AND UNDER THE AUSPICES OF the Senate the Chamber of Deputies the President of the Council of Ministers the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities

the Pontifical Council for Culture the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church

the Latium Regional Council the Prefect of the City of Rome the Province of Rome the Roman Chamber of Commerce

the Italian State Tourist Board ENIT

13 ott. 2008 Basilica di S. Paolo fuori le Mura



To be completely enthralled by Christ! This was the goal of the entire life of Saint Paul, to whom we looked throughout the Pauline Year now ending; this was the goal of the entire ministry of the Curé of Ars, whom we shall invoke in particular during this Year for Priests; may it also be the primary goal for each and every one of us. Certainly, to be ministers at the service of the Gospel, study and careful, ongoing pastoral and theological formation are useful and necessary, but even more necessary is that “knowledge of love” which can only be learned in a “heart to heart” encounter with Christ. For it is he who calls us to break the bread of his love, to forgive sins and to guide the flock in his name. And for that reason we must never step back from the source of love which is his heart, pierced on the Cross.

The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI in his Homily during the celebration of the second vespers of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on occasion of the opening of the Year for Priests, Vatican Basilica, 19 June 2009.

13 ott. 2008 Basilica di S. Paolo fuori le Mura


It is enough to glance, even quickly, at the list of what has been put into action during the mere seven years since the foundation of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra, in order to understand that it is possible to accomplish feats in the world of sacred art and its restoration and preservation that were considered impossible or improbable but a few years ago. The secret is simple: the only thing necessary is for men and women who, strongly certain of a value as important as that of sacred art, to convince other men and women to collaborate and to help save this tradition, through important acts of patronage. And that is exactly what has happened. In order to understand the importance of what has been accomplished, it suffices to consider the twelve large restoration projects that range from the Vatican Necropolises to the German Chapel of the Pontifical Sanctuary of the Holy House of Loreto; from the Chapel of Sextus V to the Borghese statue of Pope Paul V; from the Tamburini organ in the Basilica of St Ignatius of Loyola to the apartment of Pope Julius II. To all this can be added the extremely significant international Festival of Sacred Music Dr. Gianni Letta and Art which brought back to Rome the necessary and expanded space for reflection on these topics which, one might add, had been missing from the Italian cultural scene for some time. The Foundation’s concerts are events that leave a deep impression, for just how extraordinary they truly are. This is not the opinion of the author, but rather an objective review that these cultural events evoke every single time they occur. Among them was the unforgettable world premiere Of the Mass “Speravi in te Domine” by the modern Austrian composer Hubert Steppan, dedicated to Pope John Paul II, on the occasion of his 85th birthday and a short time after his death. During another time in history, patronage was associated with a certain characteristic, that of magnificence: both in the sense of magnanimity, of the generosity of those whose contributions made the work possible, as well as in the sense of grandiosity , of the great worth and beauty of the works that came about. I believe that, in the case of the Fondazione pro Music e Arte Sacra, this identification of patronage with magnificence has once again become the reality. If it can be expressed in this way, then, in occupying itself with sacred art and music, the Foundation goes to the centre of the West’s very heart. The aesthetic dimension is, in fact, central to our tradition. Music and art are essential components of this historico-cultural tradition. But our West is also the Christian West and, therefore, sacred art and music constitute the deepest core of this tradition: it belongs to everyone but it was born from beliefs and cultures that are identifiable in large part as Christian. Undertaking the restoration and preservation of these artistic and cultural testimonies; working diligently towards the reanimation, the kindling of devotion for the sacred in its various forms and traditions; becoming promoters of a pedagogy of beauty: these are the principal objectives of the Foundation. It is not by chance, as I recalled above, that the Foundation has occupied itself with interventions in the interior of four Papal Basilicas of Rome. These monuments make reference to the history of the Church who came into being in Rome, and who has turned Rome into a completely irreplaceable city. 222 Working towards these ends is not only a question of physical recuperation of pieces of history but it also means working so as to be sure to not lose the meaning of what is being passed down to us. If I may dare, I would say that the work of the Foundation promotes the conservation and the transmission of a true and proper spiritual patrimony: the patrimony of Rome, the patrimony of the Christian West. The activities of the Foundation hold important value by way of cultural tourism for the city of Rome and thus for . Its concert events draws audiences from France, Spain and Germany, and likewise can be said for the visits that such foreign citizens make to the places and monuments that are restored. It is a tourism of calibre. For it entails a certain calibre regarding the tourists who participate and, consequently, regarding the quality of the places that welcome them. In addition, it is the kind of tourism which, since some time ago, has become both necessary and urgent for the city of Rome. The Foundation, in its work, promotes this tourism with concrete facts and actions, not merely intentions. It is indeed true that from one positive deed, there generates a series of positive effects that often go beyond the intentions of the person who himself or herself performed that deed. This is the case for the Foundation which, in doing what it set out to do, creates a virtuous circle, among which cultural tourism is one of the principal factors. The Founder and President General Dr. Hans-Albert Courtial is not only a great and contemporary Patron but also an Ambassador of Rome to the world: the Ambassador of Christian Rome. The contents of the work that Hans-Albert Courtial has conceived and carried out as his true and proper “mission”, are what, since 2002 – the year of the birth of the Foundation – have animated Rome and have shared for the first time facts and values as yet unknown to the world. The praise, appreciation and gratitude for the projects that have been carried out are merited by the extraordinary results of the work itself. I myself owe an expression of my sincere gratitude, also on behalf of the Italian government, and all the best wishes for many more years of progress along this path, while always increasing the quantity of activities performed, given that the quality is already at such a very high level: anything better would be impossible! Thank you.

DR. GIANNI LETTA State Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers Member of the Foundation’s Committee of Honor


On 17 June 2003, UNESCO inaugurated the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The intangible cultural heritage means “the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills ... that communities, groups and … individuals recognize as part of their cultural heritage. This intangible cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation, is constantly recreated by communities and groups in response to their environment, their interaction with nature and their history, and provides them with a sense of identity and continuity”.

In Rome, sacred music fulfills a central role within this context of commemorating the traditions and expressions of cultural heritage. It is sacred music that, as Benedict XVI recalled in 2007, according to the Second Vatican Council constitutes “a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art. The main reason for this pre-eminence is that, as a combination of sacred music and Dr. Roberto Novelli words, it forms a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy”. Rome is the universal seat of Christianity where, in 2002, the International Festival of Sacred Music and Art first came to life. It was a highly significant event that attracted the interest and appreciation of several institutions, of the public, and of related professionals. Among these was the Camera di Commercio di Roma (the Chamber of Commerce of Rome) which - through the work of the Azienda Speciale Promoroma – has provided a substantial contribution. It is also thanks to this financial institution that, for some time now, Rome has been learning to place itself on a par with the other great European capitals in regard to the cultural initiatives and events it has on offer.

In fact, the Chamber of Commerce firmly believes that tourism and culture are undeniable, essential elements of the development and growth of the city – a city which is known to be one of the most highly esteemed and popular destinations of cultural and religious tourism. Nevertheless, this latter aspect must bring us to reflect on the importance that the ecclesiastical cultural heritage of the Capital truly holds. It is precisely within our city’s churches that the most substantial amount – in terms of both quantity and quality - of its artistic treasures are safeguarded. This entails a patrimony that has been formed over the course of more than fifteen centuries. It is almost as if this cultural heritage has reproduced itself over the years, in such a way that “other cupolas, other foundations, sprang forth from our own foundations, our own cupolas”, just as the Emperor Hadrian had predicted, through the pen of Marguerite Yourcenar. Suffice it to think of how the marble of the monuments of the Roman era were utilized in the construction of churches which now hold artistic value without parallel in the world.

The importance that this patrimony has for the Eternal City creates the necessity to promote it in an adequate manner, and to sustain it through conservation and restoration interventions. It is possible, through a modern form of patronage, with the contributions of private sponsors. Indeed, in recent years private sponsors have been among the principal promoters of greatly essential restoration interventions. 224 Cultural activities and assets represent one of the most favoured areas by private contributors who choose to take sponsoring initiatives. Farsighted entrepreneurs are, in fact, well aware that these kinds of involvement are what can lead to a positive return in terms of increased visibility and an improved image. Thus the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, in its entrepreneurial capacity, seeks to alert modern patrons that this is the time to intervene in support of the cultural religious heritage of our city. Our organization is not new to the work of conservation and support; we directly intervened in the restoration of the Temple of Hadrian, for instance. Nor are we unfamiliar with cultural diffusion initiatives – one example of which was carried out in partnership with the Comune of Rome, in the form of seminars. These enabled the public to increase its awareness of the historical eras of which our city was protagonist, getting to know the lesser known aspects of important monuments and of works by eminent artists that have brought Rome prestige for centuries. As Pope John Paul II wrote in his memorable Letter to Artists, it is indeed true that “within the vast cultural panorama of each nation, artists have their unique place. Obedient to their inspiration in creating works both worthwhile and beautiful, they not only enrich the cultural heritage of each nation and of all humanity, but they also render an exceptional social service in favour of the common good”.

DR. ROBERTO NOVELLI General Director of Promoroma, a Special Company of the Rome Chamber of Commerce


I want to tell you of an episode that impressed me and that I found profoundly moving. In June 2001 I had an unforgettable encounter. It was ten o’clock in the evening: we had just finished the evening prayers and the square of the Loreto Shrine was full of voices, greetings, smiles and “good nights”.

I came up to a cot, in which I did not see a child but an adult woman: a minute body [58 centimetres] with a splendidly smiling face. I held out my hand to greet her, but the sick woman said to me kindly: “Father, I cannot shake your hand, because you might break my fingers: I have osteogenesis imperfecta and my bones are extremely brittle. Please forgive me”. There was nothing to forgive. I was fascinated by the serenity and sweetness of this sick woman whom I had never met and I wanted to know some more about her life. She forestalled me and said: “Father, under the pillow of H. Em. Angelo Cardinal Comastri my cot there is a small diary. It is my story! If you have the time, you can read it”. I took the booklet and read the title: Happy to be alive! My eyes went back to look at this mystery of crucified joy and I asked: “Why are you happy to be alive? Can you tell me something about what you have written?”

Here is the answer she offered for meditation to all who have a sincere desire to discover the true source of joy. She said: “Father, you can see my condition… but the saddest thing is my story! I could have entitled it: “Abandonment”! And yet I am happy, because I have understood what my vocation is. By a plan of the Lord’s love, I exist to cry out to those who have good health: “You have no right to keep it for yourselves, you must give it to those who do not have it or otherwise your health will rot away in selfishness and give you no happiness”. I exist to cry to those who are bored: “The hours in which you are bored… are hours that anyone who needs affection, care, attention and company is deprived of; if you do not give these hours, they will rot away and give you no happiness”. I exist to cry to those who live by night and go from one discotheque to another: “Those nights, you should know it! So many sick, elderly and lonely people who are waiting for a hand to dry their tears are dramatically deprived of them; and you are deprived of those tears, because they are the seed of true joy!’”.

I looked at the sick woman, speaking from her authoritative pulpit: the pulpit of suffering! I did not dare to comment, because everything was stupendously, dramatically true. The sick woman added: “Father, isn’t my vocation beautiful?” I answered bowing my head: I agreed! Indeed, joy is found by emerging from the prison of egoism and giving one’s life for others: as soon as one emerges from selfishness one finds God and, with God, one finds Joy.

