A J C Developpement

APPPOVED by President of NNEGS “Energoatom” Yuriy O.NEDASHKOVSKY on February 24, 2015

Stakeholder Engagement Plan


Type of Serial Project Originator Task Rev Lang document number C C S U P P M U E _ P R _ A C P 0 0 1 0 0 EN

Name Date Signature

Ludvig Litvinsky 19/11/2014 Author Viktoriya Malyarchuk 19/11/2014

Ilona Zayets __/__/2014 Reviewer Alexander Nemtsov __/__/2014 Sergei Pavlovskij __/__/2014

Gennady Sazonov __/__/2014 Approver Michel Levy __/__/2014

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Table of content 1 Introduction ...... 4 1.1 Definitions and acronyms ...... 4 1.1.1 Definitions ...... 4 1.1.2 Acronyms ...... 4 1.2 Initial information on CCSUP ...... 5 1.2.1 Place of CCSUP implementation and potential impact territories ...... 5 1.2.2 CCSUP background, goal, tasks and progress ...... 6 1.3 Summary of implemented actions on CCSUP public discussion ...... 7 2 Goal and scope of SEP ...... 9 3 Order and procedures of information disclosure and stakeholder engagement ...... 10 3.1 Requirements and recommendations regarding information disclosure and Project public discussions ...... 10 3.1.1 Legislation ...... 10 3.1.2 Other applicable requirements and recommendations ...... 11 3.2 Stakeholder assessment ...... 11 3.2.1 Preliminary Stakeholder Lists ...... 12 3.2.2 Putting on actual lists ...... 13 3.3 Publishing information ...... 13 3.3.1 Energoatom and NPPs official web-sites ...... 14 3.3.2 Pages of Energoatom in social networks ...... 14 3.3.3 TV and radio ...... 14 3.3.4 Telephone answering machine ...... 14 3.3.5 E-mail distribution on subscriber requests ...... 15 3.3.6 Mailing on inquiries ...... 15 3.3.7 Energoatom and NPPs informational centers ...... 15 3.3.8 Other non-electronic communication channels ...... 15 3.4 Receiving and processing inquiries, questions and comments ...... 16 3.5 Receiving and processing requests for information ...... 16 3.6 Public meetings ...... 16 3.7 Grievance processing ...... 17 4 SEP actions schedule ...... 19 5 Contacts ...... 27

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5.1 Energoatom ...... 27 5.2 Zaporizhzhia NPP ...... 27 5.3 Rivne NPP ...... 27 5.4 Kmelnystka NPP ...... 28 5.5 South-Ukraine NPP ...... 28 6 Appendixes ...... 29 6.1 Engagement preliminary lists ...... 29 6.1.1 List of international institutions and organizations ...... 29 6.1.2 List of national/governmental institutions ...... 30 6.1.3 List of non-governmental organizations and individuals ...... 36 6.1.4 List of mass-media ...... 44 6.2 Recommended form of request to be included into actual lists ...... 46 6.3 Recommended form of inquiries, questions and comments regarding CCSUP implementation, including social and environmental aspects ...... 47 6.4 Recommended form of request for information...... 48 6.5 Recommended form of grievances ...... 49

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1 Introduction Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) was elaborated by Energoatom with the aim to engage parties interested in the implementation of Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants (CCSUP) SEP not necessarily reflects the position of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and European Atomic Energy Community - (Euratom).

This document was prepared with the support of the experts of PMU Consultant - consortium of the companies AJC Developpement and EDF (France).

This document was elaborated to replace the document Stakeholder Engagement Plan, Energoatom, Kyiv, 2011.

1.1 Definitions and acronyms 1.1.1 Definitions State Enterprise National Nuclear Energy Generating Company Energoatom Energoatom International Financial Institutions (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - EBRD, European Atomic Lenders Energy Community - Euratom), engaged in the financing of the Project International Consultant for implementation of the Project which PMU Consultant was selected by Energoatom in accordance with EBRD procedures. Implementation of Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Project Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants (CCSUP) All 4 sites of ZNPP, RNPP, SU NPP and KhNPP and all attached Sites facilities and territories where the Project and/or ESAP will be implemented.

1.1.2 Acronyms CCSUP Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants EA Environmental Assessment EBRD European Bank of Reconstruction and Development EC European Commission ESAP Environment and Social Action Plan Euratom European Atomic Energy Community IFI International Financial Institutions KhNPP Khmelnytska Nuclear Power Plant NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations NPP Nuclear Power Plant NRS Nuclear and Radiation Safety RNPP Rivne Nuclear Power Plant

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RW Radioactive Waste SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan SIP Stakeholders interested in the Project SNRIU State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine SOI State Organizations and Institutions SU NPP South-Ukraine NPP SWIP Stakeholders with the impact from the Project ZNPP Zapozizhzhia NPP

1.2 Initial information on CCSUP 1.2.1 Place of CCSUP implementation and potential impact territories CCSUP measures are implemented on the sites of all four operating NPPs of Ukraine (figure 1): - Zaporizhzhya NPP (Zaporizhzhya oblast, Kam'ianka-Dniprovsky rayon, near Kakhovka reservoir, satellite city - Energodar, around 380 000 people live within the observation zone); - Rivne NPP (Rivne oblast, Volodymyretsky rayon, near river Styr, satellite city - Kuznetsovsk, around 130 000 people live within the observation zone); - Khmelnytska NPP (Khmelnytska oblast, Slavutsky rayon, near river Horyn, satellite city - Netyshyn, around 196 000 people live within the observation zone); - South-Ukraine NPP (Mykolaivska oblast, Arbuzynsky rayon, near river Southern Bug, satellite city - Yuzhnoukrainsk, around 143 000 people live within the observation zone);

Figure 1 - Map of Ukraine NPPs location

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1.2.2 CCSUP background, goal, tasks and progress At the end of 80s - beginning of 90s of the last century a number of program documents in the Ukraine NPPs safety upgrade were elaborated and the basic whereof were: - Consolidated measures in safety upgrade of the existing power units with the reactors VVER and RMBK of 1988 and 1990; - Safety Upgrade Package of NPPs with reactors VVER-1000, 440 of 1994; - Program of primary works in safety upgrade of NPPs with reactors VVER-1000, VVER-440 of 1994;

On 20th of December 1995 Ukrainian Government, governments of the G7 countries and the European Commission (EC) signed the Memorandum of Understanding in regard to the program of closing Chernobyl NPP (MoU-1995). Nuclear safety of the existing NPPs was defined as one of the four spheres, the work whereof was stipulated by the MoU-1995. On 17th of December 1997 Ukraine ratified Convention on Nuclear Safety. Hereafter the following program documents in further Ukraine NPPs safety upgrade were elaborated and implemented: - Consolidation of safety upgrade measures of existing Ukraine nuclear power units with reactors VVER-1000 (320), 1999; - Program of Ukraine nuclear power units safety upgrade primary measures, 1999; - Complex program of nuclear power units modernization and safety upgrade, 2002; - Concept of operating nuclear power units safety upgrade, 2005; - Program of modernization and safety upgrade of nuclear power units with reactors VVER-1000 (V-320), part 2 (KNPP-2) and part 3 (RNPP-4), 2004. Implementation of the last program at KNPP-2, RNPP-4 was financed through international loans of EBRD and Euratom in line with MoU and was successfully completed in 2010. On 1st of December 2005 the Memorandum of Understanding on co-operation in the field of energy between the European Union and Ukraine (MoU-2005) was signed, which, in particular, includes the road map "Nuclear Safety".

For future safety upgrade of the operating power units, in 2011 Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants (CCSUP) was elaborated. The aim of CCSUP is to implement the long-term state strategies of nuclear power units safety upgrade in order to: - Eliminate design inconsistencies of operating NPPs with modern national nuclear and radiation safety (NRS) regulations, rules and standards or decrease the impact of these inconsistencies on safety through the implementation of compensate measures; - Fulfil recommendations of IAEA, Riskaudit and other international institutions in regard to Ukraine NPPs safety upgrade; - Fulfil obligations in implementation of "Safety Upgrade Package" ("upgrade package") in line with the Agreement on financing between the Government of Ukraine and EU of 10.05.2011; - At all operating power units achieve the safety level which meets international requirements.

CCSUP was elaborated based on the requirements: - safety upgrade of NPPs operation in normal operation as well as in emergencies;

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- conformity with the safety philosophy and concept and other initial design bases of operating NPPs.

Set of CCSUP measures was defined based on the: - requirements of the Ukrainian NRS regulations, rules and standards; - recommendations of IAEA, Risaudit and other international institutions in regard to Ukraine NPPs safety upgrade; - results of safety analysis; - requirements/requests of national state regulatory and supervisory bodies; - accumulated operational experience (return of experience from NPPs). In particular, CCSUP took into account all recommendations, made in the final report of the joint project of EC, IAEA and Ukraine (IAEA report of February 2010, Agreement between IAEA and EC 2007/45268) in accordance with the road map "Nuclear Safety" MoU-2005. According to the results of the review of the Fukushima NPP accident, CCSUP was revised and amended.

