Handbook for International Students

UIC International Development Office 2018

Table of Contents

PAGE Preparing for your visit 1 Preliminary Contact 1 Personal Arrangements 1 Visa 1 Travel 4 Medical 5 Financial/Banking 6 Personal Belongings 7

Arrival and Settling 9 Housing Academic Information 16 Telecommunication 20 Registering with Your National Consulate in Guangzhou 20 Transportation 20

Day to Day Living 21 Fitness Opportunities 21 Local Shopping 22 Food 23 Insurance 23

Studying 24 Scheduling 24 Campus Resources 24

Traveling in 28 General Consideration 28 Flights 29 Trains 29 Buses 30 Hotels and Hostels 30

Budgeting 32

General Tips 33


Contacts 35

Preparing for your Visit

Preliminary Contact

The first thing is to determine if you and UIC are a good fit. You can visit our website at www.uic.edu.hk to see what programmes we have to offer and get an overview of the institution. Once you make the decision and decide that you wish to study in UIC, for degree seeking students, you should contact Jessica Xiao directly at [email protected]; for exchange-in students, you should contact your home institution first, if you have any questions about your study in UIC, you can also contact Jessica Xiao at [email protected].

Personal Arrangements


Once your decision has been made, you will need to complete the process for securing a visa. The type of visa you apply for will depend on the specific details of your study. The International Development Office (Jessica Xiao ) will work with you in this process. Once IDO has indicated the type of visa for which you should apply, visit the Chinese Embassy website: http://www.china-embassy.org/eng/ and begin the process. You must have a passport that has an expiration date for 6 months beyond the date you anticipate returning to your home country, and have a sufficient number of blank pages in the passport for visas and stamps.

Apply for a new Visa

There are two types of student visa:

- Long term study visa (X1) issued to those who study in China for more than 6 months, which must go through residential formalities in the local Entry-Exit Administration of Public Security Bureau within 30 days of entry into China. Please see Residence Permit part bellow.

- Short term study visa (X2) is for students studying in China for less than 6 months.

Required documents for student visa application: --Current Passport with at least 12 months of validity and at least one blank visa page --One complete and signed Visa Application Form with one passport photo --An approved Foreign Student Visa Application Form (JW202 Form) issued by the Chinese Ministry of Education (UIC will help to prepare the JW202 Form for students) --The admission letter from the university, both the original and one photocopy (the original will be checked and returned to the applicant). 1

--Medical certificate (Please check with local Chinese embassy if you need medical certificate or not. If you have done this in your own country, please bring the medical result and X-ray Chest result with you when you come to China.)

We suggest that you contact your local Chinese Embassy or Consulate for further information. For a list of Chinese Embassies, click here. (http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjb/zwjg/2490/default.htm)

Registration in the local police station

Once international students settle down in UIC, they need to be registered with the local police station. It should usually be done very soon after you arrive at the College. Please submit the original copy of your passport to IDO for police registration purposes.

Residence Permit

The holder of long term X1 visa must go through residential formalities in the local Entry-Exit Administration of Public Security Bureau within 30 days of entry into China. A fine of 500RMB per day will be applied for late lodgement of residence permit application. IDO will organize a trip to take students to the Zhuhai Entry-Exit Administration of Public Security Bureau to apply for the Residence Permit, please make sure you prepare relevant documents and submit them to IDO before the trip.

Required documents for Residence Permit application:

--Completed “Visa or Residence Permit Application Form” (Fill out in black ink) and one recently-taken 2-inch hatless full face color photograph (This picture is required to be taken within Zhuhai city, IDO will arrange a student helper to take you to the photo studio after you arrive.) --Valid passport, visa or residence permit, and the original page with chop showing the last entry into China. --The original copy of offer letter, copy of “Enrollment of Notice”, the white and yellow pages of JW202 form. --Certification for health issued by the Zhuhai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (only on the first year and application for residence permit for a period longer than one year and applicants over the full age of 18 years.) --“Registration Form for Temporary Accommodation” from local police station

Usually it takes 15 workdays to get the residence permit. The residence permit fee* is:

--400RMB for residency of one year or less than one year --800RMB for more than one year to three years (including three year) --1000RMB for more than three years to five years (including five years)

* The fee should be paid by the student.



The duration of your residence permit is generally the same as the duration of your studies at the College. The residence permit will not be effective beyond the expiry date of your passport.

The residence permit can also be used as a multiple-entry visa which means you can go out of China and come back without any limitation on the number of times you enter and leave China, as long as the residence permit is valid.

IDO is only responsible for advising and organizing the trip to Zhuhai Entry & Exit departments of Public Security Bureau in order to reduce students' possible difficulties and troubles and is not responsible for the final result of the visa that will be issued. The right of the final decision of the type/duration/price of student's visa is on the Entry & Exit department of Zhuhai Public Security Bureau.

* The charges above are current prices and subject to change by the Public Security Bureau

Health Certificate

The Entry-Exit Administration of Public Security Bureau requires health certificates for foreign nationals seeking residency in China. To obtain one, you need to have a complete physical examination which shows you are in good health and free of any communicable diseases (including an HIV test, a chest x- ray, ECG, etc). You can get the form of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners from your Chinese Embassy or Consulate. Take this form to the Chinese Embassy/Consulates designated hospital or medical institution to have the medical check. The medical result should be authenticated by the Chinese Embassy or Consulate. You should bring the original manuscript of the Form and all the Tests Records/Results to China. The medical check can also be done in China and the fee is about 390RMB.

IDO will organize group health check for all international students during the orientation week. Students should prepare following documents and bring with them to the designated hospital.

--2 Passport Photos --390RMB cash --Original Passport --Passport Copy --Original manuscript of the Form and all the Test Records/Results (if you did a health check in your own country)

Address: 珠海市国际旅行保健中心 地址: 珠海市拱北桥光路 133 号 电话:0756-8892427 Zhuhai International Travel Healthcare Center 3

No. 133, Qiaoguang Street, Gongbei District, Zhuhai Phone: 0756-8892427


Once your UIC arrival dates are determined, you will be able to make your travel arrangements. It is suggested that under normal circumstances, you arrive one week prior to the start of the semester in order to settle your living arrangements. For departure, you may set the date according to the semester end and your personal needs which may include additional time and travel in China. (This will affect the length of time of your requested visa). To get to Zhuhai, you have two options. Your choice will ordinarily depend on current airline prices. These two options are via Hong Kong, or via Guangzhou. UIC will commonly send a student helper to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport and direct you to the campus in Zhuhai or you could take the express bus from Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport to Tangjia, Zhuhai, and take a taxi from Tangjia to the campus.

