The Daily Egyptian, March 26, 1980
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 3-26-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 26, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 64, Issue 119 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 26, 1980." (Mar 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Daily C£gyptian (ius says ol' Rt~land isn't ~nina; to makt" alllhust" IIOit"n mad .-.a Wt'd11t'sday. March 26. 1!1110--- Vol. ill. No. 119 Southern Illinois University him o,· ..r a littl.. ol' thin~ lik. parkinJZ finPs. Kennedy wins in New York., Connecticut :\E\\ 'IOHK 1APl - Sen. candidates. were on the ballot. Ed\l_ard !\1. Kennedy upset Reagan led for 69 delegates; President Carter in the i'Oew uncommited for 411. Bush for 5. York .and ('onnecticut primary With 65 percent of the t'le~:t 10ns Tuesdav night. precincts counted in New revitalizing his t•ha'llenge for 'l·ork's dele~ate-rich the White Uo~ ~e. Dt·mocratic primary. the (ieorge Bmh put new ~park results rt>ad: into hL Hepubli~:an campaign w1th a victorv over Honald Kl'nnedy 3:Ju. 725 or :;7 percent. lh'aj!an in <'onnecticut. for Jti2 delt>gates. .. , think the nubble's hurst for ('arter ~47.5-ti or -t:l pe1·cent. .Jimmv C'arter."' said Tom for 1211 delegates . :O.outhwick. Kennedv's Kennedy had won onlv onP spokt'Sman. lit' ~id the voters primary ht>fore. in· his had dt•cidt·d "thev t·annot Massachusetts homt'. tlis twin nominate a president with 211 victories Tut>sday night percent inflation and a foreign reversed a 11tring of defeats. pohcy that is a disaster." They WE're the more dramatic Carter's t·ampaign t•hairman. for the public opinion polls that Hobert Strauss. t•onceded New had rated Carter a hig favorite 'I ork hut called it "only a dip in - and they t'am<' just onl' W('('k the road that will lead to the after the president had buried president's renomination " ~~:~tn an Illinois primary "Put a smile on vour faces." he told downcast '<·arter sup This was lne picture in porters. "When you lose.· lose Connecticut: with dass." Kennedy 95.746 votes or ~ Staff photo by Randy Klauk Hea~an led Bush in the New percent. for 29 t'Unvention GER.-\NitTM M.-\NIA-Lala Fragd, a s~nior Sigma Epsilon rrat•rnily, will as• its ··ptant \'ork Hepublican primary, a delegates. Ia ~··· s&eps ao .-ell &he..._....... a'·'·,..atrip.. .ialt aau-.a-..-e....._ia. proxy contest in which ('arter 84,6117 votes or 41 sprmg plaat sa~ ~y Ia Ballroom A of 1-is..-ille. Ky. delegates. not presidential percent. for 2S delegates. the Student Cnter. Spoasor of the sa~. Pi- Comptroller may deny aid in collecting parking fines R:v Juqui Koszczuk Financial Affairs. \\.E. Buf <'Xpected to ask Burris to deny was order to repay the deducted appellate level. Opposing the Staff Writer fum. who made the request on the request based on the staff's State Comptroller Roland money. decision would be a waste of behalf of the l'niversity. interpretation of the same t'OUrt "It would be ludicrous for us taxpayers' money." Burris is expected to deny the declined comment. saying only ruling and also based on the cost t:niversity's request for aid in to set up a system when the law that he "heard that the letter of the plan. Schaub said_ indicates that it would he In addition. Schaub sail collecting part of $33,274 owed was forthcoming." approving the plan for Slu-r in faculty and staff par){;ng The "Omptroller's starr overturned," he said. "No The I ;niversit~ askl'd the would compel the t'Omptroller's fines. according to spokesman !'tudied tilt! ruling and decided matter if the deductions would comptroller's office in July to be made in thi" office. it would office to devise a similar one for Bill Schaub in the comptroller's :hat it also prohibited the all the other state institutions approve a plan calling for comptroller's office from acting still be u... University saying o£fice. collection of the overdue fines requestillj!' it, at an estimated Although !10 official action as the trniverity's vehicle for who will be paid and in what through paycheck deductions to amount." cost oC "$400,000 to $500.000 a has been takm. Schaub !laid in a faculty and staff paycheck year." be made in the t•omptroller·s deductions. he said. · When asked about the teleJ)tione interview Tuesday office. wt>ich authorizes