7 Fondo de página: Avoceta, Parque Nacional de Doñana

The criisiis………

After a big crisis of promoter enterprises, the initial model of village development crashed down. New buildings, hotels and few typical houses were built. Because of the rhythm of urban construction got faster, an overcharge in water depuration systems among other big problems appeared. The number of inhabitants in summer rose to 90.000 so the town council of Almonte studied then the possibility of building a new village which would be called Matalascañas. (it was named because of the reeds you can see along the beach). This situation worried tour operators and they retired for a few years. Meanwhile some economic and social problems gradually became bigger little by little. However Matalascañas was usually visited by many national and European tourists because of its beaches, wonderful weather, and the natural and peaceful environment it has. At the end of the 80´s the town council, supported by Junta de Andalucía, started a new rebuilding plan. New services were created such as a new sewer system and a modern purifying plant.

Fotografías: 1. Vista aérea de Matalascañas 8 2. Niños en la playa. Nazaré, Jesús y Curro, 1984 3. Amigos de Hallow visitando El Parque Nacional. Esperanza Domínguez Márquez, octubre 2003 Fondo de página: Aguilucho cenizo, Parque Nacional de Doñana

Buscando soluciiones………..

En el año 1992 se encargó a un grupo de expertos un informe para evaluar y aconsejar la política a seguir en todo el territorio sobre el que ejerce influencia el Parque Nacional de Doñana: Matalascañas era uno de los principales objetivos. Este informe es denominado Informe de la Comisión de Expertos: “el futuro de Matalascañas pasa por una implicación total de sus ciudadanos en el desarrollo de la zona para hacerla más saludable y menos agresiva con el entorno natural privilegiado que la rodea”. Desde este momento se vive en nuestra localidad un proceso de concienciación e implicación de la ciudadanía que hará posible el modelo de desarrollo sostenible que se apoya en tres puntos: Económicamente viable Socialmente justo Ambientalmente sano In 1992 a group of experts looked into the possibility of preserving the National Park while building an attractive place to live in. The future of the town had to be linked to its inhabitants. From now on this new project was required to promote international tourism. The “Informe de la comisión de expertos” was guided by the main principles. The development of tourism should be: Economically feasible Socially fair Environmentally healthy

Fotografías: 1. En el cerro de los ánsares, José Manuel Tapia, enero 2004 9 2. Lince recién nacido, Parque Nacional de Doñana. Facilitada por Eduardo y Alvaro Velasco, año 2003 Fondo de página: Aguila pescadora, Parque Nacional de Doñana

The most ecologiic golf course iin Europe

This project is now a reality and it’s well supported by inhabitants. Urban specialists have worked to design the built-up system of Matalascañas. However the mass of tourists can overwhelm local services and systems during the summer months so new possible solutions are being studied. New constructions have already been built, for instance: roads in the town are smaller and pavements are larger, which gives a peaceful atmosphere, where the tourists can have an enjoyable experience walking through the town. One of the most important new initiatives has been the new Dunas de Doñana Golf Course, which is actually watered by recycled water. It has been named by ADENA the most ecological golf course in Europe.

Fotografías: 1.La casa club. J. Scheer, año 2003 10 2.Birds in the marshes. J. Scheer, año 2003 3. Vista aérea del Golf Dunas de Doñana. Exclusivas Doñana. Año 2003 Fondo de página: Así veo la playa, Mª Cristina Lagares Hurtado, 12 años. Diciembre 2003

El campo de golf más ecológiico de Europa

Desde el Ayuntamiento de nuestro municipio se está impulsando y aplicando un modelo diseñado por especialistas de urbanismo y respaldado por la ciudadanía y, a pesar de que la presión humana sobre el paseo marítimo es muy fuerte en temporada alta, el resto de la urbanización tiene espacios de ocio muy dispersos. Paralelo al paseo marítimo se ha construido el Paseo Doñana, una franja de pinos a lo largo de la Carretera Norte. En las zonas céntricas de la ciudad el asfalto está perdiendo espacio a favor del acerado, para que podamos pasear más cómodamente. Los establecimientos hoteleros se han reformado en su mayoría e incluso han mejorado su categoría. En el año 2000 se inauguró el Dunas de Doñana Golf Course que se riega con el agua reciclada de la depuradora, por lo que ADENA ha reconocido que es el campo de golf más ecológico de Europa.

Fotografía: Flora de Doñana. Lavanda. 11 Vista aérea del campo de golf, hoyo 5. J. Scheer, año 2003 Fondo de página: Martín pescador, Parque Nacional de Doñana

C.E.I.P.. “Dunas de Doñana”

El colegio Dunas de Doñana se construyó en el año 1978. Un edificio de estilo ibicenco situado junto a la Carretera Norte que contaba con: 4 aulas muy espaciosas, dos zonas de servicios, una pequeña sala para profesores y una gran zona de jardines y patio de recreo. Tanto la ampliación del centro antiguo como la construcción del nuevo fueron originadas por el aumento de matrícula (debido a que un mayor número de familias permanecía durante todo el año) y en poco más de seis años (de 1978 a 1985) el número de alumnos se incrementó de 75 a 170. En el año 1.989 se inauguró el nuevo edificio. Actualmente el colegio consta de dos edificios separados entre sí por unos 850 m. de distancia. En el edificio antiguo están ubicados los niveles de E. Infantil y la Guardería gestionada por el Ayuntamiento La matrícula actual (enero de 2004) es de 280 alumnos de E. Infantil, E. Primaria y E.S.O. (primer ciclo), con un total de 21 profesores. Al ser una localidad costera que vive básicamente del turismo, el Centro acoge alumnos de otras regiones y nacionalidades (franceses, alemanes, turcos, ingleses, marroquíes, argentinos, italianos, noruegos, etc.). Podemos decir con satisfacción que entre nosotros nunca ha habido problemas de integración: vivimos en paz.

Fotografías: 1 .E. Infantil 3, 4 y 5 años. D. Felipe González del Pino. Año 1982 12 2. Taller de títeres. E infantil. Año 1984 3. Edificio de E. Infantil. José Manuel Tapia, año 2003 Fondo de página: En el cerro de los ánsares. W. H. Riddell. 1º Premio de pintura de aves de Andalucía 2003/04

Dunas de Doñana School

Dunas de Doñana School was built in 1978. An attractive building in Ibizan style with 4 spacious classrooms, 2 toilets, a small area for staff and a wide area as playground and gardens. It started with 75 pupils. As the number of pupils increased, we needed some additional classrooms -by the 80s there were 170 pupils- The town council built 4 classrooms but they were not enough so in the year 1989 they built a new building and the pupils were distributed as follow: First building: Nursery Second building: Primary and 1st cycle of Secondary (ESO). The two buildings are 850 metres apart. Currently, there are 21 teachers and 280 pupils. .Because we’re in a village that lives on tourism, it is a cosmopolitan school that welcomes pupils from many regions and countries: England, France Germany, , Romania, Turkey, Argentina, and others. We celebrate their diversity of origin, language and culture: we live in peace.

Fotografías: 1. CEIP Dunas de Doñana. EP y ESO. F. Jurado Lorente 13 2. Alumnos de 3º nivel reciben a los amigos de la Hallow Primary School (Worcester-England) Dave Martel, octubre 2003 Fondo de página: Avutardas. W. H. Riddell. 1º Premio de pintura de aves de Andalucía 2003/04

Una escuela diinámiica y partiiciipatiiva

A nuestra escuela le gusta participar en actividades que hacen de ella una escuela viva e integrada en el medio. Por un lado se han organizado campeonatos de baloncesto, encuentros escolares en Doñana, jornadas de teatro en el Felipe Godínez de Moguer, programas de dinamización teatral en el Gran Teatro de Huelva, concursos literarios y de Matemáticas “Thales”, Programas Europeos (Comenius, acción1), intercambios escolares con escuelas de Inglaterra… Por otro lado participamos en campañas organizadas por el Ayuntamiento: animación a la lectura, higiene buco dental, cuidado del medio ambiente …….. Al mismo tiempo en el Centro se organizan cada año Semanas Culturales (Navidad en diciembre, Papiroflexia en noviembre, Andalucía en febrero), en las que desarrollamos actividades que dinamizan el centro escolar como la feria del juego (este año celebramos la Tercera Feria del Juego) o realizamos muestras de gastronomía como el desayuno con el tradicional “hoyo de pan con aceite” .

Fotografías: 1. Equipo de baloncesto, año 1984. F. González Moreno 14 2. Taller de teatro Infantil. Jesús y Ana, año 2001 3. Maestros en el palacio de Marismillas. Año 1998 4. Maestros en la playa. Semana de Andalucía 1992 5. II Feria del juego, Antonio Picón, profesor de E.F. Año 2003 Fondo de página: Animales y plantas en Doñana. Dibujo de Marcela, 13 años. Diciembre 2003

Some school actiiviitiies……

We like participating in Maths and Literary quizzes, theatre, dancing and all kind of activities to encourage pupils and make school a nice place to stay in. Actually we take part on one hand in European Projects, students interchanges and on the other hand in campaigns, promoted by the town council, to take care of environment such as Students´ Meetings in Doñana, Tree Day, Healthy habits……… We organise some Cultural Weeks during the whole year: Christmas in December or Andalucía in February (one of the most important activities during this week is the “Feria del Juego” organised by the P.E. teacher and the secondary classes, where pupils from others school can participate and all together remember traditional games. We also practise the healthy breakfast and have bread with oil and sugar as people did in ancient times: “the bread hole with oil”.

Fotografías: 1. Lince. Parque Nacional de Doñana 15 2. Rincón Comenius CEIP Dunas de Doñana, Año 2003/04 Fondo de página: Animales en Doñana. Julio Carrillo Ruiz. 12 años. Diciembre 2003

El Rocíío

En la aldea de El Rocío (situada en el municipio de Almonte- Huelva) se concentra el domingo de Pentecostés un gran número de personas procedentes de toda España y de algunos lugares de Europa. El motivo es peregrinar hasta la aldea para asistir al encuentro con la Virgen del Rocío, la Blanca Paloma. Cuenta la leyenda que un pastor encontró la imagen en el hueco de una encina centenaria en el llamado Bosque de las Rocinas. Las hermandades, más de un centenar en toda España, se dirigen al santuario desfilando con sus carretas cubiertas de flores, sus caballos enjaezados o andando, como lo hacen un sin fin de anónimos peregrinos. En la madrugada del domingo al lunes la Virgen sale en procesión a hombros de los almonteños: saltan la reja y el trono comienza a “navegar” entre un oleaje de brazos y manos, entre “vivas” y cantos al son de los cohetes que irrumpen en el cielo estallando a su paso. Es el punto culminante de la romería. Esta explosión de devoción, emociones y colores hacen que podamos asistir a un encuentro en el que todos ofrecemos lo mejor de nosotros mismos.

Fotografías: 1. La Virgen en El Real. Centro de estudios rocieros, año 2002 16 2. En el camino. Joaquín Carmona Castro, año 1998 3. El coro de los niños en la ofrenda de flores. Juan José Gajate, año 1988 Fondo de página: Presentación de Hermandades. José Luis Pulido, año 2002

El Rocíío

On Whit Sunday many people from all over Spain and Europe comes to El Rocío, Almonte town council in the Huelva province. It´s one of the most important pilgrimages in Spain. The pilgrims come to meet the “Blanca Paloma”, the Virgen del Rocío. The legend says that a shepherd found the sculpture in the trunk of an old Holm Oak in the forest named “Las rocinas”. The brotherhoods, more than one hundred in Spain, come to the sanctuary with their carriages dressed up and their horses´ harnesses decorated with flowers. Alternatively many pilgrims come on foot, anonymously. In the early morning of Monday the Virgin goes out the church carried on the “almonteños´ (people from Almonte) shoulders and visits the brother-hoods´ houses in the village. Throughout this procession the Virgin´s throne is like a ship sailing on a sea of heads and arms….. while people are shouting: “¡¡Viva la Virgen del Rocío!!”. Local choirs sing beautiful songs, fireworks high in the sky exploding as the Virgin goes through the streets. It´s the climax of the pilgrimage.

Fotografías: 1. La ofrenda de flores. R. Westfal, año 1997 17 2. Niños en el patio de la casa: Curro y Rafa. Paco Oliva, El Rocío 2003. 3. La Virgen de Pastora, Real e Ilustre Hermandad Matriz, año 2004 Fondo de página: Tamborileros. Curro Martín y Jesús González Jurado

La cociina

Gazpacho (Starter) 2 kg.. de tomates (tomatoes) Bread 1 piimiiento (green pepper) Variios diientes de ajo,, sal y aceiite de oliiva (garliic,, salt and oliive oiil).. Soak the bread.. Triiturar los iingrediientes y serviir fresquiito.. Tomar de priimer plato.. (Miince the iingrediients) AArrrroozz ccoonn bbaaccaallaaoo (Main course) o Un trozo de bacalao Se hace un sofrito (cod) de tomates, o Pimientos (green pepper) pimiento y cebolla. o Tomates (tomatoes) Se añaden los trozos de o Cebolla (onion) bacalao desalado. Se o Azafrán (saffron) incorpora el pimentón y el o Pimentón (paprika) arroz. Se le cubre de agua: doble cantidad que de o Arroz (rice) arroz HHaabbaass eennzzaappaattááss ((ssttaarrtteerr)) Ingredientes: Ponemos el agua a calentar. ¾ 2 kg. habas (broad Cortamos las rodajas de beans) limón. Pelamos las habas y ¾ 2 rodajas de las ponemos en el agua limón (lemon) junto a los ajos y el limón. ¾ 2 cabezas de ajos Sazonar y cocer a fuego ¾ cilantro (coriander) lento. Cuando estén tiernas y las quitemos del fuego le ponemos el cilantro y tapamos la olla para que el aroma no se pierda.

Fotografías: 1.Gazpacho. Ana Mª López Navas, 12 años. Enero 2004 18 2.Arroz con bacalao. Antonio y Ana María 3.Habas enzapatás. Antonia Cabrera Fondo de página: La cocina de Doñana y el Rocío. Juan Martínez. Año 1999

In the kiitchen…………

Desserts Fresas con nata:: Ingredientes • 2 k. de fresas • ¼ l. nata Se lavan las fresas, se secan. En un recipiente se mezclan las fresas con la nata montada. Se adorna con caramelo líquido. Se aconseja comprar las fresas el mismo día que se vayan a comer.

Strawberries and cream: Wash the strawberries and mix well with the cream. Decorate with liquid caramel. It´s better to use very fresh strawberries.

