Agenda 26 April - 02 May 2021 20210419APR02323

The Week Ahead 26 April – 02 May 2021

Plenary session

Plenary session

Brexit/EU-UK agreement. MEPs will vote on giving their consent to the agreement that sets the rules for the future relationship between the EU and the UK. To minimise cross-border disruption, the agreement has already been applied provisionally since 1 January 2021; the provisional agreement is set to lapse on 30 April 2021. Parliament’s consent is necessary for the agreement to properly enter into force MEPs will also vote on a resolution assessing the agreement, in which they insist on its full implementation along with the Withdrawal Agreement, and stressing Parliament's role in scrutinizing the practical application of the deals. (debate and vote Tuesday, result Wednesday)

Digital Green Certificate. Parliament will discuss and vote on the Commission’s proposal for a Digital Green Certificate, which is planned to document information on a person’s vaccination status, COVID-19 test results or recovery status. Once MEPs have amended the legislative proposal, talks with member states can start promptly in order to adopt the Certificate by the summer. A webinar with lead MEPs on the topic is scheduled for Monday from 12.15 to 13.15. ( debate and vote Wednesday, result Thursday)

EU summit/EU-Turkey meeting. MEPs will comment on the outcome of the 25-26 March summit as well as on the 7 April meeting between the EU and Turkey in a debate with President Charles Michel and President . ( Monday)

Russia/China. MEPs will debate the Alexei Navalny’s imprisonment and treatment, Russian military build-up on the Ukraine border and the recent Czechia-Russia diplomatic row, as well as the recent Chinese sanctions against several European entities and politicians with EU Foreign Policy Chief . (debates Wednesday, resolution on Russia voted on Thursday)

Rail passengers’ rights. Parliament is set to adopt new rules that would better protect and assist train travellers, by guaranteeing rerouting and helping passengers when their train is delayed or cancelled. The new law will also improve access and assistance to people with reduced mobility, and will help the introduction of more dedicated spaces for bicycles on trains. ( debate Wednesday, vote and result Thursday)

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 1 I 27 - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

Preventing dissemination of terrorist content. MEPs are set to give a green light to new rules preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online, obliging internet platforms to remove flagged content or disable access to it in all member states within one hour of a takedown request. (debate Wednesday, vote and result Thursday)

EU programmes. Parliament will discuss and vote on a wide range of EU programmes, such as the Horizon Europe research programme, the programme for Environment and Climate Action, the Civil Protection Mechanism, the or the EU Anti-Fraud Programme.

President’s Diary. On Tuesday, EP President David Sassoli will meet the President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, as well as the Prime Minister of Slovakia, . On Wednesday, he will meet the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti.

Press Briefing. On Monday at 15.30, spokespersons from Parliament and political groups will hold a press briefing on next week’s plenary session.

The full agenda

EP Press service contacts

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 2 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda


Monday 26 April 2021 17:00 - 21:30 Debates Resumption of session and order of business

Joint debate - Conclusions of the European Council and outcome of EU and Turkey meeting

Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 25 and 26 March 2021 [2021/2599(RSP)]

The outcome of the high level meeting between the EU and Turkey of the 6 April [2021/2641(RSP)]

Joint debate - Research and Innovation

Establishing Horizon Europe â laying down its rules for participation and dissemination Report: (A9-0122/2021) [2018/0224(COD)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Specific Programme implementing Horizon Europe â the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Report: Christian Ehler (A9-0118/2021) [2018/0225(CNS)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

European Institute of Innovation and Technology Report: Marisa Matias (A9-0120/2020) [2019/0151(COD)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Strategic Innovation Agenda of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology Report: Maria da Graça Carvalho (A9-0121/2020) [2019/0152(COD)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 3 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

Union Civil Protection Mechanism Report: (A9-0148/2020) [2020/0097(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

18:30 - 19:45 Voting session Remark: Votes will be distributed along the different voting sessions depending on the number of amendments

Secret votes

Request for waiver of the immunity of Filip De Man Report: Stéphane Séjourné (A9-0134/2021) [2020/2271(IMM)] Committee on Legal Affairs

Request for waiver of the immunity of ZdzisÅaw KrasnodÄbski Report: Ibán García Del Blanco (A9-0132/2021) [2020/2224(IMM)] Committee on Legal Affairs