If you arrive in Hong Kong, you also have two options. First, try to book a flight that gets you into the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) in the morning and enables you to have your luggage moved directly on to a ferry for the 50-minute sail to Zhuhai. There are four ferry sails for Zhuhai (Jiuzhou Ferry Port) everyday, departs on 12:15, 14:05, 17:00 and 20:00. Tickets are always available upon arrival so no reservation is needed. Be sure to look for the Mainland Transfer sign before you get to HK immigration. The ferry counter will process all your checked in luggage. This is the easiest and least stressful method of getting to Zhuhai.

Follow the transfer sign and go to E2 zone, show the staff your passport and boarding pass, tell them you have luggage on the airplane, and the airport staff will transfer your luggage directly to the boat. Boat ticket costs 260HKD, if you don't have HKD, you can use your bank card. Make sure you get on the boat to Zhuhai, not to Macao, and collect your luggage after getting off the boat. You will be met by your roommate or student helper from UIC upon your arrival at Zhuhai and be driven to the Student Hostel & Culture Village (the dormitory on campus).

Please refer to this Hong Kong International Airport website for detailed transportation information: http://www.hongkongairport.com/eng/transport/index.html.

The second Hong Kong option (if your flight arrives later in the day or evening) is to take the high speed rail (or a ferry also listed on the website above) into Hong Kong. You will then need to make hotel reservations in Hong Kong. You can prearrange a van pickup at the airport through Patrick Leung (listed below). Since you will probably have too much luggage (2 or more), it will not all fit in a regular cab.


For convenience, it is suggested that you stay at the Royal Pacific Hotel on the Kowloon peninsula because the ferry terminal is located in the lower level of the hotel. http://www.sinohotels.com/The_Royal_Pacific_Hotel_and_Towers/en/Rooms_an d_Suites.aspx. Other options that are possible are the Kowloon Hotel and the BP International Hotel. If you choose these alternatives, you will then need to take a short cab ride to the ferry terminal. The prices do not vary much, nor is the cab ride expensive, but the simplicity of staying at the Royal Pacific the first day is, as the Master Card slogan suggests, “priceless”.

Using a Hong Kong travel agent is beneficial for making your hotel and ferry arrangements. A travel agent who has worked regularly with international visitors is listed below:

Mr. Patrick Leung [email protected] http://www.priceline.com.hk +852 9426 6716

The following morning, you will board the CKS Ferry, which, as mentioned before, leaves from the China Ferry Terminal as follows: 07:45, 09:30, 11:30, 13:30, 15:30, 17:45 and 19.00 (only on sail on Friday). The trip takes about one hour and ten minutes. (All of this information is available online at: http://www.cksp.com.hk/eng/skypier/introduction/main.html). It is helpful to use the travel agent to make your first ferry arrangement. He will leave the ferry tickets at the hotel desk for you when you check in. After this first trip, it is easy to purchase ferry tickets on your own. On your first arrival, UIC will send your roommate or a student helper and a driver to meet you at the Zhuhai Jiuzhou Ferry Port and transport you to your dormitory as long as you let us know which ferry you will be on.

NOTE: Travel arrangements in China work very differently than in other countries. It is very difficult to arrange hotels, flights, or ground transport within China more than a few weeks from your travel date. In many cases, it can only be days in advance. It is suggested that you start to finalize your first night’s hotel and ground transport about 2-3 weeks in advance of your arrival.


There are several immunisations that are recommended for a long term stay in China. Please check the medical recommendations of your country’s health authority. You should also check with your medical care provider to see if they have a travel clinic. This is a great source of information for travel abroad. They will do a health assessment, provide recommendations for immunisations, assist with working with your insurer, and discuss general health concerns related to travel in the area you are visiting. For example, the following immunisations,


prescriptions, and over the counter medications were minimally recommended for visitors arriving from the US:

Immunisations: Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Japanese Encephalitis, Tetanus, Meningitis (for those under 18), and Influenza

Prescriptions: Avian flu, Traveller’s Diarrhoea, any personal prescriptions

Over the Counter/Other: Ibuprofen (e.g. Advil), Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol), cold medicines (decongestant, antihistamine, etc.), anti-diarrheal, first aid creams

For international students obtaining insurance and other travel assistance is required. You need to check with your basic health provider(s) regarding the policies for overseas coverage. There are a wide variety of international health insurance plans available to meet individual and family needs. It is important to identify and take out the most appropriate for your circumstances and needs


It is highly recommended that you arrange for online banking and/or auto pay to handle your personal financial needs at home in your absence. It is also strongly advised to inform your bank and any other financial providers whose products you will use of the location and duration of your stay. Also make sure to ask your home country banking services about the fraud limits and “red flags” are. What you may have as a limit, or what may trigger a fraud alert, in China will not be the same as in other countries. It is suggested that you bring along backup credit and debit cards for your home accounts that are inactivated in case you lose your active ones. Your bank should be able to accommodate this request and assist with any special services you need.

Be prepared for limited access to your credit cards and bank cards (check debit/credit) while on the mainland. It seems that only Master Card and Visa are recognised in most places. These are at any Bank of China branch ATM and at any ATM that recognises both domestic and international cards. To identify these ATMs, you will be given a choice in the first menu at the ATM. The ATM’s in Jusco Department Store, The Gongbei “Underground”, and the Bank of China in Tangjia are the most common locations to access international accounts while in Zhuhai. There is an international access ATM at the Agricultural Bank of China near the UIC campus. This is the branch in which you will open a Chinese bank account.

You will go through a process shortly after your arrival to get set up with an account at the Agricultural Bank of China (at a branch office close to the campus). You will need 5 RMB currency and the original and copy of your passport to open your account. Your Agricultural Bank account is the easiest means of obtaining Chinese currency in and around Zhuhai. Your account will come with a debit/credit card that you can use at most local ATM’s and, in some cases, at some retail locations. You will find that the easiest way, and many times the only 6

way, to function for daily necessities is to use cash. The International Development Office will organize all international students to open the bank account during the orientation. You may be able to use the Agricultural Bank credit card in Hong Kong. There are some stores and ATM’s in Hong Kong that will accept the Agricultural Bank of China debit/credit card.

It is recommended that you prepare to bring a limited amount of foreign currency (approximately$200-$400) in case of an emergency and then open a bank account here as soon as possible. You can exchange your foreign currency to RMB at the Bank of China. Details on budget needs, mainland banking, and stores that accept international cards are covered below.

NOTE: The cost of living in China is decidedly different than in other countries. Food prices, electricity, heating, water, telephone, labour for repairs, etc. are all less than what you would expect to pay in Western countries.