226 I hope that the Eighth International Festival of Sacred Music and Art dedicated to the Year for Priests will kindle in some generous souls the desire to give their hearts to Jesus, in order to sow love in the soil of modern indifference: only in this way will joy return to the world. Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, the future Pope John XXIII, writing to his parents from the Roman Seminary, said: “Dear Parents, Brothers, Sisters, Grandfather and Uncle, when you read this letter of mine you will already have been sanctified by the holy Missions you are doing and which will soon be coming to an end. I am comforted by you and I am overjoyed at the beautiful and enviable destiny that awaits you, to be able once again to think a little seriously about saving your souls and about the eternal happi- ness of Heaven. This is what I am most concerned about, for I have never desired or implored heav- en for earthly goods for my family – riches, pleasures, prosperity – but rather that you may all be good and virtuous Christians, resigned in the loving arms of divine Providence and at peace with everyone. Indeed, what would possessing all the gold in the world be worth if one were to lose one’s soul? Keep this truth firmly in mind and never forget it. We must never be saddened by the terrible conditions in which we live; we must have patience and look up, thinking of Heaven. Heaven, Heaven! That is where we shall rest, have you understood? There our tribulations will be over, there we shall receive the reward for our deeds and our sufferings, if we have endured them with resignation… The Lord wants me to be a priest; for this he has lavished so many benefits upon me, even sending me to Rome, before the eyes of his Vicar, the Pope, in the holy city, close to the tombs of so many illustrious martyrs and so many most holy priests. This is a true stroke of fortune for me, for which you must always give thanks to God. But I am not becoming a priest out of vanity, to make money, to find comfort, honour or pleasures – woe betide me! – but rather and solely to do good, in any way, for the poor. And this is why I want you to be the first to participate in this good, for all you have done for me; I yearn for your spiritual salvation, for which I pray every day, even every hour”.

Every true and genuine priest fully recognizes himself in these words, because Fr. Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli’s heart beats with Christ’s own heart. Lord, give us so many priests… like this!

And may the Festival of Sacred Music and Art become a heartfelt prayer to invoke the gift of holy priests.

227 ANGELO CARDINAL COMASTRI Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St Peter in the Vatican THE GREAT SACRED MUSIC

The great music of the West is originally sacred music. It was born in synagogues and then in Christian churches. In churches and for the Church. It is therefore natural, indeed only right, to bring it home from the exile in which it is often found. The papal basilicas of Rome are the most distinguished sites for the “homecoming” of this great music to the original garden of its creation. It is this that the annual Festival Internazionale di Musica e Arte Sacra, now in its eighth year, desires.

This year’s programme has two focal points: the polyphony of the Roman school and organ music. Polyphony, together with Gregorian chant, has been the musical code of the Latin liturgy for centuries. Has been, because since a few decades it has absconded and its treasures gleam in places that are too rare and hidden. Bringing it back into fashion is not at all a matter of musical archaeology but rather all one with the rebirth of liturgical celebration that Pope Benedict XVI has placed at the top of his Sen. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Albert agenda as Pastor of the Church. Courtial Roman polyphony has its supreme archetype in Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina, defined by Giuseppe Verdi as the “eternal father” of Western music. Palestrina is not an easy or well-known composer. However, in today’s world there is one Maestro who is able to interpret him and bring him to life with incomparable fascination and vigour: it is Domenico Bartolucci who for decades was the “Maestro perpetuo” of the Sistine Chapel Choir and today, at 93, still directs Palestrina’s compositions with miraculous bravura. It is he who will open the Festival this year. The first evening will be in the Basilica of St. John Lateran and the second in St. Peter’s Basilica; first in the “pre-liturgical” form of a concert and then accompanying the Mass with song, a real sung Mass, the Eucharist on which everything is focused and through which alone polyphony lives to the full. Bartolucci is also a brilliant composer, one of the few who have been able to transpose the spirit of classical Roman polyphony to our day. Another modern exponent of this school is Valentino Miserachs Grau, whom the Festival will host at the Basilica of St Paul Outside-the-Walls, and who will conduct one of his Oratorios: Paolo e Fruttuoso.

The second focal point: the organ. The Pro Musica e Arte Sacra Foundation has completed the restoration of the great Tamburini organ in the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola in Campo Marzio. It did this with the contributions of generous benefactors, thanks to whom both the Foundation and the Festival are up and running even in the difficult times of a global economic crisis, with businesses tightening their purse strings but with a great many private benefactors who bravely continue to finance a cause about which they are passionate. We offer them our heartfelt thanks. Because it is also thanks to them that the Festival this year can enjoy listening to the great organ now restored, on four evenings and with, at the keyboard, the expert organists who supervised the restoration – Goettsche, Paradell and Piermarini – as well as other world famous virtuosi, such as Leo Krämer and Johannes Skudlik. The latter is the promoter of the Euro Via Festival which for the second consecutive year coincides with our 228 Roman Festival on its route which consists of organ concerts in nine European countries. The organ is the prince of instruments in liturgical music, unforgivably overlooked despite its presence in innumerable churches. A composer like Felix Mendelssohn integrated it marvellously in his sacred compositions, in psalms, motets and preludes, and it is to this Mendelssohn that the Festival devotes one of its evenings in the Church of St. Ignatius. But non-liturgical music also has a place in the programme with works by the same Mendelssohn, by Mozart and by Schubert. The latter’s work, the sublime Octet in F major for strings and wind instruments, is to be performed in the Basilica of St Mary Major by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. The Vienna Philharmonic has been a constant and incomparable presence at the Festivals di Musica e Arte Sacra. It is one of the world’s major orchestras where sacred music is interwoven with the profane. But this is a miracle in all great art, not only in music. Schubert’s Octet performed before the altar of St. Mary Major is a little like Raphael’s School of Athens whose masters of philosophy go to meet what they see on the wall in front of them: the mystery of the blessed host, the earthly and heavenly Church, God’s magnificence. Welcome to the concert!

SEN. DR. H.C. MULT. HANS-ALBERT COURTIAL President General of the Foundation Pro Musica e Arte Sacra

29 nov. 2008 Basilica di S. Paolo fuori le Mura


The Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra is a non-profit organization, founded on 21 June 2002 on the initiative of Dr. Hans-Albert Courtial. His intention was to create a private institution in the Eternal City for the promotion of sacred music at the highest level and for the restoration of treasures of sacred art. The project is to contribute to preserving the cultural heritage and to creating an awareness of it, involving individuals, companies and pilgrims, with the profound knowledge that the preservation of a common culture contributes to and furthers dialogue among peoples and that large numbers of “pilgrims” have always come to Rome. In November 2002, the Foundation which in the meantime had obtained legal recognition from the Prefecture of Rome began its activity of promoting sacred music by setting up the First International Festival of Sacred Music and Art; the intention was to have sacred music performed by the most famous international musicians in the Papal Basilicas of Rome. The Vienna Philharmonic immediately agreed to be the Festival’s Orchestra in Residence and to play Dr. Claudia Autieri in the Pope’s Basilicas. Many sacred music lovers arrived in Rome for the First Festival from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Great Britain and the United States, desirous of hearing the sacred music performed in the places for which it had been composed. The perfection of the notes combined with the perfection of the performance in places in which sacred art is expressed to listeners with the proper solemnity makes for a moment of special emotion outside all time and is therefore an unforgettable experience. It is the Festival that acquaints the public with the Foundation and its aims: to safeguard, preserve, promote and develop the cultural patrimony located in the Eternal City. It was in this way that the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra took its first steps in the activities of disseminating sacred music and preserving masterpieces of sacred art, which it put into practice by organizing a further seven Festivals as well as by funding important restoration work.

It is the sponsor companies and private patrons with their donations generously made available that allow this extraordinary cultural patrimony to be passed on to the generations to come so that the culture transmitted to us by those who have preceded us may not be lost. The Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra has so far been able to provide for its activities with the following income:

– Contributions and subscriptions specifically donated to the Foundation by juridical persons of public or private right, Italians and foreigners; – Contributions and subscriptions specifically earmarked for the Foundation, from physical persons, Italian or foreign; – From activities and demonstrations organized by the Foundation (sponsorship).

For our sponsors, sponsoring the International Festival of Sacred Music and Art meant contributing 230 to putting on events of outstanding musical importance because of the international quality of the musicians who took part in them. It meant signing a contract of cultural partnership with the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra, and sharing the Foundation’s institutional aims which enable firms to be present with their logos and their image at events of indisputable cultural quality, in such a way that the fame of the logo has a multiple impact on the public with the force and fascination of culture.

The firms that have supported us have shown that they are sensitive to the universal value of culture – and in particular to music and sacred art – and that they have desired to associate their image with culture, wishing to convey the message that culture is one of their firm’s values. For those who have done so, making a voluntary contribution to the activity of an institution has meant endowing the Foundation with the necessary means to achieve its goals without a fuss and without the publicity that goes with partnership established with sponsorship. Both the sponsors and those who have made a contribution, as true and proper patrons, have funded the institutional activities of the Foundation from 2002 to today, making possible events such as the International Festival of Sacred Music and Art, the “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra” Award, and the inauguration of restoration work on Rome’s cultural heritage.

We express all our gratitude to the patrons and sponsor firms who have supported us in past years in the hope that their example may be followed by many others. Our thanks go to all the members of the Committee of Supporters, the Circle of Benefactors and the Circle of Friends of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra.

DR. CLAUDIA AUTIERI Chartered accountant and auditor President of the Committee of Supporters of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra


FOUNDER Sen. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Albert Courtial AND GENERAL PRESIDENT Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic and Ambassador of Rome to the World

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sen. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Albert Courtial Msgr. Pablo Colino Msgr. Valentino Miserachs Grau Nicole Anneliese Courtial

HONORARY PRESIDENT His Eminence Angelo Cardinal Comastri Archpriest of the Patriarchal Basilica of St. Peter’s in the Vatican General Vicar of the Vatican City President of the Fabric of St. Peter

COMMITTEE OF HONOR His Eminence Andrea Cardinal Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo Archpriest Emeritus of the Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls, Rome

The Most Reverend Timothy Dolan Archbishop of New York

His Eminence Bernard Francis Cardinal Law Archpriest of the Basilica of St. Mary Major, Rome

His Eminence William Joseph Cardinal Levada President of the Congregation of Faith

His Eminence Francesco Cardinal Marchisano President Emeritus of the Permanent Commission for the Protection of the Historical and Artistic Monuments of the

His Eminence Paul Cardinal Poupard President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Culture

The Most Reverend Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi President of the Pontifical Council for Culture and of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church

His Eminence Camillo Cardinal Ruini General Vicar Emeritus of His Holiness for the Diocese of Rome

The Most Reverend Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci 232 Archbishop Prelate of the Holy House of Loreto His Eminence Card. Agostino Vallini General Vicar of His Holiness for the Diocese of Rome and Archpriest of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, Rome

Prof. Nikolaus Harnoncourt Conductor

Dr. Gianni Letta State Undersecretary of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Ing. Wolfgang D. Schrempp President and CEO, Mercedes-Benz Australia / Pacific

Franz Welser-Möst Conductor

ARTISTIC COMMITTEE Msgr. Pablo Colino Emeritus Director of Music of Saint Peter’s in the Vatican

Msgr. Valentino Miserachs Grau Principal of the Papal Institute of Sacred Music

Prof. Dr. Peter Ruzicka Composer and Conductor

Dr. Clemens Hellsberg President of the Vienna Philharmonic

COMMITTEE Dott.ssa Claudia Autieri (President) OF SUPPORTERS Richard de Tscharner, Switzerland Dr. h.c. Hans Urrigshardt, Germany Courtial-Landoni Viaggi Lufthansa City Center, Rome Vienna Philharmonic, Vienna Papal Institute of Sacred Music, Vatican City International Association Amici della Musica Sacra, Rome Förderverein der Freunde der Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra e.V (Supporting Association of the Friends of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra), Germany

AUDITORS Dr. Demetrio Minuto (President) Dr. Carlo Bardanzellu (Auditor) Dr. Valter Sebastianelli (Auditor) 233 Dr. Giorgio Peraldo Matton (Deputy Auditor) Dr. Silvio Paolo Magnanego (Deputy Auditor) THE SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION FÖRDERVEREIN DER FREUNDE DER FONDAZIONE PRO MUSICA E ARTE SACRA E.V.

