THE PRESIDENT'S APPOitmlENTS L SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1953 The President and Mrs. Eisenhower lett the South Portico of the White House at 8:50 a. • tor the National PreabJt.erian Church tor the Nine o'clock service. At the conclusion ot the Church Service the President and Mrs. Eisenhower J110t.ored to the National Gallery of Art, where they rlewed the Japanese Exhibition. Thq arriv at the in entrance ot the ational Galleey ot Art on Constitution Avenue between 10:00 and 10:15 am. The Japanese Ambassador, Ya-. Araki and Mr. David E. Finley, Director of the ational Galleey, met th6 President and Mrs. Eisenhower at the Gallery. THE PRESIDDT 1S APPOINTMENTS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1953 9:15 aa (General Wilto Persona) OFF THE RECORD 11:00 .. Admiral Arthur w. Radford, Comander in Chier, Pacific Ocean Area (Thi.a inc:ludea th Anq, Na17 and Air For c• in the Are&) (Mr. Stepbena phoned Adai.ral Radtord and arranged the appointment at the President's directio ·) 12:05 Pll The President, Mrs . Eisenhower and Mrs. Doud left the South Portico of the White House tor the Capitol. 12:30 pa The President deliTered the State ot the Union Messag before a Joint Session ot the Congress assembled in the House of Repreeentative • (The Secreta.ey of the Interior ) (Senator Gu7 Cordon, Orego ) (Senator Hugh Butler, ebraelta ) OFF THE RECORD (Senator Arthur V. Watkins, Utah ) (Senator Willi F. !'nOlfland, Calitornia) (These gentl•en entered b.r Lower West. Door - The Seer ta.ry of Interior arranged this appointment. t the President's d1r ction, to discuss the Hawaiian situation) Honorable Boger M. lyes (The President witnes eel the wearing in ot Mr. Ky-ea Deputy Secretary ot Detenae. The cer D7 was held in the President1 s ottice and several bers ot Mr. KTes 1 tam111' attended. Hr. Frank Sanderson administered the ath.) 4t00 pa Mr. Arthur S. Fle•ting, Ottice or Defense Mobilization Mr. Harold s. Vance, Ottice ot Detense Mobilization Honorable Joseph M. Dodge, Director, Bureau of the dg~ Honorable Gabriel Havge, Administrative Assistant to the President ('fhq discussed the scheduling or ction on Wage Price Decontrols) General Omar Bradlq (General Bradlq phoned Mr. Stephens about 4t10 pn. a ting that be had a mess ge which need.M clearance with th President.. Mr. steph na told him to come over at once.) THE PRESIDENT' S APPOINTMENTS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 31 1953 9:30 Senator Price Daniel, Texa Mr. Robert Storey, ot Dallas, Texas, Presid nt o! erican Bar Association (The Senator asked it he might bring Mr. Storey in to se the Pr sident and discuss with bbl means by which the American Bar Association might be or assietanee to the Administr tion) 10:00 am Major General G org A. Horkan, Quarte st r General or th• (General Horkan w s origi na.ll 7 scheduled to see th President last Friday, but as Cabinet stayed in session unt:iJ. so late, it s decided th t be hould return today when there would be an opportunity for him to have a mor s tisfactory ppointm nt. General Horka.n is ar.: old friend ot the President. 1 ) 10:30 Honorable in P. Durkin, the Secretary ot Labor (This appointment s arranged by Governor Adams) 11:.30 (Mr. Ellis D. Slater) OFF THE RECORD {An old friend or the President's) 12:00 (Mr. John Jackqon, th Proai.dent 1 s lawyer) (Colon l Robert L. Schulz) OFF THE RECORD (This was originall7 set for 3:30 in the afternoon but Colonel Schulz ask d if' we could a t it up earlier to cco date Mr. Jackson) 12:.30 (Honorable U. E. ugh.man, Chi f, U. S. cret Service) OFF THE RECORD 12s40 Honorable Jo eph M. Dodge, Director, reau of t.he Budget 1;00 JJll The Preai.dent gave a stag luncheon at the te House tor Senate Leaders. Thia was arranged by General P rsons and th fol1owing w re present: The Vice President S nator Joseph R. McCarthT Senator Rob rt A. Ta.ft Senator Hugh Butler Senator WUllam A. Knowl.and Senator Charles W. Tobey Sena.tor George D. Aileen Senator William Langer Senator Styles Bridges Senator H. Alexander Smith Senator LeYerett Saltonstall Senator Frank Carlson Senator Hoaer E. Capehart Senator Edvard Mart.in Sen tor Francis Caa Senator illiam E. Jenner Senator Eugene D. Millikin Honorable Sherman Adams Senator Alexander Wiley General Wilton B. Persons .. 0• THE PRESID T'S APPOIN'llmNTS ... FEBRUARY 3, 1953 Page 2 2:30 pn Mr. Ji.maJy Dillon, of Jon a, ta., Preeident, Future Farmers ot erica Mr. Malcolm Ellis, of Mapleton, Me., North Atlantic Vice President Mr. Fred Reed, Jr., Southern Vice Presid nt, Hindsville, Ark. Mr. Bill Sor , C ntral Vice President, Dundas, Minn. Mr. Donald R. Travis, Fallon, ev., Pacific Vic President fr. Jimmy Willi , St.udent Secretary, Clio, s. C. Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, Federal Security Administrator Senator Frank Carlson, Kansa Mr. ger K. lyes, Dep11t7 S cret&ey of Def'ell8 Mr. A. W. Tenne;y, Executiv Seer tar,y, Futur F er Dr. • T. Spanton, Ohi f Agricultural Educ tion Branch, U. S. Office of F.ducation ~ N tional Advisor Mr. Archie Hardy, Official Photographer, F. s. A. (Sen +.or Carl on requested that the President reeeiYe these officers of Future Farmers of erica, which is a national organization of t boy who are study'­ ing vocational agrieult.ure in rural public secondary schools. The organization has 352,000 a.otive member in approximately 8,.300 local. high chool chapter • It is incorporated by Act of CoQgr s, Public Law 740) General J. Lawton Collins, Chi t of Sta.ft, U. S. A. (Ha.s just .·sturned f'rom Kore and wishe to report L to th President on hi trip) Honorabl Paul G. Hoffman (Mr. Hortman called Mr. Stephens yesterd ::/', from Pasadena, California, and asked if he might se the President tod~) (The President suggested that perhaps we had better move up Mr. Hof' 1 s appoin ent tro 2:00 p. • he doubted i.t he would be able to get back fro th Senate Leaders luncheon in the White Hous in t e) Honorable bert Cutler, Administrative s istant to th President THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS NESDAt, FEBRUARY 41 195.3 9:00 Mr. Leonard V. Finder, Vice President, Universal Match Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri. (Mr. Finder wrote the President. January 27th, stating that while h had intend d to "rstre t trom active public interest" atter rking for the President's election, instead he find he nts to be helpful where he can, and reeling he h s an important contri­ bution to make w'hieh will ease the Presidet' s path in field or minority probl in this countr;r, he request an appqintment). 9:15 Mr. L. • Pexton, of Denver, Colorado J (Mr. Pexton is an old tri nd or the Presid nt' ) 10:00 all Mr. Walker Buckner, ot Reynolds & Co., New York City ( fr. Buclmer, •phoned Mr. Stephen ew York last week and stated he had finished report which h had been preparing t the President's request on elf-liquidating projects, and would like to com down and present it to the President). 10:30 - The National Security Council The President I The Vice President Th .Acting S9Cretary of State, Hon. H. Fr eman tthews The Seer t&r:r of Detense The Secretary o! the Tre&slJl7 Honorable John Ohly, representing Mutual Security Gener l Omar .Br dlq General W. B.. Smith Honorable Allen W. Dulles, CIA Honorable James s. La7, Executive Secreta.r;r, NSC Honorable J. Everett Gleeson, Deputy Executi'Ye Secretary, NSC Honorable bert Cutler, Administrative ssistant to the Pr sident Colonel Paul T. Carroll, USA, Militar;y Liaison Of'ticer 12115 Jiil General Wilton • Per on• Governor Gordon Persons and Mrs . Persons (General Persona' brother)(General Persons brought GoTernor nd Mrs. Persona in to meet the President and pay their respects) 12:.35 Jiil Honorable Joseph M. Dodge, Director, Bur u of the Budget o;it~~.~ Honorable Sherman Adams, '!'he Assistant to the President 1:00 (LUICH) 2:.30 pa Honorable Chan Gurnq, Member Civil A ronautics Board (Mr. Gurnq asked Mr. Stephens to arrange this appointment, as he wished to discuss matter pertaining to Civil Aero­ nautics Board with the President.) Page 2 . u llo).'lot-able IDi.arlee E. Wilson, Secretary of Detanse (One hour; Mr. \'lil®n aBked if be might have one hour today, and in l\lture a regular one hour ppointment each Tuesda7 a~ noon.. ) The Pre.sident Witnessed the swearing.... in cereco?V" or the Secretariea ot t.he Anq, Nav and Air force. The .t'oll.oving were present.: Honc:»ra.ble Robert. T. B. steYene, Secretary of the Arsrrr Honorable Robert B. Ander"Son, Secretary ot the Na-vy­ Honorable Harold E. Talbott, Seoretary of the Air Foree The Members 0£ the tamilies of the three Secretaries Honorable & Mrs. Charles E. Wil$01l Honorable & Mrs. Roger l)res General J. Lawton Collins, Chief ot Statt, U. S. Anq Ad:adral Wm. M. Fechtel.er. Chi•t ot Na.Tal Ope:Mltiona O.ne:ral Hoyt s . V~denberg, Chi.et ot statt, CJ . s. Air Force Genel'al Oma.Jo N. Bradley, Chainl:all, Joint Chiefs Honorable Robel't Cutler, Ad.ministrative AssiJStant to the President Mr. Meridit.h Davidson, CIA DECLASSIFIED Authority (1tA:1tiitf J.f/v/J't By THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 51 1953 8:20 ('l'he Pre id nt ccompani by- nator Frank Carleo left th Whit House' for th yi'lower Hotel) The Preaident attended the Pra7er eald'ast, given by the International Council for Christian L 9:45 am (The Presid t returned to th Whit Hou e) 10100 Sn tor Willi F.
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