Arroz con leche Rice with milk Ingredients: ™ arroz (rice) ™ canela (cinnamon) ™ liche (milk) ™ cascara de limón (peel ™ azúcar (sugar) of lemon) Hervir el arroz en abundante agua unos 7 minutos. Poner a hervir la leche con la canela y la cáscara de limón. Añadir el arroz y cocer durante diez minutos. Añadir el azúcar. Poner en un plato y espolvorear con canela en polvo. Servir muy frío. Boil rice in water during 7 minutes. Boil milk with cinnamon and a peel of lemon. Add rice and boil about 10 minutes. Add sugar and put it on a bowl. Decorate with cinnamon powder. You must eat it very cold.

Fotografías: 1. Fresas con nata. Rocío Ruix, 12 años. Enero 2004 19 2. Arroz con leche. Rocío Galán, 12 años. Enero 2004 Fondo de página: La tortilla de papas. La cocina 2004

Comune di Montecorice Parco nazionale del e Vallo di Diano



“B. Focaccia”

Progetto Comenius 1 Anno scolastico 2003/2004


Il Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano pag. 2

The National Park of Cilento and Vale of Diano pag. 3

Montecorice pag. 4

Montecorice (English version) pag. 5

Il clima / The climate pag. 5

La flora pag. 6

The flora pag. 7

La fauna pag. 8

Notizie di storia / Historical notes pag. 9

Edifici di interesse storico ed artistico / Buildings of historical and artistic interest pag. 9

Festività / Festivals pag. 10

L'economia / The economy pag. 11

Ricette tipiche / Typical recipes pag. 12

La scuola / The school pag. 13

Poesia in dialetto cilentano / A poem in Cilentan dialect pag. 14


Il nostro Parco è per estensione - 181.957 ha - il secondo in Italia ed è stato istituito nel 1991. Esso occupa la parte meridionale della provincia di Salerno - nella regione , a sud dell'Italia - e abbraccia 80 comuni. È delimitato a nord dai fiumi Sele e Tanagro, ad ovest e a sud dal Mar Tirreno e ad est dal fiume Bussento. Si distingue per la varietà d'ambienti, quali quello montuoso, collinare, pianeggiante e marino. Ad est, nella zona più interna del Parco, spiccano i Monti , che sfiorano i 2000m con le loro rocce calcaree simili ad una bianca muraglia, in cui sono frequenti fenomeni di carsismo come il fiume Bussento, che a valle sparisce nel sottosuolo per riapparire dopo 6 km, nei pressi di Morigerati. Procedendo dall'entroterra verso la costa troviamo anche vette arenacee come il Monte Gelbison ed il . A due passi dal mare, lungo la costa di Punta e delle Ripe Rosse e lungo i versanti collinari di Pollica e San Mauro, dove arriva a circa

1700 m di profondità, è presente la formazione geologica nota con il nome "flysch del Cilento" (terreno che scivola), rocce scivolose derivate da antichi sedimenti marini risalenti ad un'età compresa fra i 20 ed i 50 milioni di anni. In un ambiente così ricco e vario si conservano rare specie botaniche e zoologiche in via d'estinzione. Per tale motivo il nostro Parco è stato dichiarato Riserva di Biosfera del MAB-UNESCO già dal 1997.


Our park of 181, 957 hectares is the second largest in Italy and was established in 1991. It lies in the southern part of the , in the region Campania in the south of Italy, and includes 80 administrative districts (comuni). In the north the boundaries are the rivers Sele and Tanagro, in the west and south the Tyrrhenian Sea and in the east the river Bussento. It has a remarkable variety of habitats, such as mountain, hill, plain and marine habitats. In the east, in the inland area of the park, are the Alburni Mountain peaks, which reach 2000m with their calcareous rocks like a huge white wall, where there are frequent Karst phenomena, such as the river Bussento which disappears underground in the valley to reappear 6km further on, near Morigerati. Continuing from inland towards the coast we can find sandstone peaks such as Mount Gelbison and Mount Stella. By the sea, along the coast of Punta Licosa and the Ripe Rosse and along the hilly slopes of Pollica and Our Park is here

San Mauro, where it reaches a thickness of approximately 1700m, is the geological form known as "Cilento Flysch" (sliding land), sliding rocks derived from ancient marine sediments from between 20 and 50 million years ago. Rare animal and plant species in danger of extinction are conserved in this rich and varied environment. For this reason our park was declared a Biosphere Reserve by MAB=UNESCO in 1997.

Cilento Flysch


Il territorio comunale, con una superficie di 2.213 ettari (ha), rientra per tutta la sua estensione nei confini del Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano. E precisamente, 452 ha della superficie complessiva del territorio comunale sono Riserva Integrale, i rimanenti 1.761 ha sono Riserva Generale. Comprende le frazioni di Agnone,


Ortodonico, Case del Conte, Fornelli, Zoppi, Cosentini e conta complessivamente 2543 abitanti, di cui 590 residenti a Montecorice capoluogo. La sua altitudine sul livello del mare è compresa fra 0 e 133m, infatti dalle falde occidentali del Monte Stella si arriva fino al mare, ad Agnone e San Nicola dei Lembi. FORNELLI Al di Montecorice appartengono all'incirca 8 Km di Serramezzana CASE DEL CONTE costa. A tratti di costa rocciosa si alternano le spiagge MONTECORICE

dell'Arena, di San Nicola, di Agnone, di . Come ORTODONICO risulta dai dati pubblicati dal Ministero della Sanità sulla qualità SAN NICOLA A MARE

AGNONE S. Mauro Cilento

Territorio del Comune di Montecorice

delle acque di balneazione, tutti i campioni analizzati lungo la costa del comune di Montecorice risultano favorevoli rispetto agli indici di contaminazione fecale dimostrandone, quindi, l'elevato grado di La Costa salubrità ed innocuità per l'Uomo. A questo dato di

tipo igienico-sanitario, si affiancano dati sullo stato dell'ecosistema marino che testimoniano il rispetto degli equilibri naturali. Uno tra i vari dati disponibili è la presenza nelle acque marine comunali della "Posidonia oceanica", pianta fanerogama che assurge a ruolo di organismo bioindicatore e la cui presenza è indice di qualità dell'ambiente in cui essa vive.

Ripe Rosse


The land of this comune (administrative district), with its area of 2,213 hectares, lies entirely within the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano, and more precisely, 452 hectares of this area are an Integral Reserve and the remaining 1,761 hectares are General Reserve. The area includes the villages of Agnone, Ortodonico, Case del Conte, Fornelli, Zoppi, and Cosentini and has a total of 2543 inhabitants, of whom 590 live in the main village Agnone Montecorice. The land is at a height of between 0 and 133m above sea level; the western side of Mount Stella slopes down to the sea at Agnone and San Nicola dei Lembi. There are approximately 8 km of coast in the district of Montecorice. Stretches of rocky coast alternate with beaches: Arena beach, San Nicola beach, Agnone beach, Capitello beach. From data published by the Health Ministry on the quality of bathing water, all the samples analysed along the coast of Montecorice showed low faecal contamination, demonstrating a high level of health and hygiene for man. These health and hygiene data, accompanied by data on the state of Poseidon grass the marine ecosystem testify respect for the natural equilibria. One of the various data available is the presence in the sea water of Poseidon grass, Posidonia oceanica, a flowering plant which serves as a bioindicator and its presence indicates the quality of the environment it inhabits.

IL CLIMA Il clima è prevalentemente mediterraneo, gli inverni sono miti e poco piovosi, con una temperatura compresa fra i 5 e i 15 gradi centigradi. Sulle zone collinari raramente, e solo per pochi giorni, il termometro scende sotto lo 0. Generalmente le estati non sono eccessivamente calde; sono però umide, con una temperatura media di 28 gradi centigradi in collina e circa 32 nelle zone vicino al mare. Rare sono le piogge estive.


The climate is predominantly Mediterranean and the winters are mild with low rainfall, with an average temperature between 5 and 15 degrees centigrade. The temperature falls below zero only rarely for a few days in the hills. Generally the summers are not excessively hot, but they are humid with an average temperature of 28 degrees centigrade in the hills and 32 near the coast. Summer rainfall is rare.


Nei confini del Parco sono presenti ben 1800 specie di piante, di cui circa 200 sono considerate endemiche o rare. Tale ricchezza vegetale è dovuta alla varietà di ambienti naturali, alle diverse altimetrie (da 0 metri sul livello del mare fino a quasi 2000), alla diversa qualità geologica del territorio. Partendo dal mare il primo contatto è con la vegetazione marina. Tra le specie di fanerogame marine che formano estese praterie sommerse, soprattutto lungo le coste del nostro comune, troviamo: la posidonia (Posidonia oceanica), l'albero di mare (Cystoseira barbata), la vidalia (Vidalia volubilis). Ginestra Procedendo verso la spiaggia arriviamo alla vegetazione dunale con piante erbacee che, con l'azione delle radici, hanno un effetto stabilizzante per la duna stessa ed inoltre costituiscono una barriera fisica all'azione diretta del mare. Esse si adattano all'ambiente salino e sopravvivono a lunghi periodi di aridità. E così, sulle spiagge sabbiose dell'Arena e di Capitello è ancora facile ritrovare una specie psammofila rara: il giglio di mare (Pancratium marittimum) che nel periodo giugno-settembre adorna le spiagge con i suoi grandi fiori bianco-candidi. E ancora la calcatreppola (Eryngium maritimum), la rughetta di mare (Cakile maritima), il papavero delle sabbie (Glaucium corniculatum). Pini d'Aleppo In molte zone, alle spalle della vegetazione arbustiva, si estendono pinete di "pino d'Aleppo" (Pinus halepensis) che sembrano prostrarsi al terreno per l'azione del vento. Proseguendo dal mare verso l'interno troviamo la "macchia mediterranea", formata da arbusti e alberi sempreverdi come il ginepro, la fillirea, la ginestra del Cilento (Genista cilentina) - un particolare tipo di questa specie, presente solo nella zona di -, il mirto, o mortella (Myrtus communis), in dialetto "murtiddu", che è un arbusto sempreverde e molto diffuso nelle regioni mediterranee. Caratteristiche le mozzarelle avvolte nei rametti di mortella. Cresce allo stato selvatico, in luoghi asciutti e assolati. Può raggiungere l'altezza di 3-4 metri. Con i Camedrio bianco frutti, di un intenso colore viola, le donne del luogo preparano un liquore. Della macchia mediterranea fanno parte anche il lentisco (Pistacia lentiscus), arbusto aromatico sempreverde che cresce in forma di grossi cespugli. Dagli steli viene ricavata una resina, adoperata come gomma da masticare. Fiorisce nel periodo autunnale, in coincidenza con la raccolta delle olive. Il lentisco è anche detto "falso pepe" perché le foglie ed i frutti, se stropicciati, emanano un forte odore di pepe. E ancora la ginestra (Spartum junceum), arbusto privo di Mozzarella nella mortella spine che può raggiungere un'altezza di due metri. Si è molto diffuso in tutta l'area mediterranea, soprattutto nei luoghi aridi ed assolati. Le foglie sono ellittiche, dal corto gambo, leggermente tormentose. Il gambo verde dà alla pianta un aspetto sempreverde, benché questa sia decidua. I fiori sono di un bel giallo intenso. Anche il corbezzolo (Arbutus unedo) è tipico della macchia mediterranea. È una pianta sempreverde i cui frutti, simili a grosse fragole nel dialetto locale chiamati "sorva pilusa", si utilizzavano per preparare liquori e marmellate. Altro arbusto tipico di questa ricca vegetazione è l'erica (Erica arborea), i cui rami, raccolti in mazzetti e legati, vengono ancora utilizzati come scope e, per questo, è detta anche "scopa maschio". Il ciocco, in dialetto "vora", è molto pregiato per la fabbricazione di pipe. Il legno è usato anche per ardere, in quanto ha un alto potere calorifero. Le colline sono invece dominate da distese di uliveti. Le coste alte e rocciose ospitano il finocchio di mare (Crithmum maritimum), il garofanino rupestre (Dianthus rupicola), il camedrio bianco (Prasium majus) e la primula di (Primula palinuri) che prende il nome dalla località, l'unico areale al mondo per questa specie. Essa affonda le radici nella rocce vicino al mare, preferisce le superfici umide e sboccia con i suoi fiorellini gialli a febbraio e marzo. È una specie protetta e per la sua bellezza e rarità è divenuta il simbolo del Parco. Salendo verso l'interno, tra i 600 e i 1000 m, si trovano boschi di cerri, aceri, castagni. Sopra i 1000 m - sui Monti Alburni - siamo in presenza di faggete e alberi di tasso, detto anche "albero della morte" a causa di una sostanza contenuta all'interno del tronco, delle foglie e dei semi rivelatasi molto dannosa per il cuore umano. Troviamo ancora betulle e foreste di abete bianco.

Primula di Palinuro 6 THE FLORA Within the Park there are 1800 plant species, of which about 200 are considered endemic or rare. Such rich vegetation is due to the variety of natural habitats, to the differing altitudes (from 0m to about 2000m above sea level) and to the diverse geological qualities of the land. Starting from the sea we first come across marine vegetation. Among the species of flowering plants that form extensive submerged meadows are: Poseidon grass Posidonia oceanica, the sea tree Cystoseira barbata and the red alga Vidalia volubilis. Continuing up the beach we come to dune vegetation with herbaceous plants which, with their roots, have a stabilising effect for the dune itself, and furthermore constitute a physical barrier against the direct action of the sea. These plants are adapted to saline conditions and can survive long periods of aridity. Thus on the sandy beaches of Arena and Capitello it is still easy to find a rare sand adapted species, the sea lily Pancratium maritium, which decorates the beach with its big pure white flowers from June to September. There is also the sea holly Eryngium maritimum, the sea rocket Cakile maritima and the horned poppy Pancratium maritimum Glaucium corniculatum In many areas behind the shrub vegetation there are stretches of pinewoods of the Aleppo pine Pinus halepensis which seem to lie down to the land due to wind action. Proceeding inland we find the Mediterranean maquis, or scrubland, consisting of shrubs and evergreen trees such as juniper, phyllyrea, the Pistacia lentiscus Cilentan broom (a particular species of broom present only in the area around Ascea), Myrtle Myrtus communis, in dialect “murtiddu”, which is a widespread evergreen shrub in in the Mediterranean region. Mozzarella wrapped in myrtle leaves is a speciality. The plant grows wild in dry, sunny places. It can reach a height of 3-4 metres. With its fruit of an intense purple colour, women prepare a liqueur. Other components of the Mediterranean maquis are the mastic tree Pistacia lentiscus, an aromatic evergreen shrub which grows as big bushes. From its stems a resin is extracted which is used as chewing gum. It flowers in autumn, at the time of the olive harvest. The mastic tree is also called “false pepper" because the leaves and fruit when rubbed emit a strong peppery smell. The common broom Sarothamnus scoparius is a shrub with no thorns that can reach 2 metres in height. It is widespread in all the Mediterranean region, especially in dry, sunny places. The leaves are oval, with short stems, and slightly uneven. The green stalks give the plant an evergreen appearance, even though it is deciduous. The flowers are a beautiful intense yellow. The strawberry tree Arbutus unedo is an evergreen plant also typical of the Mediterranean maquis. The fruit, similar to big strawberries, called "sorva Myrtus communis pilusa" (hairy plum) in dialect, were used to prepare liqueurs and jams. Another shrub typical of this rich vegetation is the tree heath Erica arborea, whose branches gathered in bunches and tied are still used as brooms, and for this reason it is also called "scopa maschio" (male broom). The base of the trunk, in dialect "vora", isvalued for the manufacture of pipes. The wood is also used for firewood, as it produces a lot of heat. The hills are dominated by olive plantations. Growing on the high rocky coasts are rock samphire Crithmum maritimum, rock pink Dianthus rupicola, prasium Prasium majus and the Palinuro primrose Primula palinuri which takes its name from Palinuro, which is the only place in the world where this species grows. It thrusts its roots into the rocks by the sea, prefers damp surfaces and produces yellow flowers in February and March. It is a protected species, and for its beauty and rarity it has become the symbol of the Park. Climbing inland, from 600 to 1000 m asl, there are woods of turkey oaks, maples and sweet chestnuts. Above 1000m, on the Alburni mountains, there are beechwoods and yew trees, also called "tree of death" because of a poison inside its trunk, leaves and seeds which is very harmful for the human heart. There are also birchwoods and silver firs. Mount 7 LA FAUNA Molte sono le specie animali presenti nel Parco, alcune di esse protette perché a rischio di estinzione. There are many animal species in the park, some of which are protected because they are in danger of extinction.

