WE WRITE. YOU READ. MARCH 2018 Famous Author, Andrew Clements, comes to Saint Raymond! By Maeve Wrona & Karina Ramirez Andrew Clements, author of Frindle, has had a very interesting life. On Valentine’s Day Mr. Clements visited St. Raymond School and captivated the students with stories of his life. As a young child, his parents read many stories to him and he became somewhat of a book worm. When Mr. Clement was in kindergarten, his teachers were aware that he could read, but at first, they didn’t realize how well. So Mr. Clement’s teachers continued to test him with more and more difficult books and were surprised when he continued to finish them. Mr. Clements loved going to the library. The more he went, the more he got to know the librarian. The librarian started noticing that Mr. Clements really liked adventure books. Often, the librarian would pick out a good adventure book for Mr. Clements and he almost always loved it. As Mr. Clements got older, he had a teacher who was known to never give students an A+ in her class. One day, this teacher asked the class to write their own poems. She told the students that the poem could be funny, but that writing a funny poem was very difficult. Mr. Clement decided he was going to make his poem funny like a lot of other kids. Mr. Clement’s teacher liked his poem so much, she laughed out loud. On top of his paper, next to the A+, she wrote that he should consider publishing it. IN THIS ISSUE As an adult, Mr. Clement’s got married and had children. At this time, he was working as a teacher. He Andrew Clements p1 Geography Bee p2 taught for many years, but he kept getting fired from teaching jobs. Eventually, Mr. Clement decided to McTeacher Night p2 School Band Solo-Ensemble p2 move on to a different career. His next job was working at a company that sold how-to-do books. Sadly, he Pinewood Derby p3 did not write the books himself. Instead, he made the projects that were in the books by following the Boy Scouts! p3 Ikidarod p4 steps in them. Cafe Today! p4 Meet the Teachers p4 Catholic Schools Week p5 After a couple years, Mr. Clements changed jobs again. This time, he started working for a publishing Read-a-Tthon p5 Junior HIgh Poetry p6 company. Over the years, he worked for two publishing companies, Picture Book Studio and Alphabet p7 Press. At first, Mr. Clement worked as a Sales Manager, where he got to work with some really terrific Movie Reviews Welcome to the Jungle p8 people, who taught him about the publishing business. He caught the writing bug and started writing his The Black Panther p8 Wonder p9 own books while at the publishing company. Video Game Reviews Nintendo Switch p9 Star Wars Battlefront II p10 In 1990 Mr. Clements started writing a story about a boy who makes up a new word for a pen and called it Rocket League p10 Frindle and that is where he made his first novel called Frindle. Frindle was published in 1996. NBA 2K18 p10 Joey Sykes p11 Girls Basketball p11 After the presentation Mr. Clements signed copies of his books during a meet and greet in the library. It Boys Basketball p12 2018 NFL Playoffs p13 was exciting to have one of our favorite authors visit the school. Crossword p14 Parish Easter Schedule p15

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS/ARTISTS Xander Adkins Colleen Karsten Jack Aliprandi Avery Maentz Graham Ellis Jason Maurer Seth Filas Joselyn Mendez Sofia Flondro Maura Phillips Giuliana Freni Karina Ramirez Tony Freni Bobby Riefke Addie Geier Teddy Riefke Max Hargadon Maggie Schram Sam Hargadon Stella Waters Seamus Heil Maeve Wrona Bella Iovino Brendan Ziegenhorn Saints Scoop SCHOOL NEWS MARCH 2018 Geography Bee By Maura Phillips Many different Bees occur at St. Raymond School. These Bees include the Spelling Bee, History Bee, and Geography Bee. The Geography Bee includes delegates in fifth through eighth grades. The last two years St. Raymond has sent a delegate to the state Geography Bee. On January 28, seventh grader Henry Kauke won the Geography Bee competition at St. Raymond. Besting seven other delegates, he got very few questions wrong. The other delegates included Sofia Flondro, Colleen Karston, Philip Deblasio, Philip Bansik, Andrew Bertellotti, Paul Sudol, and Jack Lopez. The Geography Bee has questions such as, “What is the capital of Indonesia?”. The competition was tough and all of these students did very well. They deserve our applause for getting that far. McTeacher Night 2018!!!!! By Graham Ellis and Bella Iovino On February 7, 2018, St. Raymond descended upon the Randhurst McDonald’s for the 3rd annual McTeacher Night! There were lots of amazing jobs for the volunteers such as drive thru worker, pie costume wearer, pie seller, front counter, & more! McTeacher Night was from 5 to 8 PM.