Request for waiver of the immunity of Ioannis Lagos Report: Marie Toussaint (A9-0136/2021) [2020/2240(IMM)] Committee on Legal Affairs

Request for waiver of the immunity of Ioannis Lagos Report: Angel Dzhambazki (A9-0135/2021) [2020/2219(IMM)] Committee on Legal Affairs

Single votes

EU/Norway Agreement: modification of concessions on all the tariff-rate quotas included in the EU Schedule CLXXV as a consequence of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the Report: Jörgen Warborn (A9-0035/2021)

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 4 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

[2020/0230(NLE)] Committee on International Trade

EU/Honduras Voluntary Partnership Agreement Report: Karin Karlsbro (A9-0053/2021) [2020/0157(NLE)] Committee on International Trade

Implementation report on the road safety aspects of the Roadworthiness Package Report: Benoît Lutgen (A9-0028/2021) [2019/2205(INI)] Committee on Transport and Tourism

Chemical residues in the Baltic Sea based on petitions 1328/2019 and 0406/2020 under Rule 227(2) [2021/2567(RSP)]

Votes on amendments

EU/Honduras Voluntary Partnership Agreement (Resolution)

Interinstitutional agreement on mandatory transparency register

More efficient and cleaner maritime transport

22:00 - 23:30 Debates Soil protection Report: (O-000023/2021, O-000024/2021) [2021/2548(RSP)]

Multiannual management plan for bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Report: Giuseppe Ferrandino (A9-0149/2020) [2019/0272(COD)] Committee on Fisheries

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 5 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

09:00 Announcement of results 09:00 - 14:00 Debates (or after the announcement of results) Joint debate - EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement

The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement Report: , Christophe Hansen (A9-0128/2021) [2020/0382(NLE)] Committee on International Trade, Committee on Foreign Affairs

The outcome of EU-UK negotiations [2021/2658(RSP)]

13:00 - 14:15 First voting session Votes on amendments

Motions for resolutions - The outcome of EU-UK negotiations

Establishing Horizon Europe â laying down its rules for participation and dissemination Report: Dan Nica (A9-0122/2021) [2018/0224(COD)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Single vote

Specific Programme implementing Horizon Europe â the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Report: Christian Ehler (A9-0118/2021) [2018/0225(CNS)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Votes on provisional agreements

European Institute of Innovation and Technology Report: Marisa Matias (A9-0120/2020) [2019/0151(COD)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 6 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

Strategic Innovation Agenda of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology Report: Maria da Graça Carvalho (A9-0121/2020) [2019/0152(COD)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Union Civil Protection Mechanism Report: Nikos Androulakis (A9-0148/2020) [2020/0097(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Final votes

EU/Honduras Voluntary Partnership Agreement (Resolution) Report: Karin Karlsbro (A9-0054/2021) [2020/0157M(NLE)] Committee on International Trade

Interinstitutional agreement on mandatory transparency register Report: Danuta Maria Hübner (A9-0123/2021) [2020/2272(ACI)] Committee on Constitutional Affairs

More efficient and cleaner maritime transport Report: (A9-0029/2021) [2019/2193(INI)] Committee on Transport and Tourism

Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3), and (4)(c): Maximum residue levels for certain substances, including lufenuron [2021/2590(RPS)]

Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3), and (4)(c): Maximum residue levels for certain substances, including flonicamid [2021/2608(RPS)]

15:00 - 20:00 Debates Joint debate - 2019 Discharge (52 reports)

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 7 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

2019 Discharge: EU general budget - Commission and executive agencies Report: Joachim Kuhs (A9-0117/2021) [2020/2140(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: EU general budget - European Parliament Report: Petri Sarvamaa (A9-0044/2021) [2020/2141(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: EU general budget - Council and European Council Report: Pascal Durand (A9-0056/2021) [2020/2142(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: EU general budget â Court of Justice of the European Union Report: Ramona Strugariu (A9-0064/2021) [2020/2143(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: EU general budget - Court of Auditors Report: Martina Dlabajová (A9-0059/2021) [2020/2144(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: EU general budget - European Economic and Social Committee Report: Olivier Chastel (A9-0057/2021) [2020/2145(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: EU general budget - Committee of the Regions Report: Alin Mituța (A9-0055/2021) [2020/2146(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: EU general budget - Report: Olivier Chastel (A9-0065/2021)

