Report to: Executive Member for Children’s Services

Date: July 2008

Report of: Director of Corporate Resources Report No: Director of Children’s Services

Contact Officer: Carol Davies, Head of Finance Tele No: Children’s Services 01204 332032

Report Title: Children’s Services Revenue and Capital Out-turn report 2007- 08

Non Confidential: (Non-Confidential) This report does not contain information which warrants its consideration in the absence of the press or members of the public

Purpose: The purpose of the report is to inform Members of the revenue and capital out-turn position for 2007/08.

Recommendations: The Executive Member for Children’s services is asked to comment on the financial performance and dashboard in respect of Children’s Services portfolio for 2007/08, and to approve restoring a delegated budget to both Rivington & Blackrod High School and .


Background Doc(s):

(for use on Exec Rep) Signed: Leader / Executive Member Monitoring Officer


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Summary: The attached report for shows the out-turn revenue and capital position for the portfolio, together with the key service performance data for 2007/08. The net position for the portfolio is positive balances of £ 11.3 million; this includes school balances and reserves in respect of revenue contributions to capital projects at March 2008. The report also requests the Executive Member approves restoring a delegated budget to Rivington & Blackrod High School and Ladybridge High School.

Background Information

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The purpose of the report is to inform Members of the revenue and capital out-turn position for 2007/08.


The Capital Programme approved in February 2007 for the portfolio identified a capital allocation for 2007/08 of £26,558,231. It was reported in February 2008 that the total programme had increased to £ 28,574,756. Since February there has been further slippage in the resulting in an out-turn of £ 21,645,180.

The following table outlines both the expenditure and funding of the programme in detail with a comparison to the expected out-turn at month 10 and the original programme.

Estimated Out- Actual Scheme Original Budget turn Month 10 Out-turn 2007/08 2007/08 2007/08 £ £ £ Kitchens 169,000 169,000 80,583 Building Maintenance Programme 2,000,000 2,705,904 2,634,132 Scheme investigations / settlement payments 37,167 2,888 AMP Priorities 1,277,200 1,778,098 1,698,314 Prestolee Community Centre – AMP 341,194 341,194 Schools Capital Support Fund 200,000 305,734 234,945 Access – Main 408,200 477,021 490,127 Devolved Capital – Main 3,878,131 4,550,959 4,175,487 - The Orchards 324,000 324,000 NOF - PE and Sport 427,195 234,558 The Orchards 4,247,000 4,944,787 4,188,534 The Orchards - Phase 2 715,000 715,000 Withins , Firwood 2,000,000 500,000 3,500 St Osmunds, St Andrews 115,000 200,000 Youth and Play Centres 232,700 335,419 276,666 Youth Capital Fund 185,221 185,221 KS2/PRU accommodation 100,000 100,000 Brook Learning Partnership – TCF 185,000 153,069 Hayward – TCF 8,900,000 927,572 863,594 Gateway – TCF 748,480 9,500 ICT Refresh 350,000 St Saviours 150,000 150,000 136,789 George Tomlinson Specialists Schools 15,886 Firwood Specialist Schools 12,282 11,344 Computers in Schools 528,000 116,682 E-Learning Credits 294,770 119,497 Plodder Lane Fresh Start 150,000 150,000 Excellence in Cities 300,000 300,000 School Scheme 55,846 Advanced Modernisation 1,424,000 840,359 Contributions 11,711 The Farm 39,500 ICS Capital 90,213 68,214 Mobile Technology 75,228 35,624

Children Social Care Re-location of Children’s Homes Page 3 of 17 196,000 Page 3

Re-provision Residential 149,248 6,982 Integration - joint teams 0 Foster Care – reprovision 0 Semi-independence Unit 100,000 Disabled Adaptation - Balance DFG 95,984 50,830 Accommodation - Contact Team 36,698 3,175

Children Centres 4,411,992 Chalfont Street/The Valley 699,488 Dovebank Little Lever 357,250 Springfield Road Kearsley 634,759 Cherry Tree/Greenfold Phase 2 418,000 422,075 Oldhams Ucan Centre/ Forfar St 685,850 Leverhulme Park 437,230 Withins Estate - Greenroyd Avenue 679,897 Washacre - Phase 2 322,897 Horwich 116,000 Furniture and Fittings 79,190