Personal Belongings

Space will be at a premium. Here is where the meaning of “need” and “want” become important. Before you pack your things, check with your airline to determine the number, dimensions and weight limits for international travel. Baggage exceeding any of these requirements is very costly to transport. Baggage with wheels is indispensable. (The HKIA-ferry to Zhuhai also charges for luggage as you’ll see on the website, but this is a nominal amount). General recommendations for clothing, shoes, and personal items are as follows:


Zhuhai is temperate, but very humid all the year-round. Further, all clothing will be air dried when washed. Generally, the dormitories in the Student Hostel & New Culture Village (NSHCV) have washing machines and dryers. Therefore, clothing that is lightweight, easily washable and able to be hung to dry is preferable. Some dress clothes will be necessary for special events (like High Table Dinner or sports meeting). For men, one suit or sport coat is recommended, and for women 1-2 nice dresses are recommended. It is also advisable to bring a jacket, sweater(s), sweatshirt(s), and a few long sleeve shirts to layer when it is cooler. Winters can be surprisingly cool. Consider slippers, and layered clothing.


There is only one option here – comfortable. You will do a great deal of walking. You may need dress shoes as appropriate for your clothing. If you are here during the winter, it is recommended you bring a warm pair of slippers to wear around the dorm. The floors are tile over concrete and are always very cold. The months of May through September are quite warm with temperatures hovering around 30-36 degrees for almost the entire 5-month period.

Personal Items


While there are a wide variety of international brands available, any personal care products that you cannot live without, or you are not willing to pay a lot for, should be brought along. In particular, saline solution for contact lenses, deodorant, over-the-counter medications as noted above, and women’s hygiene products seem to be the most critical to consider bringing along. Coffee (beans or ground) is difficult to find in stores (except for instant Nescafe) on the Mainland but is available, although quite expensive in Hong Kong and/or Macau. If you enjoy coffee, it’s not a bad idea to bring a few sealed bags along with you.


It is most helpful to take a lap top with you to use at dormitory. You can use internet by paying 50 RMB/month. However, you cannot access wireless connection on campus except the Learning Resource Centre or the Student Canteen, Greenwood Gourmet.

You can also install “SKYPE” which is a very cheap way to keep in touch with family and friends around the world. Go to skype.com for more information. “SKYPE” allows you to make computer to computer video calls for free and will also allow you to use your computer to call someone else on a landline for just pennies. We would suggest installing this prior to your departure so you can practice with family and friends prior to leaving.

You may wish to bring a universal plug/electrical converter, but plug adapters and converters are widely available and inexpensive and can be obtained once you arrive. Internet connection is available in any of housing options. (See “Tips” section at the end of this document).

Useful websites to access while in China include: www.baidu.com – lots of American TV available here www.youku.com – similar to youtube, and you may be able to find video’s for class www.qqinternational.com – similar to facebook www.yinyuetai.com - music

APP: WeChat- most people in China will use WeChat as their main source of communication and keeping in contact with one another. It is highly recommended to download WeChat before coming to China, but you can also download it once you arrive.


Arrival and Settling


The college believes in a holistic and experiential approach to whole-person education. Student hostel life forms an integral part of it. Through daily interaction with people, student will learn to develop their independent thinking, critical mind and social consciousness. The student hostel is not only a place to live in, but also a living learning environment to develop different kinds of life skills, hobbies and aspirations. The village would provide an environment for students to live and study with a diversified cultural atmosphere and architectural characteristic. In addition to an actual living environment, NSHCV offers a broad horizon for social interaction and creativity. It is an educational platform on which students and staff could explore and grow together. Through daily contact and interaction, students are required to reach out to other, and to accept, respect and appreciate one another. Participation in services and management is mandatory. Through artistic and cultural activities, students could taste and know the true meaning of multi-culture, by which their respect in human dignity and various cultures are reaffirmed. It is expected that through the interflow of experiences and values, students could be nurtured to build up their global outlook, enhance their life objectives and shape out a set of cultural values which would bear fruit in the years ahead. All international students are accommodated in a two persons’ room, with a Chinese roommate who is normally selected by the International Development Office and Student Affairs Office according to your request. The fee is 6800 RMB/Year.


Guidelines on Students’ Conduct United International College aims to develop our students into Whole Persons according to the Liberal Arts College traditions. Students are therefore required to observe the following standards of Conduct: Students need to show respect to the rights of others at all times. Students need to show respect for the safety and property of others and the college. Students are expected to value their personal integrity and therefore to demonstrate honesty at all times. Students are expected to show respect to college administrative staff and teaching staff at all times and to establish friendly relationships with other students.

Important Information about Living in the Student Hostel & Culture Village

Opening Hours for Main Entrance Sunday—Thursday: 06:00—23:30 Friday—Saturday: 06:00—23:50 Residents shall enter or exit from their hostels with their campus cards or temporary resident cards through the security control system. No entry or exit is allowed beyond the opening hours. If a resident has to go out beyond the opening hours due to special situations, they should submit a written application to the Learning Community Development Team of the SAO three working days in advance and get approval. If a resident has to go out beyond the opening hours due to sudden illness, they are required to get the approval of the SAO staff on duty, and they are also required to present their personal identity to the hostel manager when they comes back. Entry into or exit from the hostels beyond the opening hours shall be deemed as violation of the provisions. The following disciplinary actions may be imposed against those violators according to the seriousness of the circumstance: Once: verbal reprimand Twice: oral warning (with written record); Three times: written warning; Four times: serious written warning (with parents informed at the same time); Five times or above: the case will be reported to the Student Disciplinary Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “SDC”) for action.

Quiet Hours The period between 24:00 pm and 06:00 am is regarded as Quiet Hours in the hostels. Residents shall keep quiet during this period. In order not to interrupt others’ normal rest, noises and shouting are not tolerated during this period. Anyone who violates this provision shall be given disciplinary action of verbal reprimand, oral warning or above according to the seriousness of the circumstance.



In order to maintain a safe and normal hostel life and to ensure a peaceful environment for students, SAO and the “Staff-Student Relations Committee” decided to make the following amendments to the rules for the visitation rules. Visiting students should be accompanied by the resident throughout their visit completion of the following registration procedures; 1) Both the resident and the visitor are required to sign their names at the manager’s office; 2) Both the resident and the visitor are required to swipe their student cards on the card reader; 3) The resident guides the visitor into the hostel through the temporary pathway of the security control system; 4) The resident shall remind the visitor to follow the hostel rules and be responsible for the acts of his visitor. Visitation Period Only the following two periods are open for visiting: 1) The first period: 12:00—13:00; (visitors must leave before 13:00.) 2) The second period: 18:00--20:00; (visitors must leave before 20:00.) Visiting student of opposite sex When visiting a student of opposite sex, in addition to the provisions stated above, the period for visitation should be no longer than 30 minutes. Whoever violates the visitation rules shall be given the following disciplinary actions: A resident who accommodates a student of opposite sex overnight shall be given a serious written warning. In case the circumstance is serious, he shall be given a demerit or academic probation. A visitor stays overnight in the hostel of opposite sex shall be given a serious written warning. In case the circumstance is serious, he shall be given a demerit or an academic probation. A resident who accommodates any person who does not belong to the College to stay overnight without prior approval and thus causes bad influences shall be given an oral warning or written warning or above. In case the circumstance is serious, he shall be given a demerit or academic probation.

