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h ~ National Aeronautics and Space Administration N\&'( .Q.. I . , ~~ - . Headquarters Washington, DC 20546-0001 February 28, 2014 Reply to Attn of: Office of Communication Headquarters FOIA Office John Greenewald, Jr. [email protected] FOIA: 14-HQ-F-00336 Dear Mr. Greenewald: Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated February 22, 2014, and received in our office February 24, 2014. Your request was for: a copy ofthe FOIA Case Log for 2013. The NASA Headquarters program office(s) conducted a search for Agency records. Attached is the responsive document for your request. You did not provide us with sufficient information to make a determination regarding your request for news media status as a fee waiver. However, fees for processing this request are less than $15.00 and are not being charged in accordance with 14 CFR § 1206.700(i)(2). Please contact me at r,[email protected] or (202) 358-2462 for further assistance. Page 1 of32 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 300 E Street, SW ~< Washington, DC 20546 .' ' J I Report Date • 02/27/2014 Time : 4:00:36 PM FOIA Log FY 13 Received between 10/01/2012 and 09/30/2013 Original Requester Final l!xemption Request ID Received Request Description Name Disposition Cited Date 12-HQ-F-00932 09/14/2012 Oesterle, Memorandum between NASA and Granted in full ~a ron CASIS. 13-ARC-F-00004 10/03/2012 Hagen, Kathie Tyvak Executive Summary and proposal Granted/Denied (b)(4);(b) and proposal submitted in May 2012 re: in Part (3):22 Proximity Operations Nano-Satelllte u.s.c. § Flight Demonstration 2751 13-ARC-F-00026 10/09/2012 Kramer, Alex Email communications regardin six (6) pther Reasons D(5) lAmes employees reqarding H211. 13-ARC-F-00041 10/16/2012 ~atthews, !Emails, memos and letters sent or ~ranted/Denied b)(6) Mark received related to Project Omega - see In Part 12-HQ-F-00888 13-ARC-F-00042 10/16/2012 Matthews, Emails, memos and letters sent or pther Reasons D(1) Mark received related to the employment ~tatus of Ames Center Director Pete WOrden- see 12- HQ-F-00889 13-ARC-F-00055 10/23/2012 ~eath, Valerie ~GT Contract NNA08205346R - SF294 pther Reasons D(4) REports; SF295 Reports; subcontracting IPian· small businesses 13-ARC-F-00066 10/29/2012 Santos, Rose NNA07CA07C documents including Granted/Denied (b)(4) contract, source selection document, in Part modification SOW all attachments. 13-ARC-F-00067 10/29/2012 Bennett, Mary Request the compames or exisiting Other Reasons D(4) ~ontractors that working under this i:ontract NNA13JAC-BPA-4200443820. 13-ARC-F-00068 10/31/2012 Santos, Rose NNA08CG83C: all awarded and ongoing Denied in full l'b)(4) ~sk orders from the last 3 years and all fee determination official (award fee letter}. 13-ARC-F-00093 11/08/2012 Ruzbacki, K:ontract # NAS2-97001 award fee ~ranted/Denied (b)(4) Nicole letters, source selection in Part letters,contract,modlfications , and task orders 13-ARC-F-00099 11/09/2012 Delp, Sharon ~tandard Labor Classifications that was Granted in full isted in the RFP's that resulted in these '"ontracts 1) NAS2-02090 - Lockheed Martin 2} NNA08AF30B - ASRC 3) NNA09DC79C - Dvnamac Corporation 13-ARC-F-00101 11/14/2012 Cowing, Keith Moon Express and Odyssey Moon SAA's ~ranted/Denied (b)(6);(b) in Part li4) 13-ARC-F-00123 11/20/2012 Ruzbackl, NNA04BA85C Award Fee e Letters and Granted In full - Nicole Source Selection Letter 13-ARC-F-00145 11/29/2012 Klein, Nancy priginal and subsequent (all) building Other Reasons D(4) permits for nine Ames Buildings: N226; N212; N22; N221B; N227A; N235; N246· N247· TA16 13-ARC-F-00178 12/10/2012 Do, Tom Request for Proposal (with Sections L & ~ranted in full - https:/ /foia.nasa.gov/FOIAXpress/Reports/Custom/afx.PrintCustomizedRep. .. 2/27/2014 Page 2 of32 J-1) for Solicitation #NNA0837007R 13-ARC-F-00213 12/31/2012 ~erstman, Ari Request for the modifications to the !Granted/Denied j\b)(4) isGT contract NNA08CG83C. I am in Part particularly interested in any option renewals or additions of funding, but all !other modifications would be of interest las well. 13-ARC-F-00221 12/27/2012 ~loom, Russell !Approximately 103 architectural Denied in full l'b)(7)(F) ~rawings of building N-226 13-ARC-F-00237 01/04/2013 Parnes, ~ontract # NNA08CG83C Source Granted/Denied (b)(4) Heather !selection Statement and copies of past n Part 12 months of Monthly Technical Progress Reports 13-ARC-F-00245 01/10/2013 ~omez, Leah NASA's Ames Research Center's current Granted in full - "Environmental Enhancement Plan" for ronhuman primates, and any other ecords created or maintained by the ~enter pursuant to the requirments of 9 ~.F . R . § 3.81 that reflect current institutional practices. 