SCRCOG Board Agenda February 2021
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Bethany Branford East Haven Guilford Hamden Madison Meriden Milford New Haven North Branford North Haven Orange Wallingford West Haven Woodbridge Carl J. Amento, Executive Director SCRCOG MEETING NOTICE & AGENDA February 24, 2021 – 10:00 A.M. Location: 127 Washington Avenue, 4th Floor West North Haven, CT 06473 NOTICE: As permitted by Governor Lamont’s Executive Order 7B, as extended by Executive Order 9A, regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic, this meeting is being held remotely with no in-person attendance Log-on Information to attend this meeting remotely is provided below: Join Zoom Meeting: Call-In Number: +1-929-205-6099 Meeting ID: 896 5944 3123 Full agenda materials can be found at our website – 1. Call to Order and Introductions – First Selectman Michael Freda, Chair 2. Approval of 1/127/21 SCRCOG Meeting Minutes – First Selectman Matthew Hoey, Acting Secretary Pages 2-5 3. Treasurer’s Report for month ending 1/31/21 – First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco, Treasurer Pages 6, 7 4. Adoption of Affirmative Action Policy Resolution (annual renewal) Pages 8-10 5. Approval of Annual SCRCOG Self-Certification Pages 11,12 6. Resolution Authorizing SCRCOG to Establish and Act as a Regional Purchasing Consortium Pages 13 7. Congressional Reports – Louis Mangini, Aide to U.S. Representative Rosa DeLauro; Ellen Graham, Aide to U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal; Lillian McKenzie, Aide to U.S. Senator Christopher Murphy 8. State Legislative Reports—Michael Muszynski, CCM; Betsy Gara, COST 9. SCRCOG Executive Director’s Report – Carl Amento, Executive Director Pages 14,15 10. Grant Opportunities and Upcoming Events—Carl Amento, Executive Director Pages 16-21 11. REX Development Report – Ginny Kozlowski, Executive Director, REX Development Pages 22-45 12. DESPP/DEMHS Report –Jacob Manke, Region 2 Coordinator 13. Resilient CT Report- Joanna Wozniak- Brown, UConn CIRCA 14. Greater New Haven Transit District Report-Mario Marrero, Executive Director 15. CTRides Update- Joanne Cavadini, Outreach Coordinator Attached 16. Regional Planning Commission February Action Tables Page 46 17. Regional Cooperation/Other Business 18. Adjournment The agenda and attachments for this meeting are available on our website at Please contact SCRCOG at (203) 234-7555 for a copy of agenda in a language other than English. Auxiliary aids/services and limited English proficiency translators will be provided with two week’s notice. La Agenda y Adjuntos para esta reunión están disponibles en nuestro sitio web en Favor en contactar con SCRCOG al (203) 234-7555 para obtener una copia de la Agenda en un idioma distinto al Inglés. Ayudas/servicios auxiliares e intérpretes para personas de Dominio Limitado del Inglés serán proporcionados con dos semanas de avis SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Planning for Our Region’s Future Bethany Branford East Haven Guilford Hamden Madison Meriden Milford New Haven North Branford North Haven Orange Wallingford West Haven Woodbridge Carl J. Amento, Executive Director TO: SCRCOG Board Members FROM: First Selectman Matthew Hoey, Acting Secretary DATE: February 17, 2021 SUBJECT: SCRCOG Meeting Minutes of January 27, 2021 Present: Bethany First Selectman Paula Cofrancesco, Treasurer Branford First Selectman James Cosgrove Guilford First Selectman Matthew Hoey, Vice Chair Hamden Mayor Curt Leng Madison First Selectwoman Peggy Lyons Milford Mayor Benjamin Blake New Haven Kevin Alvarez, proxy for Mayor Justin Elicker North Haven First Selectman Michael Freda, Chair Wallingford Mayor William Dickinson Woodbridge First Selectman Beth Heller, Immediate Past Chair SCRCOG Staff Carl Amento, Stephen Dudley, James Rode, Eugene Livshits, Christopher Rappa, Rebecca Andreucci, Andy Cirioli, Daria Larson, Burton Guion Guests: Sara Bronin and Alana Ervin, Desegregate CT; Ginny Kozlowski and Barbara Malmberg, REX Development; Sara Radacsi, CTDOT; Lou Mangini; Office of U.S. Representative Rosa DeLauro; Ellen Graham, Office of U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthol; Michael Muszynski, Connecticut Conference of Municipalities; Betsy Gara, Council of Small Towns; Mario Marrero, Greater New Haven Transit District; Jacob Manke, DEMHS/DESPP; Laurie McElwie, John Wardzala, and Meg Haffner, The Kennedy Center; Jacob Manke, DEMHS/DESPP; Nan Birdwhistell, Murtha Cullina Law Firm; Richard LoPresti, Town of North Haven; Joanna Wozniak-Brown, CIRCA; David Fink, SCRCOG Housing Consultant; Serena Neal- Sanjuro, New Haven Affordable Housing Commission; Anne Benowitz, Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce; Lynn DiGiovanni, Luchs Consulting Engineers/DeCarlo & Doll NOTE: The SCRCOG Board meeting was held remotely with no in-person attendance as permitted by Governor Lamont’s Executive Orders, regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic. 1. Call to order and Introductions Chairman Heller called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. All present introduced themselves. Stephen Dudley introduced the new CTDOT COG Coordinator for the region, Sara Radacsi, who has taken over the position following Edgar Wynkoop’s retirement. 