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Fanny Zlabovsky-National Council of Jewish MS 508, Box 2, Elegante-Jacobowitz Women Case Files

May 2020

Folder 18 -- Gechter, Jaime -- 1934 - 1938

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Recommended Citation "Folder 18 -- Gechter, Jaime -- 1934 - 1938" (2020). MS 508, Box 2, Elegante-Jacobowitz. 16.

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' EL PA.So, 'IExAs OFFICES NEW YORK ~RIS 130 Wll.ST :II V &T. NQ.4 RUE MARTEL lan. l&th, l~.

&l Paso Chelllber ot Commerce, EL P.ASO, Texas.

Attention: Capt. R. H. Simona


The bearer ot this let"er, Mr. J'aime Gechter, e Mexioim citizen, 1e a resident ot c. Juerez, Mexico end lives et 711 Le Pez St. He is aelling mere band is• in Juerez, which necesai tate• hill coming to El Paso ottm to meke purcb.eses. It seems like he ham had trouble in getUng a re~er pees port trClll the I111nSgration Department to come over here end do his purchaeing.

Would, therefore, appreciate your helping him in obtain­ ing same.

Very truly yours,



118-118 S. MESA AVENUE EL:. PASO, TEXAS Jan. 16. 1934.

To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I have known the bearer of this letter. Mr. Jaime Gechter, who resides in Ju.ares, for the past two years.

Be is a merchant ln Jllarez and bas been buying merchandise from us for that length of time• and for that reason comes very often to this city.

He bas been very honest in all his dealings with :Jba and can recommend him as a man of good character.

J.ny c8tisideratlon you may show Mr. Geohter will be greatly appreciated. Yours very, HORWITZ BBOS. SHOE CO. ~9~ Jlgr. Goldoft Shoe Store 210•212 £. o'Jl!RLAND ST. ' B. FARBER, PROP•



~roh 7 1 1934

Mr. E. H. Simons, El .Paso Chamber of Commeroe, El .Paso, Texas.

Dear~. Simons: Thie letter ia in regard to the bearer, .iwir. H. Geohter. Mr. Geahter has been a regular wholesale oustomer of ours for the past three years. We have been very well ~leased with:_ our relations with him during, thi• time as we have found him to be reliable, prompt in payments, and an excellent cus­ tomer. Unfortunately, Mr. Geohter has no passport to this oountry and must do his buying thru an agent. Thia results in muoh of the merchandise being returned as the agent many times makes mistakes. Also muoh difficulty ie enoountered with the customs officials beoause of lllr. Geohter's inability to enter this oountry in order to do his own buying. We would greatly appreciate any trouble that you would take in order to enable ...~. Geohter to enter this oountry to do his own buying. Not only will this benefit our store, but also several other stores who would retain an excellent oustomer. Very truly yours, ~ebrew Shelteri Society of America

OFFICERS Headquartera: Hia1 Bulldln& President 425-437 Lafayette Street ABRAHAM HERMAN New York Vic•· Presidents JACOB MASSEL ALBERT ROSENBLATT NATHAN ScHOBNFELD SAMUBL A. TILSBY October 30, 1934. H. H. CoHEM Al>OLPH COPBLAND HAllll POORVU JULIUI SHAPER l&RABL S!LHRITE!N Mrs. Frank Zlabovsky HARRY K. WOLl'P 1016 Olive Street Tr1111nr•r JU HAllllY FllCHEL Paso, Texas

Honorary S•crdar)! SAMUEL GOLDSTEIN Dear Mrs. Zlabovsky:

