ACT Monaro Riverina Branch Newsletter May 2021 No 3 Australian Garden History Society ACT Monaro Riverina Branch, PO Box 5008, LYNEHAM ACT 2602 For an e-copy of the newsletter email
[email protected] BRANCH DIARY FORTHCOMING EVENTS 20 M AY Gundaroo Film & Book An Autumn Day in Gundaroo – with a Sale Visit Film and Book sale 9 J UNE ( LUNCHTIME ) 20 May Winter Series Lecture 1 Join other garden history friends for a day in Gundaroo, featuring the superb Canadian Spirit of the Garden documentary film The Gardener along with a sale of generously donated garden Speaker: Trisha Dixon books. 7 J ULY The Gardener (2016, directed by Sebastien Chabot), deals with Frank Cabot's Les Winter Series Lecture 2 Quatre Vents, aka Cabot Garden, a magnificent private garden in the Charlevoix Webinar: The Blooming region near Quebec City in Canada. The garden, created over 75 years and three Simpson – A Botanist’s generations, is considered a contemporary horticultural masterpiece. The film includes Paradise: narration by Frank Cabot himself, along with commentary from other garden experts. Speaker: Rosemary Purdie The film screening will be at the historic Gundaroo Soldiers' Memorial Hall, where we 4 A UGUST will also be holding a book stall, full of garden and gardening books, generously Winter Series Lecture 3 donated for this event. Proceeds of the book sale will be used to further fund our On Marion Mahony Griffin digitisation project of historic gardening material held by the National Library of Speaker: Glenda Korporaal Australia. 4 A UGUST Come in the morning, look at the bookstall (and buy), take a walk in the village, enjoy a Branch AGM byo lunch and then see the film in the lovely hall, followed by afternoon tea.