The Life of Jabez Bunting
™ TMI HFI ©if? '/77 V,*- P. *«S4^i§^g n-uaJKs. 'The just and. lawful sovereignty over mens irnderstaiaahnsSTjy force of truth, rightly interpreted, is that which approacheth nearest to the of the Divine rule ; 'THE LIFE JABEZ BUNTING, D.D., WITH NOTICES OF CONTEMPORARY PERSONS AND EVENTS. BY HIS SON, THOMAS PERCIVAL BUNTING. VOL. I. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, LONGMANS, & ROBERTS SOLD ALSO BY JOHN MASON, 66, PATERNOSTER ROW. EDINBURGH : ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK. 3859. LONDON: PUIKTKD BT VII.MAH MCH01.S, Jl, LONDON WALL. TO " THE PEOPLE CALLED METHODISTS," TO WHOM JABEZ BUNTING OWED SO MUCH, AND IN- WHOSE FELLOWSHIP AND SERVICE HE LIVED AND DIED, THIS RECORD OF HIS LIFE AND LABOURS IS GRATEFULLY AND AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED. PREFACE. Toward the close of my Father's public life, it was his intention, frequently expressed, to look over his papers, and to destroy all which might furnish materials for his biography ; and, when casual allusions were made to the possibility of such a record, he often threatened that he would haunt the man who should attempt it. As age crept upon him, however, and he felt himself un- equal to heavy labour, other thoughts took pos- session of his mind. He gradually resigned himself to the conviction that the story of his life and labours must be told ; and, after much hesitation, he took steps accordingly. By his "Will, dated in 1852, he desired his two elder sons to examine all the papers, letters, and correspondence in his possession, at the time of his decease, and privately to destroy such portion thereof as, in their judgment, it might be expe- dient so to dispose of ; leaving his executors to M PKt exorcise their discretion as to what use should be made of the remainder.
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