Geri.rill Jtl4111111r ISAAC L. Asol'SKT Your letter ot the 27th instant in re Jaime Gechter received today. The only way in BOARD OF DIRECTORS which this matter can come before the Department Morrie A1<1fslr.y so that we can give it our attention here is that J oeeph Bulr.ln Aaron Benjamin Mr. Geohter should apply for a brief temporary Dr. J 1me1 Bern1tein admission at your immigration station. If and John L. Bernstein Eliu A. Cohen when this is refused, he should state that he de­ Jacob H. Cohen sires to appeal trom the excluding decision, and In. A. Coralnlk we should then be promptly notified. This appeal S. Dinsol Joeeph B. Bron will, in regular course, come to the Department Morrie Felnatona tor consideration. We can then argue the matter HarrJ Fischel before the ~epartment's Board ot Review and do Samuel Gold1tcin everything possible. Please see that we are Adolph Held promptly notified when he is excluded at your Abraham Herman Philip Herah immigration station. He has a right to appeal Alexander Kahn and should. insist on doing so. Mra. Leon Kamalky Harrie Linetzky Rabbi M. S. Margolies Very sincerely yours, Rev. H. Masllanaky J 1cob Masael Morrie Michtom Pinski Albert Roeenblatt Joseph Schlo11berg Nathan Schoenfeld B. Shelvin Hon. Adolph Stern ISIDORE HERSHFIELD Samuel A. Telsey Counsel B. C. Vladeck Benjamin J, Welnber& Morria Wolnber1 P.S. Although he seeks only a border crossing card, the above procedure is nevertheless necessary. The Board ot Review here may decide on his appeal that he should not be admitted temporarily but should be granted a border crossing card for some period. IH:bk


Unlt'11 Slat••: l'o,.i.p: Harbin, Chine Cuba Baltimore Phil1delphla Wuhineton, D. C. San Francisco Ellia l1land, N. Y. H, Roumania Danz!& So11th America Boston Conatantinople Chica10 Seattle Latvia Paria ~~ l-lebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America

01/k• of th WASHINGTON BUREAU Isidore Henbfield, Counsel OFFICERS 504-5 American Bulldlnr Headquartel'9: 1317 F STREET, N. W. Hlu Bulldlnr Pr1114enl 425-437 Lafayette Street WASHINGTON, D. C. ABRAHAM HERMAN New Tork Vic1-Presidents Local and Lone Di1tance Phone, National 8120 JACOB MAssEL ALBl!llT RoasNBLATT NATHAN ScHOBNPILD SAMUBL A. TBLHT H. H. CoHBN AlloLI' H COPBLAND HAIWI Pooavu December 5, 1934. JULIUI SHAPU llllAIL SILBBUTBIM HAUT K. WOLPP

TrlfURTIT HARRY P!ICHIL Mrs . Frank Zlabovsky Honoruy Secrnuy 1016 Olive Street SUIUIL GoLDSTBIM El Paso, Texas Gen1ral M11111141r llAAC L. AaoPHT Dear Mrs . Zlabovsky: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Morrie Aaof•IQ' In the matter of Jaime Geohter, Joaeph Buldn Aaron Benjamin D. L. 55588/283, we have now been of­ Dr. James Bematein ficially advised of the decision denying John L. Bematein him permission to reapply for admission Eliu A. Cohen Jaoob H. Cohen to the United States after deportation. · Dr. A. Cotalnlk s. Dinsol Jouph B. Eron Three letters attesting to Morrie Feln1tone Mr . Gechter's standing, whioh we.filed HattJ Fischel with the Department, have been returned l1rael Friedkln Samuel Goldateln to us and are enclosed herewith. Adolph Held Abraham Herman Philip Hersh Yours very truly, Alexander Kahn Mra. Leon Kamalky Harri• Llne!Uy Rabbi M. S. Margolies Rev. H; Mulianaky Jacob M1uel Morrie M!chtom David Pinski Albert Rosenblatt Joeeph Schlouberg Nathan Schoenfeld B. Shelvin Hon. Adolph Stern Samuel A. Teluy bk B. C. Vladeck Enc . 3 Benjamin J. Weinberr Morrie Welnberc

OFFICES Utllt1I Sflltn1 ,, Baltimore Philadelphia Wuhlncton, D. C. Poland Lithuania Harbin, China Cabe Bo1ton San Prancleco Biiia l1land, N. T. H. Roumanfa Dana!& Berlin South Ameri

Of!lu of tb WASHINGTON BUREAU I.sidore Hershfield, Counec:l OFFICERS 504·5 American Buildln1 Headqaartera: 1317 F STREET, N. W. Hiu Buildiq Pr.sld.•nt 425-437 Lafayette Stnet WASHINGTON, D. C. bRAHAM HERMAN New Tort Vic•-Pruidertb Local and Lona Diatance Phone, National 8120 JACOB MASS EL ALBl!llT RosBNBLATT NATHAN ScHOBMPBLD SAMUBL A. TBLHT H. H. CoHBM Al>oLPH COPBLAMD February 4 , 1935. HAR&Ill POORVU Juuu1 SHAPU )IL\BL SILBBUTBIM HAUT K. WOLH