Overnight Stays Outside without Permission Residents are not allowed to sleep outside. With permission, he should not be absent more than three days a week. If a resident would like to sleep outside for more than three days a week, he shall submit an application at the Learning Community Development Team for SAO approval. Residents who have no record at the hostel for more than three days a week according to the door control system shall be deemed as sleeping outside and shall be given disciplinary action of verbal reprimand, or warning or above. ** If you will stay outside dorm for more than three nights (include three nights), you need to fill in the form which can be downloaded from SAO website and get their permission, and also a notice need to be made to IDO too.

Hostel Properties Residents shall be responsible for good custody of hostel properties such as furniture, fittings, fabric etc. Any damage to the facilities shall be compensated by 11

a resident at cost, and, in addition, any violator shall be given the disciplinary action of warning or above according to the seriousness of the circumstance. If the public facilities of the hostel are found to be damaged by others, the responsible resident shall make the compensation. Upon occupancy, a resident shall immediately inspect if the facilities in are complete and in good condition. If there is any thing missing or defective, he should fill in the relevant form and report the case to the hostel manager within 48 hours. Residents shall take good care of properties they bring into the Hostels. The College shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to the personal belongings brought into the hostels by the residents.

Inspection of Rooms To maintain the good order in hostels, the SAO staff, hostel mentors and other management staff may, according to the relevant rules and regulations of the College, patrol or inspect the rooms. In addition, they may enter into any hostel without prior notification for investigation of violations of hostel rules.

Assignment of Rooms Hostel room assignments are determined by hostel management as directed by SAO. Students may not alter them in any way. Residents who violate the room assignment rules shall be deemed violators and are required to move back to their originally assigned rooms. SAO may, depending on the seriousness of the circumstance, take relevant disciplinary action of oral warning or above against them. Any unit or person who would like to relocate shall submit a written application to the Learning Community Development Team of SAO seven working days in advance. The team shall handle the application according to the current regulations and procedures for usage and relocation of rooms.

Hostel Check-Out The residential period for every academic year is ten months. Residents shall have their rooms vacated and all personal properties removed from the rooms during the period from the student registration day to the end of semester. Residents who have graduated from college, joined an exchange program, suspended from studies or withdrawn from school shall go through the hostel check-out procedures according to the prescribed time and procedures. Residents are required to vacate their rooms, pay off the water and electricity charges, and return the keys. The hostel check-out procedure shall be completed only after the hostel manager has checked the facilities in the room and make sure that compensation is satisfied as to the damage or loss of the facilities in the room. Residents who fail to remove all their belongings from a room at the prescribed time of period shall be regarded as giving up the belongings. The residents are required to pay a fine equal to seven days’ rent at the maximum. The College shall have the right to vacate their rooms and not be liable for any loss or damage to such property. The College shall reserve the right to recover compensation in case of any damage to the facilities. If the hostel check-out is


conducted in an academic year, the refund of hostel fee shall be made according to the relevant rules and regulations of the College. Room Key and Student I.D. Cards Residents shall not privately duplicate their room keys or change the locks of their rooms, or use somebody else’s student ID card or temporary resident card to enter or exit the hostel. Any violator shall be required to restore it to the original condition. In addition, he shall be given disciplinary action such as verbal reprimand, oral warning or above according to the seriousness of the circumstance. Residents are required to show their identities such as Student I.D. Cards, Citizen I.D. Cards or Campus Cards to the hostel manager when borrowing the temporary room keys and go through the relevant procedures and shall return them at the prescribed time.

Fire Hazards Open flames, including fireworks and crackers, waste combustion, candles and incense or any act which may cause fire hazards are strictly prohibited in the hostels. Any violator shall be given the disciplinary action of written warning or above according to the seriousness of the circumstance. Possession of combustibles, explosives, poisonous materials or corrosives is strictly prohibited in the hostels. Any violator shall be given the disciplinary action of written warning or above. Cooking in the rooms is strictly prohibited. Any violator shall be given the disciplinary action of written warning or above according to the seriousness of circumstance. Improper disposal of trash is not allowed. Storing the trash in public areas such as corridors, pathways, gates, or fire exits is not allowed. Shoe rack, garbage can or other sanitary tools are not allowed outside the room. Any violator shall be given the disciplinary action of written warning or above according to the seriousness of the circumstance.

Electrical Appliances Electrical appliances with high power consumption such as a fridge, electric kettle, induction cooker, electric cooker, washing machine and electric oven are not allowed to be used in the hostels. The College shall have the right to dispose of these appliances and put them under temporary custody and return to the residents upon graduation. Any violator shall be given the disciplinary action of oral warning or above. Anyone who causes fire accidents shall be reported to the public security department.

Voluntary Service The record of rule violation can be erased for a resident who has been given disciplinary action through relevant voluntary services supervised by the Student Affairs Office (hereinafter referred to as the “SAO”) and hostel counsellors.

Corridors Corridors, walkways and fire passages are to be kept in unobstructed condition. No chasing is allowed in the walkways.


Dress Code Residents should be properly dressed and behave politely in the public areas.

Cleanliness It is the shared responsibility of residents to keep their room clean and tidy. For the purpose of cultivating a good living environment, trash should be properly disposed of.

Public Property, Water and Electricity Conservation Residents shall take good care of all public properties, conserve water and electricity, and keep their hostels quiet、clean and in good order at all times; Residents shall not move at will existing fixtures, fittings or furniture in their hostels or install new fittings; Residents shall ensure that the facilities in their hostels are in good condition. If the facilities are found to be damaged by the residents, they will be required to make the compensation and will be given the disciplinary action of oral warning or above according to the seriousness of the circumstance.

No Smoking Smoking is prohibited in the hostel and surrounding areas. Any violator shall be given the disciplinary action of oral warning or above according to the seriousness of the circumstance.

No Drug Abuse Residents and their visitors shall not possess or use any drugs prohibited by the law in the hostels. In case such circumstance is found, he shall be reported to the security department immediately for investigation and further disciplinary action.

No Alcohol Alcoholic beverage should not be consumed or stored in the hostels. Any violator shall be given the disciplinary action of oral warning or above according to the seriousness of the circumstance. Residents who commit disorderly conduct such as getting drunk, horsing around, playing firecrackers or destroying equipment or facilities and thus disturb the peace shall be given the disciplinary action of written warning or a demerit. In case the circumstance is serious, he shall be given academic probation or dismissal.

No Gambling Gambling or playing mah-jong is not allowed in the hostels. Any violator shall be given the disciplinary action of oral warning or above according to the seriousness of the situation. Residents who join gambling activities will be given disciplinary action of written warning or a demerit. In case the circumstance is serious, such as organizing gambling activities, frequent gambling or colluding with people outside the College for gambling, they shall be given academic probation or dismissal


No Pets Pets are not allowed in the Hostels. Any violator shall be given the disciplinary action of verbal reprimand and are required to get rid of the pets within five working days. If he fails to take action within five working days, the College shall take disciplinary action of written warning or above against him and has the right to dispose of the pets.

