The President and Mrs. Eisenhower lett the South Portico of the White House at 8:50 a. • tor the National PreabJt.erian Church tor the Nine o'clock service. At the conclusion ot the Church Service the President and Mrs. Eisenhower J110t.ored to the National Gallery of Art, where they rlewed the Japanese Exhibition.

Thq arriv at the in entrance ot the ational Galleey ot Art on Constitution Avenue between 10:00 and 10:15 am.

The Japanese Ambassador, Ya-. Araki and Mr. David E. Finley, Director of the ational Galleey, met th6 President and Mrs. Eisenhower at the Gallery. THE PRESIDDT 1S APPOINTMENTS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1953

9:15 aa (General Wilto Persona) OFF THE RECORD 11:00 .. Admiral Arthur w. Radford, Comander in Chier, Pacific Ocean Area (Thi.a inc:ludea th Anq, Na17 and Air For c• in the Are&) (Mr. Stepbena phoned Adai.ral Radtord and arranged the appointment at the President's directio ·)

12:05 Pll The President, Mrs . Eisenhower and Mrs. Doud left the South Portico of the White House tor the Capitol.

12:30 pa The President deliTered the State ot the Union Messag before a Joint Session ot the Congress assembled in the House of Repreeentative • (The Secreta.ey of the Interior ) (Senator Gu7 Cordon, Orego ) (Senator Hugh Butler, ebraelta ) OFF THE RECORD (Senator Arthur V. Watkins, Utah ) (Senator Willi F. !'nOlfland, Calitornia) (These gentl•en entered b.r Lower West. Door - The Seer ta.ry of Interior arranged this appointment. t the President's d1r ction, to discuss the Hawaiian situation) Honorable Boger M. lyes (The President witnes eel the wearing in ot Mr. Ky-ea Deputy Secretary ot Detenae. The cer D7 was held in the President1 s ottice and several bers ot Mr. KTes 1 tam111' attended. Hr. Frank Sanderson administered the ath.)

4t00 pa Mr. Arthur S. Fle•ting, Ottice or Defense Mobilization Mr. Harold s. Vance, Ottice ot Detense Mobilization Honorable Joseph M. Dodge, Director, Bureau of the dg~ Honorable Gabriel Havge, Administrative Assistant to the President ('fhq discussed the scheduling or ction on Wage Price Decontrols)

General Omar Bradlq (General Bradlq phoned Mr. Stephens about 4t10 pn. a ting that be had a mess ge which need.M clearance with th President.. Mr. steph na told him to come over at once.)


9:30 Senator Price Daniel, Texa Mr. Robert Storey, ot Dallas, Texas, Presid nt o! erican Bar Association (The Senator asked it he might bring Mr. Storey in to se the Pr sident and discuss with bbl means by which the American Bar Association might be or assietanee to the Administr tion) 10:00 am Major General G org A. Horkan, Quarte st r General or th• (General Horkan w s origi na.ll 7 scheduled to see th President last Friday, but as Cabinet stayed in session unt:iJ. so late, it s decided th t be hould return today when there would be an opportunity for him to have a mor s tisfactory ppointm nt. General Horka.n is ar.: old friend ot the President. 1 ) 10:30 Honorable in P. Durkin, the Secretary ot Labor (This appointment s arranged by Governor Adams) 11:.30 (Mr. Ellis D. Slater) OFF THE RECORD {An old friend or the President's)

12:00 (Mr. John Jackqon, th Proai.dent 1 s lawyer) (Colon l Robert L. Schulz) OFF THE RECORD (This was originall7 set for 3:30 in the afternoon but Colonel Schulz ask d if' we could a t it up earlier to cco date Mr. Jackson)

12:.30 (Honorable U. E., Chi f, U. S. cret Service) OFF THE RECORD

12s40 Honorable Jo eph M. Dodge, Director, reau of t.he Budget

1;00 JJll The Preai.dent gave a stag luncheon at the te House tor Senate Leaders. Thia was arranged by General P rsons and th fol1owing w re present: The Vice President S nator Joseph R. McCarthT Senator Rob rt A. Ta.ft Senator Hugh Butler Senator WUllam A. Knowl.and Senator Charles W. Tobey Sena.tor George D. Aileen Senator William Langer Senator Styles Bridges Senator H. Alexander Smith Senator LeYerett Saltonstall Senator Frank Carlson Senator Hoaer E. Capehart Senator Edvard Sen tor Francis Caa Senator illiam E. Jenner Senator Eugene D. Millikin Honorable Senator Alexander Wiley General Wilton B. Persons ..

0• THE PRESID T'S APPOIN'llmNTS ... FEBRUARY 3, 1953 Page 2

2:30 pn Mr. Ji.maJy Dillon, of Jon a, ta., Preeident, Future Farmers ot erica Mr. Malcolm Ellis, of Mapleton, Me., North Atlantic Vice President Mr. Fred Reed, Jr., Southern Vice Presid nt, Hindsville, Ark. Mr. Bill Sor , C ntral Vice President, Dundas, Minn. Mr. Donald R. Travis, Fallon, ev., Pacific Vic President fr. Jimmy Willi , St.udent Secretary, Clio, s. C. Mrs. , Federal Security Administrator Senator Frank Carlson, Kansa Mr. ger K. lyes, Dep11t7 S cret&ey of Def'ell8 Mr. A. W. Tenne;y, Executiv Seer tar,y, Futur F er Dr. • T. Spanton, Ohi f Agricultural Educ tion Branch, U. S. Office of F.ducation ~ N tional Advisor Mr. Archie Hardy, Official Photographer, F. s. A. (Sen +.or Carl on requested that the President reeeiYe these officers of Future Farmers of erica, which is a national organization of t boy who are study'­ ing vocational agrieult.ure in rural public secondary schools. The organization has 352,000 a.otive member in approximately 8,.300 local. high chool chapter • It is incorporated by Act of CoQgr s, Public Law 740) General J. Lawton Collins, Chi t of Sta.ft, U. S. A. (Ha.s just .·sturned f'rom Kore and wishe to report L to th President on hi trip)

Honorabl Paul G. Hoffman (Mr. Hortman called Mr. Stephens yesterd ::/', from Pasadena, California, and asked if he might se the President tod~) (The President suggested that perhaps we had better move up Mr. Hof' 1 s appoin ent tro 2:00 p. • he doubted i.t he would be able to get back fro th Senate Leaders luncheon in the White Hous in t e)

Honorable bert Cutler, Administrative s istant to th President THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS NESDAt, FEBRUARY 41 195.3

9:00 Mr. Leonard V. Finder, Vice President, Universal Match Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri. (Mr. Finder wrote the President. January 27th, stating that while h had intend d to "rstre t trom active public interest" atter rking for the President's election, instead he find he nts to be helpful where he can, and reeling he h s an important contri­ bution to make w'hieh will ease the Presidet' s path in field or minority probl in this countr;r, he request an appqintment).

9:15 Mr. L. • Pexton, of Denver, J (Mr. Pexton is an old tri nd or the Presid nt' )

10:00 all Mr. Walker Buckner, ot Reynolds & Co., New York City ( fr. Buclmer, •phoned Mr. Stephen ew York last week and stated he had finished report which h had been preparing t the President's request on elf-liquidating projects, and would like to com down and present it to the President).

10:30 - The National Security Council The President I The Vice President Th .Acting S9Cretary of State, Hon. H. Fr eman tthews The Seer t&r:r of Detense The Secretary o! the Tre&slJl7 Honorable John Ohly, representing Mutual Security Gener l Omar .Br dlq General W. B.. Smith Honorable Allen W. Dulles, CIA Honorable James s. La7, Executive Secreta.r;r, NSC Honorable J. Everett Gleeson, Deputy Executi'Ye Secretary, NSC Honorable bert Cutler, Administrative ssistant to the Pr sident Colonel Paul T. Carroll, USA, Militar;y Liaison Of'ticer

12115 Jiil General Wilton • Per on• Governor Gordon Persons and Mrs . Persons (General Persona' brother)(General Persons brought GoTernor nd Mrs. Persona in to meet the President and pay their respects)

12:.35 Jiil Honorable Joseph M. Dodge, Director, Bur u of the Budget o;it~~.~ Honorable Sherman Adams, '!'he Assistant to the President 1:00 (LUICH)

2:.30 pa Honorable Chan Gurnq, Member Civil A ronautics Board (Mr. Gurnq asked Mr. Stephens to arrange this appointment, as he wished to discuss matter pertaining to Civil Aero­ nautics Board with the President.) Page 2 . u llo).'lot-able IDi.arlee E. Wilson, Secretary of Detanse (One hour; Mr. \'lil®n aBked if be might have one hour today, and in l\lture a regular one hour ppointment each Tuesda7 a~ noon.. )

The Pre.sident Witnessed the swearing.... in cereco?V" or the Secretariea ot t.he Anq, Nav and Air force. The .t'oll.oving were present.: Honc:»ra.ble Robert. T. B. steYene, Secretary of the Arsrrr Honorable Robert B. Ander"Son, Secretary ot the Na-vy­ Honorable Harold E. Talbott, Seoretary of the Air Foree The Members 0£ the tamilies of the three Secretaries Honorable & Mrs. Charles E. Wil$01l Honorable & Mrs. Roger l)res General J. Lawton Collins, Chief ot Statt, U. S. Anq Ad:adral Wm. M. Chi•t ot Na.Tal Ope:Mltiona Hoyt s . V~denberg, ot statt, CJ . s. Air Force Genel'al Oma.Jo N. Bradley, Chainl:all, Joint Chiefs

Honorable Robel't Cutler, Ad.ministrative AssiJStant to the President Mr. Meridit.h Davidson, CIA


Authority (1tA:1tiitf J.f/v/J't


8:20 ('l'he Pre id nt ccompani by- nator Frank Carleo left th Whit House' for th yi'lower Hotel)

The Preaident attended the Pra7er eald'ast, given by the International Council for Christian L

9:45 am (The Presid t returned to th Whit Hou e) 10100 Sn tor Willi F. Knowland, California Senator Tho s H. Kuchel, Calif'orrrl.& (Pronounc Keekel) ( S tor Know land a eke Mr . St phens if he might bri Senator Kuchel in to pa7 hi r pect • u.ehel is n Senator tro Californi ppointed by the Governor to fill vacancy 1 rt by- the 1 ction of Nixon to th Vice reaidancy.. He will, ho ever, have to run this ut ).