Tr••ar•r HARllY F11CHIL Hortorary S•crdary Mrs . Frank Zlabovsky SAllUBL GOLDllTlllM 1016 Olive Street G•Hrlll /lltu1a1•r El Paso, Texas )llAAC L. AaoPlltY

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dear Mrs . Zlabovsky: Morria AaofakJ Joeeph Bukin In the ma t.ter of J"aim.e Gechter, Aaron Benjamin Dr. Jamee Bernatein D. L. 55588/283, as to whom you wrote us, John L. Bernatein we have been in communication with Mr. Eliu A. Cohen Gecther himself. He has sent us various Jacob H. Cohen Dr. A. Coralnik letters of recommendation in Spanish with S. Din1ol translations of same . Through some mix­ Joaeph B. Eron Morrie Feinatone up, the original letters in Spanish have .. Harry Flachel only now reached th~ Department and we laraei Frledkin Samuel Goldstein took the matter up there today with the Adolph Heid proper official. Abraham Herman Philip Heroh Alexander Kahn Copy of our letter of this date Mre. ~n Kamalky to Mr . Geohter is attached hereto for Harrie Llnetzky your information. If you can do anything Rabbi M.' S. Margoiiell Rev. H. Muiianaky with the immigration authorities at Juarez , Jacob Musel it will be very helpful. Morr!• Michtom David Pinaki Albert Rosenblatt Yours very truly, J oaeph Schlosaberg Nathan Schoenfeld B. Shelvin Hon, Adolph Stern Samuel A. Telaey B. C. Vladeck Benjamin J. Weinber& Morrie Welnber1 [:;:~~ Counsel IH:bk


Urtlt•d Sflll•11 l' Baltimore Pbiladelpbla Wuhlnaton, D. C. Poland Lithuania Harbin, China Cuba Boaton San Francl­ Bllia !eland, N. T, H. Roumanla Damis Berlin South Ame•iea Chlcaao Seattle Lah'i• Parll Cout&llllaople ~611Q ~eb iew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America

Olfice of th• WASHINGTON BUREAU hidore Hershfield, Counsel OFFICERS 504-5 American Building Headquartere: 1317 F STREET, N. W. Hiu Bulldin& President ol25-437 Lafayette Street WASHINGTON, D. C. ABRAHAM HERMAN New York Vice-Prt:aidenta Local and Long Distance Phone, National 6120 JACOB MASSRL ALBERT ROSENBLATT NATHAN 5cHOBNPBLD SAMUEL A. Tl!LSEY H. H, COHEN AooLPH CoPBLAND HARRIS PooRvu JULIUS SHAPER ISRAEL SILBERSTEIN HARRY K. WOLPP

TrH•arer HARRY FISCHEL 11r.. 1alme Geoh wr Honorary Secretary luarez venue lto SAMUBL GOLDSTEIN Oiudad J'uarez, Mexioo General Manager ISAAC L. AsOPSK y Dear Sir:

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Morris Aaof.ty The original Spanish doollllenta Joseph Baatln heTe now reached '1le Depa taen' and we Aaron Benjamin took up th1a mat,er (D. L . rHHWS/883) With Dr. Jamea Bernstein John L. Bernstein . 't;he proper ottio1al toda7. Be has 4eoided Eliu A. Cohen to oommunioate with the u. s. 1mmigra•1on Jacob H, Cohen Dr. A. Coralnit authorities at juarez, aaoertein whether S. Dinco! they haYe a117d>Jeotion to your being g1ven Joseph E. Eron Morrla Feinatone a oroaeing oer4, and atter ge,t1ng their Harry Fischel repl7, e will ihen take aotion on 7our Israel Friedtin present applloaiion tor leave to reapply. Samuel Gold1tein Adolph Held You aight take the ma'ter up with 'the la· Abraham Herman miaration authorities at 1uares youraelt Philip Hersh Alexander Kahn or through 7our trien4a and explain "he Mre. Leon Kamalty whole a1tunt1on to them ao that poealbly Harri& ' Llnehky the7 replJ to the Department that t Rabbi M. S. Marcolies mar y Rev. H. Maaliaaaky would me no objeot1on to your haY1ng a Jacob Maasel oroaaing oard, an4 henoe no objeo,ion to Morrie Michtom David Pinati 7QUr 1ng 1ven ,.:rmi•aion to reappl.J'. Albert Rosenblatt Joseph Schlo'8berg Nathan Schoenfeld B. Shelvin Hon. Ailolph Stern Tot~ :ry ~::~ ~ Samuel A. Telaey B. C. Vladect Benjamin J. Weinber& ISIDORE TIERf'ID'IlriD' Morris Weinberg Counsel 11 : bk tor c • abova