No Sales Activities Sale activity of any goods or services in the hostels is not allowed without prior approval of the relevant department of the College. Residents are not allowed to conduct pyramid sales, sale promotion or other profitable activities in the hostel areas. Anyone who violates this provision shall be given the disciplinary action of oral warning or above according to the seriousness of the circumstance and the goods shall be confiscated at the same time.

No Religious Activities Religious activities of group gathering are not allowed in the hostels. (Note: According to the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, religious activities or group gathering shall be carried out within registered religious venues. ) Any resident who carries out religious activities or group gathering and disregard management dissuasion shall be given the disciplinary action of written warning or a demerit. In case the circumstance is serious, he shall be imposed academic probation or dismissal.

Notices & Posters No posted notices, leaflets, posters of activities or parties within the hostel area are allowed without the prior approval of the relevant management department. Such posting shall follow the “Regulations of the Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University United International College on Student Poster Management.” Any violator shall be given the disciplinary action of oral warning or above.


Useful Facilities at NSHCV Laundry Room Each of the floors has one laundry room. Normally there are three laundry machines in each room. You could wash your clothes by 6 RMB/Time (Coin is requested, you could change the paper currency into coin if you don’t have that with the housekeeper), and also the housekeeper provides the detergent, also you could buy detergent yourself.

On Campus Logistics Store There are two main logistics stores, one is on the first floor of NSHCV Block V23, and the other is near the West gate. These on-campus logistics stores provide goods delivery service to all students and staff at UIC.

Bookstore There is a small bookstore on the first floor of NSHCV Block V24, you could purchase related textbooks, magazines and newspapers there, too.

On Campus ATM (Agricultural Bank) There are two agricultural bank ATMs near the Staff and Students Activity Centre. It is a 24-hour machine. You could withdraw money from the machine whenever needed. It also accepts major credit cards, such as Visa and Master Card.

On Campus Supermarket There is one supermarket at NSHCV and several shops. The supermarket is located the second floor of Block V26, and shops are scattered around the dormitory area; you could purchase daily life stuff there. 16

Internet Service Centre Internet Service Centre is located on the second floor of NSHCV Block V26. You need to bring your Student I. D. and PASSPORT when applying. The internet fee is depending on your choice of speed. (Note: If the brand of your computer is APPLE, you need to bring your computer to the service centre when first apply. By the way, the staff there could not speak very good English, you’d better go to apply with a Chinese friend or your roommate.) Service hours: 8:00-21:00 (Monday to Friday) 9:00-17:30 (Saturday & Sunday) Contact Telephone Number: 0756-3155999

Oasis & Changsheng & Zhuo & Xinmengyuan (Student Canteens) Oasis is located on the first floor of Block T4, Changsheng situates on the first floor of University Hall; Zhuo is located on the second floor of Staff and Students Activity Centre; and Xinmengyuan is located on the first floor of NSHCV Block V26. The average consumption is around 24 RMB.

Academic Information Student Number at UIC Your student number will be assigned by the Academic Registry and will be email to you before your arrival. Access the UIC web mail system via the URL address: http://webmail.uic.edu.hk/ or from the UIC home page (http://uic.edu.hk). Click the ‘Login' button from the navigation bar menu and select "Student" then "email". User ID is ‘l1xxxxxxxx' where xxxxxxxx is the student ID number. Default Password is the student National ID, HKID, Macau ID or passport number. Students can change the email account settings such as password, language, signature, etc. when successfully logged in to the system.

AR Information System Please login the AR Information System http://mis.uic.edu.hk/ with your UIC Email ID and password. Your profile and class timetable will be shown in the system.

Bank Card You will go through a process shortly after your arrival to get set up with an account at the Agricultural Bank of China (at a branch office close to the campus). You will need 5 RMB currency and the original and copy of your passport to open your account. Your Agricultural Bank account is the easiest means of obtaining Chinese currency in and around Zhuhai. Your account will come with a debit/credit card that you can use at most local ATM’s and, in some cases, at some retail locations. You will find that the easiest way, and many times the only way, to function for daily necessities is to use cash. The International Development Office will organize all international students to open the bank account during the orientation. You may be able to use the Agricultural Bank


credit card in Hong Kong. There are some stores and ATM’s in Hong Kong that will accept the Agricultural Bank of China debit/credit card.

Student Campus Card A Campus Card will be issued to each Exchange-in student later after your arrival. The campus card can be used in place where a POS Machine is installed (on campus only); it also can be used as UIC library card and student hostel access card. The student campus card will be issued by the Agricultural Bank of China. You need to provide the electronic version of the photo which is 600*600 pixels.

Student ID Booklet Each UIC student will be issued a student ID booklet by the Academic Registry (Please provide a one-inch size personal photo and a copy of your passport).

Course Registration Pre-Departure The list of course offering and timetable for the Fall Semester or Spring Semester will be available in mid/late June or mid/late November. Please send your proposed study plan based on the course list supplied to Ms. Jessica XIAO via [email protected]. The approval by the respective Divisions will be sent to you in due course. For the pre-requisite and subject description, you may refer to UIC Undergraduate Handbook (Link: http://uic.edu.hk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4758&Itemid=63 3) (for reference only)

Upon Arrival During the add/drop period, UIC students can add/drop subjects. If you wish to change your study plan, please contact Ms. Jessica XIAO.

Withdrawing from Subjects Permission to withdraw from subjects after the deadline for dropping subjects will only be given under exceptional circumstances, such as a student is suffering from physical, personal or academic problems, or other unforeseen circumstances deemed acceptable to the subject instructor, Programme Coordinator and Dean. Applications should be submitted to the Academic Registry at least four weeks before the commencement of the semester examination. Withdrawal is not official until approval is granted.

Credits The number of credits assigned to a subject is indicative of the contact time with a teacher and/or the study time associated with that subject on a weekly basis over a period of one semester. In general, a single credit represents attendance once a week throughout the semester at a lecture lasting 50 minutes. For field studies and laboratory classes, a credit generally represents at least two 50- minute sessions. Each credit presupposes an average of two hours’ preparation each week on the part of the student. 18

Textbook The list of textbooks will be sent to you along with the course list. How to buy textbooks 1. You may purchase textbooks from the campus bookshop Take Me Home at the Student Cultural Village (86-756-3631737, [email protected]). 2.The UIC Learning Resource Centre may have copies for loan. For the loan policy, please visit http://uic.edu.hk/en/lrc for details.

Transcript Please provide the address of your host institution to Ms. Jessica Xiao at the International Development Office. Your transcript will be mailed to the address you have provided one month or two months after the final examination.

