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SALE of the LATE PETER SMITH's LIFETIME PHOTOGRAPHIC COLLECTION 30Th JUNE 2017 Lot ITEM DESCRIPTION SALE OF THE LATE PETER SMITH’S LIFETIME PHOTOGRAPHIC COLLECTION th 30 JUNE 2017 Lot ITEM DESCRIPTION Estimate 1 - 274 1 - 274 1. Kodak Cameras Retinette 1, 11S 11B a/f, Instamatic Reflex (battery cover missing) 2 x £15-20 1B + Retinette 1B (1 shutter u/s). 2. Retina 111S Camera, 50/19 Xenon 28/4 Curtagon, 85/4 Tele-Arton, 135/4 Telexenar. £20-30 3. Retina Reflex Cameras, Model S, Retina Reflex IV Cameras, (shutter slightly slow). £20-30 4. Corfield 66 af Great Wall Cameras. (af) £20-30 5. 7 x Exa/Exakta Cameras (af). £15-20 6. Contax D (x 2) Cameras 50/28 'T', 58/2 Biotar 'T' Tessar, both 1 sec only. £15-20 7. Practica IV (x 2), Porst, Practina, Exacta FE (af). £15-20 8. Miranda Cameras EE2, F Black, Early, F. Chrome, RE11 50/14 (tested-some fungus £15-20 evident). 9. Minolta Cameras DYnax 800Si Classic, Dynax 7x1, 28-80, Sigma 70.210 .75 - 300 £15-20 MD - (AF) Adaptor, (tested). 10. Minolta Cameras SRT 303 (meter u/s), 50/1.4, SRT 101 50/1.7 (sticky iris), XD-7, £20-30 50/1.7, XD-5 50/1.7. 11. Voigtlander Cameras VITO B (x 2), BL, CD Vitomatic 1A, 11, 11A (3 af). (tested) £20-30 12. Voigtlander VITESSA L Camera, 50/2.8, (plunger return slightly slow). (tested) £30-40 13. Voigtlander Prominent Camera 50/1.5 Nokton, (shutter slow, minute mark on rear £30-40 element), tested. 14. Kiev 4 35/2.8, Jupiter, Kiev 4A, 53/2 Jupiter, Kiev 5 50/1.8. (tested) Cameras. £15-20 15. 12 x Fed 4 + Zorki Cameras £20-30 16. Zenith 3M 50/3.5 + 135/4, Zenith 12xP 58/2, EM. (af) Cameras. £20-30 17. (7x) 2.1/4 Folding Cameras Dacora RoYal, AGFA Isolette II, III, V. (af) £20-30 18. Practica BYT Cameras, B100, Bx20, 50/24 Practicar 28/2.8, 35-70, 70-210, 135/2.8, £20-30 (Flash af), Cameras and lenses. (tested) 19. Ricoh 300, 500, MAMIYA Auto-Lux 35 Braun Paxette Reflex, Lordomat, Lordox Iloca £15-20 Quick Cameras. 20. A QuantitY of Digital Cameras, no chargers (some untested) £20-30 21. Baldamatic II Camera 50/2.8 Xenar, 35/2.8 Curtagon (af), 135/4 Tele Xemar, (filter rim £20-30 dent - tested), Radix, Edinex, Agfa Karat, Diax 1A. (untested) (7) 22. 5 x Pentax PK Fitting Cameras, + 3 x PK/AR fitting lenses. (untested) £30-40 23. 10 x Pentax Screw Fitting Cameras and lenses, (untested) £30-40 24. 2 x Pentax Cameras, 1 x S1, 1 x SV, Bodies (af), 135/3.5 CZ Sonnar, 2 x 55/1.8 (Filter £20-30 Ring Dings), 85/2.8 Culminar (tested). 25. WraY Stereographic Camera and Viewer, Coronet 3D (untested). £30-40 26. 