Shabbat, May 11 and 12, 2018 / 27 Iyyar 5778

Parashat Behar-Bechukotai / 42nd Day of the Omer

ו�נָֽתַתִּי שׁ�לוֹם בָּאָ�ץ וּשׁ�כַבְתֶּם ו�אֵין מַֽחֲ�יד ו�הִשׁ�בַּתִּי חַיּ�ה �עָה מִן־הָאָ�ץ ו�חֶ�ב א־תַ ֽעֲ בֹר בְּאַ �צ ְכֶם

“I will give peace throughout the land, so that you will lie down with none to make you afraid; I will rid the land of wild beasts, and no sword shall cross through your land.” (Leviticus 26:6)


Welcome to CBST!

Congregation Beit Simchat is a vibrant spiritual community and an influential progressive voice within . We are people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We hope you feel at home here.

Here for the first time? Have a question? Interested in getting involved? Ask an usher for a “Learn about CBST” card. Leave the card with an usher and we’ll be in touch after Shabbat. Visit

Photo by Esteban Kuriel

ברוכים וברוכות הבאים לקהילת בית שמחת תורה! קהילת בית שמחת תורה מקיימת קשר רב שנים ועמוק עם ישראל, עם הבית הפתוח בירושלים לגאווה ולסובלנות ועם הקהילה הגאה בישראל. אנחנו מזמינים אתכם\ן לגלוּת יהדוּת ליבראלית גם בישראל! מצאו את המידע על קהילות רפורמיות המזמינות אתכם\ן לחגוג את סיפור החיים שלכן\ם בפלאיירים בכניסה. לפרטים נוספים ניתן לפנות לרב נועה סתת [email protected]

2 MAY 11, 2018 / 27 IYYAR 5778 PARASHAT BEHAR-BECHUKOTAI/42ND DAY OF THE OMER הֲכָנַת הַלֵּב OPENING PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS *Y’did Nefesh Chassidic י�דִיד נֶפֶשׁ 34 *(Candle Blessings Abraham Wolf Binder (1895-1967 הַדְלָקַת נֵרוֹת שׁ�ל שׁ�בָּת 38 *(Shalom Aleichem Israel Goldfarb (1879-1956 שׁ�לוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם 40 קַבָּלַת שׁ�בָּת KABBALAT SHABBAT / WELCOMING SHABBAT *L’chu N’ran’nah (Psalm 95) Abayudaya Ugandan לְכוּ נְ�נְּנָה (תהלים צה) 52 Yism’chu Hashamayim י�שׂ�מְחוּ הַשּׁ�מַי�ם 52 Craig Taubman (Born 1958)* (Psalm 96) (תהלים צו) *(Mizmor L’David (Psalm 29) Shlomo Carlebach (1926-1994 מִזְמוֹר לְדָו�ד (תהלים כט) 62 L'chah Dodi (Shlomo Abayudaya Ugandan* 66 *Alkabetz) Moshe Laufer לְכָה דוֹדִי *(Tov L’hodot (Psalm 92) Peter Halpern (Born 1958 טוֹב לְהֹדוֹת (תהלים צב) 72 מַ עֲ �יב MA’ARIV / THE EVENING SERVICE Bar’chu Nusach בָּ�כוּ 78 Hama’ariv Aravim Nusach הַמַּעֲ �יב עֲ �בִים 80 *(Ahavat Olam Debbie Friedman (1951-2011 אַהֲבַת עוֹלָם 86 (Sh’ma Yisrael Salomon Sulzer (1804-1890 שׁ�מַע י�שׂ��אֵל 88 (V’ahavta Torah Cantillation (Trop ו�אָהַבְתָּ 89 *(Mi Chamocha Elana Arian (Born 1981 מִי כָמֹֽכָה 94 (Hashkiveinu Max Helfman (1901-1963 הַשׁ�כִּיבֵֽנוּ 98 *(V’shamru Shlomo Carlebach (1926-1994 ו�שׁ�מְרוּ 102 Chatsi Kaddish Nusach חֲ צ ִי קַ דִּ ישׁ 104 Silent Amidah עֲ מִ ידָ ה 106 *Yerushalayim Folk י�רוּשׁ�לַי�ם 244 *(Oseh Shalom Yoel Sykes (Born 1986 עֹשׂ�ה שׁ�לוֹם 118 Prayer for Healing תְּפִלָּה לִ�פוּאָה 130 Prayer for our Country תְּפִלָּה לַמְּדִינָה Program Blessing of the New Month Improvisation בִּ�כַּת הַחֹדֶשׁ 136 Kaddish Shalem Nusach קַדִּישׁ שׁ�לֵם 138 דְּ �שׁ�ה DRASHAH: RABBI SHARON KLEINBAUM *(Aleinu Salomon Sulzer (1804-1890 עָלֵֽינוּ 140 Counting of the Omer סְפִי�ת הָעוֹמֶר 228 Mourner’s Kaddish קַ דִּ ישׁ י �תוֹ ם 150 *(Adon Olam Uzi Chitman (1952-2004 אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם 154

