326 in the Third and Fourth Classes Subject to ERC Call A
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She It lliUCuht Virginia Honor Roll of 1 wtZt^m ' JflBHH The Virginia Military Institute HPf^sy <ff«*t HWfll PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CORPS OF CADETS VOLUME XXXVI—Z-778 LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, JANUARY 11, 1943 NUMBER 14 May 22 Graduation Now Awaiting Board of Visitors ^MHE MT VfflU HEKB^S^ i Approval On Saturday; 326 in the Third and Fourth P^IF \ Mr / «>- ^v URHK/ Classes Subject to ERC Call at Semester Termination iZll f mi i.mb; •kIW • .Ji r- mnum Analysis im / . i Examination Schedule December Honor List Expected Lt. Gen. Charles E. Kilbourne For All Classes Made by 126 Cadets Superintendent Very Soon The mid-term examinations for Friday, Jan. 22: Electrical Engi- The following cadets comprize Chambers, Virginia; B. C. Chris- On January 3, 1943, the Richmond Times-Dispatch presented its sixth all four classes will begin one neering, Electrical Lab. Meeting this Saturday morning, the Honor List for the month of tian, Virginia; C. P. Coburn, North annual Virginia Honor Roll, on which appeared the name of General week from today. The usual rules Saturday, Jan. 23; Pre-Medical, the Board of Visitors, among other December, 1942, having had an av- Carolina; L. A. Corkan, Jr., Penn- C. E. Kilbourne. The list always includes "a limited number of persons will apply, with the request from French or German; Civil Engineer- matters will take up the date of erage of 9.00 or more on all topics sylvania; C. C. Crowder, Virginia; who have reflected credit upon the State through the display of patriot- headquarters that each cadet do his ing, Sanitary Engineering; Liberal graduation this year which has of instruction and conduct records G. Eng. Illinois; T. B. Gentry, Ken- ism, courage, ability, intelligence, generosity, or unselfishness." Service best on every question. Arts, French or German. been recommended by the Super- not impaired by excessive demer- tucky; J. S. Ingles, Texas; R.P. to Virginia is the criterion by which those on the Honor Roll arc judged. Monday, Jan. 25: Chemistry, Or- intendent to be Saturday, May 22. its. Jones, Jr., Virginia; J. C. Lamb, FIRST CLASS In listing General Kilbourne's achievements as Superintendent of tbe ganic Chemistry; Electrical Engi- This date represents the earliest FIRST CLASS III, Virginia; W. B. Lawson, Jr., Monday, Jan. 18: All First Class- possible time at which it is felt Virginia Military Institute during 1942, the Times-Dispatch had the fol- neering, Math.; Liberal Arts, Psy- G. Adams, Virginia; J. A. And- Virginia; F. H. Lockwood, Texas; men—Economics. graduation can be held without lowing to say: chology. derson, Jr., Virginia; W. C. An- L. L. Lonas, Jr., Virginia; E. H. Tuesday, Jan. 19: Re-examina- seriously curtailing the usual cur- Tuesday, Jan. 26:Pre-Medical, drew, District of Columbia; R. A. Malone, Jr., Florida; R. Q. Mars- "Lieutenant-General Charles Evans Kilbourne, a Virginian by birth tions. riculum. This date will also facili- Embryology; Liberal Arts, English. Aussicker, New York; C. H. Beck- ton, Virginia; C. T. Metcalf, Ohio; and a son by the added right of service, was born at Fort Whipple in Wednesday, Jan. 20: Chemistry, tate the general speeding up which Wednesday, Jan. 27: Chemistry, ham, Florida; W. E. Bell, Arkan- E. A. Miller, Virginia; J. P. Mit- 1872, and graduated from Virginia Military Institute in 1894, second in Organic Chemistry; Civil Engineer- rfl&y be necessary with respect to Geology; Civil Engineering, Mate- sas; F. N. Bilisoly, III, Virginia; chell, Jr., Alabama; R. C. Niess, his class and winner of the Jackson-Hope Medal. From Second Lieuten- ing, Thermodynamics; Electrical the second class, and will probably New York; G. I. Poos, Virginia; H. ant in 1898, he was promoted through grades to major general in July, rials. B. S. Blackburn, Virginia; B. H. Engineering, A. C. Machinery; Lib- enable the graduating class to have Ratrie, Jr., Maryland; G. H. Rich- 1935. Thursday, Jan. 28: Electrical En- M. Bowen, Virginia; W. F. Byers, eral Arts, English. a few days or even a few weeks be- mond, Virginia: L. G. Roper, Vir- gineering, Prin. of E. E.; Liberal District of Columbia; B. G. Cass, "At Cavite, Bulucan and Manila in the Philippines, in the Boxer Re- Thursday, Jan. 21: Electrical En- fore going into the armed forces. ginia; W. L. Stagg, III, Virginia; Arts, History. Pennsylvania; W. S. Carpenter, bellion in China, at the front in the first World War, wherever he was gineering, Electrical Lab.; Re-ex- Information on all classes and J. K. Schmidt, Illinois; H. K. Spen- Friday, Jan. 29: Re-examinations New York; J. A. Demmler, Penn- placed, his work was signalized by heroism and ability. aminations. their status is promised within cer, Virginia; D. M. Tucker, Vir- and