Report to: Executive Member for Children’s Services Date: July 2008 Report of: Director of Corporate Resources Report No: Director of Children’s Services Contact Officer: Carol Davies, Head of Finance Tele No: Children’s Services 01204 332032 Report Title: Children’s Services Revenue and Capital Out-turn report 2007- 08 Non Confidential: (Non-Confidential) This report does not contain information which warrants its consideration in the absence of the press or members of the public Purpose: The purpose of the report is to inform Members of the revenue and capital out-turn position for 2007/08. Recommendations: The Executive Member for Children’s services is asked to comment on the financial performance and dashboard in respect of Children’s Services portfolio for 2007/08, and to approve restoring a delegated budget to both Rivington & Blackrod High School and Ladybridge High School. Decision: Background Doc(s): (for use on Exec Rep) Signed: Leader / Executive Member Monitoring Officer Date: Page 1 of 17 Summary: The attached report for shows the out-turn revenue and capital position for the portfolio, together with the key service performance data for 2007/08. The net position for the portfolio is positive balances of £ 11.3 million; this includes school balances and reserves in respect of revenue contributions to capital projects at March 2008. The report also requests the Executive Member approves restoring a delegated budget to Rivington & Blackrod High School and Ladybridge High School. Background Information Page 2 of 17 Page 2 1. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT The purpose of the report is to inform Members of the revenue and capital out-turn position for 2007/08. 2. CAPITAL OUT-TURN 2007-08 The Capital Programme approved in February 2007 for the portfolio identified a capital allocation for 2007/08 of £26,558,231. It was reported in February 2008 that the total programme had increased to £ 28,574,756. Since February there has been further slippage in the resulting in an out-turn of £ 21,645,180. The following table outlines both the expenditure and funding of the programme in detail with a comparison to the expected out-turn at month 10 and the original programme. Estimated Out- Actual Scheme Original Budget turn Month 10 Out-turn 2007/08 2007/08 2007/08 £ £ £ Kitchens 169,000 169,000 80,583 Building Maintenance Programme 2,000,000 2,705,904 2,634,132 Scheme investigations / settlement payments 37,167 2,888 AMP Priorities 1,277,200 1,778,098 1,698,314 Prestolee Community Centre – AMP 341,194 341,194 Schools Capital Support Fund 200,000 305,734 234,945 Access – Main 408,200 477,021 490,127 Devolved Capital – Main 3,878,131 4,550,959 4,175,487 - The Orchards 324,000 324,000 NOF - PE and Sport 427,195 234,558 The Orchards 4,247,000 4,944,787 4,188,534 The Orchards - Phase 2 715,000 715,000 Withins Academy, Firwood 2,000,000 500,000 3,500 St Osmunds, St Andrews 115,000 200,000 Youth and Play Centres 232,700 335,419 276,666 Youth Capital Fund 185,221 185,221 KS2/PRU accommodation 100,000 100,000 Brook Learning Partnership – TCF 185,000 153,069 Hayward – TCF 8,900,000 927,572 863,594 Bolton Gateway – TCF 748,480 9,500 ICT Refresh 350,000 St Saviours 150,000 150,000 136,789 George Tomlinson Specialists Schools 15,886 Firwood Specialist Schools 12,282 11,344 Computers in Schools 528,000 116,682 E-Learning Credits 294,770 119,497 Plodder Lane Fresh Start 150,000 150,000 Excellence in Cities 300,000 300,000 School Scheme 55,846 Advanced Modernisation 1,424,000 840,359 Contributions 11,711 The Farm 39,500 ICS Capital 90,213 68,214 Mobile Technology 75,228 35,624 Children Social Care Re-location of Children’s Homes Page 3 of 17 196,000 Page 3 Re-provision Residential 149,248 6,982 Integration - joint teams 0 Foster Care – reprovision 0 Semi-independence Unit 100,000 Disabled Adaptation - Balance DFG 95,984 50,830 Accommodation - Contact Team 36,698 3,175 Children Centres 4,411,992 Chalfont Street/The Valley 699,488 Dovebank Little Lever 357,250 Springfield Road Kearsley 634,759 Cherry Tree/Greenfold Phase 2 418,000 422,075 Oldhams Ucan Centre/ Forfar St 685,850 Leverhulme Park 437,230 Withins Estate - Greenroyd Avenue 679,897 Washacre - Phase 2 322,897 Horwich 116,000 Furniture and Fittings 79,190 Extended Schools 566,394 Susan Isaacs Nursery 3,475 St Paul’s Primary 63,000 Blackrod Church Primary 10,000 Washacre Primary School 79,160 High Lawn Primary 12,800 Markland Hill 8,000 St Andrews 12,851 Tonge