Study Load One exchange student could register for a minimum of 15 credits, a maximum of 21 credits per semester. A student may not register for more than 22 credits in a semester unless required by the programme. Students who wish to register for more than 22 credits must obtain approval from the appropriate Dean of the Division.

Class Attendance Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes for which they have registered. If absence is due to conditions beyond their control and they wish to establish that fact in order to justify make-up work (e.g. papers, assignments), a written explanation together with supporting documents must be presented to the subject instructor for approval. A student who a) has been absent without approval for more than 15 percent of scheduled classes, or b) has attended less than 70 percent of scheduled classes (including approved and unapproved absences) may be penalized as the instructor deems appropriate (for example, not allowed to sit for the final examination). A student who is more than 15 minutes late for a class may be counted as absent. Official leave of absence applies only to cases where the Academic Registrar/Deputy Academic Registrar has given specific written approval.

Assessment and Examinations Students in the undergraduate degree programmes are assessed by examinations, coursework, and/or class participation. A student who is found to have committed an act of academic dishonesty in respect of any part of a subject-based assessment such as plagiarism in written assignments, submission of material(s) for assessment which is not the student’s own work, the use of fabricated or copied data for assessment, shall receive zero marks for the part found plagiarised. For more serious or repeated cases, the student concerned shall be given an F grade for the whole subject and disciplinary action may be sought from the Student Disciplinary Committee.


Student Appeals Against Examination Grades Students who wish to appeal against the result of subject-based assessment should follow the following procedures: a) A student who wishes to appeal against subject-based assessment including examination grades should first appeal in writing to the subject instructor and the Dean of the Division via the relevant Division Office or the subject offering unit within one week after being notified of the subject semester grades. b) The subject instructor shall review the case. The student should be informed of the decision within a reasonable time. Any changes in grades should be reported to the Academic Registry/Deputy Academic Registrar at the same time. c) If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the review, he/she may appeal in writing to the Academic Registrar/Deputy Academic Registrar within one week after receiving the review results, giving full reasons in support of the appeal. A fee will be charged for the appeal. d) The Academic Registrar/Deputy Academic Registrar shall review the case and determine if there are grounds for re-consideration: i) If the Academic Registrar/Deputy Academic Registrar considers that there are insufficient grounds for the appeal, the appeal will be refused, the fee not refunded, and the decision is final. ii) If the appeal is accepted, the Academic Registrar/Deputy Academic Registrar shall reconsider the case in consultation with the subject instructor and the Dean of the Division to make a final decision. If deemed appropriate, the Academic Registrar/Deputy Academic Registrar may convene an Appeal Panel to review the case to make a final decision.

Staff to Contact for Academic Affairs Location of AR: Administration Building Contact Telephone Number: 86-756-3620303 Email Address: [email protected] Service Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday Please contact Mr. Tiger Ye (86-756-3620310), [email protected]) for the Student Number. Email Account, AR Information System, Bank Card, Student Campus Card and Student ID Booklet. Please contact Ms. Melody LI (86-756-3620358, [email protected]) for the subject registration and textbook issue. Please contact Ms. Shannon KUANG for latest updates of the pre-requisite and subject description, if necessary.


Mobile communication is everywhere in China. The pleasant surprise is that it is inexpensive and extremely flexible compared to other countries. When you arrive, it is recommended that you purchase a mobile phone with frequency 900/1800MHz. While you can purchase phones with this frequency in your home country, they are most often locked by the service providers and will not recognize the SIM cards you will purchase locally for service.


When you purchase your phone, be cautious of the location. It is best to go to a licensed China Mobile or Unicom store to make your purchases. This increases the chance you will get a new, functioning phone. Inspect your phone carefully and, if possible, test it before you complete the purchase.

You will also need to purchase a SIM card at the same time. The cost of your SIM card will cover the number and about 35 -40 yuan of coverage. The usage rate at the time of this writing is about 0.2 yuan per minute for domestic calls, 2 yuan per minute for international calls, and about 0.13 for text messaging. Note that the cost of the SIM card will vary based on the luck associated with particular sequences of numbers. The price differential you will see is for the phone number, not the time coverage. Unless you are superstitious, buy the cheapest number. Double digits and numbers ending in 8 or 9 are the most expensive.

The store will assist you in activating your SIM card. You may add minutes at the time of purchase, or any time later, either by calling your provider service number and using your Agricultural Bank account or by visiting a local China Mobile or Unicom store.

If you purchase a China Mobile card, you can simply make international calls use the following numerical sequence: 12593 before your international number. International calling cards are very difficult to use on the mainland and are much more expensive.

Registering with Your National Consulate in Guangzhou

It is highly recommended that you register with the consulate in Guangzhou either before you leave or upon your arrival. You will receive any notices concerning citizens of your country during your stay. For example for American citizen’s registration may be done online at: http://travel.state.gov/travel/tips/registration/registration_1186.html

General citizens’ services while in China may be viewed at: http://guangzhou.usembassy-china.org.cn/service.html


Public buses operate quite frequently on campus and cost RMB 3 per trip. Please note that your National Driver’s License or any kind of international license is

NOT valid in Mainland China.


There are many private and commercial taxis available. If you use a private taxi, it is best to go with a recommended driver. Suggested drivers, at the time of this writing are:


Name Language Proficiency Mobile Number Charlie English speaking, Chinese 134 -2501-5744

David Limited English, Chinese 138-2304-3208 Large capacity van Chinese; can be arranged 133-1895-9815 through Horizon Cove


There are two ferry ports in Hong Kong; one on the Kowloon side and one on the HK Island side. The Kowloon side is the China Ferry Terminal and the Island one is the Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal. Both have ferries to and from Zhuhai, operating on different time schedules. Once you determine which HK ferry terminal you wish to go to or return from, you can purchase tickets at the appropriate terminal. You must purchase a ticket at least 15 minutes prior to sailing. If you know which ferry you wish to take, you can always purchase it in advance.

You may purchase ferry tickets to Hong Kong and Macau from the Integrated Services Office (ISO) on campus for a slightly discounted price up to one week in advance of your travel. Otherwise, ferry tickets may be purchased at the respective ferry ports.

Ferry tickets direct to Hong Kong International Airport may be purchased at the Jiuzhou Ferry Port, but have some restrictions or on line (http://www.zhjzg.com/). Please note the HKIA route will land passengers directly inside the airport, by passing HK immigration. So do not choose this route if you intend to spend the night at an airport hotel (which is outside the immigration).


Day to Day Living

Fitness Opportunities

UIC has a Sports Complex with a swimming pool, indoor basketball court, dance studio, fencing room, fitness rooms with some cardio machines including treadmills, elliptical, a stairmaster, bikes, rowing machines,. They also have a good selection of free weights and weight machines. This facility is located along the Great Learing Way.

Local Shopping

While there are many places to shop in Zhuhai, Macau, and Hong Kong, the following table gives information that UIC employees have found useful for basic needs due to their proximity, easy access, or special needs.