*Arranged by Joyce Rosenzweig 3 COMPOSER FEATURE Abraham Wolf Binder (1895-1966) was born into an Orthodox family on the Lower East Side and was singing in his father’s choir by the age of 4. Already conducting the choir at the Kamenetzer Shul on Attorney Street at the age of 14, Binder worked in his entire life, most importantly, at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue from 1922 until his death in 1966. In 1930, Binder edited the Union Hymnal, a major milestone in the history of American synagogue music. A prolific composer of liturgical, vocal, and instrumental music, Binder was a founder of the School of Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College (now called the Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music) and a great scholar of Jewish music history and theory.

TONIGHT’S SERVICE LEADERS Service Leader: Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Intern Steven Philp Ba’al Tefillah: Cantor Steve Zeidenberg, Steven M. Fruh-Paul L. Marsolini Cantorial Position Music Director and Pianist: Joyce Rosenzweig Drashah: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum

Jewish, Queer, Incarcerated: A Discussion with Evie Litwok Tonight, after services, 130 West 30th Street Learn how Evie Litwok, founder of Witness to Mass Incarceration, daughter of Holocaust survivors, and a formerly incarcerated Jewish lesbian, is working to collect oral histories of formerly incarcerated LGBTQ people and help to end mass incarceration. Witness to Mass Incarceration is and will be a digital library of individuals whose lives and the lives of their families will be memorialized. The organization’s goal is to place women’s and LGBTQIA people’s experience at the center of the fight for alternatives to mass incarceration, working to change the narrative from invisibility and victimization to empowerment through documentation, organizing, and advocacy.

In the longstanding, meaningful tradition of High Holy Day giving that sustains our community, consider the 2018: Annual Appeal, Open Door, Yizkor Appeal, and support for Social Justice, Jewish Learning and Music at CBST. You may now contribute online at or contact Ann at [email protected] or 212-929-9498 x 814.