10:.30 Dr. Louis H. Bauer, of Hemp t d, N. Y., Pr eideut, American Medical Association Dr. ard McCormick, of Tol do, Ohio, President-Elect. Dr. Dwight Murray, f a , California, Chairman, Board ot Trusteea Dr. Frank Wilson, Director, Washington Office, A.M.A. Honorable Ovet Culp Hobby, Administr tor, Fe era.l S curity Ageney­ Major General , Special ssistant to the President (Dr. Wilson called Mr. Stephens last week to ask it this group fr A. H. A. might call on the President, eta.Ung they telt it important to have a top leTel cooperative meeting to promote understanding and to present fw minor points to th Preaid nt) llzOO am Honorable Winthrop \ • Aldrich, American b ssad()r designate to Great Britain (Ambassador Aldrich r quested this thru the State Depart ent, stating he wish to call on th President betore d parting tor his Post.) 11:30 Admiral Henry Kent Hewitt, U. S. N., Retired (Admiral Hewitt is at polis, ryland until April l,st; He wrot to Commander Beach, Na.val ide to the Presid nt, stati he would lik to pay his respects to the President, under who h served in 1943 as Commander, U. s. aYal Forces in Northw st African Wat r (U. s. Eighth Fleet) 12:00 Honorabl John C. Wilq, American Ambassador to Panama ( bassador Wiley r quested this appointm nt thru State Department, stating he wished to pay respects to the Pr sident while in thi country)


12:15 PR Mr. Ha.1"17 Lundeberg, Union L (Senator Ta.ft requested the appointment through General P rsons who reco1111ended. the appointment be made. Sena­ tor Taf't stated that Lundeberg was one of two nationally known labor leaders who came out tor, and worked tor the election of the President. Lundeberg for many y ars has been fighting Harry Bridges on the Paci.fie Coast, s well as the leadership of the CoJDDlWlist dominated Marin• Cooks and Stewards Union (CIO). Lundeberg as been a Tery violent critic of Conmunist infiltration into the trade union movement, and particularly such in!iltration into the maritime unions.

1:00 }:Ill The President gave a luncheon at the White House for House Leaders. The following wer presentt The Vice President Cong. Robert B. Chipertield, Ill. Governor Sherman Adams Cong. Clare E. Hoffman, Mich. General Wilton B. Persons Cong. Karl M. Lecompte, Iowa Cong. Joseph W. Jr. ,~sei. Cong. A. L. Miller, Nebraska Cong. Leslie C.. Arendf, Maj.Whip Cong. Charles A. Wolverton, H. J. Cong. Clifford. R. Hope, Kansa Cong. Chauncey W. Reed, Ill. Cong. John Taber, N. Y. Cong. Alvin F. Weichel, Ohio

Cong. Dewey Short1 lissouri Cong. Edward H. Rees, Kansas Cong. Jesue P. Wolc..,tt, Michigan Cong. Leo E. Allen, Illinois Cong. Sid Sir.ipson, Illinois Cong. Edith ourse Rogers, Ka s. Cong. Samuel K. 'cConnell,Jr.,Pa. Cong• Daniel A. Reed, N. Y.

Mr. Merlyn S. Pitzele,, New York St.f4te Boa.rd ot Mediation (Mr. Pitzele wrote the Px-esldent J&..'lW!.X"T 27th, stating he had now work-ed out s t ot siaple proposals, as result of study, discussion and considerable thought, which he would like to lay bef'ore the President a aids in abating racial discrimination in District of Columbia.)

3:00 Senator larl E. dt, South Dakota Dr. Daniel Poling, Pastor of Baptist T ple,, Pa., and Editor of Christian Herald Mr. Paul Walln.sley, of Buffalo, N.Y., Secretary of School Bd. ot Butta.lo (Sen. dt asked for this appointment in oonnectiQn with the Convention of All meric Conterence to Combat Co unism, to be held next June, when they will inaugurate a "Know your America Week", calling upon all citizens to review .factors which b ve kept A erica trong, etc. They are going to sk the Pres d nt ror stat ent endorsing this "Know erica eek". Th All meriean Conference to Combat Communiem wa organized about three or f'our years ago under direction of George Crai , then head of American Legion, now Governor ot Indiana. Ia composed of 31 or!anizations, such as Lions, gles, American Legion, etc.) f f THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS - FEBRUARY 5, 1953 Pag 3 "'---' Congressman Hubert Scudder 1 Cali.fornia (Co~ ssman Scudder reques'ted this thru General Peraons, stating he bad in his posse•aion a gavel made out of ~fld.W"()()d from a tre supposed to be 2500 years 014, and affixed to gavel was plaque containing inscription to the Pres~dent tl"om. the people of Hum.bo1dt 1 County, California, whose gift this is. He a.eked i.f' the Ma.,.oio and other functionaries of Eureka, Calii"ornia might .come here and present this personally, but. it was .fihally arranged tor the Congressman to deliver it persona.ll.y to the President on behalf of the people of liunlboldt Count)".) Honorable Art.bur Sumer.field, The Postmaster General (The Postmaster General called Mt-. Stephens before luncheon to ask tor this appointment.)


9:00 Honorable Sherman Adams, The Assistant to the President Honorable Joseph M. Dodge, Director, Bureau o! the Budget Honorable Arthur s. Flemming, Acting Director, Off'ioe ot Def ena Mobilization Major General Wilton B. Persons, Special Assistant to the President Dr. Gabriel Hauge, Administrative Assistant to the President Honorable , Administrative Assistant to the President {This meeting arranged by Governor Adaaa)

9:4S am Honorable Heney Cabot Lodge, Jr., Ambassador to the UN (.Ambassador Lodge asked Mr. Stephens it he mi~ht see the President tor fifteen minutes before Cabinet) 10:00 CABINET The Vice President The Acting Secretary of State, Hon. H.. Fre n tthews The Secretary of the Treasury The Secret&rT ot ·Detense Th Attorney General The Postmaster General The Secretar;y of Agriculture The Secretar.y ot Commerce The Secretary of Labor Honorable Oveta Culp Hobby, Admini trator, F. s. A. Honorable , Jr., Ambassador to the U}l Honorable Jos ph M. Dodge, Director, Bureau of the Budget Honorable John Ohly, representing Governor stassen Honor ble Sherman Adams, Assistant to the President · Honorable Robert Cutler, Administrative Assistant to th Pr aident ( ot at table) General Wilton Persons, Special Ase't. to the President {not at t ble) Mr. L. hur Minnich, Jr. (to take note )

12:30 Honorable Patrick J. Hurlq (Formerly Secreta.J"7 of W&rJ General Hurley asked Mr. Stephens to arrange for him to make call on the President to P81' his respects.)

1:.30 pll The President gave a stag luncheon at the )lit House for embers ot the Supreme Court of the United St&tees The Chief Justice Mr. Justic Black The Attorney General Mr. Justice Reed Hon. Sherman Adams Mr. Justice Frankf'urter Mr. Justice Do s Mr. Justice Jackson Mr. Justic Burton Mr. Justice Clark Mr. Justice Minton ; '

I ' FRIDAi, FEBRUARY 6, 1953 - (Continued) Page 2

Dr. James B. Conant, High Commissioner to Gel"lllJJ1T, designate (Dr. Conant requested thie appointment thru the State Department, stating he would be in Washington testifying at the Capitol, and hoped while in the cit7, he might have opportunit7 ot talldng to the President.) Honorabl.- Walter Reuther, President o! CIO Mr. David J. McDonald, Acting President, and Secret&J'T­ TReaeurer ot the United Steel Workers; aleo Member ot Executive Board o! CIO (Mr. Reuther asked for this appointment, etating the,y would like to ha.Te t lk with the Preaid nt)

Honorable Harold E. Talbott, The Seeretary of the Air Force Mr. Robert Sprague, North Adaas, (Mr. Sprague was foraerly under consideration for the position ot Secretary ot the Air Force)


9r00 am - The President received a group from the American Soc1et7 of ewspaper Editorss Mr. right Br;yan, Editor, The Atlan Journal, Presid t Mr. Walker Stone, Editor in Chief, Scripps-Howard Mr . Ben McKelw~, Editor, Washington Star Mr . Russell Wiggins, Managing Editor, Washington Post Mr. David Lawrence, F.ditor, U.S. ews & World Report Mr • Ovet Culp Hobb7, active Member of ASNE

(Mr . Walker Stone asked for this appointment through Mr · Hagerty, stating this delegation wished to in­ vite th President to attend and peak at meeting of the .American Societur of Newspaper Editors to be held in Washington at the Hotel Statler, April 16, 17, and 18. They would like to have the President ad.dress them t their Annual Banquet, Saturday evening, April 18. Mr . Hagerty has informed them that the President would probably rather accept luncheon en­ gage nt, so they cam prepared to c£fer luncheon meeting on the ame day. )

9:30 am - Mr. Tex McCrary and Mr • Crary (Jinx Falkenberg) of New York City (Mr. Mccrary phon Mr . Stephens from w York City 1 t week. and aeked 1f he might co down and pay his respects to the President.)

