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AUafotCtxmtypmdjmyMd* den mridmt Robert Zarinafcy on M a te hiiM iorM m rFgigeO to 41 ymm ago. Zarinsky ie already a rM fl a

!«f COMMMMti Mid ConMy Proaeemar Zaimky it the tecoad penoa B be ck aq ria Berao- ftfc'steM . K b c o m b . Tad Settler, pU jalqr aria d a yam tdtor being (nested ia Settler Mid he won* t a t t y * dbae left at : for a 15-yew seaBnee at a ag o. H e was ! aid fatally, laid iareadaMon. S ettler it ty to his involvement ia .fte crime, itm ad ) incarctrased at Lacfcaanma Oomty Prfaoa ia was the one who had the faa at Fancy hrania, and will not be eeeneaeed aaeil he testifies Both Sapsa and Schtffer have said they aever spate Zarinsky about events sarrdhading (he Bemoskie shying for so The search continued last week ia the Rahway River for maty years because they were aftaid of Zarinsky the weapon med B kill Bemoakie. A gaa Zaruttky is serving a 98-year prism smMnee for the a k darin g t search in the riv er Heb. 29 m f tc to d f tn caliber 1969 murder of 17-year-old Rosemary ChimdrieUo of the of dte pm media the robbery. Bat state ead co tty dnven Atlantic Highlands, whose body was never recovered He were again teat with metal detectA into the shallow water has been supected in the mnrder of after ytiuag women in am Jackson's Falls is Clark to continue looking for die the area, hot no charges have been filed ramhy ttCnaO Elizabeth Bemoskie, Claries Bemoskie’s widow, Authorities have been unable so comment at this time if The Linden High School boys' basketball team won its first-ever state champion­ recently filed a civil lawsuit against Schiffer and Zarinsky the V e n n found an Feb. 29 was used to kill Bemoskie or ship Sunday, capturing the Group 4 crown. Linden defeated Bridgeweder-Rarkan for compensation for her husband's wrongful death. not The tests on the pm ate still ongoing 57-33, sparked by the play of, from left, Yaniv Cohen, AS Badawy. Jamaal Tale, Bemoskie was investigating s break-in at the Miller The normal statute of limitations fix- such a lawsuit may Dan DefvaSe ana Ronald Green. Next to them is head coach Phd Coficchio, hold­ Poaiiac-CttlK car deafatship on S t Georges Avenue on not apply in this case since Mrs. Bemoskie

* are reported achvMetatol M 0 N N 9 9k publicity 8toy I ISM iiM aftH K P.O. Box 31M. Umoa. 0300. ■ i% M W 0 ( Laxter ■ pubMwd I stolen I 4»ery Thursday by Worn! I » Sigu-aps far fee Rowfet Quia Afeteoc League wM be from 10 am . “ Nuwtptpora, an | nt, family owned I u aooa ■ i residents. The candidate's signature must be affixed to the letter addition al School 4 Annex, but be The Recreation Department has appointed a committee, composed of the I apaoad. mual ba aagnad. and shot** of nomination tea accompanfad by an addratt and would like to have seen the fourth- Mayor's Senior Citizen Advisory Committee, Recreation Committee and local and fifth-grade students moved back day ttma phont numbar for I civic organizations to make the final selection The awud is presented each year at the Annual Senior Citizens Day Celebra­ verification. Latter* and cofumnt | to that school, since students from that The outstanding senior citizen award will be limited lo one recipient. If the tion in May, mual ba in our ofltoa by 9 a m neighborhood are being sent to committee determines that no applicants meet fee awards criteria, no outstand­ Any organization wishing to submit a nomination may do so by contacting Monday I f ,ba conaidarad for I schools in other pans Of the city pubtlcabon That waak Thay a rt ing senior will be designated. fee Recreation Department at 474-8627 for additional information | aubpcl to acting lor langlh and darky. There is s shortage of teachers, so district officials have to do everything Save your newspaper for recycling. I 9-mail: possible to attract and keep teachers in The Spactator Laadar accepts I Linden, he added opinion piecea by t-mail. Our | Topelcski's wife works as i teacher addraaaa IMCN229localaouroa.com. Linden e-mai mual ba raoaived by 9 a m in Linden, so he would be unable to Monday to be conaidarad lor I vote on contracts or related matters publication that week. Advertising I He said he would be able to give input I and news releases will not be ( O n -lin e lo help the board melee these 1 by e-mail decisions To ptac* a display ad: F I N D I T Display advertising for placement in I A subscription to your newspaper the general naws section of the Q uick & Easy 1 Spectator Laadar mutt be in our keeps your college student close to I office by Monday at 5 p.m for hometown activities. Call publication that waak Advertising tor 908-686-7753 for a special college wwwJocalsource.com / pleoement r the B section must be I rale. in our office by Monday at noon An advertismg repreaarttative will gladly assist you in preparing your ht Diabetes Self message Call 908-686-7700 tor an | m i : ! appontment TManagement Center at Rahway Hospital meets the j To place a classified ad: The Spectator Leader has a large. needs of community member* | I well read classified advertising I Representing the Seriously Injured in who are living with diabetes, section Advertisements must be m the third most our office by Tuesday at 3 p.m. for Personal Injury Claims and Lawsuits prevalent pubbeatior that weak AH ctakaified I diagnosis in the nation - ada are payable in advance We I affecting more than 11 million Americana. It it estimated that approximately 8 million accept VISA and Mastercard A I NO RECOVERY, NO FEE classified representative wM giediy more Americans have diabetes and are not yet diagnosed I assist you in preparing your massage Please stop by our office 908-272-0200 • 800-541-8383 y I during regular business hours or call I * T i Early detection and proper management of diabetes can help prevent chronic compli­ 1-800-564-8611, Monday to Friday | i t cations such as eye disease, kidney disease, nerve damage, etc. i V. A * t ' t f h i i . . v ■: »■ 'V V. I from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. i ' To place a public notice: ■ H i ■ E M M ■ H ■ ■ H U M ) i f H M ■ ■ I The Diabetes Self Management Center at Rahway Hospital is certified by the Public Notices a rt notices which are I required by state law to be ptintad m | American Diabetes Association. We offer a full range of programs from counseling local weakly or daily newspapers CHILD ft TEEN and group classes to a free support group to help you manage diabetes. Let oar p r o ­ Public notices must be in our office I fess to aa la show you how to Hve a healthy life with diabetes! by Tuesday at noon tor publication Vat weak For more information, can > 7 SUCCESS CENTERS 1-908-686-7700 and ask tor the [ | public nodes advertatog department “ Retching, Teaching, Educating, Motivating" ^ _ — www.rahwayhMpital.com Facsimile transmission: Paychotherapy tor Young People, Ages 4-24 I The Spectator Leader a equipped to I WWW CHILDREN SUCCESS.COM accept your ads. releases, sic by Fax Our Fax liras a rt open 24 DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE TROUBLE AT HOME Rah w ay# Hospital hours t day For classified please d al 201-763-2557 For all other | OR IN SCHOOL? transmissions please din 908-686- OUR CENTER SPECIALIZES IN: YOUR CHILD WILL GAIN: 4189 •ADD&PDD • S elf C ontrol Wat) sMa: • Anger Management • Improved Mood Vlait our Web Srte on the Internet I • Social Skills Groups • Increased Confidence called Locelaource online at | PwputM A i(pt tyem (fad, htto^Anww Jocalaource.com. • Uncooperative Kids & Teens • Improved Social Skills Find all tha a test news, classified, • Solf-Este6m • Motivation & Direction community information, real estate I Dlabeteo Lecture Series Diabetes Support Group I and hometown chat. INNOVATIVE, V0VTH FRIENDLY, RESULTS ORIENTED A 6-seaaion series Topics include nutn- Share your experiences and feelings with STEVE SUSSMAN. PHD A LARRT ISAACS, CSW Postm aster please note: tion, the importance of exerase, medical others who face this perplexing disease A I The SPECTATOR LEADER (USPS I 615 Shrifwood Parkway, Mountalnridn (ConvuntunitoBta. tz management, potential complications, and psychiatric clinician and a certified dia­ 314-080) it published weekly by | changing behaviors end feelings betes educator facilitate this group Worrell Community Newspapers, W ESTFIELD & MOUNTAINSIDE AREA Inc., 1291 Stuyveiant Avenue, Union | N J. 07083. Mall subscriptions 908 - 232-6432 Dates Tuesday's. May 9. 16, 23. 30, Date: First Tuesday of each month $24.00 par year in Union County, 50 | June 6, 13 Time: 7 to 8:30 pm cants per copy, non-refundable. AMPLE PARKING Times: 1 to 3 pm Place: Conference Room #1 Periodicals postage paid at Union, AFFORDABLE FEES Place: Conference Room #1 Fee: No charge N J. and additional mailing office. Doesn't your child deserve a urarm , caring specialist, | P08TMASTER: Send addreas | Fee: Call for information Call: (732)499-6175 and not just a name qff an insurance list? aa tb Via SRECAT0H LEADER, Call: (732)499-6175 I P.O. f a t 3109, Union, N J., 07083. Participating Providers With Most Insurance Companies Uttan CMicac H * ‘Damn Yankees’at Unden High P**o> «t fw — , Caamdh, The musical comedy “Damn Yank­ fo r frs S c n a c h m i "vr-*** mom « w t S JO Q Ho m s af oowwyn^ mmlm h *""ww ees" will he presented March 30, 31 Whereupon up pops the devil to era o u t xvd April 1 at 8 p.m at the Linden take up ins offer. In a flash, foe over­ his wife and home. The 1 High School Auditorium, 121 W St. weight msddk-aged atraea h con­ lis piayudby DuvidBriceao. Georges Ave vened not only to yonfo, but aho to a : rejuvenated baseball adfoct u vice president, and J m * RsvMago of “Damn Yankees" is a comedy sensational baaing invincibility. played by Jaaoa Aaaumam. about a middle-aged baseball fan dri­ Two of foe mmwrahb songs from ownmunliy awvtaa p q m from ilia adadek e w # jS ^d TL2* « Lucifer quickly gets him an the dteptay duringCdhScScIrjofr w4ScmS5%. ” ■ ™ taCMe of New.rttwa.cn ven to desperation by the consistently Washington team and immediately foe production which lemasaed for poor record of his hometown team, that (henry outfit starts climbing up bmg periods on foe bit pande are • ' , . ^ mM— ■— — M the Washington Senators. For six the standings 10 lake the pennant from “Whatever Lota Wants,” and “You months of the year he is a good hus­ the unbeatable Yankees Gotta Have Heart." foe slogan of the STUPCKT UPDATE band and a good citizen, but when The amversal appeal of the show baseball season starts he can only rage came from the fact that the superna­ Tickets for Yankees' are n o n i i n eigtab-fiader at The Academy, and educational software titles Friday dur­ and fume with frustration Enough tural ly endowed young athlete misses $10. All tea are reserved Call Students of Evelin Urresn, a junior at Abraham ing a presentation. rage to say that he'd give his soul if he the home and wife he bad left behind 486-5432 for Clark High School The coolest was sponsored by could get in there and win some for long ball Mfoag glory, smd show The following Rudents were named Dream Chaser Enterprises. organisers. To foreclose the m ortg^e Bums recognted as Roselle students of the month for McNsil a winner in PUBLIC NOTICE on the feOow'i soul foe devil calls in John Boras 0i Rssefle has been January at the Board of Education Locals are named to meeting Feb. 28: MM M tM OOfiMI to foe derm’s Cat for foe foil UCC President's List home wrecking, played by at Ramapo College in Mercedes Rodriguez, a kindergar­ Sheila McNeil a third-grader at ySW Pur The following students were named ______county of is dhMBd by OH tener at Harrison School; Kaprice Washington School in Roselle, has y —— — CUy HM, 301 N V & o d to the president's list for the foil Planning Room ears. Undwi. James, a kindergartener at Polk been named one of 10 national win­ MwOanayon Uarcn 2a. 2000 at 1000 AM School; Shantel Fletcher, a fourth- ners in the “Great Mail Mania Give- semester at Union County College OVTRACTORS IN'sup. wc grader at Washington School; Marla Away” coolest. Theluschat, a Moore School student, She will receive a $500 savings Ann Figueroa, Margarita Shuno- ITEM »1 - Purctwea a (netaaabon of Fual Jonathan McFarland, a sixth-grader at bond and her school will obtain a new nov, Susan Hnrff, Kdfo Hajkowtiu, Kristen Ouada. Joianta Kodewska. ITEM « t - Aontffi of 2000 yomr mod* Wilday School; Jason Henry, an IBM CD-ROM computer with 16 hydmufc Eacavator Tim McMehamm, Barbara Madura. Maria Scabn. Robert Kenny, Wilder >TEM W - Planting SngsOfo Traafo lor IX NJ Tax help available in Linden Rno, Lorraine Borges, Kathy Vig- fTEM #4 - Rantgl of a yaar 2000 forticu giano. Monica Farias. Gaetcheu Pier­ frdad dump truck •LANDSCAPlNGfTREE SERVICE The Linden Recreation Department for 23 years has provided free tax assis­ re, Bernadette Wnek, Robert t ptH nU nm pm on me m lha Ofbca of •PUSHERS. ; P tanh—tag Aoffnt. C% Han. 301 n . tance for Linden lesidraa earning less than $35,000 per, year. Nawrocki, William Hasko. Walter Wood Avonufo, Undjo. Now Jorooy. •PARTING •ElBCTlICftN50 To better serve the residents of Linden, trained volunteers will be preparing A ft»o of $6.00 tor rT^M 1. fTEM 2' fTEM Rouge, Tina Hernandez, Randi Schaf­ 3 ITEM 4 wM bo ohargad lor aaeft aot of •TILE WORK CARPENTERS taxes at the following sites: Seventh Ward Recreation Center, Tremley Point apooHoaHono niefcn uo rrddmM M fer. Michele Yamakaitis, Reina Irizar­ K S S w s S %SS£„£^r* SZZSLI •HEATING, Road. Tuesdays. 9:30 a.m. to noon, through April 11; Greater Mount Moriah ry, Matthew Berube, Alfred Figueroa, OopWe of tha above (HacHbad Contact •CARPET CLEANERS Documanw may Us n awanaU m no Church, East 14th St., Wednesdays, 12:30 to 3 p.m., through April 12; John T. Bozena Augustynczyk, Erika Chavez, erperwe at aw Oates ol *m Purehawng AIR CONDITIONING, ETC. •INSTALLERS Agent. Gregorio Recreation Center, 330 Helen St., Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:30 p-m., Mary Davis, Agnieszka Kuder, Karen BktemuarbeauemawainaaeaWdanvo. through April 13. and Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., through April 14. •opa owarty martwa OO ON ITEM *1 and or Moore. Katarzyna Pateiek, Andrea *#. etc and bearing aw name and aaoraee Appointments are necessary for all sites andean be made through dfo John T. Varga. Zdziskaw Kotlewski, Zaneta or era Udder on aw auumsc addraaaad to Gregorio Recreation Center at 474-8627. Bring in all statements of income at Antkiewicz, Sandra Gouveia, Ewa the time of the appointment, including W-2 forms, pension, certification of Dumanski and Georgina Nivar peyabW to dw cay o( Linden, ndhouicondl- interest and dividends, last year's tax return, and all forms, tax booklets R oselle aon. In aw amount or wn paroani 0 0 % ' or received from IRS this year. thetetuua b u n d b aacead S20.000.00 Samuel Sackey, Emilia Frazier, all BIOOEnsolwIconSDim to aw Man- Tax Assistance is also available for Linden residents that are homebouad due ion and provtatona u aramwava acton In Irene Golden, Ronald Travaglino, Pubac Conuacw Lana or mate or New to a physical disability or frail condition. Call the center at 474-8627 to set up an :' Beverley Watts, Wendy Adi-Darko, eTS o m ?'02'' ** 7rar7s- Aaaambty appointment. All the volunteers assisting with the taxes have been trained in tax Adolphine Jules, Aloma Ukaegbu, BJDOCR8 ora requmo lo comply n tn tw remriromeraa ol P.L 1U7S. C.127 law and tax return preparation by the Internal Revenue Service and are capable Jason Williams, Yamuna DeSilva, (N J.L C 1 7:27) of assisting persons in completing forms 1040, 1040A andl040EZ. Volunteers Counoa taaatvaa aw riant to rawer any jxtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaxagimmaBxt Barry Jones, Jocelyn Argain, Nomette n d ad Uda ahouw a be In fw inwraal or aw have also been instructed in the correct procedures regarding pensions, interest Cty to doao and W naWa any imnrmamti Jacobs, Li Liang, Shilpa Kabaria, In fid bid. itemized deductions, credits for the elderly and New Jersey State Tax Forms. By: Joaaph C. Bodak Deborah Biddulph, Carolyn Haga- Purohaatag Agar* Somethine^ Ib ^ L The VITA program has been in existence in Linden for 23 years and has man, Angela Williams, Natalya Med­ COUNCIL CfTY O f LINDEN assisted approximately 1(1000 residents to dale. rano, Amber Cole and Barbara Cwyl. U7W6 9 * . Mwah 1 t. 2000 < t» J6 )

Thursday, March 16th -1 0 PM Introducing... *f' J3 “The Gub Downstairs” JSd.-toOrj, f