Extended Schools 566,394 Susan Isaacs Nursery 3,475 St Paul’s Primary 63,000 Blackrod Church Primary 10,000 Washacre Primary School 79,160 High Lawn Primary 12,800 Markland Hill 8,000 St Andrews 12,851 Tonge Moor Primary 31,089 Prestolee Primary 50,000 Harwood Meadows Primary 30,000 The Orchards 110,000 Withins School 47,448 St Osmunds Community Nursery/School 100,000 Mytham Primary School 114,445 Bolton Youth Service Youthopia 5,911 Harveys Kids Club 38,000 Madina Mosque 12,098 B CoM 45,000 DBBC Radio 9,005 Salvation Army 3,528 Total 2007-2008 26,558,231 28,574,576 21,645,180

Financing Corporate Borrowing Approval – Supported 3,140,694 3,718,624 3,193,310 - Unsupported 5,151,941 5,666,992 4,406,847 Corporate Reserves 109,000 140,684 19,289 Capital Receipts – Corporate 1,253,000 819,145 15,000

Section 106 298,939 607,587 Airport Dividend 27,255 28,573 Standards Fund Grant – Devolved 4,202,131 4,874,959 3,339,092 Standards Fund Grant - NDS Mods 854,465 1,578,700 689,358 Standards Fund Grant - Advance Mods 1,424,000 1,424,000 1,424,108 Standards Fund Grant - Computers in Schools 528,000 116,682 Standards Fund Grant - E.learning Credits 294,770 116,240 Standards Fund Grant - Excellence in Cities 300,000 300,000 Fresh Start - Plodder Lane Page 4 of 17 150,000 150,000 Page 4

Hayward TCF 8,900,000 927,572 828,419 The Orchards – TCF 242,000 Brook Learning Partnership – TCF 185,000 153,069 Bolton Gateway – TCF 748,480 9,500 Housing 23,857 48,857 PCT 8,400 Specialist Schools 128,168 111,344 NOF Grant 50,000 320,333 186,851 Youth Capital Fund 185,221 210,221 High Ropes 250 Children Centres 418,000 5,220,446 4,736,908 Children’s Fund 40,000 ICS Capital 90,213 68,214 Mobile Technology 75,228 75,228 NRF 126,000 38,789 Deane Playing Fields -2,371 Insurance 20,303 Revenue Contributions to Capital - Schools 118,573 202,777 Revenue Contributions to Capital - LA 929,000 487,167 276,196

Total 2007-2008 26,558,231 28,574,576 21,418,790

Capital Creditors brought forward -521,930 Capital Creditors carried forward 748,319

- Under/Over financing 0 0 -0

3. REVENUE OUT-TURN 2007-2008

The table below shows the overall financial position for the department. The department has strategically planned and identified funding of £ 2.6 million to support the financial position in 2007/08 and to contribute to the repayment of debt. It is worth noting that for April 2008 the department will need to address both the existing deficit balance of £ 1.3 million, and the £ 1.4 million balance from 2006/07 which is supporting the current budget. These are in addition to anticipating a requirement to meet a budget reduction target of approx. 5%. Delegated schools budgets overspent in year by £ 699,000, this is supported by the surplus balances in schools carried forward from previous years, and includes deficits in the 2 schools which closed during the year of £ 292,000.

Latest Year end Budget Outturn variance Children’s Services (LA block /centrally held) 42,248,200 41,758,202 489,997 Delegated schools block 157,108,384 156,356,427 751,957 TOTAL 199,356,584 198,114,629 1,241,954

Whilst the overall position against Children’s Services is as planned, as reported in previous months the department is facing budget pressures in relation to a number of areas. The most significant variances are summarised in the following table:

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Latest Year end Budget heading Budget Outturn variance

Education psychologists 600,100 511,474 82,166 Behaviour support service 959,100 917,127 84,068 Children and young people working party 59,800 0 59,800 Strategic services 200,100 111,586 88,514 Youth services 2,179,500 2,034,443 115,330 Fostering & adoption - Bolton Foster carers 2,535,900 3,084,044 -510,821 Agency placements 3,835,600 3,626,342 99,964 Adoption 451,300 364,833 86,467 Vulnerable persons transport 2,669,500 2,933,186 -263,686 Maternity pay / special staff costs 880,800 671,324 209,476 Early years / Children’s centres 7,238,189 6,723,278 514,911

Educational Psychologists As reported during the financial year, due to staffing changes and maternity leave during the year there has been a period of vacancies in the educational psychology service. The net financial impact of this is a saving of £ 82,166 in the current year.