CCSUP was approved though the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №1270 of 07.12.2011 and is being implemented since the beginning of 2012. Consolidated CCSUP measures, their list according to the power unit types, as well as the cards for each CCSUP measure are published on the official web-site of Energoatom in the language of the original. http://www.energoatom.kiev.ua/ua/actvts/integrated_security_program/

Financing of CCSUP measures is foreseen through own funds of Energoatom, loan proceeds of EBRD, Euratom and other banks. Loan Agreement with EBRD and Euratom was signed on 25.03.2013 and on 31.07.2013 accordingly. Guarantee Agreement (Ukraine: Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants) between Ukraine and EBRD was ratified on 15.05.2014.

CCSUP foresees safety upgrade of operating power units of existing NPPs without any additional construction, capacity increase or service life extension. Herewith the implementation of all foreseen CCSUP safety upgrade measures at each power unit, service life whereof is planned to be extended, is one of the initial requirements of the State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine (SNRIU) for the review of this issue and for taking an appropriate decision.

In accordance with the EBRD environmental and social policy aimed at the assurance of the sustainable social development (Environmental and Social Policy, EBRD, May 2008), Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) was elaborated as a part of the Loan Agreement of 25.03.2013, which will be performed by Energoatom along the whole CCSUP implementation. Non-technical ESAP summary is published on the official web-site of Energoatom. 1.3 Summary of implemented actions on CCSUP public discussion With the objective to meet the requirements for environmental protection and ecological safety, prior to CCSUP approval its Environmental Assessment (EA) was performed. EA was prepared in line with the national legislation and international conventions, ratified by Ukraine, as well as in accordance with the best international environmental and social principals in regard to the projects financed by international financial institutions (including the requirements of EBRD and EU). Since CCSUP relates to the operating nuclear power units only, EA did not fully conformed with the requirements of the state construction

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CCSUP-PMU-E_PR_-ACP-001-00 Rev 00 regulations regarding the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for new facilities. Consequently, CCSUP EA process was regulated by normative documents, elaborated purposely for this case - SOU NAEK 004:2011 "Environmental Assessment of power units of nuclear power plants. General requirements for composition and content of the assessment materials".

Prior to EA implementation, in line with the best international environmental and social principals, 4 basic phases of CCSUP public discussion were defined: - Phase 0 - disclosure of the Statement of Intent regarding the Safety Upgrade Program; - Phase 1 - consultations on the scopes of works in EA; - Phase 2 - public consultations regarding the EA Report; - Phase 3 - explanation of CCSUP measures implementation process and disclosure of its results, including ecological aspects.

Statement of Intent was approved by the local government authorities and regional offices of state safety regulation in line with the requirements of the Ukrainian legislation for the projects with potential environmental and social consequences and it was published on 08.10.2010.

CCSUP Environmental Assessment, including the actions on CCSUP public discussion at the Phases 1,2 was performed during 2011 by the company "Poyry" (France) with the support of the companies UTsEVP and "AESKAR" (Ukraine). In accordance with the EA conclusions, the expected short- and long-term impact of CCSUP on the environment, social and man-made environment in the local as well as in the transboundary context is forecast as positive thanks to the implementation of actions in the reduction of risks and mitigation of consequences of potential accidents at NPPs.

Actions in public discussion at the Phases 1,2 included, in particular: - informing the stakeholders and holding the meetings in scopes of works with the key stakeholders in Kyiv and in 4 NPP satellite cities; - the elaboration according to the results of meetings in scopes of works and the disclosure of the Report on defining the scopes of works (02.05.2011 р.) and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) (02.06.2011 р.); - disclosure of the draft EA reporting documents; Environmental Assessment Report; Report summary meant for the wide audience and Environmental Assessment Report; Main Report; - informing the stakeholders, providing the possibility to get acquainted with the draft EA reporting documents, collecting questions, proposals and comments from the public. - meetings with the public regarding the CCSUP EA in Kyiv and in 4 NPP satellite cities; - systematization of questions, proposals and comments of stakeholders, received at the meetings with the public, by post, by e-mail and via public liaison offices, preparation of detail answers to them in the form of the Book of questions-answers regarding CCSUP and CCSUP EA and its disclosure; - disclosure of EA reporting documents: Public Consultation Report (05.10.2001 р.) and Environmental Assessment Report. Main Report (31.01.2012 р.); - disclosure of the Statement on Environmental Consequences of CCSUP implementation

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Statements, SEP, the standard SOU NAEK 004:2011 and the listed reporting materials are available on the official web-site of Energoatom: http://www.energoatom.kiev.ua/ua/actvts/integrated_security_program/

2 Goal and scope of SEP Stakeholder Engagement process is an integral part of assessment, control and monitoring to control the environmental and social processes, related to the investment projects of Energoatom. It’s a continuous process which includes: - disclosure of necessary information to ensure meaningful consultations with stakeholders; - meaningful consultations with the parties which have or may potentially have an impact, and other stakeholders; - implementation of policy and use of procedures, in accordance whereof the stakeholders can express their comments or submit grievances. - The goal of this SEP is to establish and to maintain constructive long-term relations with persons both domestically and abroad, which have or may potentially have impact from CCSUP implementation, and with other stakeholders regarding the CCSUP implementation, including environmental and social aspects, in line with the provisions of international conventions, ratified by Ukraine, in particular, Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention), Convention of Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention), requirements of national legislation, recommendations of international financial institutions, involved in financing of the Project (EBRD, Euratom), and the best international practice.

According to the mentioned goal, this SEP shall define: - the order and procedures of stakeholder engagement for meaningful consultations, as well as preliminary stakeholder lists; - schedule of actions in public discussion of CCSUP implementation, including environmental and social aspects; - contact information of Energoatom; - frameworks to submit and review questions, remarks, comments and grievances regarding CCSUP implementation, including environmental aspects.

This document shall regulate the activity in stakeholder engagement for the whole period until the completion of CCSUP implementation. Other documents, important for SEP implementation, are the following: - Environmental Assessment (EA) Report. Main report. Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants: Environmental Assessment, Energoatom, Kyiv, 2012 (the next EA and the elaboration of the respective EA Report will be performed in 2016); - Non-technical summary of the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), Energoatom, Kyiv, 2014 (is subject to elaboration and publication); - Book of questions-answers regarding CCSUP implementation, including environmental and social aspects, Energoatom, Kyiv, 2011 (is subject to a quarterly update).

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3 Order and procedures of information disclosure and stakeholder engagement 3.1 Requirements and recommendations regarding information disclosure and Project public discussions 3.1.1 Legislation Public discussion of social and/or environmental important investment projects in the sphere of nuclear power use shall be regulated by: international conventions, ratified by Ukraine, in particular: - Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention), ratified by the Law of Ukraine N 534-XIV of 19.04.1999; - Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention), ratified by the Law of Ukraine N 832-XIV of 06.07.1999, - The Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management (The Joint Convention), ratified by the Law of Ukraine N 1688-III of 20.04.2000 and others10; Ukrainian laws, in particular: - Law of Ukraine "On Environment Protection", № 1264-XII of 25.07.1991; - Law of Ukraine "On Information", № 2657-XII of 02.10.1992; - Law of Ukraine "On the Use of Nuclear Power and Radiation Safety", №39/ 95-ВР of 08.02.1995; - Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Expert Assessment", № 95-XII of 02.10.1992; - Law of Ukraine "On Radioactive Waste Management", №255/ 95-ВР of 30.07.1995; - Law of Ukraine "On Local Government in Ukraine", № 280/97-ВР of 21.05.1997; - Law of Ukraine "On Protection of a Person From the Impact of Ionizing Radiation", №15/ 98-ВР of 14.01.1998; - Law of Ukraine "On procedure of Decision-Making on Location, Design, Construction of Nuclear Installations and Radioactive Waste Management Facilities of National Significance", № 2861-IV of 08.09.2005; - Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information" № 2939-VI of 13.01.2011 and others; Legislation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, in particular: - Resolution of the CoM of Ukraine "On Approval of the Procedure to Hold Public Hearings in Nuclear Power Use and Radiation Safety", №1122 of 18.07.1998; - Resolution of the CoM of Ukraine "On Assurance of the Public Participation in State Policy Development and Implementation", № 996 of 03.11.2010; - Resolution of the CoM of Ukraine "On Approval of the Procedure to Involve the Public into Discussion of the Issues Regarding Decision-Making, Which May Have Impact on the Environment", № 771 of 29.06.2011 and others. Regulations and rules, issues by the state bodies of safety regulation and supervision and state administration bodies, in particular: - NP 306.2.141-2008 General provisions of nuclear power plants safety, approved by the SNRIU Order №162 of19.11.2007; - DBN А.2.2-1-2003 Composition and the content of materials of Environmental Impact Assessment (IAE) during design and construction of enterprises, buildings and

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facilities, approved by the Order of Derzhbud of Ukraine (State Construction Agency) № 214 of 15.12.2003 and others.