Moor Primary 31,089 Prestolee Primary 50,000 Harwood Meadows Primary 30,000 The Orchards 110,000 Withins School 47,448 St Osmunds Community Nursery/School 100,000 Mytham Primary School 114,445 Bolton Youth Service Youthopia 5,911 Harveys Kids Club 38,000 Madina Mosque 12,098 B CoM 45,000 DBBC Radio 9,005 Salvation Army 3,528 Total 2007-2008 26,558,231 28,574,576 21,645,180 Financing Corporate Borrowing Approval – Supported 3,140,694 3,718,624 3,193,310 - Unsupported 5,151,941 5,666,992 4,406,847 Corporate Reserves 109,000 140,684 19,289 Capital Receipts – Corporate 1,253,000 819,145 15,000 Section 106 298,939 607,587 Airport Dividend 27,255 28,573 Standards Fund Grant – Devolved 4,202,131 4,874,959 3,339,092 Standards Fund Grant - NDS Mods 854,465 1,578,700 689,358 Standards Fund Grant - Advance Mods 1,424,000 1,424,000 1,424,108 Standards Fund Grant - Computers in Schools 528,000 116,682 Standards Fund Grant - E.learning Credits 294,770 116,240 Standards Fund Grant - Excellence in Cities 300,000 300,000 Fresh Start - Plodder Lane Page 4 of 17 150,000 150,000 Page 4 Hayward TCF 8,900,000 927,572 828,419 The Orchards – TCF 242,000 Brook Learning Partnership – TCF 185,000 153,069 Bolton Gateway – TCF 748,480 9,500 Housing 23,857 48,857 PCT 8,400 Specialist Schools 128,168 111,344 NOF Grant 50,000 320,333 186,851 Youth Capital Fund 185,221 210,221 High Ropes 250 Children Centres 418,000 5,220,446 4,736,908 Children’s Fund 40,000 ICS Capital 90,213 68,214 Mobile Technology 75,228 75,228 NRF 126,000 38,789 Deane Playing Fields -2,371 Insurance 20,303 Revenue Contributions to Capital - Schools 118,573 202,777 Revenue Contributions to Capital - LA 929,000 487,167 276,196 Total 2007-2008 26,558,231 28,574,576 21,418,790 Capital Creditors brought forward -521,930 Capital Creditors carried forward 748,319 - Under/Over financing 0 0 -0 3. REVENUE OUT-TURN 2007-2008 The table below shows the overall financial position for the department. The department has strategically planned and identified funding of £ 2.6 million to support the financial position in 2007/08 and to contribute to the repayment of debt. It is worth noting that for April 2008 the department will need to address both the existing deficit balance of £ 1.3 million, and the £ 1.4 million balance from 2006/07 which is supporting the current budget. These are in addition to anticipating a requirement to meet a budget reduction target of approx. 5%. Delegated schools budgets overspent in year by £ 699,000, this is supported by the surplus balances in schools carried forward from previous years, and includes deficits in the 2 schools which closed during the year of £ 292,000. Latest Year end Budget Outturn variance Children’s Services (LA block /centrally held) 42,248,200 41,758,202 489,997 Delegated schools block 157,108,384 156,356,427 751,957 TOTAL 199,356,584 198,114,629 1,241,954 Whilst the overall position against Children’s Services is as planned, as reported in previous months the department is facing budget pressures in relation to a number of areas. The most significant variances are summarised in the following table: Page 5 of 17 Page 5 Latest Year end Budget heading Budget Outturn variance Education psychologists 600,100 511,474 82,166 Behaviour support service 959,100 917,127 84,068 Children and young people working party 59,800 0 59,800 Strategic services 200,100 111,586 88,514 Youth services 2,179,500 2,034,443 115,330 Fostering & adoption - Bolton Foster carers 2,535,900 3,084,044 -510,821 Agency placements 3,835,600 3,626,342 99,964 Adoption 451,300 364,833 86,467 Vulnerable persons transport 2,669,500 2,933,186 -263,686 Maternity pay / special staff costs 880,800 671,324 209,476 Early years / Children’s centres 7,238,189 6,723,278 514,911 Educational Psychologists As reported during the financial year, due to staffing changes and maternity leave during the year there has been a period of vacancies in the educational psychology service. The net financial impact of this is a saving of £ 82,166 in the current year. Behaviour support service As reported in previous months and within the budget setting process for 2008/09 the department has identified savings within the behaviour support service. The impact of this in 2007/08 is £ 84,068. Children and Young people working party The department has now embedded the work of the children and young people’s working party within the Children’s trust arrangements.
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