The Festival Internazionale di Musica e Arte Sacra has, since its beginning, developed into one of the most outstanding cultural events in the eternal city. But the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra does not see its cultural accomplishment as an end in itself. It associates the objective with the sponsorship of the exceedingly valuable legacy of church music, to preserve and restore treasures of sacred art in Rome and the Vatican. This mandate has an essentially European dimension, because European culture and art in history and in the present were and are intrinsically formed by Christianity. This extremely impressive as well as successful commitment requires private support and financial sponsorship. That is why the recognised, non-profit registered association “Supporting Association of the Friends of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra“ was founded, with the awareness that post- modern humanity needs an idea, an awareness of the powers that have carried and formed them up until today, in order to find, in the fertile ground of their traditions, the roots of their future. This is why the new Association supports the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra with the implementation and realisation of its institutional mandate. This is especially carried out through concerts of the Festival di Musica e Arte Sacra in the Vatican for the diffusion and enhancement of church music; exhibitions of sacred art in the Vatican; festivals, competitions, seminars, workshops and radio and telecasts, through which sacred culture, music and art are promoted, as well as training and specialization courses in sacred art and music and also research in these fields.

19 nov. 2006 Basilica di S. Pietro n Vaticano

234 The following members are committed to the objectives of the Supporting Association:

- DIETER ALTHAUS, Minister President (retired) of Thuringia - KURT BODEWIG, Federal Minister (retired), Member of the German Federal Parliament, deputy Chairman of the European Affairs in the German Federal Parliament, Chairman of the Baltic Sea Forum - DR. HANS-ALBERT COURTIAL, General President of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra - DR. ERHARD BUSEK, Vice Chancellor (retired) of the Republic of Austria, EU-Stability Coordinator for South Eastern Europe. - PROF. DR. JÜRGEN GRAMKE, Minister of State (retired), Chairman of the Board of the Institute for European Affairs - MAG. HERBERT KAUFMANN, Chief Executive Officer Vienna International Airport - PRINCE STEFAN OF AND TO LIECHTENSTEIN, Ambassador to the Principality of Liechtenstein in the Federal Republic of Germany. - DR. PETER MARX, Liaison Representative of the Institute for European Affairs to the Catholic Church, CEO of HVM-Hamburger Versicherungsmakler GmbH - MSGR. DR. MIECZYSŁAW MOKRZYCKI, Archbishop of Coadjutor, Archbishopric Lviv (Latiner) Ukraine - MSGR. DR. FRANZ-JOSEF OVERBECK, Bishop of the Diocese Essen - DR. EERO RANTALA, Minister of Trade (retired) of the Republic of Finland - PROF. DR. KLAUS RING, President of the Goethe University in Frankfurt (retired), President Polytechnic Association - PROF. DR. BERND SCHÜNEMANN, Full Professor for criminal law/ criminal law proceedings Ludwig- Maximilians-University Munich - DIETER SOIKA, Chief Editor (retired) - MAX STICH, Vice-President Tourism ADAC (General German Automobile Association) - DR. BERNHARD WORMS, Chairman of the European Senior Union

For the first four-year term of office, Dr. Hans-Albert Courtial as Chairman of the Supporting Association, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gramke as Deputy Chairman as well as Dr. Peter Marx as a further Member of the Board were appointed, Dr Peter Marx holding the office of Chief Executive Officer.

FÖRDERVEREIN DER FREUNDE DER FONDAZIONE PRO MUSICA E ARTE SACRA E.V. Oranienstrasse 11, D - 65604 Elz (Germania) Phone. +49 (0) 6431 95 61-0, Fax +49 (0) 6431 95 61-50 Bank account: Bank im Bistum Essen eG IBAN: DE 36360602950030379012 BIC: GENODED1BBE 235 THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES


The restoration and conservation of the incalculable artistic and cultural treasures that history has bequeathed to us and devotion to all that is sacred in its various forms and traditions, in short, an insight into beauty: these are the reasons, principles and references that brought into being the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra, listed in the Register of juridical persons of the Prefecture of Rome, no. 162/2002, in compliance with the terms of DPR 361/2000. It is a non-profit organization whose institutional mission is to promote sacred music at the highest level and the restoration of precious works of sacred art. Indeed, since its constitution on 21 June 2002 the Foundation’s objectives have been to channel its funds into protecting, conserving, promoting and increasing appreciation of Italy’s patrimony of sacred art which, because of its historical significance, makes Italy the most admired and visited country in the world. This heritage largely depends on the age-old history of the Church and all she has been able to inspire and express in the course of her existence. For this reason much of the work of conservation and restoration has been carried out in the four Papal Basilicas of Rome. The statutes of the Foundation also specify an activity which, in addition to the fundamental organization of concerts for the dissemination and development of sacred music, is concerned with culture in a broader and more structured dimension: the organization of exhibitions and seminars on sacred art; the organization of festivals, competitions, conferences, round-table discussions, radio and television broadcasts and every other possible means for spreading culture, music and sacred art; the organization of training and specialization courses in music and sacred art, the awarding of prizes and scholarships for the study of these subjects and, also in this area, the promotion of study and research for a higher level of knowledge, the drafting and distribution of publications and the production of recordings for the achievement of the Foundation’s aims; the negotiation of rights for television, images and audio-visual recordings in Italy and abroad and with events organized by the Foundation to reach a wider audience, all of which must correspond with the Foundation’s aims.

THE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF SACRED MUSIC AND ART Understanding music as a union between artistic creation and spiritual experience, the Foundation created an annual International Festival of Sacred Music. Today this Festival has acquired an international reputation as one of the most prestigious and interesting musical events with a programme of famous masterpieces of sacred music, as well as real discoveries of the past and the present. First 236 of all the sacred music is performed in the context of extraordinary venues such as the Papal Basilicas of Rome and the many splendid Roman churches which host very famous ensembles of international stature, the foremost of which is the Vienna Philharmonic, the Festival’s Orchestra-in-Residence. The beauty of these sacred works performed in such unique environments, full of spirituality and history, enables everyone to experience that it is truly possible to refine their human spirit and lead it to the contemplation of Beauty and Truth. Since the very first time the Festival was held many of those attending have come from other countries. Every year more than 1,000 tourists come to Rome for the Festival. They are mainly German, Spanish, French and American. In 2004, President of Italy honoured the Festival with his presence at the concert on 21 October in the Ostiense Basilica, with the Vienna Philharmonic conducted by Riccardo Muti. In 2002 Pope Benedict XVI – at the time still Cardinal Josef Ratzinger – was present at a concert of the first Festival and in the years 2006 and 2007, at the Sunday Angelus, like his Predecessor Pope John Paul II in the past, he greeted the benefactors of the Foundation and all those from other countries who had come to hear the sublime notes of the Festival’s sacred music, as well as the musicians who had also come from abroad. In the year 2008, Pope Benedict XVI, together with the participants of the 12th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, paid the Festival the great honour and privilege of being present at the concert on 13 October in the Basilica of St Paul Outside-the-Walls. The Vienna Philharmonic, conducted by Christoph Eschenbach, performed the Sixth Symphony by . H.R.H. Princess Marie von und zu Liechtenstein, to whom deep gratitude is offered for her support of the Foundation, was also present at the concert.


During the year, the Foundation’s activity also takes the form of several special concerts, linked to international cultural and artistic events, to the celebration of special anniversaries and to the inauguration of exhibitions and restoration work with far-reaching resonance. The first extraordinary concert we wish to remember is the “Concerto dell’Immacolata in Vaticano”. It took place on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception in the Paul VI Auditorium on 7 December 2004, with the Capella Giulia of the Basilica of St Peter’s in the Vatican, the choirs of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana and the Orchestra “Amici dell’Armonia”, conducted by Msgr. Pablo Colino and with the participation of Lucia Aliberti, the soprano. On 18 May 2005 in the Basilica of St Mary Major the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra presented the first world performance of the Mass Speravi in te, Domine by the contemporary Austrian composer Hubert Steppan, dedicated to Pope John Paul II a little more than a month after his death on the day that would have been his 85th birthday. With the Christmas Concert on 12 December 2005 in the Church of S. Ignazio di Loyola, at which the musical ensembles of Salzburg Cathedral conducted by János Czifra played Mozart’s 237 Mass in C Major K317, the “Coronation Mass”, the Foundation implemented a project supported by Operandi Fondazione BAT Italia with the intention of making sacred music accessible to the THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES

disabled, and of making the public aware of the projects of the “Dopo di noi” ANFFAS Foundation. On the occasion of the Fifth Centenary of the Pontifical Swiss Guard in 2006 the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra offered two extraordinary concerts in the Church of S. Ignazio in Rome, organized jointly with the Swiss Guard. On 4 May 2006, more than 300 choristers of the Cantonal School of Olten, Switzerland, accompanied by the Swiss Army Concert Band, performed Nicolas de Flue by Arthur Honegger. On 6 May, at the concert to conclude the celebrations, the Orchestra of the Collegium Musicum Lucerna and the choir and soloists of the “Luzerner Kantorei”, conducted by Eberhard Rex, offered a programme of Haydn and Mozart. Also worthy of mention is the important collaboration with the prestigious Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia. This began in 2006 with a concert of sacred choral music performed by the Accademia Choir, directed by Filippo Maria Bressan, in the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Lucina. It continued in 2007 with the concert held in May at the Church of Sant’Ignazio, dedicated to Liszt in Rome, and with the sacred music, conducted by Maestro Bressan, at a concert in San Lorenzo in Lucino on the theme “Magnificat Anima mea Dominum”. These were opportunities to reaffirm the fruitful ties between the two Institutions in a perspective of ever broader and more effective artistic collaboration for the dissemination of sacred music. In 2009, the Foundation organized three special concerts, among which should be mentioned the Concert for the Bicentenary of the death of Joseph Haydn – held on 31 May, the exact date on which his death occurred – in the Church of Sant’Ignazio di Loyola with the Chamber Orchestra of Cologne and the Cologne Cathedral Choir conducted by Christian Ludwig and Helmut Müller-Brühl.


The presentation of the “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra” Award is also one of the annual activities of the Foundation which since of this award in 2004 has wished to recognize artists, enthusiasts, supporters and benefactors who have distinguished themselves directly or indirectly in the fields of music and of sacred art, for it is individual people who can sensitize and motivate institutions to acquire greater awareness and love for art and culture. On 22 October 2004 the first “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra” Award was presented to the Hon. Mr. Gianni Letta, Under Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office, in recognition of his moral support. The award ceremony took place in the “Sala della Conciliazione” in the Lateran Palace. On 21 February 2006 the second “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra” Award was presented to His Eminence Cardinal Francesco Marchisano, then Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St. Peter’s in the Vatican, for his commitment to the protection and conservation of sacred art as President of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church (March 1993 - October 2003), and President of the 238 Permanent Commission for the Protection of Historical and Artistic Monuments of the Holy See. The Award was presented by the Hon. Mr Rocco Buttiglione, the Italian Minister of Culture, at an official ceremony in the Church of the Santissimo Salvatore at San Michele a Ripa Grande in Rome. On 13 October 2008, the third “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra” Prize was awarded to Senator Mariapia Garavaglia and to Richard de Tscharner at an official ceremony held at the Museo Nazionale Romano in Palazzo Altemps, Rome. Cardinal Angelo Comastri presented the Prize to Senator Mariapia Garavaglia for her moral support for the spread and promotion of religious music and art through her constant presence at the Festival of Sacred Music and Art. Richard de Tscharner’s Prize was presented by the Hon. Gianni Letta, Under Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office, for his dedication to the protection and preservation of religious music and art as a Patron of the Foundation.


The Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra also promotes other cultural initiatives in the context of its institutional activities. On 26 November 2006, opening itself also to the seventh art, namely the cinema, the Foundation collaborated with New Line Cinema and Eagle Pictures, together with the Pontifical Council for Culture, the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, the Vatican Cinematheque, the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum” and the Vicariate of Vatican City to organize in the Paul VI Auditorium at the Vatican the world preview of Catherine Hardwicke’s film Nativity. From 30 March to 26 April 2007, together with the Basilica of St Mary Major in Rome and the Episcopal Curia of the Diocese of Avezzano, in collaboration with the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and with the Patronage of the Prime Minister’s Office and of the Pontifical Institute for Sacred Music, at an exhibition in the Museo Liberiano of St Mary Major the Foundation presented to the public the famous and precious parchment scroll of the Exultet. This treasure of music and art which dates back to the eleventh century has been preserved to our day in the historical archives of the Diocese of Avezzano. In the context of this cultural and artistic initiative, a scientific congress was held on 21 April 2007 in the Hall of Popes at the Basilica of St Mary Major on the theme: “The Exultet of Avezzano – historical, editorial and musical aspects”, followed by a sacred celebration of Gregorian, Ambrosian and Beneventan Chant, performed in the same basilica by the Nova Schola Gregoriana e Schola Femminile “In Dulci Jubilo” of Verona, directed by Alberto Turco. The Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra also pays special attention to editorial projects, providing a financial contribution for the publication of works on music and on sacred art. In this context should be mentioned among others: the Liberian Hymnal for the Basilica of St Mary Major, published in 2006, the book Introduzione al Canto Gregoriano (Introduction to Gregorian Chant) by Aurelio Zorzi, published in 2007 in collaboration with the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music and, in 2008, the first volume in the series Il Capitolo di San Pietro in Vaticano dalle origini al XX secolo (The Chapter of St Peter’s in the Vatican from the beginnings to the xxth century), by Dario Rezza and Mirko Stocchi for Edizioni 239 Capitolo Vaticano, as well as the splendid illustrated publication, Ludovico Seitz e la Cappella Tedesca a Loreto, compiled by Mariano Apa and Giuseppe Santarelli. THE FOUNDATION’S OBJECTIVES

Through its activities the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra aims to make the public aware of its institutional objectives, that is, the preservation, conservation, promotion and appreciation of the sacred cultural heritage of Italy, and fund-raising for related restoration projects. With the help of its supporters and sponsors, since its creation in 2002, the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra has been able to support twelve important restoration projects.

In the Papal Basilica of St Paul Outside-the-Walls the “Cappella di Santo Stefano”(2003) and the “Capella di San Benedetto” (2005), two chapels in the transept, were restored with the help of the partner DaimlerChrysler. In 2008, for the Pauline Year celebrations, the Foundation financed the restoration of the monumental baldacchino over the Papal Altar, the work of Arnolfo di Cambio, which dates back to 1285. In the Papal Basilica of St Mary Major the Foundation contributed to the restoration of the dome of the Capella di Sisto V (another “Sistine Chapel”) in 2003, and, in 2007, financed the restoration of the statue of Pope Paul V Borghese, made by Paolo Sanquirico in 1620. In the Papal Basilica of St John Lateran, in 2003 the Foundation focused its support on repairing a pair of exceptionally fine apsidal organs made by Morettini in 1886 and, in 2009, on the restoration of the choir stalls of the Capella del Coro in the transept, close to the Altar of the Blessed Sacrament and also known as the Capella Colonna. The wooden choir, commissioned by Filippo Colonna, Duke of Paliano in about 1620 and carved in Naples, dominates the whole chapel, which also contains many other artworks donated during the seventeenth century by the Colonna family. In 2004, the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra, thanks also to the contribution of the partner DaimlerChrysler, made possible the restoration of the “Capella Tedesca” at the Pontifical Shrine of the Holy House of Loreto. The chapel is decorated with a large cycle of splendid frescoes on Marian themes painted by Ludovico Seitz, thanks to the offerings of German-speaking Catholics, in the years 1892-1902. The Foundation’s important restoration project in 2005-2006 concerned the complete restructuring of the Library of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome and this enormous undertaking was funded by the partner DaimlerChrysler. This was followed in the years 2006-2008 by one of the most beautiful and significant projects supported by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra in the extraordinary archaeological site of the Vatican Necropolis beneath St Peter’s Basilica. In 2006 the Fabric of St Peter embarked on a programme for the conservation and development of the area. The Vatican Necropolis lies below the level of the Vatican Grottoes in the Basilica, corresponding to the central nave, and was discovered during the Pontificate of Pius XII Pacelli, in the years between 1939 and 1949. A double row of sepulchral buildings then came to light, once open to the sky, now filled in and covered with earth during the building of the first Vatican Basilica. They can be dated to between the second century and the beginning of the fourth century. They were neatly arranged along a narrow road that led up the Vatican Hill, all facing the Circus 240 of Nero, where it is highly likely that the Apostle Peter suffered martyrdom. The site of St Peter’s venerable tomb was identified in Field P, in the western area of the Necropolis. In the first project, carried out with the Fabric of St Peter, the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra funded urgent interventions for the preservation and consolidation of structures in the Mausoleums of the Teacher and of the Ebuzi, the Egizi, and the Matucci families. In 2007-2008 a second project was undertaken: the complete restoration of the largest and most luxurious sepulchre in the entire Necropolis, the Mausoleum of the Valeri. It was built shortly after the middle of the second century, in the time of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, by a freed slave of this important family. Today, the internal view of the building permits only a partial glimpse of the refined elegance of the decorations in white stucco that adorned the sepulchre in ancient times. With a very effective and spectacular composition, niches for cinerary urns and bas relief decorations portraying maenads and satyrs alternate with larger recesses containing sculptures of men and women, some more than a metre tall, which represent divinities and deceased members of the wealthy family of the Valeri who lived 18 centuries ago. This tomb was discovered in 1943. It was subjected to partial interventions for its conservation between 1957 and 1958. Damaged in the past by unstable microclimatic conditions and previous restoration operations carried out with inappropriate materials, the tomb at last underwent a meticulous and complete work of renovation by a team of restorers, which required about ten months. For this project the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra was able to count on the contribution of the Patron Dr. h.c. Hans Urrigshardt and the companies LGT Bank in Liechtenstein AG, Mercedes-Benz Italia S.p.A., Pedrollo S.p.A and Courtial Viaggi srl. In 2009 the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra helped to restore the Tamburini Organ in the Roman Church of St Ignazio di Loyola. The newly restored organ was inaugurated during the Eighth International Festival of Sacred Music and Art with four splendid concerts and the solemn blessing of the instrument. The current restoration project of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra concerns a part of the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican which is particularly important from the historical viewpoint: the Apartment of Pope Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere, 1503-1513). The apartment is part of the original structure of the old papal palace. It is located in the north wing of the Apostolic Palace and was built under Pope Nicholas V (Tommaso Parentuccelli, 1447-1455). The rooms for the entertainment of guests with their unbelievable series of medieval structures are splendidly accentuated and enriched by the current restoration work, which has once again revealed architectural details and paintings that may not have been visible for centuries. Together with an exquisite winter garden is the Pope’s “Stufetta”. This is a most extraordinary small room with a stove and splendid period decorations by an anonymous painter in a style close to that of Raphael. The room adjoining the “Stufetta” is the renowned bed-chamber of the Pope, with a splendid coffered ceiling in whose centre stands out the papal coat of arms. Above the coffered ceiling are remains of frescos by Pinturicchio and vignettes by his school. It is certain that the paving dates back to the times of Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia di Jativa, 1492-1503), given the presence, in addition to the unglazed terracotta paving, of glazed tiles that are decidedly Spanish in style. As well as Julius II and Clement VII, other great Popes such as Leo X, Paul III, Julius III, Sixtus V and Alexander VII also used these rooms that are so important for the history of the Church. All these Popes are undoubtedly recorded in history for 241 having made an original impression on the architectural structure of the Apostolic Palace, on the Basilica and on the city of Rome itself. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES


21ST JUNE 2002 Foundation of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra

JULY 2002 Campaign for the restoration of the Chapel of St Stephen in the Basilica of St Paul outside the Walls, Rome The Chapel of St Stephen in the Basilica located in the Ostiense district of Rome is situated to the left of the apse and is the second chapel on the left-hand side after the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. Above the altar is a statue of St. Stephen, the work of Rinaldo Rinaldi, to the left is a painting of St. Stephen thrown out of the Sanhedrin by Fra Coghetti and on the left The Stoning of the Saint by Francesco Podesti. The Chapel had been closed for many years and urgent restoration work was required. Numerous infiltrations of rainwater had damaged the gold stucco and oxidised the iron supports of the vaulted ceiling posing risks of stucco detachment and collapse.

4TH NOVEMBER 2002 Entry of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra to the Register of juridical persons of the Prefecture of Rome No. 162/2002


21st November 2002 - Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls Ludwig van Beethoven, Missa Solemnis op. 123 Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Vienna Singverein Soloists Angela Blasi, Bernarda Fink, Herbert Lippert, Franz Josef Selig CONDUCTOR FRANZ WELSER-MÖST

22nd November 2002 - Basilica of St. John Lateran 242 Emilio de’ Cavalieri, Lamentationes Hieremiae Prophetae Le Poème Harmonique CONDUCTOR VINCENT DUMESTRE 23rd November 2002 - Basilica of St. Mary Major Johannes Brahms, Ein deutsches St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Vienna Singverein Soloists Andrea Reuter, Michael Volle CONDUCTOR LEO KRÄMER

24th November 2002 - Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican Solemn Holy Mass with Gregorian Chant Choir of St. Peter’s Basilica “Cappella Giulia” CONDUCTOR MSGR. PABLO COLINO


7TH MAY 2003 Solemn ceremony for the re-opening of the Chapel of St. Stephen in the Basilica of San Paolo outside the Walls to inaugurate the restoration work funded by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra and DaimlerChrysler Italia

17TH FEBRUARY 2003 Funding of the restoration of two apsidal organs in the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome The organs were built by Perugian Nicola Morettini in 1886 and are regarded not only as the finest instruments he made but also the first and authoritative examples of romantic period organs because of the employment of the swell box.

