
Chapter 1: Society and Power in 1. Chi Nakane, Japanese Society (Harmondsworth, Middx: Penguin Books, 1973) p.24.

Chapter 2: The Liberal Democratic Party I. Norman Macrae, 'Must Japan Slow?', Economist, 23 Feb. 1980. 2. Liberal Star, to March 1987. 3. Haruhiro Fukui, Party in Power (Berkeley, Cal.: University of California Press, 1970) p. 74. 4. Asahi Shimbun, 17 Jan. 1990. 5. Mainichi Daily News, 7 Jan. 1989. 6. Siiddeutsche Zeitung, 17 Dec. 1983; Der Spiegel, 26 Dec. 1983. 7. Economist, 24 Oct. 1987. 8. Asahi Evening News, I Oct. 1987.

Chapter 3: Political Careers 1. Gerald L. Curtis, Election Campaigning Japanese Style (New York: Columbia University Press, 1971). 2. Daily Yomiuri, 8 Nov. 1989. 3. The Financial Times, 14 Feb. 1990. 4. Far Eastern Economic Review, 9 March 1989. 5. Ibid. 6. Asahi Evening News, 20 April 1989. 7. Mainichi Shimbun, 26 Nov. 1989. 8. , 13 July 1989 (figures provided by the Secretariat of the House of Representatives). 9. Asahi Evening News, 20 April 1989 and 21 April 1989. 10. Asahi Evening News, 2 June 1989. 11. Mainichi Daily News, 17 Feb.-22 March 1989. '2. At Japan Political Studies Seminar, , 19 April 1990. 13. Mainichi Daily News, 17 Feb. 1989. 14. Mainichi Daily News, 18 Feb. 1989. 15. Japan Times, 20 Dec. 1990. 16. Mainichi Daily News, 20 Feb. 1989. 17. Mainichi Daily News, 21 Feb. 1989. 18. AERA Magazine, 6 Sept. 1988. 19. At Japan Political Studies Seminar, Tokyo, 19 April 1990. 20. Asahi Evening News, 21 April 1989. 21. At Japan Political Studies Seminar, Tokyo, 5 Sep. 1989. 22. Cornelia Meyer, in Nagatacho Focus (UBS Philips & Drew) no. 2, 21 April 1991.

282 Notes 283

23. , however, appears convinced that belongs to the peaceloving left wing of the LOP: Helmut Schmidt, Menschen und Miichte (Berlin: Siedler Verlag, 1987) pp. 423 and 432. 24. The Deai of March 1989 and January 1989. 25. Mainichi Daily News, 8 June 1989. 26. Provided by Mr Hori's parliamentary office, 1990. 27. Provided by Mr Ozawa's parliamentary office, 1990. 28. Provided by Mr Kato's parliamentary office, 1990. 29. The biographical data are mostly taken from: Seizaburo Sato, Kenichi Koyama and Shumpei Kumon, Postwar Politician: The Life of Former Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira (Tokyo: Kodansha, 1990). 30. Ibid., p. 400. 31. Ibid., p. 524 32. Japan Times, 22 Feb. 1979. 33. Financial Times, 8 July 1986. 34. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, , Official Government Bulle- tin, May 1986, pp. 9-10. 35. The Economist, 5 April 1986. 36. Japan Times, 21 Feb. 1984. 37. Japan Times, 2 June 1987. 38. Japan Times, 3 June 1987.

Chapter 4: Legitimacy Crises 1. At Japan Political Studies Seminar, Tokyo, 26 Oct. 1988. 2. See also Bernd Reddies, Der Recruit Skandal in Japan (Tokyo: OAG Aktuell, 1989). 3. Asahi Evening News, 24 May 1989. 4. David E. Kaplan and Alec Dubro, Yakuza: The Explosive Account of Japan's Criminal Underworld (London: Macdonald, 1987). 5. Mainichi Daily News, 18 Sept. 1991. 6. Japan Times, 26 Feb. 1988. 7. Asahi Shimbun, 10 April 1990. 8. At Japan Political Studies Seminar, Tokyo, 3 July 1991.

Chapter 5: The Civil Service System 1. Jinjiin (National Personnel Authority), Komuinhakusho (White Paper on Civil Servants) (Tokyo: Ogurasho Ensatsu Kyoku, 1988) pp. 157-8. 2. B. C. Koh, Japan's Administrative Elite (Berkeley, Cal.: University of Cali- fornia Press, 1989) p. 92. 3. Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 7 Aug. 1990. 4. Koh, Japan's Administrative Elite, p. 223. 5. National Personnel Authority, Outline of National Personnel Authority and Civil Service System (Tokyo, 1988) p. 30. 6. For the first four persons: Japan Economic Journal, 15 April 1989; for the rest: my own data collection. 7. The Economist, 23 June 1990. 8. Koh, Japan's Administrative Elite, p. 241. 284 Notes

Chapter 6: Government Operations I. The Financial Times, 19 June 1985. 2. Japan Foundation Newsletter, October 1989, p. 6. 3. In Kiyoaki Tsuji, Public Administration in Japan (Tokyo: Press, 1984), p. 33. 4. Chalmers Johnson, MITl and the Japanese Miracle (Stanford, Cal.: University of Stanford Press, 1982) p. 29. 5. See Albrecht Rothacher, 'The Difficulties of Donor Aid Co-operation: the Case of Japan and the European Community', in United Nations University (ed.), Development and ODA: Japan-ASEAN Forum, November /990 (Tokyo: UNU, 1991) pp. 170-2. 6. See also Yung H. Park, Bureaucrats and Ministries in Contemporary Japanese Government (Berkeley, Cal.: University of California Press, 1986). 7. Albrecht Rothacher, Japan's Agro Food Sector (London: Macmillan, 1989) p. 108. 8. See Management and Co-ordination Agency, Organization of the Government of Japan (Tokyo, 1986) p. 28. 9. Data taken from Seikai, Kancho, Jinjiroku (Personal Records of the Political World and Government Administration) (Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Shimposha, 1989 Handbook). 10. AMA, 'Administrative Inspection', in Kiyoaki Tsuji (ed.), Public Administra• tion in Japan (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press 1984) pp. 173-83, esp. p. 176. II. Yasuo Maeda, 'The State Audit System', in Tsuji (ed.) Public Administration in Japan, pp. 185-202, esp. p. 186. 12. For an example, see Albrecht Rothacher, Economic Diplomacy between the European Community and Japan, /959-/98/ (Aldershot: Gower, 1983) p.293. 13. Japan Economic Journal, 16 Feb. 1991.

Chapter 7: Elite Civil Servants I. Tsusan Journal, August 1988, pp. 6-9. 2. Provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1991. 3. Ibid., 1990. 4. MIT/ Handbook (Tokyo, 1990). 5. Provided by the Ministry of Finance, 1989. 6. Provided by the Ministry of Labor, 1991. 7. Provided by Suntory Ltd, 1988.

Chapter 8: The Keiretsu Business Conglomerates I. Source: Toyo Keizai 2. John G. Roberts, Mitsui: Three Centuries ofJapanese Business, 2nd edn (New Yorktfokyo: WeatherhiJI, 1989) p. 3. 3. See Yasuo Mishima, The Mitsubishi: Its Challenge and Strategy (Greenwich, Conn.lLondon: JAI Press, 1989). 4. Roberts, Mitsui, p. 384. 5. Ibid., pp. 311-15. Notes 285

6. Kazuo Shibagaki, 'Dissolution of Zaibatsu and Deconcentration of Economic Power', Annals of the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, no. 20, 1979, pp. 1-60, esp. p. 53. 7. Ibid., p. 44. 8. Ibid., p. 50. 9. Dodwell Marketing Consultants, Industrial Groupings in Japan (Tokyo: Dodwell, 1984-5) p. 6. 10. Source: Japan Company Handbook, Section I (Tokyo: 1991). II. The Financial Times, 22 May 1990. 12. DodwelI, Industrial Groupings, p. II. 13. Oriental Economist, December 1980, p. 10. 14. Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 13 April 1990. 15. Oriental Economist, May 1981, p. 20. 17. Ibid. 18. Far Eastern Economic Review, 14 Sept. 1989. 19. Oriental Economist, October 1981, p. 19. 20. Ibid., p. 19. 21. Oriental Economist, February 1982, p. 24. 22. Oriental Economist, April 1982, p. 14. 23. Ibid., p. 19. 24. Oriental Economist, September 1982, p. 14. 25. Ibid., p. 16. 26. Tokyu Corporation, Annual Report 1990, p. 14. 27. Japan Times, 5 June 1991. 28. Keidanren, The Significance of the SII Talks and Directions for the Future', 14 May 1991, Typescript. 29. Robert Lawrence, Efficient or Exclusionist? The Import Behaviour ofJapanese Corporate Groups, Brookings Papers, 1991, vol. I. 30. James C. Abegglen, and George Stalk, Kaisha: The Japanese Corporation (Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle, 1987) pp. 185-6. 31. Oriental Economist, October 1981, pp. 18-19. 32. See Kiyoshi Kojima and Terutomo Ozawa, Japan's General Trading Compa• nies: Merchants of Economic Development (Paris: OECD Development Center Studies, 1984) pp. 28 and 48-50. 33. The Financial Times, 12 May 1986. 34. The Financial Times, 29 May 1985.