La lontra (Lutra lutra) È il più raro predatore dei fiumi, ha zampe palmate che gli permettono di nuotare con grande abilità, si nutre di pesci e rane. Può arrivare a 90 cm di lunghezza più 50 cm di robusta coda e pesa dai 6 ai 15 kg. La sua popolazione in Italia è stimata in un centinaio di individui, di cui un'alta percentuale si trova nel nostro Parco. Prima della sua protezione per legge, avvenuta nel 1997, l'uomo la cacciava per la sua lucida pelliccia. The otter (Lutra lutra) This is the rarest predator of the rivers. It has webbed feet which enable it to swim skillfully, and it feeds on fish and frogs. It can reach 90cm in length plus 50cm of thick tail, and weighs from 6 to 15 kg. Its population in Italy is estimated at only a hundred individuals of which a high proportion are in the park. Before its protection by law in 1997, it was hunted for its sleek coat.

Il gatto selvatico (Felis silvestris) Animale a rischio di estinzione, vive nei boschi, ha abitudini notturne e per questo è difficile da avvistare. È carnivoro, si nutre di topi ed altri mammiferi.

The wild cat (Felis silvestris) In danger of extinction, this animal lives in the woods, and is difficult to see as it is nocturnal. It is a carnivore; it feeds on rats and other mammals.

Il lupo (Canis lupus) È protetto da una legge del 1976 ma negli anni '60 ha rischiato l'estinzione a causa della caccia da parte dell'uomo. Attualmente si stimano circa 10 individui in tutta l'area protetta. È un ottimo camminatore, riesce a percorrere anche 40 km in una notte. Braccato dall'uomo, con il tempo ha saputo modificare le sue abitudini alimentari rivolgendo la sua attenzione dagli animali d'allevamento ai cinghiali e alle discariche, dove trova rifiuti commestibili.

The wolf (Canis lupus) It is protected by a law of 1976 but in the 60s it nearly became extinct because of hunting by man. It is now estimated that there are about 10 animals in the entire protected area. It is an excellent walker, able to cover 40 km in one night. Persecuted by man, it has modified its behaviour over time, turning from farm animals to wild boar and edible waste in rubbish tips.

La cicogna (Ciconia ciconia) È tornata a nidificare nel Vallo di Diano dal 1996, su un palo dell'energia elettrica.

The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) The white stork returned to nest in the Vale of Diano in 1996, at the top of an electricity pylon.

Sono presenti nel Parco anche alcune coppie di falco pellegrino e di aquila reale. Tra i rapaci ricordiamo anche: il biancone dall'ampia apertura alare, il piumaggio bianco ed un’enorme testa con occhi gialli; il nibbio; la civetta. Tra le specie animali selvatiche che, in particolare, vivono nel territorio comunale di Montecorice citiamo: il cinghiale, la volpe, la faina, la donnola, la puzzola, la lepre, il tasso. Non è raro trovare nelle zone più interne del territorio vari esemplari di rapaci diurni, come il falchetto, che ivi nidificano. Lungo le coste soggiornano varie specie di gabbiani come il maestoso gabbiano reale (Larus cachinnans), il gabbiano roseo (Larus genei), il gabbiano corso (Larus audouinii), la gavina (Larus canus).

In the park there are also a few pairs of peregrine falcons and golden e agles. Amongst the birds of prey there is also the short-toed eagle, with its wide wingspan, white plumage and huge head with yellow eyes, as well as the kite and the little owl. Amongst the wild mammal species that live in the park we mention the wild boar, the fox, the pine-marten, the weasel, the pole- cat, the hare, and the badger. In inland areas it is not unusual to find various species of birds of prey nesting. Along the coast there are various species of gull, such as the yellow-legged gull (Larus cachinnans), the slender-billed gull (Larus genei), Audouini's gull (Larus audouinii) and the common gull (Larus canus).

8 NOTIZIE DI STORIA Il toponimo deriva da una fusione del termine latino "mons" (monte) e dal greco "korax" (corvi) e significa "monte dei corvi". Questa etimologia è confermata dal fatto che sulle colline ricoperte di pini intorno al paese nidificavano, in passato, migliaia di cornacchie. Con il nome Montecorice, documentato per la prima volta nel 1043, s'indicava, nell'Alto Medioevo un "casale", cioè un nucleo economico dotato di quanto era necessario per il sostentamento degli abitanti che vivevano sparsi nella campagna, ma che facevano capo ad un'unica chiesa. Il centro abitato vero e proprio si formò nel corso del XIII secolo, in conseguenza degli attacchi dei pirati saraceni, a causa dei quali i contadini del "casale" si ritirarono sulla collina, costituendo, così, un nucleo abitato ben difeso dalla vista del mare.

HISTORICAL NOTES The name Montecorice derives from the Latin term "mons" and the Greek "korax" and so means "crow mountain". This etymology is confirmed by the fact that in the past thousands of crows nested on the pine-covered hills. The name Montecorice, documented for the first time in 1043, referred to a "casale" in the late Middle Montecorice - Campanile Ages, that is an economic nucleus with all that was necessary to sustain the inhabitants dispersed in the countryside but belonging to one church. The inhabited centre itself was formed during the 13th century, in response to attacks by Saracen pirates, because of which the peasants of the "casale" retreated into the hills, creating thus an inhabited nucleus hidden from the sea.


CHIESA DI SAN BIAGIO Costruita nel secolo XVI. Originariamente recava sulla sommità della facciata due archi con campanelle oltre al campanile. Vi sono conservati affreschi di pittori locali del secolo XIX.

CHURCH OF SAINT BIAGIO Built in the 16th century, it originally had 2 arches with bells on the top of the façade, as well as the bell tower. Frescoes by local artists of the 19th century are conserved inside.

CAPPELLA DI S. ANTONIO ABATE Risale al secolo XVII, chiude l'abitato a nord-ovest.

CHAPEL OF SAINT ANTONIO ABATE From the 17th century, it is on the north-west edge of the village centre.

CAPPELLA DI S. SOFIA Di origine longobarda, è l'edificio di culto più antico del comune, in essa è conservata ancora oggi una statua della santa in legno e cartapesta risalente alla seconda metà dell'800.

SAINT SOFIA'S CHAPEL Of Longobard origin, it is the oldest cultural building of the comune. Here a statue of the saint in wood and papier- maché from the second half of the 19th century.

CAPPELLA DELLA MADONNA DELLE GRAZIE Costruita nel secolo XVIII, è caratterizzata da un portico. È meta di pellegrinaggio il 2 luglio, quando i contadini del paese vi si recano con carri agricoli.

CHAPEL OF THE MADONNA DELLE GRAZIE Built in the 18th century, it is characterised by a portico. On 2nd July the villagers go there on pilgrimage with agricultural vehicles.

9 CAPPELLA DI S. DONATO Un antico eremo, fino al primo dopoguerra era custodito da un eremita, sul quale sono nate, nel tempo, tante leggende. È meta di pellegrinaggio il giorno della festa, il 7 agosto, quando i fedeli preparano i "vicci", un dolce locale che poi distribuiscono gratuitamente a quanti incontrano sulla via del ritorno.

CHAPEL OF SAINT DONATO An ancient hermitage, until the end of the war it was in the care of a hermit, about whom many legends have arisen over time. It is a pilgrimage site on the Saint's day on 7th August, when the faithful prepare "vicci", a local cake which is then distributed free to anybody they meet on the way back.

IL MULINO A VENTO Costruito agli inizi del secolo XX, conserva ancora intatta la sua struttura originaria e rappresenta l'unico esempio nel Cilento di come, in un tempo non lontano, veniva sfruttata la forza del vento. Intorno al mulino, sulla collina, si estende un manto di erba sparta che un tempo veniva usata per la fabbricazione di corde ("libbàni") utili nella pesca e nell'agricoltura.

THE WINDMILL Built at the beginning of the 20th century, the original structure is still intact Mulino a vento / Windmill and represents the only example in Cilento of how, not very long ago, the power of wind was exploited. Around the windmill, on the hill, there is a cloak of esparto grass which was once used to make ropes ("libbani") useful in fishing and agriculture.

Singolari sono le "PASSOLARE", antiche costruzioni rurali, formate dal solo pianoterra adibito un tempo all'essiccazione dei fichi.

The "PASSOLARE" are interesting. They are old rural buildings with only a ground floor, once used for drying figs.

IL MUSEO DELLA CIVILTÀ CONTADINA DI ORTODONICO Vi sono conservati strumenti e attrezzi dell'arte contadina anche molto antichi e rari. Fondato da un'Associazione volontaria nel 1975, è nato come Museo del Lavoro e della Storia Sociale e, sin dalla sua nascita, si è posto l'obiettivo di recuperare i diversi aspetti della tecnologia creativa, i sistemi di lavoro e di produzione, nonché i diversi ambienti di lavoro e del paesaggio. Il Museo, organizzato in sezioni che visualizzano i diversi aspetti del mondo contadino (cicli produttivi, mondo intimo familiare, costumi, tradizioni, folklore, religiosità) attraverso le raccolte della cultura materiale è, nel suo insieme, un mosaico di storia di vita vissuta.

THE MUSEUM OF RURAL CULTURE This museum in Ortodonico, where tools and equipment from peasant culture, some very old and rare, are exhibited, is well-worth a visit. The museum, founded by a voluntary association in 1975, started out as a museum of work and social history and from the start it has aimed to conserve the various aspects of creative technology, systems of work and production, as well as the different work and countryside environments. The museum, organised in sections which show these different aspects of country life through collections of cultural material, is an overall mosaic of history of real lives.

FESTIVITÀ FESTIVALS San Biagio (3 febbraio): Saint Biagio (3rd February): Durante la messa solenne During the solemn mass a loud il frenetico rullo di tamburi ricorda roll of drums remembers l'intervento del Santo protettore in difesa how the Patron Saint defended del paese contro un assalto dei Saraceni. the village from a Saracen attack. San Vito (15 giugno) Saint Vito (15th June) Sacro Cuore (mese di agosto) Sacred Heart (August) The Museum of Rural Culture 10 L'ECONOMIA

Si basa prevalentemente sull'agricoltura nelle zone collinari e sul turismo e la pesca nella fascia costiera. Le maggiori coltivazioni riguardano l'olivo, i fichi, gli agrumi, ed in particolare i limoni. Accanto ad esse si sono anche sviluppate delle aziende a conduzione familiare per la produzione di olio d'oliva, liquore di limone (limoncello), dolci e pasticcini a base di fichi. Sulla costa è sviluppato il turismo estivo grazie anche al mare pulito che in questi anni ha ottenuto la Bandiera Blu dall'Unione Europea. Ricordiamo, infatti, che Montecorice fa parte dei Comuni Blu d'Europa. La possibilità di partecipare ad escursioni nei luoghi di maggiore interesse del Parco, la presenza di numerose aziende agrituristiche, in cui è possibile Agnone avvicinarsi ai sapori genuini di questa terra in uno scenario naturalistico di notevole bellezza, attrae il popolo dei vacanzieri amanti della natura e della vita sana all'insegna del più pieno relax. Il forte legame che Montecorice conserva con la tradizione contadina e rurale lo si ritrova nella cultura gastronomica locale caratterizzata da piatti preparati con metodi antichi ed ingredienti semplici e genuini. La tradizione dei frantoi e dei suoi prodotti è oggi ben rappresentata dall'attività della cooperativa agricola "Nuovo Cilento", con 170 soci e 1300 ha di terra nel Parco Nazionale del Cilento. È il più grande produttore italiano di olio biologico. Il consumatore è garantito dall'insieme del processo produttivo: dalla coltivazione, alla raccolta, alla trasformazione e alla conservazione tutto è rivolto alla creazione di un prodotto ecocompatibile, genuino, naturale, gustoso. La coopèrativa, d'intesa col Parco Nazionale del Cilento e il CNR, sperimenta la prima macchina, in continuo con il frantoio, che dà la possibilità di utilizzare la sansa come fertilizzante. 50.000 ecotrappole, fornite dalla Regione Campania e dal Parco Nazionale del Cilento, consentono le coltivazioni biologiche al di sotto dei 400 mt. di altitudine.


The economy is based on agriculture in the hills and tourism and fishing on the coast. The major cultivations are of olives, figs and citrus fruit, particularly lemons. Alongside these, family businesses have developed for the production of olive oil, lemon liqueur (Limoncello), cakes and sweets based on figs. On the coast tourism has developed in the summer also due to the clean sea which in the last few years has been awarded the Blue Flag by the European Union. Montecorice is one of the Blue Resorts of Europe. The opportunity to take part in excursions to places of interest in the Park and the numerous farm holiday businesses where you can taste the genuine flavours of this land in a scene of natural beauty, attract holidaymakers who love to enjoy nature and a healthy lifestyle in complete relaxation. The strong links that Montecorice maintains with the country tradition is found in the local cuisine characterised by dishes prepared in the traditional way with simple, genuine ingredients. The olive oil production continues today with the agricultural cooperative "Nuovo Cilento", with 170 members and 1300 hectares of land in the National Park of Cilento. It is the largest Italian producer of organic olive oil. The consumer is guaranteed by the whole production process: from cultivation, to the harvesting, transforming and conservation, everything serves to produce a product that is ecocompatible, genuine, natural and tasty. The cooperativewith support from the National Park of Cilento and the CNR (National Research Centre), is experimenting the first machine in the oil press, to enable the olive residue to be used as fertiliser. Fifty thousand ecological insect traps, supplied by the region of Campania and the National Park of Cilento, allow organic farming to take place below 400m height above sea level.



