Dayone | Tuesday, 11 April 2017

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Dayone | Tuesday, 11 April 2017 DAYONE | TUESDAY, 11 APRIL 2017 RHINOPLASTY CHALLENGES 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON room RHINOLOGY room room AND SOLUTIONS one two CI IN EMERGING COUNTRIES three Chairmen: Nabil Fuleihan & Hossam Foda Chairman: Islam Herzallah Chairman: Sunil Narayan Dutt 09:30 State of art session: Nasal Tip surgery 09:30 Updated topics in CRS and Nasal Polyps 09:30 Newborn Hearing Screening and CI Candidacy Moderator: Pietro Palma, Nabil Fuleihan Moderator: Islam Herzallah Evaluations Opening Remarks - Islam Herzallah Moderator: Susan Waltzman » Introduction Nabil Fuleihan & Hossam Foda » Early intervention in sinus surgery: Right Panelists: Kalyani Mandke, James Loock, Surgery at the Right Time » Changing Trends in Tip Aesthetics. Time for Ranjith Rajeshwaran, Neevita Narayan, Nishita Raj Sindwani Changing Surgeon’s Paradigms Mohandas, Meenakshi Wadhera, Srinivas Ganji, Pietro Palma » Optimizing the outcome of endoscopic sinus Apurv Kumar surgery in CRS » Horizons in Refining the Nasal Tip Samy Elwany 10:30 Coffee Nabil Fuleihan » Aspirin desensitisation for nasal polyps » My Current Decalogue in Shaping the Tip Ahmed Shahzada 11:00 Government supported CI Programmes in India Enrico Robotti » How to manage recalcitrant CRS with and Moderator: Mohan Kameswaran » Endonasal Tip Surgery: What Can You Do? without polyps? Hesham Saleh » Assistance to Disabled Persons (ADIP) Christos Georgalas Scheme » Tip projection & Rotation Sunil Narayan Dutt Hossam Foda 10:40 Coffee Break » Gujarat Government Programme 10:50 Coffee 11:00 The Frontal Sinus Rajesh Vishwakarma Moderator: Christos Georgalas » Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Programme 11:10 State of art session: Rhinoplasty » Endoscopic Approach to the Frontal Sinus: How Vinay Kumar EC Moderator: Enrico Robotti, Hossam Foda to work like a Pro? » Tamil Nadu Programme » Refining the Tongue and Groove Technique Islam Herzallah Mohan Kameswaran Santdeep Paun » Draf III: is there ever an indication? » Rajasthan Programme » Special Surgical Consideration in Christos Georgalas Mohnish Grover Rhinoplasty » What to expect after a Frontal drill out in » Challenges in ensuring satisfactory Sameer Bafaqeeh chronic sinusitis patients Habilitation in a government funded » Concepts in Male Rhinoplasty Zeina Korban programme Enrico Robotti Saumitra Shah 11:45 Panel Discussion: Easy and difficult Frontal Sinus » Lower lateral Cartilage Remodeling in Cases. 12:00 Paediatric Cochlear Implantation: Challenges Rhinoplasty Moderator: Ali Ibrahim Al Amri Alireza Mesbahi Moderator: Laila Al-Telmesani » Camouflage Techniques in Rhinoplasty Panelists: Christos Georgalas, Omar El-Banhawy, Invited Lecture: Abdulkadir Goskel Ghassan Alokby, Nada Ali Al Shaikh, Raj Sindwani, Speech Perception, Production and Language Ahmed Shahzada » Rebuilding Surface Aesthetics on the Frontal Outcomes for Children Who Receive Cochlear Implants Under 12 Months: A Multicentric View 12:30 Lunch Pietro Palma Study Robert Briggs 12:40 Lunch 14:00 CSF Rhinorrhea: challenges and updates Moderator: Usamah El Hadi Panelists: Mohan Kameswaran, Shankar 14:00 State of art session: Rhinoplasty » Investigations