Chapter 9: Zailwi - the Organisation of Big Business Interests I. Chitoshi Yanaga, Big Business in Japanese Politics (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1968) p. 32. 2. Yonosuke Tanaka, 'The World of the Zaikai', in H. Murakami and 1. Hirshmeier (eds), Politics and Economics in Contemporary Japan (Tokyo: Japan Culture Institute, 1979) pp. 64--78, esp. p. 68. 3. Daily Yomiuri, 30 May 1988 and 19 March 1990. 4. Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 26 Sept. 1990. 5. Economic Eye, Spring 1990, p. 20. 6. Keidanren Review, no. 125, 1990, p. 4. 7. Journal of Japanese Trade and Industry, no. I, 1985, pp. 56-8. 286 Notes

8. Daily Yomiuri, 4 June 1990. 9. Daily Yomiuri, 28 April 1991. 10. See Keizai Koho Center, KKC Brief, no. 59, Aug. 1990. 11. Japan Times, 4 April 1991. 12. Keizai Koho Center, KKC Brief, no. 55, June 1990. 13. Japan Times, 15 May 1991. 14. Eiji Suzuki, in Nikkeiren, Toward Sound Growth: Report of the Committeefor the Study of Labour Questions (Tokyo, 1990) p. I. IS. Nikkeiren, Japan's Federation of Employers' Associations (Tokyo, .1982) p. 3. 16. Ibid. 17. Nikkeiren, Current Labour Economy in Japan (Tokyo, 1990) p. 10. 18. Ibid. 19. Ibid., p. 12. 20. Nikkeiren, Toward Sound Growth, p. 12. 21. Sankei Shimbun, 15 May 1991. 22. Japan Times, 21 Dec. 1987. 23. Japan Times, I July 1991. 24. Asahi Shimbun, 20 March 1991. 25. Japan Times, 1 July 1991. 26. Asahi Shimbun, 13 May 1991. 27. Daily Yomiuri, 25 May 1991.

Chapter 10: Executive Careers I. Mainichi Daily News, 20 Oct. 1988. 2. For Toyota's case, see Far Eastern Economic Review, 17 Aug. 1989. 3. Karin Bogart, 'Employment Practices in Japan: the Social and Industrial Background', in EC Commission (ed.), Working the Japanese Way: Japanese Employment Practices at Home and in Europe (Brussels, 1989) pp. 5-25, esp p.8. 4. JETRO, Japanese Corporate Decision Making, Business Information Series 9 (Tokyo, 1982) p. 10. 5. Japan Times, 11-16 April 1979. 6. Ken Moroi, 'Designing a Management System for the Next Century', Eco- nomic Eye, Spring 1991, pp. 29-31. 7. Provided by Mitsui Bussan, 1990. 8. Provided by Nissan Motor Co., 1990. 9. Provided by Tokyo Electric Power Co., 1990. 10. Provided by Keidanren, 1990. 11. Provided by Nikkeiren, 1990. 12. Source: Nikkei Who's Who. 13. Source: Teikoku Data Bank. 14. Moroi, 'Designing a Management System', p. 30. 15. Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 5 July 1987. 16. Forbes, 22 July 1991. 17. Nikkei Venture Survey, quoted in Japan Economic Journal, 20 Oct. 1988. 18. Japan Times, 30 Nov. 1989. 19. Mainichi Shimbun, I May 1991. 20. Wall Street Journal, 21 May 1990. Notes 287

21. Matthews Masayuki Hamabata, Crested Kimono: Power and Love in the Japanese Business Family (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990). 22. Text supplied by Toyota Motor Corporation, 1991. 23. Jon Woronoff, 'Fading Role of Entrepreneurs' ,Oriental Economist, June 1985, pp. 35-7, esp. p. 36. 24. See, for instance, Konosuke Matsushita, Quest for Prosperity (Tokyo: PHP Institute, 1989); Akio Morita, Made in Japan (London: Fontana/Collins, 1989). 25. The Economist, 16 Jan. 1988. 26. Asahi Evening News, 6 July 1991. 27. Asahi Shimbun, 3 Jan. 1991.

Chapter 11: Elite Mobility and Elite Rule I. Robert D. Putnam, The Comparative Study of Political Elites (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1976) pp. 3--4. 2. International Herald Tribune, II April 1988. 3. John A. Cicco Jr, 'Japan's Administrative Elite: Criteria for Membership', International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol. 41 (1975) pp. 179-84, esp. p. 383. 4. Haru Matsukata Reischauer, Samurai and Silk (Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle, 1986) p. 263. 5. Karl F. Zahl, The Social Structure of the Political Elite in Postwar Japan', Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, vol. II (1973) pp. 128--44. 6. Peter P. Cheng, 'Japanese Cabinets, 1885-1973: an Elite Analysis', Asian Survey, vol. 14 (1974) pp. 1055-71. 7. Far Eastern Economic Review, 10 Aug. 1989, p. 22. 8. Mainichi Shimbun, 2 April 1990. Bibliography

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Woronoff, Jon, 'Fading Role of Entrepreneurs', Oriental Economist, June 1985, pp. 35-7. Yanaga, Chitoshi, Big Business in Japanese Politics (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1968). Yomiuri Chosa Kenkyuhonbusho, Nihon no Kokkai (Japan's Parliament) (Tokyo: Yomiuri Shimbun-sha, 1988). Zahl, Karl F., 'The Social Structure of the Political Elite in Postwar Japan', Trans• actions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. vol. II (1973) pp. 128-46. Index

Abe, Fumio, 66 alternative elite, 273, 279 Abe, Shintaro, 19-20, 23, 36-8, 40-6, alumni networks, 71, 100 50, 57, 70, 73, 97, 110, 112, Amagasaki Steel, 190 114, 118, 120 amakudari, 145-8, 154-5, 158, 174, achievement, 267, 270, 273 192, 248, 258, 267 administrative elite, 71-3, 125, Amano, Kosei, 57, 66, 82, 100 129-30, 166-7, 170-3, 269, 276 Amaya, Naohiro, 147 career patterns, 130-4, 168-74 ambassadors, 158, 167, 175-6, 178, life styles, 171-2, 264 270 pastimes, 172 Anraku, Ryuji, 146 political careers, 172 Antarctica, 96 recruitment, 128-30 anthropology, 253 remuneration, 135 anti-monopoly law, see anti-trust retirement, 145-8, 174, 248 legislation administrative guidance, 106, 140-1, anti-trust legislation, 16, 187, 223 154,222 Aoki Corporation, 57 administrative hierarchies, 126-7 Aoki, Ikei, 112 administrative inspection, 165-6 Aoki, Masahisa, 66 administrative reform, 36, 38, 96, 277 approval ratings, 38, 43, 46 administrative vice-minister, 25--6, 61, aristocracy, 5--6, 50, 264 69,72, 110-11, 127, 130, 132, armament industry, 162 144, 146-7, 149, 152, 158, 167, arrogance, 265, 271 168-74,267 artists, 58-9 advisory committees/councils, 118, Asahi Breweries, 196 140, 155, 179, 242, 244-8 Asahi Chemical, 100 Agency for Industrial Science and Asahi Chemical Industries, 204 Technology, 129, 154 Asahi Glass, 186, 188, 194 agricultural colleges, 71 Asahi Journal, 110 agricultural interests, 37 Asahi Optical, 205 agricultural sciences, 129 Asahi Shimbun, 101, 256-7 agriculture, 59, 64, 74, 85, 86, 160 Ashida, Hitoshi, 47 Aichi, Kazuo, 66, 67, 83, III, 115 Asian African Studies Group, 23 airline costs, 54 Asian Development Bank, 153, 177 air transport, 248 Aso Cement, 76 Aizawa, Hideyuki, 66 Aso, Taro, 50, 53, 76 Ajinomoto, 220, 251 asset gap, 226 Akahata,73 asset growth, 239-40 Akasaka, 26, 31, 53, 143, 171 asset inflation, II, 259 Akazawa, Shoichi, 99, 146 audit, 166 Akita prefecture, 66 auditing, 273 All Nippon Airways (ANA), 103-5, Australia, 93 106-7 authoritarianism, 171 allowances, 236 Awa Bank, 147