Whenever someone received a tip, they would say, “Hey teachers, we just got a tip! 1, 2 , 3! Ba! Da! Bum! Bum! Ba! I’m lovin’ it!” It was truly a fun-filled night.

“My favorite job was talking to all the families, helping people, and stealing fries,” said kindergarten teacher Miss Kramer. “I think I did great on my shift because I had a great lady who was a cashier who made it easy,” said fifth grade teacher Mrs. Skowera. “It’s so much fun seeing everyone!” said preschool teacher Mrs. Cunningham. “I ran the ice cream station, I felt like I did a lot in 1 hour!” said Assistant Principal Mrs. Hart!

It was a fun-filled night for the students, teachers, parents, and parishioners, and raised over $900 for St. Raymond School! School Band Solo-Ensemble Contest By Jack Aliprandi The solo-ensemble contest has been an important and fun part of SRS band for over 10 years. The judges for his year’s contest were band directors from other schools in our area, Mr. Dall, Mrs. Lukaszewskyj and Mr. Genauldi. All band members must participate and there are just over 80 kids in band.

The judges judge seven categories: intonation, interpretation, style, rhythmic accuracy, stage presentation, appearance and tone quality.

The rewards for the contest are: gold medals, silver medals, bronze medals and a 4th place certificate. The range of points is very high, meaning it is difficult to get bronze or 4th place, so everyone usually gets a satisfying reward of gold or silver.

All in all, the Solo-Ensemble Contest is a fun contest for the band and everyone looks forward to it each year!

[ 2 ] Saints Scoop MARCH 2018 The Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby! By Avery Maentz, Max Hargadon, Seamus Heil and Xander Adkins The four cars are lined up at the top of the track. A den leader pulls a lever, the cars go flying down the track and cross the finish line in less than two seconds! The Pinewood Derby is a scouting event that takes place every year. The first pinewood derby was on May 15, 1953 in Manhattan Beach, California, and was hosted by pack 280C. Each scout makes a car out of pinewood that they get at a pack meeting (a meeting in which all the scouts attend). Most scouts get their car cut at a wood carving shop, others get their cars cut at other places and some carve their own cars with a parent. People at the wood carving place carve the car in the design that you want. You can research car designs online, get them at the wood carving place, or just think it up yourself! They have two sheets of paper at the carving shop with many different ideas of designs on them that you can request. There are multiple ways to get a trophy. One way is if your car is one of the three fastest cars overall. Another is to be one of the three fastest cars in your den. A den is a group of all of the scouts that are a certain age. The last way is to get the most votes, second most votes, or third most votes overall based on what your car looks like. Some examples of the cars that have won for design in the past years are a car with Yoshi from the “Super Mario” series in it, a hockey rink, a telephone booth, a pool table, the Hogwarts Express, Jaws, a pencil, R2D2, and a Hershey’s bar. The computer records how many seconds each car took and who was first, second, third, and fourth.Then, at the end, they add up the times and see who has the best time. The den leaders see who has the best overall time, second best overall time, and third best overall time. Then they pass out the trophies.

When you’re getting your car weighed and checked, you put a raffle ticket in a jar. (Everyone gets a prize eventually.) The person who wins the raffle gets to go to the prize table to pick out a “Hot Wheels” car. In the end, everyone gets a medal.

!!Boy Scouts!! By Brendan Ziegenhorn History | Scouting began with a British Army officer, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell. While stationed in India, he discovered that his men did not know basic first aid or basic survival skills in the outdoors. Baden-Powell realized he needed to teach his men many frontier skills, so he wrote a small handbook called Aids to Scouting. He was very surprised to see many young boys using it to play a game they called scouting. In August 1907, to test his ideas even more, he gathered about 20 boys and took them to Brownsea Island in a sheltered bay off England’s southern coast. They set up a makeshift camp that would be their home for the next 12 days. Every month, more and more boys would join. In 1908, he published a book called Scouting For Boys. In the same year, the Boy Scouts held a huge rally and more than 10,000 scouts attended! In the next two years the Boy Scouts population tripled! In 1916, nearly six years later, a program called Wolf Cubs began. In 1930, Cub Scouting was officially launched, with 5,102 boys registered at the end of that first year. In June of 1938, 1,100 den mothers had registered and soon became an important part of Cub Scouting.

Today | Can you imagine a club with more than 2.4 million kids in it, and over 1 million adults in it? Boy Scouts, with a goal is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a bunch of outdoor activities, educational programs, and, at older age levels, career-oriented programs in partnership with community organizations, is that group. It is available all around the United States of America, and even in places like Alaska and Hawaii. Much of the structure is the same, but they have added some more modern touches, like den moms. Probably the most honorable award in Cub Scouts is the Arrow of Light,which lets you into Boy Scouts.And in Boy Scouts it is probably being recognized as an Eagle scout.