U nlted Statirs : Fort1ign: Baltimore Philadelphia Washington, D. C. Poland Lithuania Harbin, China Cuba Boston San Francisco Ellie Island, N. Y. H. Rouman:a Danzig Berlin South Amerio• Chicaco Seattle Latvia Parl• Constantinople . ..,,llO Juarez, Kexic•, Yebruar.r 11, 1935.

Kr. GroTer c. Wilmoth, ~ep't ot Immigration, Fi rat Na ti onal Bank Bld I• , El Paao, Texa•• Dear Sirs- Referring to my caae (DL-55588/283), wherein I applied tor a Border Paafport and was retuaecl .1• a.ppeafed o tbe Department ot L~bor in •aeb1ng~on.

I am ad-viaed tbat tbia matter will be referred to the I migration autboritiea in El Paao, and I am tberefore appealing to you to grant me tbe priTilege ot a Border Paaapart ao that I may do my purchaaing in El Paao.

At tbe preaent time I am eatabliabed in buaineaa, wbicb I am conducting between Juarez and Kadera, Mexico, and my clientele preter mercbandiae wbicb I can purcbaae in El Paao, Texaa•

With reference to 1111 paat record, I ba-ve at no time broken any lawa ot Vexico, tbe Countr.r ot my adoption, aa will be aeen by tbe letter• I recei-ved trom botb tbe Police and Cuatom'a epartmenta in Juares. It ia tnae tbat I waa deported. tram tbe United Statea in 192&, but at the time I entered tbe United Statee illegallJ, it waa not my deaire to break any law• ot your Country. I was mia-adTiaed at tbat time. ben I recei-ved a Border C•Daalag card at Eagle Paaa, I do not recall baTinl beer aaked the qaeation it I bad e-ver been in tbe United Statea, but it I falsified, it ia again not ~ecause I wanted to break any ot your laws, but becauae I wanted to continue in tbe buaineaa in wbich I was eatabllahed at tbat time in Piedra& Begraa, Mexico. Again, I appeal to you to permit me to reapplJ tor tbe atorementioned Border Paaaport. Tbanlclng you tor your kind consideration, I aa Reapectt'ully, ~E Juarez ATenue, ~l Juares, Jlexico. Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant: Aid Society of America

Of!k• of tll• WASHINGTON BUREAU Isidore Hersbli.eld, Counsel OFFICERS 504-5 American Bulldin1 Headquartera: Hiu Bulldin1 Pr.,ident 1317 F STREET, N. W. 425-437 Lafayette Street ABRAHAM HERMAN WASHINGTON, D. C. New Yorlc Vlc•-Pre•idents Local and Loni Diatance Phone, National 6120 JACOB MASSEL ALBERT ROSENBLATT NATHAN ScHOl!NPELD SAMUBL A. TEUIET Jlaroh e, 1933. H. H. CoHBN AooLPH CoPELAND HARRIS POORVU JULIUS SHAPER Mr. 1a1ae Geohter ISRAEL SILBERSTEIN HARRY K. WOLPP 1Uarez Avenue #l4D r,.asarer o1u4a4 J'uarez, llex1oo HARRY FISCH l!L