10:00 am - (The President will pose for photographers from the Signal Corps of the Artfl3'1 in the Fish Room. '!'his was arranged by Mr. Hagerty' office. )

10:4$ Mr. Jack Benny Mr. Earl H. Gammons, Vice President, Columbia Broadcasting Syst , Inc. (Mr. Gammons wrot.e Mr. R gerty, tating that Mr. BenI>iY would b in Washington t this time to take part in entertainment at Radio Correspondents• Dinner, and hoped that while in the city he might pay- his respects to th President. ) ll:30 am - J es Csatari - artist (Brought in picture he had painted of the President ~ra photographs)


The President and Mrs. Eisenhower le.ft the South Portico of the 'Whitft House at 9:20 am1 accompar.U.ed by Colonel Schulz, for the New York Avenue Presbyterian Oh'l\l"ch to attend the 9t30 aervie • the church service, the President and Mrs. Eisenhower went into the Lincoln Parlor or the Cl1urcb for the unveiling of the original first draft of the Emancipation Proclamation. 'l'he ceremony in the Linco1n Parlor took place at 10:2~ am•


8:30 am - Meeting with Legislative Leaders, as follows: The Vice .President Senator Robert A. Taft, Ohio Senato:r WUliu F. lltovland 1 .calli'omia Senator Eu ene D. Millikin, Colorado Senator , Massachusetts !he Speaker Congressman Chules A. Halleck, Indiana Congressman Leslie c. Arends, Illinois Major General Wi1ton B. Persons Govel."'nor Sherman Adams (Senator Bridges absent because out of ci'ty)

lOt)O am - Honorable John Foster Dul.lee, The Secretary of State Honorable , Director for Mutual Securl.ty

12100 The President received a group of Eagle Seouts and Offia:l.als of tbe Boy Scouts ef America • Honorable , The Secretary of Agriculture Mr. John M. Schiff, ~esi.dent1 Boy Scouts 0£ America Mr. Leslie C ~ St ratt-on.t lational Direetor of Public Relation Mr. Daniel w. Bell,, National E:x.eeutive Boa.rd MF . 'Wheeler Me:M:i.llen, National Executive Board Dr. Arthur A. Schuck, Chief Scout Executive Mr· John L. Sm;, National Staff Mr. Frank w. Wotencraft, National Ex-ecutive Board

;Explor ers; Boy ~outs of America Harald c. Bakken Robert :Bruce Savage F.dvard V. Bannigan Emmett Sutton William R. Breedlov Satrm\f J. Tyler Thomas B. oaman;y Robert Rucke'P Newt Parks Harrison Rqmond William Waddelov Henr,y Minton MaUl:"ice William Wippel, Jr. Robert Peterson Pag 2 L

12:)0 pm ... Honorable William B. Hartsfield,. Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia President.- American Municipal Association Honorable A. E. Cobo, Mayor of Detroit,, Mi.chigan, .Pre ·ident Honorable John B. Hyne , Mayor of Boston, ssaahusett· , Vice President Mr. Carl H. Chatters, Executive Director Mr. Randy H. Ramilton, Director,, Washington Office. (fhe EXeeutiv& Di~c"tor of the lmerioan Mum.cipal Association wrote the President on January 26, requesting that he meeii briefl.T With these :representatives t.o di cuss municipal problems as they are atf'ected b7 th.e Federal Government .. 11h.1 is a nonpartisan association,, JO are old, representing 12,000 munieipalitiee t.h;ron,gb federation of 42 sta.te assooiations of mun!cipalities; no commercial interests.)

1100 pm ... (LTJNOI)

3:-00 pm - Honorabl.e deLesseps s. Mol'rison, Mayor of Orleans, La. (The President pinned eagle! on him in Europe) Mr. Ra,y Hufft, Director, Louisi.ana Purchase Sesqui• oentermiel Conimi ion (:t'ormer combat General) (_ Mr. Charlas Nutter, General Manager, International House, New Orle.a:ns 1 La. "" Kr . John Minor Wisdom - an attorney in New Orl.eans (Mr. Hufft and Mr. Nutter called on the Prel!fid nt in Denver, Aur,ust 19, 1952,, and at that time the President indicated that he 'Wuld go to the Celebration of the l50th Anni versa17 of the Louisiana Purchase. Mr. Wi.8dom phoned Mr- Stephens from Hev Orleans last eek, to ask if the above group ght call on the President to formally invite him to attend. If he does go to the celebration,, they Wish to invite the President of France and have the two :Presidents reenact 'the details of th signing of the Purcha e papers. )

3 •15 Honorable Sinclair Week 1 The Secretary of Commerce

.3•30 The President received the Mutual Security Evaluation Project Group (The Team Leadel's gave the President a hort bri fing in hi office; then the President nt into the Fish Room where ot.hers of the grQup were waiting1 and aaw them 'brl.efly. attached.) ~--

MUTUAL SEOURI'!I PROGRAM EVALUATORS ):JO p.m. • Febi=Uary 91 19~3. ·

EVALUATION TASK OOORDINA.TOR1 Mr· Clarence Francis, Chairman of the Board General Foods Corporation

France ... Indo-Obina - Mr. Joseph Peter Spang, Jr. Mr; Brayton Wilbur Presidmt, 'the Gillette Company President, 'lbl.U" Ellis COlnpa.?ly' San Francisco

Ger~ .. PhiliI?pines - J'.lr . ~ben Buck Robertson, Jr. Jtr. F;~ . Belgrano, Jr, PreBident, 'l'he Champion Paper and Fibre President, First National Bank of Portland - ~~erick c. Crawford Mr. lfaltry Amos President, Thompson Products, Inc• Chairman o£ the Board Gen ral Mills, Inc.

Turkei; - . Holland and - Mr- Frederj,ek Morris Sayre Mr .. Paul Boole McKee L Honorary CbairJnan of the Board President, Pacific Power & Light Co. Corn Products Refining Portland (Fol"ll'ler President cf .A.M.)

United ~om Denma1:'k • Mr. Henning Webb Prentis, Jr .. Mr. Wiilter Marden Ringer Chairman of the Board Chairman of Board and Director Armstrong Cork Company Foley Manuf aeturing Company (Former President of N.A. M.)

France• Mr. Orson Adams , Jr. • Vice President Fir t National Bank of Boston Boston "' Mr . Norbert A. Bogdan (now in F..-ance) 0 Director of Finance, Ford International New York Mr. Robert March Gayl.ord, President Ingersoll · Machine Company­ Rookford,, lllino.ia Mr. Malcolm Chilson Stewart, General Counsel 'l'h.e Gillette Company Bosten TEAM MEMBERS OP MSP Ji.VALUATION PROJECT GROUP Page 2 L

Qe~ - Mr~thew L . Devine Mr. Charles Emerson Marshall ~ cresap, McCormick and Paget Vice President Clhicago Texas Industries, lne. Dallas Mr. Bru.ce D. Renderson General Mmager, P\lrchasee and Tra£f1o Mr · Walter W. Ta:igeiun Westinghouse El ectrio Corporation Executive Vice Prem.dent Pittsburgh Cincinnati Milling Machine Ooinpa:ey Cincinnati Mr. Jefferson Ward Keener, Vice Presiden't B. F. Goodrich Company Akron Ital.1 - ~Ernest Carhartt Brelsford Mr . Carter Coslet KiSsell, Partner Assistant Treasurer Jones, Day, Cockley & Reavis Thompson .Products, Inc. Cleveland Cleveland Colonel Whitmell '!'. Rison Arlington, Virginia

'l'u.rkez - Mr .. Robert Blattner Mr. John William Scott• Jr. Com Products Refining C~ Comptroller New York Oom Producte Refining Company New York Mr. Amos Herbert Flint, Chief ingineer Corn Products Refining Com~ Chicago

United. KingC!om ... Mr. Arthur l3evinB Foye, Mr. James Henry McGraw, Jr. Senior Partner !few York Haskins and Selle Nev York Mr. Hans Adolf' Karl W1denmann 1 Pa:rt.ner Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades & Company N ill York

lndG China• Mr. Gordon w. Aitken Mr . Arthur I . Bloomfield, Glenrock, New Jersey Senior EconOlllisi Federal Reserve Bank of Rev York Mr. Robert Anderson. Magowan , Partner New York % Merrill ~ch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane Mew York TEAM MEMBERS 0 MSP E ALUATIO:N PROJECT GROUP Page 3

Phill~ines ... Mr. S phen F. ChadWick,, Attorney Mr . Da"'lid L. Grove Seattle Bank of Amerie I N.T. & s .A. San Francisco Mr. William Howarth D nnick, Consultent Mr. Richard Walberg, General Partner MeKins & Company SWinerton & Walberg Company Sm Francisco Sm Francisco

Formosa - Mr. Norwood Francis Allman, Senior Mr. Clinton Morri on Partner (.Allman• Kops & Le 1 American Vioe President, Manager and Director Law Firm of Shanghai, China) The Holding Comp ny New York Minn polis

Mr. Raymond Tyson Moyer Mr. William Arthur rorton De uty Director, Division of Lo Angeles overs as Activities The Ford Foundation Pasadena

Holland and Belg!um - Mb Willaim T. Hatnilton, Mr. Hubert J. Sober, General Partner Purchasing Agent, Hubert J . Sober - Economic Consultants Ebasco Services, Inc. Sm Franci oo ew York. • F.dgar Smith, Partner Vice Admiral onroe KelJ¥, USN Ret. ) Edgar w. Smith Sons Virginia Beach, Virg1.nia Portland, Oregon

Mr- . Russell L. ardburgh, Vice President Guaranty Tru t Company ew York

Denmark - Mr. PaUl E. Miller Director, .Agricultural Extension Servic Univer it.y of Minnesota St. Pail Mr . Newton Franklin Korhumel, President Korhumel Steel and Aluminum Company Evanston,. lllinois

Mr. Heney Brandford Art.bur, Economi t Swif't and Company Chicago THE PRESIDENT'S APPODmmf'l'S TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10,, 195.3

9100 am • Mr ·· Jobn Hay Whitney, of · ev York (Mr. Whi:tney phoned Mr. Stephens 7esterd.~ from New York OitYt· to ask if he might see the President today,)

9:15 am ... Congl"essman William H. Ayre , Ohio Congressman Oliver p . :Bolton. Ohio Honorable IQle o. Snader,. Clerk of the House of Representativ s (The Congressmen tto present to the President an ·elaborate mod 1 sailing boat inane of homs by an outstanding J:talian doctor in Congressman Ayres 1 district. This request came to Mr. Stephens frotn Gene:rlll Persons, who recommended that the appointment be made and mentioned that ther; was a large Italian vote in Congressman Ayres• di trict.)