JULY 2003 Launch of the restoration of the Cappella Tedesca in the Basilica of the Sanctuary of the Holy House in Loreto The Cappella Tedesca in the Sanctuary of the Holy House in Loreto is iconographically the most sumptuous and richly decorated of all the apsidal chapels in the Basilica and because of the imposing choir stalls it is also known as the Cappella del Coro. It is decorated with splendid frescoes that were funded by German speaking Catholics in 1892 at the behest of the Universal Congregation to commemorate the VI centenary of the Translation of the Holy House. The frescoes are a vast cycle of 243 pictures dedicated to the Madonna (Maria Immaculata, the Virgin Mary, Mary Mother of God, Mary Compassionate and Mary Mediatrix) and were painted between 1892 and 1902 by Ludovic Seitz (1844- CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES

1908), the artist in residence at the Collegio di Santa Maria dell’Anima in Rome. All the paintings in the Chapel underwent restoration. The flaking paintwork was restored and parts of the works where the paint was lifting from the plaster were re-attached, the gilding protected and surfaces cleaned, the plaster which was lifting or at risk of doing so was consolidated, the lacunae plastered and the pictorial restoration achieved with watercolours.

19TH-24TH NOVEMBER 2003 II Festival di Musica e Arte Sacra in Rome and Loreto dedicated to His Holiness Pope John Paul II in the 25th anniversary of his Pontificate

19th November 2003 - Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican Solemn Holy Mass with Gregorian Chant Choir of St. Peter’s Basilica “Cappella Giulia” CONDUCTOR MSGR. PABLO COLINO

20th November 2003 - Basilica of St. Mary Major J.S. Bach, St. John’s Passion BWV 245 Neue Düsseldorfer Hofmusik, Cologne Dome Choir Soloists Alex Potter, Marcus Ullmann, Phillip Langshaw, CONDUCTOR EBERHARD METTERNICH

21st November 2003 - Basilica of St. John Lateran Works of Orlando di Lasso and Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina THE HILLIARD ENSEMBLE

22nd November 2003 - Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls J. Haydn, The Creation Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Arnold Schoenberg Choir Soloists Luba Orgonasova, Herbert Lippert, Gerald Finley CONDUCTOR NIKOLAUS HARNONCOURT

23rd November 2003 - Basilica of St. John Lateran W.A. Mozart, Requiem K. 626 Chamber Orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Master Chorale of the USA Soloists Meredith Kogan, Linda St. George, Agostino Castagnola, Timothy Jones CONDUCTOR PAUL SALAMUNOVICH 244 24th November 2003 – Pontifical Shrine of the Holy House of Loreto (Ancona) W.A. Mozart, Vesperae Solemnes De Confessore K. 339 and Coronation Mass K. 317 Chamber Orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Speyer Dome Choir

22nd November 2003 Launch of the German edition of the book by Pasquale Macchi Paolo VI nella sua parola The translated edition of this work published in 2001 in Brescia by Editrice Morcelliana, was promoted by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra and funded by General President Dr. Hans-Albert Courtial. Paul VI. in seinem Wort was published by the Vatican and presented to the public at the concert on 22 November 2003 during the Festival Internazionale di Musica e Arte Sacra (see above). The concert was dedicated to Pope Paul VI in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of his death and was preceded by a commemorative ceremony held by Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation of Eastern Churches.

12TH DECEMBER 2003 Funding of the external restoration of the Cappella di Sisto V in the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome The Cappella di Sisto V, also known as the Cappella Sistina, owes its name to Pope Sixtus V who at his behest had the Chapel constructed within his plans for the redevelopment and growth of the Eternal City and the Liberian Basilica following the Sack of Rome in 1527. The Sistine Chapel was built by Domenico Fontana in 1587. The restoration work comprised of the replacement of the lead lining in the cupola, consolidation of the cross, replacement of the windows and perimetric balcony, restoration of the frescoes and installation of a new anti-lightning protection system in the lantern, substitution of the slates with lead slates, restoration and cleaning of the brushwork and ancient plaster of the ribs in the perimetric cornice and the re-setting of the windows and painting of the tambour.


APRIL 2004 Launch of the campaign for the restoration of the Library of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome The Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Via Torre Rossa is an academic and scientific institution founded by the Holy See. Students receive practical instruction in liturgical studies and music; great emphasis is placed on theoretical and historical studies. The Institution advocates an awareness and dissemination of traditional sacred music whilst actively promoting new music. Urgent and comprehensive restoration work on the Library was required in order for the institute to continue its academic studies and to preserve its precious technical books and manuscripts in a safe and more comfortable environment. 245 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES


20 th October 2004 – Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican Solemn Holy Mass with Gregorian Chant Choir of St. Peter’s Basilica “Cappella Giulia” CONDUCTOR MSGR. PABLO COLINO

21st October 2004 – Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls Antonio Caldara, Symphony in C and Stabat mater Antonio Vivaldi, Magnificat - Ferdinand Schubert, Regina Caeli W. A. Mozart, Regina caeli K. 276 Franz Schubert, Totus in corde langueo D 136 and Missa in G D 167 Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Male Choir of the Vienna State Opera, Vienna Boys Choir Soloists Ruth Ziesak, Anna Larsson, Herbert Lippert, Adrian Eröd CONDUCTOR RICCARDO MUTI

22 nd October 2004 – Basilica of St. John Lateran G.F. Händel, The Messiah The Choir of New College Oxford, The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment Soloists Claire Booth, Iestyn Davies, Benjamin Hulett, Adrian Powter CONDUCTOR EDWARD HIGGINBOTTOM

23 rd October 2004 – Basilica of St. Mary Major A. Dvo ák, Stabat Mater op. 58 Prague Symphony Orchestra and Philharmonic Choir Soloists Simona Houda-Šaturová, Jana Sýkorová, Jaroslav B ezina, Ji ì Sulženko CONDUCTOR ONDREJ LENÁRD

6 th November 2004 – Pontifical Shrine of the Holy House of Loreto (Ancona) W.A. Mozart, Exsultate Jubilate K. 165 and Missa in C K. 427 Cologne Dome Vocal Ensemble – Concert Royal Soloists Andrea Reuter, Theresa Nelles, Markus Francke, Rolf Schmitz-Malburg CONDUCTOR EBERHARD METTERNICH

246 22ND OCTOBER 2004 The “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra” award presented to the Honourable Dr. Gianni Letta The first “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra” Award was presented to the Honourable Dr. Gianni Letta, Under Secretary of State to the Prime Minister’s Office, in a ceremony held at 19.00 at the Sala della Conciliazione in Rome’s Palazzo Lateranense. The Award is bequeathed to those artists, scholars, supporters and benefactors who have given outstanding service to sacred music and art. The Award consists of the presentation of a diploma and a work of art. The Honourable Dr. Gianni Letta was the recipient of the award in recognition of the outstanding moral support he has given to the Foundation, and for the moral support he has given to the promotion of sacred music and art as demonstrated by his steadfast patronage of the first and second Festival Internazionale di Musica e Arte Sacra. The Award was presented by His Excellency Monsignor Angelo Comastri.

6TH NOVEMBER 2004 Solemn inauguration of the Cappella Tedesca of the Sanctuary of the Holy House in Loreto after the completion of the restoration work funded by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra and DaimlerChrysler Italia Speakers at the inauguration ceremony were Cardinal Joachim Meisner, Archbishop of Cologne and Monsignor Angelo Comastri, Archbishop of Loreto. The solemn ceremony was preceded by a prayer vigil attended by a large group of German pilgrims. The inauguration ceremony was followed by the final concert of the III Festival Internazionale di Musica e Arte Sacra (see above).

7TH DECEMBER 2004 Concert for the Immaculate Conception held in the Vatican in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception The Choirs of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana and the orchestra “Amici dell’Armonia” conducted by Monsignor Pablo Colino were joined by the soprano Lucia Aliberti in a concert in three parts held in the Aula Paolo VI in the Vatican: A Homage to Mary, Compositions dedicated to Pope Pius XI and the Finale featuring L’estasi di Maria by Jules Massenet and Charles Gounod’s Papal Hymn.


18TH FEBRUARY 2005 Inauguration of the restored Library of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome Upon completion of the restoration work funded by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra and DaimlerChrysler Italia, the Library of the Institute was inaugurated with a solemn ceremony with the participation of Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education. The Cardinal, who is the Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music, inaugurated the 247 restored Library and gave his blessing before unveiling a commemorative plaque. A concert held in the Church of the Institute followed the ceremony. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES

17TH FEBRUARY - 17TH MARCH 2005 Lent Thursdays in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in the Year of the Eucharist: Meditations and Music, organized by the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in cooperation with Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra

First Encounter – 17th February 2005, 8.30 pm - Basilica of Saint Mary Major, Rome “Eucaristia e Riconciliazione: la realtà dell’amore e della comunione” by His Eminence Bernard Francis Cardinal Law, Archpriest of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major Music programme with works by V. Miserachs Male Choir of the Cappella Musicale Liberiana Joan Paradell Solé, Organ VALENTINO MISERACHS GRAU, CONDUCTOR

Second Encounter – 24th February 2005, 8.30 pm - Basilica of Saint Mary Major, Rome “Eucaristia e il ‘volto eucaristico’ tema centrale della trasformazione o divinizzazione” by His Eminence Walter Cardinal Kasper, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Unity among Christians Music programme with choral music by G.P. da Palestrina, T.L. da Victoria, D. Bartolucci and V. Miserachs Coro Interuniversitario di Roma MASSIMO PALOMBELLA, CONDUCTOR

Third Encounter – 3rd March 2005, 8.30 pm - Basilica of Saint Mary Major, Rome “Eucaristia come sacrificio: significato del sacrificio nella sua consistenza” by His Eminence Giovanni Battista Cardinal Re, Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops Music programme with sacred polyphony and Gregorian chant Choir of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington (USA) PETER LATONA, CONDUCTOR

Fourth Encounter – 10th March 2005, 8.30 pm - Basilica of Saint Mary Major, Rome “Eucaristia come vero culto di Dio: l’apostolicità della Chiesa e la ragione per la vera Chiesa” by His Eminence Francis Cardinal Arinze, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments Music programme with choral works by V. Miserachs and D. Bartolucci and with Gregorian chant Coro Polifonico del Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra Joan Paradell Solé, Organ VALENTINO MISERACHS GRAU, CONDUCTOR

248 Fifth Encounter – 17th March 2005, 8.30 pm - Basilica of Saint Mary Major, Rome “Eucaristia come pegno della Vita Eterna: il mistero della tensione escatologica del Sacramento” by His Eminence José Cardinal Saraiva Martins, C.M.F. Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints Music programme with choral works by V. Miserachs and L. Refice Coro Plenario della Cappella Musicale Liberiana Joan Paradell Solé, Organ VALENTINO MISERACHS GRAU, CONDUCTOR

APRIL 2005 Promotion of the restoration of the Chapel of St. Benedict in the Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls in Rome The Chapel of St. Benedict in the Basilica located in the Ostiense district of Rome is situated to the right of the apse, immediately after the Choir Chapel. It was built by Luigi Poletti whose intention it was to replicate a cell of a pagan temple. The 12 columns carved in marble supporting the barrel vaulted ceiling with sumptuous lacunars come from Veio. Above the altar is a statue of St. Benedict, the work of Pietro Tenerani. The Chapels of St. Stephen and St. Benedict were closed to worshipers in 2003 as a result of the detachment of some stucco decorations. The external restoration work consisted of the complete substitution of all the lead slates in the cupola and iron skylight and the internal work involved the restoration or substitution of the golden stucco work in the vaulted ceiling, the cleaning and consolidation of all the surfaces and careful cleaning and polishing throughout. It was the express wish of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra to dedicate this endeavour to the new Pope, Benedict XVI.

30TH APRIL 2005 Concert in honour of Nicola Calipari in the Church of St. Ignatius in Rome The Slovak Symphony Orchestra of Bratislava and the Coro Lirico-Sinfonico Romano conducted by Heiko Matthias Förster performed Giuseppe Verdi’s Requiem. The performance was dedicated to the memory of Nicola Calipari, the SISMI military intelligence officer killed on 4th March 2005 in Iraq during his involvement in the release of the Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena.