[ 3 ] Saints Scoop MARCH 2018 All About the Ikidarod By Maura Phillips, Sofia Flondro and Addie Geier The Ikidarod is a race between the two fourth grade classes. It is the culmination of several weeks worth of studying Alaska and preparing for the race. The Ikidarod is designed like the Alaskan race, the Iditarod. The race has many roles such as the two mushers, sled dogs, vets, and photographers. The race takes place outside the school, around the same time the Iditarod takes place in Alaska. The two fourth grade homerooms each have a team comprised of a musher and eight dogs. The teams race around the school, stopping at checkpoints, answering questions about Alaska and the Iditarod race. Students in other grades line the race course cheering the teams on. The team who scores the most points, not the one who finishes first, wins the race. A student from each class designs and makes the two trophies. Miss O’Grady, the fourth grade social studies teacher, gives her thoughts on the Ikidarod. Q1: Have you told your class about the Ikidarod yet? If so, how excited are they? A1: I told them about It a few weeks ago, and they are very excited. Q2: What activities/projects are they doing along with the race? A2: They are going to do a slideshow, and they got to Skype with a sled dog trainer. The race took place on March 23, the day of publication. Cafe Today! By Brendan Ziegenhorn and Seamus Heil We went to interview Mrs. Hart about the lunchroom seating change. As many of you heard, the fifth graders’ seating changed. The students do not have to sit with their homerooms. We wondered why they had moved seats and why students have to sit with their classroom in the first place. “At the beginning of the year it is good to sit together because you need to get to know your classmates.” Mrs. Hart said. “It helps foster relationships.” We asked why they got to sit together. She said some fifth graders had asked her if they could sit together. She had to talk to their teachers and Mrs. Cantieri to see if the fifth graders behavior was good enough to change seats. When you get to junior high, you don't have to sit together. It took a few weeks but eventually they got their wish. A week in, she said they were doing great! Meet the Teachers By Addie Geier, Maggie Schram and Giuliana Freni All About Miss Almdale Miss Almdale is one of our gym teachers at St. Raymond. She wanted to come here because her family went here when they were younger and she liked the community. Miss Almdale wanted to be a gym teacher because gym was her favorite subject growing up and she likes sports. She enjoys teaching all of her students because each class is different and full of different personalities. Her favorite sport to teach to kids is soccer because soccer is also her favorite sport. If you are wondering what her favorite lunchable is, it’s pizza lunchables! All About Ms. Frayn Ms. Frayn is one of the resource teachers at St. Raymond School. She came to St. Raymond because her children graduated from here. She has lived in Mt. Prospect for many years. She says St. Raymond has the best teachers, parents, students, and staff. Everyone is professional and enthusiastic. Ms. Frayn has taught at a high school for the last three years. She teaches grades 4-8. She loves everyday of teaching. She says she has the best job in the world! All About Mrs. Mitchell Mrs. Mitchell is one of our 2nd grade teachers at St. Raymond school. She came to St. Raymond because she went to Catholic school growing up and her kids go to a Catholic school, too. Her favorite subject to teach to second graders is reading. She chose to teach second grade because she loves teaching reading and they recieve First Eucharist. She has two kids, a kindergartener and a third grader. She likes to travel. [ 4 ] Saints Scoop MARCH 2018 Catholic Schools Week!

Read-a-Thon The 2018 St. Raymond Read-a-thon took place on Friday, March 9, 2018. At the all school assembly Mrs. Hart and the mayor of Mt. Prospect, Arlene Juracek, read their favorite books. During the rest of the morning, students read their favorite books in their classrooms. In addition to reading, there were special appearances by guest readers from the community which included Fr. Gilbert, Fr. Ed, Mrs. Knot and the whole parish staff, and the Mt. Prospect Fire Chief, Brian Lambel. For this awesome event, students wore pajamas or comfortable, school-appropriate out-of-uniform attire. Mrs. Puszka counted all the donations and they totaled over $2300. Great job Saints!