13-ARC-F-00247 01/11/2013 Flynn, Michael Request for Debiorah Feng's response to Other Reasons 0(8) ~ohn Garris's Mar 27, 2012 Management Referral. 13-ARC-F-00307 01/29/2013 Klein Nancy Building Permits for Building 217 Granted in full - 13-ARC-F-00310 ~1/28/2013 Asmus, Paul regarding aircraft operations of NASA Granted in full - Moffett Federal Airfield tenant H211, LLC between June 1, 2007 - January 26, ~013. 13-ARC-F-00330 02/08/2013 Asmus Paul SAA2-401523 Other Reasons 0(3) 13-ARC-F-00333 02/11/2013 Asmus, Paul !Any or all electronic mail and/or - Clocuments to and from Dr. Peter Worden the Director of Ames Research Center pertaining to tenant H211, 13-ARC- F-00334 02/11/2013 Asmus, Paul All mvoices or relevant documents of ~ranted in full NASA Ames provided jet-fuel for aircraft operated by H211 13-ARC-F-00356 <:12/13/2013 Sheldon, ~E Motors installed in wind tunnel Granted in full ,...harles 13-ARC-F-00401 02/26/2013 Cowing, Keith SAA2-402751 Granted/Denied (b)(4) in Part 13-ARC-F-00414 03/04/2013 Crawford, copies of all Legislative Jurisdictional Granted in full - Craig Maps for NASA Ames Research Center for the period July 2005 through October 2007 13-ARC-F-00419 03/05/2013 f(emodle Kelly JL Skye Inc. Pther Reasons 0(1) 13-ARC-F-00420 03/04/2013!Santos, Rose NNA09DB39C ~ranted/Denied b)(6);(b) in Part 4) 13-ARC-F-00428 03/05/2013 !Asmus, Paul H211, LLC and/or Blue City Holdings, Granted/Denied (b)(6);(b) LLC. from July 2007- Julv 2009 In Part 4) 13-ARC-F-00429 03/12/2013 !Asmus, Paul Blue City Holdings, LLC and H211, LLC Granted/Denied (b)(6);(b) in Part 4) 13-ARC-F- 00441 ~3/14/2013 Donato- Planetary Ventures/Google Campus - - rweinstein, Project !Nathan 13-ARC-F-00453 Kl3/04/2013 Maday, Sean NASA WORLD WIND SOFTWARE ~ranted/Denied (b)(7)(E); in Part (b)(6);(b) 4) 13-ARC-F-00483 03/14/2013 !All, Ahsan NNA08BB30T: Task Orders, Task Orders Other Reasons 0(3) Modifications SEB Selection Notes 13-ARC-F-00484 03/25/2013 Ho Sung NNA08BB30T Pther Reasons D(3) 13-ARC- F-00490 03/21/2013 Drapcho, Katie U.S. Arctic Research Commissioner ~ranted in full - Mead Treadwell (R-AK) between Jan 1, 12001 and Jan. 1 2011. 13-ARC-F-00496 ~3/18/2013 Poe Danlelle Buyer information Pther Reasons 10(8) 13-ARC-F-00509 03/26/2013 ~uttino, Ben ncident Report Number 13-059-0033. Qther Reasons D(6) 13-ARC-F-00549 04/10/2013 Kramer Alex H211 LLC Other Reasons 0(6_1 https:/ /foia.nasa.gov/FOIAXpress/Reports/Custom/afxPrintCustomizedRep... 2/27/2014 Page 3 of32 13-ARC-F-00624 04/25/2013 Rumold, Mark tfwo agreements with Apple, Apple SDK Other Reasons D{8) !Agreement and the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. 13-ARC-F-00625 04/23/2013 ~araclno, !aircraft accidents from facilities Other Reasons PC1) bavid indicated in FOIA request. 13-ARC- F-00626 05/06/2013 uneau Svlvla NNA10DE58C Q_ther Reasons 0(3) 13-ARC-F-00654 ~4/25/2013 Dailey, Robert ~nformatlon regarding possible loss of ~ther Reasons 0{3) seperatlon. 13-ARC-F-00732 ~7/01/2013 Hanuschak, Singularity University jGranted in full - Greqor 13-ARC-F-00733 06/26/2013 Morisy, responded sent to congressional Other Reasons D{4) Michael committees between Jan 1, 2008 to !present. 13-ARC-F-00750 07/08/2013 Asmus, Paul communication between FOIA officer Denied In full {b){S) and/or NASA officals 13-ARC-F-00751 07/08/2013 Kleinhaus, Burrowing Owl monitoring data from Granted In full - Shani Moffett Field/ NASA for the past 5 vears. 13-ARC-F-00770 ~7/09/2013 rulbright, Marie NASA Medical Research Reports related pther Reasons 0{1) o brain mapping 13-ARC-F-00774 107/08/2013 Barnhardt, ~lvll Servant salaries, monetary benefi~ pther Reasons b{1) Michael fy 2013 13-ARC-F-00787 107/19/2013IPortuondo, ~lanetary Ventures, LLC. ~ther Reasons D(5) Mark 13-ARC-F-00789 ~7/15/2013 ponato- Development regarding of the Bayview !Other Reasons D(6) !weinstein, Office Park at NASA Research Park and Nathan NASA Ames Research Center. 13-ARC-F-00806 07/15/2013 Burton Faith List of IT staff IOther Reasons D(S) 13-ARC-F-00850 08/07/2013IWanCI Albert ~EO MAGIC !Other Reasons D(3) 13-ARC-F-00882 08/19/2013!Wolford, UFO slghtlngs Other Reasons D{7) Steohen 13-ARC-F-00883 08/08/2013 Savage, NNA09DC79C Research and Technology Granted/Den led (b)(4);(b) Frankie Development Services ·n Part 5) 13-ARC-F-00886 08/16/2013 Parlanti, Steve Conrad A.