Per la sfoglia: farina 1kg, zucchero gr 100, sugna gr 150, 6 uova, la buccia grattugiata di un limone, liquore Strega in quantità minima. Per il ripieno: castagne 1 kg, cioccolato gr 250, zucchero gr 300, mandorle (pelate, tostate e pestate) gr 250, frutta candita gr 200, vaniglia quanto basta, un bicchierino di liquore Strega. Per guarnire: miele, un rametto di rosmarino, buccia tritata di un limone. Preparazione: Preparare una sfoglia sottile, ricavarne con il fondo di un bicchiere tanti dischi uguali. Disporre al centro dei dischi un cucchiaio del ripieno preparato in precedenza amalgamando gli ingredienti e coprire con un altro dischetto, sigillando con cura i bordi. Friggere in abbondante olio caldo. Cospargere con il miele sciolto e aromatizzato con il rosmarino. Preparazione delle pasticelle

PASTICELLE DI NATALE (Christmas cakes)

For the pastry: 1kg flour, 100g sugar, 150g suet, 6 eggs, grated peel of one lemon, a little Strega liqueur For the filling: 1kg chestnuts, 250g chocolate, 300g sugar, 250g almonds (peeled, toasted, ground), 200g candied fruit, vanilla to taste, a small glass of Strega liqueur To decorate: honey, a sprig of Rosemary, chopped lemon peel Preparation: Prepare a thin layer of pastry and cut out discs with the bottom of a glass. Place a teaspoon of filling prepared by mixing the ingredients together, and cover with another disc, sealing the edges. Fry in plenty of hot oil. Spread honey warmed with rosemary on top.


Ingredienti: 10 bicchieri di farina, 8 bicchieri d'acqua, 3/4 di un bicchiere di olio extravergine di oliva, 1 bicchiere di vino bianco, 5 tuorli d'uovo, 1 cucchiaio di zucchero, 1 pizzico di sale, una buccia di limone, dei rametti di rosmarino. Preparazione: Nell'acqua bollente calare la buccia di limone, il sale, lo zucchero, l'olio ed il vino bianco. Aggiungere quindi la farina e i tuorli lentamente e sempre mescolando fino a quando il composto non comincia a staccarsi dalla pentola. A questo punto rovesciarlo su una tavola di marmo o di legno, amalgamarlo per bene e formare sottili ciambelle. Friggerle in olio extravergine d'oliva caldo, porre su un vassoio contenente rametti di rosmarino e cospargere di miele. Scauratielli SCAURATIELLI

Ingredients: 10 cups of flour, 8 cups of water, 3\4 cup of extravirgin olive oil, 1 cup of white wine, 5 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon sugar, pinch of salt, lemon peel, rosemary sprigs. Preparation: Put the lemon peel, salt, sugar, oil and white wine into boiling water. Add the flour and yolks slowly, mixing continuously until the mixture no longer sticks completely to the pan. Turn the mixture onto a marble or wooden worktop, kneed well and make thin doughnut shapes. Fry in hot olive oil, place on a dish of rosemary sprigs and spread honey on top.


Ingredienti: Acciughe 1kg, 4 uova, pepe nero gr 25, formaggio grattugiato gr 50, prezzemolo quanto basta, mezzo spicchio d'aglio tritato, della mollica di pane, sale quanto basta, olio d'oliva per friggere. Preparazione: Togliere la testa alle acciughe e poi spinarle. Preparare un impasto con le uova, un pizzico di sale, il pepe nero, il formaggio , il prezzemolo, l'aglio tritato e la mollica di pane. Mettere un po' dell'impasto su un'acciuga e chiudere con un'altra acciuga. Proseguire così con le altre. Infarinare e friggere.

Acciughe fresche STUFFED ANCHOVIES

Ingredients: 1kg anchovies, 4 eggs, 25g black pepper, 50g grated cheese, parsley, chopped garlic, fresh breadcrumbs, salt, olive oil for frying Preparation: Take the heads off the anchovies and fillet them. Prepare a mixture with the eggs, salt, pepper, cheese, parsley, garlic and breadcrumbs. Put some of the mixture on an anchovy and cover with another anchovy. Repeat with the rest of the anchovies. Flour and fry.

Stuffed anchovies 12 LA SCUOLA L'Istituto Comprensivo "B. Focaccia" di Montecorice è stato istituito quale scuola autonoma nell'a.s. 2000/01. Comprende 11 plessi appartenenti territorialmente a ben 3 diversi comuni - Montecorice, Perdifumo, Serramezzana - e disseminati su un'area di circa 50 kmq. Esso è così composto:

SCUOLA DELL'INFANZIA a Montecorice, Agnone, Ortodonico, Giungatelle, Mercato, Camella

SCUOLA ELEMENTARE a Montecorice, Agnone, Ortodonico, Perdifumo, Vatolla

SCUOLA MEDIA Gli alunni della Scuola Elementare di Montecorice a Montecorice, Perdifumo

Nell'a.s. in corso gli alunni iscritti sono 476. A partire dall'anno scolastico 2000/01 la Scuola ha attivato le seguenti iniziative nell'ambito dell'arricchimento dell'Offerta Formativa: · allestimento di laboratori: informatico/multimediale, musicale, artistico, linguistico, scientifico/tecnologico · potenziamento dei sussidi multimediali anche per il collegamento in rete tra i vari plessi dell'IC · insegnamento della lingua inglese a partire dalla Scuola dell'Infanzia e di una seconda lingua - francese - nella Scuola Media, anche con intervento di esperti madrelingua · partecipazione al Progetto Europeo Comenius 1 in collaborazione con scuole di Spagna, Grecia e Germania · accreditamento, da parte del Trinity College, quale sede per la certificazione esterna delle competenze nella lingua inglese · Attuazione di un Progetto di Educazione Ambientale che coinvolge tutti gli ordini e gradi di scuola dell'istituto. THE SCHOOL The Istituto Comprensivo "B. Focaccia" di Montecorice (Comprehensive Institute "B. Focaccia" of Montecorice) was established as an autonomous school in the academic year 2000/01. It includes 11 schools belonging to 3 different - Montecorice, Perdifumo, Serramezzana - and covering an area of about 50 The school consists of:


at Montecorice, Agnone, Ortodonico, Giungatelle, Mercato, Camella

PRIMARY SCHOOL at Montecorice, Agnone, Ortodonico, Perdifumo, Vatolla

SECONDARY SCHOOL (Middle school)

at Montecorice, Perdifumo Our school In the current academic year 476 pupils are enrolled. From the academic year 2000/01 the school has carried out the following initiatives to enrich the curriculum offered: · Creation of laboratories: computer/multimedia, music, art, language, science/technology · Improvement of multimedia aids also by network connection between the various schools of the institute. · Teaching the English language from nursery school, and a second foreign language - French - in secondary school with assistance from native speaker experts · Participation in the European Project Comenius 1, in collaboration with schools in Spain, Greece and Germany · Establishment as an examination centre for Trinity College (London) for external certification in English · Running a project for Environmental Education involving all levels of schools in the institute

13 A LO PAESE MIO, A MATUTINO… IN MY VILLAGE, IN THE EARLY MORNING (poesia in dialetto cilentano) (a poem in Cilentan dialect)

A lo paese mio, a matutino, In my village, in the early morning tutti li cristiani so scetati Everybody is awake la meglio parte già se so' abbiàti Most of them have already set out inta le terre sèore a fatià Into the dry land to work

Parte lo vecchio ncavadd'o a lo ciuccio, The old man sets out on the back of a donkey la crapa vene appresso co lo cane The goat and dog go with him zi prevate mo sona le campane The priest rings the church bell ma a la messa nisciuno nce po' gghì But there's nobody to go to mass

Lo cufinieddu ncapo co le mbroglie With a basket on her head na vecchia vaie fore chiano chiano An old woman goes out slowly slowly nu perde tiempo e coglie fico secche e mosce To pick ripe figs, she wastes no time l'adda seccà pe' lu vierno She has to dry them for the winter

Si uardi attuorno no biri uagliuni If you look around you see no young people nu iuorno tutti quanti so' partuti One day they all left co n'asta nganna a l'estero so' gghiuti They had to go abroad trovannose na via pe mangià To find a way to earn a living

Ra tanno quanta cose so successe! Since then so much has happened Lo munno s'è cangiato The world has changed e sulo u ricordo coglie i fico And only a memory harvests figs a terra ca le fa, se le mangia The Earth that makes them swallows them up

Na vota o lata torneranno a lo paese Sooner or later they will come back to their village nc'è sempe chera terra abbandonata That abandoned land is always there chi sa si chere fico so seccate Who knows if those figs have dried pe coglie chere fico aggia turnà I have to go back to pick those figs

Come eravamo… Women drying figs 14 1 Baden-Württemberg

Sowohl mit seiner Fläche von 35.752 km² als auch mit seinen 10,680 Millionen Einwohnern (Stand: 30.06.2003) ist Baden-Württemberg das drittgrößte der 16 deutschen Bundesländer. Seit der Gründung des Bundeslandes im Jahre 1952 hat die Bevölkerung um rund vier Millionen Menschen zugenommen. Baden-Württemberg ist aufgeteilt in 35 Landkreise und 9 Stadtkreise. Es gibt insgesamt 1.110 Gemeinden, darunter 88 Große Kreisstädte.

Auf einem Quadratkilometer leben - statistisch gesehen - 298 Einwohner (Bundesgebiet: 231). Den 5,2 Millionen männlichen Einwohnern stehen 5,4 Millionen Frauen gegenüber. Knapp 1,3 Millionen Einwohner (Stand: 31.03.2003) sind Ausländer. Dabei stellen die Türken mit ca. 323.000 das größte Kontingent, gefolgt von Personen aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien (248.000) und Italienern (188.000).

Im Jahr 2003 gingen in Baden-Württemberg rund 5 Millionen Menschen einer Erwerbstätigkeit nach. Unser Land hat bundesweit nach wie vor die niedrigste Arbeitslosenquote. Ein Angestellter verdiente im Oktober 2003 in Baden-Württemberg durchschnittlich 3.510 Euro brutto im Monat. Der Bruttomonatsverdienst eines Arbeitnehmers im Produzierenden Gewerbe lag bei 2.638 Euro.

1.029 Kilometer Bundesautobahnen, rund 4.433 km Bundesstraßen, 9.937 km Landesstraßen und 12.055 km Kreisstraßen erschließen Baden-Württemberg. Auf ihnen rollen mehr als 7,3 Millionen Kraftfahrzeuge mit Kennzeichen baden-württembergischer Städte und Landkreise, davon rd. 6 Millionen Pkw. Oder anders ausgedrückt: im Land von Daimler, Benz und Porsche fahren zwei von drei Bürgern Auto.

Der Landtag von Baden-Württemberg – The Parliament of Baden-Württemberg

2 Both in terms of its surface area of 35,752 square kilometres, and also with its 10.680 million inhabitants (on 30th June, 2003), Baden-Württemberg is the third largest of the 16 German Federal States. Since its foundation in 1952, the population has increased by just under four million. Baden-Württemberg is divided up into 35 rural and 9 urban districts. There are a total of 1,110 local authorities, 85 of them large-scale municipalities. In statistical terms, there are 296 inhabitants per square kilometre (national average: 230).

In Baden-Württemberg, there are more women than men: 5.2 million male inhabitants are outnumbered by 5.4 million women. Slightly more than 1.29 million inhabitants of Baden- Württemberg are non-German, with Turkish citizens making up greatest share with around 329,000, followed by Italians (188,000) and citizens from the former Yugoslavia (129,000).

Young people under fifteen still account for the largest share of the population in Baden- Württemberg with 16.1 per cent. This group is followed by the (growing) group of over sixty- fives with 15.7 per cent.

In 2001, more than 5.3 million people in Baden-Württemberg were in employment. Purchasing power per head of the population in our State amounted to just under 16.400 euros (national average: 15.300 euros). Nowhere in Germany do white-collar workers earn more: Salaries on average amounted to over 3200 euros gross on average in Baden-Württemberg. Workers in the various trades earned an average of 12,50 euros per hour (1990: 9,54 euros), while the hourly wage of a worker in manufacturing industry was 14,29 euros (1990: 10,50 euros).

Baden-Württemberg benefits from a network of highways encompassing 1,029 kilometres, around 4,500 kilometres of national highways, 10,000 kilometres of state roads and 12,000 km of district roads. These are used by just under seven million passenger cars registered in the towns and districts of Baden-Württemberg. Or put another way: in the State which is home to Daimler, Benz and Porsche, two out of every three citizens drives a car (but only one in two in Freiburg).

3 Schwäbische Alb

Geographische Lage: Zwischen dem Schweizer und dem Fränkischen Jura bildet der Schwäbische Jura (Alb) den mittleren Teil der ganz Mitteleuropa durchziehenden Jurakette. Umgeben vom Schwarzwald und der Baar im Südwesten, dem oberen Neckar im Norden, dem Ries im Osten und der Donau im Süden, erstreckt sich die Schwäbische Alb quer durch Baden- Württemberg, auf einer Länge von ca. 220 km und bis zu 70 km breit, mit Höhen von 700 - 1.000 m ü.NN, (Nordrand der Alb) bis 450 - 500 m erhebt sich das Mittelgebirge aus seinem Umland.

Flora & Fauna: Die Schwäbische Alb ist eine Oase für Mensch, Tier und Pflanzen. Die reizvollen typischen Steppenheiden mit Wacholder und Weidbuche, Eichen, Ahorn, Ulmen und Nadelhölzern machen die weitläufigen romantischen Mischwälder aus. Von Silberdistel bis zu Orchideenarten findet man seltene, kostbare Pflanzen. Die artenreiche Klein- bis Kleinsttierwelt mit Amphibien, Reptilien, Insekten. Entlang der Flussläufe man Forellen, Störche, Graureiher. In den Wäldern leben noch Dachs, Fuchs, Reh, Hase und Wildschwein.

Geschichte Frühe Spuren menschlichen Lebens gehen ca. 35.000 Jahren zurück. "Alb" stammt von dem keltischen Wort alpis = nährender Berg. "Schwäbisch" leitet sich her vom germanischen Stamm der Sueben (siedelten zur Zeit Julius Cäsars an Rhein und Neckar).

Geographical location Between Swiss and Frankish law Swabian law (Alb) the middle part that forms completely Central Europe for the pulling through law chain. Surrounded by the Black Forest and the Baar in the southwest, the upper Neckar in the north, the Ries in the east and the Danube in the south, the Swabian Alb extends crosswise by Baden-Wuerttemberg, on a length of approx. 220 km and up to 70 km broad, with heights of 700 - 1,000 m ue.NN, (northern edge of the Alb) to 450 - 500 m the low mountain range from its surrounding countryside rises.

