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Bartak Vzorek5.Indd ČESKÁ ZEMĚDĚLSKÁ UNIVERZITA V PRAZE FAKULTA AGROBIOLOGIE, POTRAVINOVÝCH A PŘÍRODNÍCH ZDROJŮ Diptera of Podyjí National Park and its Environs Miroslav Barták and Štěpán Kubík - 1 - © Miroslav Barták & Štěpán Kubík Reviewers: Ladislav Jedlička Commenius University, Mlynská dolina B1, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia Bradley J. Sinclair Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Adenauerallee 160, D-53113 Bonn, Germany This project was financially supported by Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (project No. IRP MSM 6046070901) Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (grant No. 206/95/0970) ISBN 80-213-1434-6 - 2 - Contents Introductory part ......................................................................................................................... 9 Podyjí National Park .................................................................................................................. 9 Review of dipterological investigations in Podyjí National Park ............................................... 14 Trichoceridae ............................................................................................................................ 23 Limoniidae ................................................................................................................................ 24 Pedicidiidae .............................................................................................................................. 32 Cylindrotomidae ....................................................................................................................... 34 Tipulidae ................................................................................................................................... 35 Blephariceridae ......................................................................................................................... 38 Bibionidae ................................................................................................................................. 41 Bolitophilidae ............................................................................................................................ 44 Diadocidiidae ............................................................................................................................ 45 Ditomyiidae ............................................................................................................................... 46 Keroplatidae ............................................................................................................................. 47 Mycetophilidae ......................................................................................................................... 51 Cecidomyiidae .......................................................................................................................... 66 Psychodidae ............................................................................................................................. 78 Chaoboridae ............................................................................................................................. 85 Anisopodidae ............................................................................................................................ 88 Mycetobiidae ............................................................................................................................ 89 Scatopsidae .............................................................................................................................. 90 Ptychopteridae .......................................................................................................................... 94 Dixidae ...................................................................................................................................... 96 Thaumaleidae ........................................................................................................................... 97 Culicidae ................................................................................................................................... 98 Ceratopogonidae .................................................................................................................... 106 Simuliidae ............................................................................................................................... 113 Xylophagidae .......................................................................................................................... 116 Athericidae .............................................................................................................................. 117 Coenomyiidae ......................................................................................................................... 118 Rhagionidae ............................................................................................................................ 119 Tabanidae ............................................................................................................................... 122 Xylomyidae ............................................................................................................................. 128 Stratiomyidae .......................................................................................................................... 129 Acroceridae ............................................................................................................................. 135 Mythicomyiidae ....................................................................................................................... 136 Bombyliidae ............................................................................................................................ 137 Therevidae .............................................................................................................................. 141 Scenopinidae .......................................................................................................................... 143 Asilidae ................................................................................................................................... 144 Hybotidae ................................................................................................................................ 161 Microphoridae ......................................................................................................................... 171 Dolichopodidae ....................................................................................................................... 172 Atelestidae .............................................................................................................................. 182 Platypezidae ........................................................................................................................... 183 Lonchopteridae ....................................................................................................................... 196 Syrphidae ................................................................................................................................ 197 Pseudopomyzidae .................................................................................................................. 235 Micropezidae .......................................................................................................................... 236 - 3 - Tanypezidae ........................................................................................................................... 237 Megamerinidae ....................................................................................................................... 238 Psilidae ................................................................................................................................... 239 Conopidae .............................................................................................................................. 242 Lonchaeidae ........................................................................................................................... 245 Pallopteridae ........................................................................................................................... 249 Piophilidae .............................................................................................................................. 251 Ulidiidae .................................................................................................................................. 252 Platystomatidae ...................................................................................................................... 255 Tephritidae .............................................................................................................................. 256 Lauxaniidae ............................................................................................................................ 260 Chamaemyiidae ...................................................................................................................... 266 Dryomyzidae ........................................................................................................................... 269 Phaeomyiidae ......................................................................................................................... 270 Sciomyzidae ..........................................................................................................................
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