in CSF leaks: a new algorithm Medikeri, Hassan Wahba, Charles Andrew Van Moderator: Abdulkadir Goskel, Hesham Saleh Christos Georgalas Hasselt, Ahmad Daneshi, Robert Briggs » Endoscopic CSF leak Repair: Techniques » Tip Shaping Sutures explained 13:00 Lunch Nabil Fuleihan Ahmed Shahzada » Technical Pearls in Aesthetic Functional » Endoscopic Closure of unusual CSF leak sites 14:00 Cochlear Implantation in Malformations Rhinoplasty Usamah El Hadi Moderator: Hassan Wahba Mohsen Naraghi » The Non-Operated look after Rhinoplasty 14:45 Panel Discussion: Practical Management Panelists: Ameet Kishore, Hassan Wahba, Sameer Bafaqeeh Scenarios in CSF Rhinorrhea James Loock, Jaswinder Singh, Ahmad Daneshi, Abdelhamid Benghalem, Saumitra Shah » Thick Skin Management in Rhinoplasty Moderator: Islam Herzallah Abdulkadir Goskel Panelists: Christos Georgalas, Ahmed Shahzada, 15:00 Cochlear Implantation in Ossified Cochlea Usamah El Hadi, Mohammad Hussain Al-Bar, Saad 15:05 Panel Discussion: Primary Rhinoplasty Moderator: Sunil Dutt AlSaleh Moderator: Nabil Fuleihan Panelists: Mohan Kameswaran, Muaaz Panelists: Sameer Bafaqeeh, Hossam Foda, 15:30 Coffee Break Tarabichi, Hassan Wahba, Gerard O’Donoghue, Abdulkadir Goskel, Mohsen Naraghi, Hesham Arthur Castilho, Robert Briggs 16:00 What about Fungus in the Sinus? Saleh, Pietro Palma, Enrico Robotti Moderator: Ali Ibrahim Al Amri 16:00 Coffee 16:00 Coffee » Fungal Sinusitis from Mycetoma to Invasive form 16:20 INVITED LECTURES SESSION 16:30 State of art session: Techniques in Rhinoplasty Usamah El Hadi Moderator: Laila Al-Telmesani Moderator: Santdeep Paun, Alireza Mesbahi » Allergic fungal Rhinosinusitis: 15 years » Tips and tricks in achieving RWM insertion conclusions and performing safe posterior tympanotomy » Nasal Base Reduction Ali Ibrahim Al Amri in cochlear implant surgery in children Hossam Foda » Is MRSA a predisposing factor for recurrence of Laila Al-Telmesani » Camouflage Techniques in Rhinoplasty AFRS? » Academic Outcomes for Early Implanted Mid Hesham Saleh Nada Ali Al Shaikh Elelmentary School Children with Unilateral » Lateral Crural Reversing Technique » Cavernous sinus syndrome and lower motor and Bilateral Cochlear Implants Mohsen Naraghi facial nerve paralysis in the course of chronic Robert Briggs » The Ethnic Rhinoplasty: Is it Still Relevant invasive mucormycosis fungal Sinusitis 16:50 Alternative Techniques in CI Surgery Santdeep Paun Omar El-Banhawy Moderator: Rajesh Vishwakarma » Should you keep your hands off Male Rhinoplasty 17:00 Meet & Ask The Facult Invited Lecture: Pietro Palma Moderator: Saad Alsaleh 1000 CI surgeries with the Veria Technique Rajesh Vishwakarma Audience will freely ask all the Rhinology Faculty 17:45 Close about any challenging cases or questions they Panelists: Muaaz Tarabichi, Gerard have for their practice O’Donoghue, Jaswinder Singh, Arthur Castilho, Ahmad Daneshi, Laila Telmesani, Abdelhamid Benghalem 17:50 Close 17:50 Close 4 REGISTER NOW +971 4 336 7334 [email protected] DAYTWO | WEDNESDAY, 12 APRIL 2017 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON RHINOPLASTY CHALLENGES room room room AND SOLUTIONS one RHINOLOGY two CI IN EMERGING COUNTRIES three Chairmen: Nabil Fuleihan & Hossam Foda Chairman: Islam Herzallah Chairman: Sunil Narayan Dutt 