Nutley Coal & Supply

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Nutley Coal & Supply LEGAL PAPER OF THE TOWN OF NUTLEY Vol. xm. No. 35. NUTLEY, N. J., SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1907. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR M r. JVloMitlan Pus New Away. T he Nutlet Sun wilt gladly be sent to tbo address of subscribers . On Friday afternoon Mr. William UiJTLEY DAY BY DAY going out-of-town for the summer WAS LICENSE SIGHT McMillan, aged 71, died at the resi­ mouths. A postal card or a telephone dence of his sooin-law. Beriiard C. Tbs Fourth oi July next Tburday. message is all tbair is necessary. Ttiirteeu 'G ranted, Three Laid W U k I k Up School Year With SHorl Brown, on Franklin avenue. Mr. McMillan had lived in Nutley maoy Mr. Alpheua M. Geer and family O rur and Two .Rejected. S ession . : A team composed of members of years, and was well known among the will spend tbe 3ummer at Quouue, the tf utley Naval Brigade and the The regular meeting of the Town The regular monthly meeting of railroad coinmaters. He was a mem­ L- I- West Nutley Kamblers will play a Council on Wednesday oight was tbe the Board ot Education was held on ber of Nutley Lodge, if. and A M. game of base ball this afternoon on Mias Minnie M. Batchelor, of time at which the annual granting Tuesday night. It was the last and was known far and near fur his grounds near tbe Yantaeaw School Avondale road, East Hutley, will of liquor licenses Is taken up. I t was meeting of the school year. Vice­ social proclivities. He was also a building. spend her vacation at Mt. Vernon, a typical Liceose Might. The at­ president Shepard presided. Presl member of .Kemptou Council, Boyal' tf. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Lowrie Dexter are mosphere was hot. ■ vhe Council dent Goodrich and Dr. Phtlhpwer Arcauum. He was a consisted Mrs. William J. Kinsley, ot Sunny rejoicing over the birth of a baby Chambers were Hilled 6o filfed to over were absent. member of tiie Mtthodist Episcopal Crest, Prospect street, has returned buy. weighing eight and a half flowing and tbe protests were num­ A communication was read by the Church* Previous to coming to Nut­ from Sayer, l*a., where she spent pou nds, which arrived in Nutley last erous. - Cler't from Mrs. A. B. Crowell, of ley Mr. HcMtlli»o was fur many yettrs It was 8.30 when tbe Council con­ New York city, regarding the plac­ la s t week. Sunday. The mother and son are connected with the executive depart­ doing nicely. vened, with Jevery member io his ing Of a pupil in tbe Nutley High ment of the Brooklyn Fire Depart: Princess Talcum Powder, half seat. Tbe Mayor said the considera­ On Wednesday evening, June 19, School who bad recently graduated merit. The funeral seryices will be pound jars ol delightfully perfumed, tion of liquor licenses would be the from a city grammar School. Mr. If you feel run down, “out Mr. Geo. W. Keyser, of this town, held at the residence on liis son-in- silk bolted talcum, 25o at Masonic tirst business. Meredith explained that the Kew or sort*” or lack appetite and ; was married to Miss Edna M. Bar­ law, B. C. Brown, Franklin avenue, Hall Pharmacy. ( Mr. Clive Elliot was the first York and N ew Jersey systems were energy, it is probably that low, of Jersey City, by the Bev. W. on Sunday afternoon: at 3.30 o’clock. speaker. He said be represented the pradtically identical and' the-trans­ our Mrs. W. H. Arnold and family C. Nelson, at tbe latter,s residence os official board of the Methodist Church fer could be accomplished without Another For Firebng. sailed on Wedoesday on a European Passaic avenue. Sterilized Malt Extract trip. They will return to Hutley aud several of tbe organizations friction. The permanent home of Last Mo ad a/ morning at about a would soon make yon your- early In the Fall. Oi Monday Mastere Bay Blum, witbin the body. He asked that no this’pupil and her parents will here­ quarter to one o’clock tbe fire depart­ Lawson, George and Clark H ill new lice uses be granted and tbe pre­ 'self again. This Is a food : Mrs. James Gilmore, Frederick after be in Nutley. Mr. Meredith ment waa given another run to the started for Lake Hopatcong by tbe sent number be reduced one-half. said he had explained the matter to tonic; it provides nourish- Gilmore and Walter Gilmore, of quarry by an alarm from Box Si. way of the Morris Canal, traveling He said while walking through the meat of a very concentrated Grant avenue, are spending a few tbe parents and nothing