/. Iso call for future dates & Support shown for new school We were glad to • lir a c ta n e n fy tchoot. wtocfa i» d w f Mld y B e ad ed ia th e

Baeed on a new anrvey coadocffid by diarict 83 pon a bead leftnadaB to provide for eaprowed and expanded fotiUtiex. Ovocrowded danroonv wn* duo lacd at one of tbe mat prating needs in foe actooi dauia by the

Congructiag a new achool will be a major capital exptm e. even thongb foe Boaed of Bdnation k lookini into aid and grants to help Bdace the expeaae for local taxpayers. There is no teal ahem tive, however, since Roaelle is tun­ ning out of room for its growing student population. Classes with large numbers of Undents detraa from tbe leaning pro­ cess. There is little space in the existing schools for a major addition. A new school is the only poasfofe option. Roselle is not the only school district facing a space crunch. The Linden Board of Education recently approved a $4 5 mill>on addition to o k of its etanewtary schools to deal with its growing student population An admmimation building was also opened last year to free space in several Linden schools for more classrooms. School officials seat 2,100 surveys to borough residents, Each mad waa M aned widen a it arm highly and received 451 in return. A 22-parent response rale is barn tam e winch waa held to plane lady of the houae b* considered good by survey plsnwaOf^e residents were The W a y over Ha valva by tom ato toe m oatoing asked about a variety of issues, such krtcncial uniforms, the hoarei k ooald be palled oat wito a Once the organ waai n ail book, and made to.maud by it was eaey to g e t a t toe h amount of homework assigned and the level of technology It Was blowing air iaao it hem the repair coaid then be taken to to* ( available to students at school and at home. wtW Kmv rfOBCT) maa’e morih. sboportohiat We support the board’s efforts to construct a new school A lead oonld b* tetarned higher by to be obtained, t and hope the parents and other residents will also suppon the raw of toe 1 ■nptig k tolgfady. or k could be this necessary project ' o f thoae old to aoand lower by cwrihlly I 10 dK- k. There waa only a right tiuuac device*. for repaus to piper wa to a bdloan hsaide the amount of adjariktg pebble, and care wooden lop at expensive md craftsman who can do There two beF had to be taken to not break off the bellows, and care had to b s I New fund to help that a n t a t bwd to find, b aome I on a nach larger reed. Replacements were hard to find they did not fly out md , r prepoae waa to draw One of toe m at boqrent probtma wr oat of Wat bellow, creating a par­ wito theae pariar organa w n that wooden top and bottom | fire departments tial racaaaa to to rubberized mrirrisli of the beUowi Fire officials from Linden and Roselle are hoping to bene­ coold dntoriome and develop leaks. w ith M ages, and toey could b* opened any key of be organ was An organist ooold condensate for thu and doaad O n a book. WhBe MU in fit from a new state fond to provide a thermal-imaging cam­ a valve loas of air by pumping faster with his a partially open pnakion, tot tkhw b the Victorian period, a < air to rash era for all fire departments throughout New Jersey. We have feet, but eventually that material these open rite bad to be covered type of otgm waa popator b lw by toe seen a demonstration of this advanced piece of technology would have to be replaced!. This could with a flaxMe. rabbwtaad fabric tool homea of Iboee who oonld afford each K to vtorssc Each and believe it will prove to be an asset. ^ be quite a project waa glued to the edges to any an toriratneot, and that area the parlor key had Hi own tocSvidast reed, and The Linden Fire Department obtained a thermal-imaging Almost all parts of these organs organ This organ could be plajred by ■d waa toned to produoe its were fastened together with wood The two similar btOowe toat were camera, but city fire officials hope to obtain more to thor­ anyone who took the dree for a brie aDtocfflrihaybored. Unlike • screws, and the bellows could be connected u the faot-pndria were oughly handle the municipality. They hope to have one at practice, wid it pnxfcced a aatufac- tor waa not blown tato the taken out of toe cabinet by removing mounted an lop of to* mmn on*, and torv aoood for home aae. reed, feat tatoand tor was drawn over each of its four fire stations in Linden. the necetarey screws The chief diffi­ strips o f leather o v er a tow o f boiea in The fywelle Fire Department has no thermal-imaging These argent were known ee toe read. as culty was dewing off the knick- each bellows acted m (tap valves, ...... • campvand fire officials are eager to obtain one with the "reed" organ*. Their Bound waa prev No two ware alike, and all knacks that were resting on toe organ, allowing lb* small ones So draw air help*>f the state. ctoced by the vibration of a large num­ w ith toe to that it could be pulled away from it bom the large bellows. The Legislature is expected to create a $7.5 million fund ber of ttao breee leedt, caaaad by hi|b thin, and place against the will of the room. It w as this moveauw t o f a ir thorugh to help fire companies throughout New Jersey obtain ther­ drawing air tfaroagh them. Although and Some parlor organa had tall, fancy the orgwi that caused toe reada to vib­ mal imaging cameras. suralar to a mouth organ or hannoni- Soma organ builds* claimed backs that extended high above it, rate and produce the delightful nauac The special camera allows firefighters to see through ca, theae parlor organa were equipped r a t conplete with mirror and several of toe parlor organ. with air pompa, usually operated by tog. as do i small shelves near its edges. These thick smoke and find people who might be unconscious in a the feet of the player. meats, bat it wa* poaribb to tatone a were always loaded with delicate chi­ A resident of laadte, WtHam burning building. Lingering flames and hot spots that could A pair of broad pedala conveniently damaged reed. This, however, na items or similar hazards to the FroUcfa b a nwnshw af the Union flare can also be located with the cameras. located in the lower front panel of the required the toill of a repairman health and well being of a mover, and County Historical Society. These high-tech cameras are too expensive for most fire departments in New Jersey, so we’re pleased the Legislature will help fire departments with the acquisition. There is no price you can put on saving lives. It is important to stand up and be counted

Shortly before April 1 toil year, •ua form also helps bring job* to our live* are moved to represent larger community u well ia to protect the bunded* of million! of ccnaui fonts F r e e h o l d e r A love of reading will he aent to Americana in their joba and aervicea already there. Completing tbe cenms is the right Schools in Linden and Roselle took unique approaches to home*, in every part of the nation. thing to do to ensure that our com Thu year the United Stale* will con­ F o r u m Tbe cenaua alao determine* how minitiea will retain join, enjoy safe, mark the Read Across America Program this year. Dr duct its year 2000 ccnaui. the tint cotnmunitiea will be icpreaemed in efficient transportation, retain good Seuss' birthday was celebrated during the recent events. a m mention of toe people living in Ity DanW Sullvan Coagreu and in the atotehpuae in schools, have a strong voice In Tren­ Linden High School music and drama students performed tfaia country in the 21n oastury, m d Trenton. Data bom toe cenaua will be ton md Washington md receive toe versions uaed to the election diatricta of popular children’s stories for elementary stu­ the stake* for Union County and Nuw care fadlitiea, aenior citizen mkiw aanrianc* they deserve. Jeraey we high. for the Houae of Representative! md dents at School 2. Several city officials, such as City Council and onning home*, coro- It take* only a Caw reoonri* to fill The United Strict Conatimtioo for the New Jersey Senate md out the cenaua forma, but the benefits President Robert Bunk, Superintendent of Schools Joseph nkance and touring prog­ require* the federal government to last a long time. Martino and Fire Captain Lawrence Lukenda, also read to ram and aervicea for people with conduct tbe ceoana every 10 the students. disabilities. Figure* from the cemua help Conununiliea that are not fully A resident of Tbey alao determine tbe amount of Classes at Moore School in Roselle were rend to by stu­ mine toil region'! funding for many counted can literally lore their voice*, erri DaMeJ SuOvam b fending cotnmunitiea or regkma dents in the Health Occupations program to Abraham Clark public and private rervioa*. No lata aa their state sod federal represent* the Bored af High School They also held a Dr. Seuss trivia contest and important, toe renaaa alao darintoaei i for mad ai shared favorite stories with classmates. bow we will be repetsantod hi Gotl­ tranaportation projects. There projects Our policy on letters and columns and in the New Jeraey With movies, television and video games earing into too bring Jobs and economic p eqat- The Spectator Leader welcomes aubmjariooa from its render*. Lacier* to tto children’s time, it is good to see schools taking such inven­ ky to ore Ho— nkias, partirtdarty in Wito all data! Make, k ia i editor or opiaion piece* on any subject will be conridered for pabbeatioo on tbe tive measures to stress literary skills. If children don’t deve­ Union Coanty. wkh to cradal Ibtos to far our nke and far the take of ore lop a love of reading while they are young, it could be dead the New York-New Jeraey metropoli- drittau and grandchildren that wa in them by the time they are adults. Tbia opportaoity alao is open to all official* and employees of Linden. Road­ ie and the County of Union. up and be counted. Unfortunately, Many of there services are figured many people may not be counted. The Spectator reserve* the right to edit all submuatons for length, consent by toe rim md type of population of in 1990, the lari time tbe census md riyfta. Writers tnuai include their name, address and daytime ***»p*rwr A free press is the organ through which the sreaa they aarve. When individu­ waa coodacled. an ectimatod 8.4 mil­ number for verification. democracy breathes.” als refaac to ba counted, tbey cm bail —George F. Booth lion people acroaa the country went their coosmunitiaa Bet this ia not toe For pubUcrika, all letter! mdeasayi must be received before 9 Lin. M outhy Moat of them lived in only way communities can be at 1291 Stoyvaaak Are. Union, 07083. editor, publisher oat ware aunnritiaa or Tbe Spectator tore aacapta Iritore to the editor and guest ootmans via a-rmlL people who Cid not apeak EagHriL k’t not ja a t | Tbe adthure Is WCN22 tolocalsource.conr 1943 Our failure to gat an aocnrrie count thu are to* cm 1 in al leari $100 billion in loat L e i n m d p ari oolamns mari be received by 9 am. On Mondays to be Industrie*, banks and Invarion are cotmdwad for publics linn m Thursday'r^dkion Dsvtd Worrri to federal natiabca Lenars received via e-mail m m be on topics of interest, preferably in Spectator Leader Pubishar place* to t—mt expand and place oaw The canam bripe govemmerk agen­ . Of cores*, toi* new Inveri- inpom e to cormnl Aal appeared in die newspaper. For prepoaei of verifica­ tion, all tettres am t include a name, adtoure aid daytinw sriephooa nwribre Pubtthed Weekly Since 1917 Tom Canavm da* determine funding for reboots jo b a and continued Incorporating The Linden Obterver, Edkor In Chief and day cue aervicea, hoepitaia tod employment. So oomplnting tbe cen- Advertising md new* rcleaaea win not be accepted by e-nail. Unden Leader m d Rotate Spectator • Mark Hrywna P ut* shad By Ragionai Editor Worrall Community Nawapupura, Inc • 1291 Stuyvasant Avanu* Brian Goonuy Union, N.J. 07083 Managing Edkor Concerned about an Issue facing the governing body or Board of Education In your town? (906) 686-7700 Floranca Lanaz Is yokr street bt disrepair? Our readers can use our Infosgurce hot One to speak out a b o u t NUW BBklg any Issue whether It is a question, comment, suggestion of opinion. That way, by telling us, CWorraM Community N tw apapars, Inc. n you can tell everyone bt town. 2000 AH Right* Raaarvad Call anytime, day or night. Heaae speak clearly into the phone when Articles, pica*** and advaribam ana herein are to* aaduaiv* property of V fom d Community Nawapap­ • fanving your nwmg» O ilers cm tW jta MBOtoymom. ara. Inc. and any repubNcafcn or broadcast without Georg* S. Gannon wnmn pernMwoo ■ pranmea. Circulation Director jCALL f : If. f: IF ri)|S||fc \ i i m i l i

I IBM jear sad das budget no Anger receives a y Budget full of ‘smoke and mirrors’ saaat of aaoucy are bang drawn bout Ass budget c property doec our ImdBR we tooted nor be puamg atom expraaei rato k. T o t e M m t la fact. Ae pradmt affaaach noted be to m n aaoviag expeaaes oat of Ae The Ltadee Oty Co—cH wiB *am Moadqr an Ac 2000 maniripel budget ladfill budget padaMy in to oar am tedpte badges. Has way when Ae landfill Ltofcm m tl) sfe wB te Ae fiat couacil meetag I Save to t m m m ka in my budget is fatty depleead, we * ■ a t have Ae tax taock of transferring satases . toxycM m acom cAm m m dlm a witting Ais toner to poHicfy voice my con- of IS aaadpA empiajeaa and Ae $S5Q£00 annaal coat of iadaenaiag oar household w aa tack *teo anr m niripal badges, all ■ one year. vatiom an how it m n hw ri md. if to i f dace. I would vow no LET US OERflRAFWBhLhMRICE PROGRAM FOR TOU WITH Like Mayor Oregon* I want a m ental toemme fer Uadca reaideats. and am Oar tadgtoiacm m d tty S2.730.125 or 4.9 percent Ais yew. even though the ONE OF OUR MNfir TOP ROB) COMICS comnuttod to heipiH him achiavc dria goal. However, the best way to control New Ymk mmnpoittm Price iad a toocaae was only 1.9 percent Had it not our budget is to canard spendtag. b ea for Ae A s Aal we agaiftcaady tedaced oar sarpias a d shifted satories The manjprdadaa of oar tarpias and the shifting of salaries is creative oat of oar maaidpai budget. we would have tad a naraWr tax maeme. budgeting, which only gives as lempnrmy ax sahef A rt will have to he appro­ ia peat yeas. U nite taa eoammeady kept S3 aaffioo of tarp iat in the numic- priated for iafatatebndpaai This A net a fiscatty responsible way of managing pta hadpt. A.aapia A a dsfcsat A a a taiaace in yoar checkbook. It is a $59-saliioo badges fer 37,500 resident; d a e A Aawapta if aeadad far aaaticipaaed coats or emergencies. This year Councilman Richard Cirihiamki we aaed 75 p p e ett o f A it aaphas to (hod expenditures, reducing our 2000 10A Ward. Linden A $736,105 using our sarpius funds to offset any tax m e a a r t from varioas new coostractioo pro Parklarid must be considered sacred see projects is several years away and. T o the 1 it may be even longer than expected before I am writing to voice my contra over the proposal to slice off a ptoce of Wheeler Pnk at te comer of Stiles Street md Romes 1*9 to Linden. The Linden Anport Development Project known as Aviatioo Plaza is a per­ Given the atom density and Ae coagemiao we live with to this part of Ae fect cam ple Oer tant developer proesiied to hive the project completed tn country, our parks and open spaces should be considered sacred What bod of 1996. die second developer in 1998, and we still haven't closed on the property precedent woald Ata set? with Ae And develeparl 1 can't im ^m e Ais even being considered is most other communities, but m We also ttmteennd An mtaries of six sanitaboo truck driven from our mun­ i iadea environmental and (junky-of-hfe considerations don't seem to be as icipal badges into oar landfill budget Thu ra ste r of salaries is noshing more valued at they are elsewhere. BOARD CERTIFIED IN Someone should have Aoaght about the aegmive impbeatum of the airport INTERNAL MEDICINE Hie landfill tadgm A tepaeaae and distinct from our municipal budget, project — gridlock oa Stiles Sweet md Routes 1*9, hann to the dowawwn area derived from fern paid to private rnmpaaira who use Ais facility It was esmlr — s long time ago. Do we really need more Home Depots. ShopRitet. Target hated years ago to socemteme enough capital to ctoae our Aarffil A accor­ stores, hotels, multiplexes md gridlock in dm ares? ' m m m dance wiA New Jeney Drpennant of Eaviromnental Proaectioe regulations Carving off a piece of parkland in order to accommodate commercial inter­ For many yean, it ton dbo paid Ae cost for the inciaerwioo of oar household ests is just plain wrong. THE OPENING OF HIS erasto, m w el at Ae aakiv.v of the mac municipal employees who are asso- Ron Martins iA its i NEW MEDICAL OFFICE OFFERING SERVICES IN: How to contact your local elected legislative officials COMPREHENSIVE ADULT HEALTHCARE Chester Hoboes 1181 Main St, Apartment 11-G, Rahway, 07065, (908) Mayor io ta Gregorio. Democrat; 304 W. Curtis Sc 925-3717 396-4243. Democrat Council President Robert Bank. Democrat: 304 E. Him Sc 474-8498 Lewis Mingo Jr.: 1458 Hazelwood Tenace, Plainfield, 07060, (908) SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS First Ward, EdwA Staflafcr, Democrat: 816 Keep Sc, 486-2682. 561-4489. Democrat. AVAILABLE Second Ward, Virginia Qraziano, Democrat 119 W. Blanks Sc. 862-4643. Mary Ruotolo: 425 Alden Ave., Westfield, 07091. (908) 232-7493. Third Wwd, Tbaeaus Boimd. Democrat 10 N. Wood Ave.. 862-2741. Dem ocrat. CALL: (90g) 653-9449 Fourth Ward, Derek ArmUead, Democrat: 734 Harrison Place. 486-7982. Deborah Scanlon: 881 Lafayette Ave., Union, 07083, (908) 964-3393. Fifth Ward, Aathoay Oriaado. Democrat 205 Ridtfbrd Terrace, 925-7262. Dem ocrat. SixA Ward, Cteriea Crane. Democrat 716 Clinton Sc. 862-0167. Nicholas Scutari: 1410 W Elizabeth Ave., Linden. 07036, (908) 862-3543. LOCATED AT: Seventh Wwd, Ralph Strano. Democrat' 2703 Grasselb Ave., 862-5097. D em ocrat EigfaA Ward, A te . YoaagjNood. Democrat: 1221 Dill Ave.. 925-4253. Linda Slender 154 Herbert Ave., Fan wood, 07023, (908) 709-4397. 198 North Avenue East, Cranford NtuA Ward, Robert Frazier, hdwpendrnr 2715 N. Wood Ave.. 925-0343. D em ocrat Tenth Ward, Richard Gerbounka. Democrat: 617 Princeton Road, 486-7554. N J. LcgAtatart Sen.'Raymond I A«ni«lr 20th District Democrat 315 Elrnora Ave.. Stole Mayor Joseph Croteau, Democrat: 204 Martin Sc. 245-2528 208, Elizabeth 07202, 353-7722. Fust Ward Councilman Joseph O'Halloran, Democrat: 550 Sbendan Ave.. Assemblyman Neil Cohen. 20th District Democrat: 24-52 Rahway Ave., 241-9164. i Elizabeth 07202 353-6001 Second wArd Counahvoman Hazel Walker, Democrat: 1104 Frank Sc, Assemblyman Joseph Suhga, 20th District Democrat 24-52 Rahway Ave., 241-6890. : Elizabeth 07202, 353-6001 Third Ward Counrihnm James Eddletoo, Democrat. 211 E. 10th Ave., G overnor l e a n 245-6515. Christine Todd Whitman, Republican: State House. Trenton 08625, (609) Fourth W ad Councilman Elroy Darden, Democrat: 431 Dermqdy St, 292-6000. 241-9593. U.S. Senate Fifth Ward Councilman Richard Busies, Democrat 491 West Sixth Ave., U.S. Sen. Frank R Lautenberg: Democrat Gateway 1, Gateway Center New­ 298-0154. ark 07102 (201) 645-3030. Beard ef Om an Freeholders U.S. Sen. Robert Torricelli: 1 Riverfront Plaza. Newark 07102, (201) Chairman Deuel Sullivan: 976 Edgewood Road, Elizabeth. 07208. (908) 639-2860. Democrat. 289-4048- Democrat Vice CtaAana Akxandw Mirabella: 400 Woodland Ave., Roselle P art U 3. Rep. Robert Franks, 7th Congressional District Republican 2333 Mor­ 07204. (908) 241-4178. Dtonocrat ris Ave, Stole B-17, Union 07083. 686-5576. Angel Estrada: 1439 Concord Place. Elizabeth. 07208, (908) 351-3167. U A Rap- Donald M Payne, 10A Congressional District Democrat 333 N. D em ocrat Broad S t. Elizabeth 07202. 629-0222.