Flora & Fauna The Swabian Alb is an oasis for humans, animal and plants. The delightful typical steppe heaths with wacholder and feasting beech, oaks, maple, elm trees and resinous woods constitute the extensive romantic mixed woodlands. From silver thistle to orchids one finds rare, precious plants. desire makes the species-rich small to small animals with amphibians, reptiles, insects, birds at

4 forest and Wiesenrainen, pools and humid areas, to discover its environment (new). Along the river courses one Forellen, storks, grey herons. In the forests live still dachs, fox, deer, hare and wild pig.

History early one traces of human life go back approx. 35,000 years. "Alb" comes from the keltischen word alpis = feeding mountain. "Swabian" leads itself ago from the Germanic trunk of the Sueben (at present Julius Caesars on Rhine and Neckar settled).



Herzlich willkommen! Stuttgart, die pulsierende Metropole im Süden Deutschlands lädt das ganze Jahr über zu erlebnisreichen und anregenden Aufenthalten ein. Lernen Sie diese charmante Großstadt kennen und lieben. Es erwarten Sie Meisterwerke historischer und moderner Architektur, eine lebendige, vielschichtige Kunst- und Kulturszene, hochkarätige musikalische Veranstaltungen, internationale sportliche Events, große Feste und Märkte, ein Shoppingvergnügen der Extraklasse sowie zahlreiche weitere Erlebnisangebote. Schauen Sie vorbei und überzeugen Sie sich: Stuttgart ist eine Stadt, die immer Saison hat. Wer an Stuttgart denkt, denkt an weltberühmte Automobilwerke, an High Tech und Computerbau, den VfB Stuttgart, das Cannstatter Volksfest, das Stuttgarter Ballett, vielleicht an die schwäbische Küche, an Spätzle und an Wein, aber selten an eine Universität. Dabei gibt es in Stuttgart gleich zwei davon: die Universität Stuttgart, die aus der Technischen Universität hervorgegangen ist, und die Universität Hohenheim, ehemals landwirtschaftliche Hochschule. Hinzu kommen zahlreiche Fachhochschulen, eine Musikhochschule, die Kunstakademie und das Stuttgart Inst

Nestling astride the Neckar Valley, the Stuttgart region invites you to experience the exciting and varied range of cultural and leisure activities which take place all year round. and much, much more here on our website. The exciting metropolis has the power to charm people with its beautiful squares, palaces and buildings, in all sorts of architectural styles, not to mention its cultural diversity. Top-flight exhibitions, world-famous opera, ballet and drama, variety, musicals and traditional festivals attract millions of visitors every year.

Welcome and have fun!

6 Die Stiftskirche

Die Stiftskirche, im Zentrum des alten Stadtkerns gelegen, ist das einzige Baudenkmal aus der Stauferzeit. Mit ihren beiden ungleichen Türmen gilt sie als eines der Wahrzeichen Stuttgarts. Die erste Bauperiode der Kirche datiert man in die Zeit um 1170. Kirchenbezirk Stuttgart. Nach vierjähriger Sanierung wurde die neue Stiftskirche am 13. Juli 2003 eingeweiht.

STUTTGART´S CITY CHURCH (Collegiate Church) This collegiate church was built on the site of a Roman basilica from the 12th century by Hänslin and Aberlin Jörg 1433 - 1531 as a late Gothic dating nave church (rebuilt 1950 - 1958); the West Tower is over 60 metres high; grave of Ulrich the Founder and relieves of the counts of Württemberg.

Altes Schloß

Bereits im 13.Jh. stand hier eine Wasserburg, die ab dem 14.Jh. den Grafen und Herzögen als Hauptsitz diente. Mitte des 16. Jh. erfolgte unter den Herzögen Christoph und Ludwig ein großzügiger Umbau zum einem Renaissanceschloß. Der im Rahmen des Ausbaus entstandene Innenhof mit prachtvollen Arkaden gilt seitdem als Glanzstück der Renaissancebaukunst. Im 18. Jh. beseitigte man die bis dahin vorhandenen Wassergräben um das Schloss. Schwer beschädigt wurde das Gebäude im 2. Weltkrieg. Beim Wiederaufbau errichtete man in den Räumlichkeiten des Schlosses das Württembergische Landesmuseum.

Old Palace

The Old Palace has one of the most beautiful inner courtyards in the Renaissance style. Built in the 10th century as a moated castle, Dürnitz building around 1325, and the other wings between approx. 1553 and 1570 as a Renaissance castle designed by Aberlin Tretsch, Blasius and Martin Bewart; rebuilt 1948 and 1970; today Württemberg State Museum. Summer concerts, theatre performances .and the atmospheric opening ceremony of. the Christmas Market take place in the.Renaissance inner courtyard.

7 Neues Schloss

Der Spätbarockbau, der in den Jahren 1746-1797 und 1805 -1807 (Architekten Leopold Retti, Philippe de la Goepière, R.F.H. Fischer, Nikolaus Friedrich von Thouret) erbaut wurde, diente als Residenz der württembergischen Könige. Heute beherbergt das im Zweiten Weltkrieg fast völlig zerstörte und danach wieder aufgebaute Neue Schloss neben Repräsentationsräumen Ministerien der baden- württembergischen Landesverwaltung. Der Schlossplatz mit Jubiläumssäule ist Stuttgarts schönster Platz.

New Palace

The reflects a lot of French influence. It was begun in 1746 by Leopoldo Retti, continued by Philippe de la Guêpière from and completed by Nikolaus von Thouret from 1805 to 1807. Only then it became a noble residence; rebuilt between 1958 and 1968. Today, the central part of the building houses rooms for the representatives of the State Government while the side wings accommodate two ministries. The Palace Square ("Schlossplatz") contains the Jubilee Column erected in 1841 to commemorate the silver jubilee of thereign of King Wilhelm I, two fountains dating from 1863 and acastiron music pavilion. In September 2004, the Palace Square will be completed with the new Stuttgart City Gallery.

Schloss Hohenheim

Im Auftrag von Herzog Carl Eugen von Württemberg erstellte der Hofarchitekt Reinhard Ferdinand Heinrich Fischer von 1785 bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts das Schloss. Es wurde ab 1818 für die Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule genutzt und ist heute das historische Hauptgebäude der Universität Hohenheim.

Hohenheim Palace

The Hohenheim Palace is a Baroque palace complex (now a university building, since 1818 Seat of the State Agricultural College), on the Filder Plateau in the south of Stuttgart. According to the plans of R.F.H. Fischer it was built between 1785 and 1797; It has wonderful botanical and exotic gardens (State Arboretum). In summer there take place concerts.

8 Schloss Solitude

Spätbarockes Lustschloss, welches Herzog Carl Eugen 1763 bis 1767 erbauen ließ (von Philippe de la Guêpière, R.F.H. Fischer und J. F. Weyhing - Innenausbauten von Nikolaus Friedrich von Thouret). Es wurde 1972 bis 1983 umfassend renoviert. Seit 1990 ist die Akademie Schloss Solitude im Officienbau unterge bracht. Sie dient der Förderung des künstlerischen Nachwuchses. Fünf km entfernt, die ehemalige Solitude-Rennstrecke. Hier wurden bis 1962 noch Rennen gefahren

Solitude Palace

Situated in the forests west of the city; Rococo building commissioned by Duke Carl Eugen in the style of the summer residences of the High Baroque era and built by Weyhing and de la Guêpière; renovated 1973 - 1983; home of the Akademie Schloss Solitude founded in 1990, a "Swabian Villa Massimo" for art scholars from all over the world. The 45 residential studio apartments are located in the officers' and cavalry buildings adjacent to the palace; restaurant, café and chapel (Protestant church service held on Sundays at 9 a.m. from April to November). Four kilometres to the south is the Solitude Race Track, which was one of most famous race tracks in Germany between 1931 and 1965.


Nach einer Bauzeit von 20 Monaten ist der Stuttgarter Fernsehturm am 5. Februar 1956 in Betrieb genommen worden. Mit seiner imponierenden Höhe von 217 m ist er das Ur-Modell für die Fernsehtürme in aller Welt. Von keinem anderen Punkt Stuttgarts aus ist der Blick auf die Stadt, über die Weinberglandschaft des Neckartals, über das schwäbische Land hinüber zur Alb, zum Schwarzwald und zum Odenwald so umfassend wie vom Fernsehturm. An vielen Tagen ist auch das Panorama der Berggipfel der deutschen, österreichischen und Schweizer Alpen zu sehen. Konstruktion: Prof. Dr. Ing. Fritz Leonhardt unter Mitarbeit von Erwin Heinle und Rolf Gutbrod.

TV TOWER:the first in the world

The first TV tower in the world to be built of reinforced concrete between 1954 and 1956 by the architects Leonhardt, Gutbrod and Heinle. It is 217 metres high and has a fourstorey "basket" with a gourmet restaurant and sightseeing platform (150 metres above the ground) offering superb views. A further restaurant and terrace are at the foot of the tower. A modern Stuttgart landmark.

9 Weissenhofsiedlung

Die Weissenhofsiedlung, 1927 in Stuttgart erbaut, ist eines der bedeutendsten Zeugnisse der modernen Architektur. Der 75. Jahrestag der Eröffnung der Bauausstellung von Deutschem Werkbund und Stadt Stuttgart im Jahr 2002 brachte eine erhöhte Wertschätzung für dieses einmalige Baudenkmal und schuf neue Impulse für den Denkmalschutz, die über dieses "Weissenhofjahr" hinausreichen.


Federation for Work: Home Living 1927 on Display - Examples of "The New Architecture" in homes. It was the famous Federation for Work Exposition of 1927 which established the "international Style" of architecture. Today, this style is recognized world wide in the familiar lines of postmodernism or deconstructivism. The buildings are viewed today as key structures in the . Eleven of the 21 original trend-setting houses are still in existence, namely the homes of Mies van der Rohe, Stam, Behrens, Scharoun, Frank, Le Corbusier, Schneck, Oud and Bourgeois.


Multikulturelles Stimmengewirr zwischen Marktständen, der Duft nach Gewürzen, frisches Obst und Gemüse. In der Stuttgarter Markthalle kauft man in einer Atmosphäre aus orientalischem Basar und regionalen Marktständen. Die Stände bieten (exotische) Früchte, Gemüse, Blumen, Fleisch- und Wurstwaren, Fisch und Backwaren. Auf der Galerie im ersten Stock lassen sich Wohn- und Gartenassecoires in zahlreichen offenen Boutiquen erwerben und für den der des Flanierens müde ist bietet das Gourmet- Restaurant einen kulinarischen Abschluß. Bereits 1864 ließ der württembergische König hier eine Markthalle eröffnen. Nach einem Brand wurde ein Wettbewerb zur Neugestaltung der Markhalle ausgeschrieben, den der junge Architekt Martin Elsaesser gewann. 1914 wurde das Gebäude, das als eines der schönsten Jugendstilgebäude Stuttgarts gilt, wiedereröffnet.


One of the most beautiful market halls in Germany built in 1914 by Martin Elsaesser in the Art Nouveau Style. Its visitors enjoying the special mix between old traditional atmosphere and modern spirit. Small restaurants and the gallery on the first floor present a few over the colourful scene below with daily fresh offers of flowers, fish, meat, vegetables and fruit as well as exotic

10 fruits and spices from all over the world.


Die verdankt ihre Entstehung König Wilhelm I. von Württemberg, der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts den Architekten Karl-Ludwig Zanth damit beauftragte, im Park von Schloss Rosenstein einen Lustgarten im maurischen Stil anzulegen. Für die Öffentlichkeit war der Park nicht zugänglich, erst 1880 ließ der König die Wilhelma für Besucher öffnen. In den 1950er- Jahren wurde die im Zweiten Weltkrieg zerstörte Anlage wieder errichtet und zum zoologisch- botanischen Garten ausgebaut.

Heute ist die Wilhelma mit rund 10.000 Tieren in fast 1.000 Arten einer der artenreichsten Zoos Deutschlands - gezeigt wird ein Querschnitt durch alle Klimazonen der Erde. Weltberühmt ist zum Beispiel die Menschenaffenhaltung: Gorillas, Schimpansen und Orang Utans leben in Familiengruppen mit reichlich Nachwuchs. Das Jungtieraufzuchthaus dient inzwischen europaweit als Menschenaffenkinderstube.

Auch zahllose Pflanzen sind in der Wilhelma zu Hause: Etwa 5.000 Arten gibt es in Europas größtem zoologisch-botanischen Garten. Das botanische Jahr beginnt in der Wilhelma mit der Blüte der Orchideen, von denen ca. 5.000 Pflanzen gepflegt werden. Kamelien und Azaleen mit jeweils über 30 Sorten blühen dann als nächstes. Einmalig ist auch die Blüte in Europas größtem Magnolienhain.

Wilhelma – Zoo Germany's largest Zoological and Botanical Gardens are located in a historical park and are some of the most beautiful in Europe. Laid out for King Wilhelm I of Württemberg between 1842 and 1853. as a Moorish garden: more than 10.000 animals of around 1.000 species. Attractions exemplary enclosures and glass-houses, famous orchid collection, giant magnolias, aquarium with crocodile hall and the famous coral fish collection, modern ape house, bear compound, walk-through aviary, walk-through farm with see and touch pens. With approx. two million visitors every year, the Wilhelma is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Baden-Württemberg.


Am nordwestlichen Rand des Rosensteinparks liegt das 1981 bis 1985 erbaute "Museum am Löwentor" (Architekt Curt Siegel). In ihm werden die weithin berühmten Funde aus der Vorzeit Südwestdeutschlands gezeigt. Schwerpunkte der Ausstellung sind die Saurier der Triaszeit, z. B. die Dinosaurier aus Trossingen oder die ältesten Schildkröten der Erdgeschichte, die weltberühmten Funde aus dem Schwarzen Jura von Holzmaden (Ichtyosaurier mit Embryonen, Plesiosaurier, Flugsaurier und Seelilienkolonien), Säugetiere aus der Tertiärzeit (z. B. Rüsseltiere und Hirsche), Großsäugetiere des Eiszeitalters (Elefanten, Riesenhirsche, Raubtiere, Nashörner und Rinder), sowie das Bernsteinkabinett

"Museum am Löwentor"

Diagonally opposite the Nordbahnhof railway station, on the edge of Rosenstein Park, is the "Museum am Löwentor" situated, which was opened in 1985. The museum houses the world famous collection of prehistoric fossils from south-west Germany. Highlights include the dinosaurs and the giant amphibians from the Triassic Age, the outstandingly well-preserved ocean saurier from the Jurassic Sea, the mammals from the Tertiary Age and the Ice Age. In the Amber ("Bernsteinkabinett") many unique encrustations of animals can be seen in the amber.


