Actinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitans Isolated from a Case of Cutaneous Botryomycosis
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Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans Isolated From a Case of Cutaneous Botryomycosis Josie A. Pielop, MD; Rhea Phillips, MD; Ted Rosen, MD Cutaneous botryomycosis is an uncommon chronic botryomycotic infections.1 Histologic examina- suppurative bacterial skin infection that can tion reveals characteristic granules with basophilic mimic a fungal infection both clinically and his- centers composed of clumped nonfilamentous topathologically. Causative bacteria, most com- bacteria surrounded by an eosinophilic periphery monly Staphylococcus aureus, aggregate to form (Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon). Foreign bodies, characteristic granules. We report the case of a impaired host immunity, and virulent organisms are 52-year-old black man who developed cutane- possible pathogenic factors. ous botryomycosis of the hand following trauma. Routine bacterial cultures grew S aureus and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, a fas- tidious gram-negative bacillus known to cause periodontal disease, endocarditis, and acti- nomycosislike soft tissue infections. Despite culture-proven eradication of S aureus with long- term appropriate antibiotic therapy, the lesion resolved only after fluoroquinolone treatment directed against A actinomycetemcomitans, sug- gesting that A actinomycetemcomitans was of etiologic significance. Cutis. 2007;79:293-296. utaneous botryomycosis is an uncommon chronic skin infection that appears as a local- C ized suppurative plaque or nodule with super- ficial crusting or ulceration. Although clinically suggestive of a deep fungal or atypical mycobacte- rial infection, botryomycosis is bacterial in origin. Figure 1. Erythematous verrucous plaque with some Staphylococcus aureus is the most frequent organ- mild crusting on the dorsal left hand. ism cultured; however, gram-negative bacilli includ- ing Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus species, and Case Report Escherichia coli also have been isolated from A 52-year-old black man presented with a 1-year history of a gradually enlarging tender lesion that initially appeared after trauma caused by hauling Accepted for publication May 27, 2005. tree branches. A 536-cm erythematous verrucous From the Department of Dermatology, Baylor College of Medicine, plaque with some mild crusting was present on the and the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Administration Medical dorsal left hand without evidence of ulceration Center, Houston, Texas. (Figure 1). Histologic examination of biopsy specimens The authors report no conflict of interest. Reprints: Ted Rosen, MD, Department of Dermatology, Baylor obtained at the time of presentation and one month College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza FB840, Houston, TX 77030 later showed pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia with (e-mail: [email protected]). acute and chronic inflammation. Neither fungal nor VOLUME 79, APRIL 2007 293 A actinomycetemcomitans Figure 3. Granule of nonfilamentous bacteria with an eosinophilic periphery (H&E, original magnification 3400). Comment In 1884, Rivolta2 was the first to use the term botryomycosis, believing that the causative organism was a true fungus. It was not until 1919 that a bacte- rial etiology was definitively proved.3 The mislead- ing nomenclature has resulted in some confusion in the literature because botryomycosis is only 1 of several granulomatous infectious diseases of the skin that forms granules. Mycetoma is character- Figure 2. Dermal microabscesses surrounded by fibrosis ized by tumefaction and draining sinuses with an and granulation tissue (H&E, original magnification 320). exudate containing grains or granules. The gran- ules of botryomycosis and mycetoma are composed of tightly packed colonies of causative organisms; acid-fast organisms were found on special stains or tis- however, mycetoma granules usually are filamentous. sue culture. Routine bacterial cultures grew S aureus Mycetomas can be subdivided into 2 categories: susceptible to tetracycline and resistant to methicil- (1) eumycotic mycetomas caused by true fungi such lin and ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. The patient was as Pseudallescheria boydii and (2) actinomycotic treated with minocycline hydrochloride 100 mg twice mycetomas caused by filamentous aerobic bacterial daily but failed to improve. Results of a repeat biopsy organisms such as Nocardia species or Actinomadura 2 months later again showed pseudoepitheliomatous species. Anaerobic filamentous bacteria, especially hyperplasia with inflammation. Results of repeat fungal Actinomyces israelii, can cause actinomycosis, a and mycobacterial stains and cultures were negative, chronic infection of the