SB-22S’S Built-In Sensor Measures the Flash Illumination Reflected Back from the in This Mode, the Flash Always Fires at Full Output
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Preparation TTL Auto Flash t Mode Non-TTL Auto Flash ˙ Mode Manual Flash ƒ Mode The built-in TTL auto flash sensor in cameras so equipped measures the illumination The SB-22s’s built-in sensor measures the flash illumination reflected back from the In this mode, the flash always fires at full output. Manual flash photography is recommended Set the SB-22s’s POWER switch to OFF, then slide down the battery provided by the SB-22s that is reflected back from the subject. This measurement is made subject, automatically controlling the flash output to give you the correct exposure. when shooting subjects in which the correct exposure is difficult to obtain in the TTL or 1 chamber lid in the direction of the arrow and lift it off. through-the-lens and when the light is sufficient to ensure proper exposure, the camera This is called the Non-TTL Auto Flash A mode. A choice of four shooting apertures at Non-TTL Auto Flash mode or when you want to exercise your creative preferences. 11 sends a signal to the SB-22s to stop firing. TTL Auto Flash TTL mode* provides simple 16 A1 to A4 are available, covering a variety of shooting distances. 22 and effective flash operation, recommended for users with little experience with flash. Set your camera’s exposure mode to Aperture-priority auto (A) or Manual (M). m 0.6 0.91.3 2 3 5 7 10 Autofocus Speedlight ft 23468 1215 20 30 40 1 ● Set your camera’s metering system to any setting. N35mm Cameras usable in the TTL Auto Flash mode Set your camera’s exposure mode to Aperture-priority auto (A) or Manual (M). ● OFFON STBY FLASH 1 ● For Nikon FM3A, New FM2 and FM10 cameras, manually set the shutter speed to BOUNCE READY F5 F4-Series F100 F90X/N90s*1 F90-Series/N90*1 F80-Series/N80-Series*1 Set your camera’s metering system to any setting. ● the flash sync shutter speed or slower. *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 For Nikon FM3A, New FM2 and FM10 cameras, manually set the shutter speed to GN(ISO100) 28(m)/92(ft) JAPAN F70-Series/N70 F65-Series/N65-Series F60-Series/N60 F50-Series/N50 F-801s/N8008s F-801/N8008 For other cameras, the shutter speed is automatically set to the flash sync *1 *1 *2 *1 *1 *1 the flash sync shutter speed or slower. F-601/N6006 F-601M/N6000 F-501/N2020 F-401x/N5005 F-401s/N4004s F-401/N4004 speed. (You can intentionally set the shutter speed to one slower than the flash F-301/N2000*2 FM3A FA FE2 FG Pronea 600i/6i*1 For other cameras, the shutter speed is automatically set to the flash sync speed. (You can intentionally set the shutter speed to one slower than the flash sync speed.) Refer to your camera’s instruction manual for details. SB-22s Nikonos V *1 Sold exclusively in the USA. *2 Sold exclusively in the USA and Canada. sync speed.) Refer to your camera’s instruction manual for details. • TTL Auto Flash TTL mode is not possible with Nikon F3-Series except with the AS-17 attached, New FM2, Set the flash mode selector to M. Install four penlight batteries following the + and - symbols inside the FM10, FE10 and D1 Series cameras. Use the Non-TTL Auto Flash A mode or Manual M Flash mode instead. Set the SB-22s’s mode selector to either A1, A2, A3 or A4 depending on 2 2 chamber. Reattach the battery chamber lid by aligning the indices on the • If camera’s ready-light LED keeps blinking, the camera is not ready for TTL Auto Flash mode. Confirm that 2 Determine the shooting distance and follow the appropriate vertical line the shutter speed is not set to M250, M90, or B). the aperture selected that brings the subject within the flash shooting 3 lid and flash unit and sliding it up as far as it will go. * Depending on the Nikon camera and lens, or finder in use, either one of the following TTL flash distance range. The illuminated f-number shown in the window at left is the upward from the shooting distance on the distance scale until it meets one operations is possible: Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash, Matrix Balanced Fill-Flash, Center-Weighted Fill- of the distance range indicators. Then follow the flash shooting distance Flash/Spot Fill-Flash, Programmed TTL Auto Flash, or Standard TTL Flash. For more details on TTL flash aperture you should use. Instruction Manual operation, refer to your camera’s instruction manual. 