To Theo . , Monday, 7 May 1888.

Monday, 7 May 1888

Metadata Source status: Original manuscript

Location: Amsterdam, , inv. no. b524 V/1962

Date: The letter was written immediately after letter 605: the matter of sending work raised in that one is discussed again in the present letter. As is clear from ll. 1-2, the letter must have been written on the same day as the previous one, so we have likewise dated it Monday, 7 May 1888.

Additional: Original [1r:1] Mon cher Theo. je tcris encore une fois aujourdhui parceque ayant voulu rgler mon compte lhotl o je reste, 1 jai une fois de plus pu constater que jy tais carrott. Je leur ai propos de sarranger, ils nont pas voulu, alors lorsque je voulais prendre mes effets ils sy sont opposs. Cest fort bien mais alors je leur ai dit quon expliquerait cela chez le juge de paix o peuttre on me donnera tort.2 Seulement voila que je dois garder assez dargent pour

1 Read: sjourne. 2 Van Gogh thought his bill was too high and appealed to the justice of the peace. According to what Mrs Carrel3 of the hotel of the same name recalled later, the dispute was based on a misunderstanding: there would have been no disagreement about the price; however would have wanted to pay when the Carrels were eating; he would have been asked to wait until later; at which point Vincent would have gone to the justice of the peace to hand over the amount owed! (il ny aurait pas eu de dsaccord quant au prix; toutefois Vincent aurait voulu payer au moment o le mnage Carrel se trouvait table; on lui aurait fait remarquer quil aurait pu remettre cela plus tard; sur ce, Vincent se serait rendu chez le juge de paix pour lui confier la somme due!) (see Stokvis 1929, p. 4).

1 2 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Monday, 7 May 1888. payer en cas quon me donnerait tort f. 67.40 au lieu de 40 fr. que je leur dois. Et voil que donc je nose acheter mon matelas[1v:2] et que je dois aller coucher encore dans un autre htel.4 Je voulais donc te demander de me mettre en tat dacheter mon matelas tout de mme. Ce qui ici me rend souvent triste cest que cest plus cher que je navais calcul. et que je narrive pas me dbrouiller aux mmes frais que ceux qui sont alls en Bretagne, Bernard et Gauguin. Maintenant puisque je vais mieux je ne me tiens tout de mme pas pour battu, et dailleurs si javais eu ma sant que jespre rattrapper ici, cela et bien dautres choses ne marriveraient pas. La caisse serait dj partie si ctait pas que toute la journe jai eu des tracas.[1v:3] Je me dis que tu nas encore rien recu de mon travail et que jai dj tant dpens dargent. Maintenant dans la caisse je tenvoie toutes les tudes que jai lexception de quelques unes que jai dtruites, 7 mais je ne les signe pas toutes et il y en a une douzaine que jai t des chassis et il y en a 14 sur chassis. 8 il y a un petit paysage avec une masure blanche rouge verte et un cyprs ct cela tu en as