9:.)0 am • Senator Margaret Ch se Smith, Maine Senator Fr erick o. PtVne, Maine Congressman Robert Hal.e, Maine Congressman Charles p. Nelson, Maine Congressman Clifford G. Molntir • Main Major Gener l Wilton B. Persons, Special Assistant to the President (Senator Snith asked Mr• stephens to arrange this ppoint­ m.ent1 stating they wished to briefly ention these matters: Passamaquoddy Project; Development of Maine Manganese DepositsJ Shipments for the Port of; Federal Aid for De.f'ense Impacted Ar a , River and H rbors .. )

10:00 am ... The President reeeived the Members of th Board of Directors • of the American Farm Bureau Federation; as follows:

Allan B. Kline•' President Ralph T. Gillespie:t Washington Rogew Fleming, Secretary-Treasurer Delmar Roberta, New Mexico :warren W. JJawley, New lorl< John H. SQhenk, Utah Walter Randolph, Ala barn.a Ray V. Swans<>n, Hassil E. Schenck. Indiana L. Freneh., New Hampshire George H.· Wilson, California. Wilson A. Heaps, Maryland Mrs. Charles DeSbazot Associat Lor zo Lambson; ~..a sachusetts Women of A.F.B.F. Herbert w. ~oorh~es, Ne Jersey CUrtis- Hatch, 'Wisconsin John c. Lynn, Legislative B. Shuman, Illinois DirectoP H. E. Slusber.t: Missouti Allen Lauterbach, Assistant J• Walter l'iammond,. 'l'exas Seeretar,r•'freasurer }t. flake Shaw,. North Carolina Creston J. F-0eter, Director of Mr. H. L . Wi.nga~,. Georgi.a .Information Mr . Zeiger (Mr. Kline called Mr. Stephens on Februar;y 3, saying that the Board of Directors were meeting in Washington and a ked if they could pay 1,_.minute call on th President to discus briefl.J the policy of the American arm Bureau Federation, a~ well as three or four other items of importance.) tuesday,; F bruB.17 10 19S.3 .. (continued) Page 2 l_' 1

lOtlO am - (Governor Ad , Mr. Hagerty, and General. Persons saw the President.. )

10;30 am .... Honorable William Mee. Martin, Jr.~ Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System (Governor Martin called Dr. Haug and requested this appointment.)

lltJO am .. The President received the Member of the Methodist Committee for OV'erseas Relief -

Biebop Frederick B. Newell,, Ohair'Jl)a!l, and Mrs . Newell Harry N. Holmes, Vice Chairman Frank 'l'. Cartwright, Secretary Gaither P. Warfieli.t Director, end Mrs . Warfield George F. Sutherland, Treasurer

Mrs .. Robert C. Armstrong Bernell L. Schubel Eugene E. Barnett Louis Spilman Harold R. Bl"ennan Eugene L. Smith Henrietta Gibson Lee F, Tuttle and Mrs. Tuttle James L. Lyons Irene Long Sallie Lou .MaoKinnon Bishop F. Gerald Easley James K. Mathews Congressman Charles Jonas, N.c. Noah w. Moore (This Committee is composed of 19 ber represmting every section of the United Stat-es.. It has been in exis'tenoe twelve years and spends an average of a million dollars a year for emergency relief in al.most eve17 part of the world. It functions in similar fashion to the American Friends Service Commi.ttee. Congressman Jonas aeked if they 00\lld pq respects to the President. end General Persons reeommended that the appointment be made.)

l2t00 ... Honorable Charles E. Wil.eon~ the Secretary of Defense (nte Seoreta%7' an-anged With )tr. Stephens to see the President each Tuesday for one hour.)

ltOO pm ... (WNGI) Hon~rable Eugene Blaek, Pre&ident of the Intematicmal Bank (Mr. Black was originally scheduled to ee the President at .):00 p11'11 bef'ore leaving Feb. 12 for a trip to the Far East_. but in&tead was asked to luncheon.) )

• Robert ~, Finane ot epubli.can Stat;e conm.ttee, Nev Uamptbin (Requeated by Go ernor Jdua)

Dr,. Bobe~ F. Chandler. Jr., P eideat, 11n1-veraity ot ev Bantpthire • John Elliott Governor Sherman .Ad&318

'ftle J'naidftnt aJld. f'fttJ• Ei88ili~ left the \ihite ff<>US(t I acac;npani b7 ecmsma· er ach1 val Aid• to •President, \._/ rvr t.h• Uupont 1'beatre, \Ibero th97 attenaed a special ..nee ehfl.>Wln of the mtaon pictUl'e tUm m the lite of Mahatma Gandb.1,

~ 0"' 9d>O -

9'30 - Pa 2



L 4•20 p1ll -

Honorable JoUJfh M. Dodge, D'-"ct. of the au HJ-. Jnhur • Of'fica ot Def'enee obili:zat1011 .Harold s. V ., fice Defen bllize cm Mr. 4 e Drovnle.1 • ottiee ot Detena MobilJ.eation DI"• Gabriel JIG\lge Oovftmor eman Ad (To diflCUSB further de-c;ontffie Tb . ' _ Cabin eUng) • Gaa?l'!'a Dr. munm oro1sn

9•00 ..

' 4 .c• .- Cha1run ot ard, ~IUCll" tmd LOUiavilla 1d t• p 2

9:30 am •

10tOD am •

L ) 11•3S -

11140 -

uai.s 1.00 - ( THE PRESll>EiiT 'S APPOINTMENTS FRIDA?, FEBRUARY 13, 19).3

AT THE ltiITE HOUSE lltL.5 am Honorable ,. the Secretary of State

lrOO pm The President gave a luncheon at the Whit- House for some Members of the House or Representat.ives, as follovs: Representative Oarl Vinson, of Georg.I.a (D) Representative Clarence Cannon,. oi' Jlfiasouri (D) Representative Robert Cros3er1 of Ohio (D) Represerrf.ative Thmna.e A. Jenkins, 0£ Ohio (R) Representative John w. McCor1raek, of Massachusetts (D) Representative Richard B. Wiggleaworth, of Massachusetts (R) Representative Jere Cooper, of Tennessee (D) Representati•e Brent Spence, ot Kentueq (D) Rep.resentati ve W'.:...ll.iam M. Colmer, . of Missie.eippi (D) Representative John w. Dingell, of Michigan (D) Representative George A. Dondero* of M:Lobigan {R) Representative James P. Richards, of South Carolina (D) Representativ.e PaUl Brown, of Georgia (D) Representative August H. Andresen, of Minneetota (R) Representat:ive w. Sterling Co1e., of New York (R) . Rep-resentative H. Oarl Andersen, of Minnesota (R) Representative Homer D. Angell, of Oregon (R) Representative Clarence J. Brown, of Ohio (R) RepresentatiYe Clilf Clevenger, of Ohio (R) Representative William E. Hess, of Ohio (R) Honorable Sherman Adams Maj. Oen. Wilton B. Persone THE PRESIDENT '5 APPOINTMENTS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1953

8: 45 am - / Honorable E z:ta Taft Benson, 'l'he Secretary of Agriculture

9: 00 am - Meeting with The President's Advisory Committee on Govei-nment Organization: Honorable Nelson A . Rockefeller, Chairman Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower Honorable Arthur S. Flenu:ning Honorable Fordyce W. L:uikart HonoTable Oeol'ge A. Lattimore Honorable John French and the following members of the Cabinet: The Vice President The Secreta.t-y of Defense The Seci-etary of AgJ'iculture The Secretary of Commerce The Secretary o-f Labor Honorable Harold Stassenl Director; Mutual Security Honorable Joseph M. l)odget Director> Bureau of the Budget Honorable Robert Cutler, Administrative Assistant to the President Hon rable Oveta Culp Hobby, Administrator. F. S. A. (The President, at Cabinet Meeting Thursday, February 12th, mentioned that this meeting of the Committee on Government Organization would be held today, and invited any of the Cabinet Members who wished to attend, to do so.)

10:30 am - M.r. Edgai- Bergen (This appointment was arranged y General Persons; M:r. Betrgen came in just to pay his respects)

11:45 am - The Prelllident left for Burning Tr e Golf Club where he played golf with Colonel Thomas Belsh:e. General Omar Bradley and Mr. Robert Fleming. I L THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1953

The President and Dr. Milton Eisenhower attended th 11:00 a. m . Service at the National Presbyterian Church. M.r s. Eisenhower did not attend.