4 PRAYER for OUR COUNTRY Our God and God of our ancestors, אלוהינו ואלוהי אבותנו ואמותינו. ברך את ארצנו ואת כל .bless this country and all who dwell within it היושבות והיושבים בה Help us to experience the blessings יחד לבבנו להודות לך על חיינו ועל הזמן הזה ,of our lives and circumstances To be vigilant, compassionate, and brave. להיות דרוכות, אמיצים, ומלאי חמלה. ,Strengthen us when we are afraid חזקנו וחזק ידנו כאשר אנו אחוזים בפחד ,Help us to channel our anger סייע בידינו לנתב את כעסנו לידי מעשה .So that it motivates us to action חזק לבבנו לחוש את מלוא הפחד שלנו ,Help us to feel our fear כדי שלא נהפוך לאדישות .So that we do not become numb Help us to be generous with others, סייע לנו להשפיע נדיבות על אחרים כדי שנרים זה את זו . .So that we raise each other up סייע לנו להיות צנועות בפחד, כדי שנדע כי גם כשאנו מרגישים ,Help us to be humble in our fear פגיעות, יש אחרות, הנמצאות בסיכון גבוה אף יותר, זוהי חובתנו ,knowing that as vulnerable as we feel הקדושה להיות עמן. there are those at greater risk, and that it is our holy work to stand with them. ברכנו בטעם המתוק של החופש ,Help us to taste the sweetness of liberty כדי שנשכיל להעריך את החופש לו זכינו בדורות קודמים ובעת הזו To not take for granted the freedoms won לרפא ולחזק את הדמוקרטיה שלנו שתהיה כְּעֵץ שׁ�תוּל עַל-מַי�ם, .in generations past or in recent days ו�עַל-יוּבַל י�שׁ�לַּח שׁ��שׁ�יו, ו�א י��אֶה כִּי-י�בֹא חֹם, ו�הָי�ה עָלֵהוּ �עֲנָן; ,To heal and nourish our democracy that it may be like a tree planted by the water (ירמיהו יז, ח) ;whose roots reach down to the stream it need not fear drought when it comes, its leaves are always green (Jeremiah 17:8). שכינה, אם כל חי, ,Source of all Life שלחי אורך ואמתך למנהיגנו ,Guide our leaders with righteousness חזקי לבבותיהם שלא יתקשו ,Strengthen their hearts but keep them from hardening. שישתמשו בכוחן כדי לדבר אמת ולפעול בצדק (ישעיהו טז, ג-ה) That they may use their influence and authority to מי יתן וכל יושבי הארץ יחלקו בעושרה, ישגשגו בחופש שתציע, .(speak truth and act for justice (Isaiah 16:3-5 ויהיו מוגנים בחוקיה May all who dwell in this country מי יתן ואומה זו תשתמש בכוחה ובעושרה על מנת לקדם צדק, ,share in its bounty, enjoy its freedoms and be protected by its laws. חופש ושלום לכל יושבי תבל May this nation use its power and wealth מי יתן ונהיה חזקות ואמיצים ,to be a voice for justice מי יתן ונהיה נועזים במעשי ידנו ועמוקות בחמלה שבלבנו .peace, and equality for all who dwell on earth שנבחין מתי עלינו להקשיב ומתי עלינו לפעול May we be strong and have courage To be bold in our action and deep in our compassion, לעקור שנאה, גזענות, שוביניזם, אפליה, אלימות בכל צורה, ,To discern when we must listen and when we must act To uproot bigotry, intolerance, misogyny, racism, לחגוג את צלם אלוהים בפנים שונות המשתקפות בכל המגוון ,discrimination, and violence in all its forms האנושי To celebrate the many faces of God reflected in the wondrous diversity of humanity, לקבל את הזר ואת המהגרת, ולכבד את המתנות שמביא כל מי To welcome the stranger and the immigrant שמבקשת מקלט והזדמנות בארץ זו, כפי שהיה מאז לפני שאומה זו and to honor the gifts of those who seek refuge נולדה and possibility here, as they have since ו�י�גַּל כַּמַּי�ם, מִשׁ�פָּט; וּצְדָקָה, כְּנַחַל אֵיתָן .before this nation was born Let justice well up like waters, and righteousness (עמוס ה כד) (like a mighty stream (Amos 5:24

Hebrew by Rabbi Noa Sattath © Rabbi Ayelet Cohen 5 Refuah Shlemah – Healing Prayers Alton Bader Donna Gray Barbara Flood Michael Jenny Berman Marilyn Greenberg Stanley Raffel Shayna Caul Josephine Kleinbaum Steve Roth Norbert Fischer Connie Kurtz Sasha Soreff Mary Goldrich Ken Levinsohn Rose Wahnon If you or a CBST member you know is ill and would like support, contact [email protected]. This printed list is for those with acute illness. You may say a name aloud during the healing prayer at services. CBST’s Chesed Committee provides assistance for members who are hospitalized or recovering from illness or loss. Email [email protected]. We’re your community, we’re here for you.

