[Frontispiece] a HISTORY of the MARATHA PEOPLE
SHRINIVAS PANDIT PRATINI.DHI [Frontispiece] A HISTORY OF THE MARATHA PEOPLE BY C. A KINCAID, C. V. 0., I. C. S. Author of "Tbe Ia diu Heroes. • "Deeeu M'al"'!ee'J Tales," "Tbe Oatlaws of lathiawar," "Tales from the lodiu Epics, • "Tales of Paadbarpar, • "Sbri l(rlsllaa of Dwarka, • "Tales of liD I Vilaama, • etc., etc. AND RAo BAHADUR D. B. PARASNIS Author of "Tbe Rani of Jhaosi," "M.ahableshwar: etc. Editor "ltibas Saograba" VOL II FROM THE DEATH Of SHIVAJI Tn THE DEATH Of SHAHU HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD ur-.-rrVERSITY PRESS LO}."DON BOMBAY CALCUTTA MADRAS 1922 PRIBTED AT Tmi KANAREBE MISSION PRESS AND BOOK DEPOT, MAN GALORE TO THE MAR.ATHA PEOPLE TffiS WORK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED PREFACE TO SECOND VOLUME A FEW words only are needed by way of introduction to the Second volume. The main authorities for the lives of Sambhaji and Rajaram are the Chitnis Bakhar, the Shedgavkar Bakhar, Khafi Khan, the Musulman works translated by Scott and known as Scott's Deccan, Orme's Fragments and the Parasnis Papers. I must also express my grateful ac knowledgments to Professor Sarkar's History of Aurangzeb, Vol IV, and to Mr. Irvine's translation of the Storia do Mogor. For my account of the Maratha wars against the Portuguese, my warmest thanks are due to the Goa Govern ment, who with admirable generosity and kindness sent me a quantity of, specially chosen books and papers on the subject. The authorities for the reign of Shahu are the Chitnis Bakhar, the Peshwa and Shedgavkar Bakhars, the Siyar ul-Mutakherin, the Parasnis Papers, Malleson's History of the French in India, Orme, and, above al~ Mr.
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