Along the Watchtowers

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Along the Watchtowers All Along the Watchtowers Field guide for the South Eastern European Green Belt Udhëzues terreni për Brezin e Gjelbër në Europën Juglindore Теренски водич за југоисточниот Европски Зелен Појас EUROPEAN GREEN BELT INITIATIVE All Along the Watchtowers Field guide for the South Eastern European Green Belt Udhëzues terreni për Brezin e Gjelbër në Europën Juglindore Теренски водич за југоисточниот Европски Зелен Појас Compiled by Andrea Strauss & Tomasz Pezold Hartuar nga Andrea Strauss & Tomasz Pezold Составено од Андреа Штраус и Томаш Пезолд IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature Programme Office for South-Eastern Europe European Green Belt Initiative 2009 The designation of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of BfN or IUCN concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitations of its frontiers or boundaries. For the purpose of this publication the name Kosovo has been used to refer to the territory under the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, established in 1999 by the UN Security Council resolution 1244; and the name Macedonia has been used to refer to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of BfN or IUCN. This publication has been made possible with support of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) with funds of the German Interministerial Steering Group for Civilian Crisis Prevention. Published by: IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Belgrade, Serbia Copyright: © 2009 International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-commercial purposes is authorized without prior written permission from the copyright holder provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Citation: Strauss, A. and Pezold, T. (compilers) (2009). All Along the Watchtowers: Field guide for the South Eastern European Green Belt. Belgrade, Serbia: IUCN Programme Office for South-Eastern Europe. viii + 78 pp. Collaborators: Eduart Cani, Ruska Miceva, Naser Bresa, Abedin Paci, Taulat Bino, Haki Zoto, Ferdinand Bego, Mimoza Gjika (Albanian translations), Vesna Keramitcievska (Macedonian translations), Linda Zanella (English proofreading), Duško Medić (Map). ISBN: 978-2-8317-1136-2 Design by: Cover photo by: Tomasz Pezold Produced by: IUCN Programme Office for South-Eastern Europe Printed by: Stojkov, Novi Sad Available from: IUCN Programme Office for South-Eastern Europe Dr. Ivana Ribara 91 11070 Belgrade, Serbia tel +381 11 2272 411 fax +381 11 2272 531 Contents Përmbajtja Содржина Preface ......................................................................................................... v Parathënie ............................................................................................. vi Предговор .............................................................................................. vi Acknowledgements ....................................................... vii Falënderime ..................................................................................... vii Признанија ........................................................................................ viii Introduction ...................................................................................... 1 Hyrje .................................................................................................................. 1 Вовед ................................................................................................................... 2 1. The European Green Belt initiative ......... 3 Nisma Europiane e Brezit të Gjelbër .......... 3 Европската иницијатива Зелен Појас ............ 3 2. Overview of the area / Vështrim i përgjithshëm mbi rajonin / Преглед на областа / Highlights of the region .............................................. 5 pjesët më të rëndësishme të tij ...................... 5 најважни делови на регионот .......................... 5 3. Introduction to the CITES Convention ............................................................... 15 Hyrje në Konventën CITES .................................... 15 Запознавање со Конвенцијата на CITES ........... 15 4. Introduction to the Hyrje në Kategoritë Запознавање со категориите Red List Categories ........................................................... 17 e Listës së Kuqe ........................................................................ 17 на Црвената листа ................................................................. 17 5. Fauna - species typical in the region Fauna – speciet tipike në Фауна – видови типични за регионот или or of conservation interest ................................ 21 rajon apo speciet me interes од интерес за заштита .................................................. 21 për t’u konservuar ............................................................... 21 6. Traditional Land Use Përdorimi tradicional i Традиционално користење на and Local Products ........................................................... 55 tokës dhe produktet lokale ................................ 55 земјиштето и локални продукти ............. 55 7. Legislative framework Kuadri legjislativ për Законска рамка на of the border police ........................................................ 57 policinë e kufirit ....................................................................... 57 граничната полиција ....................................................... 57 8. Introduction to nature conservation Hyrje në legjislacionin dhe strukturat Запознавање со законодавството legislation and structure ........................................ 63 për konservimin e natyrës ................................... 63 за заштита на природата и неговата структура ................................................................................................ 63 9. List of relevant stakeholders Listë e strukturave të Листа на значајни актери in the area ......................................................................................... 71 interesuara në zonat përkatëse .................. 71 во областа ............................................................................................. 71 10. Partner descriptions ....................................................... 75 Përshkrimi i partnerëve ............................................. 75 Опис на партнерите .......................................................... 75 iii All Along the Watchtowers Field guide for the South Eastern European Green Belt he southwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula is a global hot spot of biodiversity. High mountain areas show an outstanding high diversity of plant species, while the region is one of the last remaining retreats of large European carnivores, such as bear, wolf Tand lynx. The border areas in the project region, as in many countries adjoining the European Green Belt, represent some of the last intact nature sites. Cooperation of border police and nature conservation authorities can help to enhance law enforcement, pre- vent illegal activities that damage the natural resources of the border areas, and monitor populations of threatened species. Civil con- flict prevention is also a high priority in these areas. Transboundary cooperation in the field of nature conservation and environment protection can be regarded as an important instrument for mitigating tensions and re-establishing friendly neighbourly relations. This publication is an output of the project Civil-military Cooperation for the Promotion of Transboundary Nature Conservation along the European Green Belt (South Eastern Europe). The project was aimed at combining nature conservation and peace-securing activities in the border region between Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia. It was carried out in 2008 by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the IUCN, with financial support from the German Inter-ministerial Body for Civil Conflict Prevention. Project activities were jointly implemented with the local organisations REC Albania, Eco-99 Prizren and Ecologists Movement of Mace- donia DEM, and supported by ENVSEC - the Environment and Security Initiative. Thus, the project was aimed at bringing together stakeholders from nature conservation, border police and local communities to identify common fields of interest in nature conservation andto agree on potential grounds for cooperation. Training sessions on the natural values of the border region were held for representatives of the border police and other stakeholders. As an output of those trainings, this excursion material for border police and all other actors in the region has been gathered by local project partners, and is published as a tool for experiencing and protecting the valuable nature of the shared border region. The title of this publication has been inspired by the song “All Along the Watchtower” written and recorded by Bob Dylan. Andrea Strauss and Tomasz Pezold v All Along the Watchtowers Udhëzues i terrenit për Brezin e Gjelbër në Europën Juglindore / Теренски водич за југоисточниот Европски Зелен Појас jesa jugperëndimore e Gadishullit Ballkanik është një nga vatrat e nxehta të biodiversitetit në shkallë globale.
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