Kynast, Frobert Krsrlz, Anna Miss

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Kynast, Frobert Krsrlz, Anna Miss Krxttz, A,C. rev. Kustelski, Ben J. Kuntz, tharles dr. Kustelski-, Frank T. sgt . Kuntz, F.J. Kuster, Fbed- W. Ktxtitn, 'Oito Kusterman:r, Fred- G. Kunz, Alfrbd-Z, Kusumoto, Ted- pfc. KunE, A. Kusnieruk, Stefen Kwrz, Charles Br.rton Kutner, Otto Ktxtz, Clare H. Kutrichied, Walter Kwtz, E1la miss. Kutscher, Hel-muth W. Kttnz, Eugene G. Kuttner, Julia Ktxtz, Fred-erick L . prof . Kul,z, George C. -z Kwtz, G. D . KuLz, George H. -2 Kunz, George d-r. Kut z, John W. Kwtz, Jacob Kuypers, John Marinus pfof , -3 Ktxtz, Stanley H. rep, Kuzaroff, Steve Kunze, Arthur, F. \zes, Otio Ktx:'ze, Gerhard- Wilheln Kuzsra, Mike -z Ktsnze, W.F. -2 Kuznicki, Josefina slrs . Kttnze, W11he1m-2 Kvale, Alfred- J. Kwtze, W1l1iam F. mayor Kvale, 0.J. rev.-[J Kunzman, Fbank K:;aie, O.J. [Lrs . Kupari, John W. Kvale, Paul Kupferschmid.t, Paul rev. -3 Kvale , PauJ- J. rep. Kuphal, Henry E. -2 Kvalhe j:n, Ole Kupka, A.J. Kvann, O1e Kuramoto, Elmei Kvasnlck, Meyer Kurenko, Maria mme -2 Kvelhi-em, Oscar Kurlanchek, Irving C. Kvenild- r ,n&grle Klrl-anchick, Sam dr. Kvisler, Albert Kr-:rlenchick, Sam Kwilecki, Coun! Kr-rrod-a, T. Kyale, Arirold- honas Kirroki", Itei genl I{,yle , Claud-e C. Kr,roki, Tanomoto genl , -3 Kyle , D.Brad-en Kurojratkin, Alexei M. genl , -3 Kyle, Forest Kr.rrle, Wlllian C. Ky1e, George A. -3 Kursteiner, Myrta Kyle, John P. -10 Kurth, Fbed- H . Kyle, Melvin Grove d-r. -2 Krrth, H .R . Kyle, Reuben Kurth, .Tennie nrs . Kyle, nichard. Kurth, Russell E. sgt. Kylsant, Owerr Crosby Phillips lord-2 KtsyLz, And.rew -3 Kynast, frobert KrsrLz, Anna miss. Kyne, Peter B. KtsrIz, Erwin K. Kynett, H.H. KtsrI,z, George W. Kypke, KrarLz, H . J. Kyser, Kay KtsrLz, Harry Kyte, Ambrose J. KtsrLz, Theo. L. rev. Kyuno, H .d.r. Kurzen, Ed-ytheE. Kzaley, Moses Kusch, Herbert Laan, Claus Kuschera, Frank -2 Laas, Jack Kuschman, A fred. Laatsch , l{artin W. mr. &mrs . Kuschura, Vietoria miss. Eabar, Daniel Kuseman, John Labar, Denny J. Kush, Marcella Labarge, J. Kushke, Herman Labarre, Albert J. Kushner, Irvlng trl Labarre, Alfred. -4 Kuske, Wilhelnina mrs. -2 Labarre, Andrew Kuss, Louis D . mj . Labar:re , Lena ilrrs . Kuss, F.,i:l{r Labarre, Samuel -5 Kusske, Jean Legler rnrs . Labatt, George Labatt, John S. -z Labatte, tr''rank Lad-d-, Culv:r -2 labatte, Fred- Lad-d., Daniel I/i. Labatte, John Lad-d-,E.F sen.-20 Labbey, Eugene I€.d-d, Jessi-e nrs. 'mickey' Labeau, Bernie Lad-d-, Milton . Labelle, Jates Pfc. Lad-d-, S general Laberee, 0.G. Lad-e, Harold- B . Lablrie, Enile S . Ladehoff , I{ruse Irabia, count & countess Lad-elle, Gurniath mrs. Lablssoniere, Emile -2 Lad-enburg, Eugenia -2 Lablssonlere , Horace C. d-r. -3 Lad-erman, Allen Lablssoniere, Louis Laderman, Samuel Labissonniere, Isaac -2 Laderoute , Mary A. illrs . +- La bonte, Ed Ladish, Henry Labonty, BerL-Z Lad-ley, Wilbur Labore, Francois mrs. Ladner, F. -3 Labore, Joseph R. capt. Lad-oucer,"harles Everett C. -2 /gborthe, Ped-ro A. Lad-ucer, Laurent Labossi-ere, ddouard-. Lad-oucre, 011ver J. -5 I,abossiere, J.C. -z Lad-ounerge, Jules Labouchere, tlenry -3 Lad-ow, Harry -3 rabouski, F. Lad-ow, Warren Labovitch, Bernard. Iad-u, Blanche nrs. -10 Labtaz, I{.A. Lad-ue, W. G. genl . Labrie, F?ank -3 Iad-ucer, Ralph Labrie, Louis Ladue, Bobby Harrlr -2 Labrosse , Isad-ore ilrrs . _ad-ue, J. Laby, J. mrs. Lad-ue, J"Y -10 Lacasse , Ri-chard- H. cpl . Lad-ue, ivlary Stuart flrrs . Lacewoll, J, C. Lad-ue, Thomas d.r , -2 Lacey, A. J. 