Banquet March 24 ’ / f j w v r tor Freedom Fund "... an •sport thriller!" - the star-ledger The Roselle Branch of Ae National "An atmosphere of sheer terror. .. Association for Ae Advancement of high- pitched anticipation with some Colored People will have its annaal m e o o m n m a iw k ] M m v c o m ac v o a d e r fil *—p * in between" Oattoping Hill Catonrt, Gallopiag - womtaa oohmumty tswamrats Hill Road and Chestnut Street "... keeps the aadittM gaeMsiag Ilisourpim urt with its twists & turns” - a* u*y *«*(*«* tokm m ek Tale, pnaideaa of the (do* wring* Optimist Club of RoeaBe.adi recei ve lFbr stage thriller fans, it’s worth the trip!” the Comnurity Service taped. -HOME NEWS TMUNE 'vqpmrtmeifkau Ammem Deaoon Norwood Nendjpk. who Cranford ana Princess wae aonriaatod by Ae paattl; officers snd memben of Bethtotan Mission­ Visit us and try some of w r new services- ary Baptist eS aci in Roselle, will • UV Light G di • CittUve’* Spa M ln ic W rite by RALEVM, arihoroi flomwnyli Stay * OtacM byUM M DPNUk receive Ae U takg Hero Award. • Itorillta Pedkee • AbvfctrgRfii ete he^kMed Annette Hubbard, a registered chandait aid IBh k g a l a r t nurse and founder of the Concerned Slid, NmtaCuri, Dtaovtr * OWr TM ta Ota Stock Nurses of Newark will receive Aaeriaa M m SilooRrrhtCrTOftfd tjea 1B5 the Role Model Award. Mary Jane Austin, who wts nomi­ Ireokildi M w NRtem, NJ 8)881 Nn Expanded 7k. 9-5,RU. 124, Tton.kM.Hta. 9-5 nated by the pester, officers m d mem­ 4 . Papsr MH PM w uts k totted Inpart tar ta fta rJ n g n r.A m Councl on «ta 35 Alda Shut«CrMfcrd » f ...... ben of St Midi AME Church in w Arts/Dspt ol ante, s psrtrnr sganoy ef Its Ntttota gtom auto ter trs *ra DEATHTRAP it mads potette hr a gmsreus pars asm PNC tank Cranford, will receive the Unsung - ' --- utthtataMaamsofftniPspsrtalPtaheuse ------Heroine Award.

i I- ■

in f e s t* i]|feoa2to4pjn.«fec » . 330

I m m Mack X at 1 p a .* i 2 to 43B pm . ot Gay 1306 .M IN . Wood I T a r The coffee hoar begins A te. Call 474 (409 for more LW d Fiie Capt. Lawrence a b e n d s m i O w e County Sreropn* MM LnCorte will he the |M It topic at arc asked to bring ooo- for the food penary, The Bbanhood of Congregation will he dinsilinMd to needy AaaheChesedof Uadea wifl have its Bed tegatar raeetiag April J a g pm a •b o the Symagogne Ceaaer. O tctod Ter­ fo r toe L inden C enter o f Hope race aad Sl Georges A venae. Manfea M etoaaa, toe wife of Rab­ bi Cary F V irrta a , will address sub jects tebaed to toe upcoamj Passover holiday.

for Unfed The IMfed Ladea w i haw a April 7 aad I at 321 K. ■ext to CiQr M L H to ta aw 9 2 pm April 7 aad 9 a m a April S. beau will adade chBfeaa’s adult clothmg. toys, hooka, Booaa, d u e s . etc. t |togg||)to /ILitot to| 4 m T j m W m 8 T O V ■ ■b— ■ i i i 11 b i l i § n o n m u v o k m c v i a RoseOe Catbobc High Sdmol will present “Jerry's Gats." a aoaf-nad dance celehraboo with the Baric aad 24 to lyrics of Jerry Herman Show dales are March 23 through 25 w 8 p m The pats school is located on Raman Road in A spaghetti d nuer to benefit hom e R oselle. le u aatw iab a t Angel RAWS w ill be Tickets we $10 for adults aad $8 March 24 fm n 6 to 9 pm al the Lin­ for tuph school studesns and children den Emergency Medical Services Call 245-2350 for tickets or hall Stiles Street between

T ic k ets aad $10 fo r adults an d 57 Girts’ for chrkhea It iaclndrt the meal and RESTAURANT __ sign-upt art Satorttoy far r pniariag for children Cadi (732) 374-2596 for tickets of rDVLIAN CONTINENTAL CUISINE i far toe RooeBe Girts Atb- W onderful Food W ith Great Atmosphere bate Leagac will be Sdionday knot 10 Lavish Dishes for any Gourmet a m to noon Registration will take place m the Senior driving course Traditional thtrd-floor coofereact room of fee mmm ■ noepasi Rahway Hospital, in conjimctioe an Chestnut Street. with fee Aatencan Association of The lengne is open to all girts in Com Beef Retired ta n a s , is oflenag a session kindergarten through ninth grades oM r «---a».ritom ntou w ivii l . . mn »_a. n —_c They must be hnrrai^i resided . Course! V ita rijfe i hOatAsow te March 28to 29 in toe hoapital'a Edu­ C ertificates JAvaUdFCe KfeihtoAtoto m n«v> w n lai ■ cation Center. 865 Stone St. wouBws scfBonmy B eing Served The hospital is hosting the class VISIT OUR March 28 at cantor Ryan John Wison of Rahway hokk the trophy he room refresher course to help com­ Plus Our Regular DINING ROOM received from Freeholder Vice Chairman Alexander The Linden Board of Health, in munity members ages 53 or older Menu Is Available Open 7 Days A Week ►Arabella. Wilson finished in the Most Meanin conjunction with the A anican Diab­ revitalize their driving skills and beip category of the Narcotics Advisory Board’s 1? etes Assocurioo, will held a diabetes prevent accideats. 1700 W. Elizabeth Avenue, Linden Drug Awareness Poster Contest. With Wilson are detection screening March 28 from 2 The course covers age-related (908) 862-0020 his mother, Joan, and brother, Jeremey, 2. to 4 p.m at the Gregorio Recreation physical changes, declining perceptu­ w w w .em lclrletorente.com ______Center. 330 Helen St. al skills, rules of the road, local driv- I f \ w | ■DerOHe! '


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I TAM I t F:l I l)( I IVf MY FRF I R F M O V A l

vzAsrrHTaRo, PUBLIC NOTICEf m ! c o u p o n | > 1 ! JACOBSON S WILL HONOR f % ! ANY ORDER PLACED AT TOR'S? t 1 ■ APPLIANCES PRIOR TO THEM |. * I I BANKRUPTCY FILING. WE I | WILL CREDIT YOU UP TO $801 | FROM ANY DEPOSIT LEFT AT T ! TOPS' JUST SHOW US YOUR? ' 728 RAHW AYAVe«J£reaA»ETH - 908-354-8533 ■ S A LE S SUP. S APPLIANCES • BEDDING ELECTRONICS • AUDIO & VISUAL OPEN MON. * THURS. 16 AM. TIL 0:00 PM; TUBS* WED. A FRI. 10 AM. TIL 6:00 PM; OPEN SATURDAY 10 AM. TH. 840 PM.; CLOSED SUNDAYS PERSONALCHECKS IM mpoiaUa lor typogri|Mal (non. *Bring ia you baP dMl tnm T0P8 • PC RICtiARO • THE WI2 end Me w« DIVISION: L - _ The property to bo sold Is located m Cfty of Ltoden. Vi tie County of Union and to -OATOAOE. ^ of New J ersey. tx^ ^ S £ ^ S ^ NT8 i as: 111*113 West Morris Avenue. 'Linden, New Jersey ._ ___ «e* of T « Rsfteranoo: Lot 14 m Stock 4ft 1 on I shaft m q m tor U7911 *PL ($OSOO) tax map of City of Undsn, New Jersey nfaftShDorot Dimensions of Lot Aoprotomaftety 74 77 00 K KING® HIGHWAY R X 190.0 II X 74.72 ft X 190JO * M sweat Cross Street Jefferson Avenue ’ H9J_ NJ 00034 f t»w os i of Mid JUDGMENT AMOUNT: TWO HUMORED P"pJ!i£^M 9M or^ofJa^,SLa^- i (husi baas ao% SHERIFF'S NUMBER CH-754625 EIGHTY-THREE THOUSAND SEVEN RALPH FROEHUCH to cash or owftftsrt DIVISION: CHANTRY mjNowe------p1 FIFTYfif i DOLLARS' AND FIVE FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS FILED _Bfi o rih a salsa. COUNTY: UNION “9.790.06) AT THE UNION OOUNTY SHERIFF8 Os Puftrto Moo v. DOCKET NO. F157490 S M B F 71 d a y. i »»o a’ctoaH n ito * « <" y °* »**? PLAINTIFF: BEDNAR INC.. Q g'A ATLAN­ SAUER ft FITZPATRICK - LAW iToertBlrf ONEHUNDRED FIFTY-EIGHT THOU- TIC FEDERAL FINANCIAL 1ERVICE8 OFFICES SAJ4D TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-SIX DOL­ DEFENOANT: RICARDO ABOAL ET AL 109 WALNUT STREET LARS ANO SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS V: Union STATE OF NJ. WRIT OF EXECUTION DATE: TOTAL JUOGMENT AMOUNT r ft T W EET NO 140 Geftoping PARK. NJ 07204-0436 o u ^ S n S S * Oowty of (Mon end agatoet Re estafts of saM JUNE 1ft. 1999 wtfftn six months 90®* tlB jf SALE DATE: tsrow nse: of said O ld e r, or troy M betoreverl AND LOT: WEDNESDAY THE 29TH DAY OF RALPH FROEHUCH - W g i t lot* llt-C LOT: 11 FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS FILED ■ 111 97998 from piusoouftng or isocworlng t e ------LOT: 180- x 60' MARCH A.D. SOOO W m l * 1 RWk 9403 •Oeinottw eubeoriber------By vtolus of to# sftju >s sNSsn wrR of AT THE UNION COUNTY SHERIFFS iMapofthoBereuBh of •xeouilon lo me dPsded I shaft s * o s e tor J NUMBER CH-780060 a t Q t0ac* m i t o " JESTS. sals by pubftc vendue, on 9to 9 th Floor of S HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT THOU­ | 100.00ft x C CHANCERY t C f " * V s Union County Court House Oowsrt, * SAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX DOLLARS AND SEVENTY-TWO CENTS : UNION Gregory M. Juba. Attorney Broad Street. Efaaboti, NJ^, onWEDNPft; j Tenth Avenue r NO. F123S7S0 923 North Wood Ave. »S“I..... DAY. at two o*etook In ins sBsmoon eft ftafcl TOTAL JUOQMENT AMOUNT PLABCnFF;— FIRST------UNION NATIONALNATION) (9299.326.721 Unden. NJ 07036 ____ SS8SRJPS5& «*^R. AND day. Aft suoosasful bidden must haws 90% ^ TO U7917 8PL March 16. 2000 (99.00) (f14«r416.34) of toetr Old ft sftabH In cash or r - —— March 9. IS. 23. 3 0 / 2000 THIRTY-1 g ^ A t ® ? ? T BYAaFROER1 ATTORNEY: checfc at the oondualon of toe i 1/7783 SPL ($03 00) HUNpRED BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY

ARTPIANO LESSONS AUTOS WANTED CAR SERVICE CLEANING SERVICE CHILDCARE UMONCOUNTY $ S o S ProfcMtonal CONSERVATORY KENILWOETH TAXI GleanistySeroiccs. QdU Care Eaoetenot Stnoe 1983 , M00EL8 ft CONDfTIONS Mg A Saaall. . W t d a ta It ALL nano la m a • Aft U h o o RUNNING OR NOT J L 908-276-6697 „ JL Yo« Want Try Aaotkar JUNKS ft HIGH MILE8 OK NEWARK AIRPORT - *18 ^ Weekly. Bt-Weekly. M onthly or One Time Deals Plano Tuning * Repair 24 HOURS-7 DAYS Plano Tuning I eaantu INCLUDING GRATUIIY PER CAR IUM tltlRW lteW i PLEASE CALL For.Uort Information. Call Keyboard & Recanting To or From Following Towns: UNION, CRANFORD, 908-298-9008 7 3 2 -8 1 5 -1 4 7 5 908-377-0285 KENILWORTH, SPRINGFIELD, ROSELLE PARK COMPUTER DRIVEWAYS GUnStOEANNGSBMCE HOME MPROVEMENT8 HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMFROVEMCNI LOUIS MATERA 100% FINANCE NOW FAYING VJL HOUSE DOCTOR FRANKS I-100-735-6134 NO DOWN PAYMENT •Roofing-Siding FREE ESTIMATE NJ 122866 4 k - ThdaMg HOME IMPROVEMENTS •Windows, Doors, Decks PRIVATE-Oae sa One «■I Thoroughly cleaned AbUMMi h YOU® HOME Afluahed •Remodeling Kitchens • R o o fin g orwrOaMOik* S PLAZA HOME IMPROVEMENTS •Bathrooms‘ Basements •Siding BakPCBab- AVERAGE & HOUSE •Flooring *Tile •W indows O ftL M 9T0CX TSABOXC •Wood "Carpeting •M asonry O ym « m wfta YOU N BD m Mm FuRy Insured Al Rapaln & Improvamanla 1710 Westover Rd. Fdiy lasers ft FROM ABOVE Cleric NJ. 07066 90H87-0614 or 7894506 MARK I 908-272-5268 732-541 -5458 * HOME IMPROVEMENT LANDSCAPING MASONRY ROOFING n o o m s SEMOR SERVICES TREE EXPERTS W OODSTACK1 RAUL'S HANDYMAN Extra Mila DREW mimmrmiTimomiPm WE STOP LEAKS! HOME HVSTTEAD CONSTRUCTION SENIOR CARE TREE 8ERVICE Landscaping IDONraMfMNIHTWriUKVMff QUOTE OxMBMftoof—toigaaw ■ —— Btadno^ 4 4 —V fftRnNSSBS ucnyeM W R Looal Troa Com pany SERVICES M A S O N R Y ^ gUTIKNOVRCMYEMOFEmmCE » All Typaa Troa w ork •Carpanby Moaonry Stops, Favors, Concroto Work, i TiwraanMiESMEiMiDekLovfER •FMRoaBlgMMto Horn* Coia For ThaBdorty •fNunttn# «**lc THAN HOST EtnKTBGNBl ■OuMiitUadn •eantor CMton Otoaounto WaOumyt, Curbing, •atoWlMaiai O aanU pA All Hapalra A »ma> Job* PROOF OF INSURANCE 4 REFERENCE MmoMon U8T OTVEN WITH EACH ESTIMATE LOW, Low R ltM (908) 276-8752 Type of Repair* asrir sf s rsasarMftB prtoft MARK MEI9 E (973) 228-4965 ° c_ 3 for a troa aatimate Froa EaUmatos - Inawad 732-361-eoeo -CMLLMffTaC iM iHiM fflriDM|E r ^ b e — fiiirvM m w x e 'IdDAdlflftriiivdtaM i e r i x h ii (908)964-0633 1-300-764-LEAK (8325) - 1 5 5 4 tojaaiaijjitoMton^^ 9 0 8 - 2 8 9 -4 0 2 4 973 324-0701 :OCOCNCXXLNCXXXX>^C\ X v X v m * toe AGA Stop Nto K a n M r Lowba ■ toe M ane Copt ■ toe W orid W ar D. Smvivwg are bit wife, M repret a acre, I f —Oh. aad two jrandctaldren A T T E N T i i j Tv MEDICARE BENEFICIARIES Raymond Babo SI, of High of Roadie and liana, died M ach 9 m toe BrakJey Part Cart Ceator. Inpatooag. B an ia leney City, Mr. Babo lived m RoaeBe aad Uaioa before awviaj to High B riSr <■ 1997 He war a pans atoaager for MiBcr k Chrtry Ageacy, baatworth, where he wort edta27 yean baton rremagm Wt3. Sir. Biha war e* grijanr.-el toe t n g a m d r u g s . Aatorieaa Academy Iaatkoto of Fao- eral Service*, New York. He war an Amy veteran of World War II and raved is toe Pacific Theater. Mr.

