FOIA Logs for the Defense Intelligence Agency for 1999-2005

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FOIA Logs for the Defense Intelligence Agency for 1999-2005 Description of document: FOIA CASE LOGS for: FOIA Logs for the Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington DC for 1999-2005 Posted date: 09-December-2007 Title of Document All Requests Received Between 01/01/1999 and 12/31/1999, 01/01/2000 and 12/31/2000, 10/01/2001 – 09/30/2002, 10/01/2002 – 09/30/2003, 10/01/2003 – 09/30/2004, 10/01/2004 – 09/30/2005 Date/date range of document: 1999 - 2005 Source of document: Defense Intelligence Agency Building 6000 Washington, DC 20340-5100 ATTN: DIAC, DAN-1A (FOIA) The web site (“the site”) is noncommercial and free to the public. The site and materials made available on the site, such as this file, are for reference only. The web site and its principals have made every effort to make this information as complete and as accurate as possible, however, there may be mistakes and omissions, both typographical and in content. The web site and its principals shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information provided on the web site or in this file All Requests Received between 01/01/1999 and 12/31/1999 Request 10 Requester Name Request Description Type 0001-1999-5970 ESTEY, Nathan Poland Intelligence Services; FOIA 0003-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary Poland Intelligence Services; FOIA 0004-1999-14145 TROGDON,Gary Poland Intelligence Services; FOIA 0005-1999-14259 YEMINI, Galit Israel Intelligence Services; FOIA 0006-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary Israel Intelligence Services; FOIA 0007-1999-8395 WITTNER, Lawrence Radiation and Fallout; Weapons; Conferences & meetings; Country files; FOIA 1- <,rrllin C;q 1 q4q-1 qf)/' 0008-1999-14257 PIKE, David Soviet and German individuals - communist; FOIA 0009-1999-14255 GRIFFITH, Ann "Cold Spot" operations aimed at intercepting No. Vietnamese and Lao radio FOIA . h/w 1 q71-1 g7C;' . DnWe:: MTAe:: nt" I<TAe::' 0010-1999-14261 STEWART, Thomas Sale of S-70, S-76, and S-80 helicopter spare parts supllied by Sikorsky FOIA 0011-1999-8426 EDDINGTON, Patrick Air Force Organizational Structure for Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, No Korea, FOIA Iv Sllrlrln' 0012-1999-13951 SHEHERI, Tami Sgt Ali Muhamed aka Ali Mohamed; FOIA 0013-1999-13951 SHEHERI, Tami APRO, MUFON AND NICAP Aerial Phenomena Research Org; Mutual UFO FOIA . N;lt'l T. nn Apri",1 0014-1999-13951 SHEHERI, Tami Pol Pot aka Saloth Sar - Cambodia; FOIA 0015-1999-14286 SACIRBEY, Omar Participation of Yugoslavia in the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina; FOIA 0016-1999-14210 MATSUO, Takashi South Korean Handbook; FOIA 0017-1999-14284 WOLBITSCH, Permission to publish prints; FOIA II' 0018-1999-9957 BATTLE, Joyce India's space and missile program; nuclear non-proliferation issues on the FOIA ITnrlirln e::"h- 0019-1999-10977 KONEK, JOHN SE Asia Military Fact Book; FOIA 0020-1999-14283 WILKINSON, Marian Indonesian Military Officers; FOIA 0021-1999-6033 GREEN EWALD, John MIa Report Number 7, ST-CS-01-169-72 - Proposed Use of the Apport FOIA 1- ;Ie:: ;I Mprlne:: tn lie; C\fC,",:"...,• 0022-1999-13951 SHEHERI, Tami The Bilderburgers Group; FOIA 0023-1999-13951 SHEHERI, Tami Trilateral Commission; FOIA 0024-1999-6448 BENTLEY, Michael 1998 literature on psychotronics and usage in warfare; Angela Dellafiora - FOIA 0025-1999-14281 MAZUER, A. UFOs; FOIA 0026-1999-13737 MILLER, RICHARD Merit System Protection Board and Air Force Board of Corrections for FOIA .. 