Behaviour support service As reported in previous months and within the budget setting process for 2008/09 the department has identified savings within the behaviour support service. The impact of this in 2007/08 is £ 84,068.

Children and Young people working party The department has now embedded the work of the children and young people’s working party within the Children’s trust arrangements.

Strategic services Due to staffing changes during the year there has been a period of vacancies in the strategy and performance team. The net financial impact of this is a saving of £ 88,514 in the current year.

Youth services Due to staffing changes during the year there has been a period of vacancies within youth services some of which have been pending the review of youth provision. The net financial impact of this is a saving of £ 115,330.

Fostering and adoption – Bolton Foster Carers As previously reported the department faced some pressure in the financial year due to the continued increase in the number of children needing to be looked after, including small numbers of very specialist and costly placements. Due to the investment in foster carer fees and the successful recruitment campaign this increase has been largely managed through local placements – but this still creates a pressure on the budget. The net financial impact of this increase is £ 510,821.

Agency Placements It is difficult to predict the requirements and demand for agency placements during the year; however as reported previously the department has secured a net underspend of £99,964 against this budget heading.

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Adoption Due to a reduction in requirements for pre adoption allowances the department is secured an underspend against this budget heading.

Vulnerable Persons transport As reported in previous months, the department has been faced with increasing demands against this budget in previous years. During 2006/07 the Council brought together vulnerable persons transport across the authority with a view to reducing costs and providing a more responsive service. In 2006/07 the overspend level reduced to £ 258,000, the overspend in 2007/08 is at the same level, however it is anticipated that further savings will be generated in future in respect of this service.

4. Schools Delegated Budgets – 2007/08 Revenue Out-turn

Appendix 1 provides: a. a school by school breakdown of the level of balances over the last 5 years, b. the balance at March 2008 expressed as a percentage of the school budget share for 2007/08

The out-turn information has been arranged into sector blocks and is listed in order of the highest percentage surplus for 2007/08.

The overall balance of £5.951 million represents 3.28% of the funds available to schools. (The funds available for schools include standards fund and direct standards grants allocations but exclude external sources of income generated by schools).

The balances at March 2008 have increased since March 2007 by £ 2.794 million. The comparison between sectors is presented in the table below:

Total surplus balance Total surplus balance Balance as % of total budget

31.3.07 31.3.08 (excluding external income)

£000 £ 000

Nursery £0.113 £ 0.136 9.79 % Primary £4.035 £ 4.855 6.00 % Secondary -£1.229 deficit £ 0.500 0.55 % Special £0.238 £ 0.460 5.19 %

Total £ 3.157 £ 5.952 3.28%

As at March 2008, 17 schools were in deficit positions, this was comprised of: 13 primary schools with an overall debt of £ 398,175 4 secondary schools with an overall debt of £ 2,401,914. The total number of schools with a deficit balance has reduced by 2 since March 2007.

It is important to note that the reason for individual school balances being either significantly large surpluses or deficits will vary from school to school depending upon the particular circumstances at the school concerned.

Amongst the many reasons for surpluses are: - creating a large surplus to contribute to projects in the near future; Page 7 of 17 Page 7

- holding large contingencies to balance unpredictable pupil numbers where schools may face a reducing population.

Deficits within schools may be the result of:- - planned overspends to fund capital projects which are being repaid over time - the impact of schools facing an unexpected falling pupil roll mid year, where the school is not in a position to alter the spending patterns during the financial year but will adjust spending in line with the academic year.

The level of individual school balances range from a surplus of 25.4 % (The Valley Primary School), to a deficit of 29% (Mount St Joseph High School).

An analysis of the range in the cash value of balances within each sector is provided below:

Highest surplus balance Highest deficit balance

Nursery £ 46,754 0 Primary £ 305,249 - £ 133,400 Secondary £ 465,805 - £ 1,258,882 Special £ 116,791 0


In a system of devolved financial management, in which each school is largely responsible for equalising year-to-year pressures on its budget, fairly substantial reserves are inevitably needed. However, it is not seen as desirable that individual school balances should be able to grow unchecked. The funding given to schools each year through the formula is allocated for the benefit of the education of the pupils in the school at that time, and as such there is a need to ensure that money is mainly spent on pupils already in school, unless it is being saved up for a specific project. Various powers have already been introduced to regulate the level of balances for example:

 The Local Authority (LA) is able to require schools having balances above a certain percentage ( 5%) of their annual budget share to inform the LA of the intended use of the balance  The LA has been able to use these balances to finance licensed deficits in other schools;