The Secretary o.f the Treasury met the President at the White House the latter pa rt of the afternoon, and Jrema.ined for dinner. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1953

8:30 am - Meeting with Legislative Leaders, as follows: The Vice President S ~ nator Robart A. Taft, Ohio S nator tyles Bridg s, New Hampshire .... enator William F. Knowland, C lifornia Se ator H. Al xande mi h, N .. -.v Jersey Senator E ug ne D. illikin. Colorado Senator Lev >rett Sal nstall, a.;sachusetts The Spea er, Hon rab e J seph . Martin, Jr., Congreasman Charles A. Halleck, Indiana Congres man Lesliv C. Arends, Illinois C n re sman Rob r B . Chiperfield. Illinois Major G nera.l i/ilton B. Person Honorai:>lt..'.! Sher m an A dams (Senator Smith and C gr ssman Chiperfield were added to this meeting by Gen ral ersons, at the directi n of the Presi ent)

10:00 am - Honorable Sinclair Weeks, the . ecr etary of Commerce (At the conclusion of the meeting on February 14th, with the President, of the A dvi .. ory Committee on Govern­ ment Organization, Secretary e ks had advis d Mr. Stephens that th- Pre oident wished him to come in today following m eting ith L gis lative Leaders)

10:45 am - The Pr sident witnessed the sw aring-in ceremony of Honorable C . D . Jacks n as .Adm.inistrative Assistant to th Pre side.nt. (Mrs . Jack n wa s :resent and r. Frank Sanderson, of the hit Hou e St • adnlini iered the oath of office)

11:30 am - (Honorable Robert Cutler, ) ( Administrative Assistant to e P e ident) (Honorable Jame L y, Jr .• ) OFF THE RECORD ( Executiv Secretary, N. S . C . ) (This will be a regular Monday morning briefing of the President before Security Council Meetings on Wednesdays)

11:50 am - (The President talked on the telephone to Dr. Louis Bauer of AMA. at Hempstead, New York) Monday, February 16, 1953 (continued) P age 2

12:00 ( Honora le E zra Taft enson, the S cretary of Agriculture ) (Sena or Frank Carl on) OFF THE RECORD (General Persons arranged this appointment)

1:00 pm - The Pre ident gave a lunche n at the White House for a group of Congressional Member , as follows: Repre entative Sam ayburn, Texas (D) Repre entative ~right Patman, T xa. (D) Representative F rancis E . Wal ter, Pa. (D) Representative Charle A . Halleck, Indiana (R ) Representative Graham A . Barden, N . C . (D) pre entative Richard . Simpson, Pa. ( ) R pres ntativ Cad Hinshaw, California. (R) Representative Ivor D . Fenton, Pa. (R ) R pres-entative Frances P. Bol ton, Ohio (R) Representative Harold H. Velde, Illinois (R) R pre entative Ben F . Jen en. l ow (R) R presentativ Robert . K an, ew J e:rs y (R ) Representative Henry 0. Talle, Iowa (R) Representative F rank . Boykin, Alabama (D) Representativ George H. ahon, Texas (D) Representative Overton Brooks, Louisiana CD} Representative Herman P . berharter, Pa. (D) Honorable Sherman Adam ajor General Wilt n B . P r ons (Gen ral Pel." sons arranged this lunche n)

2:57 pm - Honorable Gordon Dean, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commi sion Honora le Thomas E . Murray Honora le Eugene . Zuckert Honora. 1 . Henry deWolf Smyth (Mr. Cutler b rought in these four members of th Atomic E nergy Commission to meet the President prior to the meeting of the Special Committee of National Security Council on Atomic Energy) Monday, February 16, 1953 (continued) Page 3

3:00 pm - Meeting with the Special Committee of National Security Council on Atomic Energy: The Vice President Honorable Charles E. Wilson, The Secretary of Defense Honorable George M. Humphrey, The Secretary of the Treasury The Atomic Energy Commission Honorable Gordon Dean, Honorable Thomas E. Murray Honorable Eugene M. Zuckert Honorable Henry de Wolf Smyth Honorable W. B. Smith, The Under Secretary of State Honorable Roger M. Kye s, The Deputy Secretary of Defense Honorable Robert T. B. Stevens The Secretary of the Army Honorable Robert B. Anderson The Secretary of the Navy Honorable Harold E. Talbott, The Secretary of the Air Force General Omar N. Bradley Ch irman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Honorable Allen W. Dulles, Director, Central Intelligence Agency Honorable C. D. Jackson, Administrative Assistant to the President H onorable Robert Cutler, Administrative Assist nt to the President Honorable Joseph M. Dodge, The Director, Bureau of the Budget Honorable Jame s S. Lay, Jr. , Executive Secretary, National Security Council Mr. Marion W. Boyer, General Manager, AEC Brigadier G neral Kenneth E. Fields, Director, Military Application Mr. Edward R. Trapnell (This meeting was arranged by Mr. Cutler) Monday. February 16, 1953 (continued) Page 4

5:20 pm - The P :re$ident and Mrs. Eisenhower. aecompanied by Colonel Robert L. Schulz, Military Aide to the President, le.ft by the South Portico for the Congressional Club, ZOCH New Hampshire Avenue. N. W.

5:30 pm - The President and Mrs. Eisenhower were the guests of honor .at a reception given by the Congl"essional Club. There were 7Z5 people at the reception. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS TUESDAY. FEB UARY 17, 1953

8:45 am - (Honorable Bourke B . Hickenlooper, Senator from Iowa) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable W. St rling Cole, Con ressman from ew Yo k) (This appointment was arr ng d at the requeat of the President - OFF THE RECORD)

9:30 am - Honorable E;zra Taft Benson, The Seer tary of A riculture Senator George D. Aiken, Vermont Senator Frank Carlson, Kansa General Tilton B. Persons (General Persons arranged this appointment)

10:00 am - (Pre-Pre s) OFF THE RECORD

10:30 am - Press nd Radio C nference

11:00 am - A gold Commemorative lnau ural edal wa presented to the President by the Chairman and Officers of the Inaugural Committee, 1953, a follows: Honorable Joseph C. McGarraghy, Chairman Mr. George L. Hart, Jr., Assistant to the Chairman Mr. Clyde D. Garrett, Vice Chairman Mrs. Howard A . Coffin, Vice Chairman Mr. L. Corrin Stron , Vice Chairman Mrs. Montgom ry Blair, Vice Chairman Warren L. Stephenson, xecutive Secretary Mr . Janet \1 • arne , Secretary Mr. Robert V. Flemin , Treasurer Mrs. L . Corrin Stl'ong, Chairman, Medal Committee Mr. Gilbert Hahn, Jr., Chairman. Medal Distribution Committee Mr. alker Hancock, Sculptor Mr. Clyde C. Trees, President, Medallic Arts Company of Manhattan (Mr. cGarraghy requested the appointment)

11:30 am - Dr. Caradine R. Hooton, Executive Secretary, Board of Temperance, The Methodist Church (This appointment was reque ted by letter through Senator Harry F. Byrd, Virginia, to Governor Sherman Adams) Tuesday, February 17, 1953 (continued) Page Z

12:00 Honorable Charles E. Wilson, The Secretary of Defense (The regular Tuesday appointment for Secretary Wilson)

12:30 pm - Honorable Adlai Stevenson Governor Sherznan Adains (This appointment was arranged through Governor Adams)

1:00 pm - The President gave a luncheon at the White House for a group of Co gre eional Members, as follows : Representative Emanuel Celler. New York (D) Representative Edward J. Hart, N. J. (D) R resen"tative Albert Thomas. Texas (D) Representative George M. Grant, Alabama (D) Representative Joseph R. Bryson, South Carolina (D) Representative E. C. Gathings, Arkansas (D) Representative Paul J. Kilday, Texas (D) Representative John . Vorys, Ohio (R) Repre entative Sydney A. Camp, Georgia (D) Representative Clarence E. Kilburn, New York (R) Representative Clifford Davis, Tennessee (D) Representative J. Harry McOregor, Ohio ( ) Representative C. . Bishop, Illinois (R) Representative Gordon Canfield, New Jersey (R) Repre entative Paul Cunningham, Iowa (R) Representative William S. Hill, Colorado (R) Represent tive Joseph P. O'Hara, Minnesota (R) Representative Lawrence H. Smith, Wisconsin (R) Representative Thomas J. O'Brien, Illinois (D) Representative Usher L. Burdick. North Dakota (R) epresentative Ralph A. Gamble, New York (R) General Wilton . Persons Honorable Adlai E. Stevenson (General Persons arranged this luncheon) Tuesday, February 17, 1953 (ccontinued) Page 3

3:00 pm. - The Pre ident received a delegation representing the National Council of Chief State School Officers, as follows: Commisaioner Finis E. Engleman, Conn. , Chairman Commissioner Lewis A. Wilson, N. Y. Superintendent Lee M. Thurston, Michigan Superintendent Pearl A. Wana.xnaker, Washington Mr. Roy E. Simpson, Superint ndent of Public Instruction from California Commissioner J. W. dgar, Texas Commissionei- Dean M . Schweickhard, Minnesota Doctor Edgar Fuller, Executive Secretary Mr. rthur Adams Dr. William Carr, National Education Aseociation Honorable Oveta Culp Hobby. Administrator Federal 'ecuri.ty Agency

Senator Lester C. Hunt 1 Wyomin Senator Charle E. Potter, Michigan Dr. Arthur Flemming, Acting Director, Office of Defense Mobilization (Mr. Engleman requested the appointment early in January for the purpose of discussing relationships between the State school systems and the U. S. Office of Education. Senator Potter also ul."ged that the appointment be arranged. Mrs. Hobby met with the group earlier)

3:30 pm - Brigadier General Louis W . Prentiss, Engineer Com­ missioner for District of Columbia (General Prentiss requested the appointxnent to pay his respects)

4:00 pm - (Dr. Arthur Flemming) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable Oveta Culp Hobby)

4:05 pm - (General Lucian King Truscott, Jr.) OFF THE RECORD (General Truscott is a personal friend of the President's)

4:20 pm - (Honorable Sinclair Weeks. the Secretary of Commerce) {Mr. Bernard Shanley) OFF THE RECORD - Tuesday, February 17. 1953 (continued) Page 4

4:30 pm• (Dr. Gabriel Hauge) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Ak•el Niel8en, from Denver, peraonal friend)

5:05 pm .. (General Wilton B . Peraons) OFF THE RECORD

5:10 pm - (Honorable Arthur E. Summerfield, The Poatmaster General) OFF THE RECORD

5:30 pm .. (Mr. Akael Nielsen, who had waited aince hia appoint­ ment in the outer office, walked over to the White Houae with the Preaident) THE P EStDENT 'S APPOINTMENTS W.t:.;DNESDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1953

8:45 am - (Honvrabl John Foster Dulles, the Secretary) (of OFF THE RECORD

9 :00 am - Honora le David Bruce (This appointment was arranged at the request of the President)

9:30 am - Hon rable arl R. Gray, Jr., Ad.Ininistrator Veterans Administration (General ray requested the appointment to discuss Veterans' problems)

10:00 am - Honorable Oswald yan, Ch airman, Civil Aeronautics Board (This appoint111ent was arranged through the S e creta ry oi Commerce)