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 8 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

[2020/2147(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: EU general budget - European Data Protection Supervisor Report: Alin Mituța (A9-0067/2021) [2020/2148(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: EU general budget - European External Action Service Report: Alin Mituța (A9-0063/2021) [2020/2149(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Report: Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (A9-0069/2021) [2020/2150(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions Report: Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (A9-0094/2021) [2020/2151(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights Report: Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (A9-0086/2021) [2020/2152(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0087/2021) [2020/2153(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Environment Agency Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0080/2021) [2020/2154(DEC)]

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 9 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work Report: Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (A9-0090/2021) [2020/2155(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union Report: Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (A9-0084/2021) [2020/2156(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Medicines Agency Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0073/2021) [2020/2157(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0101/2021) [2020/2158(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Training Foundation Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0089/2021) [2020/2159(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0099/2021) [2020/2160(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Aviation Safety Agency Report: Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (A9-0070/2021) [2020/2161(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 10 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

2019 Discharge: European Food Safety Authority Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0097/2021) [2020/2162(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0104/2021) [2020/2163(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0085/2021) [2020/2164(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Union Agency for Railways Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0077/2021) [2020/2165(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) Report: Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (A9-0071/2021) [2020/2166(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Border and Coast Guard Agency Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0081/2021) [2020/2167(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European GNSS Agency Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0074/2021) [2020/2168(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0092/2021)

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 11 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

[2020/2169(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Chemicals Agency Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0075/2021) [2020/2170(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: Euratom Supply Agency Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0088/2021) [2020/2171(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0096/2021) [2020/2172(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Institute for Gender Equality Report: Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (A9-0072/2021) [2020/2173(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Banking Authority Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0091/2021) [2020/2174(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0079/2021) [2020/2175(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Securities and Markets Authority Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0093/2021) [2020/2176(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 12 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

2019 Discharge: European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators Report: Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (A9-0078/2021) [2020/2177(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) Report: Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (A9-0082/2021) [2020/2178(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Institute of Innovation and Technology Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0076/2021) [2020/2179(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Asylum Support Office Report: Joachim Stanisław Brudziński (A9-0068/2021) [2020/2180(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large- Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0098/2021) [2020/2181(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0110/2021) [2020/2182(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: SESAR Joint Undertaking Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0106/2021) [2020/2183(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 13 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

2019 Discharge: Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0109/2021) [2020/2184(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0105/2021) [2020/2185(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0113/2021) [2020/2186(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0107/2021) [2020/2187(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0111/2021) [2020/2188(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: ECSEL Joint Undertaking Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0108/2021) [2020/2189(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

2019 Discharge: EU general budget - 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th EDFs Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0095/2021) [2020/2190(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2019: performance, financial management and control

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 14 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

Report: Ryszard Czarnecki (A9-0100/2021) [2020/2194(DEC)] Committee on Budgetary Control

European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) 2021-2027 Report: Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (A9-0140/2021) [2018/0202(COD)] Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme 2021-2027 Report: Alice Kuhnke (A9-0144/2021) [2018/0207(COD)] Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Justice programme 2021-2027 Report: Heidi Hautala, (A9-0146/2021) [2018/0208(COD)] Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Committee on Legal Affairs

19:00 Announcement of results 19:55 - 21:10 Second voting session Single vote

The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement Report: Andreas Schieder, Christophe Hansen (A9-0128/2021) [2020/0382(NLE)] Committee on International Trade, Committee on Foreign Affairs

Final vote

The outcome of EU-UK negotiations [2021/2658(RSP)]

Discharge decisions

52 Discharge decisions

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 15 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

Votes on amendments

Motions for resolutions - Soil protection

Multiannual management plan for bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean

1st batch of amendments to discharge resolutions

Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3), and (4)(c): Maximum residue levels for certain substances, including lufenuron

Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3), and (4)(c): Maximum residue levels for certain substances, including flonicamid

20:30 - 23:30 Debates Saving the summer tourism season - EU support to the hospitality sector [2021/2653(RSP)]