The LA has the in past requested further information regarding the use of surplus balances and in some circumstances has met with individual school governing bodies to express concern regarding the level of the surplus. Following the growth in balances nationally, LA’s were given additional powers to ensure that the money allocated to schools is spent usefully and promptly except where it is saved for a specific purpose. During 2004/05, following consultation with all schools and the Schools Forum, the LA introduced a surplus balance control system as part of the local Fair Funding scheme. This system provides a greater degree of control over balances, and provides the LA with the power to deduct excessive surplus balances from schools; any such deductions would then be allocated to other schools.

i. Surplus balances control system

The features of the surplus balance control system are that schools are not permitted to have a surplus balance greater than a certain amount as a general reserve. The DfES guidance suggested this might be set at the equivalent of perhaps 5% of the annual budget share or £20,000, whichever is the greater. Page 8 of 17 Page 8

a) Following consultation, the permitted general reserve value was identified as: 8% of the annual budget share in respect of nursery, primary and special schools 5% of the annual budget share in respect of secondary schools or the salary cost of a teacher based on top of main scale, whichever is the greater

b) sums held in excess of the general reserve limit have to be held for specific earmarked projects. The permitted categories include for example; i. revenue contribution to capital projects – (to be used within a clearly defined timeframe) ii. funds relating to standards fund grants to be spent by the following August iii. funds to support transitional arrangements due to remodelling where salaries can be protected for up to 5 years iv. funds to protect a current staffing structure in a school subject to falling rolls v. funds to support the incremental costs of salaries.

c) at year end, any sums held by the school and derived from the delegated budget share which do not fall into these categories may return to the LA for use in Schools Budgets for future years. These funds are ringfenced and allocated to the sector from which they derive e.g. surplus balances accruing from primary schools would be allocated to primary schools holding less than 8% surplus balance; surplus balances accruing from secondary schools would be allocated to secondary schools holding less than 5% surplus balance.

The LA has requested information regarding the intended use of the surplus balance from all schools holding greater than the permitted general reserve. Following receipt of this information reports were presented to the Schools Forum in the Autumn term 2006 to seek the Schools Forum views regarding the return of surplus balances for redistribution to other schools. Given this information, the Schools Forum did not recommend that any surplus be clawed back from schools at this early stage of the scheme being introduced, but instead: a) that reports on the outturn positions in relation to schools surplus balances continue to be placed before the Forum on an annual basis. b) that reports be brought before the Forum where, in the opinion of the local authority, surplus balances were not being used in accordance with the agreed surplus balances control system


As outlined earlier in the report the reason for deficit financial positions varies from school to school. Of the 13 primary schools in deficit, 5 have a deficit of greater than 4%, Of the 4 secondary schools currently in a deficit position, 3 have reduced the level of debt compared to the previous financial year.

All these schools have a deficit repayment plan in place and the LA is working closely with these schools to support them in reducing the level of debt without any detrimental impact on pupils’ education, and to ensure the plans are robust and realistic.

5. Suspension of financial delegation

In 2006 the Executive Member withdrew the right of the governing body to a delegated budget in respect of both LadybrIdge High School and Rivington and Blackrod High School. At that time both schools were operating with a substantial deficit for which the governing body had not produced a spending plan to contain and eliminate the deficit. Suspension of the right to a delegated budget has enabled the Authority to ensure satisfactory controls are now in place and has enabled the Page 9 of 17 Page 9

Authority to work together with the schools to take decisions to bring the in year budget into balance, and amend the spending patterns to implement an achievable repayment plan. Whilst both schools are still operating with a deficit budget they have spending plans in place which will enable the schools to recover the remaining deficit, they have in place an effective governing body and leadership team. Both schools now have established financial controls and procedures in place. During 2007/08 Rivington & Blackrod High school has reduced the deficit by almost £ 600,000; and Ladybridge High school by almost £ 300,000.

Based on the significant progress in restoring financial controls and the successful implementation of the deficit recovery plans the Executive Member is asked to approve returning the right of a delegated budget to the governing body of each of these schools to be effective from 1st September 2008.

6. Reserves Position

The table below outlines the position of the department’s reserves at the 31 March 2008. The revenue position overall was a surplus of £ 3,785,416. This increases the total reserves to £11.331 million (including school balances). These reserves include a general reserve of £ 74,165 and a reserve for contributions to capital projects of £ 4.109 million.