0027-1999-311 SLADE, Charles Soviet Union Military Space Programs; FOIA 0028-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary Dominican Republic Intelligence Services; FOIA 0029-1999-14171 AYER, Ara China Travel Service, Hong Kong Limited; Chinese Theme park; FOIA 0030-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary Poland Intelligence Services; FOIA 0031-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary Egypt Intelligence Services; FOIA 0032-1999-14278 MUSO, Thabo Czechoslovakia Intelligence Service methods; FOIA 0033-1999-14277 CLOUD, John U-2 Photography; FOIA 0034-1999-14276 GARCIA, Maria Files of Robert Pastorino; FOIA 0035-1999-8002 BURR, William Rand Corporation Studies; FOIA 0036-1999-6818 BIGWOOD, Jeremy La Penca, Nicaraguan Contra Leader; FOIA 0037-1999-14275 KALMBACH, Patricia Paul J. Lavin; FOIA 0038-1999-14274 WILKINSON, Larry Laboratory Projects in excess of 10,000 square feet leased by DIA b/w 1 Oct FOIA 11 qq1 nnd 10 c;",nt 1 QQR • 0039-1999-14012 CHEN, Hans Arab-American Press Guild; FOIA 0040-1999-9957 BATTLE, Joyce India's intermediate-range ballistic missile system; FOIA 0041-1999-14267 SHEARON, Bernard Electronic Security Units; Radio Squadrons; FOIA 0042-1999-14266 FOX, Stephen Otto Trott; FOIA 0043-1999-9084 BROWN, JIM chemcial warfare plant in Rabta Libya; FOIA 0044-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary West Germany Intelligence Services; FOIA 0045-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary Belgium Intelligence services; FOIA 0046-1999-14264 REYNOLDS, Bruce Burma Intelligence Services; FOIA 0047-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary Soviet Activities in Cuba ; FOIA 0049-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary Yugoslvia Intelligence Services Personalities; FOIA 0050-1999-4849 BROWN, Robert A. Kwame Shaka Turre aka Stokely Standiford Carmichael; FOIA 0051-1999-14271 STANARD, Sylvia Utopian Anarchist Party; FOIA 0052-1999-14272 COMFORT, Cal Soviet Facilities; FOIA 0053-1999-14271 STANARD, Sylvia The Liberty Lobby/ The Spotlight Newspaper; FOIA 0054-1999-14270 MULCAHY, David Controlled Offensive BehaVior; FOIA 0055-1999-5982 WOODARD, James US Agency for International Development's Public Safety Program in Brazil FOIA !(hlrina thp nprinrl 1 QfiO 1Q70' 0056-1999-5982 WOODARD, James Brazilian Military Officials; FOIA 0057-1999-2149 HERPEL, Ann Groups of Records from the Records Center; FOIA 0058-1999-9957 BATTLE, Joyce Folders from Reagan Library; FOIA 0059-1999-9957 BATILE, Joyce Folders from Reagan Library; FOIA 0060-1999-11650 POWELL, SUSAN National Security document from Presidential record holdings; FOIA 0061-1999-14289 ELIADES, George Chapter dealing with Laos in "The History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: The FOIA lnint rhipfs nf Stnff nnd Pnlirv'" 0063-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary Zaire (Congo) Intelligence; FOIA 0064-1999-14300 JOST, John CTO Promotions; FOIA 0065-1999-14299 MITILEMAN, Susan Soviet Ships at Corinto Port in Nicaragua; FOIA 0066-1999-14298 FETROW, Christina Debbie Varga Inquiry; FOIA 0067-1999-14297 DESROSIERS, Chemical Warfare Booklet; FOIA 0068-1999-14297 DESROSIERS, Biological Wafare; FOIA 0069-1999-14296 SHUMBA, Raphael Insignia Chart; FOIA 0070-1999-14295 TULLOS, Corrine Contract Lists; FOIA 0071-1999-10657 LEVY, MICHAEL Counter Bio-terrorism; FOIA 0072-1999-14294 TASSONE, Michael DIA unclassified publications; FOIA 0073-1999-9957 BATILE, Joyce India's supply of weapons-grade plutonium at Kalpakkam, Trombay and the FOIA IPnwpr ~ FlJPI nl:,mt . 