1) You will find that the places listed and the items they provide are conspicuously absent of pharmaceutical products. Any item you are familiar with in this category is rare, if not impossible to find on mainland. Hong Kong is best for these types of items.

2) A good source of information about resources around Zhuhai is at www.expat9.com 23

Store Location Items Aeon Department Store Located via public bus 3, Full grocery, personal and 10, 69 household care, clothing, kitchenware, bath and bed supplies Carrefour Reached by Carrefour Products similar to Aeon. shuttle in Tangjia. Carrefour is a department Generally same lines as store that sells most of your Aeon daily necessities. The “Underground” Gongbei-Macau border Clothing, accessories, Market by public bus 10, 10A, electronics, shoes, jewellery and K3. and watches, traditional and novelty souvenirs Note: Be ready to bargain hard; start at 40-50% of the price suggested and stay low; be ready to walk if you don’t get the price you want. Vanguard Department Located in Gongbei Large Grocery store and Store Department Store with magnificent fruit and vegetable selections.


Contacts of Nearby Restaurants Oasis 13620460790 Zhuo 18666128650 Yuanxinmeng 3399740


For exchange students, there is no need to purchase the insurance at UIC. As for the degree seeking students, you need to purchase the insurance per academic year. It is 600 RMB/year. You need to pay this together with the tuition fees to our finance office. As for the detail information, please contact the responsible person Ms. Jessica XIAO of the International Development Office at [email protected],or call him at 3620029 or come to T4-103.




UIC operates on a semester schedule with courses credited according to teaching hours or “face” time. Students typically take 18 or more credits per semester, or 6 or more courses, except for the last semester when they take 2 courses only so that they could have time to look for jobs or internships. The semester runs 15 weeks: 14 teaching weeks, one “revision” or review week, and 1.5 weeks of final exams. The start and end dates of the semester are fluid, depending on current or institutional events and the Lunar New Year calendar. At the end of each semester’s finals, there is approximately one week break, then a supplementary final will be given for those who failed the course.

Wednesday afternoons, starting at 12:30, there are no courses scheduled in order for the administration and programmes to conduct programme and committee meetings. This time also serves as time for students to have extracurricular activities or to meet with professors. Be sure to check out the information on Whole Person Education (WPE) which is required of each student. Students are required to fulfil 5 1-credit WPE Experiential Modules on Wednesday afternoons during their four-year matriculation.

Campus Resources

Learning Resource Centre

The Learning Resource Centre situates at the centre of the campus. The Centre has an area of about 6000 square meters. It provides more than 800 seats. (No information) Learning Commons: It is a place for students to interact for both academic and social purposes with comfortable seats and tables grouped by stylish partitions. The furniture can be rearranged for other purposes, e.g. attending seminars and/or talks. This is the only place in the building where snacks and soft drinks 25

are allowed.

Collections Print collection: LRC has approximately 100,000 volumes of books in its print collection equally shared between English and Chinese Collections. LRC subscribes to around 200 periodicals and newspapers in English and Chinese.

E-collection: LRC subscribes to 10 Foreign Language Databases and 3 Databases via ProQuest, EBSCO and CNKI.

Contact Information Venue of LRC Office: SHCV Block 7 Contact Telephone Number: 86-756-3620317 Email Address: [email protected]

Information Technology Services Centre

Computing Centre Computing Centre is one of the Wi-Fi coverage areas, with about 200 personal computers and several high-speed laser printers. It provides following services for students: iSpace UIC Information Space (iSpace) is an online proprietary virtual learning environment system specially setup to aid in e-learning and online information sharing. It builds from the moodle e-learning platform and provides an information space for staff to upload their teaching material as well as sharing information within campus. The students could login into iSpace by using the username and password which is given by the professor. The students could download homework and teaching materials from it too.

QQ QQ is China’s largest social networking and instant messaging platform, and most of Chinese people especially Chinese students use them a lot to communicate with each other.

Contact Information Venue of ITSC Office: T8,202 Hotline: 86-756-3620315 Email address: [email protected] Website: http://itsc.uic.edu.hk

Language Centre

UIC Language Centre consists of two parts: English Language Centre and Chinese Language and Culture Centre.

English Language Centre


The English Language Centre offers courses under General Education required subjects, namely English I - IV for all year one to year two students to help them reach an acceptable English standard roughly on a par with those from tertiary institutions in Hong Kong It also provides specific assistance to students to enable them to study their major disciplines more effectively. The Academic Reading and Writing course is tailor-made for students in different majors so that they can increase their vocabulary, refine their writing skills and be able to write term papers in English. Contact Information Venue of ELC Office: T3-401 Website: http://uic.edu.hk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=89&Itemid=238

Chinese Language and Culture Centre Chinese Language and Culture Centre provides Chinese Language Course to all international students, ranging from elementary one to intermediate three. Before taking this course, you need to take the placement test.

Contact Information Venue of CLC Office: T3-309 Contact Telephone Number: 86-0756-3620845 Email Address: [email protected]

Medical and Health Education Office MHEO provides students with medical treatment, health education, medical support and so forth. It runs 24 hours per day including weekends and holidays. MHEO provides the following services: ·To give routine medical treatment and advice, consultation on hospital transfer and disease leave and etc. ·To organize students physical exams and give suggestions to AR, SAO and ISO. ·To organize required vaccinations for all students. Contact Us: Office: NSHCV Block V25-103 & SP-204 Telephone Number: 3620555 / 3620120 & 3620388

Service Hours: (from Mon. to Sun.) On duty Service hours Service place Day shift 8:30-12:00 NSHCV Block V25-103 13:00-17:30 27

Night shift 18:30-21:30 NSHCV Block V25-103 (Emergency Call:13928025919)

Useful Contact Telephone Number: Ambulance: 120 Taxi Service Number: 12581258 Clinic of The fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in BNU Campus: (86)-756-6126120 (Close to the Beijng Restaurant) The fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University: (86)-756-2528120 Tang Jia Wan Hospital: 86-756-3311120 Jing Ding Hospital: 86-756-3381211 The People Hospital of Zhuhai: 86-756-2222569

Traveling in China

Traveling to most parts of China (please check with Jessica Xiao for location restrictions if you wish to travel to areas like Tibet) can be done freely, but requires a little bit of patience, flexibility and adventure. The travel networks in China are not as consumer friendly as they have become in some Western countries as a result of the information and communication technologies, nor do they operate with the same service orientation that you may be used to. As leisure travel in China is a fairly new phenomenon, most Chinese use travel agents to book group tours or packages, but you can also develop your own trips with minimal use. Below are some hints and helps for traveling and resources. Being in Asia is a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of travel of Southeast Asia, in addition to China. People living in Zhuhai frequently travel to Thailand, Cambodia, Northern China, the Philippines, and other parts of Asia.

General Considerations

Travel pricing tends to follow a volume and time structure. Prices for transportation and hotel are usually not available until 4-6 weeks before your travel time, and the prices are much higher at first availability.