4 Van Gogh stayed at Caf de la Gare, 30 place Lamartine, until 17 September, when he took up residence in . The proprietors of the caf were Joseph Ginoux5 and his wife Marie6. We learn from letters 656 and 691 that Van Gogh was staying in this caf. 7 Among these destroyed works were a study of a drawbridge, of which only a fragment is known (see letter 589), a large painting of a cherry tree (see letter 599), and possibly a few studies of orchards (see letter 590, n. 4 and letter 592, n. 4). 8 This first consignment of at least 26 paintings from Arles must in any event have included the twelve studies referred to in letter 585, with the exception of Landscape with snow (F 290 / JH 1360), which Van Gogh kept for the moment (see letter 611, n. 4). Those studies were: [1] The Langlois bridge with washerwomen (F 397 / JH 1368), [2] The Gleize bridge with washerwomen (F 396 / JH 1367), [3] Avenue of plane trees (F 398 / JH 1366), [4] An old woman of Arles (F 390 / JH 1357), [5] View of a butchers shop (F 389 / JH 1359), [6] Landscape with snow (F 391 / JH 1358), [7] Sprig of almond blossom in a glass (F 392 / JH 1361), [8] Sprig of almond blossom in a glass with a book (F 393 / JH 1362), [9] Basket of oranges (F 395 / JH 1363), [10] a study, possibly Bowl of potatoes (F 386 / JH 1365) and [11] Pollard willows with setting sun (F 572 / JH 1597). The Langlois bridge (F 400 / JH 1371) must also have been in this batch (letter 589). There were also the 13 paintings of orchards mentioned in letter 600: [1] Pink peach trees (F 404 / JH 1391), [2] The pink orchard (F 555 / JH 1380), [3] The white orchard (F 403 / JH 1378), [4] Small pear tree in blossom (F 405 / JH 1394), [5] Orchard with apricot trees in blossom (F 553 / JH 1387), [6] Orchard with apricot trees in blossom (F 556 / JH 1383), [7] Orchard bordered by cypresses (F 513 / JH 1389), [8] Orchard with peach trees in blossom (F 551 / JH 1396), [9] Orchard (F 552 / JH 1381), [10] Orchard with pear trees in blossom (F 406 / JH 1399), [11] Orchard bordered by cypresses (F 554 / JH 1388), [12] Peach tree in blossom (F 557 / JH 1397) and [13] Peach tree in blossom (F 399 / JH 1398). It emerges from letter 608 that Pink peach trees (Souvenir de Mauve) (F 394/ JH 1379) and The Langlois bridge with washerwomen (F 571 / JH 1392) were also sent. It is not possible to determine which works were sent on stretching frames and which without. To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Monday, 7 May 1888. 3 le dessin et je lai peint chez moi entirement.9 Cela te prouverait que de tous ces dessins je pourrais, si cela tallait, faire de ces petits tableaux comme des crepons. Enfin nous en causerons aprs que tu auras vu. Pour le moment cest embtant quainsi je suis un peu forc de prendre la mesure de rester10 latelier mais dans la suite il en rsultera plus de tranquilit pour travailler. [1r:4] Enfin les premires etudes parties je commence une nouvelle serie. Je tavais expliqu toute cette affaire dans les lettres qui sont encore Paris.11 Cetait mon intention de rester chez ces gens pourtant jusqu que je fusse prt. Enfin a ne fait rien. Je veux chercher faire partir ma caisse encore aujourdhui. Jespre que tu criras bientt. t. t. Vincent

Translation [1r:1] My dear Theo. Im writing to you again today because, when I wanted to pay my bill at the hotel where Im staying, I realized once again that I was being fleeced there. I offered to come to some arrangement with them, they werent willing to, so when I wanted to take my things they prevented me. Thats all very well, but then I told them wed explain it all in front of the justice of the peace wholl perhaps say Im in the wrong.12 Only now it means I have to keep enough money to pay in case its said that Im in the wrong, 67.40 francs instead of the 40 francs I owe them. And that means I darent buy my mattress and [1v:2] Ill also have to sleep at another hotel.14 So I wanted to ask you to put me in a position where I could buy my mattress anyway. What often makes me sad is that its more expensive than Id calculated. And that I dont manage

9 The painting is Landscape with a path and pollard willows (F 407 / JH 1402); the drawing that served as the example for the painting, Landscape with a path and pollard willows (F 1499 / JH 1372), dated March 1888 by Van Gogh, was probably in the first batch of drawings sent to Theo at the end of April. See letter 602. 10 Read: demeurer. 11 These were letters 602, 603 and 604, of which the latter two may have been sent together. 12 Van Gogh thought his bill was too high and appealed to the justice of the peace. According to what Mrs Carrel13 of the hotel of the same name recalled later, the dispute was based on a misunderstanding: there would have been no disagreement about the price; however Vincent would have wanted to pay when the Carrels were eating; he would have been asked to wait until later; at which point Vincent would have gone to the justice of the peace to hand over the amount owed! (il ny aurait pas eu de dsaccord quant au prix; toutefois Vincent aurait voulu payer au moment o le mnage Carrel se trouvait table; on lui aurait fait remarquer quil aurait pu remettre cela plus tard; sur ce, Vincent se serait rendu chez le juge de paix pour lui confier la somme due!) (see Stokvis 1929, p. 4). 14 Van Gogh stayed at Caf de la Gare, 30 place Lamartine, until 17 September, when he took up residence in the Yellow House. The proprietors of the caf were Joseph Ginoux15 and his wife Marie16. We learn from letters 656 and 691 that Van Gogh was staying in this caf. 4 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Monday, 7 May 1888.

to get by on the same expenses as those who have gone to Brittany, Bernard17 and Gauguin18. Since Im feeling better now I really dont consider myself defeated, and besides, if Id had my health, which I hope to get back here, that and many other things wouldnt happen to me. [1v:3] The crate would have gone off already if I hadnt had problems all day long. I say to myself youve still received none of my work and Ive already spent so much money. Im sending you now in the crate all the studies I have, apart from a few I destroyed,19 but Im not signing them all, and there are a dozen that Ive taken off their stretching frames and there are 14 on stretching frames.20 Theres a small landscape with a tumbledown house in white, red, green and a cypress beside it you have the drawing of it and I painted it entirely at home.21 That should prove to you that if it suited you, I could make little paintings like Japanese prints out of all these drawings. Anyway, well talk about it when youve had a look. For the moment its annoying that it means Im more or less forced to take the step of living at [1r:4] the studio but in time it will mean theres more peace and quiet for work. Anyway, once these first studies have gone off Ill start a new series. I had explained all this business to you in the letters that are still in Paris.22 All the same, I had intended to stay with these people until I was ready. Well, it doesnt matter. I still want to try and get my crate sent off today. I hope youll write soon. Ever yours, Vincent

17 Emile Bernard (1868-1941) French artist and writer 18 Paul (Eugne Henri) Gauguin (1848-1903) French artist 19 Among these destroyed works were a study of a drawbridge, of which only a fragment is known (see letter 589), a large painting of a cherry tree (see letter 599), and possibly a few studies of orchards (see letter 590, n. 4 and letter 592, n. 4). 20 This first consignment of at least 26 paintings from Arles must in any event have included the twelve studies referred to in letter 585, with the exception of Landscape with snow (F 290 / JH 1360), which Van Gogh kept for the moment (see letter 611, n. 4). Those studies were: [1] The Langlois bridge with washerwomen (F 397 / JH 1368), [2] The Gleize bridge with washerwomen (F 396 / JH 1367), [3] Avenue of plane trees (F 398 / JH 1366), [4] An old woman of Arles (F 390 / JH 1357), [5] View of a butchers shop (F 389 / JH 1359), [6] Landscape with snow (F 391 / JH 1358), [7] Sprig of almond blossom in a glass (F 392 / JH 1361), [8] Sprig of almond blossom in a glass with a book (F 393 / JH 1362), [9] Basket of oranges (F 395 / JH 1363), [10] a study, possibly Bowl of potatoes (F 386 / JH 1365) and [11] Pollard willows with setting sun (F 572 / JH 1597). The Langlois bridge (F 400 / JH 1371) must also have been in this batch (letter 589). There were also the 13 paintings of orchards mentioned in letter 600: [1] Pink peach trees (F 404 / JH 1391), [2] The pink orchard (F 555 / JH 1380), [3] The white orchard (F 403 / JH 1378), [4] Small pear tree in blossom (F 405 / JH 1394), [5] Orchard with apricot trees in blossom (F 553 / JH 1387), [6] Orchard with apricot trees in blossom (F 556 / JH 1383), [7] Orchard bordered by cypresses (F 513 / JH 1389), [8] Orchard with peach trees in blossom (F 551 / JH 1396), [9] Orchard (F 552 / JH 1381), [10] Orchard with pear trees in blossom (F 406 / JH 1399), [11] Orchard bordered by cypresses (F 554 / JH 1388), [12] Peach tree in blossom (F 557 / JH 1397) and [13] Peach tree in blossom (F 399 / JH 1398). It emerges from letter 608 that Pink peach trees (Souvenir de Mauve) (F 394/ JH 1379) and The Langlois bridge with washerwomen (F 571 / JH 1392) were also sent. It is not possible to determine which works were sent on stretching frames and which without. 21 The painting is Landscape with a path and pollard willows (F 407 / JH 1402); the drawing that served as the example for the painting, Landscape with a path and pollard willows (F 1499 / JH 1372), dated March 1888 by Van Gogh, was probably in the first batch of drawings sent to Theo at the end of April. See letter 602. 22 These were letters 602, 603 and 604, of which the latter two may have been sent together.