tically the entire diplomatic corps was in uniform, including Count Tornielle, the Italian ambassador, with the full staff 0BIEN1AOTAR - DON'T GARRY DESPERADO BAND BEQUIEM MASS of the Italian embassy. The absence of "UNFAYOBABLE" Premier Combes occasioned comment, for, I II m as president of the council, he holds the portfolio of the minister of public wor­ INSPBING WHEAT IS FAR AWAY TOO MUCH SAIL FOB LEO'S REPOSE ship, who controls the church administra­ MAY BE WIPED OUT tion. The cathedral was elaborately J** draped with crepe bordered with ermine. Late Sown Wheat Is Poor and Rust Text of an Alleged Russo-Japanese Warnings of Some of the Veteran It Is Held Under the Auspices of The services lasted three hours. The threatened disorderly demonstra­ Is prevalent in Southern .. Agreement Is Made Financiers of "The the Sacred College This tions outside the cathedral did not occur. A. larg-e force of military and police re- Minnesota. Public. Street." Thirteen Nervy California Convicts Made a Suc­ , Morning. Serves were held in readiness to suppress in - any disturbance. One man was arrested for shouting "Down with the priests!" and cessful Break for Liberty Fr$m the State's others were taken into custody in con­ South Dakota Suffers From the Same Viscount Hayashi, in London, Says, Altho the General Opinion Is That Cardinal Di Pietro Talked Of as the nection with incipient efforts to start Prison at Folsom Yesterday. demonstrations when the officials left the Trouble—Better in North. That All Alarmist Reports tke Worst Is Now Compromise Candidate church. ; s As one of the men arrested passed the ; i \ Dakota. Are Baseless. I Over. i • ' for Pope, i , church doors, he shouted, "Death to the pope!" A crowd of counter manifestants The Militia and Various Posses Are on Their Trail and They Are Likely followed, the police shouting their inten­ New Tork, July 28.—While still averse — ' Cardinal Gihbons States That More tion to throw the would-be disturber of The Conditions in Nebraska-Are Not New York Sun Special Serrioe. to Be Captured or Wiped Out—The Convicts Forcibly Carried Off the peace into the river, but he was safely Berlin, July 28.—What purports to be the to' placing their opinions on record the American Cardinals Are lodged in jail. The exit of General Andre Good—Corn in Need of text of the Russo-Japanese agreement, conservative banking interests practically Seven of Eight of the Prison Officers With Them and Some Feara and his staff brought out hisses and re­ f which is alleged to have been signed on agree that events of the past fortnight 1 Needed. sulted in the arrest of the most promi­ Rain. the occasion of the visit, to Tokio of Gen­ have done much to clear the atmosphere. Are Felt for Their Safety. ' nent of those who thus expressed their eral Kouropatkin, Russian minister of war. A few express further apprehension and last month, is piibiishea. here. The pre­ there are Intimations in other quarters of disapproval of the war minister. amble declares [that the parties are ac­ a mony stringency when crop moving Washington, July 28.—The weather tuated by a desire to avoid a conflict be­ , July 28.—To-day's meeting of the More American CardlnaSu time comes. Jacob H. Schiff. of Kuhn, San Francisco, July 28.—The posses congregation of cardinals was short. After bureau's weekly summary of crop condi­ tween their political and commercial inter­ Loeb & Co. said: tentiary made a successful break for lib-> London, July 28.—The Rome correspond­ tions is as follows: ests in Manchuria and Korea, to observe and militia are closing in on the band of erty at the breakfast hour yesterday. an exchange of view's on current affairs, ent of the Telegraph ascribes to Cardinal "I think matters are gradually read­ escaped desperadoes and it is likely that Mgp Merry Del Val, secretary of the con- The temperature during the week end­ cordial relations to the future, and also to After a fierce fight in the captain's of­ Gibbons an expression of his belief. that ing- July 27 in the districts east of the promote their own interests without preju­ justing themselves. In fact, so confident within a few hours they will be sur­ fice, during which a turnkey was fatally sistorial congregation, gave each cardinal the English-speaking part of the American Rocky mountains has been favorable, ex­ dicing those Of other nations. The agree­ am I that all serious danger is at an end rounded. The capture or destruction of stabbed, a guard was killed and another' a. diagram showing where his apartments continent wMl be represented in future cept in New England, -where it has oeen ment stipulates that Russia will effect that I have arranged to leave town to­ the band Is only a matter of a very short officer was wounded, the convicts seized. in the Vatican will be located during the conclaves by a number of cardinals cor­ too cool,, but the need of rain is being with all possible speed- the second phase night for a stay of thirty days. That, I time as the authorities now have them a quantity of arms and ammunition, and, conclave. responding to its importance in the Cath­ quite generally felt in the central valleys of her evacuation .of--Manchuria, but that think, best proves my faith in the sit­ well in hand. using the warden and other officers for a olic world. The new pope, according to and southern states. Destructive local she will be allowed to maintain a policy uation." shield from their pursuers, they made Rome. July 28.—The first of the three Cardinal Gibbons, will have to devote his of force to protect the Chinese Eastern great requiem masses under the auspices storms occurred in Minnesota, Missouri A. Barton Hepburn, former controller San Francisco, July 28.—At latest ac­ good their escape. It is believed that they: attention to the problem of the working counts the troops and posses organized are making for the Bald mountain. State of the sacred college for the repose of the classes, endeavoring to reduce their hours ——«—————I IM

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