Transportation prices drop dramatically as the travel time approaches and usually hit their lowest point about 1-2 two weeks before departure.

Domestic and regional hotels tend to follow the same trend as transportation. Youth hostels may be booked at any time as prices are fixed. International hotel availability tends to be limited further in advance, but also follows the transportation price trend.

While you do not need to carry your actual passport with you around Zhuhai, any time you travel, even if it is domestically, you will need to carry it. You may also need to present your passport at the border when you return to the city of Zhuhai from other cities on the Mainland by car, bus or taxi. (Obviously you need it when


you return by ferry from Hong Kong or walk across the border at Gongbei from Macau).

Aside from the information here, several faculty and interns at UIC have travelled and are a great source of information and contacts.


You can book the flights on www.elong.com, www.ctrip.com or www.airchina.com. It is suggested to seek assistance from Chinese speaking students at UIC when using these sites. IDO often is the place to seek help of these nature. Tickets require payment online (www.ctrip.com accepts major international credit cards) or cash on their delivery. Patrick Leung (see p 5) can also be helpful for making travel arrangements throughout China and neighbouring countries.


Train travel is easy and runs about half the cost of flights. You may book train tickets on BNUZ’s campus near the canteen located by the dorms, but you cannot purchase tickets more than 10 days in advance. You will need to have a Chinese speaker to help with this. Again, you will need passport photo copy and cash to complete the booking.

Two options for tickets are hard berth and soft berth. The “hard” berth is a compartment with 6 beds and no door which you will share with other travellers. The “soft” berth is a compartment with 4 beds which you will share with other travellers, but will have a door for privacy and security. Lower berths are more expensive than upper berths. It is recommended that you sleep with your cash and passport in a waist pack or behind your head when you travel by train.

You may also purchase a hard seat, but you will not be able to lie down to sleep, and it can be quite crowded and noisy. Most international travellers do not find this option comfortable or convenient.

There is a shared toilet and washroom and there is a dining car with limited beverages and food. It is advisable to bring easy to pack snacks and water with you for your travel.


Long distance buses are also a travel option, but are not often used by internationals because they are not as comfortable and convenient, nor are there usually any English speakers. Some interns or students travel this way, but usually bring a native speaker with them.

The Baiyunport Bus is a non-stop direct bus to Guangzhou airport. It will cost Y84 one way and runs from early morning to late night. The boarding station is


about 30-40 minutes from UIC and most cab drivers know where it is. It is advised to purchase tickets in advance.

Hotels and Hostels

For domestic and international hotels, www.elong.com, www.ctrip.com or booking.com are good options for searching and booking. You will be able to use your international credit card for booking as well as payment at the hotel.

Hostels are a convenient, inexpensive and great way to lodge while traveling. While they do not offer the amenities of hotels, they are an excellent way to get close to the local people and to meet other international travellers. Most hostels offer dorm rooms with shared baths or private rooms with private bath. Most hostels also offer internet service, bedding, and assistance with local tours or places of interest. Some have dining services. Sites to search for hostels are www.world-hostel.com or www.lonelyplanet.com. Once you stay at one, you may also be able to gather cards for others usually displayed at or near the front desk. Reservations for hostels are usually made by email directly with the owner.


All costs are approximate, rounded, averages and will vary based on individual circumstances.

Start up

Beddings and linens A minimum budget would be about ¥400-600 (including the mattress, pillow, quilt, and cover to the pillow, quilt and sheets). Phone ¥280 SIM card ¥50 Bus Cards Your discretion. Examples: A Public bus card for ¥100 can last for 4 months.


Daily Living

Dormitory fees As of this writing, it is ¥2500 per semester, ¥ 500 deposit is required too.

Utilities (electricity, water, internet, local Around ¥300 per month phone service and cable)

Textbooks Around ¥1000

Food Approximately ¥400 per week per person for food and eating out


This is a discretionary item. Depending on your tastes, patience, diligence and interest, you can travel quite inexpensively. For example, by purchasing flights during sale price times, staying in hostels, and being judicious about dining, the total cost for three trips lasting 5-7 days each to various destinations cost approximately ¥8400 per person.

General Tips

Mail Service: We would recommend any mail be sent to you at your UIC address. NAME C/O International Development Office Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College 28 Jinfeng Road Tangjiawan Zhuhai, Province P.R.China 519085

Mail service is a bit better going BACK to your home country from here.

Chinese Translation APP: A very useful app for Chinese and English translation is PLECO. It cannot translate sentences but is good for translating words and some idioms.

Outlets: China has 220-volt power. It is a good idea to bring along a few adapters to get you started. Most digital camera and almost all laptop power 31

adaptors already have the converter built in (read on the adaptor if the input voltage ranges from 100-240V).

If you have an electric appliance that cannot take 220-volt power, you should bring along a small converter.

Hand Sanitizer: It is useful to have several small containers of hand sanitizer. It is often difficult to find places to wash your hands.


HOSPITALS AND DOCTORS in Zhuhai, Macau and Hong Kong HOSPITAL NUMBER 5 in Zhuhai (closest and UIC health insurance covers it). Open 7 days a week. VIP service from Monday to Saturday during working hours, rest of the time, only emergencies.

You pay 50 yuan per VIP service each time and they will refer you to the best specialist. They will provide you with English translation and there is no or very little waiting time.

The Director of the hospital is a very well-known Cardiologist and the Chief Director of the Gastroenterologist Dept. is also well known.

UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL in MACAU (they have English speaking doctors and prices are very reasonable from 60-300 MOPS to visit a specialist). There are very few people and it’s very clean, they have great service and western medicines. (open 7 days a week) For appointments: 00853-88972671/28821838 (they speak English) Dr. Trovoada: GREAT Portuguese paediatrician. http://www.uh.org.mo/e_hospital/gailan_x.htm http://www.uh.org.mo/e_hospital/visit.htm HOPE CLINIC in Macau

US doctors and US trained doctors. They have a branch near the Gongbei- Macau border (you can walk-in there is no need for an appointment) and another one in Taipa (by appointment). Prices from 120-250MOPS (different doctors charge different rates ) For appointment in Taipa: 00853-28836992 (closed on Sundays)

1. IMED CLINIC in HONG KONG Dr Cheng Pik Shun: GREAT Paediatrician (vaccination and growing problems specialist) in Hong Kong. For appointments: 00852-26829199 "Sze Kong" (English speaking nurse) http://www.imedclinic.hk/eng/chengpikshun.html

St Teresa’s Hospital in Hong Kong is a great hospital with reasonable prices (150-300HK$ per specialist visit). Open 7 days a week with English speaking doctors and personnel. For appointments: 00852-22003434


Staff at UIC: Jessica Xiao, International Student Coordinator, [email protected] Kayla Huang, Senior Administrative Assistant, [email protected]