3.1.2 Other applicable requirements and recommendations During preparation of this SEP regarding disclosure of information and public discussion of CCSUP implementation, including environmental and social aspects, the requirements and recommendations were taken into account, which are defined in the following documents: - Council Directive 85/337/EEC 27 June 1985 (as amended by Directive 97/11/EC of 3 March 1997 on Environmental Impact); - Council Directive 2001/42/EC June 2001 on Strategic Environmental Assessment; - ISBN 92–0–402506–9 Handbook on Nuclear Law, IAEA, Vienna, 2006; - Environmental and Social Policy, EBRD, May 2008; - Stakeholder Engagement Plan, Energoatom, Kyiv 2011; - Environmental Assessment Report; Main Report. Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants: Environmental Assessment, Energoatom, Kyiv 2012; - Environmental and Social Action Plan (as a part of the Loan Agreement between EBRD and Energoatom of 25.03.2013) and others.

3.2 Stakeholder assessment During implementation of EA (see par.1.3) persons, groups or communities were defined (see Fig.2): - which have or may potentially have impact from the Project (SWIP); - which are interested in the Project (SIP)

SWIP include: - personnel of Energoatom and 4 NPPs and personnel of Energoatom contractors which perform works on sites; - population of NPPs satellite cities; - population of settlements within the observation zones of 4 NPPs. Indicated SWIP shall be presented personally as well through local government bodies, state administrative authorities, trade unions and other non-governmental organizations or institutions. Among the population of satellite cities and settlements in NPPs neighbourhood, separately the vulnerable populations shall be considered– persons with disabilities, elderly people, people with low income etc.

SIP include: - central and regional administrative authorities of safety control, regulation and observation; - international institutions and organizations, in particular, financial institutions which participate in the Project funding; - all domestic and foreign stakeholders, presented personally as well as through local government bodies or non-governmental organizations or institutions, except for those which belong to the group SWIP; - mass media or their individual representatives; - other interested national/state organizations and institutions.

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Figure 2 – General structure of the defined stakeholders

For the tasks of recording and information exchange, all stakeholders (SWIP and SIP), whose contact information is available, are tentatively divided into 4 categories. A separate list shall be comprised for each category: - international institutions and organizations (IIO), including international financial institutions; - state bodies, local government bodies and other interested national/state organizations and institutions (SOI); - national and foreign non-governmental organizations (NGO) and individuals;

Formation of the stakeholder lists shall be performed in 2 stages:  preparation of preliminary stakeholder lists;  replenishment and keeping of lists up to date,

Actual lists are published on the official web-site of Energoatom (http://www.energoatom.kiev.ua/ua/actvts/integrated_security_program/).

3.2.1 Preliminary Stakeholder Lists Preliminary stakeholder lists are prepared according to the results of the previous activity in stakeholder engagement in regard to CCSUP (see par.1.3) and the public discussion of other

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CCSUP-PMU-E_PR_-ACP-001-00 Rev 00 investment projects of Energoatom, as well as the current contracts, which are supported by the External Communication Information Centre of Energoatom and Information Centres of 4 NPPs.

Preliminary lists for stakeholder categories mentioned in par.3.2 are given in Appendixes 6.1.1-6.1.4.

3.2.2 Putting on actual lists Putting stakeholders (institutions/organizations/individuals) on the appropriate actual stakeholder list shall be performed without any restrictions under the written statement with the signature of an authorized person: - sent by mail, fax and e-mail or submitted personally to one of the information centres of Energoatom or NPPs; - drawn up during holding any public discussion (see.par.3.6) or briefings for mass media.

Recommended form of the statement for putting on actual lists is given in Appendix 6.2. The word file is here. The mandatory condition for systematic sending of information messages and materials to the e-mail addresses of stakeholders without any additional request from them shall be a certain note in the statement.

Availability of a specific institution / organization / individual in the stakeholder list shall not oblige it to any responsibilities in regard to the mandatory participation in public discussions. At the same time its absence in the stakeholder list shall by no means limit its possibility to participate in any public discussion activities or receipt of information.

Extraction of stakeholders from the actual list shall be performed: - according to a written statement, prepared in a free form, with the signature of an authorized person, sent by post, fax or e-mail or submitted personally; - in case if a stakeholder did not participate in any of public discussion activities for more than 5 years if there is no statement confirmation from this stakeholder.

Actual stakeholder lists shall be published on official web-sites of Energoatom and NPPs and updated annually at the beginning of the year or more often - if necessary.

3.3 Publishing information SEP foresees the following channels of publishing information: - publishing information messages and materials on the official web-sites of Energoatom and 4 NPPs; - distribution of information messages via web-pages of Energoatom in social networks; - information massages, theme programs, interviews and broadcasting on local, regional and national TV- and radio channels, - publishing information messages, theme articles and interviews in printed mass media; - updated information messages on telephone answering machines; - distribution of information messages and materials by e-mail;

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- distribution of printed copies of information materials under stakeholders' request in cases and in the manner, prescribed by the law; - distribution of information messages and materials through the External Communication Information Centre of Energoatom and Information Centers of 4 NPPs; - distribution of information messages and materials via other non-electronic information channels.

3.3.1 Energoatom and NPPs official web-sites All information messages and materials, without any exception, in regard to CCSUP implementation, including social and environmental aspects regarding public discussion, and other messages and materials which are subject to disclosure shall be published on official web-sites of Energoatom and NPPs. Theme programs, interviews and broadcasting on local, regional and national TV- and radio channels, theme articles and interviews in printed mass media, as well as materials sent by mail under the stakeholders' request in cases and in the manner, prescribed by the law, shall not necessarily be duplicated on official web-sites.

Addresses of official web-sites of Energoatom and NPPs are given in par.5. 3.3.2 Pages of Energoatom in social networks On the web-pages of Energoatom in social networks Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Slideshare and others, information messages and materials are posted regarding the CCSUP implementation, including social and environmental aspects as for public discussion, and other messages which are subject to disclosure. Information messages and materials, posted on official web-sites of Energoatom and NPPs or distributed by e-mail, theme programs, interviews and broadcasting of local, regional and national TV- and radio channels, theme articles and interviews in printed mass media, as well as materials which are sent by post under stakeholders’ request in cases and in the manner prescribed by the law, are not subject to mandatory duplication on web-pages of Energoatom in social networks.

Addresses of Energoatom web-pages in social networks Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Slideshare are given in par.5. 3.3.3 TV and radio Involvement of TV, radio and printed media may be performed through: - invitation of representatives for mass media briefings, round tables and other public discussion activities with their future presentation in mass media; - free interviews and free provision of other information under requests of mass media for preparation of theme programs, articles and others; - publication of the target information on a commercial basis (for publicity purposes) and others. 3.3.4 Telephone answering machine Information messages on telephone answering machines of each NPP shall be updated twice per day and shall contain, in particular, the following information: - operating conditions of each power unit (put into capacity - joined to the grid - shut down - put into the scheduled (non-scheduled) outages); - availability/absence of incidents and accidents during the previous day;

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- excess / non-excess of NPPs emissions/discharges of control levels during the previous day; - levels of radiation exposure doses at the site, in satellite cities and in the observation zone and their correlation with normal (background) rates; - (if available) extreme meteorological and other external phenomena/events; - Information on emergency response training, inspections and external audits in safety, completed during the previous week.

Numbers of telephone answering machines of 4 NPPs are given in par.5. 3.3.5 E-mail distribution on subscriber requests Without any additional request from stakeholders, information messages and materials shall be distributed by e-mail to the addresses included into the actual stakeholder lists if there is an appropriate mark in the statement for being included in the lists (see par.3.2.2). In case of the big size of materials, the information shall be sent giving it's title and link to the web-site where one can have access to this information.

In other cases information messages and materials shall be distributed under stakeholders request, sent by mail, by e-mail of faxed, given by phone or personally in line with the general procedure of receiving and processing the requests for information in Energoatom. (see par.3.5). 3.3.6 Mailing on inquiries Mailing of hard copies of information messages and materials shall be distributed under stakeholders request, sent by mail, by e-mail of faxed, given by phone or personally in line with the general procedure of receiving and processing the requests for information in Energoatom. (see par.3.5) 3.3.7 Energoatom and NPPs informational centers Energoatom and NPPs informational centers, in particular, shall give the possibility to: - transfer all information messages and materials to own electronic information carriers or get acquainted with such messages and materials which were published during the previous year; - personally fill in and submit the statement about being included in the actual stakeholder list (see Appendix 6.2, the word file is here.); - submit inquiries, questions and comments regarding CCSUP implementation and/or other aspects of Energoatom activity filling in the respective form (see Appendix 6.3, the word file is here.); - submit the request to receive hard copies of information materials (see Appendix 6.4, the word file is here.); - submit the grievance regarding Energoatom activity filling in the respective form (see Appendix 6.5, the word file is here.);

Addresses, phone numbers and other contact information regarding External Communication Information Centre of Energoatom and Information Centers of 4 NPPs are given in par.5. 3.3.8 Other non-electronic communication channels Other non-electronic communication channels of stakeholder informing, which can be used for SEP purposes, include respective subdivisions or authorized officers of: - central and local government bodies; - local government authorities;

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- educational institutions; - social centers and institutions; - public libraries; - health institutions; - institutions of law enforcement and others. In particular, these channels will be used to inform susceptible population and work with it (people with disabilities, elderly people, people with low income etc.). 3.4 Receiving and processing inquiries, questions and comments All stakeholders' inquiries, questions and comments regarding CCSUP implementation, including social and environmental aspects, received by mail, e-mail or faxed or submitted personally to Energoatom Information Centers, as well as stakeholders' inquiries, questions and comments, submitted during public discussion are subject to collection, systematization, summarizing and preparation of detail answers/comments of Energoatom specialists (see par.3.6).

