The Ingham County News Are Spon ,Teen Page • • • • • • B-3 Acts of Vandalism Such As Problems in Areas Other Than Group Guidance and Small Tion Barricades
Vol. 108, No. 46 2 Sections 22 Pages, Plus 8 Page Classified Sec,tion 677-9011 Wednesday, November 15, 1967 1~ Per Copy Second olou po•t•1• )fold at Monon, Mlohlion, Publhhod woo~lr by Tho 1n1h•m c;onnty NIIU [nc,, p o. Box 266, Muon, MlchiK•n.4HH54 ~ubocrlptlon rotoot 1n Mooon and Holt homo doUvory aroa1, 15t wooklv; by mall In Jn1ham and ad)o!nlnc count!oo, f5 por ~··•· oloowhorc, $6 I ' + '' , Channell8 Television. Station To Serve Mason Residents Soon Union Transmitter '' ,Service To Be Built '· ~ Is ,Set In Onondaga Mason residents will be re ceiving a new television chan .j A Union Thanks nel in the near future under ! giving service is the call letters WI<HM tele vision, channel 18, \ planned bymem The station will be located I bers of the Mason in Jacl1son and serve an area inc 1 u ding Lansing, Battle M t n i s t e r i a 1 as C reek, Jackson, Hillsdale, sociation, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids and Service is set for Thanlcs Ann Arbor, as well as all the giving eve, November 22, at areas between these cities. the Ed e n United Brethren Transmitting tower for the church of Eden, The Union station will be located in On service will begin at 7:30 ondaga. A p o s s i b ll i t y of p,m. switchi.Jg thP tower site to a The Reverend Brendan Led location south of Charlotte is widge of St. James Catholic being considered, but a con church will give the sermon.
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