Three years after their adventure in : Welcome to the Jungle, Spencer Gilpin, Anthony "Fridge" Johnson, Martha Kaply, and Bethany Walker have separated for college, but plan a reunion over Christmas break. The night before the reunion, Spencer, feeling like he has no purpose, gets out the Jumanji game set. When he doesn't show up at the reunion, his friends visit his mother's home, greeted by Spencer's grandfather Eddie and Eddie's former friend and business partner Milo Walker, who is visiting him. They discover that Spencer has gone into Jumanji and Fridge, Martha, Eddie and Milo go into the game as well, leaving Bethany behind. Inside the game, Martha finds herself as Ruby Roundhouse, the same avatar she had in the prior movie. Fridge becomes Professor Sheldon Oberon (which Bethany had used previously) while Eddie and Milo become Dr. and Franklin "Mouse" Finbar (which Spencer and Fridge had used previously). After instructing Eddie and Milo on the game's rules, the group encounters non-player character Nigel Billingsley, the game's guide, who reveals that Jumanji is suffering from a massive drought. To leave the game, the group must end the drought by recovering a magical necklace known as the Falcon Heart that was stolen by the warlord Jurgen the Brutal. Meanwhile, Bethany, left out of the game and still in the real world, goes to fellow Jumanji player Alex Vreeke for help. Transported to a desert to pursue Jurgen, and after narrowly escaping a flock of pursuing ostriches, the group encounters Spencer, who is operating a new avatar, a skilled thief named Ming Fleetfoot. Apologizing for their predicament, Spencer agrees to help the group. While attempting to escape the desert, the group faces new challenges and problems, along with collecting an in-game item called a Jumanji Berry, and discovering a pool of glowing green water that allows them to switch avatars. Meanwhile, Eddie bickers with Milo, revealing their friendship ended when Milo sold a diner they owned behind Eddie's back, forcing him into retirement. Traveling to a forest beyond the desert, the group crosses a series of rope bridges, while being attacked by a group of mandrills. After succeeding in crossing the bridges, they are reunited with Alex, as his avatar Jefferson "Seaplane" McDonough, and Bethany, who is operating another new avatar called Cyclone – a black horse that can only be understood by Finbar. As they rest from their battle with the mandrills, Eddie realizes that Milo is terminally ill and wanted to make amends before he died - the two reconcile with each other. Working together, the group traverses Mt. Zhatmire and finds a river with the same glowing green water, allowing Spencer, Bethany, and Fridge to return in their original avatars Bravestone, Oberon, and Finbar again while Eddie and Milo respectively end up as Ming and Cyclone. Shortly after changing characters, Jurgen's men capture Eddie and Milo. Spencer, Martha, Fridge, Bethany, and Alex split up and infiltrate Jurgen's fortress to rescue their teammates and get back the Falcon Heart. While scaling the ice wall to the fortress, Martha asks Spencer why he abandoned his old life and her, prompting Spencer to admit that Martha's success at college made him insecure about himself. Martha consoles him and reminds him that he needs his friends when he is scared and insecure. When the confrontation turns into another battle, Spencer pursues Jurgen to his airship while the others fight his henchmen. Spencer discovers that Jurgen is vulnerable to the Jumanji Berry, which incapacitates him long enough for Spencer to steal the Falcon Heart necklace and defeat Jurgen. He then gives Eddie the necklace, where he and Milo fly into the air and let the sun shine upon the necklace, restoring the magic and saving the game. Returning the Falcon Heart to Nigel for safekeeping, the group is surprised when

Summarized by © Milo decides to stay behind and protect the land. Upon returning to the real world, Spencer teaches his grandfather about video games. Having gotten over his resentment, Eddie convinces Nora, the owner of his old diner, to hire him on as a manager. In a mid-credits scene, the heating mechanic who Spencer's mother hired finally shows up. As he reaches for the game the flock of ostriches from the game rush past the diner, witnessed by Spencer's group.

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