reorganization. sylvania; L. L. Estes, Jr., Virginia;- "General Kilbourne was awarded the Congressional Medal for "dis- Friday, Jan. 22: Chemistry, In- few days. ginia; C. T. Vandeventer, Virginia; W. M. Frank, Virginia; J. S. Gilles- tinguished gallantry in action in the Philippines" in 1899, and 19 years dustrial Chemistry; Pre-Medical, E. Watson, Jr., Virginia; P. H-H THIRD CLASS Despite the fact that it appeared pie, Jr., Virginia; W. W. Grove, later he received the Distinguished Service Cross for "extra-ordinary Biology; Civil Engineering, Con- Wen, China; E. A. Whitehurst, Monday, Jan. 18: Pre-Medical, that all third and fourth fclassmen Virginia; J. P. Halbert, IV, Texas; heroism in acton at Thiacourt in France." The Distinguished Service crete Design; Liberal Arts, History. Virginia; H. M. Wilson, Jr., Vir- Quantitative Analysis; Civil En- in the ERC (Enlisted Reserve J. P. Hastings, Texas; G. P. Hel- Medal from his own country, the French Croix de Guerre, the Legion of Saturday, Jan. 23: Pre-Medical, ginia. gineering, Surveying; Liberal Arts, Corps) would be called immediate ler, Virginia; R. E. Higgins, Ken- Honor, and the Order of St. Olaf of Norway also have been conferred French or German; Civil Engineer- Geology. ly after the end of the current tucky; M. E. Holt, jr., Virginia; THIRD CLASS upon him. ing, Highway Engineering; Electrl Tuesday, Jan. 19: Re-examina- semester, no definite information W. H. Johann, Jr., Virginia; T. C. J. A. Allison, Jr., Virginia; H. V. cal Engineering, Electronics; Lib- "In 1937, General Kilbourne was chosen by the board of visitors as su- tions. is forthcoming on just how many Jones. Ill, Virginia; Kelly, F. T., Bray, III, Missouri; J. P. Carroll, eral Arts, French or German. perintendent of VMI. Even then, in the lush days of isolationism and of Wednesday, Jan. 20: French and men will leave at the end of this Virginia; R. W. McConnell, Ohio; Jr., New York; V. E. Cheney, Jr., Monday, Jan. 25: Chemistry; Pre- a peace bought with wishes and retreat, General Kilbourne said: "From German. month, and how these; men will be C. L. McCord, Ohio; W. G. Mc- Indiana; H. P. Cochran, Jr., New Medical, Arganic Chemistry; Civil the way the world looks today, the boys who are now at VMI will see Thursday, Jan. 21: English. chosen. In regard to jthe number of Clure, Jr., Virginia; T. F. Mc- York; E. W. Dennis, Virginia; C. H. Engineering, Structures; Electrical active service, and that before they are middle aged." Friday, Jan. 22: No Exams. men in these two classes who are Graw. Jr., Virginia; V,". C. McKamy, Duff. Jr., Virginia; H. Hill, Miss- Engineering, Mechanism; Liberal "With that firm conviction, General Kilbourne directed his every ener- Saturday, Jan. 23: Chemistry, eligible for call, General Kilbourne Jr., Mississippi; R. W. McKelvey. ouri; W. F. Edmonds, Alabama; Artists, Political Science. gy to discharging his renewed loyalty to the VMI. To that task he brought Math.; Civil Engineering, Math.; has supplied the information that Illinois; J. A. Minton, Jr., Vir- T. H. McCarley, Jr., Oklahoma; H. Tuesday, Jan. 26: No Exams. not only the training of a soldier, but the compelling power of his own Electrical Engineering, Math. there are 190 third classmen and ginia; R. B. Mountecastle, Vir- B. Miller, Texas; J. E. Morgan, Jr., Wednesday, Jan. 27; Chemistry example as a Christian warrior. Monday, Jan. 25: Spanish. 136 fourth classm.en in the ERC. ginia; C. M. Moyer, Jr., Virginia; Virginia; R. M. Osborn, Virginia; Physical Chemistry; Pre-Medical, Tuesday, Jan. 26: Physics. The fact that thev'e are quite a few B. F. Nettrour, Pennsylvania; O. R. L. Pettigrew, Jr., Virginia; G. "In every war since its founding in 1889 V. M. I. has played a glorious English and Speaking; Civil Engi- Wednesday, Jan. 27: No Exams. more third classmen in this unit E. Parker, Jr., Virginia; R. L. W. Renneman, New York; A. E. part. It furnished Stonewall Jackson in 1861, and he immortalized the neering, English and Speaking; Thursday, Jan. 28: Chemistry than fourth classmen, it is to be Reeves. New Jersey: H. L. Smith, Turriziani, Pennsylvania; W. W. Institute in 1862. Oi its 1,902 matriculates in 1861, V. M. I. sent 1,781 to Electrical Engineering, Thermody- Quantitative Analysis; Pre-Medi- noticed that wfiile only half a dozen Jr.. Virginia; J. G. Smith, Georgia; Jr., New Jersey. the Confederate army. In the Spanish American War and World War namics; Liberal Arts, Philosophy. third classmen still have not reach- S. H. Snodgrass, District of Col- I this high record was maintained. cal, Zoology; Electrical Engineer- FOURTH CLASS Friday, Jan. 29: Re-examinations ed the age of 18, there are 70 fourth umbia; R. H. Tauskey, New Jer- ing, Physics; Liberal Arts, History. R. M. Armstrong, Michigan; H. "In the present conflict V. M. I. has furnished General George C. Mar- and Reorganization. classmen who fall into this classifi- sey; V.