kculty that a letter stating the comp likelihood of Burris at'cepting "It would mean the creation paychecks. As a result of a 1974 The suit was brought against the staff's recommendation. troller's position should he SIU-C by 13 faculty and staff of a new policy in this offiet>. a state appellate court ruling, the Schaub said. ''The staff was new layer of functions for the drafte<l and sent to t:niversity liniversity is prohibitt'd from m<'mbers whose paycheclui had officials by the end of the week. guided by the court's ruling. comptroller·s office." a step making the deductions itself. been garnisheed for payment of and its hard to go against the A.<;SOCiate Vice President for parking fines. The t:nivl'risty thdt is too t'OSIIv for the office to The comptroller's staff is courts when they ·ve ruled at the takt'. Schaub said. Drake concerned with problem area..llf Arena director seeks new role for concert hoard Rv Andrew Zinl!er was consultl'd to determine the of the time constraints involved problem. Brown charged that recommendations known." Staff Writer type of shows the campus in booking a concert. he will not Urake is "looking for a fall guy According to Drake. there are Student involvement in the communitv wantl'd to see. But be able to sit down with every to pass tough decisions onto. many oJ.ber logistics involvl'd in decision-making process of the actual booking was left to board member and get his or "It would be up to the board to booking a show in Carbondale booking concerts at the Arena is Justice. her approval for l'ach show. formulate a heavy ban on than simply getting acts that marked by a history of criticism In 1975. the complaints sur· "1\iowadays, there just isn't 0':~:-~ they'd have to take studehts call for. He pointl'd out lor a gl'neral lack of student faced again. time to consult with the hoard that many bands are used to mput. But Arena Director Gary Arena Advisory Board about booking acts,'' Drake However, Drake defends his playing in large cities. and they Prake says t>t> hopes to· tum Chairman Lew Tews com- said. approach by s:tying that times think playing the college circuit things around. plained that the Southern Hather. Drake wants the have changed in the booking might not do their act credit. As far back as 1971, then Illinois community was being board to channel its efforts into business. and a new role is Drake also said that there Arena Director Dean Justice subjectl'd to the "narrow tastes other problem areas that ac needed fOI' an advisory board. hasn't been mi.IC.'h choice bet ('am(' under attack hy the of Justice when it comes to company a concert setting ''To book a first~lass act. I ween a variety ol bands at l'ny StudPnt (iovemment Activities booking acts." including smoking. drinking. have between six and 24 houn one time. Some maior b .... rs Council. which chargl'd that lhe The board- then lapsed into and crowd control. in which to voice interest in a were called off this ·yeaI.'. he programming policy was limbo and has been there for But Graduate Student Council particular tour. There isn't time said. because of the general "unresponsive to student needs some time. but ~ake says now. President Gary Brown says he to ~e! together witb the board.•• slump in the economy. and desires." "Wl' will definitely have a disagrees with this type of role He said he is receptive to the "The big cities are the major At that time. a group calll'd hoard. I have talked with some for the board. idea ol students calling him 01' market fCII' bands in the 1\oJ id the Arena 1-:ntertainment individual board memoers. but "Drakl' wants no input from slopping at his orr~ee with ideas west. Sma!t towns fJI} in the Advisory (.'ommittre. made up the role of the group "AiD be , the board. he wants a token for acts.. emphasizing that "the gaps.IUid it bands don't make it of students. alumni. faculty and different than in the past." ' board." Brown said. door is always opea for any in the big cities~ they don't go to adm inistralive representatives. Drake explained that because Concerning the smoking students to make tiH:ir the small towns ... Fundh~~- deadline nears for Connally throws support Carbondale Convention Center to 'second best' Reatzan R" :vlarv !Iarmon llrban Devei~oment At'tion available to low- and mooerate (iRAPEVINE.