10:30 am - The ational ecurity Council The President The Vice President Honora le John Foster Dulles, The Secretary of State Honorable Char es E . ilson, T e Secretary of Defense Honorable George M. Humphrey, T e Secretary of the Treasury Honorable Harold E. Stass ... n, The Director for Mutua l Security onorable Joseph M . Dodge, The Director, Bureau of the udget General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Honorable Allen W . Dulles. Acting Director of Central Intelligence Honorable James S. Lay, Jr. , Executiv e Secreta ry, NSC Honorable S. Everett Gleason, Deputy Executive Secretary, N . S . C . Honorable Robert Cutler, Administrati ve Assistant to the President Colonel Paul T . Carroll, L Military Liaison Officer Weclnesday, February 18. 9S3 <{continued) Page 2

l :OOpm· The President ga v e a luncheon at the White House for a roup of S enators. a s follows : ~ nator Homer Fergu son, Michigan (R ) Sena.tor .Bourke D. Hickenloopet", Iowa (R ) Senato J: alph E . Flanders, Vermont (:Q.) Se ator I r vi g M . Ivt: s, New York (R) Sena. o r E dward J . T ye, inne scta (R ) Sena.tor Henry C . Dworshak, Idaho (R ) S nator allace F . ennett, Utah (R) ~ enatoJ' P res cott Bush, Connecticut (l.t) Senator John .She rman Cooper, Kentucky (R) enatol" Dwight Gris··Nold, Nebraska (R ) Sen tor Chades E . Potter.. Michigan (R ) Senator T homas H . Kuchel, California (R) Senator J . Gflenn Beall, Maryland (R) Senator William A . Purtell, Connecticut (R) Honol."able Sherman Adams a Jor Gene ral Wilton ..6 . Persons (This lunche on was arranged by Gene ral Per sons )

3:00 pm - Honora.b e Walter . George. Senator £rom Georgia (The ena or reque ted thi$ appointment to pay his respects)

3:30 pm - Sena r . Ho y, o rth Carolina Senato i 1 · • Nol."th C a rolina C ongre H\\gh Q. .Alexander, North C a rolina (Sena or Hoey requested ~ $ appointment to inv ite the P resident to attend the ZQOth .t\nniversary Celeb ration of R owan County. North Carolina)

4 : 15 pm - (Ciene ral Omar N. B radley) OF T HE RECORD


8~30 am - The President attended a briefing in the Cabinet Room on the foreign situation for Legislative Leaders, as follows: Honorable Allen Dulles. Acting Director, ClA Honorable , Director, Bureau of the Budget Honorable Robert Cutler, Administrative Assistant to the President General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Senator Robert A. Ta.ft, Majority Floor Leader Senator Styles Bridges, President Pro Tempore Senator William F. Knowland, Chairman, Republican Policy Committee Senator Leverett Saltonstall, Republican Whip o:f the Senate Senator Eugene D. Millikin, Chairman, Republican Conference Committee Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, Minority Leader of the Senate Senator Earle C. Clements, Minority Whip of the Senate Senator Alexander Wiley, Chairman, Foreign Relat.ions Committee Senator Walter F. George, Foreign Relations Committee Senator Richard B. Russell, Armed Services Committee

Senator Carl Hayden 1 Appropriations Committee Senatoi- Homer Ferguson, Appropriations Committee

Honorable Joseph W. Martin, Speaker of the H~se Congressman Charles A. Halleck, Majority Leader Congressman Leslie C. Arends, Majority Whip Congressman Sam Rayburn, Minority Lead r Congressman John W. McCormack, Minority Whip Congressman Dewey Shol't, Chairman, House ·~- Armed Services Committee Congressman Carl Vinson, Ai-med Service Committee Congressman Robert .B. Chiperfield, Chairman, Fol'eign Affairs Committee Congressman James P. Richards, Foreign A.£.fairs Committee Congressman John Taber, Chairman, Appropriations Committee Congressman Clarence Cannon, Appropriations Committee Congressman Richard B. Wigglesworth, Appropriations Com. Congressman George H. Mahon, Appropriations Committee Major General Wilton B. Persons (This briefing was arranged by General Cutler and General Persons) Thursday. February 19, 1953 (continued) Page Z

(Mr. John McCone) lO: ZS am - OFF THE RECORD (Governor Sherman Adams)

10:30 am - Honorable Thomas E. Whelan. American Ambassador to Nicaragua (The Amba sador requested the appointment through the State Department)

11:00 am - Mr. H. Wendell Endicott, Boston. Massachusetts (Mr. Endicott is a personal friend of the President's) llt30 am - Mr. Melvin C. Lockard, Cobden, Illinoi President, Illinois Bankers Association Mr. Horace S . French, Wayne. Illinois Vice President, Illinois Bankers Association Mr. Arthur R . French, Jacksonville, Illinois Treasurer, Illinois ankers Association Mr. Kirk E. Sutherland, Chicago, lliinois former President of the Illinois Bankers Association Mr. Robert C. Barker, Chicago, Illinois General Counsel of the Northern Trust Company Dr. Gabriel Hauge, Administrative ssistant to the President (Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois had requested the appointment and had planned to attend, but wa unable to do so because the time conflicted with two meetings he had to attend on the Hill) iz~oo Honorable Harold E. Stassen, Director, Mutual Sec\1rity Ag ency Mr. William McNear Rand, St. Louis, Missouri (Mr. Rand recently retired as Pre ident of the Monsanto Chemical Company and Mr. Stassen wanted hirn to meet the President, as he will b appointed as Deputy Director for Mutual Security)

1Zil5 pm - (Honorable Joseph M. Dodge, Director, Bureau of the Budget) OFF THE RECORD Thursday, February 19, 1953 (continued) Page 3

1:00 pm - The President gave a luncheon at the White Hou e for a group of Senators, as follows: Senator Walter F. George, Georgia S nator Carl Hayden, Arizona Senator Richard B. Russell, Georgia Sen tor Harry Flood Byrd, Virginia Senator Pat McCarran, Nevada Senato:r James E . Murray, Montana Senator Dennis Chavei, New Mexico Senator Allen J. Ellender, Louisiana Senator Theodore Francis Green, Rhode Island Senator Lister Hill, Alabama Senator Burnet R. Maybank, South Carolina Senator John L. McClell n, Arkansas Senator Warren G. Magnuson, Washington Senator Clyde R. Hoey, North Carolina Senator J. W. Fulbright, Arkansas Honorable Sherman Adams Major General Wilton B. Person (This lunch on w s arranged by General Persons) THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1953

8:15 am - Senator George W. Malone, Nevada (Senator Malone requested this appointinent)

8:45 am - Honorable Harmar D. Denny, Jr. Governor Sherman Adame (This appointment was arranged at the request of Governor Adams. Mr. Denny, an ex-Congressman from , is being considered as a member of the Civil Aeronautics Board)

9:15 am .. Honorable Nelson Rockefeller Governor Sherman Adams Dr. Milton Eisenhower

9:50 am - Honorable Ezra Taft Ben on, Secretary of Agriculture Major General Wilton B. Person Dr. Milton Eisenhower

10:00 am - CABINET The Vice President Honorable John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State Honorable George M. Humphrey, Secretary of the Treasury Honorable Charles E. Wilson, Secretary of Defense Honorable Herbert Brownell, The Attorney General Honorable Douglas McKay, Secretary of the Interior Honorable Ezra T. Benson, Secretary of Agriculture Honorable Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Comm.erce Honorable Martin P. Durkin, Secretary of Labor Honorable Charles R . Hook, Deputy Postmaster Genel'al Honorable Oveta Culp Hobby, Administrator, FSA Honorable Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Ambassador to the UN Honorable Jo eph M. Dodge, Director, Bureau of the Budget Honorable Harold E. Stassen, Director, Honorable Sherman Adams, Assistant to the President Honorable Robert Cutler, Achninistrative Assi tant to the President (not at table) Major General Wilton B. Persons (not at table) Mr. Arthur Minnich (to take notes) (The Postmaster General was out of town, o the Deputy Postmaster General rep!'esented the Post Office Department) Friday, February 20, 1953 (continued) Page 2

1Z:30 pm - The Ambassador of New Zealand, His Excellency, Leslie Knox Munro Honorable Raymond Muir, Acting Chief of Protocol (The Ambassador was out of town when the Presi dent received the Chiefs of Mission, and he requested this appointtnent to pay his respects)

1:00 pm - (LUNCH) Nelson Rockef ller Dr. Milton Eisenhower

3:00 pm - Senator Thomas C . Hennings, Jr., Missouri Senator James E. Murray, Montana Congressman Clifford R. Hope, Kansas Congressman Wayne N. Aspinall, Colorado Congressman James W. Trimble, Arkansas (Congressman Hope requested the appointment for the members of the Missouri Basin Commission to come in and report to the President. Senator Milton R . Young, North Dakota, was also invited to be present, but was in North Dakota today)

3:Z5 pm - Mr. James Hagerty, Press Secretary to the President Colonel Robert L. Schulz, Military Aide to the President

3:30 pm - The President received the winners of the Sixth Annual Voice of Democracy Contest, as follows: Robert Davis, Voice Winner, Maui, Hawaii Oscar Elder, Manager of Publicity, National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters (co-sponsor) Harold E. Fellows. President, National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters (co-sponsor) Frank Lamm.edee, Voice Winner, San Marino, California Honorable Earl J. McGrath, Commissioner, U. S . Office of Education, Federal Security Agency Adelaide Nacamu, Voice Winn r, Peekskill, New York Mrs. Guido Nacamu, Mother of Winner Robert K . Richards, Chairman, National Voice of Democracy Contest Committee James D. Secrest, Exec. Vice President, Radio- Television Manufacturers Association Dr. G. Kerry Smith, US Office of Education, FSA Mr. & Ml"s. J. Herbert Walsh, Parents of Winner Thomas J. Walsh, Voice Winner, Washington, D. C. Gene Trumble, Program Director, US Junior Chamber of Commerce, Tulsa, Oklahoma Chalmer Denny, Vice President, US Junior Chamber of Commerce, Tulsa, Oklahoma Friday, February 20, 1953 (continued) Page 3