293 294 Index awards, 58 campaign activities, 48 Azabu Motor, 250--1 campaign costs, 29, 49 campaign promises, 37, 40, 53 backbencher, 60--1 Canada, 93 Bander Khomeini, 198 Canon Inc., 202 Bank of Japan (BOJ), 94, WI, 146-7, capital needs, 189, 198, 218 153-4 car industry, 30, 190, 240, 255, 275 banking crash, 252 career prospects, 236, 240 banking keiretsu, 189-90, 201 cartels, 212, 221, 257 bankruptcy, 75 Carter, Jimmy, 92, 259 banks central government, 125, 164 bank presidents, 147 recruitment, 128-30 political contributions, 30 Centralism, 134, 140, 155, 164, 170, Bank of Tokyo, 147 275 Bank of Yokohama, 147 central Japan, 269 baseball, 81 charity, 259 beef imports, 59, 102 checks and balances, 271 Beppu, 48-9 Cheng, Peter, 269 big business, 3-4, 16, 21, 31, 45, Chernobyl,97 75-6, 183-4,222 Chiba Bank, 147 biographies, 84-101, 175-9, 241-8 , III bio-tech, 217-18 Chichibu Cement, 118, 204, 229 bonenkai, 53-4 , 22, 38, 60, bonus payments, 235, 240, 250 66-7, 87, 150--1 bribery, 103, 107, 110-11, 258 China, 93, 100, 105, 186, 230, 277 Bridgestone, 76, 231, 251 Chisan Co., 250 briefing materials, 145 cllOnaikai, 49 budget deficit, 36-7, 91-2, 94, 98 Choshu clansmen, 128, 185, 269 budget process, 152-4 Christianity, 87 budgetary proposals, 140, 152-4 Chrysler, 195 Bungei Shunju (political weekly), 107 Chuo University, 71, 74, 249 bureaucratic decision-making, 141-2, Churchill, Winston, 41 170,241 C. Itoh, 99, 199, 203-5, 217-18, bureaucratic elite, 69, 72, 74, 152 299-30 bureaucratic structures, 126-7, 241 city banks, 183, 187, 190, 192 business associations, 258-9 city counsellors, 28 business career, 71, 94, 145-7 civil servants, 125-6, 165 business elite, 239, 242-56 career patterns, 173-4 norms and family life, 253-4 efficiency, 165-6 women, 254 employment offers, 266-7 business ethics, 222-3, 256-60 remuneration, 135-6, 165 business fortunes, 75-6 women, 128, 178 working conditions, 142-3 Cabinet composition, 21-2, 34, 60, working hours, 136 65-7 working style, 137-42 Cabinet Counsellor's Office, 26 civil service law, 57 Cabinet meeting, 100, 149 clan cohesion, 272 Cabinet Office, 129 clan domination, 189 Cabinet Secretariat 119, 150--1 Clutter, John, 104, 107 Index 295 coalition plans. 38. 121. 280 Dai Nippon Toryo. 194 communication. 109. 274 Daicel Chemical Industries. 197 commuting. 171 Daiei.251 competition policy. 223 Daihatsu Motors. 207-9 competitive behaviour. 133. 240-1. Dai-Ichi Bank. 202 274-5 Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank (DKB). 187. concentration. 276. 278 202-5. 108 conformism. 231-2. 235. 238. 253--4. Dai-Ichi Kangyo keiretsu. 184. 190-2. 270 199. 202-5. 212 Confucianism. 125 daimyo.268 conservatism. 12. 25. 172 Daishowa Paper Co .• 75. 252 constituencies. 17. 20. 42. 45. 53-5. Daiwa Nomura GrouP. 210 63. 78. 79. 222 Daiwa Securities Research Institute. constitutional revision. 39. 78. 98 147 construction industry. 21. 30. 39.45. dango.257 257 Dan. Takuma. 186 construction zoku. 64 decentralisation. 279 consumer goods. 155 division director (kacho). 72. 125. Cooperative Party. 15. 19 126--7. 131-5. 150. 168-74.239 core elite. 2-3. 167 Decoration bureau. 149-50 Cornell University. 178 Defence Agency. 22. 72. 149-51. corporate adjustment. 228 162-3 corporate citizenship. 207. 257 defence spending. 37. 39. 97. 258 corporate communication. 238-9 de Gaulle. Charles. 41 corporate decision-making. 236--41 deferred gratification. 132. 234 corporate discipline. 234. 241 Delors. Jacques. 97 corporate dormitories. 234 Democratic Party. 9. 18. 95. 185 corporate elite careers. 241-50. 254-5 Den. Hideo. 51 corporate growth. 236. 240-1. 257. Denki Kagaku Kogyo. 204 274-5 Denmark. 270 corporate hierarchy. 237-8 Dentsu.76 corporate identification. 226. 231-3. Dentsu Institute for Human Studies. 235.257 147 corporate objectives. 240 departmentalisation. 149 corporate planning. 275 department director (bucho). 72. corporate presidents. 237-9. 248-50 127.132 corporate promotions. 238-9. 241 depopulation. 276 corporate prosperity. 241-50. 254-5 deputy chief cabinet secretary. 167 corporate recruitment. 231-3 deputy directors (kachohosa). 127. corporate training. 233 131. 135 corruption. 5-6. 21. 35. 92. 102-18. deputy vice-minister. 127. 143. 158. 258-9. 273. 277-9 167 Craxi. Bettino. 97 deregulation. 109 crime syndicates. 5 desk officers. 127. 171 Curtis. Gerald. 48 despotism. 271 d·Estaing. Giscard. 92 Dai Nippon Breweries. 194 developmental capitalism. 167 Dai Nippon Cables. 194 Diet committees. 61-2 Dai Nippon Sugar. 190 Diet Takako. 59 296 Index

director-general (kyokucho), 72, elite track, 235 126---7, 132, 135, 146---7, 167, political elite, 1-6 168-74 elite acceptance, 278-9 dirty money, 59 elite homogeneity, 264-5 discipline, 264, 270 elite life-style and values, 270 discontent, 260 elite recruitment, 265-70 distribution system, 223 elite theory, 263 'Dodge line', 89 embassies, 157-8 Doi, Takako, 59 emergencies, 152 Doko, Toshiro, 221 Emperor, 78, 221 Domei, II employment, 183-4 Doshisha University, 249 endaka, 39 draft legislation, 26 Energy Agency, 134, 154 drinking, 82, 143, 171 energy policy, 92-3 drop-outs, 233 engineering, 51, 129-30 DSP (Democratic Socialist Party), 10, Enomoto, Toshio, 103-4, 107 12, 31, 34, 38, 42, 45, 59, 72, entrance examinations, 128-30, 165 111, 115, 121 entrepreneurs, 231, 252, 255 dualism, 183 enterprise unions, 225 Dubro, Alex, 119 Environmental Agency, 66, 100, 134, dynastic ambitions, 5, 82, 94, 270, 273 149, 164 environmental policies, 155, 223 East Asia, 276 environmental pollution, 9 Eastern Europe, 222 Esaki, Masumi, 82 Ebara Corp., 204 Eto, Takami, 66 Ebihara, Yoshihiko, 100 Etsuzankai, 50, 52 economic growth, 256 executive benefits, 236 Economic Planning Agency (EPA), executive remuneration, 249-50 66, 72, 89, 129, 134, 147, 149, Ex-1m Bank, 153, 161 152, 163, 244-5 external relations, 229, 248 economic restructuring, 12, 97-8, Ezoe, Hiromasu, 31-2, 42, 57,99, 216---17 108-12, 116---18 economics, 51, 74, 129-30 Edo, Hideo, 198 factional control of ministries, 159 educational reform, 40, 116, 277 factional leadership, 17-18, 21-3, 68 education policies, 64 factional strength, 20-1, 66 education system, 234, 270 Fair Trade Centre, 230 Ehime prefective, 66 Fair Trade Commission (FTC), 149, Ejiri, Koichiro, 242 161-2, 208, 213 election law, 48 family identity, 50 election management, 25 feudalism, 253, 266 electoral reform, 44 filing systems, 138-9 electricity companies, 224 fiscal policies, 88, 94 electronics industry, 30, 190, 240, 275 fisheries, 47, 50 elites Ford, Gerald, 108 administrative elite, 1-6, 125 foreign exposure, 269 core elite, 2-3 foreign policy, 15-6, 38, 67, 93, 97, corporate elite, 1-6 121, 158 elite aspirants, 2-5, 264, 268 foreign travel, 271, 277 Index 297