further was This time It was the frame work sup­ tn the launch tbey will use at the A vondftle sectiod last Sunday he sort that is especially suit­ days at Patchogue, L. 1. ' oonsidered necessary. porting the cables of the hugh der­ lake during tbe summer season. noted that out of six saloons ouiy one The monthly report o! the Superin­ ricks aad it was burned to su&h an able for exhausted nerves. The members of the West Nutley Mr. Stephen P. Vreeland, on observed the law in regard to remov­ tendent showed a falling ofl in at­ extent that work in tbe quarry will Further, it is c. direct aid Country Club eDjoyed a clam bake on Thursday went as a delegate to Ocean ing screens so the bar room was dis­ tendance and enrollment. Tbe bate to be abandoned nntil repairs to digestion and helps other food to do you good. I t pro- Saturday afternoon last io tbe woods City to attend the annual encamp­ closed to view. He also called at­ number of pupils to enter the High are made. Like the previous fires in the yiciolty of Cathedral avenue. ment of the State Department of tention to tbe comparatively small School next faH will reach forty, as at this spot it wa-: of ao mclndary dnces lesen appetUe and natureand Is the fifteenth credited sound, refreshing sleep. ■ ■ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wiley, of tie tbe Grand Army of the Republic. nnmber of licensed places in the ad­ several graduates from other schools to the efforts of the firebug. Terrace, entertained a number of Mr. Vreeland is on the staff uf the jacent towns, notably Montclair aod are coming to Nutltey. The highest 10c. a bottle : their friends oo Saturday evening State Commandry. Summit. Also he wanted the law enrollment nf pupils for the year was The game of base ball between; the : 81.00 per dozen : ■ last. A very enjoyable evening was The annual excursion and picnic eoforced as applied to minors. 1,069; the high mark last year was members of Yantaoaw Engine Com­ spent. of St. Paul’s Congregational Church Mr. Geo. A. H ill spoke as a repre­ 1,010, an increase of 58 over latt pany aod West Nutley Hose Company sentative of the .Reformed Church. year. This is between a 9 and 10 ob t o grounds oorner o r Bloomfield Tbe Men’s Associatioo of the Sunday School will take place at . am GRAMPSD : V Verooa Lake on Friday, July 12. He said the license of Mathias percent, increase, which is the pro­ avenue and High street, oh the Method I s l Episcopal Church will meet MASONIC HALL PHARMACY Special trolley cars will leave the Adams should be rejected, because portion that has been maintained morning of JuJy 4, wjJlno doubt be on Monday evening, July 1, at the he had snld his husiness aud the for the bast fpur years. • very interesting. Both teams haye residence of Mr. A. C. Butau,on Brie corner of Franklin avenue and Kings- been practising during . the past land street at 9 a. m- sharp. license was not asked for in good Mr. O’Neil, of the Finance Com­ week. : : ; , place. faith. He protested against the mittee, madea comprehensive report For some time a spacial sale of Miss Carol F. Young, one of the granting of more licenses and asked on the state Of the finances, »ud groceries has been progressing at recent graduates of the Nntley High tbat the number he reduced eacb found that the expeoses wer? within the store of W. F. Dittig. on Chest­ School, has gone to a Long Island year until the liqaor traffic be entire­ the estimates. nut street. Those wbo have not summer resort for the summer ly wiped out. A discussion over the payment of availed themselves of this oppor­ months. Mr. J. Edward Weeks also protest­ 830 to Mis-s Nichols, the drawing tunity should make haste for the ed against an increase in the num­ teacher; for work1 prepared and used On Thursday evening a party of offer will be withdrawn shortly, friends were entertained by Miss ber of licenses and said the present daring her illness of two mouths, Edna Wiley, of the Terrace. Vocal A local ofUce of the Bidgelawn number should be reduced at least brought forth the opinion! from Mr. and instrumental music and dancing Cemetery has been estahlisbed m one-half. Mr. Weeks said the town Stager tbat drawing teachers were were enjoyed. Nutley, in the MaaonicHall building. was engaged in a poor business enter­ rather uesless in the Nutley system. Mr. John F. Clark, Jr*t is tbe agent prise because if tue law were properly The insinuation was resented by Mr. A team composed of plajers of the iu charge.
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