Table of Contents

1 Basic Training: Perception 1 1 The Five Senses 2 Perception 3 The Three Steps of Perception 3 Selection 3 Organization 4 Interpretation 5 2 The Warrior's Way of Communication 9 The Warrior’s Way of Communication 9 The Ten Elements of Communication 10 The Ten Elements of Communication 10 1. Senders/Receivers 2. Receivers/Senders 3. Feedback 4. Encoding 5. Decoding 6. Channels 7. Messages (Information) 8. Noise 9. Context 10. Meta-Context

iii 2 (continued) The Four Axioms of Communication 15 The Four Axioms of Communication 15 1. We Always Communicate 2. Communication Can Be Intentional or Unintentional 3. Communication Is Irreversible 4. Communication Is Ongoing The Five Settings of Communication 17 The Five Settings of Communication 17 1. Intrapersonal Communication 2. Interpersonal Communication 3. Social/Small Group Communication 4. Public Communication 5. Digital Communication 3 Language 23 Language 23 Defining Language 23 The Four Parts of Language 24 Language Shapes Reality 24 Self-Fulfilling 26 Language vs. Reality 27 Language: Of the People, by the People & for the People 28 Language & Propaganda 30 Denotation vs. Connotation 32 Linguistic Rule–Breakers 32 Listening 35 Hearing, Pseudolistening, & Listening 35 Ten Principles of Listening 36

iv Communication Warrior: A Survival Guide 4 Nonverbal Communication 41 Nonverbal Communication 41 The Eight Dimensions of Nonverbal Communication 44 1. Kinesics 44 2. 47 3. Haptics 50 4. Chronemics 52 5. Paralanguage 53 6. Artifactics 55 7. Aesthetics 59 8. Olfactics 60 5 Me, Myself, & I: Intrapersonal Communication 65 Me, Myself, & I: Intrapersonal Communication 65 Attitudes, Values, & Beliefs 67 To Change or Not to Change 69 Cognitive Dissonance 74 Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 75 The Self Tree 76 Self-Concept 76 Self-Esteem 78 Self-Confidence 79 6 Finding Your Courage: Communication and Stress 83 Finding Your Courage: Communication and Stress 83 Understanding Communication Apprehension 85 The Biology of Courage 88

v 7 Being Judged: Public Communication 93 Defining Public Communication 93 Public Speaking 94 The Four Ps of Public Speaking 96 Plan 96 Prepare 96 Practice 97 98 How We Got Here: The Greeks 99 Ethos 100 Logos 101 Pathos 102 Organization 103 The Hamburger Method 103 The Top Bun 103 The Meat 104 The Bottom Bun 104 The Condiments 105 Sensory Assists 105 Presentation Software 106 Persuasion 108 Opinion & Persuasion 111 Sending the Message 111 Receiving the Message 112 8 Interpersonal Communication: You +1 115 Interpersonal Communication: You +1 115 The Power of Small Talk 116 Creating Comfort 117 Finding Common Ground 117 Winding Up the Convo 119

vi Communication Warrior: A Survival Guide 8 (continued) Self-Disclosure 119 The Johari Window 121 Pane 1: The Open/Free Area 121 Pane 2: The Blind Area 122 Pane 3: The Hidden Area 122 Pane 4: The Unknown Area 122 Relationships 123 The Ten Stages of the Relationship Life Cycle 125 1. Coming together 2. Maintenance 3. Coming apart Conflict in Relationships 133 RETHINKing Anger 135 The Conflict Checklist 136 Love & Loving 136 Dealing with Intercultural Communication 138 Culture 140 Culture Shock 141 Race 143 9 Creating Your Smart Armor 147 Smart Armor 101 147 Smart Armor & Branding 148 Like an Avatar, but Really You 148 Suit, Handshake, & Eye Contact 149 Build Your Armor 150

Glossary 153
