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Back Matter (PDF) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL LITERATURE, No. 74 Supplement to: TheAuk, Vol.114, No. 4, October1997 • The Ibis, Vol. 139, No. 4, October 19972 Publishedby the AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS'UNION, the BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS'UNION, and BIRDS AUSTRALIA CONTENTS New Journals.............................................. 2 General Biology............................................ 41 DiscontinuedJournal ....................................... 2 General .................................................. 41 Behavior and Vocalizations ................................ 2 Afrotropical............................................. 41 Conservation ............................................... 6 Antarctic and Subantarctic .............................. 42 Diseases,Parasites, & Pathology........................... 12 Australasia and Oceania ................................. 42 Distribution ................................................ 13 Europe................................................... 44 General .................................................. 13 Indomalayan............................................. 47 Afrotropical............................................. 13 Nearcftc .................................................. 47 Australasia and Oceania ................................. 14 Neotropical.............................................. 50 Europ•?.................................................. 15 North Africa & Middle East ............................. 50 Indomalayan............................................. 17 Northern Asia & Far East ............................... 51 Nearcftc .................................................. 17 Histories,Bibliographies, and Catalogs.................... 51 Neotropical.............................................. 21 Identification ............................................... 51 North Africa & Middle East ............................. 21 Migration and Orientation................................. 52 Northern Asia & Far East ............................... 22 Morphology,Physiology, Molt, Development.............. 55 Ecologyand Populations................................... 22 Paleontology,Zooarchaeology, Ethnobiology .............. 58 Evolution,Systematics, Genetics, & Hybrids............... 32 Pesticides and Pollution .................................... 59 FeedingBehavior, Diet, & Predators....................... 35 Miscellaneous .............................................. 59 Gamebird and PestManagement .......................... 40 Citation:AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS'UNION. 1997.Recent Ornithological Literature, Auk 114 (4, Suppl.):l-60. Citation:BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION. 1997.Recent Ornithological Literature, Ibis 139 (4, Suppl.):1-60. 2 RecentOrnithological Literature RecentOrnithological Literature (ROL) is a quarterlycompilation of abstractsfrom the world- wide scientificliterature on birds.The ROL dealschiefly with periodicals,but alsoannounces new and renamedjournals and providesabstracts of specialpublications, reports, and book chapters.The abstractsare preparedby scientistswho voluntarilyscan journals for ornitho- logicalarticles, generally according to their geographicregion and specialscientific interests. ROL usersshould search in every likely categoryfor relevantarticles. The categorization procedureis often subjectiveand eachcitation is assignedto only one category,regardless of how many topicsare covered. Sincethe ROL strivesfor globaland comprehensivereporting, we encourageusers to rec- ommendto their regionaleditors periodicals that oughtto be included.Authors, editors, or publisherswhose articles or journalsare not coveredby ROL shouldsend reprints, abstracts, or journal issuesto the regionaleditor responsiblefor coverageof the geographicalarea in which the journal is published,or to the CoordinatingEditor. The operation needs and welcomesadditional abstractors.If you would like to help, pleasecontact your regionaleditor to learn which journalslack coverageand to receivein- structionsfor preparingabstracts. Dissertations:The ROL will now includeabstracts of doctoraldissertations, going back to thosecompleted since January 1, 1995.Authors who wish to be includedshould prepare an entry in ROL style and send it to one of the regional editors. Submittalvia e-mail or on diskette(WP or ASCII) with hard copypreferred. Entries should include: author's name, year of completion,title, "Ph.D. dissert.",university name and location(author's postal and e-mail addresses),and a 1-2 sentenceabstract, not a full-dressabstract. JAMESBRISKIE (Palearctic Editor, BOU), Departmentof Zoology,University of Oxford,South Parks Road,Oxford OX1 3PS, UK. e-mail:[email protected] R. TERRYCHESSER (Neotropical Editor, AOU), Departmentof