
No. 6 90. Patented Oct. 4, 1898. J. HULME. FOR OR . (Application filed Feb. 17, 1896.) (No Model.)


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SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 611,910, dated October 4, 1898. Application filed February 17, 1896, Serial No. 579,598, (No model.) To all, Luhon, it nactly conce77. of the T-head b of an operating-stem G, which Beit known that I, JAMES HULME, a citizen passes through a stuffing- at the Outer end of the United States, residing in Philadelphia, of a nozzle or spigot H. This nozzle or spigot Pennsylvania, have invented certain Improve is screwed into a threaded opening in the 55 ments in Stopper's for Barrels or Kegs, of outer end of the valve-casing D beyond the which the following is a specification. end of the valve-plug F, and the stem G has, One object of my invention is to so con beyond the spigot, a handle G', by which it struct a valved stopper for beer or alle kegs can be readily manipulated. or barrels that the same may be completely A lug d on the valve-plug F is adapted to ?? . ? closed or maybe so adjusted as to draw either a segmental recessd, formed in the valve from the bottom of the when the latter casing D, so as to limit the extent to which is lying horizontally or from the lower front the plug F can be turned. r corner when it is tilted upward at the rear In the Valve-plug Fare formed ports fand end, so that in either the keg can be g, and in the valve-casing D are ports f' and practically emptied by the spigot. gº, longitudinally in line with the ports fand A further object is to permit of the with g, respectively. drawal of the valvestructure from the keg and On the outside of the valve-casing D, be its ready reapplication thereto, so as to afford tween the ports f' and g’, is formed a thread the proper facilities for lining or pitching the to which is adapted an internal thread formed 2 ? keg without clogging the valved stopper. upon a draft- J, which has two sets of These objects Iattain in the manner herein openings in and in formed in it, the openings after set forth, reference being had to the in being at and near the outer end of the accompanying drawings, in which draft-tube and in advance of its point of con Figurel is a longitudinal section of a valved nection with the valve-casing D, while the 75 25 stopper and spigot for kegs or barrels con openings in are at and near the inner end of structed in accordance with my invention. the draft-tube. That portion of the draft Fig. 2 is a transverse section on the line 22, tube having the openings in therefore com Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a transverse section on the municates with the ported portion f of the lirie 33, Fig. 1. Fig. 4 is a transverse sec valve-casing, while the portion of the draft tion on the line 4 4, Fig. 1. Figs. 5 and 6 tube having the openings in communicates are views on a smaller Scale, illustrating the with the ported portion g of said casing. different methods of using the valved stopper Hence if the valve-plug F is so adjusted that and spigot; and Figs. 7 and 8 are Sectional its port f registers with the port f of the views illustrating modifications of parts of valve-casing the contents of the or keg 35 the invention. will be withdrawn through the openings in, A represents part of the head or body of while if the valve-plug is adjusted so that its the keg, and B a permanent bushing ScreWed port g communicates with the port g' of the into the same, this bushing being internally valve-casing the contents of the keg or bar threaded for the reception of a valve-casing rel will be withdrawn through the openings in, D, which can be readily screwed into or un it being understood, of course, that the ports screwed from the front end of the bushing, fand g and the ports f' and g are so disposed So that the entire Valve structure can be re that both ports cannot be opened at the same moved from the barrel or keg when it is de time and that both ports can be closed by an sired to pitch or reline the same. intermediate adjustment of the Valve-plug. 95 45 The valve-casing D has a tapered internal It will thus be seen that provision is afforded seat for the reception of a correspondingly either for drawing the contents of the keg tapered valve-plug F, which is retained in from the bottom when the keg is horizontal position within the valve-casing by means of and the valved stopper is applied to the side a nut C. and washer a? applied to the threaded of the same, as shown in Fig. 5, or the con IOO inner end of said valve-plug, the front end tents of the keg can be withdrawn from the of the plug having a recess for the reception lower front corner when the keg occupies the

m 2 611,910 inclined position shown in Fig. 6 and the closed when the other is open, anda draft-tube valved stopper is carried by the front head. projecting longitudinally beyond the valve Hence provision is afforded for practically casing in line there with and forming a close emptying the keg in either case. joint with said valve-casing between the ports The openings m and n of the draft-tube I of the same, whereby one of said ports must Serve as strainers. Hence it is evident that be supplied with liquid passing through said 45 they may be omitted where this function is draft-tube, substantially as specified. not of importance. For instance, the tube J 2. A valved stopper for barrels or kegs, in might terminate at the forward end in the which are combined a valve-casing carried by I. ? threaded portion and it might be open at the the barrel or keg and having two longitudi rear endinstead of being perforated, as shown, nally-separated ports, a valve-plug having So for instance, in Fig. 7. Neither is it abso ports adapted to register with those of the lutely necessary to the broadest embodiment valve-casing, one port being closed when the of my invention that the valve-plug should other is open, and a draft-tube extending in have two ports or that the ports of the valve ward from the valve-casing in line therewith plug and casing should be separated from and forming a close joint there with between 55 each other longitudinally in order to provide the two ports of the same, substantially as for the attachment of the draft-tube J at a specified. point between the two ports of the valve-cas 3. A valved stopper for kegs or barrels, in 2 ? ing. For instance, the latter ports may be which are combined a valve-casing carried by diametrically opposed, as shown, respectively, said barrel or keg, and having two ports, a ?? at f° and g in Fig. 8, for coöperation with a ported valve-plug adapted to register with single port in the valve-plug, the valve-cas either of the ports of the valve-casing, and a ing having diametrically-opposed ribs or pro draft-tube extending inward from the valve 25 jections h intermediate of the ports f' and g? casing and forming a close joint with the lat and forming a tight joint with the surround ter between the two ports of the same, said ing draft-tube J', thus forming two chambers, draft-tube being perforated at or near each one communicating with the port f° and the end whereby the liquid gaining access to one Outer end of the draft-tube and the other port of the valve-casing will pass through one communicating with the port g’ and the inner set of perforations, and that gaining access end of said draft-tube. to the other port will pass through the other Having thus described my invention, I set of perforations, substantially as specified. claim and desire to secure by Letters Pat In testimony whereof I have signed my ent— - name to this specification in the presence of 35 1. A valved stopper for barrelsorkegs hav two subscribing witnesses. ing, in combination, a valve-casing carried by JAMES HULME. the barrel or keg and having two ports, a Witnesses: valve ported so as to register with either of WILL. A. BARR, the ports of the valve-casing, one port being FRANK E. BECHTOLD.