0 0 1


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V Boys’ basketball squad races past Bridgewater-Raritan to win Group 4

By M i Iratal ing a batt-ouatooL I ctock-rer gnash — D a DefVaDe. Qng PtSCATAWAY — ; o f th e L e ­ adShratf Ahnhnmail — yant d» H * Stfiool boy.’ a f the game haying toe ha» Jaaassi Tm. — a d only Bat ite o fet Tigsn tacad to totir fim -cw NJS1AA G ra* 4 dM ptoaahip Srartsy by t donsntitog 57-33 ad larted la w«y to t a n ...... llih^sirti iaiirastilhi I mm ITr—n L in d a w tth 13 | i k C a a « Stolen Uamnaqr. dwy provad to be * ayud m an toranto. That got to. i with may a y el d ar dsqxraal from thraugboat the ■ Linden. which finished a Grasp 4 rumere-sp to 1958 valuable player. a d 1978 a d acond to Grorap 3 to 1953, 1954 a d 1982. Ptalben noted he gamed confidence a s to* gara wan will face M netnm to (be fint round of Ibe NJSIAA't on. Tosmameot of Charoproosbsps tonight a 8 at the O hio T he fint shot I took M t good — 1 etod Y agtongtohn Spat Center to Elizabedi. a nice day.' ~ mtd PtoBisn. Thnch (ha d am to lMPOM M alta in like Linden. woo iB fint boy.' hstirrrhall todno rati* me a n a a hour bed I fto. B jaH y y 4 y « |K totoedanptoadap Sunday a (be RAC. (Westing Haddoo- gotmybnlfew “ fieM to the G ray 2 fissl Graep 3 chranpaon c —d a with junior Handout •sd Parker amtod wsh eg DaJaan Wagner, will m at G ray 1 htlia Florence to six. while Bnmtaa Brae ■ought's fint TOC quarterfinal at Dunn at 6 Seroo Hall T t’t (a s s y . T m e rn d to Pry. which woo the (Parochial A crowj a Ibe buzcr am a t* a Sraraday against Qriatiao Bratben Academy aid Pwoc T at, who only took rax tael B cheryton Sl Panck’.o f Elizabeth received bya u the fint and acead and., irynrtrw ly The mitoftoab «re son. m dtosth scheduled fa Sunday a Ibe FDU-Rothman Center m do hare other kids who c a score. 1 Hacfceneact aid the final it rat for Tueeday mght it 8 15 at not toe key fiwns to win or tom a p R atgen he needed to do to help a win.* Fraing a vocal aitdent racoon from Bridgewater Rattan to (be firtt half, the Tiger, quickly silenced thai Colicchao w ont gray with a fint quarter wtoch can only be deaenbed at at Ltodea ■ at B ra memnrahie He i at B to M wtoa toe Holding a 5-2 lead three ntoanet into the game, each of s G ray 4 to n braweee Linden's five aartore scored daring a 13-point ran over the 1988 a d 1991. next 2:33 to give the Tiger, an 18-2 lead. Then, for added “f v e b i trad e naaatat. Linden followed a B-R field goal with a nine- bat it feek arato swnetor a a h ad coach.* Ooftcchao mid. point areto over 1:47 for a 27-4 lead early m the second Cohcchra laid he did have one worry while watching the quarter. lead grow By halftime, (be wealth was yread throughout the •flock, please run.* Cohcchra aid. 1 told a -referee. Uney a Linden had a 35-9 lead. Eight player, acored for 'Kick me. I don't believe this is happening ' Anytime you I jnden, with Yamv Cohen't three J-potmers far rune go up that early it gives an opponent more time to come pousB leading the way b ack " Bridgewater-Rantan. which averaged 60 potolt a game Colicchto also took a moment to praim DdVale’t entering the final, waa racked with one more volley, a work The guard toot Afar-4 while patting y revcral 10-point ran daring the third quarter at (he Linden lead open thou in order to ran more time off toe dock. ballooned to iB largest at 45-11 with 4:11 remaining “Danny't the key lo ora offeasc.* Cohcchao said. T fc’s Canter in The Pintoera, who won the Central lerray. Group 4 title the hardefl-wocking guard I’ve aea in tins Hate.* Ratten 57-33 to w tate ftat-sver state championsh with only one player, Adam Gibbons, who had varsity The guards, with Tale often coming beyond the arc to 26-3, play Mandhaw tonight at 6 at the Dunn Sport experience last Karoo, would gel no closer than 49-29 help, forced the Panthers into lousy outtide .hooting mdway through the fourth qurater They finished 24-4 Bridgewater-Raritan shot just 3-for-16 in the full half. After Linton had iB large* lead, the Tiger, began pity­ 10-for-28 in the game Linden coach Coiicchio no stranger to winning titles

By JJL ParacUni all the hoopla of winning Group 4 had Group 2 stale champion, tonight at 8 Spurts Editor settled down at the Dunn Sport Center in Elizabeth. Linden Hi0i School boys' basket “1 knew 1 was getting very good Mendham defeated Haddonficid ball bead couch Rul Coiicchio it no player, such as lamaal Tate and Den­ 57-44 in Sunday's NJSIAA Group 2 ■■ranger to w inning cham pionships ny Del Valle, but I never imagined or final at the RAC. The Lindett- In high school at St. Mary's of Eli­ dreamed of winning a state champion­ Mendham quarterfinal will follow a zabeth and then Elizabeth for tut last ship in three years,” Coiicchio con­ Camden va. Florence matchup. year, the 1984 EHS graduate played tinued. “I knew we had a chance to be The TOC will continue Sunday on chanpioatinp learnt in noi only very good, but state champs? Never in with two semifinal games at the FDU- one port, but two. my wildesi dreams " Rothman Center in Hackensack. The He played oo Sl. Mary’s Parochial Coiicchio’s bard-working staff champsonahip game is scheduled for B championship baseball team his includes varsity assistant John Hutch­ Tuesday nigix at 8:15 ai the RAC. junior year in 1983 and then during inson. junior vanity coach Monte Since the first TOC in 1989, only his only season at Elizabeth was a Brooks and freshman coach Jim DiS- three of the fint 11 champions have guard on Ben Candelino'i 1983-84 irao This year's JV aquad captured been public schools — Elizabeth in squad that captured Watchung Con­ its third consecutive UCT champion­ 1990 (when Collichio was an assistant ference and Union County Tourna ship, finishing undefeated at 20-0. there), Shawnee in 1992 and Orange mem titles “W hat's really the greatest pleasure in 1994. After coaching the Elizabeth freth is the support we get from the com­ “Now I've got to do whatever it man boys' basketball team for three munity,” Coiicchio said. Tram May­ takes to get my kids ready," Coiicchio years, Coiicchio then guided the or Gregorio, to our athletic director said. “My job is to make than under­ junior vanity lo six consecutive (Stephen Yesinko), to the entire town. stand that there is more basketball to Union County Tournament titles from “Mayor Gregorio said to me that be plsyed Their Group 4 state champ­ 1990 to 1995. he's been in office for 35 yean and ionship can never be taken away and After spending one more year at be’i waited a tong time for this.” it will be great to look back oo that the Elizabeth JV coach. Coiicchio left Now iCt time to continue a 26-3 achievement. But there’a still another (be Minutetnen program to become season against another team that won tournament we can win." the bead coach at Bamnger m a stale championship for the first time Linden and Mendham. 29-1, each 1996-97. in its history. Linden, the fourth aeed, have higb-aooring senior standouts — One year later Coiicchio returned win face fifth-seeded Mendham, the C Jam ttl Tale for Linden and Jeff Schif- to Union County to become the head TOC begins tonight fner for Mendham. Both teams alio coach at Linden, supplanting the Here's a look at the TOC matchups: have other excellent players and both highly-succesxful Wilbur Aikens. T O N IG H T have been successful by way of win­ who moved oo to become the athletic Dunn Sport Center ning as a team. director at Plainfield 6-Floreoc^'vs 3-Camden, 6:00 Mendham’s only lota was to Par- Then, in just three years, Coiicchio 5-Mendham vs. 4-Linden. 8:00 sippany Hills, a team it split with in hat guided Linden to its first-ever SUNDAY Iron Hills Conference-Hills Division state championship in boys' FDU-Rothman Center play. Linden's tosses have come to S t basketball. Florence/Camden vs. Sl P al's Anthony, Camden and St. Patrick’s of Linden woo the NJS1AA Group 4 Mendham/Lmden vs. Seton Prep Elizabeth, the latter two teams stale championship Sunday by overwhelm­ TUESDAY \ v . champions and TOC participants ing Bridgewater-Raritan 57-33 in the Rutgers Athletic Cents* ‘Tonight's game will come down title game played at the Rutgers Ath­ Championship game at 8:15 p.m. to a battle of unsung players,” Coiic­ letic Center in Piacataway. Third-year Linden head coach Phil chio said. ‘The star players will get Linden, which will face Group 2 Coiicchio, a former player and highly- thefr points, but it’s usually the others stale champion Mendham tonight at 8 succeasful junior vanity coach at Eli­ around (hem that have a major at the Dunn Sport Center in Elizabeth zabeth, guided Linden to its first-ever im pact." in the Tournament of Champions' state title in boys' hoops. Coiicchio said he felt this year's second quarterfinal, was 0-5 in previ­ Mendham, coached by Jim Baglin, team was special after a stretch of vic­ ous trips to state championship won iu Tint stale championship in tories over Union, Plainfield and games. The Tigers lost the Group 4 boys' basketball and became only the Shabazz, followed by a 30-point win final in 1958 and 1978 and the Group fourth boys' team from Morris Coun­ ova Bishop Francis-Essex Catholip, 3 championship game in 1953, 1954 ty to accomplish the feat and the sec­ traditionally one of the toughest teams raid 1982. ond in two yean. Last year Partip- in Essex County. “When I took the Linden job three pany won Group 3 to become the Tint Prior to winning the Group 4 state yuan ago I knew that I was coining to Morris County boys' team to win a championship this year, Linden won * deft basketball town that bad a lot of stale title since Mountain Lakes won the Watchung Conference-National Coiicchio said Monday Group 1 in 1969. The other team was Division title for the second consecu­ Jd looked forward to prepar- Mountain Lakes winning Group I in tive year and reached the UCT final fcgSIkM ikfor tonight's game after 1962. for the first time since 1992.

V . / day ad ta tafcd ta Oroap 4. Altar kmtaf hi^onliM tataa, ta T i|n aaa mom 1-2 ta Qmmp 4 tide

Ltadaa B m appaarad ta Sw Oroap 3 tirti g aaai ta baefc-ao back yuan . taStag to Hfctataoa Tow aab* ta 1953 a d tan to OMIMdt Ptafc ta 1934. Altar*— i — tat Ltadangiaar.taaUgBnltap— ckadltottaa^d— Ita 193t.hlltaitoBlnaifta>d.Ltari*iitototad»Cbtiap4flnar*g*ta JQynwlalar ta 197S, tafc ItaM fidta« to r Back down to Oroap 3 MMa game ta 19(2. faStag to Ctaofctatoco to a MVP. Of tba major boy*' apnrtt, Ltatan’i attae ctatopinMUp ta I i3potafc.ro. y*fc *a* the Ont atato tide woa by a Tiger I tatod Sto Nor* Jana*. Saclhto 2, O nw 3 dtoanoiMbto ta 19S3 rtatato ■ T t a D f c


lor fee Gaaaral

to ita flttoonr Tourna- ■ata of Q waytana Tba Tiger* * 9 p * a 26-3 noord aad fiwa-gaaut wto- 0. the Ita* Iptafht againto Oroap 2 lb* Mtotofcon bon Manta Coatoy, p ta td by longtime aad higtaJy- head coach Jim Bagla, atao w o. their fint-e*cr boy*' hadtrt-

1 Bed Cafcdataio (former heed coach) an good ao I know Jim to n when I at Btaabtah.’ Colie- cbtoaaid.Tvca have learned a lot ban him. Thai'* tonight'* game a little

the fourth aeed. facer fiftb- tooagbt at S at the Dam Sport Center in Elizabeth in the aacood TOC quarterfinal. The players Han are the p iay cn who led Un- advance to the Tournament in Sunday’s Group 4 championship-game win over face Group 2 champ Mendham, 26-1, at Brtdgewster-Raritan at Rutgers.

Unden High School scored a game-high 13 points to earn MVP honors as tie Tigers routed Central Jersey champ Bddgewater- Raritan 57-33 in last Sunday’s NJSIAA Group 4 title- game at the Rutgers Athlete Center In Ptacataway. i School sinior forweid Jamaal Tate, No. 21, is shout to take a shot as teammate Dart DslVs6»,No. 3, PhHberfs performance sparked Undsn to its first-ever w______naeN twhsean two OtoMMon defenders during last Wednesday’s Group 4 semifinal at the Dum Sport state championship in boys' basfcetbU. Linden takes a Centsr. Tate scored a team-high 13 points to lead the Tigers past their Jersey City toe and into Sunday's Group 4 title 26-3 reoord Into tonight's TO C contest. contest against Bridgswatsr-Raritan.

1 ' :’I


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, to k w * s to w I r a f f ■ y M W , i le a > d > U C U C h»adnsd*gndby W k b h l - ‘Wfe'n o n asakhh an toe I rfcfc's Day Pm k dm k. wbch t o * b n to ho oflsd by e i la. anyone who fete a a d to qak* to a awk ago to Irta a aad Al flw gbnae, Me aatod he any tonal a natocei DCUC - If yen enatoe a i Ma m k ia New Yak. d h a Yet. edni eon cnatody tanka m d n p a n a n a a toe We p o m b Batod n a sh o e to ! t panto ratoons. n e M .il la a n y to a n d e i a n not i

He ready is Ow Mg Waieene to toe (M m Coney Legal Servian Copon- MoMjr wito a Mar af nfadvn aka Bn. IWe ptoanto, aot-fa-ysott -|g ' —-r aame bee leaedbagp wito dvd oaa a atom yoS^fc* ia

dm to fltifm i' pay’l l a h UCLBC hn eapneMal eOnu In toM ton 97JOOO Nhsoope,- ka I f o A rafle a b do Bom on of toe 1960a civil righto novoanaa. toe Avenae, toe thgafcariei UCUC wn aeeud leqyriy by bwyen who had goae to UH toe amnsya and .by i Ansrica’e SoOh aol “aaw toe naad far lawyers to help bendy betotod by beH jaeto and fadnal' lha Knights of Cotombee oo people who weld not retoie dair own towyerv.1* aid daeg edto pdtoto mnhbnaana. Janene Place. Been M k Baneaw ton ad * M ental Onto whw aahsd if aaaal l.OOOptoi parade aauhan mnad. bay recogbnd that lb s M s b n d b g w as em r b d a n ^ c f b eit« k n . EaptoinM atoned alhoato. They anviainnad aohdion toe gaaat M dM tm hens contm hnia. San­ aaoaa't going to be o a M oato i a to M t tot Ansae this day. plan procaedal aa toay tod ton perhaps totoa* an ■adnid'W veqdtoig'wnedalbtoalM e’dOawhwIoM- at pace. i wdhjeapact to toe peopte," on wn paaaMrad. Thn cane a Mow ceded Naan." i b Aanrica’e eton cone coaid be dealt with by iW m gH Nfam adndntohadcn, a i h chape of (be cUpbamd, Maoy Loe Lenaban solved problem big ■11 poap anad ton M b c f I [ Ratgera-Newerk daring thie pw- wn governor. Undw bn* Iftan 'a ad R a g a rc aad anaB. Al oaa pain coaeaktag tod and, Ike ton gronp of law yer wee fady condone of deal wife Juan Doaghnty, o n to two pay at (be Un toe Coanry Jail to* cdoete of p ea social aphaveL He torn attended Ra- poddol adackT wd R a^ n ootohdy tod not to p i We ■ to tfaio day atjjatato to toe Qraad Rain dfortl in Union C w n tW fourth gan Lew School, whan ha eras anmatagad to perform aperienn wito bgM eavton w hn he becan yaaeddea. MantaD. It m datoaadaid (bat annual SL h downtown Union lagrtdhncnrvicn for toon who coeld not affred typical h firt. tap n a tert toaadtoeprognworatoeiyto 19K2by mly a anit from M otoa Satoa am an Saturday, tortd and Timmy Moorwy, 5. legal « a a pedtog hdwto flndtog whw ha dadaaed tow nch civil M - - - m we i t _ ... _ DOIB GDC n v l CVVMOOS Wito yfcaidea Lyndon Jobnan'i era an poverty in toll Sa UCLSC, Page B2