Honorary Secretary Dear Birt SAMUEL GOLDSTEIN

General .M1111ager We haft been following up th• • •ter ot ISAAC L. AsoPSK Y your appl1oat1on tor leaTe 'o reapplJ tor aclm1 .. 1on •O that J'OU oan get a border oar4, D. L. DISB88/283. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ba• Morris Asofeky The 11nea•1sa,ion repori Juat been 1'9ee1Te4 an.4 Jo1eph Baakin n took ihe aa•'9r up at on• •1'h the proper ot­ Aaron Benjamin t1o1al •• the Depanaent. e r gret to a4T1•• J'OU Dr. Jamea Bernstein John L. Bernotein 'ha' J'OUI' appl1oat1on, however, has bHn 4en1e4. A Elias A. Cohen a1a1lar pe dlna applioation by 7our wit• tor leaTe Jacob H. Cohen Dr. A. CotalDllt to reapplJ wlthin one J'••l' ot exolualon 1• aleo be• S. Dingo! 1q 4enied. The 1ne tiga,lon report goee into 10ur Joseph B. Eron atta1ra •• gJ"eat length, your troUblea With the De­ Morris F-.in1tone Harry Fischel partaent • eto • , an4 1• al together a o Tel'J' untaTor- larael Friedkin • bl• the' the ott1o1al at the Deparaent felt that Samuel Goldstein Adolph Held he eoul4 4o nothing elae bu' 4•D1' 1our applloat1on Abraham Herman an4 that 0.1. :rour wite. Philip Hersh Alexander Kahn Mra. Leon Kamaiky Please be aaeure4 that we haTe done eTeJ7• Harri• Linetzky thing poui'ble in 1our behalt. It •lll aerve no Rabbi M. S. Margolies Rev. H. Mullansky purpoae tor J'OU to eat us to take the matter up tur-. Jacob Massei tber or to endeavor to haTe the 4eo1aion ohan.ge4. Morris Michtom th• David Pinski e feel that upon the 1nTeat1gat1on report De­ Albert Rosenblatt partunt will not 1Te '1le matter •117 turther oon­ Joseph Schloaaberg aidera,ion, nor will it ohange the 4eo1a1on in 'he Nathan Schoenfeld 8. Shelvin o••• ot J'OUJ' wite an4 7ouraelt. Hon. Adolph Stern Samuel A. Telaey B. C. Vladeck Yours ver, trul.7, Benjamin J. Weinberg Morris Weinber& L,.,__,~ ISIDORE HEn..CJBFIELD CoUJ18el IHtbk OoPJ' tor Mre. Zlaboveic,


Vnit•ll Sttd.s; Foreign; Baltimore Philadelphia Washin1ton, D. C. Poland Lithuania Harbin, China Cuba Boston San Francisco Ellie laland, N. Y. H. Rouman'a Danzl1 Berlin South America Seattlo Latvia Paria Conatantinople ~,00 l-lebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America

Office of the WASHINGTON BUREAU Isidore Hershfield, Counsel OFFICERS 504-5 American Building Headquarters: Hias Building President 1317 F STREET, N. W. 425-437 Lafayette Street ABRAHAM HERMAN WASHINGTON, D. C. New York Vice-Presidents Local and Long Distance Phone, National 6120 JACOB MAsSEL ALBERT ROSENBLATT NATHAN SCHOENPELO SAMUEL A. TELSEY H. H. COHEN AooLPH COPELAND HARRIS POORVU May 7, 1937. JULIUS SHAPER ISRAEL SILBERSTEIN HARRY K. WOLFF

Treasurer HARRY FISCHEL Mrs. Frank H. Zlabovsky 1016 Olive Street Honorary Secretary SAMUEL GOLDSTEIN El Paso, Texas

Gener11l Manager ISAAC L. ASOPSKY Dear Mrs. Zlabovsky:

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Your letter of the 3rd instant in Morris Asofaky re Chaim Gechter, D. L. 55588/283, was re­ Joseph Baskin Aaron Benjamin ceived yesterday. We immediately took the Dr. James Bernstein matter up at the ~epartment and found that John L. Bernstein Elias A. Cohen it was already aoted upon but the file was Jacob H. Cohen not available and we could not obtain the Dr. A. Coralnik S. Dingo! decision. Today weasoertained that the Joaeph E. Eron decision states that no change shall be made Morris Pelnstone in the previous· order denying his applica­ Harry Fischel Israel Friedkin tion. Samuel Goldstein Adolph Held · Abraham Herman We do not know whether it would Philip Hersh have been possible for us to have effected Alexander Kahn any different result if we had received the Mra. Leon Kamaiky Harris Llnetzky matter before it was actually passed upon by Rabbi M. S. Margolies the Department. The Department evidently is Rev. H. Masliansky Jacob Massei of opinion that the past history of this Morris Michtom case is such that permission should not be David Pinski Albert Rosenblatt granted to him either to reapply for perma­ Joseph Schloaaberg nent admission or to cross the border. Nathan Schoenfeld B. Shelvin Hon. Adolph Stern Yore very truly, Samuel A. Telaey B. C. Vladeck Benjamin J. Weinberg Morris Weinberg k~~· ISIDORE HERSHFIELD Counsel IH:bks