0074-1999-9957 BATILE,Joyce India's spent fuel reprocessing or uranium enrichment capacities.; FOIA 0075-1999-6811 PEACOCK, Susan IIR 6 841 0146 82; FOIA 0076-1999-9957 BATILE, Joyce Israel attack on Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor; FOIA 0077-1999-6115 RICHEY, Lisa South African military offensive into Angola against Angolan and Cuban FOIA nn nr rlrnlmrl h 1 qR~' 0078-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary Soviet Activities in Mexico; FOIA 0079-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary China Intelligence Services; FOIA 0080-1999-14292 PACNER, Karel Czechoslovakia Embassy; FOIA 0081-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary Burma Intelligence Services; FOIA 0082-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary American Embassy, Moscow, USSR; FOIA 0083-1999-6319 SCHROEDER, Ed Records released on bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, FOIA 0084-1999-6027 BIGWOOD, JEREMY autocoup or putsch by Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori Fujimori against FOIA .. ithp rlnrl f1rnlmc: Anril" 1QQ?' 0085-1999-14306 SAKAI, Masaki General Federation Koreans Residing Japan; FOIA 0086-1999-14145 TROGDON, Gary Balboa Panama Saeda; FOIA 0087-1999-6122 PFEIFFER, Edward Olympic aspects during 1980-1984 from Reagan admin Files; FOIA 0088-1999-14253 VISOCKIS, Mike Operation Garden Plot, Operation Cable Splicer; Martial Law; FOIA 0089-1999-6017 DOYLE, Kate IR 6838005871; FOIA 0090-1999-2153 SCHUREN, Henry J. Mishaps of Air Vehicles; FOIA 0091-1999-14276 GARCIA, Maria Country Files 1981-1985, Nicaragua, EI Salvador, Guatemala; FOIA 0092-1999-14304 ARMSTRONG, .Gail Psychic Research, Stanford Research institute; FOIA 0093-1999-3790 RAVNITZKY, Michael FOIA Case Log for 1998; FOIA 1 0094-1999-4004 EVANS, Rob Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of England; FOIA 0095-1999-4004 EVANS, Rob Prince Charles, Prince of Wales; FOIA 0096-1999-4004 EVANS, Rob Sarah Ferguson, former wife of Prince Andrew; FOIA 0097-1999-4004 EVANS, Rob Queen Elizabeth, mother of Queen Elizabeth the Second; FOIA 0098-1999-4004 EVANS, Rob Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon; FOIA 0100-1999-4004 EVANS, Rob Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, King of Britain; FOIA 0101-1999-4004 EVANS, Rob Lady Diana Frances Spencer; FOIA 0102-1999-4004 EVANS, Rob Prince Andrew, Duke of York; FOIA 0103-1999-6319 SCHROEDER, Ed crash of Arrow Air flight in Newfoundland; FOIA 0104-1999-2153 SCHUREN, Henry J. Project Bluebolt; FOIA 0105-1999-13951 SHEHERI, Tami John S. Service; FOIA 0106-1999-6319 SCHROEDER,Ed Hostage-taking of William A. Buckley, CIA Chief; FOIA 0107-1999-14321 MUSOLINO, Philip Usama Bin Ladin; Bombing of American Embassy in Kenya in Aug 1998; FOIA nf in . in llrrn 1 QQs:! • 0108-1999-2153 SCHUREN, Henry J. Air Vehicle Mishaps; FOIA 0109-1999-9957 BATTLE, Joyce Chinese sales of the M-11 Missile to Pakistan; FOIA 0110-1999-6028 FERROGGIARO,.. Oct 1990
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