[ 5 ] Saints Scoop MARCH 2018 Junior High Poetry baby feet The Beach A Beautiful Day By Allie Winkler By Zach Peshak By Meghan Hayes my mother used to Woosh! The waves crash into the sand Ssssshhhhhh! tickle my baby feet Like a defender hitting a wide receiver The fresh, crisp-tasting water whispers a quiet song. to make me smile and While the sun sets as the sand scrapes The water sparkles and shimmers laugh The salty ocean waves In the golden sunlight. I was a happy baby The ocean is a big blue monster The leaves rustle it's funny to think Devouring the sand In the fresh, sweet smelling wind. those same feet run While the sand is as soft The birds chirp through grass fields As a baby’s skin And the clouds dance and water fountains While at the end of the day In the sky. on the weekend to The sun sets as the The rocky, tan colored cliff escape from the real Billions of people’s voices Towers overhead. world Hoots and hollers at the It is a beautiful day. those baby feet are Sun setting as slow as a snail. now jumping at school dances and waiting to stand on their tippy toes so I can have my very first kiss but, those baby feet are dirty now and tired now from all the running and jumping those baby feet need rest and I need rest because in reality they're still baby feet.

[ 6 ] Saints Scoop ENTERTAINMENT MARCH 2018 The Lucky Rabbit Bounces Back! The Unbelievably True Story About Oswald the Lucky Rabbit By Xander Adkins, Seamus Heil and Max Hargadon Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was the first-ever animated Disney character. Most people have never even heard his name or seen him, although 26 cartoons were made about him and he was in the video game.

Walt Disney started his career with the Alice comedies, which featured a real girl animated into a cartoon. This, as you can imagine, got a LOT of attention from all the cartoon fans and eventually, young Walt started hiring cartoonists for his cartoon company Laugh ’o Grams. But after a while, Alice got boring to watch. “The Alice comedies were running out of steam, and I needed something to keep us going,” Walt once said after people started to get tired of Alice.

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was created in 1927 in Kansas City, Missouri, by and as a cartoon character to sell to Universal Studios. The first Oswald cartoon was called . The problem was, Universal Studios was not happy with the cartoon, and unfortunately, it was rejected because of bad graphics and no basic storyline. , a Universal Studios worker, did not like how Oswald looked and suggested that he should be recreated as young and snappy looking, with a monocle. Walt agreed that Oswald needed work. He wanted to give his characters personalities too, so Walt took Mintz’s suggestion (except the part about the monocle) and remade Oswald. The second Oswald cartoon was called . It was about how Oswald was a train conductor who had to deal with all kinds of headaches. This second cartoon had a bigger focus on character and style. It was a big hit. Compared to other animated characters, Oswald was different from anything that came before him. Walt and Ub also created a cartoon called , in which Oswald, during a sword fight with his enemy Peg-leg , hands his sword to his shadow and runs off to be with his girlfriend Ortensia, while his shadow keeps fighting.“This series is destined to win much popular favor,” said Motion Picture News. Oswald was on the road to stardom.

Oswald quickly became popular, and merchandise was being sold all across the country. But not all was well. When Walt Disney tried to buy Oswald back from Universal, they refused and only gave back half of the cartoons. These cartoons that Universal has are now considered to be lost. The other half are available for anyone to watch. Meanwhile, Charles Mintz and Walter Lantz, (who would later become the creator of Woody Woodpecker) who were both working for Universal Studios at the time, started making more Oswald cartoons. But these cartoons just weren’t the same as the older ones. The new ones lacked style and charm. People stopped watching the once-famous Oswald cartoons. While he was once a fan favorite, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was now almost completely forgotten.

Many years later, in 2010, the exciting video game Epic Mickey came out. It was this game that introduced Oswald to people who had no idea that he even existed! The designer of the game, Warren Spector, was a fan of Oswald his whole life. But, the main character was Mickey Mouse, so Oswald didn’t get very much attention. Epic Mickey’s sequel, Epic Mickey 2, put Oswald a little more in the spotlight. It was 2-player, and you could be Mickey or Oswald. It was in these games that Ortensia (Oswald’s girlfriend) was officially named Ortensia. Oswald was becoming more and more popular by the minute. Oswald ears were starting to be sold at Disney World, and Oswald himself was featured in comics and children’s books.

Oswald is still popular today. Many people still watch his cartoons. The Oswald ears are still sold at Disney. In 2016, the movie Zootopia was made. In one scene, there is Oswald graffiti on an abandoned train car. Oswald is also drawn on the ceiling in the movie Big Hero 6, which was made in 2014. He also is featured in the new Mickey Mouse cartoons, so next time you watch a Disney movie, be sure to look for him! But a newer Disney character is now more popular than Oswald. His name is Mickey Mouse. He is the half-brother of Oswald, and he is one and a half years younger than him.

The story of Oswald is an incredible one. He was created in 1927 and is still popular today, more than 90 years later. He went from Disney to Universal and back again. He was the beginning of a company that might never end. One thing’s for sure. Oswald will NEVER be forgotten (we hope).