Condolences to: CBST members Barbara Freedman, Yelena Goltsman, and loved one Deborah Friedman on the death of their beloved friend, Armanda Squadrilli, z”l. She died Saturday, May 5 at the age of 61 after a battle with cancer.

The entire CBST community mourns the death of Rabbi Aaron Panken, z”l, President of HUC-JIR and an important leader of the Jewish people, who died tragically in a plane crash and was buried on Tuesday. Yortzeits 27 Iyyar through 4 Sivan Members memorialized on Wine Family Sanctuary Memorial Wall Robert Getreuer Jeffrey Shuman Charles Tyson George Mooy Robert Sinacore

Family & Friends memorialized on plaques on the Kuriel Chapel Memorial Wall Adelle Appell Ronald Kaplan Sylvia Morott Samuel Aptner Edmonde Lahma Klehmann Jill Morris Florence Best Alexander Kopstein Beatrice Steinman Stanley Geller The CBST community extends condolences to mourners among us. May God comfort you among all who mourn. We pray for peace. All are welcome to an Oneg downstairs following the service. Seating & Accessibility: CBST is committed to accessibility. At Friday night services, several spaces for someone in a wheelchair and an adjacent chair are reserved; seats are released at 6:45pm if not occupied. We are live streaming each service. If you do not wish to be in the camera’s view, please sit in the balcony. Phones and photography: Please silence your cell phones. Photos are not permitted during services. Bags and coats: Please leave your bags and coats in the coatroom. If you wish to bring them into the sanctuary, they are subject to search by security personnel. Smoking: Is not permitted within 25 feet of our front door so that smoke doesn’t drift back in. Thank you. From CBST’s Green Team: We are blessed to live in a city where rigid plastics are recyclable. Toss plastic straws, bottles, etc. in receptacles labeled “cans/bottles.” The earth & the Green Team thank you. Tonight, our thanks to: Better Events Sound Technician · CBST Set-Up Staff Jorge Loyola and Victor Reyes · CBST Members & Friends who greet everyone at services · Shabbat sponsors and donors.

6 Ahead… Saturday, May 12, 2018 / 27 Iyyar 5778 Friday, May 18, 2018 / 5 Sivan 5778 Liberal Minyan and Bar Mitzvah of Parashat Bamidbar / 49th Day of the Omer Eli Krop-Siegmund, 10:00am Kabbalat Shabbat Services, 6:30pm Service Leaders: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum and Harvey Milk Shabbat Rabbi Yael Rapport Service Leader: Rabbi Yael Rapport Ba’al Tefillah: Cantor Steve Zeidenberg Ba’al Tefillah: Cantor Steve Zeidenberg and D’var Torah: Eli Krop-Siegmund Julie Levinsohn Aarlev Music Director and Pianist: Joyce Rosenzweig Guest Speaker: Eric Ward, Executive Director at Western States Center Saturday, May 19, 2018 / 5 Sivan 5778 Monday, May 21, 2018 / 7 Sivan 5778 Traditional Egalitarian Minyan, 10:00am 2 Yom Tov Yizkor, 9:30am Ba’al Tefillah: Cantor Steve Zeidenberg Service Leaders: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum and Rabbi Yael Rapport Ba’al Tefillah: Cantor Steve Zeidenberg D’var Torah: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum

Upcoming Events See all these events and more at

Guest Speaker Eric Ward: Confronting Anti-Semitism in the Age of White Nationalism Friday, May 18, Kabbalat Shabbat Services, 130 West 30th Street It’s not just Charlottesville. Public acts of anti-Semitism are on the rise across the country, and they’re directly linked to the rise of white nationalism. In order to understand the threat posed by white nationalism, we need to examine its anti-Semitic roots. Eric K. Ward, Executive Director of Western States Center and a leading expert in the connections between anti-Semitism and white nationalism, will explore how these twin phenomena are shaping America today and why they are so dangerous to achieving an inclusive democracy. INTO THE NIGHT: A Contemporary Spin on Tikkun Leil Shavuot Saturday, May 19, Dusk to Dawn, 14th Street Y, 344 East 14th Street Follow CBST’s Queer Torah Tikkun track: “From Stranger to Sanctuary.” Synagogues have become essential players in interrupting narratives of hate directed toward the “strangers in our midst”—especially immigrant and Muslim communities. CBST sessions will include text studies, interactive presentations about Jewish immigration, and a sing-along featuring musical selections from Jewish immigrants. Through our track there are lots of different opportunities to increase your expertise or discover something totally new! You can try some text, try some action, try a sing-a-long, or try some pickles and veggie dumplings! Admission is free and there will be programs for all levels of observance. Register: Monday, May 21, 2018 / 7 Sivan 5778, Shavuot 2 Yom Tov, 9:30am The CBST Office will be closed, but join us for Yom Tov services, including Yizkor.

7 Pre-Shabbat Dinner Hosted by Mishpachah Friday, May 18, 5:00pm, 130 West 30th Street All are welcome to this pre-Shabbat dinner - featuring Middle Eastern cuisine this month - hosted by Mishpachah, a CBST social and cultural group that attracts those over the age of 55 while welcoming all for a truly inter-generational experience. Register:

CBST. Jewish. LGBTQ. 60+ Thursday, May 24, 11:00am, 130 West 30th Street Enjoy a day of music with beloved contra-bassoonist Barbara Schmutzler, lunch, a session with SAGE on Film Music We Love, and the continuation of our Jewish Thinkers series—this time focusing on Moses Mendelssohn. Register:

Celebrate Israel Parade Sunday, June 3, 10:15am, exact location TBA We will once again join our partners at the New Israel Fund in the Progressive Cluster for the Celebrate Israel Parade, representing both the courageous Israelis on the ground fighting for a better Israel and the thousands of American and others who share a vision of a democratic, just, progressive Israel. This is especially important in this 70th anniversary year. Register:

Israeli Dancing With Mitch Ginsburgh Mondays, June, 18, July 23, and August 20, 7:00 to 9:00pm Learn with internationally known Israeli dance teacher and choreographer! New dancers should come ready to enjoy the best Israeli music from yesterday and today, build coordination and dance skills over time as we learn new dances and master challenges, and sweat. No dance experience is necessary. Register for the first session at:

Bold Spiritual Community of Resistance and Love

Are You Registered to Vote? Make a difference! VOTE! Deadlines for the 2018 elections: June 1 for the June 26 Federal Primary; August 17 for the September 11 Local Primary; October 12 for the November 6 General Election. For information on how to register go to

Ramadan Mubarak (Blessed Ramadan)! Ramadan Is Coming at ICNYU Tuesday, May 15 through Thursday, June 14 During Ramadan, observant Muslims keep a complete fast (food and drink) from sunrise to sunset, then share a celebratory evening meal called Iftar. Our friends at the Islamic Center at NYU host a free public Iftar that attracts hundreds of people every night. CBST’s House of Peace will guide volunteers to help serve dinner on a number of evenings and we encourage you to attend the prayer service and learning session beforehand. For updates, email Rabbi Marisa James at [email protected].


Free, confidential HIV testing at CBST Wed., May 16, Thurs., May 31, 5:00 – 7:00pm, 130 West 30th Street Do you know your HIV status? Maimonides wrote, “When keeping the body in health and vigor, one walks in the ways of G-d.” CBST’s Talk to Me About HIV project offers free, confidential HIV testing on-site. A project of CBST, funded by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene through Public Health Solutions.