Description Balance Movement Balance 01-Apr-07 31-Mar-08 £ £ £ Schools Balances (under delegated schemes) 3,590,112 2,448,942 6,039,054 Extended Schools 289,944 88,659 378,603 General Reserves -1,358,129 1,432,294 74,165 Planned Reserve - 0708 1,420,628 -1,420,628 0 Primary Partnership 5,152 4,715 9,867 Secondary Partnership 22,031 5,172 27,203 Special Partnership 3,784 8,132 11,916 Artists in Schools 165,363 -62,812 102,551 Early Years 540,939 -42,532 498,407 Sickness Scheme 0 80,250 80,250 Capital Reserve from RCCO 2,865,814 1,243,224 4,109,038

7,545,638 3,785,416 11,331,054


As part of the budget setting process the portfolio identified Gershon efficiency savings of £ 1,078,056. The financial impact of these efficiencies for 2007-08 was included within the budget for the portfolio, details of the Gershonable efficiencies are outlined below.

Gershon Efficiencies 2007/08 £ Achieved

Pensions 200,000 Yes

Reduction in residential placements within social care 147,700 Yes

Establish team of workers to transport look after children 25,000 to/from school Page 10 of 17 Yes Page 10

Disestablish post of independent reviewing officer (realigning 36,000 roles within the Conference team) Yes Disestablish social care quality assurance post (realignment of 38,000 roles within quality assurance team) Yes Realign management arrangements within the juvenile 32,000 response team Yes Reviewed in light of Restructure asset management team 25,000 BSF programme requirements

Disestablish current caretakers / domestics vacant posts 42,000 Yes

Redesign school improvement service 50,000 Yes

Redesign information management / data collection within the 200,000 department Yes

Schools ICT redesign support 60,000 Yes

Reduction in car parking costs 22,356 Yes

Surestart - contracts review / management costs / redesign 200,000 Yes (family support)


The dashboard on Appendix 2 below shows the departmental performance for 2007/08. Further details regarding performance are provided in the 2007/08 performance report.


The executive member for Children’s services is asked to:-

i. comment on the financial performance and performance dashboard in respect of Children’s Services portfolio for 2007/08

ii. restore a delegated budget to the governing body of

a. Rivington & Blackrod High School

b. Ladybridge High School

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Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance School Name % balance 31.3.03 31.3.04 31.3.05 31.3.06 31.3.07 31.3.08

Nursery Schools

St Germain Nursery School £1,143 £14,251 £22,018 £40,807 £46,754 15.85%

Grosvenor Nursery School £5,714 £4,328 £40,063 £46,122 £42,300 11.77%

Susan Issac Nursery School £5,544 £21,040 £17,924 £13,220 £28,287 7.51%

Alexandra Nursery School -£4,429 -£264 £38,376 £12,920 £18,640 5.20%

Total Nursery Schools £7,972 £39,355 £118,381 £113,069 £135,981 9.79%


Westhoughton Primary £40,739 £24,215 £32,907 £50,283 £34,030 £133,948 25.45%

The Valley £180,031 £285,116 £424,585 £357,678 £305,249 19.21%

St Joseph's RC Primary -£7,789 £3,696 -£3,047 £10,214 £68,147 £131,463 18.93%

Brownlow Fold Primary £24,181 £5,999 £7,241 £33,414 £85,664 £156,326 16.55%

St Thomas CofE Primary W/H £103,713 £95,639 £129,295 £148,701 £108,203 £105,522 14.02%

Masefield Primary School £10,256 £11,977 £8,105 £45,091 £62,574 £104,894 12.78%

St Teresa's RC Primary £89,347 £112,073 £103,407 £46,407 £65,773 £64,180 12.63%

Gaskell Primary School £78,422 £57,725 £54,366 £108,875 £131,648 £133,693 12.49%

Ladybridge CP £65,775 £73,150 £83,568 £84,985 £97,787 £92,316 12.42%

St Andrew's CofE £78,380 £77,212 £66,799 £60,736 £47,074 £87,353 12.30%

Our Lady of Lourdes RC £8,988 -£21,035 -£15,996 £61,783 £83,573 £74,218 12.16%

St Mary's RC Primary School £105,533 £94,546 £76,180 £63,304 £75,756 £87,972 12.02%

Harwood Meadows Primary £117,518 £112,777 £108,803 £86,356 £42,076 £84,982 12.01%