foreigners, 275 gengo, 34 Forest Development Corporation, 160 Getty Oil, 195 , 84 gifts, 53-5, 135, 143-4, 258, 278 free competition, 189 Ginza, 31, 53, 100, 143, 171 freshmen MPs, 60--2 giri, 105 frugality, 269, 271 global market conquest, 274-5, 277 Fuji Bank, 46, 187, 190, 201-2 golf, 26, 80--1, 171, 172 Fuji Electric, 203-4 Goto, Noboru, 99, 210, 228 Fuji Kyuko Co., 75 Gotoda, Masaharu, 23, 38, 64, 97, Fuji Ryoji, 100 108, 120 Fuji Television, 146 governors, 4, 28, 34, 74, 148, 252, Fuji Xerox, 229 268 Fujimoto, Takao, 66 graduate school, 128-9 Fujinami, Takao, 38, 42, 52-3, 66, graduates, 231-2 112, 114 Greater Japan Patriotic Federation, Fujio, Masayuki, 23, 40, 78 105 Fujisawa Pharmaceutical, 206 growth strategies, 240 Fujita Construction, 58 Gulf crisis, 121 Fujitsu, 116, 146, 203-4 . 20, 50, 75, 94, 96, Fujiyama, Aiichiro, 16, 19, 23 99-100 Fujiyama Zaibatsu, 190 Gyoten, Toyoo, 101, 144, 177 Fukuda Gumi (construction), 57, 76 Fukuda, Hiroichi, 50 Hakone,26 Fukuda, Takeo, 15, 19-20,31,32-7, Hamabata, Matthew, 253-4 47, 50, 69, 82, 91-3, 96, 101, Hamada, Koichi, 35, 93, 104-5, 175 119-20 Fukuda, Yasuo, 50, 100 Hamada. Tokujiro, 115 Fukui, Haruhiro, 28 Hanashi, Nobuyuki, 100 Fukuoka, 37, 53, Ill, 155 hanko, 141-2 Fukuoka Bank, 147 Hankyu Corp., 207 Fukuoka Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hankyu Toho Group, 210 178-9 Hara, Bumbei, 101 Fukushima, Joji, 66 Harada, Ken, Ill, 115 Fukushima prefecture, 51 Haruna, Kazuo, 217-18, 229 Furukawa Co., 203-4 Harvard University, 86, 175-6 Furukawa Electric, 203-4 Hasegawa, Hisahiko, Ill, 113 Furukawa, Hideto, 251 Hasegawa, Shin, 76 Furukawa, Tamesaburo, 251 Hasegawa, Takoshi, 78, Ill, 114 Furukawa Zaibatsu, 187, 190, 203 Hashimoto Ryotaro, 46, 64, 66, 82 furusato, 42 Hashimoto, Tomisaburo, 33, 106-8 Fuyo keiretsu, 184, 190--2, 201-2 Hata, Tsutomu, 51, 64, 66, 83, 120--1 Hatomura, Takiichiro, 66 gakken, 251 Hatoyama, Ichiro, 14-16, 19, 47, 50 gakubatsu, 157 Hatoyama, Iichiro, 50, 65 Gakushuin University, 71, 74 Hatoyama, Kunio, 50, 121 garden cities, 91, 94 Hatoyama, Yukio, 50, 52 geisha, 44, 81-2 Hawaii,276 General Sekiyu, 196-7 Hayami, Masaru, 228-9 generalists, 173, 175 Hayashi, Yoshiro, 44, 50, 51, 83 298 Index headquarters, 270, 275 humility, 265 health and welfare policies, 64 hyperinflation, 252 heavy industries, 193, 199, 229 Hyuga, Hosai, 224 Heiwa Corp., 250 hereditary politics, 49-52, 82 IBM Japan, 220 Hiatt, Fred, 266 Ibuki, Fumiaki, 115 Hibiya Hall, 28 Ichikoh, 209, 214 Hibiya Park, 143 ie, 253 hierarchies, 278 igo, SI high tech, 217-18, 229, 276 Iida, Makoto, 251 higher amorality, 272 Iijima, Namiko, 251 Higher Civil Service Examination, 87, Ikeda Bussan, 215 95,266 Ikeda, Daisaku, 12 high school, 71, 74 Ikeda, Hayato, IS, 19,47, 88-90 Hijikata, Takeshi, 215 Ikeda, Katsuya, 112 Hino Motors, 209 Ikeda, Yukihiko, 50, 52, 67 Hirai, Takushi, 73, 100 Iketani, Taro, 215 Hiraiwa, Gaishi, 220, 222, 244-5 Imamura, Toshiyuki, 57, 100 Hiraizumi, Watasu, 75-6 IMP, 153, 177 Hirokawa, Morihiro, 268 immortality, 273 Hiroshima, 74, 155 Imperial Household, 254 Hiroshima Bank, 147 Imperial Household Agency, 129, 149 history, 41 Imperial Navy, 95, 105 history textbook revisions, 34, 78, Imperial Rule Assistance Association, 160 14 Hitachi, 116, IS4, IS6-7, 190, 203--4, import liberalisation, II, 40, 42-3, 205-S, 209 94,97-8 Hitachi Zosen, 207-S import protection, 214, 278 Hitotsubashi University, 47, 71, S7, Inagawa-kai, 221, 257 130, 228, 249 Inamori, Kazuo, 231, 251 Hiyama, Hiro, 103, 106-7 Inayama, Yoshihiro, 221-2 Hokkaido, 37, 52, 67, SI, 129, 164, Inazato, Hiroki, 94 ISS, 224 independent candidates, 10, 4S, 99, Hokkaido Bank, 147 108 Hokkaido Development Agency, 66, Industrial Bank of Japan (IBJ), 147, 164 209 Hokudai (University of Hokkaido), industrial innovation, 229 71, 74, 29 industrial policies, ISS, 163, 195 Hori, Kosuke, 51, 66, 83, 84-5 industrial secrets, 257 Hori, Yukio, 120 industry-government links, 155 Horiuchi, Mitsuo, 66, 75 information engineering, 129, 193, Horiuchi, Toshio, 66 218 horse racing, 59 information management, 138-40, 151 Hosei University, 74, 249 infrastructural projects, 230 Hosoda, Kichizo, 66 inheritance tax, 250, 252 Hosomi, Takashi, 147 initiation programmes, 231 House of Peers, 50 insularity, 277 human capital, 233 interest groups, 139 human relations, 79-80 international conferences, 140, 276 Index 299

international crisis, 152 JCP (Japan Communist Party), 10, 12, international exposure, 67 42, 45, 73, Ill, 120 International Institute for Peace, 99 Japan Air Systems, 210 internationalisation, 97-8 Japan Art Academy, 100 International Olympic Committee, 259 Japan Automobile Manufacturer's international organisations, 134 Association (JAMA), 243, 255 international relations, 248 Japan Chamber of Commerce interministry wars, 166 (Nissho), 99, 216, 223, 227-8 internships, 144 Japan Development Bank (JOB), 153, interventionism, 15 245 iron and steel industries, 230 Japan Foreign Trade Council (JFfC), Ise, 53 229-30 Iseki Co., 204 Japan Foundation, 157, 161 Ishibashi, Kanichiro, 231, 251 'Japan Inc.', 203 Ishibashi, Tanzan, 19, 47 Japan Iron and Steel Exporters' Ishiguro, Kiichi, 106 Association, 230, 246 Ishihara, Nobuo, 167 Japan Metals & Chemicals Group, Ishihara, Rokuro, 227-8 204 Ishihara, Shintaro, 44, 79, 80 Japan Steel, 224 Ishihara, Takeshi, 228 Japan Tobacco (JT), 98, 102, 152 Ishikawajima Harima Heavy JETRO (Japan External Trade Industries (IHI), 116, 197, 203, Organisation), 134, 146, 156 205, 210, 215-16 jiban, 45, 49, 52 Ishizaki, Taizo, 220 JICA (Japan International Cooperation Isoda, Ichiro, 200, 215-16 Agency), 134, 157 Isuzu Motors, 205 Jin, Ikko, 226 Ito Ham Foods, 206 Jinnai, Ryoichi, 251 Ito, Masato, 94 JNR, later JR (Japan Railways), 40, Ito, Masatoshi, 251 98 Ito, Masayoshi, 37, 43, 88, 120 job rotation, 131, 171, 233-45, 242 Ito Yokado, 251 job security, 232 Itoh, Hiroshi, 107 , 73 Itoh, Tadashi, 229 JSP (Japan Social Democratic Party), Itoman, 199-200, 215, 217 10, 12, 16, 34-5, 39, 42, 44, 45, Itoyama, Eilaro, 58 47, 73, 120--1 Ivy League, 130 judo, 81 Iwasaki, Ikino, 188 juku, 264, 266 Iwasaki, Koyata, 195 junior management, 234 Iwasaki, Sangyo, 251 Iwasaki, Tadao, 188 Kabuto-cho, 58 Iwasaki, Yataro, 185 Kagawa prefecture, 87, 94 Iwasaki, Yohachiro, 251 Kagoshima prefecture, 185, 224 Iwata, Kazuo, 100 Kaifu, Toshiki, 21, 44-7, 56, 59, 71, Iwatani & Co., 205 73, 112, 120--1 , 36, 40, 85, 117 Kajima Corp., 51, 75-6, 228, 251 Iwatsu Electric, 206 Kajima Institute of Peace, 76 Kajima, Shoichi, 251 JAL (Japan Airlines), 76, 101, 104, Kakizawa, Koji, 80, 83 106 'Kaku-Fuku war', 32-3 300 Index