4:00 pm - Honorable Theodore McKeldin, Governor of Maryland Honorable Simon E. Sobeloff, Judge, Court of ppeals of the State of Maryland (This appointment was arranged through Governor Adams)

pm - (Mr. Lewi Straus) 4:30 OFF THE RECORD (Governor Adams)

4:4S pm - (Honorable Rob rt Cutler, Administrative Assistant to the President) OFF THE RECORD

5:30 pm - (Mr. Bernard Shanley, Acting Special Counsel to ( the President) (Major General ilton B. PeJ' ons, Administrative (Assistant to the President) OFF THE RECORD

5:40 pm - (Colonel Paul T. Carroll) O F THE RECORD


8:45 am - Congressman Clarence J. Brown, Ohio (Congressman Brown phoned Mr. Stephens to request an appointment with the President to personally pre- sent som.e tape recordings that were on Station WIZE, Springfield, Ohio. Thee.e recordings were made the week prior to the Inauguration expressing the community­ wide backing of th President and their confidence in hi lead2rship. They received national attention over the ABC network)

9:15 am - (Governor Adams) OFF THE RECORD

9:30 am - (Honorable John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State) (Honor ble Sherina.n Adams) (Mr. Charles F. Willis, Jr .• Special Assistant in the { White Hous Office) (Mr. Donald Lourie, Assistant Secretary of State for ( AdministJ."ation) (Mr. Emmet Hughes, Administrative A sistant to the ( President) OFF THE ECORD (This appointment was made for the purpose of discuss­ ing Ambassadorial appointments)

10:40 am - (Mr. Roger Steffan, Consultant on the White HQlse Staff) (Mr. Howell G. Crim, The Chief Usher) OFF THE RECORD

10:45 am - (M jor General Samuel D. Sturgi • Jr.) OFF THE RECORD (Major Sturgis is to be appointed Chief of Engineers, and come in the Lowel' West Executive Avenue Entrance)

11:05 am - (Honoa:-able John Foster Dullea, Secretary of State) (Honorable Geol'ge Humphrey, Secretal'y of the Treasury) (Honorable William McChesney Martin, Chairman, Board ( of Governors, Federal Reserve System) (Honorable Robert Cutler. Administrative Assistant to the ( President) (Honorable C. D. J ckson, Administrative Assistant to the ( President) OFF THE RECORD

11 :50 am - The P~esident departed to play golf at Burning Tree Country Club. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2Z, 1953

10:30 am - Senator Harry F. Byrd arrived at the White House to accompany the President and Mrs. Eisenhower to Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia, whel'e they attended 11:00 am services.

General Robei-t Cutler arrived at the White House at 5:30 pm and stayed to dinner. THE P RESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS MONDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1953

11:00 am - The President left for the Burning Tree Golf Club for a round of golf.

7:25 pm - Dr. Robei""t L. Johnson,. President of Temp1e UniveJ:sity, called on the President at the White House. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1953

9:00 am - Dr. Howard Mitchell, Conductor, National Symphony Orche tra Mr. Car on Gray Frailey, representing National Symphony Orchestra ssociation Mr. Gregory Carmichael (Dr. Mitchell presented to the Pre ident bo seats in Constitution Hall)

9:30 am - Honorable Ward M. Canaday, U. S. Co-Chairman on the Caribbean Commis ion (Mr. Canaday requested the appointment through Mr. Stephens on February 6th)

10:00 am - MT • Helen Waller, Directol", New York Herald Tri une Forum Miss Doris Fri dman, Assistant to Mrs. Waller Mr. and Mrs. W. R . Reid Editors, New York Herald Tribun Delegates of the New York Herald Tribun High School Forum, as fol ow : Miss Josephine Glen Doepel, ustralia r. Bernard am t, Bel iurn r. Sergio de eiroz Dua.rte, Brazil Miss Ma Khin Ohn Thant, Burma Mis Cecilia dina, Chile Mr. Neils Thygesen, Denniark Mr. Mohamed Khattab Rusbdy. Egypt r . Jean-Pierre Lugan, Franc Miss rion Wasielew ki, Germany r. Rainer Dietrich, Germany iss Christine Sifneo, Greec Mr. Probal Kumar Dutt, India Mis lnajat Hanum, Indonesia · ss Zoreh Sarmad, Miss Thelma Hirshson, Israel Miss Kikuko Iwasaki, Japan Mr. Chung-Hyun Kim, Korea · s J oumana Beydoun, Le anon r. Hake m van Lohuizen, Netherlands Mr. Tor Svendsen, Norway

(continu d) Tuesday, February 24, 1953 (continued) Page Z

10:00 am - (continued) _r. Abdul Aziz Khan, Pakistan Miss Araceli Salazar, Philippines Mr. Tan Joon Kheng, Singapore-Mal aya Mr. Uno Hagelberg, Sweden Mr. Dbrek Cbaroenphol, Thailand Miss Gulsen Cimilli, Turkey Miss Ma\1.reen Cleave, United Kingdom Mr. Keith Hopkins, United Kingdom Miss Aldiea Freeman, Mr. Jorge Bargman, Uruguay (These al"e foreign students attending the Seventh Annual New York Herald Tribune Forum)

10:30 am - Honorable Donald C. Cook,, Securities and Exchange Commission (Mr. Cook requested this appointment through Mr. Stephens on February 9th)

11:00 am .. His E~cellency Senor Anibal Jara Ambassador of Chile Honorable John Simmons, Division of Protocol (The Ambassador ol Chile was newly appointed and want.ed to present his credentials)

11:30 am - Honorable Claude L. Draper, Commissioner Federal Power Commission (This appointment was arranged through Mr. St ephens) l 2:45 pm - Honorable John W. Snyder Fol'mer Sec;retary of the Treasury Tuesday, February 24. 1953 (continued) Page 3

1:00 pm .. The President gave a luncheon for a group of Congressional Members, as follows: Congressman Howard W. Smith, Virginia (D) Congreesm9.n Charles A. Buckley, New York (D) Congressman Noble J. Gregory, Kentucky (D) Congressman Eugene J. Keogh, New York (D) Congressman Paul W. Shafer, Michigan (R) Congressman Carl T. Curtis, Nebraska (R) Congressman John L. McMillan, South Carolina. (D) Congressman\ ilbur D. Mills. Arka1isas (D) W. F. Norrell, Arkansas (D) Congressman Aime J. Forand, Rhode Island (D) Congressman Earl Wilson, Indiana (R) Congre sman James C. Auchincloss, New Jersey (R) Congressman Harris Ellsworth, Oregon, (R) Congres man Leon H. Gavin, Pennsylvania (R) Congressman Angier L. Goodwin, Massachusetts (R) Congressman James G. Polk, Ohio (D) Congressman Robert T. Secrest, Ohio {D) Congressman Gardner R. Withrow, Wisconsin (R) Congressman George H. Bender, Ohio (R) Congressman B. Carroll Reece, Tennessee, (R) Congre ·sman obert Hale, Maine, (R) Honorable Sherm n Adams Major General Wilton B. Pe:tsons (This luncheon was arranged by General Persons)

Z:45 pm • Dr. Gabriel Hauge, Administrative Assistant to the President Dr. Arthur Fle~ng

3: lS pm - His Excellency General Shanker Shum Sher e Jung :Sahadur Rana, Ambassador of Nepal Honorable John F. Simm.ons~ Division of Protocol (The Ambas ador of Nepal wa newly appointed and wanted to present his credentials)

3:30 pm .. Mr. Duk Shoop, President. The Gridiron Club Mr. Mai-shall McNeil, Scripps Howard Mr. Lyle C. Wilson, United Press Association (This Committee .from the Gridiron Club wished to personally extend an invitation to the President to attend the Gddiron Club Dinner on April 11th)

3 :45 pm - (Honorable Herbert Brownell, The Attorney General) (Ml'. Ed. Lombard) OFF THE RECORD (The Attorney General brought Mr. Lombard in to meet the President. He is to be appointed U . S . Attorney) THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1953

8:30 am .. Honorable Nelson Rockefeller, Chairman, the President' e Advisory Committee on Government Organization Dr. Milton Eisenhower Dr. Arthur Flemming, cting Dh·ector, Office of Defens Mobilization (Mr. Rockefeller asked if he and. Dr. Eisenhower might .see the President)

8:45 am - Congr ssman Kenneth B. Kea.ting, New York Honorable Marion B. Folsom, Under Secretary of the Treasury (Congressman Keating asked Mr. Stephens to arrange for him and Mr. Fol om to have their picture taken with the President, the picture to be used in connection with an article being run in the Gannett Papers on the Congressman. Both gentlemen are from Rocheriater, New York)

9:00 am - The President met with a group to discuss Soil Conserva­ tion and Flood Control, as follows: Honorable Ezra T. Benson, Secretary of Agriculture Honorable Earl Coke, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Honorable Douglas McKay, Secretary of the Interior Honorable Joseph M . Dodge, Director, Bureau of the Budget ajor General Samuel Sturgis, Corps of Engineers Congressman Carl T. Cui'tis, Nebraska Congressman Clifford R. Hope, Kansas Congressman W. R. Poage, Texas Congressman Ben F. Jensen, Iowa Congres man August H. Andresen, Minnesota Congressman H. Carl Andersen, Minnesota Congressman Walt Horan, Washington Major General Wilton B. Persons Mr. Raymond A. McConnell, Jr., Lincoln, Nebraska Co.-Chah:man, Salt Wahoo Watershed Association, Di:-ector. Kansas-Nebraska W tershed Council Mr. Don Anderson, Honey Creek, Iowa Mr. John Bird, , Pennsylvania Mr. Bryce Browning, New Philadelphia, Ohio r. Waters Davis, League City, Texas Mr. J. T. Oraham. Cleveland, North Carolina Mr. Clal"e P . Guess, Jr., Denmark, South Carolina Mr. Paul liardin, McKinney, Texas Mr. George R.. Heidrich, Charlestown, West Virginia