cervicofacial, thoracic, and and bacterial cultures grew only scant Staphylococcus abdominal tissues characterized by draining sinuses epidermidis. Minocycline hydrochloride was contin- that also discharge granules composed of aggregates of ued and empiric oral itraconazole was added. Due bacterial filaments. There can be considerable over- to persistent disease, a fourth biopsy specimen was lap of the clinical appearance and tissue response of obtained 11 months after initial presentation. Biopsy mycetoma, actinomycosis, and botryomycosis. When results revealed dermal microabscesses with collections granules are found in tissue sections, fungal or of organisms surrounded by an eosinophilic capsule actinomycotic infections often are considered before typical of botryomycosis (Figures 2 and 3). Although botryomycosis, and isolation of nonfilamentous bac- special stains again failed to demonstrate fungi or teria on culture is essential to confirm the diagnosis mycobacteria, bacterial tissue culture grew abundant of botryomycosis.4 Berger et al5 suggested that the Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans susceptible to term bacterial actinophytosis be substituted for the term quinolones. The lesion resolved after 15 weeks of botryomycosis to avoid confusion, but this nomencla- monotherapy with oral ciprofloxacin (1500 mg/d). ture has never been adopted. 294 CUTIS® A actinomycetemcomitans The pathogenesis of botryomycosis is not com- of ciprofloxacin, to which the staphylococcal organ- pletely understood but is thought to involve a bal- isms were resistant. Isolation of multiple organisms ance between the virulence of the organism and the is not unusual in botryomycosis; however, only resistance of the host. Providing an intermediate one organism typically is considered to be the concentration of inoculum is important. A weak casual agent.1 inoculum will eradicate too few organisms, and a Treatment of A actinomycetemcomitans infections powerful inoculum could cause an overwhelming or can be difficult. Its slow growth and fastidious nature necrotizing infection.6 Although many hosts have often prevent in vitro susceptibility testing. Suscepti- no apparent immune deficits, botryomycosis has bility to ampicillin and penicillin is variable, and the been reported in association with human immuno- organism usually is resistant to methicillin, vanco- deficiency virus infection7,8 and Job syndrome.9 As mycin, erythromycin, and clindamycin.16 Although in our case, a history of trauma providing a route of cephalosporin and tetracycline can be effective,16 entry for organisms into the skin is frequently but our patient did not respond to 9 months of therapy not uniformly present.1,10 Other factors that might with minocycline hydrochloride. Susceptibility test- play a role in the pathogenesis of botryomycosis ing of fluoroquinolones has shown promising results include the presence of a foreign body11 or under- in periodontal infections,21 and ciprofloxacin has lying generally debilitating medical conditions, been successfully used to treat endocarditis caused including diabetes mellitus,10,12 alcoholism,10 and by A actinomycetemcomitans.22 Ciprofloxacin also was cystic fibrosis.13 effective in our patient. A actinomycetemcomitans is a nonfilamentous fastidious gram-negative bacillus known to cause REFERENCES periodontal disease, endocarditis, and actinomy- 1. Bonifaz A, Carrasco E. Botryomycosis. Int J Dermatol. cosislike soft tissue infections. As with A israelii, 1996;35:381-388. A actinomycetemcomitans is part of the normal 2. Rivolta S. Del micelio e delle varieta e specie di discomi- oral flora and can be isolated in association with cete patogeni. Giorn Anat Fisiol Patol Anim. 1884;16:181- A israelii or as a sole pathogen. Because of its slow 198. Cited by: Winslow DJ. Botryomycosis. Am J Pathol. growth, correct diagnosis of disorders resulting from 1959;35:153-167. A actinomycetemcomitans often is delayed or missed 3. Magrou J. Les formes actinomycotiques du staphylocoque. entirely if laboratories discard the culture after the Ann Inst Pasteur. 1919;35:344-374. first week of incubation.14,15 Although multiple 4. Winslow DJ. Botryomycosis. Am J Pathol. 1959;35: reports of soft tissue abscess formation directly caused 153-167. by A actinomycetemcomitans exist in the English 5. Berger L, Vallee A, Veziva C. Genital staphylococcic language literature,16-18 few exhibit the characteristic actinophytosis (botryomycosis) in human beings. Arch granule of botryomycosis. In 1948, Auger19 reported a Pathol. 1936;21:273-283. patient with botryomycosis of the kidney from which 6. Mackinnon JE, Conti-Diaz IA, Gezuele E, et al. Expe- Actinobacillus lignieresii was isolated. Thirty years rimental botryomycosis produced by Pseudomonas later, a case was reported of botryomycosis caused by aeruginosa. J Med Microbiol. 1969;2:369-372. a previously unidentified gram-negative organism, 7. Ahdoot D, Rickman LS, Haghighi P,