Systematized outgoing and summarized stakeholders' inquiries, questions and comments and answers to them shall be disclosed in the form of Book of questions-answers, which shall be published on Energoatom official web-site and shall be updated/amended on a quarterly basis.

The recommended form of submitting a request for information is given in Appendix 6.3 (the word file is here). Collection and processing of stakeholders’ inquiries, questions and comments is an additional framework of consultations with stakeholders and it does not replace the receiving and processing of requests for information (see par.3.5) or citizen’s appeals, including the grievances (see par.3.7), stipulated by the laws. 3.5 Receiving and processing requests for information Information messages and materials regarding CCSUP implementation, including social and environmental aspects, shall be sent by mail or e-mail to a stakeholder address under its request, sent by mail, e-mail or faxed, informed by phone or provided personally.

Processing of requests shall be performed within terms and under the procedure stipulated by the law, in line with the general procedure for receiving and processing information in Energoatom, published on the official web-site of Energoatom: http://www.energoatom.kiev.ua/ua/press/public_information/information_request/

Recommended form of the request for information is given in Appendix 6.4 (the word file is here). 3.6 Public meetings Public meetings of CCSUP implementation issues, including social and environmental aspects, shall be held annually (except the year 2016) during CCSUP implementation in each of the 4 NPP satellite cities in the form of public meetings or other form, approved by the local authorities and local governmental bodies.

Information on the time and place of public discussion shall be published not later than 1 month prior to the public discussion through publishing the appropriate information on the official web-site of Energoatom and 4 NPPs as well as distributing it to the addresses of

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CCSUP-PMU-E_PR_-ACP-001-00 Rev 00 stakeholders, included into the actual lists (see par.3.3.5). Each event shall be followed by the briefing for mass media which shall be held not later than 1 week before the event.

In 2016 there will be held the detailed public consultations concerning the next CCSUP Implementation Environmental Assessment in line with the requirements of SOU NAEK 004:2011 "Environmental Assessment of Nuclear Power Units. General Requirements to the Content and Context of Assessment Materials" and according to the procedure elaborated for the initial Environmental Assessment, performed in 2011 (see par.1.3).

Public discussion of other issues concerning Energoatom activity, including the ones regarding new investment projects, shall be performed in cases and according to the procedure defined by the law (see par.3.1.1). 3.7 Grievance processing Work with grievances in Energoatom shall be performed according to the procedure stipulated by the law for processing appeals, in particular, by the Law of Ukraine "On Public Appeals" №393/96-ВР of 02.10.1996 and according to the document ПЛ-К.0.07.059 – 06 Provisions on the procedure to review appeals of Energoatom employees and of other citizens to the Company management. Under appeals one shall understand proposals (comments), statements (petitions) and grievances, performed and presented in writing. General scheme of grievance processing is given in Figure 3.

Recommended form on grievances is given in Appendix 6.5 (the word file is here).

General period for solving the essential issues addressed in appeals cannot exceed 45 days. Procedure to process appeals shall foresee: - confirmation of the receipt of an appeal during 10 business days; - review and solving the essential issues within the period not longer than one month from the day of the appeal arrival (for the issues which do not require additional study, - immediately, but not later than 15 days after the day of their receipt); - in case if it is impossible to solve the issue within one month term due to its complexity, it is possible to extend the term up to 15 days, whereof the person, who submitted the appeal, must be informed.

In case if the person, who submitted the appeal, is not satisfied with the proposed solution, Energoatom can, if necessary, initiate the establishment of a working group to solve disputes for mediatory (pre-trial) grievance review of complex issues. This working group may include representatives of Energoatom, trade unions, local bodies, local government authorities and other involved persons.

In case if mediatory (pre-trial) settlement of an issue is impossible, it can be solved according to other administrative procedures, stipulated by the law, or in a judicial procedure at the suit of the person, who submitted the appeal, or Energoatom.

Summarized results of the work with grievances and other appeals of citizens shall be published on the official web-sites of Energoatom and NPPs.

Procedure for submission and processing of appeals coming from SE NNEGC Energoatom personnel or its contractors is similar to the above described. Here, if one is not satisfied with the proposed solution and a working group to solve disputes is established, trade union representatives are surely included in its membership.

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10 working days

p to 0.5 month

Up to 1 month

Up to 1,5 month

Protessing completed successfu lly

Processi '""-completed, the dissatis¥ied party may appeal the d ecrsion in an administrative or j ud id al order

Figure 3 - General scheme of grievance processing

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3.8 Notifying the Affected Parties and information exchange with the Concerned Parties in case a possibility of significant hazardous transboundary impact is detected In case a possibility of significant hazardous transboundary impact is detected, which relates to CCSUP or other own or corporate investment project implementation, SE NNEGC Energoatom informs according to the established procedure the authorized central public authority – the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (Minpryrody of Ukraine) and provides informational and expert support of its activity regarding the Affected Parties notifying and information exchange with Concerned Parties to comply the liabilities under the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention) and Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision- Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention), ratified by Ukraine.

Inquiries, questions and comments received by SE NNEGC Energoatom directly from international, foreign or national stakeholders within this activity will be processed according to the procedures par.3.4.

All the documents on notifying and information exchange regarding the mentioned projects will be recorded appropriately and kept by SE NNEGC Energoatom until the project is completed. 4 SEP actions schedule SEP actions schedule under the issues of CCSUP implementation, including social and environmental aspects, are given in the Table.

Terms of public discussion, given in the Table, are preliminary and are subject to clarification according to the results of consultations with local authorities and with local government authorities of 4 NPP satellite cities with the following publication in the form of information messages (see par.3.6).

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Place of Performance performance/ Target Resources № Activity Terms Comment communication stakeholders channel/publishing 1 Keeping the stakeholder lists up-to-date Energoatom web- Continuously All Own: In line with site Energoatom, par.3.2.2 NPPs web-sites NPPs 2 Publishing information messages and materials Energoatom web- Continuously, All Own: Update CCSUP regarding CCSUP implementation, including site upon Energoatom, implementation social and environmental aspects, on the NPPs web-sites elaboration NPPs summary on a official web-sites quarterly basis 3 Publishing information messages regarding Web-pages of Continuously NGOs, Own: CCSUP implementation, including social and Energoatom in individuals, Energoatom environmental aspects via social networks social networks mass media 4 Invitation of TV, radio and printing mass media E-mail Upon Mass media Own/Organizer According to the representatives for briefings, round tables and conducting s of public list of interested other public discussion activities with their activities mass media future presentation in mass media; 5 Information messages on telephone answering Answering machines Continuously NGOs, Own: Update twice per machines of each NPP of NPPs (see individuals, NPPs day par.Ошибка! mass-media Источник ссылки and others не найден.) 6 Systematic distribution of information E-mail Continuously, All Own: If there is an messages and materials regarding CCSUP upon Energoatom appropriate mark implementation, including social and elaboration in the statement environmental aspects per e-mail to be included in the stakeholder list 7 Receiving and processing requests for All communication Upon request All Own: According to the information channels Energoatom, general

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Place of Performance performance/ Target Resources № Activity Terms Comment communication stakeholders channel/publishing NPPs procedure to receive and to process requests for information in Energoatom 8 Work of the External Communication Kyiv Continuously NGOs, Own: In line with the Information Centre of Energoatom and Energodar individuals, Energoatom, operating Information Centers of the 4 NPPs Kuznetsovsk mass-media NPPs conditions Netishyn and others Yuzhno-Ukrainsk 9 Work with susceptible population though Social institutions, Once a year NGOs, Own / SOI Through local development of summaries (booklets), adapted health institutions individuals authorities and for the general public regarding the CCSUP etc. in the regions of local government implementation, including social and NPP location authorities environmental aspects, and their future distribution via non-electronic communication channels 10 Receipt and processing of inquiries, questions All communication Continuously All Own/Organizer Outgoing and comments from stakeholders, disclosure in channels s of public inquiries, the form of the Book of questions-answers activities questions and comments from Disclosure of the updated/amended versions of Energoatom web- On a stakeholders shall the Book of questions-answers site quarterly Own be systematized NPPs web-sites basis in the original language, their summarizing and answers shall be prepared in

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Place of Performance performance/ Target Resources № Activity Terms Comment communication stakeholders channel/publishing Ukrainian. 11 Public discussion of CCSUP implementation Energodar Annually, All Own / issues, including social and environmental Kuznetsovsk except the SOI/contractor’ aspects Netishyn year 2016 s services Yuzhno-Ukrainsk (see par.12)