Resistance: Calls and Cards Thursdays, 12:30 - 2:00pm at 130 West 30th Street Come for pizza to fuel your phone calls and postcard writing. Make your voice heard by exercising your right to contact your officials. Bring a cell phone and your fighting spirit!

Welcoming Visit at Islamic Center at NYU Fridays, 12:45 - 2:30pm at 238 Thompson St. Welcome worshippers to the Islamic Center at NYU’s Jummah mid-day prayer service.To participate in House of Peace, speak to Harold Levine or Kristen Plylar-Moore, or email Harold at [email protected].

Help Puerto Rico—Operation Agua Your $30 contribution provides a family with an in-house, no electricity purifier that makes 10+ gallons of safe water per day. To donate:

CBST’s Red Ribbon Team and Rita’s Team at the AIDS Walk Sunday, May 20, 10:00am, Central Park Sign up for the AIDS Walk participants before and after Shabbat Services in the lobby—if it’s in line with your Shavuot practice, walk with us! Or register online: Join Rita’s Team at

Home of Our Own Capital Project: There are still dedication opportunities available: Skylights in the Wine Family Sanctuary; the Family & Friends Memorial Wall in the Kuriel Chapel; the Elevator; and several offices, including the Social Justice Office. The Donor Wall at CBST acknowledges donors at the $18,000, $36,000, $50,000 & $100,000+ levels. Contact Ann at 212-929-9498 x 814 or [email protected].

The Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum Bobblehead Specially created for the “Bringing Vision to Life” December 4, 2017 Celebration of Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum’s 25th Anniversary at CBST, these can be purchased at

9 Scholar-in-Residence for Trans and Queer Jewish Studies In our tradition, it is a great privilege to support a scholar. CBST is honored that Rabbi Mike Moskowitz will sit and study here all day. He will profoundly expand the language of our ancient texts to embrace and illuminate the trans experience in our world today. Rabbi Moskowitz is a deeply traditional and radically progressive advocate for trans rights and a vocal ally for LGBT inclusivity. Raised as a secular Jew, in Richmond, Virginia, he began identifying as Orthodox at 17 and spent the next 20 years learning and teaching in the world of yeshivahs. Rabbi Moskowitz received three Ultra Orthodox ordinations while learning in the Mir, in Jerusalem, and in Beth Medrash Govoha, in Lakewood, New Jersey. His work on behalf of trans rights began while he served as the Rabbi of the Old Synagogue in and the Aish NY Rabbi at . Most recently, Rabbi Moskowitz was the senior educator for Uri L’Tzedek—Orthodox Social Justice. You can learn more about Rabbi Moskowitz at We are proud that now CBST’s clergy reflects the deep and complex range of religious backgrounds, including Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, and Reconstructionist Judaism.

Rabbi Moskowitz will be teaching two Talmud classes this summer. You are invited to enroll in our new 4-day Talmud Camp at CBST, on July 9 to 12 (Monday-Thursday), 1:00-4:00 pm (register: and the 3-session Talmud Study course on Tuesday evenings, July 17, 24, and 31, 6:30 to 8:00pm (register: These are introductory learning opportunities that require no previous experience. Students will build the scaffolding to support the experience of learning Talmud. Rabbi Moskowitz will hold office hours on Wednesdays at CBST. Contact him at [email protected].

The Scholar-in-Residence for Trans and Queer Jewish Studies program has been generously underwritten this year by long-time CBST members in memory of their parents who instilled in them the ideals of Tikkun Olam.

Membership: You are warmly invited to become part of this vibrant community. Pick up a form in the Sheffer Family Lobby; visit; or contact Ann: 212-929-9498 x 814 or [email protected].