In acaatog coat son*. Doagber-

Mke a candtoata to Second annual conference to address shade trees oaktof aaap derisions Ike toe Ms- The Bond of ftaaholdaw add apeeaq toe . tor Ltoto Sanda. M an to itoinityirtfaurfopw flora cf toa Wanton long law enfoscemmt paofioaatoaial aacond aanaal Urban Foreaky Owfaaanoe w Shade T in Advisory Board. vm H H li to the 26 • Richard fdgro, S a n a O o f of toe Union toad ia Ida parsraia The yaar of Taeaday boa 1:30 im to noon. Ths ccahr- “We an dalarainad to co parks b toa Unice Coeaty parka system. Coanty B a ra a o f Shade T n ha ooenty’a shade h n raptoaStog aflort as we work to i t at toa second aonab Urban don. who add left ebon toa canty's | i to aegahe cpw apace whdag parka and look h r ways to nqabe daaptb toe oa aad off w Coanty. amn opw apace.'' ; a H a Mayors, aaaadeipel nfflrtoh and ahato bee •%’a h n p atato to woogntoa toe iaapact of to hasp toe bar rnamltolna ropewtaaaflvoe h a ad 21 ana- een w *e global anvhoeaew toaafhctocf I and especially win ji i in toa conaly are tovhad to ahand addad. *Wet. doaa tohoeo, wet i a toe Uatoe Cooky Adah- toe probieen M l effect oa atoto’a I Faye Hawed. a In dowaaown Ednbato. ante, especially toon ton t a ate aw paon i “Last yea’s toads ton coatoeaaes helped cf hen b on Wakhaag I be bfbaaoe of Roderick Law all yea to local and coantywito efforts to Othw topics of dtocaaaion at the I Ibilj llnflbw a botonha nil db “We a n i a iq ithq of toan b toa coanty and cordbence will Indede lbs legacy of 1 Uaiw Coney's TraiMda Natan and tog tor aoy rate." aha tola an. Oa y." aaid Frechol- landscape architect Frederick Law I the day 101 Oatoa to mnoatctog a new family iw rm famine |f (he Tandy opecu of Bureau of Mosquito Control issues precautions and da taadMnr nan fa gamm- Spring la toe h ag b n b g o f to sn o e - • Change wata in birdbaihs every apache of 30 bhwe tote yea." aaid ftedx*tor That dooa not yet boas, ta d s to h ealth s three days; apeeba cad Uatoe Coeaty atoo ontla a ltd of weak and adeca- A part of Uatoe COenty’a Depot- bg a i andUabn Coanty aaaldaaiacw help • Claw and chlorinate twimaaiag Moa naagahon baaed ta Ho l She e r a d o tal b a h . swot of Operestoeel Barstaae, toe pooh and remove orator that collects Leaaban repeals a few times that ; (he Bonn of llnagribi Contool aaeanvn To both Stale Senate Ptresidato Donald w pool covers; and mailbag w b toawgbwt toe cowty. Beam of Monpho Ooetooi a (MB) DiPranceaco and Woodbridge The Union Coanty B a e a of Mos- • U n The bnen Mm ntt 30 noeqbto 63M04. The staff cm bapab e Mayor James McQneeey wars qeito Control la atfctog coanty raai- “Wa’n asking all from loealton whhbMhoanmiadmDe- invited. b fact, McOnevey don danto and baabaaan to take ptecaa- to poddtas bet test je* fow days. nbaaan b IMw Coanty to do ibow and marcbea. bowing off a rk w io twt o cm saosepsiaoee, hKhKhngr New JStsey Is h o b to n o n to n 63 bandtoakiof w an that borders on a Diapon of lb cans, piaattc con- perfection, even in the rain. tabara, empty flown pots and any The freeholders, led by Chair- olha coaiabera that hold water, as man Dan SalUven and Cheater Educational Services Commission hosts two-day conference these arc all places mosquitoes can Holmes, also make the dtk in the TMa is toa dose o f a new svatyday even. They aril view pradacb that win nad stood and teat a I use to breed; now considerably heavy rain. a b g « program. They wBpiey wito poottonte that panto popils to spook to toe ootppo- Walking alone, Aeaemblyman i dUcarded tires, a favorite fo r tn and hea their own voices heck n they b an to decode the palmed w ad. Alan Augustine asanas Ian inters plan for mosquitoea; atwo-dtycoatoraocs Monday and Thaadey at West- They will m amba votoe nedvabd word pan raaalng products that assist cbid- •toad to being ssao than Jest alloy­ • Drill hotea in the bottom of Into lak e School. Mil Rond, Waatfiaid, flam S30 u n to 3 pm ran with apeding, gramma and writing. or recycling oootainan so toay do Dot ilh a S W g s c U will ing the give and take widi the para­ Bdacahaa w « aqptoea Bb labm at to a qmat bedbg to dynaa* and novel de watchers. hold water, have • dean dogged roof gutters every ■rbevsdnflwel raiicgaftinn. will tone idem ahontTm chbgbaW eb Baaed also aapb—iw tbs bvaatigato edapdva davicn tost permit «n handhappad students to accam toa of tbgnftarin from Ire­ year, Soctoty,” md pnaw t a nadtfanadb view of toa topic D igital Velocity fa t M---» * rs -a - n powa of bchnobgy. land, Including tboa from Coanty • Tom ova plastic wading pools iw w S n RAINING, Page B2 whan not in nee; I am how technology can crash a qsgiril daaeroom where For cell Oeorge Yoang it (908) 232-4181 or • Tom ova wheelbarrows; ip tcial can b power*! leaning enpaienen n en Seem Bar at (733) ftO-OSM.

* • C enkel A m n ■ W enfiefct a* i ■ t^mfa-n------^ M k M w U l • M u r1- Avearee to Sooach ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ UCLSC marks decades of taooel MDuBOO hi tapafo* to n d k s H m f o m if j------bridgee end calverte aid*. Tin bridge. ***** — By • Teeter Avenue end Galiopan* helping low-income residents HiB Road to Uoaoo, Union County, wMh a land area of jaat over 100 p an e aulas. haa n a t tudped k> fond Ike program when Row • Nods and Soedi Broad atreeta in (Cbtotonad boo Page Bl) than 172 nice of coanty-ownd and pa did am mamt to. fosse ksteteeuemntom tony weald be ESatbadt n a n s a m am federal, bat eme maireained roads and n o n Ann <70 1 i|d w if iiwurwrmi- neB d p to* M a t » p r iU B • Weatfnid end Hazelwood bridge! and culvert! ot RtpM ciB imuk" RanuMl aaad 100-yeer fan*.' Appeuufa reed weald ■mourn ta Rahway, Fie goeeontopoanlom foMtheU-S is her. ttxou wractototy not ino gleaned equal jaaboe" and that everyone is COUNTY NEWS when faoed a d We choice o f n g n n g suppoaad to have access to Ihe doaris. the Legal Servioaa Qaporadoa Acr ca liking people to m toex special effort B ennatt rapadty saw th e value o f tea i is a senior member of the a ageetel prosecutor County potter contest to donate over foe qcoaito| holiday work when he fint arrived at UCLSC I Service* staff and through the : hie tedribm in On near season. Tin foUowtog Mood drivm in the 1970a. The eery Oral cnee be “ Mtech 27 ns been snccearihlly involved fume. Kaon choee Id aige the bill. are scheduled in Union County encountered at UCLSC went all the I to prom ote C oanty wifo tB boats of the Counseling Ser Ttaia helped We program In foriwe ao way to the Supreme Court. Week. April 9 to IS. Mom Department o f UCC. Hie ctaient • Monday, 3 to 7 p m . Union How that there a n a local Legal Servaoea The cage. Bren to vs Gambino, entitled "My County" ie being apoa- are focused on the pital. 1000 Galloping HU Read. office in every coanty in A— rice. aored by the 1. unMitetinnal effioera of allows a tenant to me t “rent rebate’ if • March 24, 3 to 7 pm . Union Utoun Ouutoy in tim) i lit ■ wWi the Beaadee due. the Mate of New rent has been paid on tune m d die Hospital. 1000 Galloptog MR Road. CuH eetinral Officers Amoctobnai of Jeraey waa ao rapportive of the pnog- air cosidirinuar. healing For more tafontofoto or to rip ap ram that the UCLSC actually nan- or water ayteesn, or atectridty to donate, cal

f a $ i to capacity, ‘La Mancha’ is what theater is all about Whan i l bed, It’S byrnm-n rang with laughter, ^Ze-, seat. op the re (0011.111 te a S tbraagh adalt In ^ectaca- toe tapping, than- « — <**•* it’s « a Theater tarty ookxfrl a o M n , fee tainted derous applause, a iw i. two boys ad the rat WaB. to feme lacky View I “Whet Doee Hs Ware of gait, danced fee cataaral dances of and music. baadad to fee Untoa County Ana Con­ Me?," bat tar adferaage does not Inland wife q fh ty . and oft-rimee fer to Rahway for fear By M V a n Sand f to arhtovt a oae was rananded of a acat o f ballet Ida burner reached out 10 fee moat tto a e f l l a n a f La I Areoctafn Ecfeor form And when it came time to solemo member of tbs aadtawoe. to be i take bcrwj to the roar of the crowd, Some of the moat beaadfU rene- daily to fete T oharcre- UCACr sole are. Wife 11 the dancart were politely idnpnt ic ia fee world is played on a violin, dk. fee areal n w e fla n d offering fees seaean, *M snef Lalden- to be envied. Edwards For cxxmc relief, there wee and Geraldine O’Gcady, who looki Every eye was smiling a to dee to eba" la start, yer mystical: taarfe. yet wrings every Ml ef hope tfe ham- Batum. t e n t Dublin, Ireland, who in ram i neat. a t can boaa « a known to aadianore around the every eye was ihah a Hto hat * ■ * * world ae 'Vriaod'a Master C tm - tadby fee eocorepitabed pianist and feat’s net whalfeaanr to ttfey, UCAC wfe tatag I ‘Queen Esther’ reigns at Forum Theater What c o fe d he n a a n appMjrttae to cetobrate fee Jawife Mriktay o f M b in Mareb fe a n a a n a fe a l play feto MBs Theater the aaory o f Qaaaa Bafear, patokatarty with m u sic? View b u tt and by tat The Foraat Theater to Merit rhm. to lend feean- lo Eafeer’t just around the cornar bora Railway. By in a Smith to Ak ’btofytlffihg'* in tto re for airtdkQMfe-"1 “ n ■ Staff Witter her node , t o ha fee prisoners, courtesy of one Miguel ttataett TVeyz’a direction it swift Clark and Undaa. baa leased its facili­ to You," ty lor the moofe of Mareb to Patrick J. de Cervantes, imprisoned for impos­ and pottahad, aahdy drifting to a d reviewer. Either Cooway’a Aits of Annapolis Produc­ sage of Purim, the freedom of the ing a lien against a church. out of “raelky-safes aaory begtoeaal accepted by fee king as a prospective tions to bring to the public, lewiab and Jeers, came through bright and clear. queen, and feey fall in love. He to ana- It it from there beginnings that the nt(o-Jewish, a delightful little musical Purim, tochtantolly. win be observed wire of fee fret feat das to Jewfeh, end die is afoot Cervantes — who that has emotions! appeal, a wonder­ from sundown Monday to sundown it to the fwoctoasH am an— fee prime peo n d fee original tele and who wee, (ton, aoahftai1 fr*— bat m » fully eotartatoing and talented east, Tuesday. r '----** s---J------a «----a *-----a n uQ H U , lHBnKJOSQ try IDS SDQBMBDDCl what "toaata i ** and some knowledge of what life In “Quean Esther," the story of cul­ to aeeiat M ain We hunger for royal — must dated Mmretf to hto fallow mast have bean like in the 3fe century tures and meet represented at ooon, power — who tries to expose Esther prisoners and, in doing to , eUata feek The artodoin at UCACi


a a o j m u a q a q A PnMP i m fe e 4 dgR c o d a c u M W r W W # »l« «Monafeton you t o l w r . Ifrom your touch tew pfron*.. fld w n t .PORTS Moaouroe to a 24 hour voioa < Jb Hear Unlimited 1—a —---—- — — Streareto Ifrat q k ifH ifitorninon ifow w m ^■Selections Per Call shoan by oateg (90tt)

your looal eattng area. Out of THE INTERNE NUTRITION d ii bt MM at long dkbnoc j ^ i t by your talaphont company. la B e . Intofourot it a public tteviot of J a T T S , Wonbl OoratunRy N tw tp tp tft. i


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Invites you to our 1s t A n n u al O p en H ou se Monday Evening, March 20th Beautiful nostalgic a t 7:30 at th e reproduction. Available in Cranford V.F.W. Hall light or South Avenue Cranford medium 479 finish.

[ FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL DOUG AT 908-687-1669 mnge one bled to behave on fan ato- M o* bays fas p n ’ panonal favorites. V M b t A ll body'* ObT b m* or not, fae ------lug paefer- ■ m « times bresfauktog. b fame tem pting. « Hu m bytocrical — bet always fiawtam. While the whole Grammy-winner Stottzman to appear in Westfield W orld-renowned clarinetist

Pan Vtnbri— i. w ill eo n to W«b- fbidtoparformacaaaartofdmbcal. jmz end coabafonry M b 9ndqr m aaiBQ6»060€BB€ase b 4 pju. at 9L taT i Episcopal o f Yoaag Chart*. 414 R Bm d St of New Jeraey win be oe Thb oooMI b M ag produced by hand M Sunday's co n ceit to ibe Aibor Cbaafaar Muaic Society to gpqpgf> i«« wMh Y ow y AmSm o m of The Arbor Chamber Maafc Society Nab Janay. k w fa baba aaaic by b abo kaowa far be coeabtonat to • Bfe-hiag baarato to a d far moeic. la afafttoo to eei He SIS far p o aal be far baton, S3 tor a a rb a to W< obtained Aibor nna (be wwwXM anHatbrootn or by calling apdlbe Ham totoa-bhair Ltofctofaa (90S) 232-1114. Westfield paMic schools. Thb b Ibe R ichard b a^aMbni MbMIyavMfatoAriganbtr

dfaewper- aodboce m ental WF yaWYM aad aoaal magnnlani have catapulted him older. to the highest raoka of international Thu event b made poaafab by andaim Ha b one of today'i moat Sunpaoo’a H on Improvement and aoagM-aftor concert artbta. Dedicated by the Union County Boaad of Cboeen to oartoring the next generatioa of lb- Freeholder!, antler Chairman Daniel WCP offers memberships WeetfMd Coaunanlty Ptaynra able to WaatAeid Cotmnaoity Players Meata d tip Dhactor Laity Hadak and sand to Letty Hodak, 409 Harri- aonoanoad dal mraifaewhlp far the aoo Ave., Westfield. NJ 07090. ramaioing two ahowa of the Westfield Community Players, 1999-2000 aeaaon ere now available founded in 1934, b one of the oldest far $20. She noted that thb represents conbnuouaty operating conatemity a savings of 17 over purchasing tick- theaters to New Jeteey and has eta Individually for the bet two broaght to Ufo more than ISO come­ dies, dramas aad nutafaab to their To purchase indmdaal Header- own 130-esat theater to Westfield, ddp for $20 each, make checks pay­ 1000 Norfa A rt. W est S p an ish A M etnahonal Cutoina Banquet Factobes