(continued) Wednesday, February ZS, 1953 (continued) Page Z

9:00 am - (continued) Mr. Irving Hill. Lawrence, Kansas Mr. Clayton Hoff, Wilmin.gton, Deleware Mrs. William K. Jackson, Dublin, New Hampshire Mr. Otto Liebers, Lincoln, Nebraska. Mr. Francie Lindsay, Loomis, California Mr. R. C. Longmire, Pauls Valley, Oklaho~n.a Mr. L. L. Males, Cheyenne, klahoma. Mr. Bright McConnell, Auausta, 0 ahoma Mr. ichard Se rles, Phoenix, Arizona Mr. Truett Smith, Wylie, Texas Mr . .Hugh Tuttle, Dover, New Hampshire Colonel . Tuttle. San tonio, Texas Mr. Allen Clem, C ngressman Curtis' office (The ~ request for this appointment originated in letter addressed to the Pre ident by CongJ"essman Curti of Nebraska, in which he stated this was a reques.t from a group of citizens beaded by Mr. Raymond A. McConnell, Jr., Editor of Lincoln Evening Journal; that this group · was intereste in presenting ome thou ts in reference to conservation, articularly the inter-relationship between soil conservation and flood control; that their purpose is not an increase in the budget. Govel'nor Peterson who arranged this meeting, advised that Mr. McConnell would be the spokesman, would not introduce the member _ to the P:resident. but woul ju t make seven or eight minute present tion of th ir interest in ttUpper water bed treatment of oil conservation, which is the retar a.tion of watern. Governor Peterson suggested that the President reply with a. general :Jtatement o;f his interest in the problem. Following their meeting with the President th y went to the ofiice of the Secretary of Agricultu,re and met with working m rnbers of the Cabinet Staff. )

9:30 am - Honorable Robert Cutler, drninistrative Assistant to the President Honorable James S . .Lay, Jr., Executive Secl"etary, National Security Council (They briefed the President before the meeting o:f the Council later in the aftel"noon,)

L \\

Wednesday, Februa1i ZS, 1953 (continued) Page 3

10:00 a.m • The Presi~ent l"eceived the Members of the New Jersey Congressional Delegation, a.a follows: Senatol' H. Alexatider Smith (R) Senato,- Robert C. Hendrickson (R) Congr~asman Cbalrles A . Wolverton (R) Congressman T. /Minet Hand (R) Congr~ssman James C. Auchincloss, (R) Congr¢ssman Peter Frelinghuysen, Jr., (R) Congressman Clifford P. Case (R) Congressman William B. Widnall (R) Congljiessman Gordon Canfield (R) Congtessman Frank C. Osmers, Jr •• (R) Congressman Charles R. Howell (D) Congressman Robert W. Kean (R) Congressman Peter W. Rodino. Jr. (D) Congre sman Hu~ J. Addonizio (D) , Congressman AUri6'd D. Sieminski (D) ; · Congressman Edward J. Hart (D) Major General Wilton B . Persons (This appointment was arranged by Governor Adams)

10:30 am - Cabinet Meeting: The Vice Pvesident , Honorable J-ohn Foster Dulles, Secreta.r~ of State Honorable Ci orge Humphrey, Secretary 9£ the Treasury Honorable C~rles E. Wilson, Secretary 1of Defense Honorable Her'l?ert Brownell, Jr. , The A~orney General Honorable , The Postmaster General Honorable Douglas MeKay, Secretary of the Interior Honorable Ezra T. Benson, Secretary of Agriculture Honorable Sinclair Weeks. Secretary of Commerce Honorable Martin Durkin, Secretary of Labor Honorable Oveta Culp Hobby, Administrator. F. S. A. Honorable Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. , Ambassador to UN Honorable Joseph M. Dodge, Director, Bureau of the Budget Honorable Harold Stassen, Director for Mutual Security Honorable Sherman Adams, Assistant to the President Honorable Robert Cutler, Administrative Assistant to the Pr sident Major General Wilton B. Persons, Administrative Assistant to the President Mr. Arthur Minnich (To take notes)

1Z:l5 pm - Press Conference Wednesday • .February 25, 1953 (continued) Page 4

1 :00 pm ... The President gave a luncheon at the White Ho use !or a group oi. Congressional Members. as follows: Senator Edwin C. Johnson, Colol"ado (D) Senator James O. Eastland. Mississippi (D) S~natoi- Olin D . Johnston,. South Carolina (D) Senator Spessal"d L . HoUand, Florid (D) Senator A . Willi s Robertson. Virginia (D) Senator John J. Sparkman. Alabama {D) Senator John C . Stennis, Missi$sippi (DJ Senator Rus$ell B. Long, Louisiana (D) Sena.tor Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico (D. Senatoi- Cuy M . Gillette, Iowa (D) Sena.tor Lester C . Hunt, Wyoming {D) Senator Lyndon B. John;;lon, Texas (D) Senator Estes Kefauver, Tennes$ee (D) Senator Robert S . Kerr, Oklahoma. (D) Senator atthew M. Neely, West Virginia (D) lionorable Sb.erman datns Major General Wilton B. Pel." ons (This luncheon was arranged by General Person.a}

2.130 pm - (General WUliam Covell, Ret1 d) {Mr. Bernard McKenna) OFF THE RECORD

3:00 pm - National Security Council Meeting The Vice President Honorabl e John Foster Dulles, SecTetary of State l{onor able Charles E. Wilson, Secretary of Defense Ronorable George Humphrey. Secretary o! the Treasu ry Honorable Harold E. Stassen, .Direetor of MuttU.l Secul'ity Honorable Joaeph M. Dodge, Director, Bureau of the Budget Honorable Gordon Dean, Chairman,, Atomic Energy Com.. Oeneral J . Lawton Collins (l'epresenting General Bradley) Honol'able Allen W. Dulles; Acting Chairman, CIA Honorable James S. Lay, Executive Secretary, NSC ffon.Q·rable ,J. Everett Gleason, Deputy Executive Secretary. NSC Honorable C. D. Jackson, Special Asststant to the President f{onorable Sherman Adams, Assistant to the President Honorable Robert Cutler, Administrative Assistant to the President Colonel P. T, Carroll

5:00 pm .. Mr. Frank Holman, S.eattle, Washington Mr. Alfred Schweppe {Mr. Holman is a former President, American Bar Association, and an old friend 0£ the President. He called Mr. Stephens from Chicago on February Z4th to ask for this appointment) l Wednesday, February ZS, 1953 (continued) Page 5

5:30 pm - (Mr. Roger Lewis, in charge of materiel for Air Force) OFF THE RECORD (Came in to see Mr. Stephens and the President. Secretary Talbott telephoned Mr. Stephens February Z4th and asked if this could be arranged)

5:45 pm - (Th Attorney General, ( Honora le Herbert Brownell, Jr., brought in two ( candidates for District Attorney to meet the ( President) OFF THE RECORD THE PRESI DENT'S APPOINTMENTS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1953

8:45 am ... Honorable Harold E . Stassen, Director for Mutual Security

9:00 am - Dr. CDr. Hutchison is President of , Easton, Pennsylvania. and is an old friend oi the President. He telegraphed that he would be in Washington today~ and hoped to have an opportunity to pay his respects)

9:30 am - Honorable C. Douglas Dillon, American Ambassador­ designate to France Mrs. Dillon (Ambass dor Dillon asked if he might call on the President. and pay his respect befoJ;"e leaving for his new Post)

9:45 am - Congressman J. Harry McGregor, Ohio (Mr. Stephens arranged this appointment at urgent request of General Persons, a Congressman McGregor will be pre iding at headngs in reference to the gasoline tax on Friday)

10:00 am - The President held Conference to discuss problems dealing with Federal-State relations, as follows: Honorable Oveta Culp H obby, Administrator, FSA Honorable Joseph M . Dodge, Director, .Bureau of the Budget Honol'able Alfred E. Driscoll, Governor of New Jersey Honorable Ja.m s F. Byrnes, Governor of South Carolina Honorabl - Allan Shivers, Governor of Texa HQnorable Walter J . Kobler, Governor of Wisconsin a enator Robert A. Taft, Ohio Senator- Eugene D. Millikin, Colorado Senator H. Alexander Smith, N. J. Honorable Sherman Adams Congressman Daniel A. Reed, New York Congressman Charle· A. Halleck, Indiana Congressman Samuel K. McC nnell, Jr. , Pennsylvania Honorable Marion B . Folsom, Under Secretai:y of the Treasury Honorable Bernard M. Shanley Honorable Val Peterson Honorabla Gabriel Hauge Mr. Frank Bane, Secretary, Governors' Conference Major General Wilton B. Persons (This meeting was arranged by Governor L Thursday, February Z6. 1953 (continued) Page Z

12:30 pm - The President gav a luncheon at the White House for all those attending the Conference on Federal-State relations. (General Persons was present at the meeting, but not at the luncheon)

Z:OO pm - Th Pr sident and Mrs. Eisenhower departed from the White House for National b:port where they and the members of their party enplaned for Augusta, Georgia.

4:45 pm - The Pre$ident and Mrs. Eisenhower and their party arrived in Augusta and motored directly t.:> the Augu. ta National Golf Club. THE PRESlllEN'!' S APPODrlMlmTS FRIDAY, PlmIWARJ 271 19;,3 THE FRESIDEN1l' 1S APPOINTMENT SATtm.DAY, . FEBRUARY 28, 195.3


!he toll · we.r the Pr eident' golfing partner todays Mr. M Dudley, the club pro Mr, E. D. (Slats) Sla.fier, Pr std.ent, ot the Sehenl.ey Distilling Company Mr. Jolm Bttdinger, New York Bank

The President presented to Robert 'l'yre (Bobby) Jones aa oil painting of Mr. Jone which th Pl'eaid had been working on tor the few months.