Die Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, erbaut in den Jahren 1838-1843 (nach den Entwürfen von Gottlob Georg Barth, Klassizismus) unter König Wilhelm I. von Württemberg, ist insbesondere seit Eröffnung des weltbekannten postmodernen Erweiterungsbaus des britischen Stararchitekten James Stirling im Jahre 1984 eines der bestbesuchten deutschen Museen.

New State Gallery

Built between 1979 and 1984 by J. Stirling. Now regarded as one of the prime examples of "post-modern architecture". Art from the 20th century with classic modernism as the focal point of the collections: Matisse, Picasso, Beckmann, Schlemmer; art from 1945 onwards: Beuys, Newman, Pollock, Kiefer, Paik. Sohm archives, Oskar Schlemmer archives, Will Grohmann archives, Adolf Hölzel. Delightful inner courtyard with sculptures, rooms displaying permanent collections with overhead lighting (up to 2,800 sq.m / 30,000 sq.ft.) and alternating exhibitions.

12 Daimler Benz Museum

Nahe Stuttgart in Untertürkheim sitzt die Hauptfabrik Daimler Chryslers in der das Mercedes- Benz Museum ist. In Untertürkheim ist es nicht wie bei Maranello. Es gibt keine Mercedes-Benz Flaggen in den Geschäftsfenstern, auch den Namen Mercedes werden sie nicht sehen. Wenn Sie zu den Fabriktoren kommen, es gibt keine Verwechslung, dass Sie in Anwesenheit irgendeines sehr ernsten Automobilverstandes sind. Mercedes konnte, das Flair von Ferrari erreichen aber ist zweifellos mehr als ein normales Auto mit Erfolg. Zum Museum kommen sie nur mit einem speziellen Bus, den nehmen Sie um zum Haupteingang des Museums zu kommen. Das Museum selbst ist eine moderne Glas- und Stahlstruktur, die ungefähr 100 Autos zeigt. Eintritt ist frei und die Autos zeigen die Geschichte des Automobiles, denn es war nahe von diesem Museum, wo die allerersten Automobile errichtet wurden. Gottlieb Daimler, Benz Karl und Wilhelm Maybach gründeten diese Automobilgeschichte. Hier sehen Sie die Resultate ihrer Arbeit. Das Museum hat einen kleinen Shop und einen Kaffee. Der Speicher hat eine Anzahl von Einzelteilen wie druckgegossenen Autos, die nirgendwo anders verkauft werden.

Daimler-Benz Museum

Near Stuttgart, Germany in Untertürkheim within what is now Daimler Chrysler’s main factory sits the Mercedes-Benz Museum. Arriving at Untertürkheim does not bring the excitement that you get nearing Maranello. There are no Mercedes-Benz flags in the shop windows nor do you see the Mercedes name bandied about, yet when you arrive at the factory gates there is no mistaking the fact that you are in the presence of some very serious automotive minds. Mercedes might lack the flair of Ferrari but certainly is more than a match in their record of success. To get to the museum you must use a special bus that takes you from just outside the factory to the museum's main entrance. The museum itself is a modern glass and steel structure that displays around 100 cars. Admission is free and the cars you'll see span the history of the automobile, for it was near this site that the very first gas-powered automobiles were built. Gottlieb Daimler, Karl Benz and Wilhelm Maybach begin the history of automobile. Here you will see the results of their labour. The museum has a small store and a cafe. The store has a number of items such as die-cast cars that cannot be purchased anywhere else.

Das Gottlieb- Daimler Stadion

In diesem Stadion spielt de VFB Stuttgart. In diesem Stadion wurde das erste Championspiel des VFB Stuttgart ausgetragen. Das imposante Bauwerk liegt im rund 55 Hektar großen Sportzentrum Cannstatter Wasen. Mit dem Stadion steht dem Fußball und vor allem auch der Leichtathletik eine Trainings- und Veranstaltungsstätte zur Verfügung, die zu den modernsten und funktionsgerechtesten Anlagen Europas zählt. Das (frühere) Neckar-Stadion in Stuttgart wurde 1933 nach

13 den Plänen des Architekten Paul Bonatz erbaut. 1949-51 wurde eine offene Gegentribüne gebaut und 1955-56 folgte die Erweiterung der Cannstatter und Untertürkheimer Kurven. Weitere Ausbauten 1971-73, 1974 (Haupttribüne), 1990 (Rasen), 1993 (Überdachung, Haupt- und Gegentribüne, Flutlichtanlage), 1999 - 2001.

Sitzplätze: 50.329

The Gottlieb- Daimler Stadium

In this stadium the VFB Stuttgart plays. In this stadium the first Champions game of the VFB Stuttgart was delivered. The building is situated in the approximately 55 hectare. It is a place of event and training for football athletics which ranks among the most modern and function-fairest plants of Europe. The Neckar stadium in Stuttgart was built in 1933 after the plans of the architect Paul Bonatz. 1955-56 followed the extension of the Cannstatter and Untertuerkheimer curves. 2001 floodlight was installed.

Seats: 50,329

Tennis 1978 bis 1981 Tracy Austin 1982 und 1983 Martina Navratilova Jedes Jahr im Oktober trifft sich die Weltelite der 1984 Catarina Lindquist Tennisdamen zum Porsche Tennis Grand Prix und viele 1985 Pam Shriver Tennisfans aus aller Welt "pilgern" dann zu diesem 1986 bis 1988 Martina Navratilova aufregenden und spannenden Sportevent in Filderstadt-Plattenhardt, das für neun Tage zum 1989 Gabriela Sabatini "Mekka" des kleinen gelben Balles wird. 1990 Mary Joe Fernandez Der Porsche Tennis Grand Prix ist Europas ältestes 1991 Anke Huber internationales Damen- 1992 Martina Navratilova Tennis-Turnier der Women's Tennis Association (WTA). Das Turnier wurde 1993 Mary Pierce in New York viermal von der WTA ausgezeichnet 1994 Anke Huber 1995 Iva Majoli

1996 und 1997 Martina Hingis Tennis 1998 Sandrine Testud Each year in October meets the 1999 und 2000 Martina Hingis world elite of the tennis ladies to 2001 Lindsay Davenport the Porsche tennis Grand Prix 2002 Kim Clijsters and many tennis fans from all 2003 Kim Clijsters world "pilgern" then to this exciting and exciting sport vent in Filderstadt Plattenhardt, which becomes for nine days the "Mekka" of the small yellow ball. The Porsche tennis Grand Prix is of Europe oldest international lady tennis tournament of the Women's tennis Association (WTA). The tournament was distinguished four times in New York of the WTA.

Handball: Frisch auf Göppingen

14 Elf Mal war FRISCH AUF! Deutscher Meister, zweimal Europapokalsieger. Die Kempa-Buben haben in den 50er- und 60er-Jahren ganze Arbeit geleistet und den Grundstein zur Legendenbildung gelegt. 1972 letztmals Meister, hielt sich FRISCH AUF! mit dem bis heute unerreichten Torschützenkönigs Jerzy Klempel bis 1989 im Handball-Oberhaus. Vier Jahrzehnte Spitzenhandball waren geprägt von spannenden Spielen und großen Persönlichkeiten.

Handball Eleven times was FRESHNESS UP! German master, twice European Cup winners. The Kempa boys carried whole work out in the 50's and 60's-years and put the foundation-stone for legend formation. 1972 last masters, were FRESHNESS! with to today unequalled goal scorer king Jerzy Klempel until 1989 in the hand ball upper house. Four decades point hand ball was shaped by exciting plays, sold off resounding and large personalities.



Das Cannstatter Volksfest findet alljährlich Ende September / Anfang Oktober auf dem Freigelände Cannstatter Wasen statt. Es wurde im Jahr 1818 nach bedrückenden Hungerjahren von König Wilhelm I. seinen Bürgern gestiftet. Im Laufe der Zeit hat es sich zum zweitgrößten deutschen Volksfest nach dem Münchener Oktoberfest entwickelt. Jedes Jahr werden hier u. a. riesige Bierzelte, aufwendige Fahrgeschäfte, Mandelbrennereien, Schiessbuden und natürlich das bekannte Riesenrad, aufgebaut. Das Stuttgarter Frühlingsfest ist etwas kleiner als das Cannstatter Volksfest und findet alljährlich im Frühling (ca. 3 Wochen) ebenfalls auf dem Cannstatter Wasen statt.



The Cannstatter Peoples Fair is a yearly event taking place at the end of September and beginning of October. The fair is situated on the Cannstatter Wasen (within Bad Cannstatt). The fair was first organised by King Wilhelm I, for his people, after they had suffered a particularly bad famine. Throughout the years, this fair has become the second largest within Germany, with only the Munic Oktober Fest being larger. Each year this fair boasts several huge beer tents, where the traditional German Maß beer in litre jugs is served along with traditional German Umpapa entertainment. In addition there are naturally the famous fair-ground rides that will scare the most courageous amongst you. If you're looking for a somewhat quiter time, no problem, there are plenty of small rides, stalls, resturants, and everything else that goes along with the fun of the fair.

15 The Spring Fair (Frühlingsfest) is somewhat smaller than it's sister The Volksfest, but by all means this fair is also one of the best within Germany. The Spring Fair will takes place each year for about 3 weeks. and will also be located on the Cannstatter Wasen. If you are wondering how to get there, don't worry just follow all of the other people from the train station in Bad Cannstatt, the fair is approximately 2 minutes on foot from the station.

Die baden-württembergische Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart hat eine bewegte Geschichte, die immer geprägt war vom Weinbau in der Region Mittlerer Neckar. Überlieferte Quellen sprechen von einer über 1000-jährigen Weinbau-Tradition, auf die Stuttgart, eine sympathische und gemütliche Großstadt inmitten von Wald und Reben, zurückblicken kann. Schon die frühesten urkundlichen Erwähnungen von "Stutgarten" beschreiben eine Tälerregion mit steilen Weinbergen, fleißigen Weinbauern und deren kräftigen Tropfen. Zwar gibt es in Stuttgart heute nicht mehr - wie um das Jahr 1600 für andere Regionen in Württemberg beschrieben - mehr Wein als Wasser. Auch sprudelt aus dem Brunnen vor dem Stuttgarter Schloss kein Rebensaft mehr, wie anno dazumal zur Hochzeit des jungen Herzogs Ulrich im Jahre 1511. Doch bis heute ist der Wein nicht nur das Stuttgarter Lieblingsgetränk, sondern auch des Schwaben Nationalgetränk geblieben. Zum Probieren der edlen Tropfen aus Baden und Württemberg laden jedes Jahr regional bekannte Gastronomen ins Stuttgarter Weindorf ein. Und dies gleich mehrmals: in der Bundeshauptstadt Berlin für die politische Gemeinde jeweils einmal im Winter in der baden-württembergischen Landesvertretung, in wesentlich größerer Aufmachung im Berliner Frühling dann ein zweites Mal Ende Mai bis Anfang Juni, und anschließend in Hamburg Ende Juni bis Mitte Juli. Danach kehrt das Stuttgarter Weindorf zurück nach Hause, um Ende August bis Anfang September auf dem Stuttgarter Marktplatz und Schillerplatz sowie der Kirchstraße entlang der altehrwürdigen Stiftskirche seine Lauben aufzuschlagen.

Stuttgart Wine Village

At the end of August wine connoisseurs and wine lovers from all over the world return to the beautiful state capital of Baden-Württemberg to sample the fruits of summer at the popular "Stuttgart Wine Village". More than 350 wines from Baden-Württemberg are sold in more than 120 lovingly decorated vine bowers on Marktplatz and Schillerplatz around the Altes Schloss. Typical regional specialities such as Maultaschen (meat and spinach stuffing in pasta pockets), Kässpätzle (Swabian cheese noodles), Schupfnudeln mit Kraut (potato noodles with cabbage), etc. are served with the wine. The most delightful and largest wine festival in Germany goes on for ten days



Von Freitag, 26. November bis Donnerstag, 23. Dezember, verwandeln über 200 geschmückte Stände die Innenstadt Stuttgarts in einen der größten und schönsten Weihnachtsmärkte Europas.Mit dem Weihnachtsmarkt führen die Stuttgarter eine lange Tradition fort: Bereits 1692 wurde er zum ersten Mal urkundlich erwähnt. Der Weihnachtsmarkt gehört zu den Attraktionen der Landeshauptstadt: Jährlich besuchen ihn rund drei Millionen Gäste. Die Besucherinnen und Besucher können auf dem festlich beleuchteten Markt-, Schiller- oder Schloßplatz, in der Hirsch- oder Kirchstraße bummeln und bei einem Glühwein vorweihnachtliche Stimmung genießen. Chöre und Musikgruppen geben sowohl im Innenhof des Alten Schlosses als auch an den Treppen des Rathauses regelmäßig Konzerte.

Christmas Market

First mentioned in a document in 1692, the Christmas Market in Stuttgart is not only one of the oldest, but certainly also one of the most beautiful and largest in Europe with over 200 stalls on Marktplatz and Schillerplatz. The Stuttgart Christmas Market is traditionally opened on the last Thursday in November with a ceremonial concert in the inner courtyard of the Altes Schloss. The small wooden houses lovingly decorated with angelic figures, fir branches and Christmas balls are open daily up to December from 10.00 to 20.30 and on Sundays from 11.00 onwards. The range of goods on offer is overwhelming and satisfies all desires from Christmas decorations, toys and woodcuts through to mulled wine, waffles and sausages. A magical "fairy-tale land" is built on Schlossplatz for the youngest visitors to the Christmas Market. Nostalgic merry-go-rounds and a play stage open daily from 14.00 to 18.00 excite adults and children alike. Numerous festive Advent concerts and a crib exhibition in the foyer of the town hall complete the atmospheric accompanying programme.


Der Name Mercedes steht für einen der innovativsten Automobilhersteller dieser Welt. Kein anderer Technologieführer hatte auf die Entwicklung des Automobils einen größeren Einfluss und kein anderer prägt so stark dessen Zukunft wie Mercedes-Benz. Der Erfolg eines Unternehmens ist unmittelbar mit den Menschen verknüpft, die es lenken und gestalten. Ihr gemeinsames Ziel über alle Epochen: die Entwicklung unverwechselbarer Automobile mit besonderem Wert, hoher Ästhetik, größtmöglicher Sicherheit, souveränen Antrieben und bestem Komfort.