Space programme 2021-2027 and European Union Agency for the Space Programme Report: (A9-0141/2021) [2018/0236(COD)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Programme for the internal market, competitiveness of enterprises, the area of plants, animals, food and feed and European statistics (Single Market Programme) 2021-2027 Report: (A9-0142/2021) [2018/0231(COD)] Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Wednesday 28 April 2021 09:00 Announcement of results 09:00 - 13:00 Debates (or after the announcement of results) Joint debate - Digital green certificate

Digital Green Certificate - Union citizens

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 16 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

Report: Juan Fernando López Aguilar [2021/0068(COD)] Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Digital Green Certificate - third country nationals Report: Juan Fernando López Aguilar [2021/0071(COD)] Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

The accessibility and affordability of Covid-testing [2021/2654(RSP)]

Digital taxation: OECD negotiations, tax residency of digital companies and a possible European Digital Tax Report: Andreas Schwab, Martin Hlaváček (A9-0103/2021) [2021/2010(INI)] Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

13:00 - 14:15 First voting session Votes on amendments

Digital Green Certificate - Union citizens

Digital Green Certificate - third country nationals

Andreas Schwab, Martin HlaváÄek (ECON A9-0103/2021) - Digital taxation: OECD negotiations, tax residency of digital companies and a possible European Digital Tax

Motions for resolutions - Assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia and the rule of law in Malta

2nd batch of amendments to discharge resolutions

Final votes

Multiannual management plan for bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Report: Giuseppe Ferrandino (A9-0149/2020)

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 17 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

[2019/0272(COD)] Committee on Fisheries

Soil protection Report: (O-000023/2021, O-000024/2021) [2021/2548(RSP)]

15:00 - 20:00 Debates Russia, the case of Alexei Navalny, military build-up on Ukraine's border and Russian attack in the Czech Republic [2021/2642(RSP)]

Chinese countersanctions on EU entities and MEPs and MPs [2021/2644(RSP)]

5th anniversary of the Peace Agreement in Colombia [2021/2643(RSP)]

EU-India relations Report: Alviina Alametsä (A9-0124/2021) [2021/2023(INI)] Committee on Foreign Affairs

19:00 Announcement of results 19:55 - 21:10 Second voting session Final votes

Digital Green Certificate - Union citizens Report: Juan Fernando López Aguilar [2021/0068(COD)] Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Digital Green Certificate - third country nationals Report: Juan Fernando López Aguilar [2021/0071(COD)] Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 18 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

Digital taxation: OECD negotiations, tax residency of digital companies and a possible European Digital Tax Report: Andreas Schwab, Martin Hlaváček (A9-0103/2021) [2021/2010(INI)] Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia and the rule of law in Malta [2021/2611(RSP)]

Votes on amendments

EU-India relations

3rd batch of amendments to discharge resolutions

20:30 - 23:30 Debates Preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online Report: Patryk Jaki (A9-0133/2021) [2018/0331(COD)] Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Rail passengers' rights and obligations Report: Bogusław Liberadzki (A9-0045/2021) [2017/0237(COD)] Committee on Transport and Tourism

European Child Guarantee Report: (O-000026/2021, O-000025/2021) [2021/2605(RSP)]

Thursday 29 April 2021 09:00 Announcement of results 09:00 - 13:00 Debates (or after the announcement of results) Union Anti-Fraud Programme 2021-2027 Report: Monika Hohlmeier (A9-0126/2021) [2018/0211(COD)]

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 19 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

Committee on Budgetary Control

European Defence Fund Report: Zdzisław Krasnodębski (A9-0120/2021) [2018/0254(COD)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Debates on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (Rule 144)

COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America [2021/2645(RSP)]

Bolivia and the arrest of former President Jeanine Añez and other officials [2021/2646(RSP)]

Blasphemy laws in Pakistan, in particular the case Shagufta Kausar and Shafqat Emmanuel [2021/2647(RSP)]

09:45 - 11:00 First voting session Votes on amendments

Motions for resolutions - COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America

Motions for resolutions - Bolivia and the arrest of former President Jeanine Añez and other officials

Motions for resolutions - Blasphemy laws in Pakistan, in particular the case Shagufta Kausar and Shafqat Emmanuel

Parliamentâs estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2022

Motions for resolutions - Russia, the case of Alexei Navalny, military build-up on Ukraine's border and Russian attack in the Czech Republic

Motions for resolutions - 5th anniversary of the Peace Agreement in Colombia

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 20 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

