The Cadet Issued By
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Baseball and Track THE CADET ISSUED BY THE CORPS OF VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE VOL. XVI. LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1923 No. 19 SPEAKERS CHOSEN FOR Se"df. I)el^es CADET TOSSERS I to the National Stu- INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATE dent council of the TO PRY OFF LID I Episcopal Church Shorter, Scott and Polk to Argue For V. M. I. Cadets A. B. Scott and W. I. To Meet Nine From New York University on Jordan represented V. M. I. at In Roanoke The National Student Council of Alumni Field on Wednesday the Province of Washington at Will Meet Nine From New Shorter, Scott and Polk To Ar- the University of Pennsylvania TRACK 1 TEAM March 16-18, 1923. STUDENT CHAPTER York University On Alumni gue for V. M. I. In !i' Field Wednesday. Roanoke. HOLDS TRYOUTS There were twenty-five col- A. S. C. E. HOLDS leges and universities represrnt- line lid will be pried off the The final debate in the Squad Rapidly Getting Into ed toy about forty-five students. MEETINGS Big Team's baseball campaign eliminating series preparatory Shape. Of these twenty-five institu- The sixth and seventh meet- for 1923 'here Wednesday when to the Roanoke College debate tions seven were from this Dio- ings of the Student Chapter of they will encounter the nine was presented before the Jack- In the second of the series of cese. the A. S. C. E. were held on frolm New York University. sonian Literary Society at their the competitive tryouts of the The main purpose of this March sixth and twenty->second. The galme is expected to toe one regular weekly meeting last traick squad last Saturday much Conference was to study the The usual series of talks and of the best games of the early Wednesday night. The subject Improvement was displayed by difficulties wdrich confront the interesting discussions took season, as both nines have been for debate was: "Resolved that the candidates over tlhe show- college students of today and to place. These meetings ha/ve getting in the best of shape for a pay-as-you-go method for pro- ing made at -the first, a week bring the Church and college proved a great success this the coming fray. viding good roads is a better previous. This was / especially students closer to eadh other. year and if they continue, as plan than a state bond issue." noticeable in the dashes, mile In order to becdme a Unit of The New York U. is on an and two-mile runs. they show great promise of do- Plowden alone represented the Council each organiztion of extended southern tour, and ing, this will be one of the most the affirmative; his colleague The candidates who are out Episcopal students in the col- while in Dixie will meet the successful since the Chapters having been called aiwayf unex- for position in the field events leges must agree to carry out University of Virginia, Wash- inauguration. pectedly. Polk and Scott were were afforded their first chance the following program: (1) ington and Lee, Trinity, Guil- At the meeting held on the on the negative side of tho to compete. The results met Worship, (2) Religious Educa- ford, William and Mary, and V. sixth, Baxter, Keesee, Baugihn, question. The debate was well with the satisfaction of the tion, (3) Church Extension, (4) M. I. The Violet team is under and Attwell delivered talks on prepared and impressively de- coaches, who stated that the Service and (5) Meetings to Coach McCartihy and Oapltain topics of current interest to the livered. A marked improve- competition will undoubtedly be promote the aforementioned ob- Flynn, their "Batoe Ruth," who engineer. ment over the former attempts keen as the men develop form jects as follows: ,r hit .515 in college circles last " Baxter Us the firdt speaiker, of the same debaters was easily and practice. 1. Worship: The Unit shall year. proved very interesting in that perceived and the elusive char Foster proved his consistency make provision for attendance Good weather has helped the he gave his own experiences in acteristic of human interest by winning again in the hun- at a Church service once a Cadets so far, as the tea|m has the location of wrecks and found itself woven into each dred-yard dash, and easily tak- week, whiclh if possible shall be only missed two practices so large rocks at sea. This infor- speech. The affirmative was ing first place in the two^twen- the Holy Communion, and shall far, due to bad weather condi- mation is used in map and chart handicapped toy the fact that it ty. He handily left his oppon also make provision for