'steve t Lad-uke, Martin Lacey, Arthur -3 !ad.wig, August Lacey, Gl-en D . ladwig, E . C. Lachapelle, San Laenmle, Carl -4 Lachinsky, Frank Laetonol, Mike Lachmund-, Paul Lafarge, Christopher Grant -2 Lackaye, Wilton -3 Lafarge, John -6 Lackey, Edmund . Lafase, James Lackey, Jimmy Lafave, Joseph I"a.ekner, John Lafaver, Rayrnond Lackwisky, Anton Lafavor, Geo & Melvin Laclai-r, Harry J. Lafvor, J .L . Lacl-air, Loeba Lafyette, Great Laelair, Norman -3 Lafayette,'I-ohn Paul- Lafayette, arquis Lacoe, David- . Lacoe, Eva Laferriere, i{ad-eline Laccmb, Laff, Sam -3 Lacross, H . J. Lafferty, A.W, rep. -z Lacos't;e, Jean Rene *2 Lafferty, John Lacoste, Joan -2 Lafferty, Walter B. T,acoste, Rene Laffitte, Jeanie laercix, Ed.ward- Lafflin, J .B . Lacroix, Fred-erick Laffoon, Ky Lacroix, Hastings Iaffoon, Ruby gov . Lacroix, Kenneth -9 Lq.f1err-r, Ek:anor lt . Lacount, Ralph J. Lafler-ir, Lloyd Lacy, Carleton nrs. Lafleure M.P- Lacy, Graham G. Laflin, Albert S" rnrs. Lacy, 0.J. (orland-o) [attin, Clifford. A. LoLuty Lacy, Phineas B. -2 Laflin, Frank S. mrs Lad-d-. C,E , dr . Lafillette, Belle Case Mrs. -z Laidler, Ha:=y W. Dr. Lafollette, Fola -9 La.iken, Thomas Lafollette, Philip Laila, Terfren Lafol-Iette, Phil F. Col -tLt, Laimbeer, Wil-liam Mrs. Lafollette, Robert M. Sen. -63! Laing, Howand-E. Lafollette, Robert M. Mrs. -B Lalng, John Lafollette, William L., Jsseph Lafollette, William T. Laing, Oswald-M. Lafollette, William T. Mrs . Laingen, Lars, S . Lafond-, Ed Lalns, Charlotte L. I'lrs . Lafond-, Eugene F. Lains, George H. -3 Lafond-, George -z Lair, Kenneth E. Pvt. Lafond-, James Lairl, A.L. Dr. Lafore, Harry Laird, George M. Laforge , Cora Wal-ker Mrs. Laird, Ha:ry Laforge Frank Iaid,, Herbert Lafountaine , Chester L. Laird, John L. Lt. Laframbey, F"rank Laid, Ladd-ie Lafranbolse, David- W. Laird-, S . Ie,f:e,mboise, Joe Lai:d-r'iilIianH. -3 Ia.freniere, A.L. Lais, Alberto Adniral Lafrombbise, Lawrence Lais, Clair E .Lt . Lagan, Mary La,is, Leo. V. Lt. Lage, Mary, Fred-erick Lage, Roy -5 Ia.itainen, Hilarious Lagen, J .D . Laj oie , Napole on La.ger, Kenneth Pvt . Lajotte, Charles Lagercrant,z, H.L.F. Lak, Ctrarle s LagercranLz, Herman Lakaske, R.G. -4 Lagergren, Carl- Gustaf Dr. Lake , Al-lce D. Lagerlof , Selma -7 Lake, Arthur Lagerman, John -10 Lake, Carson Mrs. Lagerman, John A. Lake, Emma Lagerquist, F.W. La,ke, F::ank -2 Lagersted-t, Albert -5 Lake, Harry lagersted-t, Douglas Lake, Henry Lagerstrom, Charles M. Lake, Kirsoff Dr. La.gerstrom, Ernest A. Rev. Lake, Mayhew Lagerstrom, Francis G. Dr. Lake, Morton Lagerstron, Reinhold Dr. Lake, Roy Lageson, James Lake, Simon -3 Ia,ging, A.H. Lake , W.H. Lagorie, Frank Dr. Lake, Walter C, Mrs. Ia.grand-erlr, Gloria Sybil , Yvonne Lakey, Ali,ce Lagrew, Henry Lakinr H.C. Lagrive, John Lakiss, J.IrI. Lagr:ard-ia, Fiorello Henry Mayor -20 Lakotas, John Lahiff, Donald. Ia.lanne, Armand Lahiff, M. Lalley, Wi111amH. Lahlina, Anna Mrs. Ia,ll-ler, Roland- Lahn, Fbank S, Lally, Glenn J. Lt. Lahr, Hattie La11y, John Hugh Lahr , NTary Mrs. La1ly, John R. Lahr, Nicholas -3 Lalond-e, Joseph Lahue , Henry F.0 , Lalonde, Peter -3 Laid-law , Elizabeth Lam, Mild-red- Laidlaw, W.A. Itrs , Lama, Dalai Laidlaw, Walter Lamance, Wil-liam F. Dr. -2 Laid-law, Willian Lamberton, H. Sears I"a,nberton, Ra;runond-V . La.mantla, Michael J. Lt . Lamberton, Roy Lamantia, Pied-ro Lanbie, Jack -5 Lamar, David. Prof -3 -4 Ia.mbie , Mo:ris B. , Ianar, Joseph Rucker Justiee La.mborn, Emma Taylor Mrs. quintus Mirabeau Lamar, Lucius Clncinnatus Lambrecht, F:red- Lmar, W.H. Lambrecht, Michael- Lanarque, J.J. Iannbre cht , Sophie Mrs . Lamarr, Barbara Lambrino, ZLzi Fablan Lamarseh, Lanbros, John Iarnascus, Harvey Lamtnros, Peter Lamb, Charles Ia.mbson, Arthur Mour -2 Lamb, David- C. Comd-r. Lameck, Joe -2 Ed-win Lanb, Tbavers Lamersie, Bi11y Elton R. Mrs. Lamb, Lanetti, Peter , Ie,mb, F?ank H Lanettry, Anbrose -5 Lamb, Gene Mrs. Lamey, A.F. Lamb, George W. La.nire , J oseph H. Hon. Lamb, C. Ia.mkin, Uel W. Dr. -3 Lamb, Henry Larun, Robert Lanb, Horaee E. -5 I€June, Benjamin G. Lamb, Lionel H. Iamrners, Alfred. J. Mrs. Lamb, N1e;ryMrs. Ia.nners, Charles A. Lambr Owen Lannmers, George A. Lanb, Rboert W. -z Larnmers, Howa::d. Lanb, W.E. Lanmi, Wllliam H. -3 Ia.nb, Wil1iam Lamont, Blanche Fred-erick Lambart, Lanont, Corllss W. -2 James Lanbas, Lamont, J.C. Sgt. IanMin, Alfred- Dr . Lamont, Jack Bernard- Ianbert, Lamont, Jack Leroy Lambert, Charles Lannont, James B. Ia.mbert, Chuck Lamont, Robert P. -4 La.nbert, D . Larnont, Thomas S'il}^re1J- Lambert, Ed-ward-P. -3 Lanont, Thomas W. -B Larnbert, Elijah Lamontaghe r Brothers Lamber, Emily Mrs. Lamontagtre r Montagu Lanbert, George C. Qo.. -18 Lamonte, Ed Lanbert, H.P. Mrs'. -z Ia.monte , George M. Lanbert, Homer Lamott, William Lambert, John Col . Lamotte, George Gregory Lanbert, John W. Lamountaln, A. Joe Lambert, Jgrdan Wheat La,moi.rre, Judson -U Lambert, Joseph Rev. Lamoure, Jud-son Mrs. Lanbert, Julian -z Lamows, Jud-son Jr. Lanbert, June E. Lamp,e, Arthur Lambert, Leon J. -3 Lanpe, Elmer A. -2 Lanbert, Lillian Basch Bachstein Lanpe, George Ianbert, Louis Mrs . Lampe, Will-ian B. Dr. -z Albert;Rev. Lanbert, Louis Lanpert, Florlan Rep. Marion Lambert, Lampert, Hers.ce H. -3 Lambert, Nelson l{0nnan Lampert, L,A. Lambert, P.H . Lampert, Leonard- Sr. R.P. Lambert, Lantrnrt, Nelson Nuzman Ia.mbert, R .R , -6 Ianpher, f .H, Thomas Lambert, Lanpher, William K. La,mbert, Wilion J. Lamphere, George N. Lamberton"' B . P. Rear Admiral Lamphere, Ray -3 Lamberton, H .M. Jr. Mrs . -3 IamPhier, FaY Land-i-e, Alna Lanphrey, Jeannette Robert Mrs. Land-in, John A . Lamping, J.T, Dr. Land-in, John E . Lampland., Arthur 0.
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