Lever Edge Primary School £83,542 £58,416 £16,175 £152,251 £59,845 £204,974 11.68%

Oxford Grove Primary £61,274 £109,946 £100,385 £63,806 £86,203 £88,756 11.13%

Markland Hill Primary -£64,322 £45,032 £38,203 £45,717 £74,059 £88,327 10.98% Page 12 of 17 Page 12

Sharples Primary School £79,610 £95,657 £60,748 £71,888 £78,937 £76,805 10.61%

Holy Infant & St Anthony RC £17,094 £12,811 £3,806 £37,283 £43,300 £69,397 10.47%

St Ethelbert's RC Primary -£5,984 £14,548 £34,031 £21,469 £34,473 £78,133 10.31%

Walmsley CofE Primary £5,405 £11,851 £36,026 £76,486 £64,289 £95,340 10.17%

Highfield Primary School £40,725 £31,432 £54,149 £104,729 £120,562 £95,200 9.94%

Claypool Primary School £16,992 £27,788 £28,767 £51,500 £48,162 £62,633 9.64%

Spindle Point Primary £6,280 £28,287 £36,911 £54,750 £71,328 £65,113 9.34%

St Matthew's CofE (Bolton) £77,769 £67,465 £80,138 £79,883 £58,272 £77,968 9.30%

St Maxentius CofE Primary £52,793 £49,300 £39,814 £37,342 £28,057 £59,293 9.00%

SS Simon and Jude CofE £9,468 £24,403 £2,898 £3,422 £25,281 £105,431 8.89%

Eagley Junior School £69,482 £44,979 £20,612 £19,747 -£12,283 £66,549 8.75%

St Michael's CofE, £93,802 £92,649 £118,244 £110,896 £80,622 £90,666 8.69%

St Catherine's CofE Primary £63,861 £28,869 £13,395 £48,484 £65,316 £62,747 8.69%

Scot Lane End CofE £1,063 £12,374 £23,914 £32,867 £57,919 £26,900 8.66%

Sunning Hill Primary School £74,498 £80,601 £124,862 £158,430 £190,312 £112,104 8.29%

Queensbridge Primary -£27,602 -£2,247 £31,781 £68,793 £78,429 8.26%

Beaumont Primary School £54,586 £41,890 £59,360 £89,959 £40,944 £54,890 8.25%

St Thomas of Canterbury RC £94,884 £65,604 £28,476 £56,911 £76,696 £75,527 8.18%

St Bernard's RC Primary £37,104 £26,637 £40,272 £64,871 £50,079 £36,986 8.11%

Bowness Primary School £83,683 £53,790 £57,372 £78,952 £59,402 £37,182 8.01%

St Gregory's RC -£6,861 -£15,238 £15,557 £21,837 £22,953 £49,083 7.98%

Prestolee Primary School £78,057 £59,985 £76,801 £64,970 £52,408 £55,788 7.94%

St John the Evangelist RC -£27,343 £11,888 £26,222 £38,268 £31,866 £46,322 7.48%

Clarendon Primary School £37,339 £82,043 £61,259 £82,771 £76,213 £87,029 7.37%

Bishop Bridgeman CofE £66,806 £29,049 £40,489 £115,451 £106,519 £73,158 7.29%

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SS Osmund/Andrew £90,615 £126,672 £103,747 £129,146 £88,885 7.18%

Sacred Heart RC Primary £76,618 £60,864 £73,568 £72,770 £57,437 £59,036 7.07%

Devonshire Road Primary £28,780 £32,065 £37,809 £84,408 £82,625 £81,664 6.99%

Haslam Park Primary School £1,230 £20,669 £5,416 £9,452 £31,702 £51,864 6.83%

St William of York RC £17,823 £26,773 £43,715 £67,106 £40,061 £53,198 6.82%

St Peter's Smithills Dean £91,518 £84,391 £76,987 £98,259 £27,857 £45,532 6.80%

Eatock Primary School £62,094 £34,432 £13,969 £39,367 £35,509 £50,767 6.67%

St George's CofE Primary £58,154 £63,322 £79,877 £16,043 £22,220 £51,216 6.63%

Blackrod Primary School £60,097 £52,016 £45,864 £48,354 £41,821 £42,785 6.61%

St John CofE, Kearsley £76,944 £80,797 £44,120 £24,691 £42,000 £41,101 6.35%

Horwich Parish CofE Primary £16,374 £31,280 £77,521 £52,400 £46,359 £70,067 6.32%