Un/led Slafet: Foreign: Baltimore Philadelphia Wuhlneton, D. C. Poland Lithuania Harbin, China Cub1 Boston San Francisco Ellie laland, N. Y. H. Rouman'. a Danzig Berlin South Amerk1 Chlcair:o Seattl• Latvia Paris Constantinople ....00 1-1,ebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America

Of/ke of th WASHINGTON BUREAU Isidore Herabfield, Counsel OFFICERS 504-5 American Bulldlnc Headquartera: Hias Buildlnc President 1317 F STREET, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. 425-437 Lafayette Street ABRAHAM HERMAN New Yorlc Vice-Presidents Local and Lone Distance Phone, National 6120 JACOB MASSEL ALBERT ROSENBLATT NATHAN ScHOENPl!LD SAMUEL A. TELSl!.T H. H. COHBN l!ay 19 , 19 38 • AnoLPH COPELAND HARRIS POORVU JULIUS SHAPER ISRAEL SILBERSTl!IN HARRY K. WOLPP Mrs. Frank Zlabovsky Troa.surer 1016 Olive Street HARRY FISCHEL El Paso, Texas Honorary Secretary SAMUEL GOLDSTEIN Dear Hrs. Zla bovsky: General Manager ISAAC L. ASOPSltY Your letter of the 16th instant in re BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chaim Gechter, D. L. 55588/283, received. We Morrie Aeofaky find that this application had already reached the Joseph Bastin Aaron Benjamin Department, and on the 5th instant, same was denied. Dr. Jamee Bernatein We nevertheless took the matter up further with the John L. Bernatein proper official in charg€ of these matters and used Elias A. Cohen Jacob H. Cohen every possible argument without success. He has re­ Dr. A. Coralnit fused to change the decision. S. Dingo! Joseph E. Eron Morris Feinatoae As you know, there is very much in the · Harry Fiacbel record against this man, including statements that larael F riedtia Samuel Goldatela he has been engaged in smuggling in violation of Adolph Held the laws or both this country and of !exico. You Abraham Herman Philip Hersh also know that he previously was ordered deported. Alexander Kaba The Department has had this matter before it an­ 11\ra. Leon Kamaity nually for many years and has refused to grant him Harria Llnetzty Rabbi M. S. Marcoliee leave to reapply or a border crossing card. Rev. H. Masiianaty Jacob Massei Morris Micbtom A border crossing card is not granted David Pinski where the alien had once b ~ en ordered deported,* Albert Rosenblatt Joseph Schlossberg It was also pointed out to us that probably he Nathan Schoenfeld would be inadmissible because of various acts he B. Shelvin had previously committed, and leave to reapply, )ion. Adolph Stern Samuel A. Telaey therefore, would not avail him anything even if B. C. Viadect it were granted. We may add that leave to reapply Benjamin J. Welnber& is not granted as a matter of course, but only in Morris Weinberg exceptional cases where is involved the great hardship of separating the alien from immediate members of his family. such hardship does not exist in this case. Please be assured that we used every effort to obtain for him at least ·, border crossing card.

*unless leave to reapply is granted at the same time. OFFICES U nltetl Stat•• : Foreign: Baltimore Ph lladel ph la Washington, D. C. Poland Lithuania Harbin, China Cuba Booton San Francisco Ellia l1land, N. Y. H. Rouman:a Dan al& Berlin Soulb Americ1 Chicago Seattlo Latvia Parl1 Constantinople ~~00 :rs. Frank Zlabovsky - ~2 May 19' 1938. Re: Chaim Gechter,55588/283

We believe that the cas~ is hopeless and that he must resign himself' to retna ining in Mexico and never thinking of entering the United States. Yours very truly,