History Curriculum Intent At Jotmans Hall, we intend our high quality History curriculum to be fully inclusive to every child. Our aims are to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for History; providing a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum that encompasses the British Values throughout; ensuring the progressive development of historical concepts, knowledge and skills; and for the children to study life in the past.

We intend to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our teaching equips pupils with knowledge about the history of Britain and how it has influenced and been influenced by the wider world; know and understand about significant aspects of the history of the wider world like ancient civilisations and empires; changes in living memory and beyond living memory; learn about the lives of significant people of the past; understand the methods of historical enquiry and be able to ask and answer questions. We want children to enjoy and love learning about history by gaining this knowledge and skills, not just through experiences in the classroom, but also with the use of fieldwork and educational visits.

Implementation Autumn Spring Summer - ELG Children talk about past and present events in their own They show interest in the lives of people who are familiar lives and in the lives of family members. They know that to them; They remember and talk about significant events They look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and other children don’t always enjoy the same things, and are EYFS in their own experience; They recognise special times or change; They show curiosity about objects, events and sensitive to this. They know about similarities and events for family and friends; They develop an people differences between themselves and others, and among understanding of growth, decay and changes over time; families, communities and traditions. They show curiosity They show curiosity about objects, events and people about objects, events and people

Autumn Spring Summer

Year A Childhood Then and Now Transport Holidays

1/2 Year Year B Houses and Homes The Great Fire of Intrepid Explorers

Year 1/2 What are we learning? Vocabulary What knowledge and What key skills will we learn? How will these be assessed? (Key Questions) understanding will we gain? Autumn – Which toys do you Wood, cotton, Queen Victoria and Victorian life Place events and objects in Students will be assessed on the Year A like to play with? wool, plastic, chronological order. key skills in the National Which toys did your metal, fur, Lives of rich and poor children Curriculum through showing they Childhood parents/grandparents leather, Use words such as before, after, can answer the Key Questions. Then and like to play with? Craze, Leisure, How toys have changed over time past, present, then and now to On-going formative assessment Now Do you play the same Entertainment, describe historical events. by class teacher. games that your Toy, School, How schools have changed over time Recognise why people did things parents and Handmade, and why events happen. grandparents played? Childhood, old, How we entertain ourselves and What do you wear new, before, how this has changed Identify differences between ways when you are after, past, of life at different times. playing? present, now, Why did children 100 then. Ask and answer questions about years ago not have as the past many toys or time to play games? Observe and handle a range of How were the sources of information to find out about the past. childhoods of rich and poor different? Recall changes within living How did school memory. Where appropriate, change things? these should be used to reveal aspects of change in national life.

Spring – Year What types of Travel, 1st aeroplane flight Understand the lives of significant Students will be assessed on the A transport can have Transport, Timeline of a type of vehicle individuals in the past who have key skills in the National contributed to national and Curriculum through showing they you used? boat, feet, Landing on the Moon Travel and international achievements can answer the Key Questions. How do you think Fe horse, cart, Transport people travelled train, car, On-going formative assessment For example: Amelia Place events and objects in by class teacher. before we had these aeroplane, bus, Earhart, Amy Johnson, chronological order. types of transport? Locomotive, George Stephenson, Ellen What was a horse petrol engine, MacArthur Recognise why people did things and cart used for? old, new, and why events happen. What difference did before, after, the invention of the past, present, Observe and handle a range of motor car make to now, then. sources of information to find out people’s lives? about the past. How do you think we will travel in the Recall events beyond living memory that are significant future? nationally or globally (e.g. The Great Fire of London, the first aeroplane flight or events commemorated through festivals or anniversaries).

Recall changes within living memory. Where appropriate, these should be used to reveal aspects of change in national life.

Summer – Where have you Seaside, Where have you been on Identify differences between ways Students will be assessed on the Year A been on holiday? Postcard, holiday? of life at different times. key skills in the National When and why do Holiday, How do we entertain ourselves Curriculum through showing they Holidays we have holidays? Bathing on a journey? Place events and objects in can answer the Key Questions. What are the Machine, Differences in the ways of chronological order. On-going formative assessment by class teacher. features of a seaside Promenade, recording holidays. Recognise why people did things holiday? Pier, Coast, and why events happen. How can Beach, Cliff Victorian seaside, eg Magic Observe and handle a range of photographs tell us Also: old, new, Grandad and Sally’s Seaside sources of information to find out about the past? before, after, Adventure (IWB) about the past. When did seaside past, present, holidays become now, then. Recall changes within living popular? Holidays in Southend on memory. Where appropriate, these should be used to reveal How have seaside Sea, history of the pier aspects of change in national life. holidays changed?