Red Lane Primary School £14,096 £58,046 £96,661 £57,061 £50,084 £94,571 6.26%

Blackshaw Primary School -£22,634 -£23,193 £26,783 £41,276 -£10,245 £48,081 6.25%

All Saints CofE Primary £59,103 £82,773 £61,246 £67,048 £67,453 £50,081 5.76%

The Oaks Primary School -£7,148 £63,622 £61,811 £7,218 £22,980 £34,494 5.24%

St Peter's CofE Primary £31,812 -£7,048 £30,917 £34,461 £17,227 £30,429 5.16%

Castle Hill Primary School £97,902 £55,884 £36,488 £69,158 £72,023 £49,012 5.01%

Top o'th'Brow Primary -£6,785 -£5,770 -£21,070 £24,075 £14,483 £36,434 4.56%

St Thomas CofE Primary £76,777 £54,396 £57,267 £78,268 £83,240 £38,842 4.29% Halliwell

St Brendan's RC Primary £7,757 £21,924 £33,176 £40,062 £25,353 £27,807 4.27%

Heathfield Primary School £12,638 £2,931 -£12,289 -£16,430 -£2,426 £28,020 4.17%

Egerton Primary School £7,624 £7,579 -£3,530 £35,230 £31,763 £27,967 4.10%

Hardy Mill Primary School £1,553 £3,531 £18,839 £15,980 £22,048 £28,220 4.09%

High Lawn Primary School £38,424 £36,736 £78,159 £49,694 £31,948 £42,297 3.93%

Lostock Primary School -£15,030 £23,133 £29,108 £48,372 £42,207 £23,252 3.79%

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St Matthew's CE, Little Lever £13,732 £7,933 £44,442 £43,843 £38,510 £23,764 3.68%

Eagley Infant School £60,136 £59,449 £42,245 £43,644 £31,465 £21,980 3.67%

Moorgate Primary School £13,789 -£394 -£5,187 -£12,151 -£34,383 £27,421 3.55%

Johnson Fold Primary £6,956 £16,337 £40,839 -£5 £881 £26,162 3.38%

The Gates Primary School £53,456 £61,953 £54,237 £57,491 £26,739 £24,326 3.38%

St Stephen's KM CofE Primary £47,250 £5,574 £43,856 £50,073 £24,498 £19,314 3.30%

Pikes Lane Primary School £27,003 -£5,669 -£15,420 £3,644 £15,821 £32,879 2.87%

Washacre Primary School £3,954 -£17,681 -£13,593 £26,899 £22,608 £14,343 2.85%

St Saviour CofE, Ringley £16,391 £22,369 £39,733 £10,356 -£9,961 £12,300 2.51%

St James CofE Farnworth £67,006 £38,774 £34,632 £17,823 £34,135 £22,653 2.26%

Mytham Primary School -£28,338 -£3,010 £28,581 £22,464 £21,949 £21,673 2.10%

Tonge Moor Primary School -£37,896 -£76,140 -£37,138 -£23,278 £12,762 £14,772 1.36%

Brandwood Primary School -£24,406 £69,206 £149,620 £170,270 £97,191 £18,986 1.26%

Leverhulme Primary £35,254 £14,727 1.18%

Lord Street Primary School £15,942 £23,258 £13,841 £12,380 £9,635 £6,723 0.88%

St Peter and St Paul RC -£3,871 -£16,472 -£2,177 £27,726 £3,589 £2,954 0.39%

St James CofE (Daisy Hill) £68,766 £61,447 £85,995 £113,852 £74,743 £4,044 0.33%

St Bede CofE Primary School £12,911 £10,968 £2,286 £21,079 £9,279 £3,039 0.24%

Blackrod Anglican/Methodist £29,541 £14,768 £22,140 £23,191 £2,967 -£400 -0.07%

St Paul's CofE, Astley Bridge £10,604 £11,096 £20,613 £30,279 £16,608 -£1,305 -0.19%

Kearsley West Primary £38,305 £20,615 £13,817 £24,923 £10,819 -£4,661 -0.62%

Cherry Tree Primary School £23,114 £35,312 £79,804 £107,190 £38,972 -£12,603 -0.99%

Westhoughton Parochial CE -£6,257 -£23,202 -£18,913 £19,712 £4,398 -£6,876 -1.09%