[ 7 ] Saints Scoop MARCH 2018 Movie Reviews! Welcome To The Jungle By Karina Ramirez and Maeve Wrona Have you seen the movie : Welcome to the Jungle? If you haven’t, you should go see it. Jumanji is a very entertaining and funny movie.

The movie starts off with four high schoolers, who get detention and have to clean the basement at school. As they are cleaning, Fridge, one of the students, finds a video game called Jumanji. They set up the game, and each person has to pick characters for the game. As each character is selected, they get sucked out of the basement and are dropped into the actual game. It’s not what they expect, as each character turns into someone else.

Bethany [Madison Iseman] turns into Professor Shelly Oberon [Jack Black]. Spencer [Alex Wolff] becomes Dr. Smolder Bravestone [Dwayne Johnson]. Fridge [Ser’Darius Blain] turns into Moose Finbar [Kevin Hart]. Martha [Morgan Jeanette Turner] becomes Ruby Roundhouse [Karen Gillan]. Each character has their own special powers, which helps them get through the game. The goal of the game is to not lose the three lives that they’ve been given and to get to the temple to put the diamond in the jaguar’s eye.

According to the website, Dwayne Johnson took on this film because he loved the script so much, and because he had an open schedule. Dwayne Johnson worked with Kevin Hart on the script for a long time before they started doing rehearsals. Kevin Hart loves his character’s hat for the movie. It’s a military boonie hat in coyote brown and he thinks it adds something fun about his character. Also, this isn’t the first time Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart have been in a movie together. They appeared together in the movie Central Intelligence, among others.

Another fun fact is that Nick Jonas was actually watching the first Jumanji movie on his tour bus when he got the call to be in this movie. During the filming of this movie, the bugs were really bad and were biting Nick Jonas quite a bit.

We both would give this movie 5 stars because the movie was very funny and the setting was very beautiful. Also that it was very entertaining.

Long Live The King! The Black Panther By Brendan Ziegenhorn, Seamus Heil, Max Hargadon, Avery Maentz and Xander Adkins Black Panther is already one of the biggest money-making movies of all time! It is an action-packed movie, produced by Marvel, about a superhero named Black Panther, whose real name is T’Challa (played by Chadwick Boseman). Black Panther is the first African-American superhero. After the death of his father, T'Challa returns home to the African nation of Wakanda to take his place as king. When a powerful enemy suddenly appears, T'Challa is tested, starting a conflict that puts the fate of Wakanda and the entire world at risk. Faced with danger, the young king must rally his allies and release the full power of Black Panther to defeat his enemies and guarantee the safety of his people. His powers include superhuman senses, super strength, super speed, agility, stamina, durability, healing, and reflexes.

T’Challa has a sister named Shuri (played by Letitia Wright) who designed his super suit. It is black and coated in the strongest metal on earth, vibranium. He has a cat-like helmet. His super suit also has claws made out of vibranium. The villain in Black Panther is Erik Killmonger, (played by Michael B. Jordan, not the basketball player) who excels in hand-to-hand combat. Killmonger was jealous of T’Challa and wanted to be king. Killmonger, who’s real name is N'Jadaka, is desperate to take over Wakanda.

We interviewed Teddy Riefke, who has seen the movie Black Panther. Here are some questions we asked him. Q: What was your favorite part? A: It was when Black Panther fought Killmonger for the throne. Q: Was it exciting? A: Yes, it was very exciting and action packed. Q: Why did you like it? A: It was intense and it all led up to one moment. Q: Would you like to see it again? A: Yes, I definitely would. Rotten Tomatoes said 97% of the audience liked it!

[ 8 ] Saints Scoop MARCH 2018 Wonder By Maggie Schram, Addie Geier, and Giuliana Freni Wonder is a very popular book and movie. We interviewed Miss O’Grady, the teacher that loves Wonder, to hear what she said.

Miss O’Grady reads the book Wonder to the new 4th grade every year. She thinks that Wonder sends a powerful message to all. She enjoys reading Wonder at the beginning of the year because it sends a positive message about being respectful of other kids’ differences. Miss O’Grady loved the movie, but she liked reading the book better because it gives more details. In the movie, they didn’t really focus on Julian, but in the book they dug deeper into his character. They also made Miranda more of a character because you could understand her more.