10 Lehrhaus Adult Education Four-Session Course on Israel Tuesdays, May 22, May 29, June 5, June 12, 6:30pm to 8:00pm May 22 – Geography, Maps, and Demographics of Israel taught by Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum May 29 – LGBTQ in Israel taught by Rabbi Marisa James June 5 – Israeli Cultural Divides taught by Rabbi Kleinbaum June 12 – Structure of Israeli Government taught by Rabbi Yael Rapport Registration:

Talmud Study Camp and Tuesday Night Talmud Classes Talmud Camp: July 9-12 (Monday-Thursday), 1:00pm to 4:00pm Tuesday Nights Classes: July 17, 24, and 31, 6:30pm to 8:00pm Rabbi Mike Moskowitz, CBST’s Scholar-in-Residence for Trans and Queer Jewish Studies, will lead two introductory Talmud learning opportunities that require no previous experience. Students build the scaffolding to support the experience of learning Talmud. More information and registration can be found at, or click on the event in the calendar on our website: .

Children’s Education and Programs at CBST CBST is committed to a dynamic, inclusive, and multifaceted Jewish education program for our children and their families to build and strengthen a contemporary, learned, relevant, ethical, and deeply rooted sense of both Jewish and LGBTQ values and identity, reflecting our community and enabling our children to understand the diversity of the Jewish world and find their home in it.

Alef Bet Shabbat: a song-filled, kid-and-baby-focused (age 0-5, with their grown-ups) service. No registration required. Same schedule as Limmud, check for details.

Limmud b’Shabbat for students K-7th Grade: T’fillah Services for Children, Hebrew instruction, Jewish texts and core values, art, drama, music, Jewish culture and history, and LGBTQ values. Registration required.

B’nai Mitzvah for Children: Children of CBST members, under the age of 13, prepare for B’nai Mitzvah through Limmud b’Shabbat, our Children’s Education program, with CBST clergy, staff, and tutors.

Teen Track –For students grades 8-12.

Registration:! Questions? Email Julie Seltzer at [email protected]

11 Tonight’s Oneg (Delight) Sponsored by CBST Clergy, Board, and Staff wishing Mazal Tov to Eli Krop-Siegmund, parents Stefanie Siegmund and Karen Krop, and brother Daniel on the occasion of Eli’s Bar Mitzvah.

Shep Wahnon To commemorate exactly 24 years ago when my companion John found me in a coma and saved my life. That began 15 weeks of fighting for my life against AIDS and sepsis. I won the battle but not by myself. I had great doctors, friends, many of whom are here, prayers, and of course John. I am so grateful and lucky.

Joyce Rosenzweig In memory of my beloved mother, Helen, z”l, on her fourth yortzeit, and in memory of my dear sister, Adele, z”l, on what would have been her 66th birthday. Your love continues to be an inspiration and blessing every day of my life.

Stephen Lipmann and Meret Oppenheim In memory of Elfreda Hall Lipmann, z”l. Your generosity transformed our lives.

Gary Henkle In honor of Steven Fruh and Paul Marsolini, for their continued support of CBST's music program, and our wonderful cantor, Steve Zeidenberg.

Andy Austin & Michael Sonberg In honor of Michael Levine's 75th birthday. Your leadership and courage continue to inspire us.

Marilyn Mishaan In memory of my friend Jill Morris, z”l, on her second yohrzeit. I miss you so much. ********* Shabbat Kiddush Karen Krop, Stefanie Siegmund, and brother Daniel in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Eli Krop-Siegmund.

Shabbat Flowers sponsored by David Wine and Michael MacElhenny

CBST has a Hearing Induction Loop for hearing aids with T-Coils.

Senior Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, D.D. Rabbi Yael Rooks Rapport ASSISTANT RABBI Cantor Steve Zeidenberg 130 West 30th Street Steven M. Fruh-Paul L. Marsolini Cantorial Position New York, NY 10001 Joyce Rosenzweig Music Director (212) 929-9498 Rabbi Marisa Elana James DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL JUSTICE PROGRAMMING Gregg H. Passin PRESIDENT Yolanda Potasinski EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR