Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-12-1921 Journal Publishing Company
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-12-1921 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-12-1921 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-12-1921." (1921). abq_mj_news/413 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY EDITION XJi. MOENING JOUENAL. EDITION Dully by Carrier or MulJ NSc Month tX)HTV-SHOX- I) YEAR New December 12, 1921. IVOIi. CLXXI. No. 73. Albuquerque, Mexico, Monday, Single triplet fto - - 'MATE' GOTTEN PACT FURTHER PARLEY JURY UNABLE TO 3 CllLS BY ADVERTISING Will "Collective Restitution" GAINING FAVOR PROVES FAILURE BY 'BIG THREE' Give China Back Lost Ports? AMONG SOLONS REACH VERDiGT (Br The Afwnrintrd Trcn.) J t'n. The AAHOftiltpd PlTM. BATTLE WAY Chicago, Dec. 11. Mrs, Washington, Dec. 11 (by the Japiea Edward Miller, former- ON NAVAL RATH) Washington, Dec. 11. (Special.) Associated Press.) Ku'ther fFJ THE GARDNER ly a Jollet high school girl, The disarmament conference Is assurance of senate, who gained notoriety six weeks now time waiting appro- - support for the four-pow- marking came ago by successfully advertising al by tho government at Pacific treaty tonight f who would edu- Japanese for husband tho on with announcement by Senator cate her, last disclosed-th- THOUGHT LIKELYil of understanding Hitchcock of Nebraska, rank- CASE; DISMISSED OUT OF JAIL night prob- ending of her adventure and the Far Eastern ing democratic member of the when she had her husband and lems, agreed to by the delegates foreign relations committre, another girl arrested and an-- i representing the United States, thnt he expected to vote. for its nounced that her marriage was Nipponese Delegates Have tireat bnuiin, Japan and France. ratification. Deliberations Covering a a failure. Instructions Japan's upproval, if It comes, is "I see no reason for oppo- Period of About Seven The husband, formerly a Received expected to carry with It un agree- sition," he said. "There docs AND ESCAPE barber, said he was glad to be From Tokio, But Their ment on the Lniied Status' pro- not seem to be any very seri- Hours in Case of Mail rid of the marriage and that posal for a ratio-to-r the fu- ous ohjertlon nor any reason he had never paid his wife the Nature is Not Known, ture size of the navies of the big for greatly rejoicing over it." Bandit are Fruitless, $3,000 she had requested for three. He said that the treaty was completion of her schooling. arrangement as Under the terms of the agree- C similar In some respects to tho ARE WARNEDN0T TO Two-Gu- n Man, Sentenced They separated soon after their to ment, Japan is to reluaso its hold league of nations covenant. It was said, and were ""p. un penlnsuia, lncluulng 'A "The Is mild nnd DISCUSS THE CASE ' marriage, BASES bhantung treaty very INCOf Kiau-Cha- to Be Hanged Thursday living at different hotels. Mrs. the harbor of to China, fill is good enough n way to get rid ei called hus- Great Britain Anglo-Japanes- o alli- Murder Two Oth- Miller today her relinquishes of the Rob- for and band's room by telephone and Unofficial Reports iat and France turns over to ance." Defendant Admitted ers Guards. a woman answered, saying she to China iiwong-Chow-Wa- This nnnoucement followed Mail Car Mari- Fight was Mrs. Miller. The arrests Conferences ;e bo the situation, summarized, Is democratic leaders bing a at Wpf con- others by followed. Be Held to --eVCer- that these three powers which that they would give the trea- copa, Nov, 3, But Main- CONFISCAtTaUTO; Miller that ho was trol important territoiijes in China their With the re- charged with ty support. He Was not primarily at fault, as his ; tain Featur through leases mude directly Till publican leadership already on tained Insane, THREATEN DRIVER ot wife had left him and lived at China or acquired as tne result record for the treaty, hopes of 111., wur to the Tripfi Annoc-inte- a hotel in Waukegan, and (Br The O are willing retire upun Its ratification were increased (By The Pr.) former . f As- conditions enumerated it there is a ill been friendly with a Washington, (by the today. Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 11. ' Diuau uajnym, friend from Jollct. made sociated Vf Instructions'. "collective restitution." As to the Senator Borah of re- ,ucnvciy,' - They no Idaho, The iurv in the United C Carefully Planned; sever- up this difference but soon from Tokio g the decision United States, she has territory publican opponent of the - under lease In as one of on ..val ratio ques- China, and, . continued his silence States district court here Men Risk Lives in separated- again. Japan o "sac- league, al tion are In the'Tknd! of the Jap- her spokesmen said, hag no on tho treaty. which heard the evidence In to It. anese delegation. The nature of rifices to make." Trying Stop the communication was not made History of llio Leases. the trial of Roy Gardner, was Indicated that The existence of leased territories MARSHAL' known, but it ter- twice convicted mail robber, 4' Chicago, Dec. 11 (by the !NIGHT further of the big threo in china which jeopardizes the meetings ritorial of China Is due In MURPHT WIIINEH nn a rharce of robbillfir A ' Associated Tommy probably will be necessary before integrity Press). on the original instance to the aggres- two-gu- n Japan's stand tho capital mail car at Maricopa, Ariz., O'Connor, man, will be announced defi- sions of Germany, whose forcible ship ratio of on .November 3 was unaDie .sentenced to be hanged II COLORADO IS nitely. occupation Shantung province The Idea prevailed tonight that constrained the Chinese govern- DF AUIO RAGE; to reach a verdict and wa Thursday for murder, and ment to grant a lease for ninety-nin- e Tokio did not regard the arrange- Kiao-Cha- u, minute I two other notorious crimi years of the Bay of ' dismissed a few ment as to strength of naval bas coast ol from the cum uiniiunrn ics and formications in the west the finest harbor on the after noon today. nals today escaped China. Following the lease to Ger- ( 'William H. BawtoUe, wh ern Pacific as completed and that to Judge county jail, fighting their IMUUISULU on many, and that of Fort Arthur 'CHUN6-KIN- I SECOND over the in dismiss- UIIUI, further conversations this point, obtained a lease of fiTOII presided trial, half a dozen as) as on the of the Russia, France 7 tyy it had way past well question u ninety-nin- e ing the jury pointed out that i be Kwang-Cho- for years guards, most of whom were Authorities Are Searching retention of the Mutsu may and Great Britain obtuined a leaso been considering the case Since beaten into unconsciousness, necessary. of Kowloon. Victor Covers 250 Miles At Bhortly after 5 o'clock last night for J. W. Kenworthy; Meanwhile, authoritative Jap- Tho of tho and declared that failure to agree fourth anese here are of the pos- foreign occupation' Starting in the in talWng mainland of China was brought San Carlos Speedway, in in that length of time indicated to Building Contractor, sible termination of the conference two Ger- him the should tie dis- floor "bull pen," where the of The about by the murder cf 2 15 Minutes that Jury before tho end the year. man missionaries in Shantung. By Hours, and missed. were exercising at Connection With Case. consensus of In that quar- prisoners opinion an signed on March B, 111-- 2 Judge Warns Jurors. ter was said to be that the success agreement Jumacao Seconds. warned the 11a. m., the break for free Til AsMirnnM rri-- ) 1898. China leased to Germ my ior The Judge, however, (IIJ ful conclusion of tho qundrup'e - case with five 11. Willi II11IVIJ-I11JI- JU.O ......... J jurors not to discuss the dom led 4own floors, Monte Vista. Colo., Dec. the iUCl.10Vnnt'l '!! 1U1I (Bj The AMorlntcd treaty concerning mliral null U-X- ea. rin.) one and warned Authorities are searching soon be an :iri..Ck. innan ffiW0H6-CH0W-WA- San Doc. 11. any particularly through (he basement into tonight followed by equally construction of two ; "P" Francisco, Calif., them not to disclose how many Bal J- ""-tn- e sanctioned the I Ior - definite harmonious agree- nnrl over ft ""wu, and lines of in Shantung. A Jimmy Murphy, San Francisco pilot, lots were or how the ballot wno nne!rCd to have railway n, jail tractori ment as to naval limitations. j informs-tio- twelve-foo- jara similar agreement (MJrch 27, winner cf tho French grand prlx Htood. Disclosure of that t wall to a shot and wounded Clyde e Street, seriously twenty-fiv- 250-mil- the trial last 1S98). leased to Kussla for last August, won the e inter- he said, might affect Where an automobile Was McDonald, night marshal veara. snbiect to extension by of Gardner on another charge that , , , n hrht. when arrested VOTE TO REJECT ANY national automobile ... the latter mutual agreement, Fort Arthur and sweepstakes was scheduled to follow this trial COnilSCaiea ana tne Cinver Konworthy on a charge of disturb- - t: Not-- race at S'in Carlos speedway hero WAGE CUT PROPOSALS Talienwan (Dalny cr Dairen).