Chorley New Road Primary -£10,041 -£40,296 -£3,684 -£4,387 £2,970 -£9,041 -1.17%

St Mary's CofE, Deane £36,047 £31,424 £56,711 £35,890 £9,733 -£10,657 -1.26%

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Gilnow Primary School £16,992 £37,653 £41,615 £18,142 -£14,216 -£11,353 -1.44%

Plodder Lane Primary -£19,041 -£1,326 £11,853 -£55,658 -£45,140 -£48,696 -4.38%

St Columba's RC Primary -£14,619 -£38,810 -£24,466 -£35,758 -£43,556 -£38,302 -5.23%

Church Road Primary School -£76,767 -£103,351 -£75,778 -£43,062 -£58,120 -£63,708 -6.55%

St Stephen & All Martyrs' CE -£33,433 -£27,514 -£6,282 -£44,806 -£43,051 -£48,713 -7.83%

Bolton Parish Church CofE £4,051 -£1,424 £8,533 -£1,900 -£58,229 -£133,400 -21.81%

Crompton Fold Primary £16,727 £25,134 £36,205 £20,878 -£188 0.00%

Oldhams Primary School -£6,905 -£56,533 0.00%

Roscow Fold Primary School £3,679 -£60,670 -£48,992 -£112,059 -£292,031 0.00%

Christ's Church CofE £33,875 £10,475 £26,266 £8,901 £43,714 £54,683 0.00%

Total Primary Schools £2,961,041 £3,035,480 £3,938,701 £4,787,111 £4,035,747 £4,855,496 6.00%


Muslim Girls School £237,936 20.86%

Harper Green School £99,817 £192,491 £147,281 £87,451 £323,182 £465,805 6.75%

Hayward School -£21,402 £31,730 £111,002 £94,797 £250,380 £343,310 6.58%

Sharples School £87,474 -£3,237 £3,252 £113,071 £177,082 £295,513 5.91%

Little Lever School £44,514 -£77,474 -£53,577 £269,427 £222,772 £227,985 4.71%

St James's CE School £235,349 £198,538 £236,526 £258,146 £452,206 £176,312 3.94%

Thornleigh Salesian College £60,095 £210,953 £98,026 £40,079 £139,819 £250,572 3.61%

George Tomlinson School £100,252 £31,862 £69,235 £17,711 £38,810 £101,075 3.45%

Canon Slade CofE School £396,982 £99,423 £23,547 £102,975 £190,718 £237,751 3.15%

Turton High School -£140,053 -£171,443 -£102,374 £61,325 £147,043 £224,276 3.07%

Westhoughton High School £190,067 £226,650 £93,197 £50,091 £108,975 £147,540 2.61%

Smithills School -£200,817 -£97,809 £52,738 £140,169 £96,662 £146,745 2.10%

St Joseph's RC High School -£225,866 -£264,346 -£220,610 -£193,419 -£104,543 £47,447 1.28% Page 16 of 17 Page 16

Rivington and Blackrod High -£93,482 -£141,443 -£421,398 -£1,058,308 -£771,821 -£180,774 -2.08%

Withins School -£20,654 -£164,212 -£135,886 -£48,816 -£105,537 -£275,572 -6.13%

Ladybridge High -£590,277 -£957,272 -£962,961 -£686,686 -15.91%

Mount St Joseph RC High -£83,394 -£204,380 -£343,356 -£286,741 -£1,432,550 -£1,258,882 -29.56%

The Deane School £11,474 £24,598

Total Secondary Schools £523,750 £96,281 -£1,032,675 -£1,309,314 -£1,229,764 £500,353 0.55%


Lever Park School £48,680 £40,193 £65,044 £13,158 £48,550 £116,791 13.70%

Green Fold School £38,957 £58,489 £74,520 £82,981 £89,576 £78,802 6.72%

Rumworth School £86,560 £99,613 £119,158 £103,540 £56,410 £88,008 4.87%

Firwood School £9,749 £25,064 -£13,156 £5,595 £41,460 £70,200 3.94%

Thomasson Memorial £22,925 £18,366 £43,894 £60,539 £11,161 £79,498 3.74%

Ladywood School -£9,802 £6,744 -£4,327 -£5,597 -£8,567 £26,497 2.38%

Total Special Schools £197,070 £248,469 £285,133 £260,216 £238,590 £459,796 5.19%

TOTAL FOR ALL SCHOOLS £3,681,861 £3,388,202 £3,230,514 £3,856,394 £3,157,642 £5,951,626 3.28%

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