17 Dass sich in den 80er Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts gleichzeitig - und nicht weit voneinander entfernt – zwei Köpfe, Karl Benz und Gottlieb Daimler erfolgreich mit der automobilen Fortbewegung beschäftigten, ist ein bemerkenswerter Zufall. Die beiden hatten völlig unterschiedliche Lebenswege und brachten unterschiedliche berufliche Voraussetzungen mit. Doch schufen sie ein und dasselbe: Sie erfanden das Automobil. Jeder für sich – und ohne vom anderen zu wissen, selbst später lernten sie sich nur flüchtig kennen. Bertha Benz verhalf durch ihre legendäre Fernfahrt dem Automobil zum Durchbruch, und auch der Name Emil Jellinek ist untrennbar mit der erfolgreichen Geschichte unseres Unternehmens verbunden. Das Ausmaß, das ihre Visionen einmal annehmen würden, hätten sich die mutigen Pioniere von damals sicher nicht vorstellen können. DaimlerChrysler ist eines der führenden Automobil- unternehmen der Welt. Zu seinen Personenwagen-Marken zählen Maybach, Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Jeep®, Dodge und smart. Zu seinen Nutzfahrzeug-Marken gehören Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, Sterling, Western Star und Setra. Die DaimlerChrysler Services bieten Finanz- und andere fahrzeugbezogene Dienstleistungen an. Mit 365.600 Mitarbeitern erzielte DaimlerChrysler im Geschäftsjahr 2002 einen Umsatz von EUR 149,6 Mrd.

It is a most remarkable coincidence that two people, Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler, simultaneously – and successfully – worked on automotive locomotion in the eighties of the 19th century, and not even that far away from each other. These two men had pursued completely different careers and had very different professional and educational backgrounds. And yet they did create one and the same thing: they invented the automobile, every one of them on his own and without knowing about the other's activities. They only met – briefly – at a later stage. With her legendary long-distance journey, Bertha Benz ensured the breakthrough of the automobile; another name inseparably linked with the successful history of our company is that of Emil Jellinek. And yet it is unlikely that these courageous pioneers had any idea of the impact their visions would once have. DaimlerChrysler is one of the world's leading automotive companies. Its passenger car brands include Maybach, Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Jeep®, Dodge and smart. Commercial vehicle brands include Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, Sterling, Western Star and Setra. It offers financial and other automotive services through DaimlerChrysler Services. With 365,600 employees, DaimlerChrysler achieved revenues of EUR 149.6 billion ($158.8 billion*) in 2002.

18 Porsche

"Vereinigte Hüttenwerke", so titulierten Ferry Porsche und seine damals rund 200 Mitstreiter die Baracken eines ehemaligen Sägewerks in Gmünd/Kärnten, in das Vater und Sohn während des Krieges 1944 die Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche KG aus Stuttgart- Zuffenhausen ausgelagert hatten. Dort entstand 1948 der erste Porsche, der 356 Nummer 1. Vom Porsche 356 wurden 52 Exemplare in Gmünd gebaut. Im Sommer 1949 begann ein Dutzend Porsche Mitarbeiter mit der Rückverlagerung der Produktion nach Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen in Untermiete bei der Firma Reutter. In Zuffenhausen wurde die Erfolgsgeschichte von Porsche fortgeschrieben. Anfang 1950 startete die Porsche 356 Produktion mit zum Jahresende über 400 Fahrzeugen. Die Porsche Produktion wurde permanent ausgeweitet. Ein Meilenstein der Entwicklung war die Einführung des Porsche 911 im Jahr 1963. Die Werksräume wurden im Mai 1969 mit dem neuen mehrstöckigen Montagebetrieb an der Schwieberdinger Straße erheblich vergrößert. 1988 kam das neue Karosseriebaugebäude gegenüber der Montagehalle hinzu.

Auch in der Fertigungstechnologie hat sich in den vergangenen 50 Jahren einiges gewandelt. Aus der Serienfertigung in Handarbeit ist inzwischen eine moderne und flexible Fabrik entstanden. Die Auszeichnung "Fabrik des Jahres 1996", verliehen von der Wochenzeitung "Produktion" und der Unternehmensberatung A.T. Kearney, wurde in Zuffenhausen als Bestätigung der Anstrengungen entgegengenommen.

"Steel and iron works combine" is what Ferry Porsche and around 200 comrades- in-arms at the time called the wooden huts, a former sawmill in the Austrian town of Gmünd, into which father and son moved Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche KG from Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen during the War (1944). This is where the first Porsche, the 356 Number 1, was created in 1948. Fifty-two Porsche 356s were built in Gmünd. In the summer of 1949, a dozen Porsche employees started the relocation of the production site back to Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, which was sublet from Reutter. In Zuffenhausen the success story of Porsche continued. At the beginning of 1950 series production of the Porsche 356 started with 400 vehicles being produced by the end of the year. Porsche production was continually expanded. The introduction of the Porsche 911 in 1963 marked a milestone in Porsche development. The factory premises were enlarged considerably in May 1969 with the new multistory assembly operation on Schwieberdinger Straße. In 1988, the new body shell assembly building was added opposite the assembly hall. Production technology has also changed somewhat over the last 50 years. In the meantime, a modern and flexible factory has developed from a series production process completed by hand. The honor "Factory of the year 1996", awarded by the German weekly publication "Produktion" and the management consulting firm A.T. Kearney, was received in Zuffenhausen as confirmation of their hard work and dedication.

19 Bosch

Seit mehr als einem Jahrhundert verbinden sich mit dem Namen „Bosch“ zukunftsweisende Technik und bahnbrechende Erfindungen, die Geschichte geschrieben haben. Bosch ist ein weltweit agierendes Unternehmen, das in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen tätig ist. Hier präsentieren wir Ihnen unsere Unternehmensbereiche mit den Geschäftsbereichen in Deutschland.

Gründungsjahr: 1886 Jahresumsatz Weltweit: 35 Mrd Euro Deutschland: 9,6 Mrd Euro Standorte Weltweit: 236 Deutschland: 57 Mitarbeiter Weltweit: 225 897 Deutschland: 102 685


1886 – A modern industrial giant began humbly enough when German engineer, Robert Bosch, opened his “Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Engineering.”

1906 – Bosch had established its first U.S. subsidiary. That was followed by 60 years of growth into what became the Robert Bosch Corporation.

1990 – Through acquisitions and innovation engineering, Bosch Appliances had grown to 41 subsidiaries worldwide.

1997 – Bosch made a bold commitment to the U.S. market with the construction of the New Bern, North Carolina Dishwasher plant.

2001 – Bosch Appliances are now available in 100 countries across the globe. The brand is proud to be ranked as the first and second dishwashers in a leading consumer magazine.

2002 –The on-going quality dedication and quest for innovation continue to make Bosch the leader in upscale appliances.

20 Traditional Food of the region

Stuttgart Bier Although there is a lot of wine drunk in Württemberg, it doesn't mean that the locals aren´t partial to a pint of beer. The major brewers in Stuttgart, namely Stuttgarter Hofbräu, Dinkelacker, Schwabenbräu and the Erste Stuttgarter Lokalbrauerei can clearly testify to the fact that brewing is a flourishing trade .

Gaisburger Marsch Stuttgarts "national dish", a stew of "Spätzle" , potatoes, diced beef, vegetables, meat stock and fried onions.

Laugenbrezeln Typical Swabian baking, not only from the bakery but also sold and eaten in the street. " Pretzels" taste especially good when cut in half and buttered.

Linsen mit Saiten Lentils with a string of small, hot sausages, normally served with "Spätzle".

Maultaschen Small pasta squares filled with sausages meat, ground meat, spinach, eggs, onion, parsley and seasoning; cooked in broth or cut into pieces and baked with an egg topping then served with potato salad.

Schwäbischer Rostbraten slices of roast beef with lots of fried onions, usually served with " Sauerkraut ", " Maultaschen " and " Spätzle ".

Spätzle A " staple diet " for Swabians; the dough is made from flour, eggs, water and salt, and is " scraped " straight from the kneading board into boiling salt water, where it forms noodle-like shapes. " Spätzle " are much-loved garnish to many meat dishes or as " Kässpätzle " (noodles in cheese ) as a main dish .

Stuttgarter Wein Stuttgart is in one of the biggest wine growing districts in Germany . The favorite type of grape among the locals is the ruby-red Trollinger, grown only in Württtemberg ( the name comes from " Tirolinger ", because the grape originally came from Tyrol ). Normally served in a quarter-litre glass with handle (" Vierteles-Glas ")

Zwiebelkuchen Zwiebelkuchen is an onion tart consisting of a yeast dough base covered with steamed onions, eggs, sour cream, diced bacon and seasoning; an autumn dish normally enjoyed with a glass of " new wine ".



Σε αυτές τις λίγες σελίδες προσπαθήσαµε να παρουσιάσουµε τον όµορφο τόπο µας, την Κέρκυρα και να µοιραστούµε µε όλους την ευτυχία που νιώθουµε να ζούµε εδώ. Σε έναν τόπο ευλογηµένο, πλούσιο και µοναδικό. Με ιστορία και παράδοση αιώνων, µε φυσική οµορφιά και µεγάλες προοπτικές ανάπτυξης. Σε έναν τόπο που υποδέχεται και φιλοξενεί τους ανθρώπους µε αγάπη, και τους µαγεύει. Και που πληµµυρίζει τις καρδιές των κατοίκων του µε υπερηφάνεια και χαρά.

Για το 13ο ∆ηµοτικό Σχολείο Κερκύρας Άντζελα Κροκίδη Καθηγήτρια Αγγλικών


In these few pages we have tried to present our beautiful island, Kerkyra and to share with everyone the happiness that derives from living here. On a land blessed, rich and unique. A land with a history and tradition of many centuries, with physical beauty and great prospects of development. On a land which welcomes and hosts people with affection and charms them. And fills the hearts of its locals with pride and joy.

For the 13th Primary school of Kerkyra Angela Krokidi English teacher

Η Κέρκυρα είναι το βορειότερο και δεύτερο σε µέγεθος νησί του Ιονίου Πελάγους, µε έκταση 592 τετρ.χλµ. Το µήκος του είναι περίπου 58 χλµ, το µεγαλύτερο φάρδος του 27 χλµ. και το µήκος των ακτογραµµών του 217 χλµ. Το ψηλότερο βουνό του νησιού, ο Παντοκράτορας, στα βόρεια του νησιού, έχει ύψος 914 µ. Μαζί µε τα νησάκια Παξοί και Αντίπαξοι στο Nότο και µε τους Οθωνούς, Ερείκουσα και Μαθράκι στο Bορρά, αποτελεί το Νοµό Κερκύρας µε πληθυσµό (2001) 113.479. Η µεγαλύτερη πόλη και λιµάνι είναι η Κέρκυρα στην ανατολική ακτή µε πληθυσµό (2001) 41.048.

Kerkyra (Corfu) is the northern and second biggest island of the Ionian Sea with an area of 592 It is about 58 km long while its greatest breadth is 27 km and its coastline amounts to 217 km. The highest mountain, in the North of the island, is Pantokrator with a height of 914 m. With the small islands Paxi and Antipaxos to the South and Othoni, Erikoussa and Mathraki to the North, it forms the department (nomos) of Corfu with a population of 113.479 (2001). The largest town and port and the capital is Corfu Town (Kerkyra) on the east coast of the island with a population of 41.048 (2001).



Η Κέρκυρα κατοικείται ήδη από την παλαιολιθική εποχή. Έχουν βρεθεί οικισµοί της Νεολιθικής εποχής (6000 π.Χ.) στη βόρεια ακτή της, στο Σιδάρι.


Corfu was first inhabited in the Paleolithic times. The earliest settlement site in Corfu was found in the North of the island and dates back to the Neolithic Age (6000 B.C.).

ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ 734 π.Χ. ως 337 µ.Χ.

Η Κέρκυρα υπήρξε Κορινθιακή αποικία από το 734 π.Χ. Αργότερα ανεξαρτοποιήθηκε και ανέπτυξε µεγάλη εµπορική δραστηριότητα. Ως ισχυρή ναυτική δύναµη της αρχαιότητας παίρνει µέρος στον Πελοποννησιακό πόλεµο. Αργότερα περνάει στην Ρωµαϊκή κυριαρχία και ο Οκταβιανός Αύγουστος (31 π.Χ.) καταστρέφει την πόλη κατά τη διάρκεια της διαµάχης του µε τον Μάρκο Αντώνιο.


Corfu was a colony οf the ancient Greek city –state of Corinth since 734 B.C. Later it became independent and devoted itself to commerce. As an important naval power it took part in the Peloponnesian war in the 5th cent B.C. Later, it became part of the Roman Empire and in 31 B.C., Octavian August destroyed the town during his fight against Mark Anthony.

2 ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ 337 µ.Χ. ως 1267 µ.Χ.

Η Κέρκυρα περνάει στην Ανατολική Ρωµαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία, την µετέπειτα Βυζαντινή Αυτοκρατορία, όπως και η υπόλοιπη Ελλάδα. Πολλά σύγχρονα Κερκυραϊκά επώνυµα και τοπωνύµια αντλούν τις ρίζες τους από τη Βυζαντινή εποχή.


Corfu, as well as the rest of what is now Greece, joined the East Roman Empire which later became known as the Byzantine Empire. A lot of modern Corfiot surnames and names of villages date back to the Byzantine era.

ΑΝ∆ΗΓΑΥΟΙ (1267 ως 1386 µ.Χ.)

Κάτω από την κυριαρχία των Ανδηγαυών (Γάλλων κατακτητών της Νοτίου Ιταλίας) η Κέρκυρα κατάφερε να κρατήσει την Ορθόδοξη πίστη της παρά τις έντονες πιέσεις που δέχτηκε να ασπαστεί τον Καθολικισµό.


Under the rule of the Angevins (French who had conquered the South of Italy) Corfu managed to maintain its Greek Orthodox faith, despite the attempts of the Angevins to impose the Catholic Church instead.

ΕΝΕΤΟΙ (1386 µ.Χ. ως 1797 µ.Χ.)

Η Ενετική κυριαρχία στην Κέρκυρα κράτησε περίπου 400 χρόνια και καθόρισε το χαρακτήρα της ζωής στο νησί. Επικράτησε το φεουδαρχικό σύστηµα µε τις τρεις τάξεις – τους ευγενείς, τους αστούς και το λαό. Κατά τα χρόνια όµως αυτά, το εµπόριο και η γεωργία αναπτύχθηκαν πολύ. Με την ενθάρρυνση των Ενετών η Κέρκυρα µετατράπηκε σε έναν απέραντο ελαιώνα και αφιερώθηκε στην καλλιέργεια της ελιάς. Επίσης στις τάξεις των ευγενών

3 αναπτύχθηκε έντονα η διανόηση και οι τέχνες και µεγάλες προσωπικότητες της Λογοτεχνίας και της Τέχνης κατοικούν στο νησί. H πόλη οχυρώθηκε µε δύο εντυπωσιακά φρούρια που οικοδοµήθηκαν τον 16ο αιώνα.

VENETIANS (1386 A.D. TO 1797 A.D.)