11.1 Consultations with local bodies and with local State institutions and 1,5 months SIO, NGOs government authorities and non-governmental organizations (SIO): before the organizations regarding the form, place and date of Energodar event holding the public activity Kuznetsovsk Netishyn Yuzhno-Ukrainsk Non-governmental organizations: E-mail 11.2 Disclosure of information about the time and the Energoatom web-site 1 month All place of public discussion and information materials NPPs web-sites before the regarding the CCSUP implementation, including E-mail, mass media event social and environmental aspects 11.3 Briefing for mass media regarding public Kyiv, 1 week before Mass media consultations, publication of the press release Energodar the event regarding the scheduled public events Kuznetsovsk Netishyn Yuzhno-Ukrainsk 11.4 Conduct of public discussion Energodar All Kuznetsovsk Netishyn Yuzhno-Ukrainsk

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Place of Performance performance/ Target Resources № Activity Terms Comment communication stakeholders channel/publishing 11.5 Publication of the press release regarding the public E-mail During 1 week Mass media, events which have taken place after the NGOs. events individuals etc. 11.6 Disclosure of the detailed Minutes of public Energoatom web-site 1.5 months All Minutes of public discussion NPPs web-sites after the discussion shall E-mail events contain the list of participants, agenda and questions-answers of the discussion part of the event 12 Public consultations regarding the next EA of Kyiv, 2016 -2017 All Contractor’s Information and CCSUP implementation; Energodar services reporting Stage 1 - consultations on the scopes of works Kuznetsovsk materials shall be in EA; Netishyn available for Stage 2 - public consultations regarding the EA Yuzhno-Ukrainsk public information Report; in English and in Ukrainian. 12.1 Stage 1: Publishing information message about the Energoatom web-site 2nd quarter of All next EA of CCSUP implementation and invitation to NPPs web-sites 2016 participate in meetings on the scope of EA works E-mail, 12.2 Stage 1: Briefing for mass media regarding the next Kyiv, during 1 week Mass media, EA of CCSUP implementation and invitation to Energoatom web-site after NGOs etc. participate in meetings on the scope of EA works NPPs web-sites publishing the Publishing the respective press release E-mail information message 12.3 Stage 1: Conduct of meetings with stakeholders Kyiv 0.5 months SIO, NGOs, regarding the scope of EA work Energodar after the individuals etc. Kuznetsovsk invitation Netishyn

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Place of Performance performance/ Target Resources № Activity Terms Comment communication stakeholders channel/publishing Yuzhno-Ukrainsk 12.4 Stage 1: Disclosure of the Report about defining the Energoatom web-site 1 month after All scopes of works, including Minutes of all 5 meetings NPPs web-sites the meetings on the scopes of works E-mail, 12.5 Stage 2: Disclosure of the draft EA Report Energoatom web-site 3rd quarter of All NPPs web-sites 2016 - after completion of draft EA Report elaboration 12.6 Stage 2: Collection, systematization and All communication During All summarizing of inquiries, questions and comments channels 120days after regarding the draft EA Report, preparation of the day of detailed answers/comments by Energoatom publishing the specialists draft Report 12.7 Stage 2: Consultations with local bodies, with local SIO: Energodar After the SIO, NGOs government authorities and non-governmental Kuznetsovsk disclosure of organizations regarding the form, place and date of Netishyn the draft EA conducting public discussion of draft EA Report Yuzhno-Ukrainsk Report NGO: E-mail 12.8 Stage 2: Publishing the information messages about Energoatom web-site According to All Public discussion time and place of public discussion of the draft EA NPPs web-sites the results of shall be set not Report E-mail consultations earlier than 1 Mass media month after publishing the respective notifications 12.9 Stage 2: Briefing for mass media regarding public Kyiv, Energodar during 1 week Mass media discussion of the draft EA Report, publication of the Kuznetsovsk after press release regarding the scheduled public events Netishyn publishing the

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Place of Performance performance/ Target Resources № Activity Terms Comment communication stakeholders channel/publishing Yuzhno-Ukrainsk information message 12.10 Stage 2: Conduct of public discussion Kyiv not earlier than All Energodar 1 month after Kuznetsovsk publishing the Netishyn respective Yuzhno-Ukrainsk notifications 12.11 Stage 2: Publication of the press release regarding Energoatom web-site During 1 week Mass media, the public events which have taken place NPPs web-sites after the NGOs, E-mail events individuals etc. 12.12 Stage 2: Disclosure of the detailed Minutes of public Energoatom web-site 1.5 months All Minutes of public discussion NPPs web-sites after the discussion shall events contain the list of participants, agenda and questions-answers of the discussion part of the event 12.13 Stage 2: Briefing for mass media regarding Kyiv 120 days after Mass media completion of public discussion regarding the next the day of EA of CCSUP implementation Publishing the publication of respective press release the draft EA Report 12.14 Publication of the Report on public consultations Energoatom web-site 0.5 months All regarding the next EA of CCSUP implementation NPPs web-sites from the including the respective part of the Book of consultations questions-answers completion 12.15 Finalization of the draft EA Report taking into Energoatom web-site 1 month after All account the results of public consultations, NPPs web-sites the publication of the finalized draft and its submission consultations

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Place of Performance performance/ Target Resources № Activity Terms Comment communication stakeholders channel/publishing for ecological expert assessment completion 12.16 Finalization of the EA Report taking into account the Energoatom web-site 1st quarter of All comments of the expert assessment. Publication of NPPs web-sites 2017 the final version of EA Report non-electronic channels for SIO 13 Grievance processing Energoatom NPPs Upon request NGOs, Own: According to the individuals, Energoatom, general Energoatom web- personnel etc. NPPs procedure to site review the Publication of the summarized results of the NPPs web-sites On a appeals from work with appeals quarterly Energoatom basis personnel and from other citizens to the Company management

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5 Contacts 5.1 Energoatom : President: Nedashkovskiy Yuriy Oleksandrovich Mailing address: 3 Nazarivska Street, Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine Official web-site: http://www.energoatom.kiev.ua Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atom.gov.ua?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/energoatom_ua YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Energoatom2014 Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/energoatom Public Relations Division: External Information Communication Center (EICC) Director of EICC: Zaets Ilona Viktorivna Mailing address of EICC: 3 Nazarivska Street, Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine Tel.: Public Relations Department: +38 (044) 277-79-71 Press-center: +38 (044) 277-78-89 Fax: +38 (044) 277-78-89 e-mail: [email protected], (for applications, requests etc.) [email protected], [email protected] e-mail прес-центру: [email protected], [email protected]

5.2 Zaporizhzhia NPP Director General: Tyschenko Viacheslav Oleksiiovych Mailing address: Zaporizka oblast, Energodar, 71504, Ukraine Official web-site: http://www.npp.zp.ua/ Answering machine: +38 (06139) 5-68-02 Public Relations Division: Information Center (IC) Head of IC: Merkulova Larysa Ivanivna Mailing address of IC: Kurchatova street, 38a, Zaporizka oblast, Energodar, 71504, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (06139) 6-21-81 Fax: +38 (06139) 6-21-27 e-mail: [email protected]

5.3 Rivne NPP Director General: Pavlyshyn Pavlo Yaremovych Mailing address: Rivnenska oblast, Kuznetsovsk, 34400, Ukraine

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Official web-site: http://www.rnpp.rv.ua/ Public Relations Division: Information and Public Relations Administration (IPRA) IPRA mailing address: Rivnenska oblast, Kuznetsovsk, 34400, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (03636) 6-44-27, 6-42-43 Fax: +38 (03636) 3-50-15 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

5.4 Kmelnystka NPP Director General: Panaschenko Mykola Sergiiovych Mailing address: Khmelitska oblast, Netishyn, 30100, Ukraine Official web-site: http://www.xaec.org.ua/ Answering machine: +38 (03842) 3-40-88 або (03842) 6-37-88 Public Relations Division: Public Relations Department (PRD) Mailing address of PRD: Khmelitska oblast, Netishyn, 30100, Ukraine Tel.: +38 (03842) 6-38-68 Fax: +38 (03842) 3-33-60 e-mail: [email protected]

5.5 South-Ukraine NPP Director General: Lisnichenko Volodymyr Anatoliiovych Mailing address: Mykolaivska oblast, Yuzhno-Ukrainsk, 55000, Ukraine Official web-site: http://www.sunpp.mk.ua/ Answering machine: +38 (05136) 2-29-93 Public Relations Division: Public Relations and Mass Media Department (PR&MM) Mailing address of PR&MM: Mykolaivska oblast, Yuzhno-Ukrainsk, 55000, Ukraine Tel./ Fax: +38 (05136) 5-64-44 e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

