– Floods Situation Report #1 23 June 2010

This report was issued by OCHA Humanitarian Support Unit in Ghana. It covers the period from 20 to 22 June 2010. The next report will be issued on or around 25 June 2010.


ƒ Thirty one people die while 12,222 others are rendered homeless in flash floods across southern Ghana ƒ Search, Rescue and Relief efforts are spearheaded by Government of Ghana through NADMO ƒ Continued rains predicted by the Ghana Meteorological Department.

II. Situation Overview

Heavy rains experienced in parts of southern Ghana on 20 June resulted in severe flooding affecting several parts of Greater , Central, Eastern and Volta Regions. Initial reports provided by the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) indicate that at least 31 people lost their lives (17 in Greater Accra, 13 in and 1 in Volta); several houses had either collapsed or were submerged rendering thousands homeless; and some communities remained marooned following collapse of bridges or roads being washed off by flood waters i.e. the Accra- motorway – major link to the east of Ghana had completely flooded.

Rapid assessments conducted in the three regions estimated that over 1416 families (12,222 people) are in dire need of relief assistance. The most crucial sectors identified include: food, water and sanitation, health, shelter and infrastructure. Most of the families evacuated are either staying with close relations or in school shelters as was the case in Gomoa East in Central Region.

Region Area/Place affected Affected families Total affected No. of dead per region Families Persons Greater Accra Tema Metro (New 86 227 Town, C5) 585 2440 12 Ga West 103 685 4,342 Dangme West 102 510 Adenta 120 480 5

Central 3000 11 Agona 1520 2 4520

Volta Ketu South 420 3360 1 3360

Total 1416 12,222 12,222 31 Source: NADMO

Access to some of these affected areas was initially problematic as main routes had been totally cut-off by flood water. For example, as of 21 June, Gomoa Ayensuade area of Central Region remained inaccessible and completely marooned. Such incidences made it difficult to provide an accurate analysis of the situation on the ground. Another joint assessment mission is planned for 24 June to determine the exact impact of floods in the affected regions.

The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors.

Meanwhile, parts of Akwapim Mountains around Peduase Lodge in experienced a mild landslide as a result of heavy rains experienced on 20 June. The timely intervention of the former contractor averted possible fatalities even though the road was rendered impassible for sometime. Officials from the Geological Disasters and Relief & Reconstruction Departments of NADMO visited the scene on 22 June, 2010 and recommended that a detailed geo-technical study needed to be carried out to determine the slope stability and propose appropriate remedial work. Debris covers entire width of the road, Photo by NADMO

The Ghana Meteorological Service is warning residents across the country of more torrential rains in the coming days. However, according to the officials at the Meteorological Agency, the rainfall pattern recorded on 20 June averaging 24 millimeters (mm) in Accra, 24.1mm and 50.1mm in Tema and Ashaiman respectively did not come near the 2009 record figure of 313 mm registered at Kaneshie – in Accra.

III. Humanitarian Needs and Response


No concrete information is available on the number of schools affected by the recent flood situation. However, some schools are reported to be housing some of the affected persons i.e. in Gomoa East District in Central Region.

Emergency Shelter and NFI

NADMO and the District Assemblies are providing temporary shelter for the affected populations. The Government has been able to provide so far cooking utensils, tents, poly mats, plastic buckets, plastic plates & cups, used clothing, and mosquito coils.

The Presbyterian Relief Service and Development has conducted a rapid assessment in parts of Central Region and provided some used clothes and blankets to the affected populations.

Food and Nutrition

NADMO has either delivered or is in the process of reaching the affected regions with a minimum package of food aid.


The inter-agency assessment scheduled for 24 June will determine priority needs for the sectors. Disease outbreaks are yet to be reported.

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors.


UNICEF is collaborating with NADMO and OCHA to re-activate the WASH cluster. A meeting with relevant stakeholders has been scheduled for next Tuesday to discuss priorities and respond to immediate needs presenting themselves. UNICEF is also planning to deliver some portable toilets, aqua tabs, soap and water filters from their Tamale warehouse.

Water sources have been contaminated following collapse of latrines in affected areas. Undoubtedly, this could trigger diarrhea and other health related incidences in the affected communities. Therefore as a matter of urgency, there is need for water treatment tablets (Water purifiers)


Several bridges and roads have either collapsed or have been washed away in some of the affected areas especially in Central Region i.e. Swedru--Accra (Bailey bridge on River Akora); Nyakrom-Swedru road, Duakwa – Nsaba - Swedru road; Tema- road in Greater Accra and Agbozume – Aflao road in the .

IV. Coordination

On 22June, the President of Ghana accompanied by the National Coordinator of the National Disaster Management Organization, (NADMO), Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing visited some of the worst affected communities in Greater Accra and Central Region to assess the impact of the floods on people and their livelihoods.

NADMO made a presentation at the monthly UNCT meeting on 24 June 2010 on the latest development with the floods.

An Inter-Agency Working Group meeting is scheduled for next week to discuss the flood situation and identify priority gaps that need immediate redress. WATSAN cluster will be meeting either on Tuesday of next week.

OCHA Humanitarian Support Unit is coordinating with NADMO and other partners to ensure that information on existing gaps is identified and addressed in due course.

V. Funding

All humanitarian partners including donors and recipient agencies are encouraged to inform FTS of cash and in-kind contributions by sending an email to: [email protected].

VI. Contact

Please contact:

Ghana: Mercy Manyala, Head OCHA Humanitarian Support Unit - Ghana Email: [email protected] Phone: +233 244 341 663

Ghana: John Sule Mahama, National Humanitarian Officer Email: [email protected] Phone: +233 244 343 198

Senegal: Yvon, Public Relations/Information Officer Email: [email protected] Phone: +221 77 569 96 53

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