Accepted to ApJ: October 23, 2010 GALEX FUV Observations of Comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz): The Ionization Lifetime of Carbon Jeffrey P. Morgenthaler Planetary Science Institute, 1700 E. Fort Lowell, Ste 106, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA
[email protected] Walter M. Harris Department of Applied Sciences, University of California at Davis, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616, USA Michael R. Combi Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, The University of Michigan, 2455 Hayward St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Paul D. Feldman Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University Charles and 34th Streets, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA Harold A. Weaver Space Department, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723-6099, USA ABSTRACT 3 arXiv:1011.4313v1 [astro-ph.EP] 18 Nov 2010 We present a measurement of the lifetime of ground state atomic carbon, C( P), against ionization processes in interplanetary space and compare it to the lifetime ex- pected from the dominant physical processes likely to occur in this medium. Our mea- surement is based on analysis of a far ultraviolet (FUV) image of comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) recorded by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) on 2005 March 1. The bright C I 1561 A˚ and 1657 A˚ multiplets dominate the GALEX FUV band. We used the image to create high signal-to-noise ratio radial profiles that extended beyond 1×106 km from the comet nucleus. Our measurements yielded a total carbon lifetime of 7.1 – 9.6×105 s (ionization rate of 1.0 – 1.4×10−6 s−1) when scaled to 1 AU.