Wonder is not just a book or movie, it’s a valuable life lesson that we should all learn. The book was better because it gives more details about the characters. I like when the author describes the setting very well and I can imagine the setting in my mind. We agree with Miss O’Grady that they made Miranda a lot more of a character in the movie. We could really feel her feelings more than when we read the book. We loved reading Wonder and watching the movie, too. We hope everyone will be able to read and enjoy this book. Video Games! GAME ON!The Nintendo Switch By: Avery Maentz and Max Hargadon The Nintendo Switch is the newest gaming console, and it looks like everyone wants one. It’s a lot of money, ($299.99 to be exact) so open up your wallet if you want a Nintendo Switch. The Switch is the 7th gaming system made by Nintendo. It was released on March 3, 2017. Not only can you hook it up to your TV, but it is also portable, so you can take it anywhere you go. It is able to do this because it comes with a small tablet, and while you are playing hooked up to a TV, it goes into a docking station. The docking station is what hooks the Switch up to the TV. Then everything appears on the TV. But, when you are using it as a portable system, you attach the joy-cons (controllers) to it. You can get the joy-cons in gray, red, blue, yellow, pink, and green. There is also another kind of controller called the Pro Controller. This controller is similar in shape to an Xbox controller.

Some of the most popular games are Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, The Legends of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Arms, NBA2K18, and many more. The best-selling game on the Nintendo Switch is Zelda, with more than 4 million copies sold. Playing the games are very fun, but you should be careful because the Nintendo Switch tablet might break. You must be very responsible. There can be up to four players in some games, but others can only have one or two players. You can get protective cases for your Switch. Some have two square-like, flat containers for holding four game cartridges (which you place in a slot in the Switch) and some have a little pocket with zippers up at the top, which holds the tablet. Some cases are designed to be like Zelda, Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Arms, or they can be a plain black case.

In The Box The Nintendo Switch comes with many parts. There is the docking station, tablet, two joy-cons, two joy-con wrist straps (for playing two player with separate joy-cons), one joy-con grip (for playing one player), an AC adapter, and an HDMI cable.

[ 9 ] Saints Scoop MARCH 2018 Star Wars Battlefront II By Jason Maurer and Seth Filas We personally think Star Wars Battlefront ll is a great game! An update from Star Wars Battlefront, it is an action shooter video game based on Star Wars that was released on November 17 2017. Star Wars Battlefront ll is a story mode game that can be played on PS4, Xbox 1 and a PC. The developers are DICE, Criterion and Motive. A cool feature is that you can be the resistance or the First Order. Some of the features: Planets | Hoth, Vardos, Takodana, Starkiller base, Theed, and Yavin 4. Characters | Yoda, Rey, Kylo Ren, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Darth Maul, Chewbacca, Wookie Warrior, Han Solo, Stormtroopers, Battle droids, Finn, and much more. Vehicles: New Order Tie-Fighters, AT-ATs, U-Wings, lets hope they add B and Y-Wings, Poe Dameron’s Black 1, Luke Skywalker’s T-65B X-Wing, Darth Vader’s Tie Advanced, Tie Silencer, AT-RT, MTT, Star fighters, and a lot more. Equipment | Lightsabers, Ray blasters, Geonosian Blasters, Carbon blaster, blaster Cannons, Assault blasters, Machine blasters, and of course jetpacks…… FWOOOOOSH Questions I would like to ask the creators | Who is the guy in the red suit? Why did you make a video game about Star Wars? How long did it take to create this game? Why is this game so good?

Reviews of the game are mixed. While Jason feels “There is something deliciously fun about light sabering and sniping people.” Johnny thought the game was horrible! You’ll have to decide for yourself! Rocket League By Teddy Riefke Rocket League is a car sports video game on the Xbox One and Playstation 4, which debuted on July 7, 2015. This action-packed sports game, can now be played on the Switch, Nintendo’s newest console. The main game is soccer, but the players are not people they are cars. There are additional games kids play in Rocket League such as Hoops (Basketball), Dropshot, Snow Day (Hockey), Rumble and Training. The most played mode in Rocket League is Soccer. According to Rocket, it has been winner or nominee of more than 150 Game of the Year awards. There is also lots of downloadable content (DLCS). For an additional charge, there are add ons to the game. You do not have purchase the DLC’s to have fun, but they have pretty cool items. Rocket League's cool cars are a different way to play traditional sports games with a twist! Makes for hours of fun!