By Bill Vaa Sant Staff Writer Whether you’re out for a night srith the guys or planning e working nan's business lunch, hearty eppetitee are sure to be sated at Lookers in ■ H t M y l S H Open 7 Opr* • - *« sL& F nm 7 am - MdrVW Elizabeth. Thb b not just another “geuttemeo's dub,'' but h i cutablub- 1230 Route 22 W ent M ountainside them 7 am -2am hnz offering t wide variety of food, drink end eotertatomeaL 1906-233-5300a Tbe menu features standard bar fere, but to generous portions sure to ■take your mouth water. Tbe sangtler platter of hot appetisers etgoyud by a friend end me featured hot wings, mnaamib sticks, saaorted afarimp, and hot peppers, all delicious and complemented nicely by e draft beer. A ISTO ft ANT E Featuring the Regional For our main courses, we went tbe sandwich mate. Dayana bad fish, Cuisine of ITALY with and I opted for chicken. Served in beoty portions — my sandwich » TUSCAN Specials almost more than I could finish — tbe platters abo featured crispy French fries. Both of us were left foil and satisfied by these robust m eals Tbe “meat and potatoes" simplicity only adds to tbe dining experience; haute cuisine b definitely for another day. But the menu doesn’t stop there. In addition to daily spedab — which, wbeo we were there, included grilled chicken Caesar salad — the bill of 38 M ipk S t, Summit f n abo offan a variety of hero and club sandwiches, u well as an array (9 8 0 )22 7 7 -1 9 0 0 of hot sandwiches and platters. If our meals were any indication, one is is good ss tbe next The management also spreads out two buffets daily — from 4; 30 to 6 pjn., and again at miffaigbt — perfect for an after-work pit stop or some ?< I late-night revelry. Private parties and corporate lbnctx>o« ire welcomed. Tbe foil-service bar runs the gamut from tap beer — about a half- MMNCCM DAILY •lNWDumrrfatTospbi dozen varieties — to Dom Peri goon end Moot to between, you'll find a full selection of top-shelf liquors. Shot ^reciib abo abound. IM D M Q H T • $2 SHOT an C U L S EVERY HOUR And srhik you’re eating, you can eqoy tbe view of two wide-screen TVs, pbying ESPN, MSG sod all pay-per-view sporting events. • a t v s w it h e r *, w o , SPORTS CHANNEL! Conveniently located in Elizabeth at 789 Dowd Ave., off Routes 1 1 9 and Exit 13-A of the New Jersey Turnpike, Lookers b open Monday to Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 2 am ., Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 3 a.m ., ind JSJSL Westfield’s M tor play is worth Tim Prim S Theater SXSITSSS" V7ew

, wtth “A View ByRufhRow toots Sate- lheolwContepanderrf ’ a d T he Wee” oa the Brad------horn* ad The Ride Down • Shoot lo open oa fee Qm W Uto W ty. M ite'e wart m ret oftw netted „**> » to n g * tot pat. they ■ t nrprireto Gad « a°

PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE available to local residents County,y. aano bcariflia uocnot no - i §39fcspb m wShin M yffre (36) m y **e< Hickory Tree Chorus, Sweet Adelines International, ia once again offering a 737 ______II , M M —ciurtuo of ouch dffto H $1,000 scholarship lo a musically talented young woman inlereaed in pursuing P O. Bo* 11 OIOS5 a career in music. MadtofflL Nt osmanuad In • » Oaawt e a and Asrend- nom medial n w a To roreoledisd CiowsMni You ahoa The chorus has been swarding annual aetdanfaips for more than 18 years to m om of* tor no you, Answer and p m r at admloo m torn Sat. dupfcrea wan aw CM* ot t» k « w i shiteols from areas in which chorus members reside. NOTICE TO AteENT d e fe n d a n t Court g May Jreiay, Hughaa Qualified high achool senior giria with good academic reconh and exception­ Main Office dm 9064104222 SSSI.' LS, J*"*v SS^Sl-rreSoMMaeanangewtorateetoM SrwMdTt^si'iis al '»iw in vocal or instrumental music are encouraged to apply Students OoSdlfc f-irono aonoo «Uh aw naao ot ehu prareoo mould also have applied for acceptance iMo a music program at a college or sta te o f *W JERSEY ______,____ university. Applicants must submit an audio tape of a short performance . T u to r. Ns hods, dovtsoo. <*. I O iV 'a f f m S a S f X S S K demonstrating their particular talent Tapes may include accompaniment, as or t n y ’aTtm u iiir r s s inrs in im «. mis mna DAngelo * . ^Hhyon pgM Mst WOAygwo.___ tvs., as needed Completed appiicatiow and audio-tapes naiat be received by April 8, mritofeta'MMuiyaririkMM aaaa Z EaHgtbm------M------,sumat 71» 2000. aaana Tagtar. uta wWa, bar hairs, SSSIS m S endpweonei repnwrHHiNwend W ^****^*® *1 High school guidance departments in more than SO communities have infer nation Mid applications Appiicatiow may be tutpietoBri by calling (973)

‘■ " Z t Z Z Z Z cation, may be printed direcUy from the chorus website at FIORENZA & RUSSIKOFF POWERS,_ -----— JH. UHAMTthWtU, s- Vre?*2alim w nm gyi morHw ” . known, nn' .;at 4 DMtN Court. Borouc^f of www.ingclfirc.conVn)/hickorytrc>c. C* lifted Public AccountBnto tor whom eddf i le 737 Siokee STULPmiS1’ S T cfS R ? Romd. PO Bo. 10M. Medtofd. N J 00056. HAVE YOUR TAXES PREPARED BY A PROFESSIONAL an Anewer to Ow OompMni (and Awnd- _ * ^ ^ , y1"*?** -to SS.M SSSiatM iS c« sS 5 S a» S 973-564-8125 Taylor, las swe. a * nww uw- r^oe^aa-STia a you canool slloru an P e r m a n e n t Ma k e - u p hair or any ot stair auooaaaors In rtpitsaa Professionally Licensed mo miaraat. al M.. aara n DaSandansuwanowm . pm> —v - — ----- 9 * * * « ma Supartor Court a) Now Hand Held Tool Used - Not a Machine •Eyebrows • Eyeliner |Faheem J. Ra'Oof, & Co., L L C ] -Joroo againai you tor tha roaat *oh In

I aoooRnpany your *ny R you may r •hwoHintoiH (Monty Managamwrt) ■rS-irenTSro-rtV-wwrtavm. “ “ (908)688-8244 Hnsurance (UH to HaaNh) m S S S a dB lS SUP€R>Ofl COURT OF N6W JERSEY ttMaBeSytayter U7907 WON Marcf> 16. 2000 ($50.90) [•Mortgages (1st & 2nd Mortgages) nd Xhommenm Taytor. Na aOa. *> Bank * ______martoa. FSB and AAy aaaIgnad le piafnor •Accounting Setvlces uroca Loan Sarvtoaa. me., and oonodrm a In ra n if al 1124 Helena Avenue. I 'li t Not W htt You to m .li t Who You Km ' ______NJ YOU. FerdUh^ida TayBar and TT»

2 3 F e HON: CuNic Thuntre 24 Pori or (M * 25 Flowering shrub B 28 Conor ground 2 9 C ook 33 S tyle 34 P M 36 Pierre, lo Pierre 37\Adgarian wkk v n s iy a t 38 1

l toy^totofen taa- 39 Nmbue The Union Co—ty Shag, jamby. .osise arid Bessie ^ishies 40 Fiwodom. kx ehorl HtotorictaSbmachadule< 41 Eooonoic M r npwehag S o rt «pd y eto l pvog- 43 BhJtSdwueo: vnr Atoo ntatabte an CM tar I 44 ChutcMTs 13 Dampens 45 Ptmnomenon > it fee Cstaarsl Crm nir- Oreoew 976-681-0304 or church during half-moon i Farm, wtachcun be CONCERT-MUSIC 076080-1644. 46 Large union abbr 19 BM ot yam ONOAMZATION: St James Donee 4 8 C igar pruned art, cotopkned nd n M d to 1 Architectural 21 F u l term 4 / n N V I K 50 Mom despicable by any individaal o r g ra sp DM «W m 24 inferior 4 9 C orrupt 51 Kfetatar lo include event* in the calendar 2 Opiate or prolate 25 S tu d ItobCoiOaeipaifemeiduuntou* 51 Where Sw Met: 52 They warn sacred 3 Roman wrap 28 MoMte organm m To accem the Union County web­ pM^emtanlanMnlemMa* bat last "Egypt 52 G at to 4 S hark 27 Santo Fediga site, (imply type in (talwMltalafkMeUnQmOwljm 53 Ye wwwjenoncoentyn)-arg Wben Ibe 55 Sutured 5 Rapraeentabve 28 Stator's prop and 8w if. This to "a ir tout" total *4Si us aW taiekb»n>enW taem8gbm4 541 homepage is downloaded, notice the 59 B ooster 6 Grow 30 Adul insect sinoe eemtag to tw U A 10 yum ago M i 40 MM SMI W ta m w feahy hr 5 5 ! Their wustota pnipasi to Smoutafe an- 7 Coy 31 Aquarium hah fepaitmsnt listing cm lbs k it side of prikmnOtMbaeclUuta) t a a t a e e 61 Bird or trui 56 Group ot hexagonal Ibe page. Click on “County M an­ 62 MiA, p erh ap s 8 P ut out 32 Dauout TUwri: 16.00 at Sw dam. To means febptotoe mMtarihri.0mp.aUM c a te ger," then "Economic Development," S, batatas 181 b r n u k den. % eat 6 3 S tom ach 9 O n deck 35 Regular tofcto tar 6-10, (paid------In nrimnee112 ). eel 57 and finally ‘Diviaoo of Cultural end iMSMl 64 Pnrpatualy 10 Peas out 39D 3. Cooper type Heritage A llan." where options will o S q a m z aiDON:' Sponsored by YMHA 65 Type ot root or suit 11 Ran name ot H.H 41 Mtaerie drug 58 S o i be foaod to secern ibe Museum list­ 66 Bfckophage Munro 42 Corrpany on the 60 Diuitaon at Hatafe and ings, Current Calendar or the Infor­ Students' artwork tours area schools 67 I 12 Was beholden Human Serrica mation Form. Have Pre-K to high school and will be tour­ For more information on the Calen­ where their drildrco’s artwork is? The ing all of the schools and the board See ANSWERS su Page *18 der of Events or other arn ica of the Springfield School Diatrict ie hooting offices The Khertale is as fellow* Division of Cultural end Heritage a tooting art tamw of atndent work. • Springfield Public Library, now Affair*, call (908) 558-2550; send e- The compiled wort ie a (ample of the to March 31. mail lo aooenM unioocountyui.org: or beat printing, printing, drawing, com­ a F.M. Gaudmeer Middle School. write to Ibe Union County Division of puter graphics, and multimedia within April 3 to 20 Calami and Heritage Affair*, 633 a variety of daaeee per each grade • Jonathan Dayton High School, High School Oaas of • Union H 0 l School Ctore of 1990 tor A ag. 19. For Peart St. Elizabeth, NJ 07302. level The show includes work bom May 1 to 19. 1980 i to artasitolmt for March ■tan to actosMad tor June 10 For U n ttm 25. For cta l I R a o u io a U nion­ itad b e. ta (732) 617-1800. let (732) 817-1890. ised fee. at (732) 617-1000. a Summit High School Cbm of HOROSCOPE • Weetftoid High School C b m o f • Jefferson High School O res of 1980 wiR conduct Hi 30th ruutaon 1940 reutaon to achstetod tor Jane 24 Oct 7. Pur fafomtotioo, coatact Reun­ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You creative project comm together with 1970reutaon to sebsitotod tor April 7. For March 20 at fee Jefferson Psrtbrataug Ails ions Unlimited Inc. at (732) may be concerned with t household the help of a friend during the coining For information, call (732) 617-1000. House in Bizahcfh High School. For 617-1000. to March 26 dilemma involving children. Make a year If you play your cards right, you • Scotch Pttam High School Clast could make a lot of money. A humeni- information, call Patrick Gargano at • Cranford High School Clasa of ARIES (March J^-Anril 19* Take few adjuring M more of 1980 Will conduct its 20th reunion 1975 will conduct its 25(b reunion C*t«er sage end g i« VcOmMand per time to play or went togefear tarian lragr^takSS koto etacTgrab* ' ap rills. For1 information, call Reun­ (908) 272-5485, or write to him at 322 romance at a dub or group gathering. your attention. Bhjoy working with • ions Unlimited Inc. it (732) North Ave Eaat, Cranford, NJ Oct 7. For information, coatact Reun­ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You could uncover a creative way to charitable organization that will bene­ 617-1000. 07016-2435. ions Unlimited Inc. at (732) Neighborhood events ere a lot of fun. make some extra cash. fit a large number of people. Take • Union High School Class of 1965 • Union High School Clasa of 1940 617-1000. Take advantage of an opportunity to TAURUS (April .20-May 20): Your care of yourself physically and emo­ will conduct its 35th reunion April 29 reunion is scheduled for July 13. For • Cranford High School Class of connect and ahare thoughts with some biggest challenge this week will be to tionally, getting the proper amount of For information, call Reunion* information, contact Evelyn Steudle 1974 will conduct its 26th reunion of your more interesting neighbor* avoid power struggles. Give up the rest and relaxation, so that you are Unlimited Inc. at (732) 617-1000. Borshay at (407) 647-8119. Oct 14. For information, contact desire to alw ays be in control o f a tatu- PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You ire alert and ready lo do your best in your • St. Joseph's School in Roadie • Summit High School CUsa of Reunions Unlimited Inc. at (732) ation, and settle an okl debt with t templed to splurge on in item in a professional endeavors. Cl as* of 1950 reunion is plained for 1990 will conduct its 10th reunion 617-1000. friend. price range beyond your budget Be Also hern this week: Ovid, Johann May 2000. Contact Jaoe Oeogfaegan July 29. For information, coatact a Union High School Class of 1970 GEMINI (May 21-June 21): An asso­ rentable, tod be prepared to make Sebastian Bach, Anthony Van Dyck. Burke it (732) 388-7363. A1 Haase at Reunions Unlimited Inc. st (732) will conduct its 30th reunion Nov. 24. ciate want* to play matchmaker with conceesiont of ocher things. Akin Kurosawa. William Morris, (203) 744-7896 or George Schatad- 617-1000. For information, coatact Reunions your heart. I t's OK to lake ic h a n c e on IT year birthday to this weak, a Bela Bartok and Robert Frost. il (920) 432-0210. • Utaoo High School Clam of 1980 Unlimited Inc M (732) 617-1000. romance, but mike sure that your associate knows whet your interest* are. CANCER (June 22-JtUy 22): You will be quite busy in the professional arena tins week. Put in some extra effort to R e v e r t r secure your domestic anviroruneot r item * from diaorderlmeas and chaos. FACTORY LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 Y This Mould OISCOUHTE be an intellectually stimulating period for you. Think of this at the perfect time to take a class or study some­ thing unique on your own. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Stay on top of the fiscal issues in your life. Along with your partner, make decF atom on bow to beat proceed with a tax or insurance matter. LIBRA. (Sept. 23-OcL 23): Rom ance or socializing is very much on your mind. Spend some quality time with Prot«injyp ^ 5e|ecfec) vitamin Factory Brand Produds your loved ooe. Avoid a disagreement about your work schedule. Don't cKongo your draon. Just got your own KooMi corn. Extensive Line of Body Bidding SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov. 21): Co- SUPER COUPON 1 & Sports Supplements... wmkere could uae your patience, sup­ In New jersey, CIGNA HeetthCare often three individual plans with no port and understanding wben a new deductibles and with doctor visit copays starting as low as SI0. You'll Biggest & Best Selection ot program or routine is introduced. have one of the state's largest physician Vitamins & Supplem ents. . Relax, and go with the flow. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): networks. And with no claim forms to fill out, EXP. 3 02100 EXP.3f22/oo| A creative hobby requires an invest­ getting the care you need won't be a night- Healthcare ment of time and money to get it mare. For information, call 1-800-465-3092. A Business o fCaring. going. Once you've made the com­ mitment, you’ll find it very enjoyable Health 4 Beauty Aids. Books 1 and worthwhile. J HertxJ Teas, & m uch m ore... |