Ornithology,American Museum of Natural History,Central Park Westat 79th Street,New York,New York 10024-5192,USA. e- mail: [email protected] SEANR. PYWELL(Australasian Editor, BA), Departmentof Ecologyand EvolutionaryBiology, MonashUniversity, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia. e-mail: [email protected] JAYM. SHEPPARD(Nearctic Editor, AOU), 3359Cranberry South, Laurel, Maryland 20724-2419, USA. e-mail:[email protected]. PETERSTETTENHEIM (Coordinating Editor, AOU), 168 CroydonTurnpike, Plainfield, New Hamp- shire03781, USA. e-mail:[email protected]. NEW JOURNALS rea.Papers on any aspectsof avianbiology, includ- ing theoreticalaspects of specifictopics will be con- Bulletin de l'Association pour la Sauvegarde des sidered.Published in either Koreanor English.-- puffins desiles de Marseille. Subscriptionand sin- J.V.B. gle issuepurchases A.S.P.I.M., Appt. 28, ties du Le Schoeniclus.Twice/year. Subscription:Paul Koe- Frioul, F-13001 Marseille, France.•Contains pa- nig, BP 53, F-67470Munchhausen, France.--Papers pers, in French,on Calonectrisdiomedea and other on bird ringing, in French.-•G.O. vertebrates seen on the islands off Marseille.-•;.O. The Korean Journal of Ornithology. Publishedby DISCONTINUED JOURNAL the OrnithologicalSociety of Korea. ISSN 1225- Musk-Ox. Multidisciplinary journal dedicated to 9179.Subscriptions and membership:Korean Inst. Arctic researchpublished by Universityof Alberta Ornithol.,Kyung-Hee Univ., Seoul130-701, Repub- ceasedpublication with completionof vol. 40 lic of Korea. Send manuscriptsto: Dr. Jeong-Chil (1992).-•.S. Yoo, Dept. Biol., Kyung-HeeUniv., Seoul130-701, Republic of Korea.--First issue (volume 1), pub- BEHAVIOR AND VOCALIZATIONS lished in December1994, contains11 refereedpa- AGOSTINI,N., D. M. BIRD, & J. J. NEGRO.1996. Social person field-orientedaspects of ornithologyin Ko- behavior of captive fledgling American Kestrels Issue 74 3 (Falco sparverius).J. Raptor Res.30: 240-241. (Via HaderslebenerStr. 9, D-12163, Berlin, Germany.)-- Carlo Alberto n.4, 89046 Marina di Gioiosa Jonica Sturnusvulgaris. (RC), Italy.)--Data from 3 families, each with 4 BORGIA,G. 1996. Satin Bowerbird displays are not fledglings.--J.P.S. extremely costly. Anim. Behav. 52: 648q550.(Dept. AUBIN,T., & N. MATHEVON.1995. Adaptation to se- Zool., Univ. Maryland, CollegePark, MD 20742, vere conditions of propagation:long-distance dis- USA.)--Reply to a critiqueby B.C. Sheldon,Anim. tress calls and courtship calls of a colonial sea- Behav. 52: 645647. bird. Bioacoustics6: 153-161. (C.N.R.S. UA 1491 BROOKE,M. DE.L. 1996.The calls of Murphy's Petrel NAM, Lab. des m•chanisms de la communication, (Pterodroma ultima). Notornis 43: 50-52. (Dept. Univ. Paris XI-Orsay, F-91400France.)--Aptenody- Zool., Univ. Cambridge,Downing St., Cambridge resforsteri. CB2 3EJ,UK.)--Describes calls from the Pitcairn Is- BADYAEV,g. V., & E. S. LEAF. 1997. Habitat associa- lands and includessonograms. •ese calls differ tions of song characteristicsin Phylloscopusand from thosefrom FrenchPolynesia, suggesting lim- Hippolais warblers. Auk 114:40-46. (Div. Biol. Sci., ited dispersalbetween coloniesand the possibility Univ. Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA.)--Tem- of geneticdifferentiation.--E.O.M. poral characteristicsof song vary strongly with BRUA, R. B., G. L. NUECHTERLEIN,& D. BUITRON.1996. habitat openness,whereas frequency attributes Vocal response of Eared Grebe embryos to egg largely are unaffected by habitat structure.-- cooling and egg turning. Auk 113:525-533. (Dept. H.A.W. Zool., North DakotaState Univ., Fargo,ND 58105, BAKER,M. C., T. T. TRACY, & L. E. MIYASATO. 1996. USA.)--Egg coolingexperiments in Podicepsnigri- Gargle vocalizations of Black-capped Chickadees: collissupport care-solicitingsignal hypothesis.-- test of repertoire and video stimuli. Anim. Behav. C.A.H. 52: 1171-1175.(Biol. Dept., Colorado State Univ., BRUNNER,D., A. KACELNIK,& J. GIBBON.1996. Memo Fort Collins,CO 80523,USA.)--Parus atricapillus. ory for inter-reinforcement interval variability BAKER,M. C. 1996.Depauperate meme pool of vocal and patch departure decisions in the Starling, signalsin an island population of Singing Honey- Sturnusvulgaris. Anim. Behav.51: 1025-1045.(NY eaters.Anim. Behav.51: 853-858.(Dept. Biol.,Col- State PsychiatricInst., Unit 50, 722 W. 168th St., orado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO 80523,USA.)-- New York, NY 10032, USA.) Meliphagavirescens. BUNIN, J. S. 1995. Preliminary observations of be- BALLINTIJN,M. R., &: C. TEN CATE. 1997. Sex differ- havioural interactions between Takahe (Porphy- encesin the vocalizationsand syrinx of the Col- rio mantelli) and Pukeko (P. porphyrio)on Mana lared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto).Auk 114: 22- Island [New Zealand]. Notornis 42: 140-143. (Zool. 39. (Sec. Ethol., Inst. Evol. Ecol. Sci., Leiden Univ., Dept.,
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