How did people get Identify significant historical to the seaside? events, people and places in their own locality.

Autumn – What sort of home Detached, The history of telephones/ Place events and objects in Students will be assessed on the Year B do you live in? semi- television/ computers/ chronological order. key skills in the National Why do people live detached, flat, household objects. Curriculum through showing they Houses and in different types of terrace, Use words such as before, after, can answer the Key Questions. Homes homes? bungalow, Study of famous inventors e.g. past, present, then and now to On-going formative assessment describe historical events. by class teacher. How did people cook mobile home, Alexander Graham Bell and keep clean in the Caravan, (telephone) Recognise why people did things past? houseboat, Comparing Houses over the and why events happen. How did people Clay, stone, ages. power their homes? brick, wood, Identify differences between ways Did this change the straw, glass, Houses over the ages – of life at different times. furniture that they uPVC, Victorian houses - Magic had? Hallway, Grandad Ask and answer questions about How were rich and Kitchen, Living the past poor houses and Room, Hadleigh Castle and its Select from their knowledge of homes different? Bedroom, significance in the area. history and communicate in a

Bathroom, variety of ways. toilet, Furniture, Observe and handle a range of Electricity, sources of information to find out gas, candle, about the past. chamber pot, Also: old, new, before, after, Identify significant historical past, present, events, people and places in their own locality. now, then. Recall changes within living memory. Where appropriate, these should be used to reveal aspects of change in national life.

Spring - Year How do we know so Bakery The Great Fire of London Place events and objects in Students will be assessed on the B much about the fire? Diary (Magic Grandad) chronological order. key skills in the National When did the fire Firebreak Curriculum through showing they The Great Fire start? Fire Hook The Royal Family, Queen Use words such as before, after, can answer the Key Questions. of London Where do the fire Victoria, Charles II, Dick past, present, then and now to On-going formative assessment describe historical events. by class teacher. start? Whittington (traditional tales),

Why did the fire Samuel Pepys spread so quickly? How did people try Tower of London/St Paul’s Recall events beyond living to put the fire out? Cathedral/The Monument memory that are significant How did it change nationally or globally. London? Understand the lives of significant individuals used to compare aspects of life in different periods.

Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality.

Observe and handle a range of sources of information to find out about the past.

Recognise why people did things and why events happen.

Identify differences between ways of life at different times.

Ask and answer questions about the past

Select from their knowledge of history and communicate in a variety of ways. Summer – Who was Christopher Compass Christopher Columbus and the Understand the lives of significant Students will be assessed on the Year B Columbus? Discover discovery of America individuals in the past who have key skills in the National Why is Neil Explorer contributed to national and Curriculum through showing they Intrepid Armstrong famous? Map Neil Armstrong and the first moon international achievements can answer the Key Questions. Explorers Are there any Merchant landing On-going formative assessment Navigate Identify differences between ways by class teacher. explorers now? Spaceship Life on board sailing/spaceships of life at different times. What was it like on a Trade sailing ship? What they brought back and how Place events and objects in What have we learnt it affects our lives chronological order. from these explorers and their Name some other explorers (e.g. Recognise why people did things achievements? Scott, Amundsen, Bancroft) and why events happen.

Use words such as before, after, past, present, then and now to describe historical events.

Ask and answer questions about the past

Select from their knowledge of history and communicate in a variety of ways.

Autumn Spring Summer

Year PreHistory: Stone Age to Iron Age The Romans Castles – Local History A

Year WWII: The Home Front Ancient Egypt The Tudors

Year 3/4 B

Year 3/4 What are we learning? Vocabulary What knowledge and What key skills will we How will these be (Key Questions) understanding will we learn? assessed? gain? Autumn – Year A What does ‘prehistory’ A.D., B.C., Archaeologist, Changes in Britain from Starting to describe Students will be assessed mean? Artefact, Bronze Age, the Stone age to the Iron daily life during this on the key skills in the Iron Age, Mesolithic, Stone Age to How do we know how Age: time period; Asking and National Curriculum Neolithic, Neanderthal, through showing they can Iron Age people lived during these Homo Sapiens, Palaeolithic,  late Neolithic hunter- answering questions answer the Key Questions. ages? Stone Age, . gatherers and early about this period; On-going formative How did life in Britain Settlements, Migration farmers, for example, explaining how we know Skara Brae assessment by class change during .Bronze Age religion, these things and where teacher. prehistory? technology and travel, for evidence comes from; What is the difference example, Stonehenge identifying a place between settlement and .Iron Age hill forts: tribal linked to this time migration? kingdoms, farming, art and period; placing events How did the Roman culture on a timeline; using Invasion bring an end to specific vocabulary to the Iron Age? this period.