Motions for resolutions - European Child Guarantee

Motions for resolutions - The accessibility and affordability of Covid-testing

Preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online Report: Patryk Jaki (A9-0133/2021) [2018/0331(COD)] Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Rail passengers' rights and obligations Report: Bogusław Liberadzki (A9-0045/2021) [2017/0237(COD)] Committee on Transport and Tourism

Union Anti-Fraud Programme 2021-2027 Report: Monika Hohlmeier (A9-0126/2021) [2018/0211(COD)] Committee on Budgetary Control

European Defence Fund Report: Zdzisław Krasnodębski (A9-0120/2021) [2018/0254(COD)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

13:00 Announcement of results 13:45 - 15:00 Second voting session Single vote

Administrative cooperation in the field of excise duties: content of electronic registers Report: (A9-0121/2021) [2021/0015(CNS)] Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Final votes

COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America [2021/2645(RSP)]

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 21 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

Bolivia and the arrest of former President Jeanine Añez and other officials [2021/2646(RSP)]

Blasphemy laws in Pakistan, in particular the case Shagufta Kausar and Shafqat Emmanuel [2021/2647(RSP)]

Parliamentâs estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2022 Report: Damian Boeselager (A9-0145/2021) [2020/2264(BUI)] Committee on Budgets

Russia, the case of Alexei Navalny, military build-up on Ukraine's border and Russian attack in the Czech Republic [2021/2642(RSP)]

5th anniversary of the Peace Agreement in Colombia [2021/2643(RSP)]

European Child Guarantee Report: (O-000026/2021, O-000025/2021) [2021/2605(RSP)]

The accessibility and affordability of Covid-testing [2021/2654(RSP)]

EU-India relations Report: Alviina Alametsä (A9-0124/2021) [2021/2023(INI)] Committee on Foreign Affairs

Final votes on Discharge resolutions

52 Discharge resolutions

14:30 - 16:30 Debates Digital Europe programme

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 22 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda

Report: Valter Flego (A9-0119/2021) [2018/0227(COD)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Programme for the environment and climate action (LIFE) 2021-2027 Report: Nils Torvalds (A9-0130/2021) [2018/0209(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

16:30 Announcement of results

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 23 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda


The President's agenda Monday 26 April 2021 Plenary session

17:00 Opening

The President's agenda Tuesday 27 April 2021 Plenary

12:00 Meeting with the President of North Macedonia, Mr Stevo Pendarovski

14:00 Conference of Committee Chairs

15:15 Meeting with the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Mr Eduard Heger

The President's agenda Wednesday 28 April 2021 Plenary session

11:00 First Meeting with Members on Focus Groups

16:00 Meeting with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr Albin Kurti

19:15 LEX signing ceremony

The President's agenda Thursday 29 April 2021 Plenary session

10:00 Conference of Presidents

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 24 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda


Pre-session briefing Monday 26 April 2021 15:30-16:30 Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 0A050

The Left Briefing Tuesday 27 April 2021 11:15-11:45 Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 0A050 Manon AUBRY (FR), and Martin SCHIRDEWAN (DE),Co-Chairs

"the vote on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement" Tuesday 27 April 2021 14:30-15:00 Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 0A050 Andreas SCHIEDER (S&D, AT), and Christophe HANSEN (EPP, LU), , David McALLISTER (EPP, DE), Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and (S&D, DE), Chair of the Committee on International Trade

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 25 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda


Committee on Foreign Affairs Thursday 29 April 2021 17:00-18:30 Brussels, Altiero Spinelli, 1G3 Debate

• Exchange of views with Albin KURTI, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo accompanied by Besnik BISLIMI, First Deputy Prime Minister and Donika GERVALLA-SCHWARZ, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 26 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Agenda


EP press webinar on the Digital Green Certificate Monday 26 April 2021 12:15-13:15 Ahead of finalising Parliament's position and mandate for negotiations, lead MEPs will brief media representatives on their views and expectations on the Digital Green Certificate.

More information is available and the programme in the background document .

You can watch the webinar live here.

Media registration

For journalists who wish to ask questions: please send your name and media affiliation to [email protected], in order to receive your connection details.

Press Service, Directorate General for Communication 27 I 27 European Parliament - Spokesperson: Jaume Duch Guillot EN Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000