The Cadet Thirty-Two! Published Weekly by the Corps of Cadets Virginia Military Institute
CONGRATULATIONS. CONGRATULATIONS. THIRTY-TWO! THE CADET THIRTY-TWO! PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CORPS OF CADETS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Vol.. XXV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1932 Finals Issue Military Promotions Graduation Exercises Announced By Are Held In Commandant J. M. Hall Summer Furlough Until 8 P. M. Nine Distinguished Graduates Thursday, Sept. 1, 1932 Leave Institute In Class Officially Ordered Of Thirty-two E. C. HUDGINS TO BE NEW J. C. THOMPSON RECEIVES RANKING CADET CAPTAIN CIVIL SOCIETY AWARD Corps To Resume Battalion Dearing Medal For Proficiency Formation In Sept. j In English Lit. Awarded As Usual To M. D. Hopkins Upon the recommendation of the The following members of the First Commandant of Cadets, the following Class have been declared by the promotions and appointments in the Board of Visitors graduates of the Battalion of Cadets are hereby an- Virginia Military Institute in the or- nounced, effective this date. They der named by depai'tments of instruc- will be obeyed and respected accord- tion: ingly: Chemistry. To be Cadet Captains—(1) Hud- McNeal, W. H., Georgia; Heald, J. gins, E. C.; (2) Kimbrough, R. C., M. D., Virginia; Manning, R. J., New Mexico; Hansbrough, L. J., Virginia; Jr.; (3) Page, L. C., Jr.; (4) White, [Miller, L. N., Virginia; Patterson, D. W. C.; (5) Adams, J. N., Jr.; (6) CADET J. C. THOMPSON CADET R. R. TURNER i G., West Virginia; Jackson, L. W., Gibbs, W. B., Adjutant; (7) Berke- of Greenville, S. C., First Jackson Hope Medalist of The Plains, Va. Winner of Cincinnati Medal North Carolina; Grainger, T.
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