Spring – Year A Why was Rome so A.D., B.C, Archaeologist, The Roman empire and its Starting to describe Students will be assessed powerful? Artefact, Celts, Invasion, impact on Britain: daily life during this on the key skills in the The Romans Legion, centurion. Why did the Romans  Julius Caesar’s time period; Asking and National Curriculum Emperor, Amphitheatre, through showing they can want to invade Britain? Temple, Mosaic, Latin. attempted invasion in 55- answering questions 54 BC answer the Key Questions. Who was Boudica? about this period; .the Roman Empire by On-going formative What buildings and explaining how we know AD 42 and the power of its assessment by class events did the Romans army these things and where teacher. introduce to Britain? .successful invasion by evidence comes from; What significant changes Claudius and conquest, identifying a place did the Roman make to including Hadrian’s Wall linked to this time daily life in Britain? .British resistance, for period; placing events example, Boudica Why did the Romans .‘Romanisation’ of on a timeline; using leave Britain? Britain: the impact of specific vocabulary to technology, culture and this period. beliefs, including early Christianity

Summer – Year A Why were castles built? Archaeologist, Artefact, A Local History Study: Starting to describe Students will be assessed Which group of people built Bailey, Century, a study of an aspect of daily life during this on the key skills in the Castles – local Drawbridge, Invasion, the first castles in Britain? history or a site dating time period; Asking and National Curriculum history What are the main features Motte, Keep, Moat, through showing they can Ramparts, Battlements, from a period beyond answering questions of a castle and what are answer the Key Questions. Portcullis. 1066 that is significant about this period; they for? in the locality: On-going formative Why was a castle built at explaining how we know assessment by class Hadleigh/Colchester and Colchester castle; these things and where teacher. who built it? Hadleigh Castle. evidence comes from; Why was the castle identifying a place important to the local area? linked to this time How and why were period; placing events Hadleigh/Colchester castles on a timeline; using changed/developed? specific vocabulary to Why did this period. Hadleigh/Colchester castle stop being used as a castle? How is it used now? Why did people stop building castles?

Autumn – Year B Allies, Holocaust, Students will be assessed What was the cause of A study of an aspect or Starting to describe Evacuation, Air Raid WWII? theme in British history daily life during this on the key skills in the WWII – The Home Shelter, Home Front, Can you describe what it that extends pupils’ time period; Asking and National Curriculum Front Invade, Rations, chronological knowledge through showing they can was like to be a child in Home Guard, answering questions beyond 1066: answer the Key Questions. WWII? How was it Propaganda, Gas Masks, about this period; On-going formative different from your life Blitz.. explaining how we know assessment by class now? a significant turning point these things and where in British history: the Battle teacher. Why did children have to evidence comes from; of Britain be evacuated? identifying a place What were the Battle of linked to this time Britain and the Blitz? period; placing events What was the impact of on a timeline; using WWII and the Blitz on specific vocabulary to Britain? this period.

Spring – Year B What was the A.D., B.C., Archaeologist, The achievements of the Starting to describe Students will be assessed importance of rivers in Artefact, Canopic Jars, earliest civilizations – an daily life during this on the key skills in the Ancient Egypt Hieroglyph, Mummy, ancient civilisations? overview of where and time period; Asking and National Curriculum Mummification, Papyrus, when the first through showing they can Who were the rulers of Hieroglyphs, Pyramids, answering questions civilizations appeared answer the Key Questions. Ancient Egypt? Sarcophagus, Scarabs, about this period; and a depth study of On-going formative How and why were the Sphynx. explaining how we know Ancient Egypt. assessment by class pyramids built? these things and where teacher. What can Ancient evidence comes from; Egyptian artefacts tell us identifying a place about their daily lives linked to this time and their culture? period; placing events What part did religion on a timeline; using play in the daily life of specific vocabulary to Ancient Egypt? this period.

