P>4 TD l/> fT» f\) r- c v -nj w —i 3*-«rNJ ►-CC 2 7L rr AUafotCtxmtypmdjmyMd* den mridmt Robert Zarinafcy on M a te hiiM iorM m rFgigeO to 41 ymm ago. Zarinsky ie already a rM fl a !«f COMMMMti Mid ConMy Proaeemar Zaimky it the tecoad penoa B be ck aq ria Berao- ftfc'steM . K b c o m b . Tad Settler, pU jalqr aria d a yam tdtor being (nested ia Settler Mid he won* t a t t y * dbae left at : for a 15-yew seaBnee at a ag o . H e was ! aid fatally, laid iareadaMon. S ettler it ty to his involvement ia .fte crime, itm ad ) incarctrased at Lacfcaanma Oomty Prfaoa ia was the one who had the faa at Fancy hrania, and will not be eeeneaeed aaeil he testifies Both Sapsa and Schtffer have said they aever spate Zarinsky about events sarrdhading (he Bemoskie shying for so The search continued last week ia the Rahway River for maty years because they were aftaid of Zarinsky the weapon med B kill Bemoakie. A gaa Zaruttky is serving a 98-year prism smMnee for the a k darin g t search in the riv er Heb. 29 m f tc to d f tn caliber 1969 murder of 17-year-old Rosemary ChimdrieUo of the of dte pm media the robbery. Bat state ead co tty dnven Atlantic Highlands, whose body was never recovered He were again teat with metal detectA into the shallow water has been supected in the mnrder of after ytiuag women in am Jackson's Falls is Clark to continue looking for die the area, hot no charges have been filed ramhy ttCnaO Elizabeth Bemoskie, Claries Bemoskie’s widow, Authorities have been unable so comment at this time if The Linden High School boys' basketball team won its first-ever state champion­ recently filed a civil lawsuit against Schiffer and Zarinsky the V e n n found an Feb. 29 was used to kill Bemoskie or ship Sunday, capturing the Group 4 crown. Linden defeated Bridgeweder-Rarkan for compensation for her husband's wrongful death. not The tests on the pm ate still ongoing 57-33, sparked by the play of, from left, Yaniv Cohen, AS Badawy. Jamaal Tale, Bemoskie was investigating s break-in at the Miller The normal statute of limitations fix- such a lawsuit may Dan DefvaSe ana Ronald Green. Next to them is head coach Phd Coficchio, hold­ Poaiiac-CttlK car deafatship on S t Georges Avenue on not apply in this case since Mrs. Bemoskie <hd not know ing his son Thomas. See ackStional coverage on Pages 10 and 11. Nov. 28. 1958. He csdimged gunfire with the suspects, the identity of her husband's suspected killer for 41 yean. Scouts receive re By W. Star Writer Approximately 600 scouts, leaden a tt family members from Roselle and Rmefle Park came B watch 61 of fteir own receive reBgfcm awards on Girl Scout Sunday M the Church of AwnMpiimi in Rojfce Pmk Keynote speaker Row paused from the ptaBuM dat ii the 40 scout troops - HCTnyA ^|L --f:8||am n a- - “I have been with the Girl Scorn's W ashington Rock C ouncil fo r ov er 20 years is a leader and an adult trainer,” said Norrish. “What keeps me involved with tbe scoots are the opportunities in seeing girts develop from Brownies into adults." Norrish, of Roselle Putt, went on so liken the family of Girl Scows as interconnected as thumb and fingers to the hand. She described how Juliet - tte Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts of America 88 years to the day. When Norrish finished her remarks, several adults stationed themselves by the altar rail. The lead­ ers and Deacon Vincent Belhitcio of RoaeUe'i S t Joeeph The Cerpewer proceeded B give out 11 categ o ries o f religious nwarib to tbe scouts. Wayne B facttf. leader of Roselle Boy Scout Thoop 49. also Hwvded it tbe crowd while his daughter Barbari received her award. “This is a great turnout." said Bis- choff. “The Boy laid Girl scouts of both towns share community service and fundraising activities." Girl Scout troops in both boroughs Gifl Scout Kate Bundy, 10, stacks baby concluded their respective Baby Bun Cbiego Community Cantor in Rosafe Park Saturday. dim community service campaign Tbe Gki Scouto mam oaPacflng and aaaamblng ‘Baby Saturday Roselle Park's scouts Bundtos* tor dtoMMamto boat abaters. Tbs evant, braved 4 k nimwtm and coBecend and toe GW Scout Sunday obB apanog a t the Church of infant-related goods door-to-door tie Aasumpton nattdoor, Mgraightod a big weekend whrie Roadie picked ap similar items tor the Rosate-Rosele Park groups. from rtriignwnd drop boxes. The pro­ Belluscio and attending guest Jean boroughs. They include Roselle's ceeds, rcgwdlnt of proceedure, are Keenan, are founding and current Heard AME and St. Lake's Episcopal being distributed to family-oriented members of tbe Roselle-Roselle Park cburcbes and the Community United shelters and charities in Elizabeth, Interfaith Council. Methodist Church of RoaeUe Part Newark and Roselle. The ceremony, which included a “We took the scout troops under Low founded the GSA and largely reading of essays by and a rcdeftca- our wing and started the first Girl modeled it oa the self-sufficiency Don of scouts, held s special award at Scout Sunday 14 years ago." said Gerbounka criticizes budget principals of the Boy Scouts of the end for Belluacw She received an Marilyn Belluscio. “Just being here By Brim Camay America. Both organizations give out Eliz*edi Seaton Award for her reh- While d » city has leapt $3 ntiKoo not be potting more expenses into it,” shows that scouting is strong and merit badges or awards after accom­ giow service ia the scouts, h was m in empties in past budgets, this prop- he etamd. “In fact, the-prudent growing." Linden Cky ' teadfag plan is Reduced to approach would be to Hart moving plishing particular skills. honor she knew she was in fine fory Getbomfta lanawud bis spprnrltneeely $736,000, according to sxpcnsea out o f the landfill budget Both boroughs’ troops are part of The council routes the service only the day before while at Newark's this week to the propoaed municipal (be 10th Ward coundtinea gradually into our municipal budget" the WmhiagBn Rock GSA Council, among four churches between tbe Sacred Heat Basilica. budget for 2000, complaining the an which coven 22 other Union, Mid Mayor John Gregorio defended the While he voted to introduce tbe excessive unoaot of surplus is being f dleaex and Somerset county towns budget, saying that then ia money in budget in Febtuery, Gerbounka raised' The hey difference in tbe religious used. other areas to cover unanticipated similar complainti at the meeting. Tbe Although be will not be able So award* ia that girls explore fteir faith expenses, such as the $5 miltioo use of this creative budgeting could Six running for board attend (be hewing Monday on the per- within fteir particular religion, said received from the sale of Linden cause a problem in future budgets if By Brian Canary poeed $58.8-million budget, Oer- Roselle Part Troop 841 and 386 lead­ Municipal Akport property to a deve­ all tbe propoaed businesses are not bounka Mated in a letter to tide newe- er Debie Maroai A quick review of loper for a proposed shopping center. built and added to the city's tax ret­ Raymond Topoletki of Ingalls Avenue is one of the six candidates paper this week that be would oppose the ceremony's program displayed Gregorio was pleated the proposed ables, he added. competing for tbe three available seats on the Linden Board of Education its adoption. representation from Roman Catholic budget contains no tax hike for a third Tbe public will elect three board members to three-year terms and vote “Although this budget bat no mun­ Tbe iwenietpat tax rate will remain and rrmrilM l denominations plus straight year. on the school budget on April 18. icipal ux increase, I have serious at SO. 80 p ar S10D o f assessed property Islam and Hinduism He will compete with challengers Wanda Carter, Karl Reiff and reservations on how it wia achieved Gerbounka also criticized the trans­ value. The avenge linden homeow­ “It B ok I COBpif' o f m onths in tak­ incumbents Rebecca KennsTadoli, William Motley and Alvin Coplan. and, if in attendance, I would vote fer of salaries of six sanitation track ner, with property assessed at ing the comae,’' said Roselle Park Topoieski has Uved in Linden for 27 years and is a first-time board no," eaid Gerbounka. drivers from the municipal budget 8137,500, will continue to pay $1,100 Shannon McGUhs. “The course is r.ndidsw He sod his wife, Alice, have two children. The youngest is a “Had it not been for the fact that we into the landfill budget to reduce in municipal taxes, takl Chief Finan­ about religion and the church." senior at Linden High School. significantly reduced our euiplut end expenditures. cial Officer Joeeph Sutiga. Shannon and younger sister, Topoleski is a technology teacher at a junior high school in East Bnms- shifted salaries out of our municipal “Since considerable sums of money A hearing will be Monday at 7 p m Devon, received their awards while wick. He attended high school in Newaik and has a bachelor's degree in budget, we would have had a sizeable are being drawn from this budget to daring the council meeting at City their mother, Joanne, and Roselle ______________________________ See SIX.
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