SONS of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION ?.~Ilitia; Gre~T2-Grandson of Israel Wllit E, Private, Captain Northrop's Company, F1rst Battalion, Wadsworth's Conn
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OFFICIAL BULLETIN O FFICIAL BU LL ETIN SA~fUEL H. WHEELER, Fairfield, Conn. (2o86o). Great-grandson of Aner Bradley, Lieutenant, Col. Roger Enos's Conn. Battalion, pensioned. OF JOHN C. WHELAN, Toledo, Ohio (20386). Great2·grandson of William Beards. ley, private Fifth Conn. Line. THE NATI ONAL SOCIETY J. WESLEY WHICKER; Attica, Ind. (20144). Great-grandson of William Whicker or Wllickcar, Sergeant North Carolina Militia, pensioned. O F TH I!: ALBERT PARSONS WHITE, Winsted, Conn. (2o861). Great-grandson of Daniel Brooks, private, Colonel Simond's Berkshire County Regt. :\lass. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ?.~ilitia; gre~t2-grandson of Israel Wllit_e, private, Captain Northrop's Company, F1rst Battalion, Wadsworth's Conn. Bngade; great2-grandson of Nathaniel Rey. President General Oraanized April 30, 1889 nolds, Lieutenant Conn. troops. Morris B. Beardsley, Bridaeport, Coon. Incorporated by Act of Conareu June 9, 1906 RALPH N. WHITFORD, Columbus, Ohio (20912). Great2-grandson of Samuel Brady, Captain and Commissary Officer Penna. troops. Volume IV OCTOBER. 1909 N umber 2 GEORGE W. WILSON, La Fayette, Ind. (20146). Great-grandson of William McKee1 Captain Virginia Line, "Bounty recipient." Publiahed at the office of the Secretary General (A. Howard Clark, Smithoonian DAVID RUSS WOOD, Terre Haute, Ind. (20148). Great3-grandson of Calel> IDititution), W ashington, D. C., in May, October, December, and March. Jewett, Captain of Sharon Conn. Minute Men. Entered as second-claso matter, May 7, 1908, at the post-office at Washinrton, GEORGE NEWTON WRIGHT, Kankakee, Ill. (20298). Great•-grandson of Noah o. C., under the Act of July 16, 1894· (and Lucy Wilson) Fuller, private, Col. John Chandler's Regt. Mass. Conti 3 nental troops, pensioned; great -grandson of John Wilson, private, Col. Seth The OFFICIAL BuLLETIN records action by the General Officers, the Warner's Conn. Regt. Board of Trustees, the Executive and other National Committees, lists LAFAYETTE WOODRUFF, Columbus, Ohio (20395). Grandson of Timothy Woodruff, private Essex County New Jersey Militia. of members deceased and of new members, and important doings of FREDERICK WILLIAM YATES, Rochester, N. Y. (20813). Great2-grandson of State Societies. By vote of the Buffalo Congress the OFFICIAL Bur.U: I chabod Palmer, Captain Eighth Regt. Conn. Militia. TIN is sent to every member at the expense of the National Society. DAVID BURGER YOUNG, Huntington, N. Y. (21 104). Great2-grandson of State Secretaries are requested to communicate to the Secretary Gen Epctlclus Smith, Lieutenant Third Company Third Suffolk County Regt. New eral accounts of meetings or celebrations by their Societies, and any \'ark Militia. changes in addresses of members. PRESIDE T GE. ERAL'S LETTER TO COMPATRIOTS. BRIDGEPORT, CoNN., October 4, 1909. COMPATRIOTS: Nearly one-half of our current year has passed, but inasmuch as in it is included the usual vacation season, the greater part of our activity takes place during the latter portion of the year. Many of our State Societies have held meetings during the past few months, and there appears to be everywhere enthusiasm and the promise of most gratifying results. A State Society has been formed in Mississippi since the Balti more Congress, and Chairmen Tebbetts in the South and Guyer in the \Vest assure me of other stars soon to be added to our flag, and we hope not later than 1911 to be able to announce to you that we have a live Society in every State in the Union. 2 OFFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 3 The California Society, on September S, held a notable service in OFFICIAL NOTICES. ~ commemoration of the r26th anniversary of the Treaty of Paris. They will also have a prominent place in the celebration of the discovery of CoNGRESS oF 1910.-At its next meeting, to be held probably in No San Francisco Bay, which occurs October 19. vember, the Executive Committee will take action on the place fo r The Massachusets Society, on June 19, dedicated at Valley Forge holding the Twentieth Congress on April 30, 1910, a subcommittee con their bay of the Cloister of the Colonies in the Washington Memorial sisting of P resident General Beardsley, President Curtis, of the Con Chapel, being the first State Society to donate a bay. necticut Society, and Mr. Marble, of New York, having been appointed The Connecticut Society has completed plans for the erection of a to consider the question and report to the full committee. beautiful memorial on Compo Beach, where the British landed in their BRONZE MEDALS, designed for award to students of the public schools raid on Danbury. for prize essays on