KAL (Korean Airlines), 104 core companies, 190-1, 213, Kamei, Masao, 216 216-18 Kanemaru, Shin, 3, 15, 18, 21, 23, influence, 221-4, 226-8 36, 38-9,40-6,51,64,69,76, importance, 210-16, 220 119, 122, 263 intercorporate stockholdings, 189, Kanematsu Gosho, 203-4, 217 214 Kankeiren, 224 intergroup loans, 189-90 Kansai,9, 13,59, 199,205,207,210, interlocking directorates, 189-90, 224 192 Kansai Academic City, 224 joint investments, 192-3 Kansai International Airport, 224 labour management, 196, 208 Kansai Paint, 206 policies, 222-5 Kansai University, 249 political power, 216 Kanto, 9, 210 power structure, 214-16 Kanto Bank, 147 presidents clubs, 189, 191-2, 198, Kanzaki Paper Co., 94 201,208,215-16 Kaplan, David E., 119 structure, 190-1, 214-16, 219-21 karaoke, 80 trade implications, 212-14 Karuizawa, 26, 60, 256 verticallhorizontal, 190, 212-15 Kasumigaseki, 48, 77, 143 Keizai Doyukai, 118, 216, 228, 230, Katayama, Tetsu, 47 246-7 Kato, Koichi, 46, 51, 83, 84, 85-6, Kendo,81 114 Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets, 217 Kato, Mutsuki, 19, 46, 68, 100, 114 Kenya, 178 Kato, Shigen, III Kikawada, Kazutaka, 228 Kato, Takashi, 110-11, 115-16 Kimura, Toshio, 23 Kawakatsu, Kenji, 207-8 Kintetsu, 210 Kawake, Jiro, 223 Kirin Beer, 186, 194 Kawamoto, Genshiro, 251 kisha club, 144 Kawasaki City, 110 Kishi, Nobusuke, 16, 19, 36, 47, 50, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, 203, 205 73, 79,90, 119 Kawasaki Kisen, 205 Kitagawa Iron Works, 58 Kawasaki Steel, 76, 203-4 Kinki,210 Kawasaki Zaibatsu, 187, 190, 203 Kinki JR, 227 Kawasho Corp., 203-4 Kobayashi, Hiroshi, 111 KDD, 35, 59, 93, 102 Kobe Bank, 147 keibatsu, 38, 51, 75-6, 94, 157, 254, Kobe Steel, 147, 184, 190, 203-4, 267, 270, 280 206-16 Keidanren, 21, 30-1, 117-18, 147, Kobe University of Commerce, 47 213, 216, 219-25, 230, 254-5, Kobori Juken, 57 279 Kochi prefecture, 185 Keihin Electric Railways, 202 Kodama, Yoshio, 14, 98, 104-5, 119 Keio University, 51, 71, 73, 84, 85, koenkai, 21, 27-9, 34, 48-9, 52-5, 69 227, 249 Kohl, Helmut, 97 keiretsu, 3-4, 118, 183-4, 187-218, Koito,214 223-4, 226-8, 267, 271, 279 Koiwai, 186 committees, 219-20, 242-7 Kokumin Seiji Kyokai, 222 control of business associations, Kokumin Kyokai, 30 220-1 Kokura, 224 Index 301

Kondo, Motoji, 223 labour relations, 225-6, 233 Komatsu, 220, 257 landowners, 13, 76, 251 Komatsu, Hidenori, 110, 115 land prices, 226, 278 , 10-12, 34, 38, 42, 45, 59, land reform, 252 72, 73, 112 land tax, 222-3 komon, 248 land speculation, 58, 250--1, 255 Komoto, Toshio, 19-20, 23, 34, 36--7, Las Vegas, 104 41, 70, 75 law, 51, 74, 129-30 Konishi, Jinemon, 100 Lawrence, Robert, 213 Kono, Ichiro, 19, 95, 119 LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) Kono, Yohei, 11, 18, 19,46,51,83, bureaucracy, 62-4 102 bureaucratisation, 17, 36, 71, 268 Korakoen Co., 205 central organisation, 62-3 Korea, 40, 59, 100 constituency work, 279 Kosaka, Kenji, 73, 75 control of ministries, 168-70 Kosaka, Tokusaburo, 64, 73, 75 decision-making, 24-6, 120 Kosaka, Zentaro, 73, 75 Diet members, 17-32,48-87, 145, Kotani, Mitsuhiro, 57 274,278 Kotchian, Carl, 104, 106 executive posts, 21, 24-5, 62 Koyama, Goro, 99, 198 factional frictions, 36-47 Kozai Club, 230, 246 factional wars, 32--6, 222 Kubota Ltd, 202 factionalism, 13-24, 45, 48-9, 66, Kujiraoka, Hyosuke, 54 94, 120--2 Kumagai, Tasaburo, 75, 251 General Council, 25--6, 63 Kume, Yutaka, 220, 243 institutions, 24--6 Kumigai, Yoshigumi, 75, 215, 251 legitimacy, 84 Kumon, Shimpei, 99 machine politics, 29, 48, 277 Kuranari, Tadashi, 40 'mainstream' I'sidestream', 15-16, Kureha Chemical Industry, 58, 202 32--6 Kuribayashi, Teiichi, 146 membership, 27-8, 33--4 Kurihara, Shohei, 146 mob connections, 118, 120 Kurihara, Yuko, 114 origins, 13-14 Kuroda, Makoto, 114, 146 party basis, 27-9 kuromaku, 4, 104, 119-20 party convention, 28 Kyocera, 206, 231, 251 party elders, 33 Kyodai (University of Kyoto), 47, 71, Policy Research Council (PRC), 74, 129-30, 249 25--6, 61, 64, 68, 149 Kyodobatsu, 157 president, 24-5, 33, 37,40, 63 Kyoto, 10, 74 programme, 16--17, 77-9 Kyowa Bank, 147 recruitment, 172 Kyowa Hakko Kogyo, 57 Secretary General, 17, 25, 30, Kyowa-Saitama Group, 210, 215 37-8,63, 86 Kyukeiren, 224 treasury, 25 Kyushu, 13, 155, 224 unification (of 1955), 16--17, 89-90 Kyushu Electrical Power, 76, 224 voters, 12-13, 78, 92, 278 Kyushu University, 249 leadership behaviour, 171-2, 271 leadership information, 138 labour disputes, 186, 225, 258 leadership training, 134 labour market segregation, 241 legitimacy, 253, 255, 273 302 Index leisure and entertainment, 217 Matsukata, Masayoshi, 267 Liberal Party, 9, 13-16, 19, 89, lOS, Matsumara, Kenzo. 16. 19. 23. 95 185 Matsushita Electric. 76. 184. 188. lifetime employment, 231-3 190, 209-10, 224, 250-1 Lion Corp., 204 Matsushita. Konosuke, 210, 231, living standards, 255, 256 250-1 lobbying, 53, 56, 62, 79, 144, 153 mayors, 4, 28, 71, 73-4, 148 local governments, 126, 134, 165, 170 McDonnell Douglas, 106 local politicians, 27-9, 48-9, 73-4, media, 22, 23, 42, 44, 67, 97, 101, 148 102-3, 107-8, 273 Lockheed Corp., 104-7 Meiji government, 185, 269 Lockheed scandal, 18, 33, 37, 91, 96, Meiko group, 251 99, 103-8 Meiji Milk Products, 203-4 London School of Economics, 178 , 13, 185, 267-8 Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, Meiji Seika, 203-4 146,220 Meiji Sugar, 190 loosing re-election, 69 Meiji University, 47, 71, 74, 249 Lower House elections, 9-13, 33, Meiji zaibatsu, 190 37-9, 48-9, 93, 112 Members of Parliament: loyalty, 18, 259 allowances, 54-5 backgrounds, 71-{i Mabuchi, Kenichi, 251 books, 80-1 Mabuchi Motor, 251 business fortunes, 75-{i MacArthur, Douglas, 14, 15, 95, 159 careers, 60-1 machinery and information industries, donations, 55-7 155 . family life, 82, 254 MacRae, Norman, 12 finances, 53-{i0 Maeda Construction, 57 hierarchies, 67-70 Maeda, Takeshi, 50 ideologies and programmes, 77-9 Maekawa Report, 97-8 local power-base, 52-4, 279 Maeo, Shigesaburo, 19, 90 offspring, 82 Mainichi Shimbun, 73 pastimes, 81-2 Management & Co-ordination personalities, 83-4, 279 Agency, 72, 164-6 policy expertise, 61 management philosophy, 255 recruitment, 48-9 management reform, 241 retirement, 69 Manchuria, 186 rewards for services, 58-9 mandarinate, 125, 165 speculation, 57-8 Mao Zedong, 41 urban/rural differences, 77 maritime transport, 185 way of life, 79-71 market domination, 240 meritocracy, 165, 236, 265-{i, 273 marriages, see keibatsu and omiai Mexico, 93 Marubeni Corp., 103-4, 106-7, Michels, Robert, 263, 278 201-2, 217-19, 229 middle management, 237-8 Marugai, 251 middle class. II, 12, 255, 259-{iQ, Maruyama, Tatsuo, 42 280 Maruzen Oil, 206, 208 middle school, 71, 74 Marxism, 10 Midori kai, 205, 207 Matsubara, Hiroshi, 110 Mihara. Asahiko, 53 Index 303