NBA 2K18 By Luke Sivulka, Tony Freni and Bobby Rieke 2017 was a great year for video games, one of them being NBA 2K18. This year‘s cover athlete was Kyrie Irving. For the Legend Edition, is was Shaquille O’Neal with the Heat and for the Legend Edition Gold it was Shaq on the Lakers.This game gave the series multiple new features like, Pack and Playoffs and Streetball in My Career. Pack and Playoffs is a form of Draft Champions in NHL 18 and Madden 18. You play online against other people. To draft your team, you pick player packs to open up, you pick two cards to flip and you pick the one you want. You begin by opening a coach pack, the coaches determine what play you run and how good your team is. To advance to the next round, you must win your game. If you lose four games, you have to restart and make a new team. MyCareer has tons of new features! This year, you do not go to college. You start out playing Street Ball games against auto generated 2k players. You play five games before getting drafted into the NBA. After you are drafted, you unlock the Neighborhood and begin The Road to 99. The neighborhood has the 2k zone that includes mini-games, parks to play more streetball, PRO-AM gym, tattoo parlor, barber shop, and a FootLocker shop. Every NBA team this year has new Nike jerseys. They are not just home, away, and alternate, they are Icon Association, Statement, Classic and new updated 2nd Statement. The release meter is different this year again. Last year for the release meter, you had to fill the whole bar for a good release and had a better chance of your shot going in. Also last year the size of the meter depended on the players hot, cold and neutral zones. This year, the release meter is next to the players head when they shoot. It goes up in a curved line. The goal is to get your release to the top of the meter. This game has given us many good times and we can’t wait for the next release! [ 10 ] Saints Scoop SPORTS MARCH 2018 14th Annual Joey Sykes 8th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament By Joseph Fardella and Graham Ellis JOEY SYKES When he was three years old, a student at St. Raymond named Joey Sykes was diagnosed with a rare form of pediatric cancer. He fought as hard as he could, he fought like a champ! . RAYMON Sadly, he died in the 1st grade. The school decided to make a basketball tournament in his ST ETBALL TOURN D BASK AMEN honor. And thus, the Joey Sykes Basketball Tournament was born. T This year there were 12 teams in the Tournament. The teams in the Gold and Silver Divisions were St. Anne, Lincoln Junior High, St. Peter & Paul, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, River Trails, Holmes Junior High, Queen of all Saints, St. Petronille, Grove Junior High, St. Emily and St. Raymond. 2018 was the 14th year of the Joey Sykes Tournament. It was played on January 18-21. All the teams played their hearts out but Our Lady of Perpetual Help came out on top. River Trails, led by star player Ben Clawson, took second place. They were the fantastic runner-up. Net proceeds for the Tournament were donated to the Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation in the name of Joey Sykes. Girls Basketball...what a season! By Joselyn Mendez and Bella Iovino Do you want to know all the latest girls basketball news? Well, you’re in luck! We have all of the information you need! Saint Raymond girls basketball starts in 5th grade and runs through 8th grade. For 5th grade, there are two teams: team 1 and team 2. For the 8th grade, there is an A team and a AA team. For 6th and 7th, there is one team per grade. Some games may be hard, but they are fun. Our teams had a terrific season. The 5th-grade girls basketball teams played in the St. Emily’s tournament and took fourth place. In 6th grade girls basketball, our Saints took third place in the St. Emily’s Tournament. The girls had their second tournament at St. Bede on February 18. They lost the first game and won the next 2 games making them Consolation Champs! Great Season for the Girls! The 7th grade girls finished 2nd in the Northwest Catholic Conference tournament losing only to St. Emily, 40-32, in the Gold Division Champion- ship game at St. Viator. Congrats Girls! The 8th grade girls A team finished 2nd in the Northwest Catholic Conference Tournament! They battled against a tough St. Emily team in the championship game at St. Viator. The 8th grade girls AA team had an amazing season. They lost in the playoffs 25-23 in a heartbreaker versus Holy Family. Congratulations on a great season of basketball. Go Saints!

[ 11 ] Saints Scoop MARCH 2018 Boys Basketball 2017-2018 By Graham Ellis, Jack Aliprandi and Joseph Fardella 5th Grade Boys Basketball Both of the 5th grade basketball teams had a great season! Guided by coaches Bill McKenna and Ryan Ellis, the 5th grade slam-dunked to an 8 win, 3 loss, and 1 tie season. Team 2 had a fantastic season going undefeated with a 12 win, no loss record led by coaches Louie Ruffolo and Sean Hayes. Team 1 competed in the St. John Brebeuf Tournament in Niles, and they took an impressive 2nd place. Team 2 competed in the St. Emily Tournament here in Mount Prospect, and they also took 2nd place. They played in the St. Hubert Tournament and brought home the 3rd place trophy. Both teams played terrific in both in their regular seasons and in their tournaments.

6th Grade Boys Basketball The 6th grade boys’ basketball teams had a very successful season. The gold had a record of 7 wins and 5 losses. The silver team had a record of 4 wins and 6 losses.The gold team competed in the St. Emily tourna- ment in Mount Prospect and received 3rd place. The silver team competed in the Sean McInerney Tournament at St. Mary in Buffalo Grove and were the consolation champions which is 5th place. Both teams played terrific in both their regular seasons and in their tournament.