the principles of the American Revolution, will be These are but a few items of accomplishments which it is hoped wil! furnished to State Societies at a cost of two dollars each. Information render this a record year for our Society. concerning these medals and suggestions as to rules for their award The work among the immigrants is being vigorously carried for ward may be obtained from the Chairman of the National Committee on by the energetic and able committee who have it in charge, and a large Education, Col. Charles Lyman, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. number of leaflets are being distributed among the newcomers to our shores. THE NATIONAL YEAR BooK FOR 1909 has been published in an edition The report of the Registrar General at the Baltimore Congress showed of 750 copies. It has been mailed, as directed by the Executive Com a gratifying increase in our membership, but much remains to be done mittee, to the General Officers, Trustees, National Committees, Officers along this line, and I wish to recall and repeat the appeals of my im of State Societies, and Delegates to the Baltimore Congress. It is a mediate predecessors on this subject. volum e of 333 pages, containing lists of General Officers, State Society In every community there are many men who are eligible to member and Chapter Officers, and National Committees, the Charter, Constitu ship in our Society, and it would be mutually beneficial if they could be tion, and By-Laws of the National Society, proceedings of the Balti induced to join us. We have an organization capable of doing a great more Congress, and pedigree records of 1,049 members enrolled from work. The work to be done is at hand. We should have a large mem May r, rgo8, to April 30, 1909. The limited number of copies remaining bership, and it can be secured by proper effort on our part. Let each on hand of the 1909 Year Book, or for any year back to 1903, will be State Society organize a systematic campaign for new members, and sent to members of the Society, or to such libraries as they may stir up the Chapters. Will not each member make a personal effort to design ate, upon the payment to the Secretary General of IS cents per bring in at least one new member during this year. copy to cover cost of mailing. With such a membership as we should have there would come to us greater power and influence, and we should become one of the forces for INFORMATION FOR ALIENS.-Since the May OFFICIAL BULLETIN was good to be reckoned with in the future of our land. published our active workers have apparently been on their summer I wish to place myself in close touch with every one of you. My term vacations, as only about 25,000 copies of leaflets Nos. I and 2 have been of office will be short. I wish that I could during it meet each one of issu ed. you-could know you, but I cannot. I will attend as many of your Leaflet No. I is published in the following languages: Italian, Polish, gatherings as I can. If I can aid you, if you have any plan or sugges Yiddish, Magyar, Slovinian, Slovak, Croatian, Swedish, Greek, Bohem tion which will aid us, write to me. I should be pleased to answer any ian, German, Norwegian-Danish, and Lithuanian. communication which you may send me. Leaflet No. 2, Naturalization, is published in English. Remember that the success or failure of our beloved Society depends It is earnestly requested that compatriots will interest themselves in almost entirely, not upon the officers of the Society, but upon you. the distribution of these leaflets. Applications for copies should be ad MORRIS B. BEARDSLEY, dressed to Commander John H. Moore, U.S. Navy, 1755 P street, Wash Presidmt General. ington, D. C., and will receive prompt attention. There is no charge for furnishing or delivering these leaflets. 4 OFFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 5 R. c. LIPSCOMB, t/ ADDITIONS TO MEMBERSHIP. }.aTBUR PRESTON SuMNER, , 7 Custom House St., Providence, Spartanburg, S. C. R. I. HARRY H. TRICE, Thirty-five State Societies show an aggregate of 275 new membe rs (;en CLINTON L. RIGGS, Norfolk, Va. enrolled by the Registrar General from May I to September 30, I og '903 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Prof. ERNEST LAGARDE, 9 Emmitsburg, Md. as follows: California, I; Colorado, II; District of Columbia, 8; Florida' Committee on Organisation-North and Ron. JoHN S. HENDERSON, 5; Hawaii, 6; Idaho, 5; Illinois, I2; Indiana, 4; Iowa, I2; Kansas : West. 4 Salisbury, N. C. Louisiana, 4; Maine, 7; Maryland, IO; Massachusetts, 20; Michigan' I: Dr. CLAR KSON N. Gun:R, Chairman, G>:ORGll H . WILSON, Minnesota, 5; .Mississippi, I8 (a new Society) ; Missouri, I; Mont~n a' 301 Jackson Bldg., Denver, Colo. Louisville, Ky. fRANK MERRIAM KtEZ!\R, I; Nebraska, 4; New Hampshire, 2; New Jersey, 44; New Mexico 2 : 6to Kittredge Bldg., Denver, Colo. Committee on Education.