18TH MAY 2005 Concert in memory of the Holy Father Pope John Paul II on the occasion of his 85th birthday in the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome The event saw the participation of Cardinal Bernard Francis Law, Archpriest of the Liberian Basilica and Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz, Private Secretary to the deceased Pope. The concert opened with a moving commemorative act. In the second half of the concert the Augsburg Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir of Klagenfurt Cathedral conducted by Rudolf Piehlmayer gave the world première of a work that Austrian composer Hubert Steppan dedicated to Pope John Paul II, his Missa Speravi in Te, Domine. The orchestra and 249 choir were joined on the stage by the soprano Sally du Randt, contralto Kathrin Koch, tenor Jörg Schneider and bass Hakan Selcuk Tirasoglu. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES

23RD – 26TH NOVEMBER 2005 IV FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DI MUSICA E ARTE SACRA IN ROME dedicated to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in the first year of his Pontificate

23rd November 2005 – Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican Solemn Holy Mass with Gregorian Chant Choir of St. Peter’s Basilica “Cappella Giulia” CONDUCTOR MSGR. PABLO COLINO

24th November 2005 – Basilica of St. John Lateran G. Rossini, Stabat Mater London Philharmonic Orchestra, London Philharmonic Choir Soloists Lucia Aliberti, Francesca Provvisionato, David Alegret, Manrico Signorini CONDUCTOR PAOLO OLMI

25th November 2005 – Basilica of St. Mary Major C. Monteverdi, Vesper of the Blessed Virgin Mary - La Venexiana CONDUCTOR CLAUDIO CAVINA

26th November 2005 – Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls A. Bruckner, Symphony no. 9 and Te Deum Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Vienna Singverein Soloists Genia Kühmeier, Monica Groop, Herbert Lippert, Günther Groissböck CONDUCTOR SEIJI OZAWA

26TH NOVEMBER 2005 Unveiling of a round mosaic shield depicting Pope Benedict XVI for the series of mosaic portraits of the Sovereign Pontiffs in the Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls in Rome The mosaic, completed with the contribution made by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra, is a portrait of the Holy Father and the work of Ulisse Sartini. It was displayed before being moved to its permanent position on the right hand side of the Basilica during the concert held on 26th November at the IV Festival Internazionale di Musica e Arte Sacra.

12TH DECEMBER 2005 Christmas Concert held with the contribution of Operandi Fondazione BAT for the projects of the Fondazione “Dopo di Noi” ANFAS 250 The charity concert was held in the Church of St. Ignatius. The Orchestra and Choir of Salzburg Cathedral conducted by János Czifra gave a performance of the Mozart Mass in C major, K 317, otherwise known as the Coronation Mass. DECEMBER 2005 With plans to provide access to the disabled to the Jesuit Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola in the heart of Rome so that they might participate in Holy Mass and the many concerts of sacred music held there, and be able to admire fully its marvellous interior, the Fondazione in collaboration with operandi Fondazione BAT Italia Onlus donated a wheelchair ramp for disabled access.


25TH JANUARY 2006 Presentation of the restored Chapel of St. Benedict and mosaic portrait which forms part of the series of mosaics of the Sovereign Pontiffs On the occasion of the celebration of Vespers on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle in the Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls the Holy Father was presented with the mosaic portrait forming part of the series of mosaics of the Sovereign Pontiffs and was shown the Chapel of St. Benedict after the restoration works dedicated to him and funded by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra and DaimlerChrysler Italia had been completed.

JANUARY 2006 Funding of the Liberian Hymnal The Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra in collaboration with the Basilica of St. Mary Major published a collection of hymns for the liturgical celebrations and devotional practices of the Basilica.

21ST FEBRUARY 2006 Conferment of the “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte” Award to Cardinal Francesco Marchisano At 17.30 in the Church of the Santissimo Salvatore in the building complex of San Michele a Ripa Grande in Rome, where the offices of the Arts Ministry are located, the second “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte” Award was conferred to Cardinal Francesco Marchisano, Archpriest of the Patriarchal Basilica of St. Peter’s. The Award is bequeathed to those artists, scholars, supporters and benefactors who have given outstanding service to sacred music and art. The Award consists of the presentation of a diploma and a work of art. His Eminence Cardinal Francesco Marchisano was the recipient of the award in recognition of his work in the safeguarding and conservation of sacred works of art in his capacity as President of the Papal Commission for the Church’s patrimony of works of art, (a position he held from March 1993 to October 2003) and President of the Permanent Commission for the Protection of Historical and Artistic Monuments of the Holy See. The Award was presented by the Arts Minister, the Honourable Rocco Buttiglione. 251 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES

28TH APRIL 2006 Concert of sacred music held in the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome The Orchestra Sinfonica Città di Grosseto, the Società Corale “” of Grosseto and the Corale “Santa Felicita” of Lucca conducted by Carlomoreno Volpini performed Valentino Miserachs’ Oratorio Stephanus for solo voices, choir and orchestra and the Missa paschalis for solo voices, choir and orchestra composed by Italo Fazzi.

4TH MAY 2006 First concert organized by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra in collaboration with the Swiss Guard held at the Church of St. Ignatius to commemorate the 5th centenary of the founding of the Swiss Guard 300 Swiss students from the Choirs of the Canton School in Olten performed, sharing the platform with the Swiss Army Concert Band, Arthur Honegger’s dramatic legend Nicolas de Flue for narrator, choir and wind orchestra. Fredi Fluri conducted the performance and Franziskus Abgottspon was the narrator.

6TH MAY 2006 Second concert in the Church of St. Ignatius in Rome organized by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra in collaboration with the Pontifical Swiss Guard to commemorate the 5th centenary of the founding of the Swiss Guard In this final concert in the celebrations the Collegium Musicum Luzern and Choir and Soloists of the Luzerner Kantorei conducted by Eberhard Rex presented a concert of Michael Haydn’s Vesperae pro festo Sanctorum Innocentium and Mozart’s Church Sonatas in F major K.244 and G major K.241, the Mass in G major K.140 and Ave Verum Corpus.

JUNE 2006 Funding of urgent restoration work in the Vatican Necropolis underneath the Basilica of St. Peter’s carried out on Mausoleums G (The Teacher), N (Ebuzi), O (Matucci) and Z (Egizi) The Vatican Necropolis is below the grottoes of the Basilica and directly underneath the central nave of St. Peter’s. The site was discovered during Pope Pius XII Pontificate (1939-1958) between 1939 and 1949. It consists of a double row of pagan and Christian sepulchral edifices which at one time would have been exposed to sunlight belonging to wealthy free families and can be dated to between the II and early IV centuries. The mausoleums housed great rooms with vaulted ceilings that were embellished with splendid pictorial decorations and stucco work, some with mosaics. The mausoleums were arranged in rows running from east to west and on a slope that was later steepened for the construction of the Basilica erected by Constantine thus preserving their structure intact. The venerated tomb of St Peter lays in the western area of the necropolis where as early as the middle of 252 the II century a “red wall” and the “Trophy of Gaius” mentioned in the writings of Eusebius of Caesarea were erected. Constantine built a marble monument above the shrine and in the centuries to come and with significant continuity the altar of Gregory the Great (590-604), the altar of Callisto II (1123) and in 1594 the altar of Clement VIII were built on the very same location. The altar of Clement VIII was subsequently covered by Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s canopy with Michelangelo’s grandiose cupola towering above. As part of the restoration plans instigated by the Fabric of St. Peter for the Necropolis, critical work was carried out in 2006 on the Mausoleums of The Teacher and the Ebuzi, Matucci and Egizi families. The work entailed consolidating detached plaster, the mechanical removal of salt efflorescences, biocide treatment to remove fungal growths and the restoration of a herm.

3RD OCTOBER 2006 Choral concert in the Church of St. Lawrence in Lucina in Rome organized by the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in collaboration with the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra This prestigious collaboration was inaugurated by a concert given by the Choir of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia conducted by Filippo Maria Bressan in a performance spanning ancient sacred and modern and contemporary music featuring works by Monteverdi, Mendelssohn, Bruckner and Mahler and Frank Martin, Knut Nystedt and Giovanni Bonato.

OCTOBER 2006 Campaign for the restoration of the H Mausoleum (Valeri) housed in the Vatican Necropolis beneath the Basilica of St. Peter Upon the proposal of the Fabric of St Peter the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra implemented the collection of funds for the restoration of the Valeri Mausoleum, the largest and most richly decorated of all the tombs housed in the necropolis. It was built in the early part of the second half of the II century during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius by a freedman of the important Valeri family. The work is a highly crafted piece of architectural sculpture, with niches for cinerary urns embellished with bass reliefs decorated with maenads and satyrs alternating with larger apertures containing sculptures of men and women, some taller than a metre, depicting deities and deceased members of wealthy Valeri family of eighteen centuries ago.

15TH – 19TH NOVEMBER 2006 V FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DI MUSICA E ARTE SACRA IN ROME dedicated to in the 250th anniversary of his birth

15th November 2006 - Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican Vespers of the Holy Spirit with Gregorian Chant Choir of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana - Cantors of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican ORGANIST LORENZO MACRÌ, CONDUCTOR MSGR. PABLO COLINO

16th November 2006 - Basilica of Saint Mary Major 253 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Litaniae Lauretanae KV. 195 (186d)- Exsultate, jubilate KV. 165 (158a) - Regina coeli KV. 108 (74d) - Vesperae solemnes de confessore KV. 339 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES

Camerata Salzburg - Cologne Dome Choir Soloists Laura Aikin, Alexandra Thomas, Daniel Sans, Thomas Laske CONDUCTOR EBERHARD METTERNICH

17th November 2006– Basilica of Saint John Lateran Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, c minor Mass KV. 427 (417a) Camerata Salzburg - Speyer Dome Choir and Choir of the Kazan State Conservatoire Soloists Susanne Bernhard, Ekaterina Leyder, Bernhard Berchthold, Radu Cojocariu CONDUCTOR LEO KRÄMER

18th November 2006 – Basilica of Saint Paul outside the Walls Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Requiem KV. 626 Camerata Salzburg - Salzburg Dome Choir Soloists Susanne Bernhard, Monika Waeckerle, Bernhard Berchthold, Radu Cojocariu CONDUCTOR JÁNOS CZIFRA

19th November 2006 – Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican Solemn Holy Mass celebrated by His Eminence Cardinal Schönborn, Arcbishop of Vienna Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Coronation Mass KV. 317 Wiener Philharmoniker - Vienna Boys Choir Wiener Sängerknaben and Singers of the Cologne and Speyer Dome Choirs Soloists Ildiko Raimondi, Michaela Selinger, Johannes Chum, Paul Armin Edelmann CONDUCTOR LEOPOLD HAGER

26TH NOVEMBER 2006 World première in the Vatican’s Aula Paolo VI of the film Nativity directed by Catherine Hardwicke. The Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra with this initiative has embraced the world of film, otherwise known as the seventh art, in collaboration with New Line Cinema and Eagle Pictures and the Pontifical Council for Culture, the Pontifical Council for Social Communication, the Vatican Film Library, the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum” and the Vicariate of the Vatican City, bringing the event to fruition.