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6 Appendixes 6.1 Engagement preliminary lists 6.1.1 List of international institutions and organizations № Stakeholder Field of Contact Address e-mail / web-site Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request 1 Environment and Security Environment M.Palosaari/ENV 11-13 chemin [email protected] +41 22 917 87 79 - Initiative (ENVSEC) protection, ecological SEC Project des Anémones [email protected] +41 22 917 80 24 safety. Coordinator 1219 ENVSEC includes M.Aliev/Regional Châtelaine, UN European Director of the Geneva Economic Office for Easter Switzerland Commission, UNEP, European UNDP, NATO, Countries Regional Ecological Center and OSCE. 2 World Bank International financial 1818 H Street, http://www.worldbank.org/ +202,473 10 00 and technical support NW +202,477 63 91 to the countries Washington, DC under development 20433, USA 3 Organization of safety and Safety, prevention of OSCE [email protected] +43 1 514 360 cooperation in Europe conflicts, stimulation Secretariat +43 1 514 36 69 96 (OSCE) of economic Wallnerstrasse, development, 6 assurance of rights 1010, Vienna and basic freedoms Austria of a person 4 European Union (EU), Nuclear energy use European Commission (EC), European Atomic

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address e-mail / web-site Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request Energy Community (Euratom) 5 European Bank for International financial A.Clark/Corporate One Exchange [email protected] +44 20 7338 6000 Reconstruction and and technical support Director in Square m +44 20 7338 6100 Development for sustainable Environment and London development of a Sustainable EC2A 2JN society Development United Kingdom 6 International Atomic Energy Safety of nuclear Vienna www.iaea.org (+431) 2600- 21273 Agency (IAEA) energy use International Centre, PO Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria 7 World Association of Nuclear energy use http://www.wano.info/ Nuclear Operators (WANO)

6.1.2 List of national/governmental institutions № Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request 1 National Security and National Security and Council Secretary 8 Comandarm [email protected] +380 (44) 255 07 67 - Defence Council of Ukraine Defence Kamenev street +380 (44) 255 05 15 8, Kyiv, Ukraine Sector of Public Information Access 2 Ministry of Ecology and Environment I.A. Shevchenko / 35, Mitropolit [email protected] +380 (44) 206-31-64 Natural Resources of protection, ecological Minister Vasil +380 (44) 206-31-07

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request Ukraine safety. N.M.Goncharuk / Lypniavsky, The Head of the Kyiv, Ukraine Sector of Public Information Access 3 Ministry of Energy and Coal Fuel and Energy V.V. Demchyshyn 30, Kreschatik [email protected] +380 (44) 594 66 05 Industry of Ukraine Complex / Minister street, Kyiv, +380 (44) 531 36 89 G.I.Dudka / Head 01601 of the Department Ukraine of Cooperation with Mass Media and Public Relations 4 State Nuclear Regulatory Safety of nuclear S.G.Bozhko / 9/11, Arsenalna [email protected] +380 (44) 254 34 49 Inspectorate of Ukraine energy use Head street, Kyiv, +380 (44) 254 33 11 (SNRIU) T.V.Kozulko / 01011, Ukraine Head of the Leader Work Assurance Department, Public Relations and Information Policy 5 Ministry of Health of Health protection, O. Kvitashvili / 7, Hrushevskiy [email protected] +380 (44) 253 61 94 Ukraine sanitary and Minister street +380 (44) 253 40 17 epidemiological Kyiv 01601, welfare of population Ukraine 6 Ministry of Social Policy of Employment of P.V. Rozenko / 8/10 [email protected] +380 (44) 289 66 89 Ukraine population and Minister Esplanadna +380 (44) 289 00 98 labour migration, street, Kyiv,

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request labour relations, 01601, Ukraine social protection 7 State Inspectorate of State supervision V.Yu.Rudneva / 51B Bohdan [email protected] +380 (44) 234 64 99 Ukraine In Labour Affairs and Head of Sector of Khmelnitsky [email protected] monitoring of Cooperation with street, Kyiv, compliance with Mass Media, 01030, Ukraine labour legislation Population and International Cooperation 8 State Health protection, 19/22 Voloska http://www.dsesu.gov.ua/ +380 (44) 425 03 55 Sanitary and sanitary and street [email protected] Epidemiological epidemiological Kyiv 04070, Service of Ukraine welfare of population Ukraine 9 State Exclusion Area RW management 55a Gonchara [email protected] +380 (44) 247 31 05 Control Agency of Ukraine street, Kyiv, +380 (44) 247 32 36 01030, Ukraine 10 National Committee in Radiation protection http://nkrzu.gov.ua/ Radiation Protection of and radiation safety Population of Ukraine of population 11 Volyn Oblast State Local Executive 9, Kyivsky [email protected] +380 (332) 77 82 17 Administration Body maidan Lutsk, +380 (332) 77 81 53 43027, Ukraine 12 Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Local Executive State Administration Body 13 Zaporizhzhia Oblast State Local Executive 164, prospekt [email protected] +380 (61) 233 11 91 Administration Body Lenina, +380 (61) 224 61 23 Zaporizhzhia 69107,Ukraine 14 Mykolaiv Oblast State Local Executive 22, Gaidara [email protected] +380 (512) 37 01 36

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request Administration Body street, Kyiv, 54001, Ukraine 15 Rivne Oblast State Local Executive 1, maidan www.rv.gov.ua/ +380 (362) 264 788 Administration Body Prosvity [email protected] +380 (362) 260 835 Rivne, 33028 Ukraine 16 Oblast State Local Executive 1, ploschad http://www.oda.kherson.ua/ +380 (552) 42 40 50 Administration Body Svobody [email protected] Kherson, Ukraine 17 Khmelnitsky Oblast State Local Executive http://www.adm.km.ua/ Administration Body 18 Volin Oblast Council Local Government 9, Kyivsky http://volynrada.gov.ua/ +380 (332) 77 83 00 Authority maidan [email protected] +380 (332) 77 83 19 Lutsk, Ukraine

19 Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Local Government 2, prospekt http://oblrada.dp.ua/ +380 (56) 742 81 16 Council Authority Kirova, [email protected] Dnipropetrovsk, 49004,Ukraine 20 Zaporizhzhia Oblast Local Government 164, prospekt http://www.rada.zp.ua/ +380 (61) 224 70 71 Council Authority Lenina [email protected] Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine 21 Mykolaiv Oblast Council Local Government 22, Admiralska http://oblrada.mk.ua/ +380 (512) 37 05 48 Authority street, [email protected] Mykolaiv, [email protected] 54001, Ukraine

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request 22 Rivne Oblast Council Local Government http://oblrada.rv.ua/ +380 (362) 78 34 28 Authority +380 (362) 78 56 98 23 Council Local Government 1, ploschad http://www.oblrada.ks.ua/ +380 (552) 32 13 27 Authority Svobody [email protected] +380 (552) 32 13 27 Kherson, Ukraine 24 Khmelnytsky Oblast Council Local Government 2, maidan http://oblrada.km.ua/ +380 (382) 76 45 17 Authority Nezalezhnosti, [email protected] House of Council Khmelnytsky, 29005, Ukraine 25 City Council of Energodar Local Government 11, Kurchatov http://www.en.gov.ua/ +380 (6139) 3 22 53 Authority street, [email protected] Energodar, Zaporizhzhia oblast, 71502, Ukraine 26 City Council of Kuznetsovsk Local Government maidan http://www.kuznetsovsk- +38 (03636) 2 18 18 Authority Nezalezhnosti, rada.gov.ua/ Kuznetsovsk office-vkkmr@kuznetsovsk- Rivne oblast rada.gov.ua

Ukraine 27 City Council of Netishyn Local Government 1, Shevchenko http://www.netishynrada.gov.ua/ +380 (3842) 3 37 02 Authority street Netishyn, [email protected] +380 (3842) 9 00 94 Khmelnytska oblast, 30100, Ukraine 28 City Council of Yuzhno- Local Government 48, Druzhba http://yu.mk.ua/miskarada.html +380 (5136) 25 55

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request Ukrainsk Authority Narodov street, 73 Yuzhno-Ukrainsk, Mykolaivska oblast, Ukraine 29 Institute of Geological Geology, ecology 55-b, Gonchara [email protected] +380 (44) 48694 46 Sciences of National street, 01601, http://www.igs-nas.org.ua +380 (44) 486 93 34 Academy of Sciences of Kyiv 54, 01601, Ukraine Ukraine 30 Institute of Geochemistry of Geochemistry, 34-a, prospekt [email protected] +380 (44) 424 02 14 the Environment of National ecology Academica [email protected] +380 (44) 424 80 78 Academy of Sciences of Palladina Ukraine Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine 31 Institute for Nuclear Nuclear energy use 47, prospekt http://www.kinr.kiev.ua +380 (44) 525 23 49 Research of National ecology Nauky, Kyiv, [email protected] +380 (44) 525 44 63 Academy of Sciences of 03680, Ukraine [email protected] Ukraine 32 National Scientific Center Nuclear energy use 1, Academichna http://www.kipt.kharkov.ua +380 (57) 335 35 30 "Kharkiv Institute of Physics ecology street, [email protected] +380 (57) 335 16 88 and Technology" of Kharkiv, 61108, National Academy of Ukraine Sciences of Ukraine 33 State Enterprise "State Safety of nuclear 35/37, Vasylia http://www.sstc.kiev.ua +380 (44) 450 05 00 Scientific and Technical energy use Stusa street, [email protected] +380 (44) 452 89 90 Center of Nuclear and mailbox 124, Radiation Safety", SNRIU Kyiv, 03142, and National Academy of Ukraine Sciences of Ukraine 34 State Enterprise "State Nuclear energy use 64/56, prospekt [email protected] +380 (44) 411 92 70

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request Scientific and Engineering ecology Geroiv Center of Emergency Stalingradu, Response Control Kyiv, 04213, Systems" Ministry of Ukraine Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine

6.1.3 List of non-governmental organizations and individuals № Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request

1 Group of NGOs in Climate Ecology Rudnytska Kyiv [email protected] (+380 44) 353 78 42 - Change Affairs Energy production Khrystyna 2 International Charity Malkova Tamara mail box 201, [email protected] (+380 44) 222 77 62 - Organization "Information Kyiv, 01025 http://www.dossier.org.ua/ Center "Zelene Dossier" 3 National Ecological Center Energy, Verbytska Tetiana [email protected] - of Ukraine Ecology

Denisenko Artur mail box 89, [email protected] (+380 44) 353 78 41 - Kyiv, 01025

4 UEA "Zeleny Svit" Head Korobko 6, Tobolska [email protected] (+380 97) 917 44 31 - Mykola Ivanovych street, Kryviy Rig, 50017 Information Center UEA Head mail box 449, [email protected] (+380 44) 456 3435 - "Zeleny Svit" Fedorynchyk Kyiv, 01001 [email protected] Sergiy

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request Mykhailovych 5 Alliance "Novaia Enegia Kyiv-04071, 41, [email protected] (+380 44) 417 03 38 - Ukrainy" ("New Energy of Obolonska (+380 44) 417 23 87 Ukraine") street, office 1

Press-service of [email protected] (+380 50) 465 09 49 - the Alliance

6 Ukrainian National Public 04070, Kyiv, [email protected] - Organization "Nasha 11, Ukraina" ("Our Ukraine") Naberezhno- Khreschatynska street, office 67

7 Scientific and Technical 12, Khreschatyk [email protected] - Union of Energy and street, floor 3, Electrical Engineers of room 3-03 Ukraine, public 01001, Kyiv organization 8 Ukrainian National Ecology, Mischuk Zoriana 4, Akademika http://www.mama-86.org.ua/ (+380 44) 453 47 96 - Ecological Public Ecological legislation Rostyslavivna / Yangela street, [email protected] (+380 44) 456 13 38 Organization "MAMA-86" Executive Director apt.126 126 03057, Kyiv-57 9 MBO "Ekologia-Pravo- Kravchenko 9, Ivana Franka [email protected] (+380 32) 225 76 82 - Liudina" ("Ecology-Law- Olena Valeriivna, street, office 1a [email protected] People") Executive Director Lviv, 79005 (former BF "Ecopravo mail box 316, Lviv"), Lviv, 79000 10 Western Center of the Grytsyshyn Petro 4, Mataika [email protected] (+380 32) 238 73 69 - Ukrainian Division of Mykhailovych street, Lviv "International Center of 79000 Science Culture - International Laboratory"

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request

11 Bureau of Environmental Pavelko Anatoliy 9/6, O.Basarab [email protected] - Investigations Ckrylnikov Dmytro street Lviv, 79017 12 Kharkiv Human Rights 61002, Kharkiv - [email protected] tel. (057) 714 35 Group 2, mail box http://www.khpg.org/ 58 10430 tel/fax (057) 700 67 71

13 Kharkiv Local Public Ecology, Shumilo Oleksiy mail box 10479, [email protected] (+380 57) 719 10 21 - Organization "EcoPravo- Ecological legislation Kharkiv, 61202 (+380 57) 719 10 23 Kharkiv" 14 Kyiv Public Organization Ecology, Vasylkivsky Borys mail box 51, http://www.ecopravo.kiev.ua/ +380 (44) 228 75 10 "EcoPravo-Kyiv" Ecological legislation Kyiv, 04119, [email protected] Ukraine

15 Ukrainian -American Lychuk Taras 11, Strutynska [email protected] (+380 36) 224 91 36 - Environmental Association street, 18 Rivne, 33003

16 Khmelnitska Oblast Reznikov Yuri mail box 111, [email protected] (+380 38) 279 24 16 - Organization of Ukrainian Oleksandrovych Khmelnitsky, Society of Nature Protection 29000

17 NNGO "Ecoclub" Chairman of the mailbox 73, [email protected] (+380 36) 223 70 24 - Board Martyniuk Rivne, Ukraine, Adnriy, 33023 coordinator of : 39, Vidinska energy program street, room Liaschuk Olia 310

18 Cherkasy Oblast Pleskach Alla 190, Kreschatik [email protected] (+380 47) 247 48 91 - Organization "Zeleny Svit" street, apt.9 ("Green World") Cherkasy, 18000

19 Ecological -Humanitarian Stepanenko mailbox 12, [email protected] (+38 097) 752 41 22 -

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request Association "Zeleny Svit" Oleksandr Chortkiv ("Green World") Ternopil oblast, 48500

20 Ukrainian Nuclear [email protected] - Association 21 International Environmental Larisa Bronder [email protected] - "Bellona" 22 National Ukrainian Charity Radchenko 04074, Kyiv [email protected] (+380 44) 430 43 90 - (+380 44) 430 00 64 Fund "Teenager" Tamara 19, Dmytrivna (+380 44) 430 02 60 Vyshgorodska Verbytsky street Volodymyr Valentynovych 23 National Ukrainian Public Ivanov Anatoliy 01001, Kyiv [email protected] (+380 44) 278 46 06 - Organization "Do Chystykh Oleksandrovych, 12/3, Dzherel" ("To Clean president Gorodetska Sources") street, office 63 24 National Ukrainian Public Berzina Svitlana 61, prospekt [email protected] (+380 44) 332 84 08 - Organization "Zhiva Valeriivna, Vidradny, Kyiv www.ecolable.org.ua Planeta" ("Alive Planet") president 25 National Ukrainian Public Gafych Liudmyla 28, Dubrovytska [email protected], (+380 44) 468 90 82 - Organization "Spilka Feliksivna - First street, Kyiv [email protected] Geologiv Ukrainy" Deputy Head ("Ukrainian Geologists Assiciation") 26 VGO "Chysta Khvylia" Zagorodniuk Kyiv 28, [email protected] (+380 44) 468 90 82 - ("Clean Wave") Pavlo Dubrovytska (+380 50) 310 23 69 Oleksiiovych - street Head

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request Yerasheva Antonina Ivanivna

27 National Ukrainian Children Panaschenko 01033, Kyiv 30- [email protected] (+380 44) 251 13 32 - Association "Ecologichna Olena Viktorivna, B, Saksagansky Varta" ("Ecological Guard") program street, office 33 coordinator

28 National Ukrainian Tymchenko 03150, Kyiv [email protected] (+380 44) 251 13 32 -

Ecological League Tetiana 30-В, Valentynovna, Saksagansky Head street, office 33 29 Scientific and Technical Dupak Oleksandr 01001, Kyiv [email protected] (+380 44) 239 47 73 - Association of Power Sergiiovych (+380 44) 278 43 07 12, Kreschatik Engineers Vice-president, street and Electrical Engineers of Ignatova Inna Ukraine Patrivna

30 Union of Cooperators and Slesarenko Vasyl 10, Klovsky [email protected] (+380 44) 294 00 28 - (+380 44) 254 44 67 Entrepreneurs of Ukraine Viktorovych prov., room 1a, Kyiv (+380 67) 150 93 46

31 UEA "Zeleny Svit" ("Green Samoilenko Yuri 04070, Kyiv zel - [email protected] (+380 44) 417 43 83 - World") Ivanovych, Head (+380 44) 417 02 83 203, (+380 44) 416 52 18 Bosak Adel Kontraktova (+380 44) 424 33 88 Vasylivna ploscha 32 Ukrainian Botanic Society Dudka Iryna 2, [email protected] (+380 44) 234 61 71 - Oleksandrivna Tereschenkivsk [email protected] (+380 44) 220 01 36 a street, Kyiv, 01001 33 Ukrainian Division of Simonova Olena 03142, Kyiv 34- [email protected] (+380 44) 451 02 36 - International Union Dmytrivna A prospekt (+380 44) 424 14 60 (+380 44) 235 59 52 "Ecologia Liudyny" Lysenko Olha Palladina

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request ("Ecology of a Person") Borysivna 34 Ukrainian Society of Nature Kravchuk Mykola 03150, Kyiv [email protected] (+380 44) 289 71 73 - Protection Ostapovych - (+380 44) 289 73 82 5-b, Barbius Deputy Head of street the Society, Kurulenko Sviatoslav Sergiiovych - Head of

35 Organic Movement Koniashyn Andriy [email protected] (+380 44) 425 45 90 - Federation Viacheslavovych, (+380 50) 411 57 10 Executive Director