7th Grade Boys Basketball The 7th grade boys silver team had a great season ending at the 10 seed in the playoffs. Sadly, they got knocked out in the first round. They also played in the A Soldier's Journey Home at Saint Alphonsus and won the consolation bracket. The 7th Grade boys gold team finished the season with the 3 seed. They got knocked out in the first round as well to Our Lady of the Wayside. Both teams had a fantastic season.

8th Grade Boys Basketball The 8th grade boys silver team finished with a strong season. Sadly, they got knocked out in the first round of the playoffs but they played in the Saint Hubert’s and got third place. The gold team ended the season undefeated and happend to be the 1 seed in the playoffs. They beat Saint Anne in the first round by 20 points and beat Saint Alphonsus in the semi-finals by 30. The championship game was hosted by Saint Viator High School. Saint Raymond faced Queen of the Rosary. The first half was looking like a close matchup. The 3rd quarter, Saint Raymond made a 10-2 run. Then, Father Gilbert arrived and Saint Raymond showed no mercy, winning the playoffs and bringing home the Vic Rose Trophy. Both teams finished with terrific seasons!

[ 12 ] Saints Scoop MARCH 2018 2018 NFL Playoffs By Joseph Fardella, Sam Hargadon and Max Hargadon Wild Card Round The Wild Card Round started with Titans facing the Chiefs. The Chiefs were winning 21-3 at halftime, but the Titans came climbing back in the game with the 3rd quarter score at 21-10. In the 4th quarter, the Titans played stellar defense and came back for a 22-21 win.

RIght after the Titans-Chiefs game was the Falcon vs. Rams. The halftime score was a close score at 13-10 with a Falcons lead. In the 3rd quarter, the Rams just fell apart, allowing 6 points without scoring any points of their own. The final score was 26-13 with a Falcons victory.

The next day started with the Bills and Jaguars facing off at EverBank Field. At halftime, the score was 3-3. The game was very close at the time. In the 3rd quarter, the Jaguars scored a touchdown to take the lead with the score 10-3. That was the final score.

The next game was the Panthers and Saints facing off. The halftime score was 21-9 with a big Saints lead. In the 4th quarter, Cam Newton attempted a game winning touchdown, but he was sacked by Tyeler Davison. The final score was 31-26 with a Saints victory. Divisional Round The first game in the Divisional Round of the NFL Playoffs started of with the Falcons and Eagles facing off. At halftime, the Falcons were up 10-9. In the 3rd quarter, the Eagles shut down the Falcons offense. In the 4th quarter, the Eagles shut down the Falcons again and the final score was a 15-10 Eagles victory.

Later that day, the Titans and Patriots faced each other at Gillette Stadium. In the first half, the game was looking like a blow out. At halftime, the score was 21-7, Patriots. In the 3rd quarter, the score was 28-7. The final score was 35-14, Patriots.

The next day started off with the Jaguars at Steelers. In the first half, the score was 28-14 with a Jaguars lead. In the 3rd quarter, the Steelers started a comeback with the score at 21-28. In the 4th quarter, the game was tied 42-42. The Jaguars were lining up for the field goal. Josh Lambo kicked the football, and it was good for the game winning field goal for a final score of 45-42 Jaguars.

After that, the next game was the Vikings against the Saints. The Vikings scored early, with 17 points in the first half. The Saints had a chance for a field goal with 26 seconds left in the half, but they missed it. The halftime score was 17-0, with the Vikings in the lead. The Saints’ first score came late in the third quarter, on a pass from Drew Brees to wide receiver Michael Thomas. The Saints kicked a field goal with under a minute left in the fourth, taking a 1 point lead. With 10 seconds in the game, the Saints were leading by one point, and Vikings quarterback Case Keenum threw it to Stefon Diggs who ran into the endzone just as time expired. Conference Championship The first game was the Jacksonville Jaguars against the New England Patriots. The game was very close and exciting. It went back and forth. The halftime score was 14-10 Jaguars. In the fourth quarter, the Patriots scored an amazing 14 points to seal their victory 24-20.

The next game was the Vikings facing the Eagles. The halftime score was a brutal 24-7 Eagles lead. In the third and fourth quarter, it didn’t get any better for the Vikings. The final score was a not so close 38-7. The Super Bowl would be the Patriots facing the Eagles. Super Bowl The Patriots and Eagles game was a very exciting one. The Eagles had a 22-12 lead on the Patriots at the half. In the fourth quarter, Tom Brady threw a last second pass into the end zone to Rob Gronkowski but it was broken up. The final score was 41-33 Eagles. This was the Eagles first Super Bowl win.

[ 13 ] Saints Scoop MARCH 2018 sports teams

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