150 Duplex Super 120 Stereo Camera. £60-80 27. Argus C3, A3 Kodak 35, Graphic 35 Cameras. £15-20 28. Topcon Cameras 1C-1 Auto, 1, Re-Auto (af), PR.11 (af), RE Super. Meter (af), 58/1.4 £20-30 (minor internal fungus), 135/3.5 Topcor case. (tested) 29. Comet III Camera and Case (tested). £20-30 30. Agiflex III, Agimatic, Reflex Korelle (untested) Cameras. £20-30 31. Minolta Camera's, Minolta A, Minolta A2, Hi-Matic, 110 Zoom SLR Camera. £15-20 32. 2 x Olympus 35 SP Cameras (1 x af), Auto-Eye, OM10 (dust in lens), 2 x 35RC (af). £20-30 33. Half Frame Camera's, Pen-F (af), Pen-D, Fujica Half, Ricoh Auto Half (a/f), Ricoh-EE £40-50 Rapid Half (a/f), Ecru (a/f), 3 x MJU (af), + Pen-EE3 Cameras. 34. OlYmpus XA Camera (tested). £40-50 35. 5 x Olympus Trip, (1 af, red flag stuck), (tested) Cameras. £40-50 36. Pentax 110 Camera Outfit in case, 2 x auto 110, 2 x 24/2.8, 18/2.8, 20-40 zoom, 2 x £20-30 50/2.8, 70/2.8 lens, filters, flash (untested), (nof). 37. Agfa Optima Reflex + close up lens. Agfa Ambi Silette Camera 50/2.8, 35/4, 90/4 lens £30-40 proxi-meters. 38. 2 x Elgy Lumiere Cameras, Kunik Petie, 2 x Mamiya -16 Automatic. £15-20 39. Rollei Cameras 35 Led (1 af), 35 SE (meter u/s), 3 x B35 (tested), rolled x 35 (tested). £30-40 40. Minox Cameras 110S, 2 x 35EL (one working, one front stuck, untested, 2 x 35 PL £20-30 (both nof) plus Minox Flashgun (not working). 41. Zeiss Ikon Cameras Contessa LBE, 2 x Contaflex II (1 original, 1 late), 4 cased £20-30 Proxars, 75/4 Pantar, Tenax 1, Ikonta 522/24, 2 x Baby Box Tengors, Volta 146/8. (untested). 42. Zeiss Ikon Camera Contessa 35 Sync. Comp. (tested) £30-40 43. Zeiss Ikon Camera Super Ikonta 532/16 Camera (tested). £20-30 44. Zeiss Ikon Camera Super Ikonta 531/16 (paint spot in lens, untested). £20-30 45. Folding Roll Film Cameras (untested). £20-30 46. Zeiss Folding Roll Film Cameras (untested). £30-40 47. Ensign and Other Cameras, Selfix 320, Selfix 16/20, 2 x Seagull 203, Proud Chrome £30-40 6, Olympus Six I, Tasei Welmy 6 (untested). 48. A 2006 McKeowns Photographic Book, plus Leica 60 years. £30-40 49. McKoewns 2001-2, plus History of Kodak. £15-20 50. 3 x McKeowns Photographic Price Guides, amongst others. £15-20 51. 23 x Photographica World, No. 59 Dec '91, No. 82 - Nr. 113, 205/3 1997. £15-20 52. Leica Fotographie 6/58, 2/69, 1/71 and 3/88, approx 115 in total and Leica £15-20 Photographic International 8 issues. 53. 2 x Boxes Collectable Camera Books. £15-20 54. Boxes of Camera Books. £15-20 55. Tamron Lenses 80-210, 35-135 CF YC, 28/2.5, 135/2.5 CF, 28/2.8 BBAR, 2 x 70-150, £30-40 70-210 N1, 200/3.5 BBAR (Manual Iris) CFD, 2X. 56. Tamron Lens 24/2.5, 28/2.5 (tested). £20-30 57. Tamron Lens 17/3.5 SP NA1 (tested). £20-30 58. Tamron Lens SP 500/8, 2 x SP (tested). £40-50 59. Tamron SP Lenses, 35-80 SP F/AX, 35-210 SP M/ND 24-48, 2 x 70-210 SP (1 iris £30-40 open)CFD, 35-105 SP A5L, NAI, 28 - 80 SP Y/C, 300/5.6 SP Y/C, 28-80 SP. 60. Tamron Lens 180/25 LD/1F 35th Anniv and Teleview P/K Adaptor. £50-60 61. Tamron 90/2.5 Macro Lens. £40-50 62. Tamron Lens 300/2.8 LD and Case. £100-120 63. Tamron Lens 200-500 Tele-Zoom. £100-150 64. MPP Micropress 5 x 4 Camera No. 4043 135/4.7 Xenar 6 x DDS. £80-120 65. TLRs Cameras, Flexaret Automat, Seagul 4, Lubitell 2, Voigtlander Brillant, SEM, £30-40 Halina A1, Lubitell 166B, Voigtlander (Comp/Heliar), Brillant (all af). 