Miike coal mines, 185 Ministry of International Trade and Miike miners' strike, 90 Industry (MITI), 22,47, 51, 56, Miki, Bukichi, 19 60, 66-7, 72, 129-30, 134, 136, Miki, Takeo, 15, 16, 19,31, 33,47, 146-8, 150-1, 154-7, 158, 73, 91-3, 107-8 162-3, 166-7, 168-9, 173, military, 14, 78, 25, 268 176-7, 220-1, 244, 248, 276 military academies, 71 Ministry of Justice, 129, 159 military aircraft, 104-5 Ministry of Labour (MOL), 66, 72, military budget, 78 110-11, 113, 116, 147-8, 150, military procurement, 162, 186 159, 175, 178 Mills, C. Wright, 272 Ministry of Posts and Mimura, Yohei, 229 Telecommunications (MPT), 35, Minebea Corp., 57 42, 49, 72, 146-7, 150, 159 ministerial careers, 65-8, 158 Minister of State, 149, 161-4 ministerial experience, 17, 65-6 Minister's Secretariat, 132, 168-9 ministerial hierarchy, 126-7 Ministry of Transport (MOT), 15, 33, ministerial placements, 21, 64-7 56, 66-7, 72, 106, 129, 134, 146, ministries' 150, 159, 169, 246, 259 conflicts, 166 Minobe, Ryokichi, 34 international departments, 144 Minolta, 231 openness and accessibility, 143-5 misunderstandings, 274 powers, 125, 140, 154, 156-7, Mitsubishi Bank, 187, 191, 193-4 166-7 Mitsubishi Chemicals, 194, 227 visions, 276-7 Mitsubishi Construction, 194 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Mitsubishi Electric, 194 Fisheries (MAFF), 22, 66, 72, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical, 194 129, 147-8, 150-1, 159--60, 223 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 187, Ministry of Construction (MOC), 22, 191, 193-4 42, 56, 66-7, 72, 129, 134, 150, Mitsubishi Kakoki, 194 159, 169 Mitsubishi Kasei, 247 Ministry of Education (MOE), 66, 72, Mitsubishi keiretsu, 184-5, 187, 85, 110-11, 113, 116, 129, 150, 189-92, 193--6, 198, 207, 212, 159-60 224 Ministry of Finance (MOF), 15, 22, cross shareholdings, 191 40, 47, 52, 56, 60, 65, 66-7, 72, identification, 195--6 87-91, 129-39, 134, 146-8, 150- joint ventures, 195 I, 152-4, 158, 166, 167, 173, mono, 195 177-9, 246, 248, 276 Mitsubishi Materials, 227 Budget Bureau, 149, 152-4, 166-7 'Mitsubishi men', 238 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Mitsubishi Metal, 191, 194 22, 47, 51, 60, 67-7, 72, 86, Mitsubishi Mining & Cement, 191, 129, 147, 150, 155, 157-8, 194,227 16&:-7, 173, 276 Mitsubishi Monsanto Kasei, 188 'schools', 157-8 Mitsubishi Motors, 193-4 Ministry of Health and Welfare Mitsubishi Oil, 194 (MHW), 66, 72, 132, 150, 155, Mitsubishi Paper, 186, 188, 194 159,248 Mitsubishi Petrochemical, 194 Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), 67, Mitsubishi Plastics, 188, 194 72, 86, 129, 148, 150, 159 Mitsubishi Rayon, 194 304 Index

Mitsubishi Real Estate, 188-94 Mori, Yoshiro, 46, 64, 71, 114 Mitsubishi Research Institute, 194 Morimura Group, 193 Mitsubishi Shoji (Mitsubishi Corp.), Morinaga, Teiichiro, 94 187, 191, 193-4, 217 Morishita, Motoharu, 78 Mitsubishi Steel Manufacturing, 193, Morita, Akio, 223-4, 231, 255 194 Morita, Hajime, 50, 52, 94 Mitsubishi Trust, 191, 194 Moroi, Ken, 118, 241, 249 Mitsubishi Warehouse, 194 Moroto Forest, 251 Mitsubishi zaibatsu, 14, 184-90, 195 Moroto Kiyobumi, 25 I Mitsubishi Zosen, 186 Mosca, G., 263 Mitsui Bank, 76, 99, 187, 196-8, 215 Mother Teresa, 259 Mitsui Bussan (Mitsui & Co), 76, motivation, 235 106, 187, 196-8, 217, 229-30, motor-boat racing, 59, 259 242 multinationals, 199 Mitsui clan, 267 Murakami, Isamu, 19,48 Mitsui Construction, 197 Muramoto, Shuzo, 203, 205 Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding, Muraoka, Shigeo, 176-7 197 Murata, Kozo, III Mitsui, Hachiroemon, 187-8 music, 81, 172 Mitsui keiretsu, 184-5, 189-92 Muto, Kabun, 76 'Mitsui men', 238-9 Mitsui Mining & Smelting, Nagagawa, Koichi, 99 Mitsui OSK Lines, 196-7 Nagai, Kotaru, 228 Mitsui Petrochemicals, 197 , Iwao, 227 Mitsui Real Estate, 188, 196-8 Nagano, Mamoru, 227 Mitsui Steamship, 196 Nagano prefecture, 51, 73, 75 Mitsui Sugar, 197 Nagano, Shigeo, 227 Mitsui Taiyo Kobe Bank, 196-9,224 Nagano, Takeshi, 191, 226-7 Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals, 197 Nagano Winter Olympics, 256 Mitsui Trust, 197 Nagaoka City, 38 Mitsui Warehouse, 197 Shimbun, 73 Mitsui Wharf, 197 Nagasaki shipyards, 185 Mitsui zaibatsu, 14, 184-90 Nagatacho, 26, 48, 143 Mitsuzuka, Hiroshi, 19-20, 23, 46, Nagato, Takao, 208 71, 119 Nagoya, 13, 155, 209, 224 Mitterand, Fran¥ois, 97 Nagoya Connection, 59, 102 Miyagi prefecture, III Nagoya University, 254 Miyazaki, Isamu, 147 Naimusho, 72, 95, WI, 159, 166 Miyazaki prefecture, 224 Nakagawa, Ichiro, 19-20~ 23, 36-7, Miyazawa, Kiichi, 15, 19-20, 36-47, 78-9 51, 57, 70, 83, 88-9, 97, 1I0, Nakajima, Kenkichi, 250 114, 116-18, 277 Nakao, Eichi, 23, 66, 76, 78 Mizuta, Mikio, 19 Nakasone, Hirofumi, 50, 100 Mochida, Nobuo, 99 Nakasone, Yasuhiro, 15, 19-20,23, Mochida Pharmaceuticals, 57, 99 24, 31-5, 36-47, 51, 57,94-102, modernisation, 12, 277, 280 105, 108, 110, 112-18, 264 monetary politics, 154 Nakauchi, Isao, 251, 255 money laundering, 120 Nakayama, Masaaki, 51 Mori, Taikichiro, 250 Nakayama Steel Works, 205 Index 305

Nakayama, Taro, 51, 59, 66 Nippon Kokan, 76 name cards, 56 Nippon Life Insurance Research name recognition, 49, 68 Institute, 147 Narazaki, Yanosuke, 110 Nippon Light Mutual, 203-4 Narita Airport Facilities Co., 146 Nippon Oil & Fats Corp., 202 national agencies, 161-4 Nippon Reizo, 202 National Archives, 149 Nippon Sheet Glass, 200 National Defence Council, 152 Nippon Shinyaku, 224 National Land Agency, 149, 159 , 187, 190, 209, 221, National Personnel Authority, 126, 230,245-6 135, 146-7, 150, 164-5 Nippon Steel Tube, 190 National Tax Administration Agency, Nippon Yusen, 194 152, 154, 178-9 Nippon Zeon, 203-4 national universities, 128-9 Nishioka, Takeo, 18,51, 71, 73, 228 nationalist symbolism, 160 Nissan, 186, 188, 190, 202, 209, 214, NEC (Nippon Electric), 116, 200, 228,243 216, 229 Nissan Fire & Marine Insurance, 204 nemawashi, 238 Nissan 'men', 238 neo-conservatism, 96 Nissan zaibatsu, 186, 209 networking, 171, 229, 272 Nisshin Food Products, 57, 202 new aristocratic class, 266, 271, 273, Nisshin Spinning, 202 281 Nisshin Steel, 190, 206 New Business Conference, 229 Nissho, see Japan Chamber of new zaibatsu, 186 Commerce New Zealand, 93 Nissho Iwai, 184, 190,203,206,217, Nichimen Corp., 206, 217 228-30 Nihon Cement, 202 Nissin Transportation, 207 Nihon Network Service, 76 Nitto Chemical, 190 Nihon University, 71, 74, 249 Nitto Electric, 206 NHK, 30, 73 Nixon shock (of 1972), 90 Niigata prefecture, 32, 38, 54, 76, 108 NLC (), 10-11, 18, Nijuiseki Keizai Kiban Kaihatsu 34-5, 38, 65, 93 Kokumin Kaigi, 229 Nobel Peace Prize, 259 Nikaido, Susumu, 18, 19-20, 33, Nokyo, 11, 160 36-41, 68, 70, 97, 108 Nomura, 186, 221, 257, 259 Nikkei,239 Nomura Research Institute, 99 Nikkeiren, 94, 118, 216, 225-7, 230, Northern Territories, 16 243-7,275 NTN Tokyo Bearing, 206 Nikko Securities, 259 NIT, 59, 98, 99, 102, 109-13, Nikkokyo, 59 116-18 Nikkyoso, 160 nuclear power, 95, 192, 210 Nintendo, 251 Nippon Columbia, 204 Obuchi, Keizo, 46, 71, 115 Nippon Express, 205, 207 ocean prospecting, 193 Nippon Flour Mills, 198 Oceania, 276 Nippon Kangyo Bank, 202-3 Ochi, Ikei, 76 Nippon Kangyo Kakumaru Securities, Ochi, Michio, 50, 66 204 ODA, 121, 217, 223, 228, 258 Nippon Kogaku, 194 Odakyu Bus Co., 76 306 Index

