Summary of ISO New England Board and Committee Meetings September 13, 2019 Participants Committee Meeting
NEPOOL PARTICIPANTS COMMITTEE SEP 13, 2019 MEETING, AGENDA ITEM #4 Summary of ISO New England Board and Committee Meetings September 13, 2019 Participants Committee Meeting Since the last update, the Compensation and Human Resources Committee met by teleconference on August 21. In addition, the Audit and Finance Committee, the Markets Committee, the System Planning and Reliability Committee, and the Nominating and Governance Committee each met in Holyoke on August 22. Please note that the committees are meeting again on September 12, as is the Board, which will hold its “annual” meeting on that date. At the annual meeting, the Board elects officers and directors and establishes committee assignments. We will provide the committee updates on our usual schedule, i.e., in time for the October Participants Committee meeting. However, I will also provide an oral update at the September 13 meeting regarding Board resolutions to the extent they involve changes in the Board’s leadership, including committee leadership. I will revise and repost this report after the September 13 meeting to include the details of committee membership. The Compensation and Human Resources Committee met in executive session to review the Company’s succession and development plans. The Audit and Finance Committee reviewed a report from the Code of Conduct Compliance Officer and also agreed to recommend that the Board adopt two changes to the Code of Conduct at the Board’s September meeting. (If the Board approves these changes, we will report on them in the next CEO report.) Next, the Committee received an update on internal audit activities, as well as highlights of recent audits.
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