tions. Workouts between th6 making and is of the utmost was impossible for one of the ents behind in both events and monthly Corporate Comlmunion. Varsity and Scrubs have been importance to tlhe mariner. speakers to present his argu- came in with a two-yard lead 2. Religious Education: The Without these maps, ocean in order daily, with the result ment, but Mr. Plowden was in the two-twenty. (Continued on Page Five) travel would be at a standstill. that both squads are getting given an opportunity to exer- One of the closest races yet in fine trim for the opening Municipal Engineering was cise his extensive vocalbulary was that of the half-mile. game. MANY COLLEGES the next topic and was given by for a double period, and proved Briggs succeeded in winning Baughn. In this discussion, he Last Wednesday the two a worthy dual opponent. over Diuguid by only a pace ENTER ARMY POLO went into the application of en- teams went the full nine inning lead. The two men ran neck The negative displayed an gineering to the location and route and the Varsity took tihe and neck until a few yards from TOURNAMENT eagerness for the attack that building of our water supply. Yannigans into camp by the the tape when Briggs showed a was well backed by points Virginia Military , Institute The purification of waiter by count of 7 to 2. Page was on slight advantage *in the final chosen for their vital relation polo teaim has been advised that sediment tanks and other meth- the mound for the regulars and sprint. to the subject. After Polk's seven college teams have al- ods were explained toy him. was in mid-season form, White Overcoming his defeat in the entreaty Scott carried his au- ready accepted the invitation to This a field of great promise to Nugent and Huntt, tooth Varsity half-mile, Diuguid came back dience to the higher realms of the second army corps area to the young engineer. men, who essayed the hurling and won the mile in good time. oratory, known only to the sil- compete in an intercollegiate re- The saving of space in a very (Continued on Pace 8) At the finish, the three leading ent-tonguedj and accomplished serve officers' training corps large and modern theatre in men were closely grouped, with R. H. KNOX ELECTED CAP- his purpose. polo tournament to toe held at San Francisco by lowering the TAIN OF BOXING After the debate the judges (Continued on Pave Eiiihti Fort Hamilton from May 3 to height and by building over- FOR 1924 retired to prepare the final de- May 15. The expenses of the hanging balconies was told of in "RUP" BAIRD TO LEAD cision concerning the teams to tournament have been guaran- detail by Keesee. This is a new GRAPPLER SNEXT YEAR At the regular post season represent V. M. I. algainst Roa- teed by the second army cor^s idea in construction and may meeting, of those men who noke College. J. C. Smith ren- At a meeting of all wrestling area. The matches will be held open new fields in theatre ar- were successful in securing dered a criticism of the debate men, w'ho wear monograms, under the auspices of the Amer chitecture. boxing monograms, 'held recent- that should guide the contest- held last Tuesday night, "Rup ican Polo Association and have Attwell compared the stabil- ly, the captain of that sport for ants from their defects in fu- Baird was elected to the post of the approval of the army cen ity of concrete pipes and drains next year was popularly assign- ture engagements. captain of that sport.' tral polo committee. to other forms of piping. He ed to R. H. Knox of Miami, The final representatives, the The team is to be heartily Invitations to participate in both described incidents and Fla. They could not have pick- result of eight elimination congratulated upon their dhoice the tournament were sent to gave facts which proved the al- ed more wisely; and with the bouts, were given according to of such a man to be their lead- Yale, Harvard, Cornell, Penn most self evident advantage to material now available, espe- rank as follows: er. "Rup's" ability is unques- sylvania, Princeton, Norwich, concrete piping as contrasted cially in consideration of the Shorter. tionable; incidentally he is elig- West Point, Virginia Military with older foiims. man under Whose leadership Hankins. ible for the South Atlantic Institute. With the exception The next meeting, held on this material is to be rounded Scott. Championship of his class, not of Harvard, which has tenta March twenty-second, proved into shape, there can be no Jones, W. having lost a single match. We tively agreed to send a team, all equally interesting. Due to the doubt as to the great ability of Polk.