66. 2 x MPP Cameras, Microcord II Camera (Brief Time af), (1 x side back release screw £50-60 needs tightening) and a Microflex (only fires on front button) 67. Yashica 124G Camera, meter responsive, shutter ok, lens clean. £50-60 68. MamiYaflex C330 Professional 80/2.8 Blue Spot Lens, (shutter slow to activate), £100-120 Porroprism. 69. Yashica Cameras, Model A (rear mirror fungus), Yashica 635 (no faults), Yashicamat £50-60 (minimal internal edge fungus) - tested. 70. Soho Reflex Camera, Case, Cooke 158m f 3.5 Series III, 6 x DDs, roll film back. £20-30 71. MamiYaflex C3 Camera 80/2.8 and Case, (nof), Mamiyaflex 135/4.5 Lane Prism, £30-40 (mirror loose, both lenses need cleaning). 72. Rolleiflex 3.5F Camera, (edge balsam fault), meter working, caps and together with £40-50 camera case. 73. Tele-Rolleiflex Camera, case, lens hood, edge balsam faults, (tested). £240-280 74. Rolleiflex 4 x 4 Camera, case, lens hood, strap and original box. £60-80 75. Rolleiflex TLR Cased Camera Pentaprism, Rolleikin 35 (af) and lens hood. (3) £30-40 76. 3 x Rolleiflex Camera's, including Model 'T' (af), Mod II, and original Standard 620. £30-40 77. Fujica GS 645 Camera, bellows pin-holed (replacements can be obtained), shutter £50-60 good, close focus viewfinder. 78. MamiYa 645 Camera 75/3.5 (nof - tested). £50-60 79. MamiYa 645 150/45 Lens (nof). £30-40 80. Kowa Super 66 Camera, Metered Head (working but slightly loose on camera), 85/2.8, £100-120 (blades have oil), Pentaprism, waist level finder, spare screen T/2 Extension Tube. 81. Kowa Super 66 250/56 Lens and hood, (optics clear, shutter stuck). £20-30 82. MamiYa 23 Camera, + 6 x 6,6 x 4.5 Rollfilm back, 90/3.5 lens (nof). £30-40 83. Kiev TTL 80/2.8 Biometer (iris open), Pentacon 6 (shutter sticking) 80/2.8 biometer, £30-40 Kiev 60 TTL Camera, shutter tested, 80/2.8 (iris sticky), waist level finder, vertical magnifier. (5) 84. Pentacon 6, 50/4 Flektogon lens (tested). £60-80 85. Pentacon 6 120/2.8 Biometer lens, 2 x Converter, Extension Tubes (tested - nof). (3) £50-60 86. Kiev 30/3.5 lens case (tested - nof). £50-60 87. Pentacon 6 Camera Lens 300/4, + M42 Adaptor. (nof) (tested). £50-60 88. Pentacon 6 Camera Lens 300/4, + T2 adaptor with Leicaflex T2 mount. £50-60 89. Pentacon 6 Camera Lens 180/2.8, Sonnar lens + M42 Adaptor, (iris sticks otherwise £50-60 nof) + spare dismantled lens.
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