OECD, 90, 175 Ozawa, Ichiro, 25, 30, 45-6, 51, 76, office culture, 137-42 84-6, 115, 122 office ladies, 131, 136 Ogata, Taketora, 19 pachinko, 59, 250 Ohbayashi-Gumi, 206, 251 Pacific economy, 277 Ohbayashi, Yoshiro, 251 Pacific Rim, 93 Ohira, Masayoshi, 15, 19, 31, 32-5, , 274 47, 51, 87-94 paintings, 58-9, 81, 272 oil companies, 134, 248 Papua New Guinea, 93 oil crisis, II, 12, 91-2, 96 Pareto, Vilfriedo, 263 oil exploration, 193 Paris Summit (of 1989), 44 Oita prefecture, 48-9 parliamentary vice-minister, 22, 56, Oji Paper Co., 51, 196-7, 223 64,85 Okada, Shigeru, 215 party structure, II Okawara, Yoshiro, 147 party tickets, 56-7, 109, 113-16 Okayama prefecture, 74 patriotism, 39 Oki Electric, 116, 190, 202 Patent Office, 129, 134, 154 Okinawa, 10, 164 paternalism, 171, 234, 238 Okinawa Development Agency, 66, Peace and Friendship Treaty with the 164 PRCh, 34, 91 Okita, Saburo, 100 Peace Treaty of San Francisco, 15, old money, 252 187 Okonogi Hikozaburo, 76, 82 periphery, 13, 29 Okonogi Shoten, 76 personal relations, 53 Okuno, Seisuke, 79 personnel assessments, 133 Okura, Hiroshi, 251 personnel department, 131, 133, 168, Okura Zaibatsu, 189 271 omiai, 131,234, 253 personnel management, 225, 231-6 omiyage,80 Pickens, T. Boone, 214 Ono, Banboku, 19, 119 placement offers, 232 Ono, Toshihiro, III Police agency, 47, 64, 72, 150-1, Onoda Cement, 196-7 159, 162, 164, 167 opposition parties, 103, 105, 120-1, policy coordination, 149, 151 153, 179-80 policy expertise, 64-6 organised crime, 258-9 policy initiatives, 151 Orient leasing, 206 policy seminars, 56 Osaka, 10, 34, 66, 155, 224 political biographies, 84-101 Osaka Cement, 206 political change, 259-60 Osaka Expo, '90, 221 political contribution, 106, 113-18, Osaka Shosen Kaisha, 196 191, 222, 258 Osaka University, 149 political decisions, 141 Osano, Kenji, 104-6, 119 political dynasties, 50-2 Otani, Y oneichi, 250 political economy, 51, 74 overseas services, 217 political expenditure, 31 overseas travel, 79-80 political funding, 17, 21, 30-2, overtime work, 136 55.-60,68, 99, 116-17 Owada, Hisashi, 175 political intervention, 166-7, 168-70 owner-presidents, 32, 228, 271 political journalism, 71 Oxbridge, 130 political reform, 45, 120-2, 228, 277 Index 307 political secretaries, 52, 53, 55, 71, public protection, 257 72-3, 79, ISO public sector unions, 135 political stocks, 57-8 public subsidies, 257-8 pork imports, 59, 102 public works, 45, 53, 57, 102, 222, post-industrialism, 12, 226 224, 257, 278 post-materialism, 58 publicity, 259 power elite punctuality, 139 definition, 2-3 Putnam, Robert D., 263 generational experiences, 268-9 objectives, 256, 272-5 quality circles, 226, 236 postwar changes, 264, 268 quality control, 254-5 recruitment, 279-80 quality of life, 256, 277-8, 280 power maintenance, 272 power pyramid, 2, 264 racketeering, 119 post-industrialism, 12, 226 ranking post-materialism, 58 of business associations, 230 prefectural assemblymen, 28, 48, 71, of corporations, 234, 240 73-4 of LDP MPs, 17,60 prefectural banks, 224 of ministries, 158-9 prefectural governments, 126, 129, of nations, 274-5 134, 165 of public institutions, 165 presidents' club/council, 184, 187, of keiretsu, 196 189 reading, 172 prestige, 240 Reagan administration, 38 prime minister, 24,40,47, 60, 92-4, Reagan, Ronald, 97 100-1, 102, 149-52 real estate, 60, 107, 109, 193, 200, prime minister's secretariat, 149 217, 250-2, 256 Prime Minister's Office (PMO), receptions, 171, 259 100-1, 149-51, 246 Recruit scandal, II, 21, 23, 36, 42-4, privacy, 137 59, 99, 108-18, 153, 257 private economic diplomacy, 220, 229 Recruit Co., 108-17 private universities, 53, 58, 128, refeudalisation, 52 248-9 regime change, 6, 103, 259-60, 273, privatisation, 37, 98, 116-17, 185 279 profits, 183-4, 256 regional development, 155, 224-5, 256 profit centres, 240 regional economies, 227-8 Progressive Party, 13-16 regional imbalances, 278 promotions, 131-4, 144, 173-4 regional policies, 94 protest votes, 13 regional power position, 276-7 public administration, 129 Rengo, II, 44, 121, 225 public corporations, 125-6, 132, 148, representation, 170-1 155, I~I, 164, 174, 192 retail prices, 226 public development projects, 33, 58, residences, 60, 17l 107, 164. 256 resource diplomacy, 96 public humiliations, 273 retirement, 132, 171,239 public licences, 257 rice imports, 223, 226 public monopolies, 102 right-wingers, 23, 39, 40, 44, 65, public prosecutors, 102, 108, 110, 78-9, 98, 105, 119-20, 159-60, 112,273 258,277 308 Index ring; sho procedure, 138, 141-2, 236, Sato, Ichiro, 66 241 Sato, Moriyoshi, 100 risk reduction, 275 Sato, Seizaburo, 99, 154 Ritsumeikan University, 249 Sato, Shinji, 50 road transport, 257 Sato, Takayuki, 33, 106, 108 Roberts, John G., 185 Satsuma clansmen, 128, 185, 269 'Ron-Yasu',97 Saudi Arabia, 176 rugby, 81 Sayle, Murray, 274 Russia, 186 SCAP, 14, 89, 187-9, 252 ryotei, 31, 82 SCAP reforms, 265-6 scandals, 9, 35, 59, 102-18, 273 sacrifices, 249 Schmidt, Helmut, 92 Saga prefecture, 74, 84 Science and Technology Agency Saitama prefecture, 210 (STA),95, 129, 149, 163 Saito, Eishiro, 221-2, 226, 245-7 Science Council of Japan, 149 Saito, Eizaburo, 100 sciences, 129-30 Saito, Hiroshi, 230 Secom, 251 Saito, Ryoei, 252 secondments, 150--1 Saito, Toshitsugu, 75 section chiefs, 126-7 Saji, Keizo, 255 securities scandal, 46 Sakamoto, Misoji, 66 securities houses, 30, 57, 153, 257 sake, 47, 75-6 Seibu, 210, 250, 252 Sakura Bank, 196, 199 Seiko, 76, 84, 94, 202 Sakurada, Takeshi, 94 Seirenkai, 23, 78 Sakurai, Shin, 54 Sekimoto, Tadahiro, 216, 229 Sakurauchi, Yoshio, 10 I Shokusan lutaku Sogo, 99 salaries, 232-3, 235-6, 240 shop floor, 233, 236 salarymen, 73, 76, 77, 172, 232, 253, Showa Denko, 202 257 Showa Line, 202 sales tax, II, 45, 92 Showa Oil, 204 samurai, 13, 269 Shunto,225 Sanin Godo Bank, 147 skiing, 81 Sankei Shimbun, 73 sloganeering, 274 Sanko Steamship Co., 37, 41, 75 small and medium-sized companies, Sankyo Co., 204 227-8 Sanwa Bank, 187, 205-8, 224 SME Agency, 134, 154 Sanwa keiretsu, 184, 190--2,205-8,212 social decline, 5, 267 Sanyo Kokusaku Pulp, 202 social infrastructure, 256 Sapporo, 37, 155 social obligations, 271 Sapporo Breweries, 196, 202 social recognition, 117-18 Sasagawa, Ryoichi, 58, 59, 119, 159, socialisation experiences, 278 259 sogo shosha, see trading houses Sasaki, Kichinosuke, 251 sohyo, II Sasaki, Yoshitake, 88 Soka gakkai, 12 Sato, Bunsei, 48-9 sokaiya, 258 Sato Construction, 75 somukacho, 168-9 Sato, Eisaku, 15, 19, 32, 47, 90, 95 Sony, 76, 220, 223 Sato, Genichiro, 75 South Kurile islands, see 'Northern Sato, Ginko, 178 territories' Index 309

South Manchurian Railroad. 186 Sumitomo Precision Products, 189 Soviet Union. Sumitomo presidents' club, 201 space research. 96 Sumitomo Real Estate. 188, 200 specialists/generalists. 134. 170 Sumitomo Trust, 199-200 speculation. 9. 57-8 Sumitomo Warehouse, 200 sports. 81. 172 Sumitomo, Yoshio, 189 Stalinism. 12 Sumitomo zaibatsu, 186-7 standard of living. 226 Suntory Ltd. 178-9, 206-7, 255 Stanford University, 71 Supercomputers, 99, 109, 117 status symbols. 253. 272 super-rich, 3, 250-6, 272 steel industry, 30. 190. 221. 230 supreme court judges, 167 stevedores, 59, 102, 159, 257 Suzuki. Eiji, 226-7, 247-8 stock speculation. 47-8. 251-2 Suzuki. Saburosuke, 251 Strategic Impediments Initiative (SII). Suzuki. Shinichi, 50 4. 207. 212-13. 223-4 Suzuki shoten, 186, 190 structural corruption. 272-3. 278 Suzuki shunichi, 25 students, 113 Suzuki, Tsuneo. 56. 59 subcontractors. 183 Suzuki, Zenko, 15, 19-20, 35-8, 47. subsidiaries, 240-1. 253 50, 69, 93, 96 succession. 253-4, 272 swimming, 81 suicide, 37, 107 Sumita, Satoshi, 101, 146 Tabuchi, Setsuya, 221, 259 Sumitomo Aluminium Smelting, 200 tacit coalition parties, 12 Sumitomo Bakelite, 200 Taisei Corp., 202 Sumitomo Bank. 76. 146, 199-200,215 Taisho democracy, 13 Sumitomo Cement, 200 . Taisho Marine, 186, 197 Sumitomo chairmens' club. 201 Taisho Pharmaceutical, 251 Sumitomo Chemical. 189, 199-200. Taiwan, 59 215 Taiwan lobby, 91 Sumitomo Coal Mining, 200 Taiyo Kaiun Kaisha. 208 Sumitomo Construction. 200 Tajima, Kazuo. 231 Sumitomo Corp., 199-200. 215, 217, Takagi. Yoshitomo, 251 229 Takaishi, Kumio, 110-1 I, 115-16 Sumitomo Electric Industries. 189, Takamatsu, 155 200,216 Takashima, Shiro, 59 Sumitomo Forestry, 200 Takashimaya, 206 Sumitomo Heavy Industries, 200 Takatori, Osamu, 50 Sumitomo, Hisayoshi, 188 Takefuji, 251 Sumitomo, Kichizaemon, 188 Takei, Hirotomi, 250 Sumitomo Light Metal Industries, 200 Takei, Yasuo, 251 Sumitomo Marine and Fire Insurance, Takenaka Construction, 250 199-200 Takenaka Kommuten, 51 Sumitomo Metal. 199-200, 215, 224 takeovers, 195, 214 Sumitomo Mining, 200 Takeshita, Noburo, 15, 18, 19-20, 23, Sumitomo, Motoo, 189 36, 38-44, 46-7, 51, 57, 70, 71, Sumitomo Mutual Life Insurance, 73, 76, 83, 97, 110-14 199-200 Takushoku University, 71 Sumitomo keiretsu, 184, 185, 189-92, Tamaki, Kazuo, 58 198. 199-201, 212.228 Tamura, Hajime, 39, 41 310 Index

Tanabe, Kumio, 76 Tokyo District Court, 103, 113 Tanabe seiyaku, 206 Tokyo Electric Power, 220-1, 228, 244 Tanabe Shunzo, 76 Tokyo Institute of Technology, 129 Tanaka, Giichi, 78 Tokyo Marine and Fire Insurance, Tanaka, Kakuei, 3, 5, 11, 15, 18, 188, 191, 194 19-20, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32-9, 47, Tokyo Olympics (of 1960), 90, 268 50, 52, 58, 76, 90-3, 96, 103-8, Tokyo Steel Mfg, 251 115, 264, 268 Tokyo Stock Exchange, 109, 257 Tanaka, Keishu, 112, 115 Tokyo Summit of 1979, 34, 92 Tanaka, Naoki, 51 Tokyo Summit of 1986, 97 Tanaka, Rokusuke, 36-8 Tokyo Tatemono, 202 Tanaka, Tatsuo, 79 Tokyo University of Agriculture, 71 tatemaelhonne, 145, 159, 274 Tokyo University of Commerce, 249 Tatsumi, Goro, 251 Tokyo University of Fisheries, 47 taxation, 30, 35, 40, 77 Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal, 40 tax evasion, 250, 252, 258 Tokyu, 99, 210, 228, 252 tax payers, 252 Tomen (Toyo Menka), 186, 196-7, tax rebates, 153 209, 217 tax reform, 40, 42, 44, 89, 223, 227, Tomita, Tetsuro, 146 257,277 Tonanu Unyu, 75 TDA, 106 Toray Industries, 197 tea houses, 26, 80 Toshiba, 187, 196-7, 199, 210, 220-1 technopolis, 225 Toshiba-IHI, 188, 190, 210 Teijin, 190 Total Staff Number Law, 126 Teikyo University, 116 tourism, 104 temporary management assignments, town consellors, 28 134 Toyama prefecture, 75 tennis, 81 Toyo Construction, 206 terrorism, 97 Toyo Engineering, 193-4, 197 textiles, 90 Toyo Trust, 206 Thatcher, Margaret, 92, 97 Toyo Umpaki, 206 titles, 241 Toyo Tyre & Rubber, 206 Toa Nenryo Kogyo, 202 Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, 209 Tobu Railways, 202 Toyoda, Shoichiro, 251, 154-5 Todai (University of Tokyo), 47, 51, Toyota Motor Corp., 75, 146, 184, 71, 73-4, 86,95, 99, 128-30, 186, 187-8, 190, 196-7, 199, 170, 175-8, 227, 242-5, 249, 209,214,251,254-5 264, 266-9, 280 'Toyota men', 239 Faculty of Law, 130 Tozaki, Seiki, 205 Toho Rayon, 202 trade policies, 153, 154-5, 223 Tohoku, 88, 129 trading companies (sogo shosha), 30, Tohoku University, 71, 73, 74, 129, 104, 183-4, 187, 190, 192-3, 249,254 199, 203, 216-18, 229-30 Toida, Saburo, 59 transportation, 59, 75-6 Tokai Bank, 209, 212 transportation licences, 102, 106 Tokugawa, 185 trilateral cooperation, 97 Tokuyama Soda, 206 Tristars, 104-5 Tokyo, 10, 25, 27, 34, 40, 60, 66, Tsukamoto, Saburo, 111, 115, 118 155, 224, 269 Tsukatani, Takuro, 214 Index 311

Tsukatani, Tetsuya, 214 vote purchasing, 35, 49 Tsukushima Kikai, 206 Tsushima, Yuji, 83 wage levels, 226 Tsutsumi, Seiji, 210 Wakasa, Tokuji, 106 Tsutsumi, Yasujiro, 210 war dead, 98 Tsutsumi, Yoshiaki, 210, 250, 255-6, war devastations, 252 259,272 war experience, 269 Waseda University, 47, 51, 71, 73-4, Ube Industries, 57, 206, 208 129, 249, 264 Ueda, Takuni, 110, 115 Watanabe, Hideo, 115 Uehara, Sue, 251 Watanabe, Kitaro, 250--1 Uehara, Shoji, 251 Watanabe, Koji, 176 Uemura, Mitsuo, 215-16 Watanabe, Kozo, 71 underworld, 59, 104-5, 118-20, 252, Watanabe, Michio, 19-20, 23, 42, 53, 257 70,73,99,114,118,168,278 unionisation rates, 13, 226 Watanabe, Naoji, 104 unions, 10-11, 220, 225-6, 256, 257, Watanuki, Tamisuke, 75 279-80 Water Resources Development Corp., Unitaka Ltd, 206 160--1 university degree, 71 wealth, 272, 278 University of California at Los Western Europe, 256 Angeles, 71 Westinghouse, 195 Uno, Sosuke, 23, 42--4, 47, 73, 76, women, 254, 270 80--1, 112 working hours, 257, 275 upper class, 266, 270 World Bank, 153 Upper House careers, 65, 70, 117 world economy, 140 Upper House elections, II, 30, 39, world summits, 38, 277 44, 93, 118 world views, 273-8 urbanism, 256 Woronoft, Jon, 255 Uruguay Round, 223 Ushio Electrics, 99, 118 Yahata Steel Works, 186 Ushio Jiro, 99, 118 Yahiro, Tohikuni, 198,229 US imperialists, 105 Yahiro, Toshiyuki, 198 US-Japan Security Agreement of Yakuza, 105, 118-20, 214 1951, 15 Yamagata prefecture, 86 US occupation, 187, 264 Yamaguchi prefecture, 185, 224, 269 US relations, 157-8 Yamaguchi, Toshio, II, 18, 51, 68, US Senate, 104, 107 83, 114 Utopia Study Group, 54-5, 60 Yamaji, Susumu, 101 Utsonomiya, Tokuma, 23 Yamanaka, Sadanori, 45 Yamanashi prefecture, 46, 74, 75 van Gogh, 252 Yamanouchi Pharmaceuticals, 57 vanity, 252, 271 Yamashita, Ganri, 36 Venice Summit, 93, 100 Yamashita Shinnihon Steamship, vested interests, 278 207-8 vice-governors, 127, 167 Yamashita, Tokuo, 81, 100 vice-minister for international affairs, Yamauchi, Hiroshi, 251 127, 168-9, 177 Yamazaki, Taku, 100 vocational schools, 74 Yasuda Bank, 190