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I Address, |Ph on e_ ( Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901 Art woritteMtok [,w8besneteriblteteeTome- S h o w s «uto Otetory afUNtoi O atw * W . • MIT “ IS. to i 1 to 4 pm-TueadtoRteThuroteyelrometo am . to 63D p m , and »pm.Th8ftota*tetaMManttolnl 7 pm. The gtotory te •oor te tea Cranford catapu*. 1083 Ava. For taformarikm. cal (306) 700-71 f t . r g u r e p a c t - ttan.«l(7tt) of M o t fcym Hontou of taRbttnatoM at «■ ba on (MM atoi tot to* Gtotory tetoe Alta Quid of M atey 9unday torou0t April 14, toafealng Ow a t Mureay H i al to t O n H 8. Ptemer noda at Loastoe Nate, Dm Opdoi to to t npttajtad Public ■id Lon Shttey. An apantag notp- rrouNr tod*. ton «Mi t » steals aril ta b ptoot tom- For intonate Apdl 1 to S O m , AptoO to® QtOwy hourt a n Monday*. Wto- day tan 1 to 4 pm p u ra h a s a Makati onMna ■toAptottotoOtotpmDtotatoan tato Am. tottoto 818 tor«taaaioM li«,tW tor | naadaya and Thureday* Won 10 am . GMOary houn a n Watowtdtoa, Fd- OtTEAFAfTH — III I I tor daya and Oatordaya ta n 1 to 4 p m . and to , « tor i to 830 p t u Tueadiy*. Fridays aid at too Fbat otdto torn 48 y a rn aid, aato Saturdays tram 10 u i to 430 pjn.; Thuwdaya ta n 1 to 3 and 6 to 7 p m . baton ato ha May 0 to WOW an rita y 7 ■to IB and by appotoananL Tha Arti Quid It to NJPAC. tan • to 1030 10 yaaat and Stsidays ta n 1 to 330 pm The wr aiiM M o n gno ooiw iem e to tw Rnt BapM Church, Htft ta d . Stoat End Ptoot. For 170 Gtoi 8L to WaaMted. OonaOon la Intamtolon. etol (80S) 278-8231 or 88. For totom aBon. c a l (008) (808) 2786063. to a or (80S) 000-4761. MOLES a ll ape to aaanb to to t coming > V a r ie t y For tokwnaOon. cat (008) 232-8872 THE BACK PORCH In R ahu* aril o r vlait tha wabalta at present Open Mbs MtfN •'•'Y Tues­ ■ to 3 pm to day M 9 pm. ta adcMen, toe Mtetong mutoctona wto a p p ta to toa Back Toantodp. Ttatet art 010 tar | Porch to March; ■btoatoon and 814 to ri IHEAIER March 17: Mtofcua Madoaz For totoaatoliii. aafl (873) 701-1734 PAPER MLL PLAYHOUSE w8 oon- March 18: Tha Dooparizw i, 10 pm Inua Mi 1988-2000 season wtto to* March 24: M i Power. 9 pm. oonric la tte r "Daatobap^ by ba Larin March 25: Not in That Order. 10 pm to oonont March 31 at 8 p m at 81 now torau0t April 2. The Back Porch to loratort to 1606 M ata Eptoeapto Chwch, 140 8. ton- Evening parfonnanoaa are Wattaaa- Mato SI ta Rahway. For rto nwadon. Itf Am . In BMldno HMpk M daya toreutfi Snbit a ya to 8 pm , and cal (732) 388-7871. Sunitays to 730 pm . Mtotaaaa are CROSSROADS ta Garwood wto pre­ Thuredayt and Sundays to 2 pm ., and sent a antes of Jazz, triuaa and eom- 820 tor adtoto, aid 810 tor i Oaturdaya to 230 pm. The Paper Mb sdy oonoarto. ran t and abadM*. For totomatoon. Playhouse la locatod on Brooteids Croaercnd* la looalsd to 78 Norto cat (800) 368102a Drive ta MBbum. For Inkirmadon and Ava. to Garwood. For tatamtnlon. cal m o MMONAL, Yaa-Cortaa and . ctol (873) 376-4343; for (908) 233-8HS. of 20 or more, oad (973) EAT T O THE K A T Ocftaahculi ta t at 8m Union Goun* Arte Can­ 378-3638, wet 2438. RMlMf Mi k HM t e l M V IWNIM tototanlnto^ M*111 a g m a w f tor te RMwfy Apr! 8 to 9pm. Potato UMON COUNTY ARTS CENTER in ancaa during toa monto of March. are 82S. UCAC Is boated at 1601 tar- Rtoarny wfl present "Man of La Man­ Sunday: Groove Appaa a f . 8 pm. I1Q 9L, rw IM y. rOr fmmnOTOn, CM cha" torou^i March 26 at toa Art* Can­ March 26: Open Mfce NMri, 8 pm. (732) ■ tor, 1801 Inring SL, fishway. Show* are 6 p.m. Thuredayt, Fridays and Eat to the Bate Coffaahouta la e s t iv a l s Saturday*; 3 pm. on Sundays. Ticket* locatad to 1466 Irving SL ta Rahway at AM SUPPLY, proclaimed the ‘most suooeashi pop group of Iho 18808^ W m g - , F tha oomer of EaM Chany StraaL For RECORD* C* EXPOwRFtek* plaoa are S19 and $24. For totormalon, call maaazkis, w* appear in a aie-night'Only conceit st the Paper M E Playhouse In MKtum Sunday at toa Springltod Hetaqr ton, (732) 49*6828 or risk toa wabtota at toformalon, or to sign up for Open Tuesday. For Information, see the ‘Concert' listings on this page. Roula22watobcund.liom10Am.to4 www.ucac.org. Mfce N W . ctol (732) 381-0606. pm. Admiaaton la 16 taraduNa, 83 for Springleld Pubic Ubtary la locatod at located to 1670 Inring SL to Rahway. senior ctozan*; chldren yovtgsr toan 88 Motaitoto Am- Springtekl For For information, ctol (732) 381-7611. C u s s e s 12 year* old are attainted free. For toformteton, oto (973) 3784030. WESTFIELD YOUNG ARTISTS’ Information, call (906) 488-3303 or ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURE DETAIL - COOPERATIVE ato offers prctaatoen- a r VIETNAM: A PEOPLE AMO A WAR. (908) 925-9667. S OF ELIZABETH w i ba on totoRdt to to ctasaas to toa parfomring arts. ta k a by photogmphar Jay Ghering toa Freahoktare GaRary, taabatog toa Sndto. a ll ba on aahtrit In tha Fraahot- Baginnsrs, Intsrmadlata and work* of photographer Owen Kanzlar, Adrenoed AcRng claaaaa ato conoan- F il m dan S alary on tha toxto floor o» toa Monday thrombi April 20. trate on ImptovtaaRon, oharactar deva- UNION COUNTY ARTS CENTER to Union County Adrntoiatmtion Bulldrg -i------—a- t a i t a j Galary hour* are 9 Am. to S pm . lopmant and scans study. Areo offered Rahway oontfnuaa H» Flm Sana* Itn w g l I IMijl. throufh May. Uniat* otharwt** noted Tha r reahcldere Gallery i» coor- weekday*, and Thureday avanlng*. a re four tevets of tap and three level* of musical theater, which focuses on lor doubt* and trtpi* faaturaa, tickat* dtontodbny to t Union Coutaly Dhrieion Tha gatery i* locatod on tha 8to Door of song »elec#on and interpretation, are $3 for 1 p.m. acraantoga, 86 st 8 01 OuAuato and Haritaga Allaire. Qal- toa Union Couity Admlrritbtolon Buid- lary hour* are weekdays horn 9 a m to tog, Ellzabatotown Plaza to Rahway ensemble work, voice, and muafeto pm. toaatar movement and ttanoa. Private DM aartaa oonttouee wtth tha Idoar- 6 pm- Tha Adrntnlafctoion Bulking la Avenue, Elizabeth For information, call (908) 5682560. laaacna in votes andtor acting are tag aohaduta: , locatod to ERzatotohtown Plaza on • March 29: "Htohoook Turns 100* ftahway Avarua to downtown Eli­ Tha WstoAtod High School la Doubto FaaSur* — T o Catch a Thief" zabeth. For totormalon, cal (908) HOMAGE writ ba on exhibit to toa Lea locatod at 728 Westfield Ava., West- and 'Varilgo,' 7 pm., *7 tor beta dm* S582SS0. Matamut Ait Galary to Union, ahow- caaing toa work Jaannatta Chubatovs- field. For Information, call (908) • Apdl 12: ’BanHur," 1 and 8 pm. MJ HKJH SCHOOL 8TUOEKT ART ky and other artlat* assootoledwkh toa 233-3200. . ktay 8: “Leave 'Em Layering" SHOW wM ba on «Nbtt toroutfi Fri­ gallery, Saturday torou^i May 3. An Comer* Double F e a tu re -“A N orite day at tha du Crat School to Art. An UMON COUNTY TORAH CENTER toa Opm T and "Soma Uka k Hot," 7 opaning racaption Mi taka placa wS offer a Judtooa art mataUnrito opining recaption wN taka placa Fri­ Saturday from 2 to 4 pm. pm- 87 tar Into Sms courts Sundays toroudiAprl 9, from 4 UCAC Is located to 1601 taring SL In day from 7:30 to 9 pm. Galary hour* are Mondays, Tues­ to'S30 pm . Tha ooura* I* tor chRtban GaRary hour* a rt 9 am . to S pm. Rahway, ta r tatomtalon and raaarva- day* and Wactoaadaya from 10am . to batwaan to* age* of 9 and 12 ysan bonA c a l (732) 499-8226 or Iriak tw daily. Tha achoto la located to 1030 9 p.m.; and Fridays and Saturday* Cantrto Ava., PltonfWd For Informa­ old; to* coat la 6100 par chid and UCAC wabaNa to arerwucaorng. from 9 am. to 5 pm. Union Pubic Include* a l mat* rial* For totormalon, tion. call (90S) 767-7171. R U M A U RS SYMPOSIUM w l be Library I* located In Frfbergar Park on ctol (908) 780-5262. LARGE-PAINTING RETROSPEC­ Mont* Avanua, nsxt to Union Town wfXMwona py m r ib o w i * TIVE writ feature toa work to Frank Hall. For information, call (908) THE WESTFKLD "Y" w i 1* currently t i i Ixm m MoufMnaidt Mond>y CeruM In an exhibit to toa Member'* 861-5450. conducing classes to canjo box and avantagt, new torcuipi Match 27 and GaRary to tha New Jereey Cantor tor IdcAc, art appradaSon, and baNydano- April 3 toroughMayB.CoM la 8101 for Vleuto Art* in Summit through March tog. The * r I* toctoad to 220 Ctofk SL tort waste, 8184 tor toe MM2 weeks. 29. to WestlMd. For toformtofon, cal (908) For totoanadcn, ctol (800) 222-7719. GaRary hourt ar* Monday* to Fri­ A u d it io n s 233-2700. day*. 10 Am. to 4 p.m.; Thuredayt, 10 NEWARK BOVS CHORUS SCHOOL, am . to 4 pm., and 7 to 9 pm.; and a luly accradHad 4th- totoufh 8th- Kids Saturday* and Sunday*. 2 to 4 pm. greda acadsmic/chonri school, wW C o m e d y PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE to Min- CVA I* located at 68 BmSL to Summit oonduct autMorw for September 2000 CASUAL TIMES restaurant faaturaa bum aril prat ant a tariasot chkdran't anroRmarri. There are 16 oparringa for comedtans on Saturday*, to 8:30 p.m. ■hows every weekend In Aprl and For information, cal (90S) 273-9121 CLARINETIST RICHARD 8T0L1ZMAN wilt appear in 4th grada, Imbed apace In Sto grads. and 11 pm . May. PLEM AIR LANDSCAPES by Jared concert wtth his son, pianist Peter Stoltzman, Sunday Ctackner wto be on titfribri at to* Swato There are no resident requirements. Tha restaurant la locatad at 1086 April 1 and 2: “Ale* In Wonder­ For Information, ctol (973) 621-8900. Central Ava- Ctark. For information, land,’ ages 3 to 11 year* old; at S L Paul’s Episcopal Church in Westfield. For infor­ GaRerie* In Pttonlald torouth March mation, see the ‘Concert listing on this page. 29. NEW JERSEY YOUTH SYMPHONY ctol (908) 388*611. April 16 and 16: “Pater RabtoN,"

t ACCOUNTANT/BOOKKEEPER. 30 horn par waaa ConpuNr M ■ plus. Satory a ■unto — M b told — town. % to 97373M001 WW par — PC — — 1 Na a— — oa aapppS B jliia h . CM H W M M S W *. J J S S ’ B L f S S B S t f s S S S l ;

g p j g * a p h — r — s g g g g p B m t e m s Bud Bath A Beyond, an* & M man p— T u oau Houm ■aoi(io OMVBS WANTED hora KntoNngi raM ettofeto In tto oountry. • •3IQN-ON BONUS -PAID VACATION •HEALTH BBNBBTTB ORMER CCUB4ANT l a — Coaal to t m i M T I C M ------■V«lng to oaponto tccountng m b to Coato i— T a m aton M 2- l « $1000 ------maattiadarna— araddnglSO»atoraatooix STAFFING ASSIGNMENTS A HOME CARE al|n an Pa— tor — toncad ccnpanr ddir- curmnl 240* ovw to* ru n tv aa ym » r CAMP OOUNKLOM tor aum— — oar in , For a^wtanood drtMari and m r opm - h M * m t and c M M n o apportonatoa CASES IN MIDOLESEX AND UNION, COUNTY AREAS. SSJNGUAL SPANISH RE I haw al laaal ona year Mar w su toasuand, p a p oauMtoaa. acia% i » i For gnam m m S m , ■Mtobto tor m p m Irtoiwtod In josang ■ QUIRED FOR RNS ■auctorahmi— — tnO—Bb,— 1-ooo— s QRMpo. m m o— « oompany a— i la data ton and o/tora unMtod axparianoa and aaokoaiMr pail opportonNaa. A oompaUbva salary and oomprahanatoa b n i- ino, camping m A coRoatpp, M hvjii grawdi appoitotoaa \Wa Irnto you to conaidar roAsftMcte, dWM. MMfe. C M M 0I < B— dark Fut-bma poaBon mml— In eta I— ant 'VP Spactol P— Oa Acoountont Loon 0 — rtnanL Mum ba I F U L L T IM E •AIP Ejparaa Clark PTAFF ACCOUNTANT praoaaalna Cornu— Leant. i.e. Horn E— y. CHAO CARE. Lootong tor N a m * T< We era a group at waeMy nmmptf t m «d ti an offioa in Maplewood A/r rMOOncaMOOn mem i—ymm rvnnwn ruw rw wnt PiB Tkaa Auto— Panonnal Loam tor apprwal by Loan looking for ■ parson to work in our production department Primary duly •Aooounbno Ctorti Onto Unton happoabton aa— btoIn Roeeae OINoir, ptoaaant phone mamar, aocunto d a h ou nd— pap. bnmadWa— Sum— Jobo TtrtTim aNiphIDila Enhy Clerk Park oMoa Eieadenoa In Qananl aocounino Avatobto. To> Fma 1-077-Bk-A-Yott wM be to producB art woik, haRtafiBB and nagadvaB on our Camara. •Satoa Auto dark to apatol Onpnctol oMopr. Rapponatoto tor •Vandor RalaHona Rapraaantauva Experience helpful, but not raquind. Entry level poaMon. Benefit raooncBng. Qananl todpar and bank atobnant, CLHBCAL FULL ------Ima nbh- ban— tor n buay compuiar Ba— . Sand reaume and aatory UMOI . BANK wi^Mny, i— a plan. To auatoy tor any ol f a above mentioned requeemerCa to: HR. P.O. Baa 100, Roaaba k gan— o ib a aaak. • (973) 763-0700 potMom, you muat bo (M il ortarMd wlh Park, NJ 0720S.______a — aalary nmory or apply In parson Mono ooowmnkMon M k , h in aoma M ri F A » (— $ I to: Autobady OMttuIng Oompany. 72 Wooi- ormndyourimumto wfananca ond protomey wRh Eml wd AN HMH Now bonueaa A— Mat Up to 'R aalary — dnmama w« bo aay Street, Irvington, NJ 07111 Call — baaad a n — ona For Via VP 112.000 Entobnam Bo— tor I— sho ami- ! kVFAWH______973-373-7100, lax $73-3734203. pototone profctoney M l ASM00 la raquind ay. and tor a btotod Bna no— $1000 Io n Suooaa— ctrald— ntadtobaMgayorgan- pc— duly by $1 May 2000 (ma­ P.O. Box 1! BENCH TECHMCMN. Etockomc POS Syt — PLOTtoWT w m ets N .J. 07040 iaad and— toa n k Ind— nd— yJNaodara lama Part Tima Vary DM— houm Union T eaap /nre oumpaOSn atotoryandconprahanakn b madtoal and da— can. d you a n a MQb t Peatotobs partiagt To ba cot— In oonl achool grad, betareen 17-27. call Oreet Pay b I toraard — . todcaPng poaUon ol I 1400-423-U8AF tor bdon— on pa— or — BILLER Earn Up to $— par year Eaay to Bad Saak I Bay— . ABk AC wwm.abtoaot.com. AW FORCE.______m— - * - . r - i . r _ ■ j ^ j TEACHERS Utaarty Au— a. M en , Nj “ M XB b W fTM M b- « i w q pniMBOO. v randstad. AIR CONOrnONMG/Haadng Sontca.ln— - Comp— Raqubad Ns paa— a a— da— tOPPOP-0141 M t a— o m and H M n . Eapartanoa nacMMry. Yaar Can 733-981-1771 Would you like to make a difference? baBuoak Equal epportunBy amptoyar naiaaaary. FMbto ho— . Tton Budnaaa round. Qoodpay, bana f a. ale. Caj8prtng(Md Soaaont 1 100 OP 7703. arnanatan 4S4 733-9B1-9C19 Sylvan Learning Center is coming to Cranford. Haattrm 873-376-6000 or tax raauma BED BATH & 973-3765646 ______, We have immediate openings for full and part NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION BEYOND ANYONE GAN do Mai Ful flma mom or paraon time teachers at our new location. Sylvan Beyond Aar M 01 Mi Kind. FULLTIME provides diagnostic and prescriptive instruction to We are « group of weekly newtpapen with an office in students K-12. We emphasize bulking academic Maplewood looking for a person with peed t y p in g A 9 k You will compose ads from advertising layout*, build editorial pages skills and increasing self-esteem. Certification following page layouts. Along with all phases of the production mandatory. Positive attitude and a good rapport

Worrnll Community Newspapers is looking Newspaper publishing and Macintoah experience helpful, but not with students required. Fax resume or call: for experienced and aggressive salespeople requited. Benefit plan with paid holiday*. Call for an appointment. SYLVAN LEARNING CENTER (973) 763-0700 for outside and inside sales. Earning ortmifouhmmmto PHONE 9 0 8 .7 0 9 .0 3 0 3 potential commensurate with experience. FAX 9 7 3 .8 8 7 .3 9 3 4 Call for appointm ent (908) 686*7700 RO.B ok 1W . M gpl—ipo < N .J. 07040

A free press is the strength behind democracy.