3D Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash is not possible, A1 A2 A3 A4 range indicator horizontally and you will find the appropriate apertures. Set E because the SB-22s has no Monitor Preflash function. SPEEDLIGHT SB-22s M TTL the appropriate aperture on the camera or lens aperture ring. A A A A A SPEEDLIGHT SB-22s T1F1000601(S855)11 Set the flash mode selector on the SB-22s to TTL. M TTL SPEEDLIGHT SB-22s A 1 ISO 2 2 2 2 2 M TTL 50 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 A 100 4 4 4 4 4 Set your camera. (Refer to your camera 5.6 200 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 ISO 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 50 2.8 instruction manual for details.) 11 11 11 11 11 ISO 2 100 4 ● 16 Set your camera’s exposure mode to Programmed 50 2.8 16 16 16 16 200 5.6 ● Four penlight batteries of any of the following types may be used: 22 Foreword auto (P), Aperture-priority auto (A), or Manual (M) mode. 100 4 22 22 22 22 8 5.6 m 0.6 0.9 1.3 23 57 10 11 ① AA-type zinc-carbon ② AA-type alkaline-manganese ③ AA-type NiCd 200 ft 23468 1215 20 30 40 (Shutter-priority auto (S) mode is not recommended, 8 16 N35mm (rechargeable) ④ AA-type Ni-MH (Nickel-Metal Hydride) (rechargeable) 11 22 Congratulations. You are now the proud owner of the Nikon Autofocus Speedlight because setting an appropriate aperture to match the OFFON STBY FLASH 16 BOUNCE READY m 0.6 0.91.3 2 3 5 7 10 SB-22s, a flash unit offering compact design and easy operation. With a powerful flash ⑤ AA-type (1.5V) lithium shooting distance is difficult.) 22 ft 23468 1215 20 30 40 N35mm For more information on batteries, refer to “Notes on Batteries.” ● m 0.6 0.9 1.3 23 57 10 GN(ISO100) 28(m)/92(ft) JAPAN Set your camera’s metering system to Matrix Metering, ft 23468 1215 20 30 40 OFFON STBY FLASH output (GN 28 at ISO 100, m), the SB-22s can be used not only for shooting in dimly lit BOUNCE READY Center-Weighted Metering, or Spot Metering. N35mm ● For example, if the flash-to-subject distance is 5m (16.4 ft.), set the flash mode interiors or outside at night, but for daylight fill-in flash. The SB-22s features three flash OFFON STBY FLASH CAUTION ● The shutter speed is automatically set to the flash BOUNCE READY selector to A4 (f/2.8), A3 (f/4) or A2 (f/5.6) when using ISO 100 film with the GN(ISO100) 28(m)/92(ft) JAPAN ● modes: TTL Auto, Non-TTL Auto, and Manual. In the Non-TTL Auto mode, you have a When replacing batteries, replace all four batteries at the same time, do not mix sync speed. (Or you can intentionally set the shutter ( ) ( ) ( ) GN ISO100 28 m /92 ft JAPAN angle of coverage adjusted to N-35mm. Underexposure may occur if A1 (f/8) is ● For example, when shooting with ISO 100 film, with the angle of coverage adjusted battery types or brands, do not use old with new batteries, and never reverse speed to one slower than the flash sync speed.) choice of four shooting apertures at A1, A2, A3 and A4. Other advanced flash selected. to N-35mm, selecting f/5.6 lets you take pictures of subjects at a distance of approx. the polarity of the batteries when installing. Otherwise, the batteries may catch ● Because the SB-22s features the same TTL flash operations as those of the capabilities include Bounce, Close-up, and Multiple Flash. To get the most out of your ● Using an aperture wider than the maximum aperture of the lens in use is not 5m (16.4 ft.) away, while f/2.8 lets you take pictures of subjects approx. 10 m (32.8 ft.) on fire or explode, due to the possible leakage of corrosive liquids. SB-15 and SB-22, refer to those items corresponding to SB-15 or SB-22 in the new flash unit, please read this manual before use. recommended. away. ● In the event that corrosive liquids do seep from the batteries, avoid touching the flash photography section of your camera’s instruction manual, if the SB-22s is liquids. Certain types of batteries contain strong alkaline liquids. If the alkaline not listed. ● To determine the correct flash shooting distance range and aperture, refer to ● To determine the correct aperture, use the equation and guide number table: liquids stick to your skin or clothes, wash immediately with running water. “Checking the Correct Exposure.” guide number ● Make some test shots Wait for the ready-light to come on and make sure the subject is in focus f/stop (aperture) = ―――――――――――――― 3 flash-to-subject distance (m/ft) Before taking important flash photographs, make some test shots to ascertain the Loosen the SB-22s’s mounting foot lock nut ①.