African Shads, with Emphasis on the West African Shad Ethmalosa Fimbriata
American Fisheries Society Symposium 35:27-48, 2003 © 2003 by the American Fisheries Society African Shads, with Emphasis on the West African Shad Ethmalosa fimbriata EMMANUEL CHARLES-DOMINIQUE1 AND JEAN-JACQUES ALBARET Institut de Recherche pour le Deoeioppement, 213 rue Lafayette, 75480, Paris Cedex 10, France Abstract.-Four shad species are found in Africa: twaite shad Alosa fallax and allis shad A. alosa (also known as allice shad), whose populations in North Africa can be regarded as relics; West African shad Ethmalosa [imbriata (also known as bonga), an abundant tropical West African species; and kelee shad Hi/sa kelee, a very widely distributed species present from East Africa to the Western Pacific. Ethmalosa fimbriata has been the most studied species in this area. The concentrations of E. fimbriata are found only in estuarine waters of three types: inland, coastal, and lagoon estuaries. The species is rare in other habitats. Distribution thus appears fragmented, with possible exchanges between adjacent areas. In all populations, juveniles, subadults, and mature adults have different habitat preferences. These groups are distinguished by local people and can be considered as ecophases. The older group has a preference for the marine environment, and the intermediate one is more adapted to estuaries, with a large plasticity within its reproductive features. Information regarding population dynamics is poorly documented, but the populations appear generally resilient except when the estuarine environment deteriorates. West African shad has been exploited for many years and carries great cultural value for the coastal people of West Africa. The catches are marketed cured in the coastal zone, sometimes far from the fishing areas.
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