
Travelling to Hall North Leigh, near , , OX29 6PN (Sat Nav postcode: OX29 6SL)

From Train Station (Paddington to Worcester Line)

Hanborough train station is located 3 miles away from Eynsham Hall, in the nearby village of . This station has no taxi rank, but local taxi firms can easily provide service to and from the station. The number 11 and the number 242 Stagecoach buses also have nearby stops on the main road to the left of the station. The stop you can get off at nearest to Eynsham Hall is the North Leigh Garden Centre. We are located directly opposite this entrance to North Leigh, across the A4095. Please note that our drive is approximately 1/3 mile long. Please follow this link to access a timetable for these bus services: http://www.stagecoachbus.com/timetables.aspx

From Train Station (Paddington to Worcester Line)

You can take a train to Hanborough station, as it is on a direct line from Oxford, and is only a 15 minute journey. There is also a taxi rank directly opposite Oxford Station, the cost of which is approximately £36.00. Alternatively, if you turn right out of the station and cross the main roads, the S1 Stagecoach bus to Witney operates from a stop there. There is a taxi rank in Witney, but the number 11 and the number 242 buses can also take you to the North Leigh Garden Centre. We are located directly opposite this entrance to North Leigh, across the A4095. Please note that our drive is approximately 1/3 mile. Please follow this link to access a timetable for these bus services: http://www.stagecoachbus.com/timetables.aspx

From Heathrow

The Heathrow Express train operates on a direct line to Paddington Station in London. Trains bound for Oxford and Hanborough leave from Paddington, and their availability can be checked on www.nationalrail.co.uk.

There are also coach services from Heathrow to the Victoria Coach Station, where coaches and buses to Oxford are available. Availability of coaches from Victoria to Oxford can be found at www.nationalexpress.com. The timetable for the X90 bus which leaves from the Victoria coach station can be found at http://www.oxfordbus.co.uk/main.php?page_id=262.

The airline bus, run with the Oxford bus company, also runs directly from Heathrow to Oxford, and their availability can be checked at http://airline.oxfordbus.co.uk/

From Gatwick Airport

The Gatwick Express train runs direct from Gatwick to Victoria Train Station. Once there, you can take the train from Paddington station to Oxford or Hanborough Station. Alternatively, there are coaches and buses that run from Victoria Coach Station to Oxford. Availability of coaches from Victoria to Oxford can be found at www.nationalexpress.com. The timetable for the X90 bus which leaves from the Victoria coach station can be found at http://www.oxfordbus.co.uk/main.php?page_id=262.

The airline bus, with the Oxford Bus Company, runs directly from Gatwick to the Oxford Coach Station. Their timetable can be found here: http://airline.oxfordbus.co.uk/

Once at the Oxford bus station, the S1 and S2 Stagecoach buses run to Witney, a town 3 miles away from Eynsham Hall. There is a taxi rank in Witney, but the number 11 and the number 242 buses towards Oxford can also take you to the North Leigh Garden Centre. We are located directly opposite this entrance to North Leigh, across the A4095. Please note that our drive is approximately 1/3 mile. Please follow this link to access a timetable for these bus services: http://www.stagecoachbus.com/timetables.aspx

Oxfordshire Taxi Firms

Livey’s taxis: 07979507535 (our local taxi firm which we use the most) MJ’s taxis: 07831733973 Excel cars: 01993 775198

Oxfordshire Shuttle/Minibus Firm Travel: 07985241352

Airport Transfer Minibus

For those looking for Airport Transfers please refer to the Witney Shuttle. The Witney Shuttle is a shared, timetabled minibus transport from all terminals at Heathrow and Gatwick, nine times daily. http://www.witneyshuttle.com/ Requires advance booking.