XRF OBSIDIAN ANALYSIS FROM AYACUCHO BASIN, HUAMANGA PROVINCE, SOUTHEASTERN PERU Martín Giesso1+, Hugo G. Nami2, Juan J. Yataco Capcha3, Michael D. Glascock4, Brandi L. MacDonald4 1Department of Anthropology, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Il. 60625 2CONICET-IGEBA, Laboratorio de Geofísica “Daniel A. Valencio”, Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, FCEN, UBA, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 3Museo de Arqueología y Antropología, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú 4Archaeometry Laboratory, Research Reactor Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 65211. KEYWORDS: OBSIDIAN SOURCING, XRF, SOUTHERN ANDES, PERU. + Corresponding author:
[email protected] Abstract In South America, obsidian was broadly used along the Andean Cordillera from North to South. Particularly in Peru, its use can be traced to the earliest human occupations, continuously through pre-Columbian times, to contemporary Andean agro-pastoralist societies. With the aim of distinguishing the provenance of obsidians from this country, this article reports new XRF analysis on a number of obsidians obtained in surface collections of the Ayacucho region. The analysis and source determination were made by XRF on 52 artifactsThe source assignments involved comparisons between the compositional data for the artifacts and the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) XRF obsidian database for sources in Peru. After analyzing the sample, several obsidian sources were recognized and documented, all of them with small nodules not larger than ~4 cm which were recovered at Ñahuinpuquio and Marcahuilca hill that belong to the previously identified Puzolana source. Another identified source is the well known Quispisisa, which is placed 120 km south of the city of Ayacucho, and distributed through a vast region in central Peru.