SONS of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION ?.~Ilitia; Gre~T2-Grandson of Israel Wllit E, Private, Captain Northrop's Company, F1rst Battalion, Wadsworth's Conn
OFFICIAL BULLETIN O FFICIAL BU LL ETIN SA~fUEL H. WHEELER, Fairfield, Conn. (2o86o). Great-grandson of Aner Bradley, Lieutenant, Col. Roger Enos's Conn. Battalion, pensioned. OF JOHN C. WHELAN, Toledo, Ohio (20386). Great2·grandson of William Beards. ley, private Fifth Conn. Line. THE NATI ONAL SOCIETY J. WESLEY WHICKER; Attica, Ind. (20144). Great-grandson of William Whicker or Wllickcar, Sergeant North Carolina Militia, pensioned. O F TH I!: ALBERT PARSONS WHITE, Winsted, Conn. (2o861). Great-grandson of Daniel Brooks, private, Colonel Simond's Berkshire County Regt. :\lass. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ?.~ilitia; gre~t2-grandson of Israel Wllit_e, private, Captain Northrop's Company, F1rst Battalion, Wadsworth's Conn. Bngade; great2-grandson of Nathaniel Rey. President General Oraanized April 30, 1889 nolds, Lieutenant Conn. troops. Morris B. Beardsley, Bridaeport, Coon. Incorporated by Act of Conareu June 9, 1906 RALPH N. WHITFORD, Columbus, Ohio (20912). Great2-grandson of Samuel Brady, Captain and Commissary Officer Penna. troops. Volume IV OCTOBER. 1909 N umber 2 GEORGE W. WILSON, La Fayette, Ind. (20146). Great-grandson of William McKee1 Captain Virginia Line, "Bounty recipient." Publiahed at the office of the Secretary General (A. Howard Clark, Smithoonian DAVID RUSS WOOD, Terre Haute, Ind. (20148). Great3-grandson of Calel> IDititution), W ashington, D. C., in May, October, December, and March. Jewett, Captain of Sharon Conn. Minute Men. Entered as second-claso matter, May 7, 1908, at the post-office at Washinrton, GEORGE NEWTON WRIGHT, Kankakee, Ill. (20298). Great•-grandson of Noah o. C., under the Act of July 16, 1894· (and Lucy Wilson) Fuller, private, Col.
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