36 National Ukrainian Sandul V.A. mailto:[email protected] - Environmental Movement "Khortytsky Forum" 37 Ukrainian Fund Creation of a positive 02140 Kyiv "Blagopoluchchia Ditei" environment to 1-Б/6, B.Gmyra ("Children's Welfare") reveal full potential of street apt. 2 children Tel.: +38 (044) 537-20-16 Fax: +38 (044) 537-20-16 E-mail: [email protected] a 38 CEE Bankwatch Network Monitoring of activity Iryna Golovko / Na Rozcesti [email protected] +420 274 822 150 of International 1434/6 http://bankwatch.org/ +420 274 816 571 Representative of

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request Financial Institutions, NETsU (see 190 00 Praha 9 environmental and par.3) - CEE - Liben social issues Bankwatch Czech Republic Network Project Coordinator in Ukraine 39 International Greenpeace Protection and Ottho http://www.greenpeace.org/ Phone: +31 (0) 20 preservation of the Heldringstraat 5 718 20 00 Fax: +31 (0) 20 718 environment and 1066 AZ 20 02 contribution to peace Amsterdam The Netherlands

40 International Union of Environmental Rue Mauverney [email protected] +41 22 9990000 Nature Preservation protection, 28, 1196 Gland http://www.iucn.org (Work) biodiversity +41 22 9990002 Switzerland (Fax) preservation 41 World Wildlife Fund Environmental World Wildlife http://www.worldwildlife.org/ (202) 293-4800 protection, Fund biodiversity 1250 24th preservation Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037, USA

P.O. Box 97180 Washington, DC -7180, USA 42 Network "Druzi Zemli" Environment Friends of the http://www.foe.co.uk/ 020 7490 1555 ("Friends of the Earth") protection Earth

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request The Printworks 139 Clapham Road London SW9 0HP 43 Company Pöyry PLC Energy production, Pöyry PLC http://www.poyry.com/ Tel: +358 10 3311 environmental and Fax +358 10 33 P.O.Box 4, 21818 social affairs Jaakonkatu 3 FI-01621 VANTAA Finland

44 Ltd. company "AESKAR" Nuclear energy use 74, prospekt [email protected] (+380 44) 433 85 48

ecology Pravdy, Kyiv, 04208, Ukraine 45 Ukrainian Center of Ecology, radiation 42, Glushkov http://www.ucewp.kiev.ua/ (380 44) 526 61 87 Environmental and Water safety street, Kyiv, (380 44) 526 36 15 Projects 03187, Ukraine

46 Resource and Analytical Andrusevych 42, Akademik [email protected] (380 32) 242 22 84 Center "Suspilstvo i Andriy Sakharov street, Dovkillia" ("Society and room 509 Environment") 79012, Lviv Ukraine

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6.1.4 List of mass-media № Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request 1 Interfax-Ukraine Information Agency Oleksiy Yegorov 8/5a Reiterska [email protected] tel. (044) 270-7465 - (econimic and street, Kyiv, [email protected] Fax: (044) 270-6569 political news) Ukraine 2 Ukrainian News Information Agency Dmytro Kuzmyn 20, Esplanadna [email protected] tel. +38 (044) 494- street, Kyiv, 31-60 fax +38 (044) 494- 31-67 3 LIGA Information Agency Yevgen 23, Shamyrlo [email protected]; (044) 585-24-04 Golovatiuk street, Kyiv [email protected] 4 UNIAN Information Agency Mykola Babuch 4, Kreschatyk, [email protected] tel. +38 (044) 498- 01001, Kyiv-1 07-60 Fax: +38 (044) 498- 07-61 5 Zerkalo Nedeli ("Mirrow of Economics, politics Igor Moskalevych 19/1 Moskovska [email protected] Tel.: (+380 44) 280- the Week") street Kyiv-010 04-85 Fax: (+380 44) 280- 21-57 6 Livyi Bereg (“Left Bank”) Economics, politics Andriy Yanytsiy 18b Mala [email protected] Tel.: (+380 44) 230- Zhytomyrska 49-62 street, Kyiv 7 Comments Information-analytical Andriy Starostin, 12-A Zhylianska [email protected] Tel.: +38 (044) 201- portal Dmytro Riasny street Kyiv 4301 8 Kyiv Post Economics, politics Miller Kristopher 31a, Pushkinska [email protected] Tel.: +380 44 591- street floor 6, 3344 room 600 Kyiv 9 Forbes. Ukraine Business, politics, Inna Koval, 104a, Frunze [email protected] economics Oleksandr street, Kyiv Dankovsky 10 Nuclear Intelligence Energy Garry Peach [email protected]

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№ Stakeholder Field of Contact Address E-mail: Tel./fax Provision of activity person/position information + without request - under request 11 Energobusiness Energy production Oleksiy Guppal 18/14 Khvoiky [email protected] Tel.: (044) 494-25-30 street, office Fax: (044) 494- 13- 304, Kyiv 53 12 Economichna Pravda Economics, industry Sergiy Liamets [email protected] (Economic Truth) 13 Energy safety Environmental Eldar Salimov [email protected] safety, ecological om policy 14 Delo.UA Economics, politics, Liubomyra [email protected] Tel.: (044) 585 58 business Remazhevska 91/92 15 UA-Energy.org Energy production Anastasia [email protected] Yermakova 16 EIR Center Energy production Oleksandr [email protected] Kharchrnko 17 Bloomberg News Economics, business Katerina [email protected], Choursina, [email protected] Volodymyr Berbyany 18 Deutsche Welle Politics, economics Olha Vesnyanka [email protected], [email protected]

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6.2 Recommended form of request to be included into actual lists

Attention of Director of External Communication Information Centre of Energoatom Zaets I.V. 3, Nazarivska street, Kyiv, 01032


to be included into actual list of stakeholders interested in the implementation of Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants

Please include into the actual list of stakeholders as: (applicable should be noted)* Individual Non-governmental organization (NGO) Mass Media State Institution/Organization (SIO)

______(surname, name, patronymic of the applicant)* ______(for applications of legal entities - position of the applicant)* ______(for applications of legal entities - full and short name of organization/institution)* ______(postal address) ______(contact telephone) please, send information messages and materials, which are subject to publication regarding CCSUP implementation, including environmental and social aspects to e-mail: ______(e-mail)*

(applicable should be noted)* without any other requests from me exclusively under appropriate requests from me

«___»______20______(signature of the applicant)*

* position must be filled in by all means

Project Management Unit 6, Gaidara Str., Kiev, 01033, Ukraine Tel.: (38)(044) 201 09 82

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6.3 Recommended form of inquiries, questions and comments regarding CCSUP implementation, including social and environmental aspects

Attention of Director of External Communication Information Centre of Energoatom Zaets I.V. 3, Nazarivska street, Kyiv, 01032

______(surname, name, patronymic of the applicant, for legal entities - the name of institution/organization) ______(place of residence, for legal entities - location) ______(place of work - only for individuals)

______(e-mail, where the detailed answer/comments of Energoatom specialists should be sent)

Inquiries, questions and comments regarding CCSUP implementation, including social and environmental aspects

Please review and publish answers of specialists to the following inquiries, questions and comments: 1.______2.______3. ______(in case if the specified inquiries, questions and comments relate to a specific document, its type, title and details should preferably be noted)

"___" ______20______(signature of the applicant)*

Project Management Unit 6, Gaidara Str., Kiev, 01033, Ukraine Tel.: (38)(044) 201 09 82

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6.4 Recommended form of request for information

To attention of the president of Energoatom Nedashkovsky Yu.O. 3, Nazarivska street, 01032, Kyiv

______(surname, name, patronymic (name) of the person (legal entity) who/which requests information, mail address and e- mail, telephone number)

R E Q U E S T for information

In line with Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information" please provide me with (inform me) ______(general description of information or type, name, details or content of the document in regard whereof the request is made, should be noted, if the requester knows it)

"___" ______20______(signature of the information requester)

Project Management Unit 6, Gaidara Str., Kiev, 01033, Ukraine Tel.: (38)(044) 201 09 82

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6.5 Recommended form of grievances

To attention of the president of Energoatom Nedashkovsky Yu.O. (other official of Energoatom can be indicated, whose duties include solving the issues, raised in the request)

3, Nazarivska street, 01032, Kyiv

______(surname, name, patronymic of the applicant, for legal entities - the name of institution/organization) ______(place of residence, for legal entities - location) ______(place of work - only for individuals)

______(mail address, for proposals (remarks) e-mail address or telephone number can be indicated, where it is preferably to receive the information about the results of the review)


Application nature: Proposal (comment) (applicable should be noted) Application (request) Grievance

In line with the Law of Ukraine "On Appeal of Citizens" I address You with the following. ______(the substance of the raised issues, comment, proposal, application or grievance, favour or request shall be stated)

"___" ______20______(signature of the applicant)*

Project Management Unit 6, Gaidara Str., Kiev, 01033, Ukraine Tel.: (38)(044) 201 09 82