2. Adoption of the December 10, 2020 SCRCOG Meeting Minutes First Selectman Hoey presented the Minutes of the SCRCOG Meeting of December 10, 2020, which were included in the agenda packet at pages 2-5. First Selectman Hoey moved for their approval, and First Selectwoman Cofrancesco seconded. All voted in favor. 3. Treasurer’s Report for month ending December 31, 2020 Christopher Rappa presented the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending December 31, 2020, which was included in the agenda packet at pages 6-7. The Balance Sheet shows that SCRCOG has total assets of 127 Washington Avenue, 4th Floor West, North Haven, CT 06473 2 T (203) 234-7555 F (203) 234-9850 [email protected] $1,474,000 with $1,316,000 of that in cash and investments. There is also $75,000 due from CTDOT and $8,000 due from CIRCA. Expenses for the month were in order. Chairman Heller moved for acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report. First Selectman Cosgrove seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 4. Nominating Committee Report for Calendar Year 2021 Officers and Committees Chairman Heller reported for the Nominating Committee, which also included First Selectman Cosgrove and Mayor Blake. The proposed slate of officers is: Chair: First Selectman Freda; Vice-Chair: First Selectman Hoey; Secretary: First Selectman Zeoli, and; Treasurer: First Selectwoman Cofrancesco. The proposed Executive Committee would consist of the 4 officers noted above plus: First Selectman Heller, Mayor Elicker, Mayor Dickinson, and Mayor Blake. Nominees for the Transportation Committee were: Mayor Dickinson, Mayor Elicker, Mayor Blake, First Selectman Hoey, First Selectman Cosgrove, First Selectman Freda, and First Selectman Lyons. The Nominating Committees Report was at Page 8 of the agenda packet. 5. Election of Officers and Appointment of Committees Chairman Heller called for a vote on the nominees put forth by the Nominating Committee. First Selectman Cosgrove moved for election and appointment of the nominees put forth by the Nominating Committee. Chairman Heller seconded. The nominees were approved unanimously. First Selectman Heller gave a word of thanks to the SCRCOG board and gave well wishes to the incoming Chair. 6. Acceptance of Gavel by New Chair The Chair’s gavel was virtually presented to new Chair Michael Freda. Chairman Freda pledged himself to leading SCRCOG with honor and dedication in the upcoming year. 7. Adopt Resolution to appoint SCRCOG Bank Signatories Executive Director Amento pointed out that the election of new SCRCOG officers will require a change in our authorized bank signatories. The Resolution is at Page 9 of the agenda packet. First Selectman Hoey moved for approval of the resolution. First Selectman Heller seconded, and all were in favor. 8. Adopt Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to sign agreements with CTDOT This Resolution is required annually by CTDOT. It is described on Page 10 of the agenda packet. First Selectman Cosgrove motioned for approval of the Resolution. First Selectman Heller seconded the motion. All were in favor. 9. Proposed Revision to the RSG Spending Plan, FY 2020-2021 Executive Director Amento reviewed the proposed changes to the RSG Spending Plan, found on pages 11-16 of the agenda packet. This revision would move $7,500 from Contingency to pay the FY21 regional dues for the Capitol Region Purchasing Council, a program in which several SCRCOG towns participate for cost savings. First Selectwoman Cofrancesco made a motion to approve the revision. Kevin Alvarez seconded, and all voted in favor. 10. Budget Revision #2 FY 2020-2021 Executive Director Amento presented the FY 20-21 Budget Revision #1 found on pages 17-19 of the agenda packet. The item was presented and unanimously approved during the Executive Committee meeting as a recommendation to the full SCRCOG Board. The budget revision included the RSG Spending Plan amendment from Agenda Item #9, as well as moving $7,500 from Reserves into the SCRCOG budget. This money would be used to pay for an outstanding invoice for regional CRPC dues from the FY18 to the Capitol Region Purchasing Council. First Selectman Heller made a motion to approve the budget amendment and Kevin Alvarez seconded. The motion passed unanimously. 127 Washington Avenue, 4th Floor West, North Haven, CT 06473 3 T (203) 234-7555 F (203) 234-9850 [email protected] 11. Presentation: Briefing on Desegregate CT Sara Bronin presented the policy recommendations being made by Desegregate CT. She gave an overview of the CT Zoning Atlas, which is a mapping tool that can be used to compare zoning regulations across the state as they relate to housing. 12. Congressional Reports Lou Mangini from Congresswoman DeLauro’s office reported on the FY 21 appropriations package, which includes $82 billion for education and $73 billion for vaccines. Another round of the PPP loan/grant program is open for applications. Additional unemployment benefits have been extended until March. First Selectman Hoey asked if there was any funding for mental health needs related to Covid-19.