21ST DECEMBER 2006 Christmas Concert commemorating the Jubilee Year of St. Ignatius of Loyola (450 years since his death), St. Francesco Saverio (500 years since his birth) and the Blessed Pierre Favre (500 years since his birth) in the Church of St. Ignatius in Rome Choir of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana 254 Sopranos: Cristina Vinci, Daniela Tollis, Giulia Cignoni Organists: Anna Pia Meluzzi, Lorenzo Macrì CONDUCTOR: MONSIGNOR PABLO COLINO ACTIVITIES 2007

30TH MARCH 2007 Unveiling of the statue of Pope Paul V Borghese in the Basilica of St. Mary Major restored with a contribution made by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra The bronze statue is the work of Paolo Sanquirico (c. 1565, Parma – 1630, Rome) who was active in the first decades of the 17th Century and is known for his work as a sculptor, smelter, medallist, scenographer and architect. It would appear from written documents that Sanquirico finished working on the statue between the end of 1619 and the beginning of 1620 and that it was placed near the sacristy in August of the same year in celebration of the Feast of the Madonna of the Snow. The statue is today located near the loggia of the façade, next to the entrance to the apartments of the Cardinal Archpriest.

30TH MARCH 2007 Press Conference presenting the “L’Exultet di Avezzano” project and the inauguration of the exposition of the parchment housed in the Museum of the Basilica of St. Mary Major The Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra organized and held a press conference, together with the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome and the Bishop’s See of the Diocese of Avezzano and in collaboration with the Arts Ministry and with the Patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music a project enabling the public to benefit from a greater exposure of the famous and precious Exultet roll of parchment dating from the XI Century. This precious musical and artistic artefact was up until then housed in the Historic Diocesan Archive of Avezzano. The project was divided into three parts: the exposition of the roll, a scientific conference and a concert performance of a hymn engraved on the Exultet.

30TH MARCH – 26TH APRIL 2007 Display of the Avezzano Exultet roll of parchment in the Museum of the Basilica of St. Mary Major The Liberian Museum was inaugurated and blessed by the Holy Father Pope John Paul II on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in December 2001; it houses the most precious objects belonging to the Basilica. The Avezzano Exultet occupied a central position in the Museum and was displayed in a six and a half metre cabinet designed specifically for it by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra which at the conclusion of the temporary exhibition was donated to the Diocesan Archive of Avezzano with the intention that the parchment roll may be permanently exhibited there.

21ST APRIL 2007 Scientific Conference of the Avezzano Exultet on historical, editorial and musical issues pertaining to the parchment The Conference was held in the Sala dei Papi in the Basilica of St. Mary Major in the presence of 255 Cardinal Bernard Francis Law, Archpriest of the Basilica and the Honourable Dr. Gianni Letta, one of the promoters of the initiative. The other speakers were Professor Lucia Bonifaci, Professor of History CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES

of Music at Rome’s Santa Cecilia Conservatoire and Monsignor Alberto Turco, Director of Music at the Cathedral of Verona and Full Professor of Gregorian Chant at the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome who gave an introduction on the use of the parchment roll in the Medieval Easter liturgy and spoke about the results of a study conducted on the Avezzano Exultet, which has been the subject of a long awaited analysis and which included a detailed examination of the musical aspects.

Sacred Performance of Gregorian, Ambrosian and Beneventan Chant The conference was followed by a concert entitled “Sacred Performance of Gregorian, Ambrosian and Beneventan Chant” which featured a performance of the hymn of the Exultet as engraved on the Avezzano roll of parchment. The performers were the Veronese Nova Schola Gregoriana and the women’s Gregorian Schola “In Dulci Jubilo” directed by Alberto Turco.

24TH MAY 2007 “Liszt in Rome and Sacred Music” – A choir and organ concert of works of Franz Liszt The concert was organized by the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in collaboration with the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra in the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola in Rome Choir of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia Gianluca Libertucci, Organ MAURO BACHERINI, CONDUCTOR

JULY 2007 Campaign launch for the restoration of the Tamburini Organ in the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola in Campo Marzio, Rome Upon the proposal of the Jesuit Community of St. Ignatius, the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra launched a campaign for the restoration of the organ in this splendid baroque church, known throughout Rome as a superlative venue for performances of sacred music. The instrument was built by the Pontifical Organ Builders Tamburini and transported to the Basilica in 1935. It is a three manual organ and it is well documented that the instrument was built partially using the registers of an Inzoli dating from 1895 which was previously housed in the Basilica. The organ is encased in two lofts positioned in the presbytery to the left and right of the High Altar. The focus of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra’s work is to provide with this restoration work the city of Rome with a superb concert organ.

OCTOBER 2007 Publication of the book Introduzione al Canto Gregoriano written by Aurelio Zorzi The Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra funded the publication of the work printed in collaboration 256 with the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music and donates free copies to anyone requesting one. 10TH – 13TH OCTOBER 2007 VI FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DI MUSICA E ARTE SACRA IN ROME dedicated to His Holiness Benedict XVI on occasion of his 80th birthday

10th October 2007 – Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican W. Seifen, Missa Solemnis „Tu es Petrus“ for choir, orchestra and organ Solemn Holy Mass dedicated to His Holiness Benedict XVI Symphonisches Orchester der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Humboldts Studentische Philharmonie Humboldts Philharmonischer Chor CONDUCTOR CONSTANTIN ALEX

11th October 2007 – Basilica of Saint Paul outside the Walls Giuseppe Verdi, Requiem Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra Choir of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Rome Soprano Fiorenza Cedolins, Mezzosoprano Dolora Zajick Tenor Fabio Sartori, Bass Ferruccio Furlanetto CONDUCTOR DANIELE GATTI

12th October 2007 – Basilica of Saint Mary Major Nova Metamorfosi - Sacred Music in Milan in the Early 17th Century Le Poème Harmonique CONDUCTOR VINCENT DUMESTRE

13th October 2007 – Basilica of Saint John Lateran Johann Sebastian Bach, Mass in B minorBWV 232 The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choir Soprano Marieke Steenhoek, Alto Lestyn Davies Tenor Jörg Dürmüller, Bass Klaus Mertens CONDUCTOR TON KOOPMAN

13TH OCTOBER 2007 Visit by the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI to the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music and inauguration of the restored library of the Institute made possible by a contribution made by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra The Holy Father blessed the Library of the Institute and commended the Fondazione Pro Musica e 257 Arte Sacra in his speech: “I have come with joy to the fully renovated seat of learning of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music. My visit marks the inauguration and blessing of the impressive restoration CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES

work carried out in these recent years that was the initiative of the Holy See and made possible by the substantial contributions made by various benefactors, including the “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra”, which deserves a special mention for its funding of the integral restoration of the Library.” (Osservatore Romano, 14th October 2007)

DECEMBER 2007 Publication of a book commemorating the 5th Centenary of the Vatican Basilica The Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra funded the publication of the book C’ero anch’io! 18 aprile 1506-2006. Cinquecento anni dalla posa della prima pietra della nuova Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano, published by the Fabric of St Peter.

19TH DECEMBER 2007 Christmas Concert organized by Courtial International with the patronage of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra in the Church of St. Ignatius in Rome Choir of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana Orchestra Amici dell’Armonia Conductor Monsignor Pablo Colino


14TH JANUARY 2008 The President General of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra is appointed “Ambassador of Rome to the world” by the City of Rome Sen. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Albert Courtial is the first German to be appointed “Ambassador of Rome to the world” by Rome’s municipality. Since 2002 this award is given annually to personalities who actively promote Rome’s image in culture, art and economy in Italy and world-wide. The ceremony is conducted by Rome’s vice-mayor, On.le Mariapia Garavaglia, in the hall of the Protomoteca on the Capitol Hill. During her speech she addresses the nominees: „Of course, you will feel honoured by this nomination for the official recognition of your efforts, and we do appreciate it a lot, but let me assure you that it is an even greater pleasure and honour for us, representing the city, to be able to hand over this particular award because this means that there are people who do promote the city’s image in Italy and the world with their activities”. Past editions of the award “Ambassador of Rome to the world” went to personalities like Paolo Bulgari (jewellery), Valentino (fashion designer), Ennio Morricone (film music composer), Martin Scorsese (film director and producer), Giampaolo Fisichella (F1- racing driver), and Aurelio De Laurentis (film 258 productor). 8TH FEBRUARY 2008 Unveiling of the portrait of Cardinal Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo A portrait of Cardinal Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo by Natalia Tsarkova was unveiled in the Residenza Palazzo Cardinal Cesi in Via della Conciliazione in Rome. The painting of the first Archpriest of the Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls was subsequently moved to the Basilica. The portrait was funded by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra.

22ND APRIL 2008 Celebration of the Eucharist presided over by His Excellency Gianfranco Ravasi for the presentation of the restoration of the baroque machinery of the Altar of St. Ignatius of Loyola (the work of Andrea Pozzo), in the Church of the SS. Nome di Gesù all’Argentina in Rome The music during the celebration performed by the Cappella Musicale di San Giacomo and the Ensemble Seicentonovecento conducted by Flavio Colusso was offered by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra.

23RD APRIL 2008 Concert of sacred music performed by the Choir of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia conducted by Filippo Maria Bressan in the Basilica of St. Lawrence in Lucina The “Magnificat Anima Mea Dominum” concert was organized by the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in conjunction with the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra.

MAY 2008 Launch of the campaign for the restoration of the wooden choir stalls in the Choir Chapel (the Cappella Colonna) in the Basilica of St. John Lateran The Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra launched a campaign to raise funds for the restoration of the wooden choir stalls in the Cappella Colonna situated in the transept next to the Altar of the Most Holy Sacrament. The Chapel is the work of Gerolamo Rainaldi and was commissioned by Filippo Colonna, Duke of Paliano upon his return from Spain in 1611. The splendid wooden choir stalls are due to Filippo Colonna who had them carved in Naples in circa 1612.

27TH MAY 2008 Press Conference for the unveiling of the restoration works carried out on the Mausoleum H (The Valeri) in the Vatican Necropolis underneath the Basilica of St. Peter The presentation of the restoration work of the Mausoleum (The Valeri) in the Vatican Necropolis was held in the Library of the Fabric of St. Peter. The restoration work was funded by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra and DaimlerChrysler Italia. Having made the funds available the Mausoleum was the beneficiary of much awaited meticulous and 259 full renovation work comprising the removal of the cement plastering of earlier inadequate restoration work and the restoration of the herms. Additionally, a modern crystal cabinet from which visitors may CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES

look at the tomb from the outside without altering the delicate microclimatic conditions which are constantly controlled by a computerized and high precision monitoring unit, and new and highly effective fibre optic lighting to illuminate the tomb’s extraordinary and exceedingly rare decorations were installed. Those who spoke at the unveiling included Cardinal Angelo Comastri, President of the Fabric of St. Peter, Dr. Maria Cristina Carlo Stella, Head of the Fabric of St. Peter. Dr. Pietro Zander, Director of the Restoration Works of the Vatican Necropolis and Dr. Adele Cecchini, Restorer.

2ND JUNE 2008 The President General of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra is appointed Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic The President of Italy Giorgio Napolitano, upon proposal by the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and by decree dated 2nd June 2008, has conferred to Dr. Courtial the title of Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic (Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana). The high decoration has been consigned to Dr. Courtial by the State Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in Palazzo Chigi.

11TH JUNE 2008 Book launch held in the Oratorio del Gonfalone in Rome of the first book in the series “Il Capitolo di San Pietro in Vaticano dalle origini al XX secolo” written by Dario Rezza and Mirko Stocchi (Edizioni Capitolo Vaticano) This richly illustrated book contains fascinating and hitherto unpublished facts and is the first in a series of books entitled La storia e le persone. Three tomes have been commissioned for the series. The publication of the book was funded entirely by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra.