Summer – Year B Archaeologist, Artefact, Students will be assessed Who were the Tudors? A study of an aspect or Starting to describe Can you place them on a Beheading, Divorce, daily life during this on the key skills in the The Tudors Execution, Family Tree, theme in British history timeline? that extends pupils’ time period; Asking and National Curriculum Heir, Historian, Monarch, through showing they can Why did Henry VIII get Reign, Treason. chronological knowledge answering questions answer the Key Questions. married so many times? beyond 1066: about this period; On-going formative Can you explain any of explaining how we know The legacy of the Tudor assessment by class dynasty on changes to the differences between these things and where teacher. daily life. the way poor people evidence comes from; lived and rich people identifying a place loved? linked to this time What do Roses have to period; placing events do with the Tudors? on a timeline; using How many famous specific vocabulary to Tudors can you name? this period. Can you explain why they are famous?

Autumn Spring Summer

Year Anglo-Saxons and Scots Explorers The Mayans A

Year The Ancient Greeks (Year B = Olympic Crime and Punishment Vikings and local history

Year 5 /6 B Year)

Year 5 / 6 What are we learning? Vocabulary What knowledge and What key skills will we How will these be (Key Questions) understanding will we learn? assessed? gain? Autumn – Year A How did the Roman Archaeologist, Artefact, Britain’s settlement by Describing daily life Students will be assessed withdrawal contribute to Angles, Anglo-Saxons, Anglo-Saxons and Scots during this time period on the key skills in the Anglo-Saxons and Century, Christianity, National Curriculum the Anglo-Saxon Invasion, Jutes, Migration, in detail; Asking and Scots through showing they can settlement? Monk, Pagan, Picts, Saxons,  Roman withdrawal from answering questions answer the Key Questions. What does the name Scots, Settler/settlement, Britain in c. AD 410 and about this period and Source. On-going formative ‘Anglo-Saxon’ mean? the fall of the western then using independent Roman Empire assessment by class Where can we find research to answer teacher. evidence of Anglo=Saxon  Scots invasions from them; explaining how Ireland to north Britain settlements? (now Scotland) historical evidence is Who were the Anglo-  Anglo-Saxon invasions, used to inform Saxons? settlements and knowledge; identifying a How did life in Britain kingdoms: place names place linked to this time change with the Anglo- and village life period and what Saxon settlement?  Anglo-Saxon art and evidence we have for culture that; placing events on a  Christian conversion – detailed timeline; using Canterbury, Iona and specific vocabulary to Lindisfarne this period in writing.

Spring – Year A Vocabulary: Students will be assessed Which explorers can you A study of an aspect or Describing daily life already name? Can you Archaeologist, Artefact, during this time period on the key skills in the Explorers Exploration, theme in British history remember what they that extends pupils’ in detail; Asking and National Curriculum Circumnavigate, Trade, through showing they can discovered and when? Commodities, Alliance, chronological knowledge answering questions answer the Key Questions. What motivates Colonies beyond 1066: about this period and On-going formative

explorers to go on their then using independent assessment by class journeys? Explorers over time research to answer teacher. How has the equipment them; explaining how used by explorers historical evidence is changed over time? used to inform How has exploration knowledge; identifying a benefitted us? place linked to this time period and what evidence we have for that; placing events on a detailed timeline; using specific vocabulary to this period in writing. Summer – Year A How do Mayans live Archaeologist, Artefact, a non-European society Describing daily life Students will be assessed today? Cacao, Civilisation, Deity, that provides contrasts during this time period on the key skills in the The Mayans Evidence, Hieroglyphs, What does the word with British history: in detail; Asking and National Curriculum Maize, Mayan, through showing they can ‘Mesoamerica’ mean? Mesoamerica, Pyramid, Mayan civilization c. AD answering questions answer the Key Questions. Why did the Ancient Religion, Ritual, Sacrifice, 900 about this period and On-going formative Mayan civilisation die Society. then using independent assessment by class out? research to answer teacher. How do we know the them; explaining how Mayans existed? historical evidence is What is Chichen Itza and used to inform how does it help us to knowledge; identifying a learn about the Ancient place linked to this time Mayans? period and what How did the Maya evidence we have for worship their gods? that; placing events on a How were Mayan cities detailed timeline; using designed? How was Mayan society specific vocabulary to organised? this period in writing.