09:15 State of art session: Rhinoplasty 09:15 Endoscopic Anterior Skull Base Surgery 09:15 KEYNOTE LECTURE: Moderator: Hossam Foda, Sameer Bafaqeeh Moderator: Ahmed Shahzada » Global Hearing Health: Time for Action » Extended Endonasal Approaches to the Skull Gerard O’Donoghue » Cartilage Grafting in the Nasal Tip Base in the Middle East: A New Horizon Fazil Apaydin INVITED LECTURE SESSION Saad Al Saleh » Recreating an Aesthetic Alar-Columellar Moderator: Susan Waltzman » Introduction for endoscopic anterior skull base Relationship » resection and reconstruction Maximizing performance with a cochlear Pietro Palma Mohammad Hussain Al-Bar implant » Pollybeak: Prevention & Management Susan Waltzman » Transcribriform approaches Hossam Foda » Christos Georgalas Beyond Speech and Hearing » Primary Rhinoplasty Procedural Clips: The Kalyani Mandke » Advanced endoscopic endonasal surgery: a non Sequence and the Recent Trends » skull base unit experience TTEABR for CI Candidacy Evaluation Enrico Robotti Nada Ali Al Shaikh Apurv Kumar » Cephalic Reduction of the Lower lateral » » Reconstruction following endoscopic Value of CAEP in CI Cartilage: Less is More skull base surgery Ranjith Rajeshwaran Alireza Mesbahi Ahmed Shahzada » CI in patients with hypoplastic nerves: is it 10:35 Coffee worth it? - Saumitra Shah 10:30 Coffee Break 11:00 State of art session: Rhinoplasty 10:35 Coffee 11:00 Safe and Effective FESS Moderator - Fazil Apaydin, Nabil Fuleihan Moderator: Samy Elwany 11:00 Options for Single Sided Deafness » De-projecting the Nasal Tip Moderator: Ameet Kishore Pietro Palma » Complications of functional endoscopic sinus surgery Invited Lecture: » The Ptotic Tip Usamah El Hadi CI for SSD Nabil Fuleihan » Maximizing Hemostasis in Sinus and Skull Base » The Internal Nasal Valve Panelists: Kapil Sikka, Piotr Skarzynski, Robert Surgery Fazil Apaydin Briggs, Tashneem Harris, Ahmad Daneshi, Raj Sindwani Arthur Castilho, Saumitra Shah » The Inverted V-Shaped Deformity » Updated Anatomical Landmarks you should Enrico Robotti not miss during sinus surgery 12:00 Options for Congenital External and Middle Ear » A Systematic Approach to the Severely Islam Herzallah Malformations Twisted Nose Moderator: Sunil Narayan Dutt Hesham Saleh 12:00 Panel Discussion: Managing complications after Panelists: Robert Briggs, Hassan Wahba, » Profile Alignment Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery: Case Scenarios Apurv Kumar, Ameet Kishore, Neevita Narayan, Fazil Apaydin Moderator: Ahmed Shahzada Rajesh Vishwakarma, Vinay Kumar EC, Susan Panelists: Christos Georgalas, Samy Elwany, Raj 12:35 Lunch Waltzman, Ahmad Daneshi Sindwani, Omar Elbanhawy, Mohsen Naraghi, 14:00 Rhinoplasty Video session 12:30 Lunch 13:00 Lunch Moderator - Hossam Foda 14:00 Radiology for Hearing Loss and CI » Four Key techniques for Adjusting the Nasal 14:00 Advanced Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Moderator: Sumit Mrig Tip - Mohsen Naraghi Moderator: Zeina Korban » Spreader Flaps or Grafts » Endoscopic Approaches to the Pituitary and Invited Lectures: Santdeep Paun Skull Base » Overview of Radiology for CI Candidacy » Local Corticosteroids injection for thick skin Raj Sindwani evaluation Rhinoplasty patients
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