Venetian sovereignty lasted 400 years and it determined life on the island. The existing feudal system separated people in three social classes, the “nobili” (the bourgeoisie), the “civili” (town people) and the “popoli” (the mass). During those years commerce and agriculture came to a peak. Thanks to the encouragement of the Venetians, thousands of olive trees were planted all over the island and the villagers devoted themselves to the cultivation of the olive trees and the production of olive oil. In the class of the “nobili”, intellectual and artistic life flourished and a lot of literary and artistic men settled and worked in Corfu. Corfu was fortified with two magnificent castles which were built in the 16th century.

ΓΑΛΛΟΙ (1797 – 1799 και 1807 – 1814)

Μετά τη διάλυση της ∆ηµοκρατίας της Βενετίας η Κέρκυρα περνάει στους Γάλλους οι οποίοι ιδρύουν ∆ικαστήρια, βιβλιοθήκη και σχολεία.

THE FRENCH (1797 – 1799 AND 1807 – 1814)

After the dismemberment of the Venetian Republic, Corfu was assigned to France. The French brought their culture and established the Law Courts, Library and schools.

4 ΒΡΕΤΑΝΟΙ (1814 -1864)

Οι τελευταίοι κατακτητές της Κέρκυρας ήταν οι Βρετανοί, οι οποίοι έδωσαν µεγάλη σηµασία στο σύστηµα Υγείας και την υδροδότηση. Η πόλη στολίστηκε µε πολλά όµορφα κτίρια και ιδρύθηκαν εκπαιδευτικά ιδρύµατα. Όµως η Αγγλική διοίκηση υπήρξε πολύ αυστηρή µε τους κατοίκους οι οποίοι µέσα από δηµοκρατικούς αγώνες κατάφεραν να ενωθεί η Κέρκυρα και τα Επτάνησα µε το µητρικό Ελληνικό Κράτος το Μάιο του 1864.

THE BRITISH (1814 – 1864)

The last conquest was by the British, who paid special attention to the Health system and constructed water works. The Town was decorated with many fine buildings and educational establishments were founded. But the British administration displeased the local people who fought hard to overthrow it. Finally, in May 1864, Corfu and the other Ionian islands were united with their mother land, Greece.

Είναι όµως εντυπωσιακό το γεγονός ότι, παρά τους πολλούς και διαφορετικούς κατακτητές που πέρασαν από το νησί, η Κέρκυρα και ο λαός της δεν έχασαν ποτέ την Ελληνική και ορθόδοξη παράδοση και ταυτότητά τους.

The most impressive fact about the history of Corfu is that despite the many different conquerors who passed from the island, Corfu and its people never last their Hellenic and Orthodox identity and culture.


Μία από τις ωραιότερες πόλεις της Ελλάδας, καταπράσινη, διάσπαρτη µε πολλά αξιόλογα Ενετικά (1386-1797), Γαλλικά (1797- 1814) και Αγγλικά (1814-1864) κτίρια και µνηµεία αλλά και µε σύγχρονα κτιριακά συγκροτήµατα και αριστοκρατικές συνοικίες. Μοναδικά κοσµούν την πόλη της Κέρκυρας τα δύο υπέροχα Βενετσιάνικα κάστρα της. Πρόκειται για µια ζωντανή σύγχρονη πόλη µε σηµαντικές τουριστικές υποδοµές αλλά και έντονη πολιτιστική ζωή και παράδοση. ∆ιαθέτει ένα µεγάλο λιµάνι αλλά και το διεθνές αεροδρόµιο «Ιωάννης Καποδίστριας». Στην πόλη µας λειτουργεί το Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήµιο µε τέσσερις Σχολές: Ιστορίας, Ξένων Γλωσσών –Μετάφρασης και ∆ιερµηνείας, Αρχειονοµίας και Βιβλιοθηκονοµίας και Μουσικών Σπουδών.

It’s one of the most beautiful towns in Greece, full of important buildings and monuments, remnants of its occupation by the Venetians (1386-1797) the French (1797-1814) and the British (1814-1864). Among the best features of the town are its two Venetian Fortresses. It is a lively, modern town with a lot of tourist facilities as well as a rich cultural and artistic life.

It has an important port, as well as an international airport ,“Ioannis Kapodistrias”.

Corfu town is also the home of the Ionian University with four Schools:

A School of History, a School for Archivists and Librarians, a School of Foreign Languages (Translation and Interpretation) and a School of Music Studies.


Η Κέρκυρα υπήρξε η έδρα του πρώτου Πανεπιστηµίου της σύγχρονης Ελλάδας µε την ίδρυση της Ιονίου Ακαδηµίας το 1824 από τον Άγγλο φιλέλληνα Λόρδο Guilford µε 4 σχολές, Θεολογική, Ιατρική, Νοµική και Φιλοσοφική. Είναι η γενέτειρα ενός σπουδαίου πολιτικού και πρώτου Κυβερνήτη του ελεύθερου Ελληνικού κράτους, του Ιωάννη Καποδίστρια (1776-1831), πολλών λογοτεχνών και λογίων όπως ο Ευγένιος Βούλγαρης (1716-1806), Νικηφόρος Θεοτόκης (1731-1800), Ιάκωβος Πολυλάς (1826-1898), Γεράσιµος Μαρκοράς (1826- 1911), Ντίνος Θεοτόκης (1872-1923) και ποιητών όπως ο Ανδρέας Κάλβος (1792-1863) και ο Λορέντζος Μαβίλης (1860-1912). Ο ποιητής του Εθνικού Ύµνου ∆ιονύσιος Σολωµός έζησε µεγάλο µέρος της ζωής του στην Κέρκυρα. Η µουσική και το λυρικό θέατρο αναπτύχθηκαν στην Κέρκυρα από την εποχή των Ενετών. Ο συνθέτης του Εθνικού Ύµνου Νικόλαος Μάντζαρος, αλλά και ο συνθέτης του Ολυµπιακού Ύµνου Σπύρος Σαµάρας ήταν Κερκυραίοι. Στην Κέρκυρα λειτουργούν σήµερα 18 από τις 52 Φιλαρµονικές Ορχήστρες της Ελλάδας µε αρχαιότερες την «Παλιά» Φιλαρµονική της πόλης Κέρκυρας που ιδρύθηκε το 1840 και την Φιλαρµονική Εταιρία «Μάντζαρος» του 1890 οι οποίες εκπαιδεύουν µουσικά εκατοντάδες νέους (δωρεάν) και πρωτοστατούν σε όλες τις τοπικές γιορτές και εκδηλώσεις. Υπάρχουν επίσης χορωδίες, καντάδα και χορευτικοί σύλλογοι που οργανώνουν εκδηλώσεις σε όλη τη διάρκεια του χρόνου.


Corfu has been the home of the first University in modern Greece. “The Ionian Academy” was founded in 1864 by Lord Guilford, an important philhellene. It is also the land of an important politician and the first Governor of the modern Greek State, Ioannis Kapodistrias (1776-1831) and of numerous literary men, such as Eugene Voulgaris (1716-1806), Nikiforos Theotokis (1731-1800), Jacob Polilas (1826-1898), Gerassimos Markoras (1826-1911) and Dinos Theotokis (1872-1923). Dionyssios Solomos, poet of the Greek national anthem, lived a big part of his life on Corfu as well as other important poets such as Andreas Kalvos (1792-1863) and Lorenzos Mavilis (1860-1912). Music and Lyric theatre ( the opera) developed to a high degree in Corfu since the time of the Venetian occupation. The composer of the Greek national anthem Nikolaos Mantzaros as well as the composer of the Olympic hymn, Spyros Samaras, were Corfiots.

In contemporary Corfu there are 18 Philharmonic Orchestras functioning (out of 52 in the whole of Greece). The oldest among those are the “Old” Philharmonic Orchestra of the town, founded in 1840 and the “Mantzaros” Philharmonic of 1890, both of which educate young children for free and perform in local celebrations. There are also choirs, cantada groups, dance groups and drama clubs with a lot of presentations throughout the year.


Η Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Πίστη και ο πολιτιστικές εκδηλώσεις είναι άρρηκτα δεµένες στο νησί και την πόλη της Κέρκυρας. Τέσσερις φορές το χρόνο, µαθητές, πρόσκοποι, φιλαρµονικές και πλήθος πιστών συµµετέχουν στις λιτανείες προς τιµήν του πολιούχου της Κέρκυρας, Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα (270-350 Μ.Χ.), του οποίου το ιερό λείψανο περιφέρεται ευλαβικά στους δρόµους της πόλης. Το Ορθόδοξο Πάσχα είναι η πιο όµορφη γιορτή στο νησί και οι εκδηλώσεις του προσελκύουν χιλιάδες επισκεπτών τόσο από την υπόλοιπη Ελλάδα όσο και από το εξωτερικό. Τη Μεγάλη Παρασκευή, όλες οι εκκλησίες στο κέντρο της πόλης περιφέρουν τον Επιτάφιό τους. Η λυπηµένη µουσική από τις φιλαρµονικές και η γλυκιά ευωδιά των ανοιξιάτικων λουλουδιών γεµίζουν τον αέρα και δηµιουργούν µια σαγηνευτική ατµόσφαιρα. Το βράδυ του Μεγάλου Σαββάτου γιορτάζεται η Ανάσταση του Χριστού στη µεγάλη πλατεία (Σπιανάδα), όπου

χιλιάδες κόσµου συγκεντρώνονται µε κεριά στα χέρια και πυροτεχνήµατα φωτίζουν τον νυχτερινό ουρανό. Υπάρχει ακόµα και η σηµαντική Εθνική Εορτή της 21ης Μαΐου, οπότε γιορτάζεται η Επέτειος της Ένωσης των Επτανήσων µε τη µητέρα Ελλάδα, µε µια υπέροχη παρέλαση και άλλες πολιτιστικές εκδηλώσεις


The Greek Orthodox faith and cultural events are intertwined on the island and in the town of Corfu. Four times a year, students, scouts, philharmonic bands and congregation join the procession in honor of our patron saint, Saint Spyridon (270-350 A.D.), whose sacred body is devoutly carried in the hands of priests along the streets of the town. Orthodox Easter is the most beautiful holiday on the island and the celebrations for it attract thousands of visitors both from the Greek mainland and abroad. On Good Friday, all the churches in the centre of the Town hold processions of the Epitaph of Jesus. The sad music of the bands and the sweet smell of spring blossoms fill the air and create a wonderful atmosphere. On the night of Good Saturday, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated in the big square (Esplanade), where thousands of people gather with lit candles in their hands and fireworks light up the midnight sky. There is also an important National Holiday on May 21st when the anniversary of the Union of the Ionian Islands with the Greek State is celebrated with a great parade and other cultural events.


Η Κέρκυρα είναι ένα νησί παγκοσµίως γνωστό για τις πολλές οµορφιές του. Κατά µήκος των ακτών της µπορεί κανείς να βρει υπέροχες παραλίες, πολυτελή ξενοδοχεία και σύγχρονα τουριστικά θέρετρα. Το εσωτερικό του νησιού είναι ένας απέραντος καταπράσινος ελαιώνας, διάσπαρτος µε παραδοσιακά χωριουδάκια και όµορφα τοπία που συναντά κανείς διασχίζοντας στενούς φιδογυριστούς δρόµους. Αυτός είναι ο λόγος που ο τουρισµός αποτελεί την κύρια ασχολία των κατοίκων του νησιού καθώς έως και 1.000.000 επισκέπτες από την Ευρώπη επιλέγουν κάθε χρόνο την Κέρκυρα ως τόπο διακοπών.

Corfu is an island famous around the world for its many beauties. Along its coastline can be found wonderful beaches, luxurious hotels and modern resorts to suit all tastes. The inner part of the island is a vast, green olive grove, spread with traditional villages and picturesque views that you can see driving through winding narrow roads. This is why tourism is the main industry of the island and up to 1.000.000 visitors from Europe choose Corfu as a holiday destination each year.


To 13o ∆ηµοτικό Σχολείο Κέρκυρας ιδρύθηκε το 1984 για να καλύψει τις ανάγκες µαθητών στην περιοχή Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα Σαρόκου, µια γειτονιά κοντά στο εµπορικό κέντρο της πόλης και το νοσοκοµείο της. Από τότε ως σήµερα εξακολουθεί να στεγάζεται σε ενοικιαζόµενο κτίριο στην οδό Μιλτιάδου Μαργαρίτη, 68. Είναι ένα εξαθέσιο ∆ηµοτικό Σχολείο µε δύναµη 121 µαθητών και 10 εκπαιδευτικών και ∆ιευθυντή τον κ .Νίκο Γιωτίτσα. ∆ιαθέτει τµήµα ολοήµερου σχολείου και συµµετέχει στο πρόγραµµα Ολυµπιακής Παιδείας. Από το 2002 συµµετέχει στο Ευρωπαϊκό Πρόγραµµα «Σωκράτης» µε το σχολικό σχέδιο «Ανοιχτές Πύλες».

Τhe 13th Primary School of Corfu was founded in 1984 in order to fullfill the educational needs of pupils in the area of Saint Spyridon of Sarroco, a neighbourhood very close to the commercial centre and the hospital of the town. Since then it has been housed in a rented building at number 68 , Miltiadou Margariti street. It is a Primary school of six grades, with 121 pupils and 10 teachers. The headmaster of the school is Mr. Nikos Yiotitsas. It takes part in the Programme of Olympic Education and it has been participating in the European Programme “Socrates” since 2002.


Corfiot cuisine is neither spicy nor bland, but rich in the flavours of the Mediterranean. It is steeped in history and tradition.


Ingredients: 1 kg beef or one medium- sized rooster 1 tea cup oil tea cup red wine 4 ripe tomatoes or 1 soup spoon tomato paste 3 medium-sized finely cut onions 2-3 cloves garlic cut in half Cinnamon, cinnamon-cloves, a little sugar, pepper 1 packet macaroni Grated cheese.

Wash the meat, pierce it in different places and fill each hole with a clove of garlic, salt and pepper. Warm the oil in a pot and brown the onions with the meat. Add the wine, tomatoes (peeled and passed through the blender) or tomato paste as well as all the other ingredients except the macaroni and the cheese. Let the meat simmer for approximately 2 hours. Boil the macaroni in lots of salted water, strain and serve it with the sauce and the grated cheese sprinkled on. Serve the meat on a separate platter together with the remaining sauce.


Ingredients: 1 kg leg of beef (without the bone) 4-5 soup spoons flour tea cup oil 4-5 soup spoons vinegar 3 cloves crushed garlic Parsley finely cut Salt – pepper.

Mix the flour with salt and pepper. Cut the meat into slices and flour it. Warm the oil in a pan and brown the meat. Transfer the meat to a pot. Put the vinegar, garlic, parsley and a little water into the pan. When the sauce begins to boil, pour it onto the meat. Cover the pot and simmer the food for 1 hour.