Al Worrtll Community Newipiper*. reporters letm what it takes to become good reporter*. Why? Because Friendly Environment • Bonuses reporting for one or more of our weekly newspapers mean* becoming involved in the communities we serve. We are currently looking for energetic people to From news stories to features, from council coverage to police blotters, from community events to the Board of work evenings at oorunion office. Education, reporters are the eyes and ear* of all of our reader*. 6:00-9:00 pjn. Monday • Friday Worrtll Newspapers, which publishes 18 newspapers serving 26 towns, has openings for reporters in its Essex and Union County regions. If to market our 19 local pnbHcatkns. you think you have what it takes to be a reporter, send resume and clips to Editor Tom Canavan, P.O. Box 3109. Union, N.J., 07083, or fax to (908) 686-4169. Be part of a company whose mission is to preserve democracy. Wonall Newspapers it an equal opportunity employer. HOLLYWOOD LANDSCAPE A ffTO TlC U M C 6 CAPW4G

EXOTIC g SS b B A lOOHNQRORa rwotMbM dwnal POM) MMTAUATXM *dpo£yar40«on m i Tt» Cay ol SumndMi noar aooapdng appaca- 909-233-44W or (73-399-1200 Kelton 908-0861838 am a m n and an naad at 9ttot*nn (Rom J O E d c H a n SirviOM LOSEWBOHTIQalpaMI iona tar Ma poaMon ol School CnaaMg 3-9-10.23) wB dMaa ONE MAUON M a n batman 62 Quanta We ara "paiM ^to M ^aau raal Tha BMM Maohaa MAun to dMoam ttia hidh 0UTTB6LEADEW paopta 1 -*77474-9*00 Coda 9017 J. ZUZURO Lantoraptig Dealgn. Spang. Mt U laopanodi par atooal day torn appnxo tom anor M Mat. DECKS daan t o Matodi awtaMnanaa. traa la tita t. htai3W»*w.*t*n*a*mt*nn*l.opm______We oflsr BASIC BOLE STUOES FREE mataly 7 45am-8:30am and agdln at ALTEMTKMB7 MPA9M ThoraugtJydM mag — I f ■ FiS TMm ot Pan Tana CMC M you kaua a I • KITCHWSr ATTICS 973-7934079, 973-791-4110 3D0pm4:4ipm ad*i a dtoy pay dMaoiaBJI FMaaai An Inoanaraat *»aadayi pay Ml AVERAGE HOUSE $40480 ^.''twiwMwtaBira* QTgndioa967 tnaaMMapartada REMODELED R A C LAWOCAPMG — ------x MULCH, .TRUCK aroartancad a*h daatt' ad ha paid to to aaaa anour 1 ERICA KANE adut an you up to? Find oueCaa NO JOB TOO SMALL OR 1TOO LARGE 1 10*m-7pm. muat hava unit pntodadatoyaa* to* day baton and day abar 9094994999. a* 3290 Intoaoure* la a 24 H u t Mstos, I7M W 4 M 6 a s slMST-otta a 1400482-0119 hour a dn ltltphiw*innm**nn aarvtoa Calx ara try* ntodn tour local cadtag area CAHPETHfe MECHAM& TTW49PORT naktaaraiton. ax Urdorme and taking a n presided by Stemd Don R 4 S SEAMLESS GUTTERS. QuaNy Work At pwtanot — 1 Thdrmo Wng and Canto Muai Pokes Oapamnant AppacanM must bs at Mast A Raaaonabto Prtoa - Fraa Cdbnaraa ■ Colon nloata an* Naan itanto* Icanaa. Hoad 18 yaan ol agt pnxrtda max own kanaporta ROYAL LINOLEUM A RUG CO. Availabla - Drop OHa. Plaaaa call 9094994S97 or 732498-1459 aapkia Mual read. wrta and ton to disk poaM and mual ba capabM ol __ _ . Fax laauma ndh aatary working outaMs In al kinds ol waatwr MISCELLANEOUS Mabry Is: M am Ratogaradon Sarvroaa. Inc HEALTH * HTW8S SHADY I 909-689-0971 ______Apptcadona an avatabM al tia Sunmk Pokoa ) fWLLATKM * N an Flaw gtaaa nanoa. Sod. Stoubt. CMto Upa. RR TMa. DapartmanllocaMdatS12Spnng9aldAua Any DIASETtC? 09) you knot/ M Madtoara pays Mulch, Snow Removal Fully Inaurad MGCHAMC8 M E W Tranaport Raktgara- Randy Fw M B 99T9MTC. flBap at liana. to dtoballe Mating auppiw on Inauln or nor? tan. Mual liam aaoa9anl ntoktoUcM trdtadt quataoru mould ba dkaclad to U Robsn 9094(31921 O'Amhott Patrol Buraau al 909-277-9403 satatooSen Guanneadi free shippm g and b* wMng to Mam, Muat ha*a baalc band M r s a l e EOE.______VISA 90 M 6 44127 Cai TODAY: 1400443-7038 (Sorry no loot and daan drtuat% Icanaa Qrual oppor HMQia) (9CA NanaortO______U W H C A K ______krty k> l a n p r n M U to Mam tax SECRETARIES WANTED lor Union Mtoum i r UWCCTTV SATBXJTE SYSTEM Singh t I«I Mual Mad. aata •Mtam only S6B Dual eyelem avoiabio Aak FITNESS FORURTbadotMaangiuratoim OONORSTl SFICULST (FSI opMhatmology pradtoa PaopM aWa and pai- aiaartalnmaramarUaling aptoa 973-7»i-4747 ASSOdBLY AT HOME. Alto. crMia jawoiry 909-299-9008 PATIO* anca a muat AMky to jto^aMtoa. Mtapliona Alao. atortmnra. awing, typing in your apart and knowtadpt a PC la raqukad EaoaBart START YOUR oam buaknaal Sat your own Horn raary . banato and wort arxnronmart Lmnga- adtadUM CorMd yaw wto la m a . Sal tram lima QREAT PAY! No wftoripnoe naadad. W» POLISH CUSMMQ Sanioa: Houaaa. Apart- train CM 1-800-501-1060 axtonaion 3 (24 mane. OEcaa. Fkoa Ealknatoa, ExoMara R* lonaraa. Fax laauma: 973-9191971, abandon: your honw,« »«K tiratoh totoaMsra Ba a 5 COUNTY Rooang, OUMg, ■ M l houra) Cal 9734714212 batha 100% llaaaalng. Inaurad 14009*0-7961 or 1734(0-1922 TERRY HOW&L I SUMTER (SOUTH Camkna) Schod OMtod BABY QRANO PIANO, outotonding oondtoon, MEDICAL RECffTlONIST Ful ima expat mahogany CM atoh boot oMar, 873-3763461 lanoad tor N0i anargy CHrapractor In Waal TMo has 9m Mtoadng oparanp tor lha oomtm aamcEs ‘A John Ot AS No Job Too Orange. Monday. Wadnaaday. Friday. 200041 achod yaar FayctaotoalaM. An COMPLETE DMNG room tot Oonwh mod­ Camara taoili, Deon Haig. And Much FREE taTU S C T aocaaa I r a p i Pic Nat Cal John. 903411----- 9:00anv-1 :00pm and 3:00pm to 7:3Qpm Tuaa- EngtMh. Mato. Setanoa. SpadM EduoMMn. em 6 ctwra, banquet am tabia Seata 12 USA, Inc. www.pro-uaa nat or day 3:00pm lo 7:30pm, and Saturday 900am 10 Early Chktoood. EMmanwy. Mtoaa, toanto people China cioatt buttat $1200 1477-PRONET5 No AOa, no Popup vain- 1:00pm 9734994973.______906687-2526, avaringa______D OES YOUR HOUSE MOWNaarotAaT 31000 latocnaon bonua CM *034994900. doara, no apactal actonn. SW to Ma lawXrad MEDICARE RECIPIENTS ualng a NaPutoar aaMnaton 208 tamadaMly to to appfaBon CONTBfTS OF hair talon tor tale Cal 929 96______NEED A FACE-LIFT? all TYRES ot anA n an Machinal Slop paying hd price tor Atadanx. 973-661-0275 or 973^67-8999______I T KNOWLEDGE Nora Paraonal OompuMr aoMng our apacMto.QInom Kangaroo Man. Atrouant ale. SotuHona. Medcam <41 pay tor TELEPHONE OPERATOR MSokto ana oMca Trakitng Ona on Ona. In you homa or our CALL 973-238-2*63 mra Hep To r r 34 houra ttiam Wa bit Madtoaia tor you and ah* toacay tooMnp tor 1 MMphona Optrato to handM GATEWAY COMPUTERS Factory-diroct $0 Cnktakdoatoa Stale PC SMk. MlcroaotlTha 9734904379. Lloana* PM 00679. 10 your door MED-A-SAVE 1400094949 cuatomar aarvtoa tod racafdtontot dtoaa AMo down Portoum III 600 avaitobto Low montty paymonto Soma cradR probtoma ok! CM bv Intarnai. Chooat what you naad • 1 21V Indudaa Ight typing and aomt gtodnt oMoa .t o f t «A18. ______mrtc PMaaarl arwaonmart Fax naum* to January 21 at. tor fraa printer OMC Frank’s Paul's a a a eovns 1-600-477-9016, Coda PL03______Formally Ql Yato An NURSING PERSONNEL Fid or part Ima tor Otooa Manager 9734232907______THE OOMFUTW Tutor -BagtoMra a Spa Painting & Handyman SSarvlca HBddt PM 00177 buay Livingaton Padlatrlc oHica Call UaSy- TiaMkig twalMiMJn jha cammnltoiM ol HOLLYWOOO CEMETARY 2 Crypt* tor aato. Sm l Job ffpirMsl Loom 4 Lain 973492-6898______W HEN REPLYING maueotoum of Vw Good Shepard. 2 aide by DMtanra Mmmg OERCE ASSISTANT, cuatomar aarvtoa baaad aide $12,000, valued at $15,000 CALL NMM-77W tO A UMON COUNTY 973-603-0966.______Windom - OMoa ttoptocamant - Carpanky oRtoa arark. Iiaaiadtata opanlnga. Can CLAMFED BOX NUMBS) LADIES FULL 9Un Racooon Jacket, aize 6*10 YOUR AD oMM appaar ban to a t Ota at Fudy Inaurad Fn " SCHAEFER MOVING RaflabM. Vary ton 973-79B4110. 940am440pm______valued at $1,500. Secrtflce $500 Atooreverai- 118.00 (Mr anak. Cal tor mom datota Our mat, 2 how mtoknum, 8am* Rato* 7 Daya. BOX NUMBER------Iftonny lutdlad dapadnam amid ba happy Inaurad, Fraa EtOmttot Ue 9PM00SS1. Cai OFFICE ASSISTANT, part Ima. Groaang bto Raoooon ptooad aidn jacket Size 610; 908-241-3849 Anylkna MS464-1216 noma baaad pabic ratanona San. Somaoom- Worrall N —w s p s t $200 906272-3378. after 5 lo help you. Cal 14004944911. putor MSB naadad. FMxtoa hour. Short HBa a n a 9734794003 P .0 . Box 158 N J 07040

See PUZZLE on Pap. B7 WORK AT homo Irtamaltonal buakiaaa at- pwtong Pwl Ima 9600-31SOO par month. Fid YOUR AD CAN lima 12000-98000 Full training LA ^ 7324694990 TROPICAL FISH • PLANTS APPEAR HERE EMPLOYMENT WANTED •ACCESSORIES IN OUR AAA BRAZILIAN Ctaankig Sarvicat Rato- EXOTIC BIRDS AND REPTILES anoaa AvalabM CMan houaaa. olloaa. apart- manta, condoa Own tranaportatlon GR00MM G1 FULL SERVICE 9734964914______CLEMSNG WANTED. CoupM tooldng to PET DIRECTORY ctaankig poaMon Tidy, naporwtoM. good ra- Mrancaa. Own tranaportatlon Cal ua on CALL 9767669411 909499-1267______239M O R H R / EUROPA DOMESTICS. Hpuaakaapara. Nan­ | FOR INTRODUCTORY RATE I ny*, Eldar- Cara. From around l a world.. }37f-8e41 AppMoanta ara capabM and tltoroughy ' 10 OvarhS Road. OakhuraL NJ 732-403-0339.

* > S S T . . T S S lA'i.r.'-'M ':ai a .'.: r : i i i liki.ti.'.'3! -J ‘1'i.ui.V !' i l ': i, ! i i l i i. ‘ o*yu dISDR . I SODIRUyou. m SoM* Od SIMP pofSIMP wooK « Id &S your PLUMBMQ EROHJBM f KouOiO No Job too A ! QA 'll MAX SR. & PAUL PAUL & SR. MAX ' 1. ' i SCHOENWALDER C U- C£»»Mf^f B) IB A fM ff^ M » » £ tC V O S W -W iU g » E T A R O T T M g ^ F _ •»..* mmou aaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaa»»•» H M J I L U C j M E ija r m im A L L A T M AO no oooM w y R uw o «i « n ow runwc •um M t a f ♦*»?«■ f a t M •um I e ttli i l t t fe H B L M T B itnHwnl|lldnt wMwyoyy S u l ortIyyn —> way wtM oyyly. « «— k CSX out Tlx t Worrit Imyoyon n d l l ll| n w H iMton H M O K I J£ . ^ r I Z i l -•! F 8 E I 1 * J OR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER C A LL NOWII LL A C REGISTER TO AND INFORMATION MORE OR atr-C • r 4 B Ar • C - r t ai-j*a m *!.•*a W t a . it » M xa m m ->V; K r r r i . h nieHm uigPo Mkg ufygfrMorwProduct riw o Qutftyng for M kigl The aM Entire M Home M U * Buying Pnom 1 Union.. NJ S *ai'i* i ' i ~ a ‘* ! T— ' * “ * ! i t i . / I S I Itt a*. aika k i ia .u * a > m t IS**\rKKVB " II * i SI e i * . a t i ' a , t x » * a * r * * i i v i a i I - - t i TIME: 260 PLACE: DATES: i» v .v !•#. * a ,i.» ' CNonmo' mt. 0 »•.■»•* MCE TT CORPORATI 5 N IO T A R O P R O C T N E M P O L E V E D T IT N U M M O C t i I O ■ H i *-!.'■ a/. *-!.'■ i S L Ja m a s H ousing R sso u rc s Cantor Cantor s rc u sso R ousing H s a m Ja L S rawa t ita u S ay Broadw IK-> At-.ill Free IndMtol OnsOfrQue Cann ing«Put CwB Rsport CwB ing«Put OnsOfrQue Cann FreeIndMtol Ask For Lsuria R otortson otortson R Lsuria For Ask Our.

n wi by: ai la e t n n h : y b a a t iwiit a Und reshment wilb* ved e rv e n * b ill w ts n e m h s e fr e R t t i P •*»>• eim 8 T " -T t mourn: Ft% W w b b w WOORWOOpnRACTOR b s s Mn CM aking M M *C W m g a a M Mona Rodtoy s e a :.!, :.!, a e s MM. I r Workai o l 6:00pm0:00pmto oonoocuMvo (Five Mondays) Straol 11 MuBarry Episcopal Mooses ol Newark ol Mooses Episcopal April 10 thru May • thru 10 April 07102 Newark,New Jersey M IJJ.IlJ -ii.!.. IJJ.IlJ i r r w R . 1 . .1 ,* I a 00 ; : A A : ; «l: V, » s. i» 300 FMG -1. . | Ll.i.vr vi x b:.i . j . < v '< i i. , N ew ark, N J J N ark, ew N , ! . k S H A 973 '■s+f'*-vp-b ■ M - S NtpaM I f I poauMW Not - ISR 402*1056 402*1056 , . K. « 4 . 7 t ’■-*«« » « ■ l J a**' . K ■ / s a a if i aa* >- e a a ■ mm.f ■ m on _pondiiOonO i i d n o A_p * o « d . d d o Toon SBSSIR »otdmuo Odlorokooooimoto j»Nootldymourod 0 r > ear:.j . *«* : r 91V a e E* ! ■> s t i » r m .. O O t m ALTI C O O C » M L I« T L IA ' j Ml M M * « ■ • « . 07104 07104

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RWWldMulorpldo W tROW

m m GAGEAMERI A IC R E M A E G A TG R O M fltt n C D A ■ ? k M C D O O G w ✓ O T A U . CALLS ON . CALLS YOUR U ADVSmSNG A T O ✓ co tn n iitw iio n i to th a ir raalto re ta>t y s a r. r. a s y ta>t re raalto ir a th to i n iio iitw n tn co mvtmmlm. ay * a w w a t » a aaayw udyou k ic h e? ie p the f o piece a Bke u o y ould W 1 . % M O a M I oin Jo W * D<908) m$ -m 1 S )9 8 0 9 < lD u o C m k m C * c wii lw AVENGE,4IR R O O L F R I 4 , E G N E V A T N A S A E L P . T M ti P m w m i d u a w m Pm w m a iw t ST 7 1 7 M 2 M 7 9 ‘ E G N A R O T IS W m m m ib O— UQUr MMWirtdOMikio pago. Mtr. -Nealy Rood 2 o io dr yd lor tdlW I A t IM N n y S t t S y n N IM . A ...... on am m a R 3 1 Of l 3 M R »w Bii<«>aai Bii<«>aai »w R M 3 Of l 11 R A c a c i M n u m i A K ib E i

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