Autumn – Year B Students will be assessed How has crime changed Jury, Judge, Lawyer, A study of an aspect or Describing daily life over time? Trial, Magistrate, during this time period on the key skills in the Crime and theme in British history How have punishments Transportation, Pillory, that extends pupils’ in detail; Asking and National Curriculum Punishment through showing they can changed over time? Criminal, Crime, chronological knowledge answering questions answer the Key Questions. How was religion Punishment, Wergild, beyond 1066: about this period and On-going formative involved in the Trial, Outlaw then using independent assessment by class changes in an aspect of punishment of criminals? research to answer teacher. social history, such as Why were certain crimes them; explaining how more common in certain crime and punishment historical evidence is from the Anglo-Saxons to periods of History? the present used to inform Can you describe crime knowledge; identifying a and punishment in one place linked to this time period of history in period and what detail? evidence we have for How did the introduction that; placing events on a of a police force change detailed timeline; using the way in which crimes specific vocabulary to were detected and this period in writing. punished?

Spring – Year B How did the relationship Archaeologist, Artefact, The Viking and Anglo- Describing daily life Students will be assessed between the Anglo-Saxons Chieftain, Danelaw, Saxon struggle for the on the key skills in the Kingdom of to the during this time period Vikings and Local and the Vikings change over Freeman, Longship, National Curriculum history time of Edward the in detail; Asking and time? Monastery, Pagan, Confessor answering questions through showing they can Runes, Thatched, Trader When, where and why did about this period and answer the Key Questions. the Vikings settle in Britain?  Viking raids and invasion On-going formative Resistance by Alfred the Are all British people then using independent assessment by class Great and Athelstan, first research to answer immigrants? king of England teacher. Were Vikings really brutal  Further Viking invasions them; explaining how invaders? and Danegeld historical evidence is Why was King Alfred called  Anglo-Saxon laws and used to inform Great? justice knowledge; identifying a What evidence can we find  Edward the Confessor and his death in 1066 place linked to this time of the Battle of Benfleet period and what (Beamfloet)? A local history study: evidence we have for a study of an aspect of history that; placing events on a or a site dating from a period beyond 1066 that is detailed timeline; using significant in the locality. specific vocabulary to this period in writing.

Summer – Year B Why and how did Artefact, Acropolis, Ancient Greece – a Describing daily life Students will be assessed Ancient Greece become citadel, Archaeologist, study of Greek life and during this time period on the key skills in the The Ancient important? Architecture, achievements and their in detail; Asking and National Curriculum Greeks Chronology, Circa, influence on the western through showing they can Why and how did the world answering questions Olympics start? Civilisation, society, about this period and answer the Key Questions. Culture, Deity, On-going formative How was the Ancient then using independent Democracy, Empire, assessment by class Greek religion different Invasion, Military, research to answer teacher. to ours today? Mythology, Philosophy, them; explaining how Why did the Ancient Society, Trade, Urban. historical evidence is Greek civilisation die used to inform out? knowledge; identifying a Where does our place linked to this time evidence about Ancient period and what Greece come from? evidence we have for What influence did the that; placing events on a Ancient Greeks have on detailed timeline; using our lives today? specific vocabulary to this period in writing.


End points are set by the National Curriculum. By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the knowledge, skills and competencies as specified in the programme of study.

In order to achieve the Intent of the History curriculum, assessment for learning is continuous throughout the planning, teaching and learning cycle. Assessments are made in order to improve. They are used to identify where there are gaps in learning for particular pupils. Planning is adjusted as a result in order to ensure that identified pupils catch up or close the gap. All pupils are individual and will be assessed in this way to ensure that they fulfil their individual potential. The founding assumption is that all pupils can achieve mastery (breadth and depth) if they are supported to do so.

Pupils’ progress is continually monitored throughout their time at the school and is used to inform future learning and teaching. Teaching staff will assess the children’s knowledge at the end of each unit by asking the Key Questions identified on the History Knowledge Organisers. The children will be able to answer them, showing that they know more, remember more and are able to do more.

Subject leader monitoring will include the following aspects:  Work sampling to ensure development of key learning and key vocabulary;  Discussing and checking understanding of learning and work with pupils, including effective challenge for more able pupils;  Monitoring planning to ensure full coverage of the curriculum;  Checking that there are opportunities to use and apply reading and writing skills in each subject area, consistent with quality in Literacy books.  Monitoring language skills – ensuring pupils understand key vocabulary;  Climate walks;  Lesson visits;  Gathering and responding to stakeholder’s views, including pupils;  Links to other areas of the curriculum including PSHE, Relationships, Healthy Schools, Behaviours for Learning, British Values and Equality; Subject leaders will:  Work with teachers to ensure pupils are supported to achieve at least sufficient progress and expected attainment.  Produce an annual Action Plan to work on key development points.