28TH JUNE 2008 Unveiling to the Holy Father of the restored Papal Altar of the Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls in Rome On the occasion of the first Vespers of the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul in the Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls, the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI decreed the Year of St. Paul and during the celebration blessed the newly restored Altar of the Confession. The impressive canopy that towers above the altar and the tomb of St. Paul was restored with a contribution made by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra. It is one of the most celebrated works of the medieval sculptor and architect Arnolfo di Cambio (Colle Val d’Elsa c. 1245 – Florence c. 1305) and was commissioned in 1285 by Abbot Bartolomeo. The Papal Altar (The Altar of the Confession) 260 and its canopy are of considerable religious importance in that they stand above the tomb of St. Paul, Apostle of the Peoples, one of the most sacred sites of the Catholic Church. 12-13 OCTOBER 2008 SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF SACRED MUSIC AND ART Dedicated to the Apostle Paul in the 2000th anniversary of his birth Part One

Sunday, 12 October 2008, 8.30 p.m. – Basilica of St John Lateran (apse) Johann Sebastian Bach, The Art of the Fugue BWV 1080 New critical edition and instrumentation by Hans-Eberhard Dentler Ensemble Arte della Fuga

Monday, 13 October 2008, 6.00 p.m. – Basilica of St Paul Outside-the-Walls Concert in the presence of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, dedicated to the 12th General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops Anton Bruckner, Symphony no. 6 Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra CONDUCTOR CHRISTOPH ESCHENBACH

The concert, in homage to Pope Benedict XVI and the Synod Fathers taking part in the Synod of Bishops on “The Word of God”, also saw the presence of many distinguished guests including about 30 Cardinals, Princess Marie von und zu Liechtenstein, Staatsminister Neuman, Minister for Culture of the Federal Republic of Germany, and Luca Cordero di Montezemolo. The following day, Luca Della Libera wrote in the Messaggero: “Pope Benedict XVI was really happy yesterday evening, at the end of the much anticipated concert of the Vienna Philharmonic in the Basilica of St Paul Outside-the-Walls for the International Festival of Sacred Music and Art. A great lover of classical music and the piano, the Pope did not want to miss the precious opportunity to hear the legendary Austrian orchestra live… Almost 4,000 people listened with great attention and in silence to the 60-minute score, masterfully conducted by Christoph Eschenbach, and the tension was then broken by a long round of warm applause”. In his address at the end of the concert, the Holy Father said: “The concert this evening is one of the various initiatives planned for the special Jubilee of the Pauline Year. It is taking place in the evocative setting of the Basilica of St Paul Outside-the-Walls where several days ago the Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops was solemnly inaugurated. I naturally extend my greeting and cordial thanks to all those who have promoted and organized this beautiful evening with a high-quality musical performance. In the first place, I wish to thank the Pro Musica e Arte Sacra Foundation, well known for its numerous initiatives. I then greet and thank the members of the Wiener Philharmoniker Orchestra, which has offered us a masterful performance of Anton Bruckner’s Sixth Symphony, steeped in a religious sense and profound mysticism”. Addressing the orchestra directly, the Holy Father continued in German, and we cite the translation 261 published in L’Osservatore Romano: “With joy and full of gratitude I greet the Wiener Philharmoniker, conducted today by Christoph Eschenbach, who for the seventh time in the context of the International CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES

Festival of Sacred Music and Art have imbued their audience with deep joy. Dear friends, with your professionalism and your musical ability you always succeed in moving the hearts of your listeners, and in offering them Bruckner’s marvellous music you have plucked all the heartstrings of human feeling. With your musical talent you raise society from the human to the divine sphere. For this, I say to you all a heartfelt ‘Vergelt’s Gott!’”. Returning to Italian, Benedict XVI concluded with these words: “The Sixth Symphony expresses the faith of its composer who, with his compositions was able to transmit a religious vision of life and of history. We might say that Anton Bruckner, drawing from the Austrian Baroque and from the Schubertian tradition of popular song, took to its extreme conclusion the romantic process of interiorization. In listening to this famous composition in the Basilica dedicated to St Paul one spontaneously thinks of a passage from the First Letter to the Corinthians in which the Apostle, after speaking of the diversity and unity of spiritual gifts, compares the Church to the human body, made up of very different members but all indispensable for its good functioning (cf. 1 Cor 12). The orchestra and the choir are also comprised of different instruments and voices, which in tune with one another offer a harmonious melody, pleasing to the ear and the spirit. Dear brothers and sisters, let us take note of this teaching which we see confirmed in the splendid musical performance we had the pleasure of hearing. I greet you all with affection, as I address a special thought to the Synod Fathers and to the other important people present. Lastly, I extend a fraternal greeting to Cardinal Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo, Archpriest of this Papal Basilica, who has once again offered us such a cordial welcome. I would like to thank him, together with his collaborators, for the various religious and cultural events planned for the Pauline Year under way. May this Roman Basilica where the mortal remains of the Apostle to the Gentiles are preserved truly be a fulcrum of liturgical, spiritual and cultural initiatives which aim at rediscovering his missionary work and his theological thought. As I invoke the intercession of this eminent Saint and the motherly protection of Mary Queen of Apostles I warmly impart the Apostolic Blessing to everyone present and gladly extend it to their loved ones”. The Holy Father then personally greeted some members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors and Committee of Supporters.

13TH OCTOBER 2008 Ceremony for the conferral of the “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra” Award to Sen. Mariapia Garavaglia and to Richard de Tscharner The third “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra” Award was awarded to Senator Mariapia Garavaglia and to Richard de Tscharner at an official ceremony held at the Museo Nazionale Romano in Palazzo Altemps, Rome. The Award was presented to Senator Mariapia Garavaglia by His Eminence Cardinal Angelo Comastri for her moral support for the spread and promotion of religious music and art through her constant presence at the Festival di Musica e Arte Sacra. The Hon. Gianni Letta, Under Secretary 262 of State, Prime Minister’s Office, presented the Award to Richard de Tscharner for his dedication to the protection and preservation of religious music and art, as a Patron of the Foundation. 17TH -22ND NOVEMBER 2008 SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF SACRED MUSIC AND ART

Part Two

Monday 17th November 2008, 9.00 pm - Academic Hall of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music Concert for piano and organ Johannes Skudlik, organ Jean Guillou, piano and organ

Tuesday 18th November 2008, 9.00 pm - Academic Hall of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music Concert for organ and trumpet Reinhold Friedrich, trumpet Simon Preston, organ

Wednesday 19th November 2008, 9.00 pm - Church of St Louis of the French Organ concert Naji Hakim, organ

Thursday 20th November 2008, 9.00 pm - Church of St Paul within the Walls Concert for organs and percussion Jean Guillou, Martin Baker, Roberto Bonetto, Winfried Bönig, Bernhard Buttmann, Giampaolo di Rosa, Vito Gaiezza, Jürgen Geiger, Jürgen Wolf, organ Hélène Colombotti, percussion Johannes Skudlik, organ and direction

The organ concerts were organized from 17 to 20 November 2008 by the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra in collaboration with the Euro-Via- Festival 2008 and with the European Organ Festival “Ways to Rome”, promoted by Festival e.V., Germany, under the artistic direction of Maestro Johannes Skudlik, marking the entry of the organ, the principal instrument of sacred music, into the Festival’s programme.

Saturday 22 th November 2008, 9.00 pm - Basilica of St Ignatius of Loyola in Campo Marzio Stephen Edwards, Requiem for my Mother Continuo Arts Symphonic Chorus and the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Beverly Coulter, soprano Kristopher Jean, tenor 263 Keith Spencer, baritone Conductor Candace Wicke CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE FOUNDATION’S ACTIVITIES


Part Three

Wednesday 26th November 2008, 5.00 pm - Papal Basilica of St Peter in the Vatican Holy Mass celebrated by His Eminence Angelo Cardinal Comastri, Archpriest of the Vatican Basilica Gregorian Chant: Choir of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Conductor Peter Latona W.A. Mozart, „Venite Populi“ KV 260 (248a) Joseph Haydn, Missa Solemnis “Harmoniemesse” HOB. 22.14 W.A. Mozart, “Magnificat” from Vesperae Solemnes de Confessore KV 339 Youth Orchestra of the Americas / New England Conservatory Festival Ensemble Gächinger Kantorei Robin Johannsen, soprano - Ingeborg Danz, contralto - Jussi Myllys, tenor - Jens Hamann, bass CONDUCTOR HELMUTH RILLING

Wednesday 26th November 2008, 9.00 pm - Papal Basilica of St Mary Major “Music for a Mass in honour of the Immaculate” Choir of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception CONDUCTOR PETER LATONA

Thursday 27th November, 9.00 pm - Papal Basilica of St John Lateran (apse) Franz Joseph Haydn, The Last Seven Words Of Christ on the Cross HOB.III:50-56 STRING QUARTET OF THE VIENNA PHILHARMONIC

Friday 28th November 2008, 9.00 pm - Papal Basilica of St Mary Major Johannes Brahms, A German Requiem Orchestre de la Suisse Romande Rundfunkchor Berlin Malin Hartelius, soprano - Detlef Roth, baritone CONDUCTOR MAREK JANOWSKI

Saturday 29th November 2008, 9.00 pm - Papal Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls “Music from the European Cathedrals” Wind Ensemble „Dom zu Speyer“ 264 Speyerer Domchor Philharmonischer Chor an der Saar Chor der Saarländischen Bachgesellschaft CONDUCTOR LEO KRÄMER Sunday 30 th November 2008, 9.00 pm - Basilica of St Ignatius of Loyola in Campo Marzio Johann Sebastian Bach, Musicalisches Opfer BWV 1079 in the version of Hans-Eberhard Dentler I Solisti del Thema Regium

4TH DECEMBER 2008 Presentation of the book: “Ludovico Seitz e la Cappella Tedesca a Loreto” by Mariano Apa and Giuseppe Santarelli On the occasion of the centenary of the German Chapel in the Basilica of the Pontifical Shrine of the Holy House in Loreto, Ancona, the Pontifical Delegation of the Holy House of Loreto and the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra presented a richly illustrated book on the German Chapel which was restored with the contribution of the Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra in 2004. The Foundation also contributed to book’s publication by funding the printing. The presentation took place in the German Chapel with speeches by Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci, Prelate of Loreto and Pontifical Delegate of the Holy House of Loreto, Prof. Antonio Paolucci, Director of the Vatican Museums, Dr. Hans-Albert Courtial, General President and Founder of the “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra”, and Fr Giuseppe Santarelli, Director of the Universal Congregation of the Holy House of Loreto and one of the book’s authors.


31ST MAY 2009 Extraordinary concert in the Church of S. Ignazio di Loyola, Rome, on the occasion of the bicentenary of Joseph Haydn’s death The “Kölner Kammer Orchester” (Cologne Chamber Orchestra), and the Cologne Cathedral Choir conducted by Christian Ludwig and Helmut Müller-Brühl performed a programme of works by the Austrian composer the bicentenary of whose death was precisely this very day. Claudio Bohórquez (cello) and Laura Vukobratovic (trumpet) performed as soloists.

OCTOBER 2009 The Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra has made available for the 19th International Piano Competition “Roma 2009”, organized from 14 to 28 October 2009 by the Associazione Culturale “Fryderyk Chopin” of Rome, whose artistic director is Marcella Crudeli, the special “Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra” Prize of € 1,600 for the best performer of sacred music.

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